washington evening times. (washington, dc) 1910-01-21 [p 16]. · the committee win be prepared to...

THE WASHIXGTOy TDIES FRIDAY JAXTABY 21 1910 c 6 Publishers Declare Cost to Reader Mtfst Be Raised If Change Is Made DELEGATION PLANS TRIP TO CAPITAL Representatives of Periodicals Will Lay Case Before Com nrittee In Congress NEW YORK Jan era throughout the country red j over the effort of the PosOsfttce Depart znent at Washington to brine Increase Jn the postal rate class mall matter under which ciasein- catkra magazines come committee comprising D A McKin- ley of tbe American Msgastne C D Lanier of the Review of Reviews Harry J Fisher of the Womans Home Companion and George W Wilder of the Butterick Company of this citY and Cyrus Curtis of the Ladies Home Journal Philadelphia will go to Wash- ington next Wednesday sad protest to the House Committee on Postofnces and Postroads which has been holding hearings as to tbe advisability of chang- ing the present rate of I cent a pound The committee which was organized by the Periodical Publishers Association of this city will Insist that the rats of 1 cent is ample and that any increase would be detrimental to the interests of the magazine pnMteners and would In the end compel them to raise fee price of their periodicals Several magazine publishers here today that t would be tanpossl Lie to print periodicals at a profit it the advance in the postal rate as by Fourth Assistant Postmaster General De Graw is voted by Congress It was predicted that more than one magazine in that event would have to cease publication Largest Deficit In his annual report Postmaster Gen eral Hitchcock said there warn a eteflctr in the Postottlce Department last yesr of XI747S77I the largest in tbe htetoy of the department He put down tiie Governments toss m handling seconi class mail matter at IfrMMMOft and sal that the maaaitnem make up per corn of this class of mail Sir Hitchcock estimated that It vest the Government 93 corns a pound to handle ant transport the second class mail Last the PostDCRce Depart- ment handled 7ft o pounds of that variety of mail and while It constituted 63 per of all the domestic man he said it brought in a return of only 5 per cent Mr Hitchcocks idea was to raise the rate for carrying magazines- to a considerable extent the exact rate to be decided upon by Congress The message of President Tart to Congress referred to tbe loss to the Government through the hand- ling of the second class mail and cited Mr Hitchcocks estimate that the Gov- ernment had to pay S2X cents a pound to distribute matter which was paid for at the rate of 1 cent The President ad vised Congress to look Into tbe situation and see what could be done toward do- ing away with the deficit PHtttisfeen Protest Ever since the Presidents miMingr the House Committee has beeR hsMIng an inquiry and protests have been sent t- it from magazine men everywhere fat the country ment has been active in presenting Inv formation to the oOranittee the maga- zine men decided at hurriedly called meeting early this week to prepare some data of their own and present them along with vigorous argument Mr Wilder who win go with the to Washington said yesterday that there was a decidedly mistaken im pression In Washington as to the real cost of handling magazines As presi d nt of the which recently obtained control of another magazine he has been gathering ma- terial which he will submit to the Cong- ressmen The committee win be prepared to show said Mr Wilder that it does not actually cost the Government any- more than 1 cent a pound to handle magazines Whoever got the Idea into his head that It cost 933 cents a pound was entirely wrong Macmftiea hi the first place are handled for much longer hauls than newspapers which also had th leent There are fewer magazine to the pound than newspapers and the maga- zines once they are delivered into the hands of the postal authorities require much less than newspapers It is a false argument to say that because magazines are heavier than newspapers tht j ost more to handle The true must be recalled tbjnt In riri hel in the education of the public and as Qoversuatfnt years ago de tided that they should have a rate that would make it pass trie for the publish- ers to charge comparatively low prices and yet make a profit The idea wee to encourage the reading of magazines Now if the rate raised it will b necessary for the magazine publishers- to advance the price to subscribers or uuit business It fs certain that if any thing like the rate suggested by some of the Washington anthorrte on the magazines some of faiL The average maga Inc weighs four