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Wars Throughout American History

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Wars Throughout American History

French and Indian War

French and Indian WarMany wars between imperial powers leading up to F&I WarAttempts to fight off the French

Fort Necessity (near Fort Duquesne)- G. Washington tries to take it, the French force his surrender and maintain control of the FortAlbany Congress-remember the brilliant idea of Benjamin Franklin??

French and Indian WarWe win! Treaty of Paris 1763Impact of War- which side said this:

We dominated! Let’s expand westward!Debt! Let’s tax those guys!We’re all one happy and powerful empire!We fought to protect you from the French and Native Americans! You’re wimpy and can’t protect yourself!

Turning point! WHY?

American Revolutionary WarIn a nutshell- things leading into the war:

Britain seems to be punishing us! Things like:Acts & Taxes (Proclamation of 1763, Sugar, Stamp, Townshend, Quartering, Declaratory Act parliamentary sovereignty)

Salutary neglect has ended! We used to be able to smuggle, or rely on the power of our colonial assemblies NOT follow what Great Britain a gazillion miles away tells us!

At first we just want to fight for our rights! Changes to fighting for our independence (thank you T. Paine)

American Revolutionary War-

Major Events

Lexington and Concord (1775)Battle of Bunker Hill (1775)


Battle of Saratoga (1777) Franco-American Alliance (1778)Battle of Yorktown (1781)- G. Wash defeats Cornwallis! Treaty of Paris

Barbary WarsWe pay money to countries along the Barbary coast and then their pirates won’t attack us!1801- we decide to stop paying1801- 1805 we fight against Tripoli and Algiers1805- we stop fighting and start paying the money againThis is _____________ administration

Barbary WarsWe can’t get respect! (in 1805)

BUT: US naval presence in the Mediterranean! Alright!

1815- another war and at that point we stop paying tribute! Alright! Man we feel good about ourselves (era????)

War of 1812Why?

Respect our neutrality! Quit taking our ships and our sailors!You British are telling Native Americans to attack us on the western frontier! (maybe, maybe not…)War HAAAAAWWWWWWWKS!!!!!!!!!!

Calhoun, ClayShow ‘em who’s boss! And hey what about Canada? Let’s get that! NATIONALISM AND EXPANSIONISM

War of 1812-


couple important events

DC is burned down! (1814)

War of 1812-


couple important events

Battle of New Orleans (1815)

The British lost 2,000 and America lost 8!

Well how do wefeel??

War of 1812So everything is taken care of?

BUT at least we feel good about ourselves!

AND A. Jackson seems legitimate! Maybe if he ever runs for president we should vote for him!

Mexican American War 1846-


WHY??Texas problems: 1. We annexed them 2. We set a border Mexico did not like!Clashes of troops along Rio GrandePolk (and Americans) really wanted California too!

Polk’s Provocation?November 1845- offer $25 million for New Mexico and California (“how insulting!”says Mexico) January 1946- Polk order Taylor (and 4000 men) to the disputed territory in Texas (expecting attack)

16 American causalities

Polk asks for declaration of war and Congress gives it

Some are opposed though! Lincoln asked for the spot on American soil where American blood was shed

Treaty of Guadalupe HidalgoEnds War!We get Rio Grande as the border of TexasWe get the Mexican Cession

Well yay!! Except… what issue might come about?SLAVERY?! How do we end up dealing with that?Compromise of 1850. Was that the only attempt to deal with the land?Wilmot Proviso (FREE SOIL!)

Civil WarMany antebellum events increasing sectionalism

Issues? Expansion!Tariffs!Slavery!States Rights!

We can see that through what events?When does the first state secede?

Civil WarKey battles:

Fort Sumter- April 1861; first shots firedBull Run, 1st battle- July 1861; Confederate victoryAntietam- September 1862; bloody! Lee has to retreat (this is in Maryland)

Encourages Lincoln to issue EP

Vicksburg and Gettysburg- July 1863; Union victories in the West (Mississippi) and the East (Pennsylvania)

Civil WarKey Events:

Emancipation Proclamation13th amendment (1/1965)

ReconstructionCongress vs. PresidentBlack codes vs. Freedmen’s Bureau14th and 15th amendments


American War-


What’s going on??Reconcentration PolicyDe Lome LetterMaine Explodes




American WarKey Battles

Manila BayCommodore Dewey takes down the Spanish in the Philippines! Take that!