t en ounces and it an readily be seen what an advance to J cents pound for postage would mean Would the public ant to stand the extra cost If it did not the publisher find himself with magazines tha ouid not be sold We are prepar i to show that the Government is gettuig a fair postal rate for maicasines There is plenty of data- t back it up S McClure of Medures Magazine 5 1 il he understood that there was a din in Washington to raise the Hasrazlne rate to or fr cents a pound Any advance would men in- crease III tb n Ice of magazines Ho the Mr McCtore went ett The distribution of magazines is a cated matter sad publishers are 1 ut TO great expense as it Any slight increase in O e cost for each rId of jvtsrazine matter would mean that the Tiagazine business is exactly like rny other sort of busings Just to- rroportkm to the 3cpense af running a I usiness are prices ftxad If a business pan has to pay a large fr M rate to the commodity when he offers the market Only Ordinary Competition has made the u iners an ordmarfly profitable one AU I can say fc that if the Government is i ally prtvinx out n cents or for carrying aiii pound of second Ha5 mail matt r of which maT zines form- a large part the Government i making- a bad liar jdii Riit t re ar thins which make me Ice quite oetain tha- t p cost is not nearlv eo rreit as that Three years ago a group of men in INCREASED POSTAGE I DEARER MAGAZINE 1111 I owp c fOr MICOII4 A de- clared I tot cent I tile Depart com- mittee ompany rate i reverse- s Hiqt F- It such the tbet1 win odd J itlon l Is JJk have to be put up The jEt his has to pzt that price n It The cost of transportation the JDIti- ncs always beeR more are an i sug- gested 1 As Piee t ucL S hL5Of aogld goods be t imioin of has a probmu ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ < < HIS BROTHERS KEEPER P HUda Gravea daacbtar of tbctr employer Hocb thinks Hilda lovaa Mark and re noaacaa her Carl VavaHa a fatlowem- ptoye Insults Mark at a banquet and Mark oanfesaes to Hugh that he has taken in booS from tile nrm sets to op as security in a deal aad that knows of it aorrMad goes to the firm office ta PbJfcedelphta with the bond envelope Owl finds tInt a obotluitlon has been made no bond la the envelope Carl Yaacaa hereto la on tbe two brother ta Balti- more and Mark pontuM him from the Hugh goa to abooaa in Balti- more tryi K to recover main his eacape He mma his brother apparently dresS m a pier alone the rrver frost puts him a a taxicab but next day wbea he swains ha marntoc pater that the body of a man was round off the pier where he fsond his brother Mark aya he was fighting with some one but can rBmemhtr no- oMalbx He to still dazed Whoa downstairs an only edition of an afternoon paper informs him tint A K- Broera a friend baa identified tin body as that of cut Vaocba CHAPTER IX I MSBT TEMPTATION more than fulfilled I MY way rward not noting not whkhec my stops led SB- so toot as 1 might be somewhere alone out of reach interruption to think this climax of our disasters My half staggering steps had carried me into the drawing room before my stunned recollection grasped the fact thatthe butler had spoken of compny in there A figure rose from a chair near the window and faced me then after one glance at me where I stood revealed in the pitiless glare of tile afternoon sun burned anxiously forward by magic truth my brain For the caller was j lda Graves- I ought to have quick control of myself murmured something civil and gracefutty withdrawn Or else I should have remained and tried to formal conversation until my motbe arrival I know all that It what I should have done It is what I did not do To this day I dont know why nor do I ex cuss my action At sight of the deer face so lighted with anxiety for my haggard aspect my strong wall of selfcontrol an at once crumbled away Before I had realized it I had sprung forward and caught both her little white hands In my own with a grasp like that of a drowsing man who sud- denly sees unexpected rescue X b HMdar I cried Hilda I am afraid there was unntterableap- p al almost unmanly suppHeathm ln my cry What my taos told I dare not think Yet she did not shrink from me did not recoil in displeasure or sass m sur- prise Instead she gave me look for dose about my own in a pressure as electrical as tt was light I bad always heard that fat every good womans heart something of the eternal motherhood by hidden I think It was with the protective instinct of tress rather than any more equal sen- timent that she exclaimed Hugh You are In terrible trouble What is it dear Tell me And at the touch the look the term of endearment I grew all at once strong And with strength returned calmness and sanity I myself again- I am sorry I panted sUit shaken t mooent of glorious insanity I didnt mesa to behave like a baby But It was so good to see you I understand she soothed me Come and sit down and ten me all about it I have no right to speak to I muttered After such a childlike outburst I ra- Ton have all the right the world she contradicted How little you understand a woman Hugh A mao who could look and speak as you id at of me pays a woman highest compliment ever dreamed of For he shows he needs her that She checked flushing I do need you Hilda I finished coming to her rescue I need you mere you can ever know Fur I am hi terrible trouble I would have cut on my hand before telling you so or coming to whine to you for But yow caught me on my guard I cannot behave today as I did when we met to Boston the other night Then It was adD she ncdafm ed 1 knew tt sometWna told me so In spite of my pride and an I felt you were in trouble So when father sad I passed through Baltimore today on the way to an a0pointment he has at Wash- ington I stopped ever a train to call en Mrs Lee I tbousht I mlgfit gather fruit her what your trouble was I She knows nothing suspects nothing of ft I mterooffcd hastily And she musnt Oh Hilda I cant even tell of some one dear to us both you A maudlin foolishly sentimental request perhaps but one that will mean much to me to remember in the bterk dajrs that are ahead You have only to ask ft Hugh said In a low odes You must know that Something her soft voice thrtttod me unspeakably And again I bad to fight for loyalty or sanity I went Boon you wiH bear much that to evil of me Hilda Our grand old name will be dragged Into the dirt And partly by Hughr she fc I want you when that time comes tf lemerober me as I was when I was still an b neat Godfearing man arm worthy to look you hi the face I want you to recall me as I was as you win mew I am It to a light to ask But It will be everything to me Hugh she broke hu n dont un said But this I know No taint of dis- honor or crIme can Attach itself to you And I would not believe such a thing if an the world arose to clamor It at You must believe tt Hilda I urged miserably And you must feel shame that you have given your friendship to sneh a sean But let your Judgment be tempered by what I ones was by what the rest of my dear ones still are she persisted you are not tile trath about And qtdry into the cost of transporting mall offered to make a contract with the Government to transport first class mail second class mail at the rate of a cent a pound Now If they could afford tc do that and figure out a profit I fail to see that the Government has to tribttion While tii Government is about it I might suggest that there be an inves- tigation into the manner of feowducting think the whole system of handling ought to be looked into those companies permitted to charge such They maintain a low rate on snort haute for small packages so as to get H the mavulne traffic the ran away train the Government and charge high rates for long hauls Let the Govern mcnt investigate this It might lead to some flhminatiTssr enclosures Richard H Titheringron representing Frank A Mimsey publisher of Mun- sey9 Magazine afr with the others to pay the extra rate if it is demanded Iby Congress of CHpters Already bark and Lee twO brothels V There the m letters by cIeeecdve- Be ape In the Tin a aghast my worst groped caring over At the sight all tIM mists lifted as look and I could feel her cool gentle mother wlKl sees a d lit din by the ground of 50 In 11 her eIt sym- pathy you It Is not my own but that meto Yet there Is nae I to ask ill on lIlY ownoln Not dOrstaDd nor one you Bach after an ostensive in at 1 cent an ounce and to for pay cents for tte and tile bnsiness of the country I n pc by companies Why are high rates for the they reM the wowld bae to be aced Syns Pblised Hugh love put Hugh ale hems bsa grain Vaughns Iws and inrely is semnthed BiatCbZOId a makes blo mas Is Hawk goes B WDLT fears make i fingers a un- conscious us seIls sight tie secret thing want she i sped yoms thing have me toning uiuielf chicago making charge I handling die eaprom expr service that piblic 1- I < ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ALBERT PAYSON TERHUNE- you must tell me You can see what It means to me And I dislcyal coward that I was I honestly believe I would have told For I could mx resist that look and voice What man could It was my mother who saved the situation kindly hospitable de- lighted to see Hilda Into drawing room Under cover of her volley saints lions I slipped out I