San Juan HillTeddy and Rough Riders take down the Spanish in Cuba

Key EventsTeller Amendment

We promise we won’t take you over Cuba!

Platt AmendmentWell- here’s an amendment to your constitution, and we get to be involved…just a little..

Philippine question ???Colonies? No colonies? Do we care what Filipinos think?

What a splendid little war!


American WarHey! America just regulated!Hey! We have a colony!

Yeah! That’s right! Imperialism is cool!!

Oh yeah… and those Philippines…

Philippine War 1899-


Emilio Aguinaldo- wait one minute! We weren’t trying to just get a NEW imperial power! We want independence!US: nah.

Philippine War 1899-

1902Hmmm… imperialism- a good idea?

Arguments for imperialismArguments against imperialism

Philippine War 1899-

1902Important things to note

That’s right! we meant the Monroe Doctrine!more casualties & longer time period than war against SpainCreated concentration camps and used tortureMade an (unwilling) colony out of the Philippines

World War I 1917-

1918 (U.S)Archduke Ferdinand is killed

War begins in 1914America: no thanks! We’re not getting involved! Preparedness (just in case ya know??)

But then…

World War I 1917-

1918 (U.S)Continued unrestricted sub warfare

Arabic, Sussex

Lusitania (1915)Zimmerman telegramRussia overthrows czar (so we can be on their side!)Cultural and economic ties to BritainMake “world safe for democracy”


World War I 1917-

1918 (U.S)At home!

Bond drives, War Industries Board, Food AdministrationEspionage Act, Sedition Act

Eugene Debs

Great MigrationAfrican Americans moving north- why?

World War I 1917-

1918 (U.S)

We win! Germany and crazy imperial powers are defeated!

Impact on Germany?

Treaty of VersaillesWilsonLeague of NationsRatification- yes or no?

Why? What do we return to?

World War II 1941-

1945 (US)Germany Invades Poland-1939

Italy, Japan and Germany had been gettin’ crazy!Munich ConferenceNon-aggression Pact-Germany and USSR

Stay out of it! well…Neutrality legislationLend-LeaseCash and Carry

World War II 1941-

1945 (US)Pearl Harbor- Dec. 17, 1941US entry into WWII

Japanese relocationBond drivesWar Production Board, War Labor Board

Midway & Stalingrad

World War II 1941-

1945 (US)Wartime alliances

US, Great Britain, and okay…we’ll take the SU too…Tehran, Yalta, Potsdam

Creation of atomic bomb

Manhattan ProjectHiroshima and Nagasaki What does this ensure about post-war world?

World War II 1941-

1945 (US)Brrrrr!!! It’s cold in here! There must be a…

Cold war!!Arms Race!SU is stupid!Communism is scary!

United NationsWe’re a superpower! And ok, we’ll take the responsibility this time ☺

Korean War 1950-


N. invades the South and then…In the end: settle back on 38th

So did we CONTAIN?

Then why is this difficult to accept?

MacArthur vs. Truman

Vietnam WarFrench colony, 1887- 1953 (and you know how those colonies get!)Fall of French Dien Bien Phu (’54)Geneva Conference (’54)

Ho Chi Minh in the northDiem in the SouthUnified election never conducted

US TAKES OVER! Involvement begins in ’54 (because guess what HCM is??)

Vietnam WarTruman

we support you France! Step it up!

Ikewell bye France (’54)! I guess we’ll kind of take over…

JFKmilitary advisors

LBJGulf of Tonkin (’64) escalationTet Offensive (’68)My Lai Massacre (’68)

Nixon Détente Nixon Doctrine VietnamizationParis Accord (’73)War Powers Act

FordSaigon falls to North Vietnam and congress says- sorry.

Vietnam WarHow do Americans feel about the war?

Kent State- May 4, 1970Pentagon Papers- created 1967 and revealed 1971