had been within an ace of the unpardonable folly and crime of betraying my own brother and to the woman who presumably loved him Under toe witchery of Hildas plead- ing my first resolutions had melted into nothingness king me horribly human and weak For this I make no apology saw that T loved her Yet I resolved to see her no more For another time no mother might be at hand to break in upon us and rescue me front my weakness I turned down the ball mounted the the room where I had left Mark My course was dear I caw that now Arid tiM dire news I Bad so lately read made everything plainer for both of us But there was no time to be lost Full of my new determination I ca- tered our bed room I begun But my brother gave roe no chance to say more He hurried toward me as a frightened child to its father his eyes dilated with dread his shaky nand grip ping one of the two morning papers I had le on the table With palsied finger he pointed to the item that had first caught my eye Look be babbled Just read I sew It ait I finished dressing and as I was sitting down to wait for you Read it Hugh Im a murderer Great heavens man A murderer He thrust the paper upon me then burst into a paroxysm of weeping It is at best a sight a gruesome as It te rare to see a man weep but Marks boyish terrified sobs held little enough of manliness r even of heartbreak For the moment he was ac a panic stricken crazed with horror at the idea that he had slain the unknown man whose body had been found oft dock- I had hoped to keep the facts from hiss until he could be better prepared- to face them But my heedless folly in leaving the newspaper lying about had brought oa the very I had desired to postpone But perhaps it was better For now the I had to impart would not come with redoubled force Buck up I ordered harshly B a not a hysterical child Wrtat to done IS done and youve got to get uted to ft If Tm to help you you must a jcrown man Youre to help me he chok- ed raising Ms tearblotched face Can you Hugh doualy i moan to now Not so much fw your or sufte as for our mother and tor Hildas brokenly be sure to trace u sooner or The taxicab chauffeur but they wont find us run away he Where caa we be are to run away PM d lpMa I answer ed And tomorrow morning you are Burr office But thats tbe very place they look for me he wailed They look for you at all I returned If you go about your bust had faltered If I go back to Ill be arrested these bonds just as sure as Vaughn gets back and tells I slowly will not tHI anything T come to an understaadtoar with him cried the lad rcurM4 nature naming into new hope Xo I I wvre not He is the only person though who kaow With But hell tell Hell hold it over H1 s cat tortures a win insisted Mark You dont know him as I do He AK the afternoon paper I still carried Synced at the hes rnes He 8 dead Hes dead be cried stopped Im saved frenzied You have killed this man I said quietly His blood Is on your hands Yet your one thought is of wild de light because your thefts are now cov- ered jp I wonder if you half ealfee how wholly worthless you are I I forgot be pleaded with a and den shudder I forgot I did indeed Do you think theyll hang me Hugh Millions of Dollars to Be In vested In West Virginia Consolidation CHAJStLBS TOWN W Va Jaa S j As a step toward the alleged pto s of the Gnat nhflm interest to form a com binaUon of the bituminous cool Interests of West Virginia western Maryland western Pennsylvania and Kentucky representing hundreds of millions of i doUses ar 75 per cent of the t Jft coal In those districts options aro being taken the New River district of this State Harrison B Smith the local representative of the Guggenb n ta terests who is in New York at dsent has obtained 9ft per cent of tin Xew River ctal fields on Already option lias been obtained on some of largest companies operating in the field In the New field are about 30vV acres of coal Of this more than 50000 acres been optioned at a total price fixed at FIRING FURNACE LONG IDLE CHESTER Pa Jan SL After being idle for six year the large blast fur- nace at the plant of the Delaware River Steel Company was started morn- ing This company purchased the plant several months ago for SW9 arid will eventually start it up in every depart- ment which will give employment to about 2jm men MAKING IT SEVENTYFIVE BUOOMSBURG Pa Jan 21 What Is tbe inquired a groom whom the Espy justice of peace Squire Bogert had just married The law allows us 56 cents the not desiring to selfWell if tbe lost allows you Quarter bat will make it 73 I By She the df I stairs leaden tread and made for I I I Mark Infant WJ l 1 flows by behaving like I have I retorted usgra and not 70U help me he later rbey1l trace I greed grimly Were gOIng toto sle 1 Ton going next train to going to be M your desk In the atOll wont nose at it be for talc Karl said his I ea1cI lutely that you took tile heads out his would no case against you me to me a And a few at most he wJI1 ox pose me OWe wf11 Od he I nothlDJt I denied Y WIn Be I I cut short his walt by him I 1ndI cited Then he read and reread them t I aloud In hysterical joy His mouth Is I looked at the youth with utter I I f t I SOFT GOAL OPTIONS GO TO GUGGENHEIMS I In tto I I I I the I I lave 3 fee replied 50 cents rejoined the groom a t I I I bustled with ian r always murmured us asked Where happened But lag silso evidence thor be a mouse days and and hsiwft Mark astooIshime I I thl ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ° ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ He is dead I hint I who wouldnt knowingly jflH even a dog Yes I you who last night rushed out of this house foaming at the mouth and screaming that you would find and him It is late IH the day for that sort of talk We must face the facts Now if I ara to save you you toast pledge yoorseif to put the whole afCrJr in my and to guided absolutely by me Do you give your solemn pledge to do I do I rm in your hands Help me I think the frank contempt in my eyes pierced even the terror that en- compassed him and made him ashamed of his puerile cowardice Let us look at the facts I began In the jlrst place you stole bonds item the companys safe Only man could prove you stole them And that man is dead The bonds cannot be tracked beck to you Three met had access to that sale One Is dead The second myself wttl be out of way You as third Youll b out of he inter- rupted I dont understand Are YOU So I ptrsued unheeding Ii you sit tight go on with wour and behave as if lad happened you are moderately safe of Vaughn You read about reoog- nlrtag the man who was OR the dock near he place where Vaughns bedy was found I was the man You When did 7 When I went back for the watch Suspicion turns directly to not to you The police must think that Ive fled the or that I wouldnt fool enough to come here openly They are no doubt searching for e every where except in the place I must before they connect with this bouse and here for- m You are ome to hide That isnt like you And anyway you easily prove mon they want He understood at lost He tried to speak but osuM not grip mjr hand in Go ba k to Philadelphia I said keep the hue and cry atter me as loam as I can before Im run down That will kelp suspicion on me and off of you The police are not likely to let my name lute the papers until they have their hands OR me So mother used not When she does be whispered in awe it will kilt her No I answered sadly she wilt grieve But more for the stain oa our name than for me If it were now it would break her heart That aid To keep shams lid sorrow m their worst forms from the woman who adores you as only the born can be adored And from the girt whom you have dared to love When Hilda and I are married be burst forth i shall tell her about H She shall Mess your name And curse yours T I kusgested If you are wise you win keep your mouth shut There te one thing more You probably think I am coon a felony by letting you a thief go back to em ployer you have robbed I am not Unpunished r be echoed Do you think I dont suffer That I That you are scared tat at heart rau h relieved I finished That is not alL You stole bonds to the value of MSMM Those bonds must be returned Returned How I dont know yet But I am to look for them If they were on Karl Vaughn when his body was found the newspapers would have mentioned It The fact that a drowning man had KK6M with him was too important a bit of news to be overlooked Yet he had the bends when be was In Boston He didnt take them back to Philadel- phia because he didnt stop off there What his game was I dont know But I do know that Brooch must be in it Arid I believe Breech has those bonds with him I am going to find Breech But If you fall Or if he hasnt got them j to so to Mr Graves like a white man To confess he gasped To confess I repeated You sure ly didnt think I was going to lot you rentals a thief for Confess and him to let you pay back to him every cent of your salary and to lot you do extra work to earn more for him until you can pay at least the interest on the bonds theres time enough later for that In the mean time Fm ping ia search of those bonds and I hove an idea Im going to set them But where aad how can I dont know Ill follow Broeck across the world if need be till I find him and make him dtagorge Non I must make reedy and be oft If I havent already wasted too much time A quick knocking at our door thun- derous and imperative to my star- tled senses broke in on my qorde Mark leaped to his feet livid trem- bling Dent let them In he shrieked The Continuation of Thl Story Will He Found In Tomorrow issue of The Times OSLER DISCOVERS NEW DISEASE GERM Belief That He Has Conquered Tuberculosis Basis of Article- Dr wnUam Osier of the few physfelans of international has characteris heaDy in a nw way Fo many years Dr Osier hag studied tuberculosis of various sorts and he announces his con elusions very definitely Dr Color says We know the germ We know whence it comes We know how It gets into the body We know bow the germ develops in the body We have learned how to recognize the disease We have learned how successfully to prevent tt We know that the disease te not hereditary And lastly we have learned how to cure the disease In an article in the Womans Home Companion for February Dr Osier sets forth these various points at length and proves his ease This is believed to be the beginning of a great edccatlonal i campaign against tuberculosis that should have untold Influence oa the present and the cowing generation MORE SHOES EXPORTED- Six and threefourths mill ons pairs of shoes were exported by the United States during the year 1W a ecord ex- ceeding that of any previous year The distribution of American boots and shoes covers a wide range of countries aDd includes grand division of the world Tropical and coun tries offer the largest sale for this class of The value of the ex- portation was 11448385 WAGON MAKERS MEET Active steps were taken today at the annual convention of the Carriage and Wagon Makers International Union which is In session at Costellos Hall Sixth arid G streets northwest to leorsanize the international y of Toronto Canada is president and John H Brinkmaa of Is secretary and treasurer kill I one time Ute be getaway JIM come can That you u silence 1 et knowyet Is chief reason for coining to your Then It will be time tot you aDd teaks a dean breast ut the storY But 1 one fame taken up a new work and com- pletely Ru that are my youngest I going enough life beg Dud ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Foolish Questions ARE you e FOOLISH Foolish 211 Ii YET Am 3 I- J LT1 I 8 I wJ- ks g- fi 4 QUESTICNSmHL0 MERIDIAN STREET RESIDENCE SOLD Shannon A Luchs report having old tile brick house at 1W Me rMtan street to George Walsh Talbert too 3S25 The building has Just been eofpteted ALUMNI HONOR FARLEY XEW YORK Jan 2L Hto Grace Archbishop Parley was the guest of honor at the annual dinner of Fordhanm University Alumni To mart the anniversary of his ordination to the his fenowejlunm pre- sented him with a gold pectoral croasi set with diamonds MRS BELMONT TO STUMP NEW YORK Jan a Mrs O H P Belmont has decided to stump the State for woman suffrage The funerary will include the large clti said wns like Binghamton Ebstira and Buffalo and will begin next week She will be accompanied by the Rev Anna Shaw the national president TIMES WANTS OTHER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMEiTTS Class A Wonted Wasted Wanted Wanted Sitoathms Wanted H mn or iBcardlaa lee Hent Koams- lloamc and Board Lest and Pound Tke Wshl8gln Times mules sp ciftl caskiH Tn e rates s ClaSS A One cent a word charsa tt centa nuataram apaca 2 lines Throe time within one week 9 coma a Mne 7 tImes eonaecmieijr e anta a tins Mlntmmn space S Itaac Help Wanted COOKS general houxwmfcuis xrbftmbar maids llth tt COOK and general hooseworher na lena JIB mo reference nights Apply Flat 2 UBf GIRLS why not team to stna or Best private Imoni at row boo wry reasanable X388 U B Tlmw eAo- etmatt GIRL to cut threads from heya pants steady work D SCHET1XXAX 4 st X W w GIRL Tap BiH n ml winos Jbr tench- H X W OtRI Oood reliable three te family Call ISM Walteeh pL Jaa3tc- OlRLr Mor a for general small family Apply aoothWKc earner th and sta X W It GIRL for seneral hou Pi rll eftaeuue 71 URLCempetent for general aeesework l- ifamtty at 2 se pod ceok go bom- nhjhta Call 4 i C 30f Conn awe Dresden Apt 3S v fur geneaal OOWX FIT TKK Thorosjgfctr 12C K N W HAXD6Sk and tot exn at UM H St X W J55t- HELPER on ladler tailor coats Xw TABTAGUA- HOCSEKKEPKR Working J5 white cook- e of city way paid FISHERS 49 Mth at N W Ja Vtt GIRLSCoJored ri ih J backers and neckband beasts experienced sMrt imtabera FRAZKBPOTOJCAC LatiN DRY lath and P pta X W JaB3tc MANGLE GIRLSWatte experienced feeders sad catcher mAZXTsVPOTOXAC LAtiN ISUt and D ate N W Ja23tS- TSXOGRAPHKR and typewriter ptruianent- K satisfactory Room Cy W Sib arid K sts lIe SKIRT HAKD Ftrstchi alas apprentice srfeo know a sewteg to learn ladles taUormg K SCHWAB 8 Uth at X W Jal 4t- WAITRKSSES Experienced SB X X W COLLEGE CAFE M- etVAirPBSSErpcr fenced 4 Mr st X WOMAX Settled colored work 318 Md ave N K Jaa at YOUNG LADY as Bookkeeper state salary expected and experience from J to 6 BOX sOles c YOUNG LADY seelclteeper for wboleeale house give references experience tt any salary itetmf in atartfac IMiiiiii BOOKKEEPER BOX J TbtsKoftlce Help BARBER White for Saturday teed Apply 13K Wisconsin aye BARBER Wftlte for Saturday JS ASTORIA 3d and G X W It J J W Ito BOY Watta about It yean old t work In store Apply 036 Pa ave Jf W JaS it BOYS with wheels JE to 5 week DIME HESSBXO22R SERVICE 1228 H datltt two ory I A A Help sue lie LIIte I T S 11 ether lair a 1IIte 3 II a I Ii e a Six Ie a line fIr sided CIus B I or q1IInd Jr D tat rooaL I It after I po um in K while to It IUDCI mom ti X W Jr- GJRLoCoioIIed for X W jIIZIItc Ilk lit N 1 lie adored I1t with JSW JO N W jamste ill klK4 art < L JaSat A CY LAU tT DRY little for 1waee TIMes jR3It WantedMale ra N W it to work at tinning BROSXAHA 3d B s yrcuse liD a Board Cmos- AU times cents lbsm S Mom Puaomis Sn soy 5 el doom wenot CIa Advertilwg facts inustlen MlsOo ion w em nay rn play own bo GIRLTenag in 704 gomal hwo l- rend set GtRLea basset k rammee at sees sad apprentice at 5 girls S W- it enal hoses S ala in guarantee LOTSI Apply aM > < < > > < = Help BOYS to cheaters Apply Wed- nesday morning V DAVID TN 7th X W JaH St BRIGHT BOYS inn seen mtmey work lag after school hours Apply BOX 78 Washington TSnt el3tf BELLBOYS ttatnvnetMra aomsaaiss earu K3S Iltn It UAX GIFPX5RD 6 nth ac X W jail BUNDLE WRAPPERS Apply 2Q7 Mtn SC N W JaJS c- DRTVKR Ptrs laas srecenr score sue capable of taking care ot banes and solIcit orders CHAS COLVIX CO 27 Mtb- st S W JaaMe DRIVER for sack wagnn ene with ex- perience permanent pesttioa and good wages Apply at Half and G sta 8 w GHAXET COAL CO after 1 a Satar ELEVATOR BOY Temporary jab Xo sight or Sondav work J ROBERT 8OMXKR- Pt REM AX Thai emgtity- workroocn oa ladles coats and aulta Apply F N W Jaja ic HEAD WAITER help for aoteta today HOTEL AGEXCY S ISth ta2B3t IF TOU ARE yvT a pesttten or sra lest let as pr f re 70 expert antemobn saleentaa 4esaae trator or ckaaQew Time m ntre4 eight te twelve weeks Cost tIns lh t aaentax salary yearly half tile you can pay after Per tea lufmnialtea can en er adrss B B XTCK Sacy TEE AUTOMOBILE COLLBGB OF- VrASHINGTOX OHC INC MCh X W LADIES TAILOBfi FlratdB Apprjr at sees R PLCYX 12M Mtii st X W JUSJte TAIJjOE rst- te rtettt prier NiL Jel77c MAX for in Me deity work PRCS HK MI I at X W JaatSte- SHA PECUT1KR EAJ tii linctd Address BOX fle TUnes offlc JaJJt- WK WAXT flf teen or twenty joamg men 1 well Lossmtndiirt te prepare for as aotomoMI iil sm n for see ae larabst saies oompanleB ta Washing tbt pesM M grxrantetd those saving tmXkf fjtr AppUcatioa must be tu l re February for full particulars jr er address B B XTCE Secy TO ACTOMOBILB COLLEGE OF WASHINGTON INC IS K Mtk ac X W JattlJt- WUTXD Mea to learn arer trade onlr tow weeks required wages after dent aaaaatk learti positton jnarantecd writs for cats l eoe MOVERS BARBBR COLLB6S MI- Btwery New York dty Help Wanted Hale and Female 2XXMCBIX1 KRY i HODOSB- It Situations Wanted Female MAIL ORDER CLKtK waste position 2 years experience MiSS E JC Jf 29 G at W WAXTED By colored girt as ehem- bennaid 1907 CltnkfTB ct X W lie WAXTED By experienced teacher Mgteners- on piano BOX i77 Times eBVe 3 Sf- WAXTED By Kood seametrcee attaation by day or week cotttmc and stttes gtaranteed W 11 Sth BC X W JaUM Situations COMPOSITOR Bxperrenecd te Apply OS H St X E JaM W AXTED Whtte or colored nsM house- work ref 2 D st N W jast3t- WAXTED A place by a colored man I cook ta small hotel boardto too e erwajttas G B 1 C X J ave X W CARPSXTER wants indoor work will work for K a day caa give good i ofa gam BOX 47s Times office ja 4f- WAXTET By Japaneee atlantic as cheol- bojr In god tamily immediately e ed ref- er anC recommendation JAFAXESE ill JaMJf For Rent Furnished ana Uninmished ST X W 7 Between G and H Rooms heat gee and bath eeod toeatloa nest all cars reasonable to right party Rooms and Board D ST X W 3M Rooms and board J per 3alS3t F ST N W Mi Xlceiy ranrisbed reora well heated excellent home oe klsK term reasonabie talt3t H ST X W W P easaat heated frost mamn Kith board nestclass German eeok ins Phone Jaast ST X W 11W Xiceiy heated frost eat bask rooms Eotttbera exposure Mais MRS JaltM ST N W laaPJeasenc heated trent teems with beard ftratchue Geratap Pbooe 1KH ST W 1SK Large steely fBratebod room cheap for twe superior madr poised fare jo 7r- I1TH ST N W imXfcery fnratehta rooms with board Phene North and Beard WAXTED Roam and beard by yojas couple southern pre betT erA Third Blg th Pa awe and street north est lowest terms P O BOX 45 Alf xandrfc Va WantedMale d tOTS liRICK CLEANERS eJ IsiMe lug t LLE IlL VILLS tat G L W U In G HRLtiBACRER t JC SOS per mouth teen bilks somre a poIIIIh IlL Sct in sesjdU LAD lMe Zth S who tIe to ref L 7 pIIIeIItke boy at UC Jan place WantedMale job as Jaah Rooms IrK jailpta week table board per week I H H coo- kS L eok ill jamB WantedRooms ja2llte 5 good WIt fee calm day jailit N esperimeul BURG than as- a you gradeate nod Tb Largest at Anin5li5s Xgizs- sad SaIehIp Vatted 1mg B- jailste ma mu es o eat jajlS sxpelenced Is boekbSa- Ahe kfl sc S printing hat 13bl I ¬ > ¬ > ¬ ¬ For Rent Furnished- C ST 3 W MM OMAP to the right prtj 4 cheerful rooms well gas sad batfc C tT S W raniirwtlSt AM a4 balk u G ST X W net Flat J OIK or tw larsfafcod with B B U ST N W tttt Ktorfy- YOWC AVE 4 Ywo nmpiau lot light honaaMapliifc M 1 large treat reaa Hear buM PA AVE MUghagte aMaa light H to Phone lilT M JaKUt HOTEL WEST UK Pa awe K W 9o RALEIGH TRAX SIEXT XODKRK RBASOKAM- XN AVE X family whne CTHIBUI WMW u d raaae in kitcbe terg pooch oocr teme maxmahte Ja9 c VERMONT ATE N W UKTMtd Mcy front room good bwri well del rate romwc ma Bre rred teJ C- SD ST X W 2H Rooox s eoa4 Soar w aad bath 2 and JSCO a week lazVSt- 2D ST N HI Warm bright rsosu 5TH ST N K 8ES Thr c fnn shed rooms all modern Improvements for tight Movie Two aafnraixbe rooms ant gM a- 6TH ST X W H Xto ty f ratah warm roses two car ta3 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PAT FAR BETTER Pecaa trees beer and iaacctiajarT They grow oMar a i larger each your and bear carras oMStasb- beavfer crops We plant out and grow yecan groves on small aoontMy payments It wfli pay you to raag our booklet Write RV EKDALE PECAN COXPAXY Maonu Ga GROCERY confactioscry living rooms sot i Ifcio BOX IS ostee 50 100 500 1000 Certificates of InvestmentP- AY Sfeaj QUARTERLY Principal and Interest Guaranteed NOTE THESE POINTS withdrawn an Ample OoOaterl protects each tevescor- SaUfitoctory references given oa req st- Aay amount large or small aeeepted We Cowl KnlJest For 5 rtb r lafonnaUoa Call or American Funding ZorporaticHi G ST if W GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE itinrliiia town dailY JS rent JS RIce dwoUtajr and I flue team retiring j rtee3 W XEW YORK BUSDCE BXOKERS 4ZZ F S2 PLO TXKKT BCREAU a towa section cheap office rout dear tee MS owner city sacrifice J7W NEW YORK BUSS BROKERS lies F Ja29 t ROOMING HOUSE 19 block E Cap st nicely famlflfa fllled price ISM NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS 143 F 3a3 3t DENTAL OFFICE ESTABLISHED win BUY or RBXT Address Ream 335 2CATKK AL HOTBL Ja9eSt GOOD grocery o- a Tint and gas 12 swath with S rooms THORXTOX INS Pa ave X W PRESSING CLUB a Hat paying sptewHd toe this aaap for nastier salt value THORXTOX Pa X W jaJ 3t- WAXTEX To purchase paying business aerate BOX 4 Times oCtoe Jaaa t WOOD AD COAL BUSIXSSS excel- lent paying stand N 3 rent 5 price e- aROOM ROOMING HOUSE transient section cteartes mosey ok sale Ot NEW YORK BUSIXESS BROKERS ill F rXTXCHBOOU en ear Mae JSs most THORNTOX IMS Pa Ave K W FOR SAXJB LhnHed amoeat eC stock Is- prondstns local enterprise swan capital large return references 4eneBs raUoft- ottered Seems 1 sad U2 Building SACRIFICE PRICE all or et CAB trail- ing interest best oMestabttsbea local manufacturing company wtth trade aH ever U S and a practical isoaoaoly a fortune for or small investor with qtitek action BOX 47X Times sOlon Ja 3t Auto Lamp Repairing AUTO JAJtP OUT OF ORDER la K as We will put it te Al cen i at a Very email cost jiOORE CO 3W John Manatt Fioaa Storage STORAGE HAULED FREE Lowest Rates ta the City Estimates ulveo H BAUM SON lIZ Pa ave 2f W Piioae Main 12M taSU GET OCR ESTIMATE en fir proof sterasa mevtee TJXTTXO STATES STORAGE CO lick at X W Mate urn and Collections CASES all marts secret service Cal jecUeas U S Legal Corp a Bond BUg not Rooms heated laD rtomm JaowkeepIag Jditr G ST N W 7Two moon heat iledy rosa lamps tt H ST N W I beak nine ball with pest board L NEW tarnished po he- X J AVE x WII1F sad f or L St and airy site and E Two aloely tw slaked rooms for light lIallJug vats Hale fan age beat W or Jat2r keeping no ja2l3t 6TH ST N E light housekeeping beat Uses at Rooms taut roar of public cItooI Ja3I4l setsenisbed par- lor eCGDd floors beueE1IIJltDgjKltc WantedBoarders uSA refined WantedBoard S Many u best to Ill posde or nuts Owners of in Georgia have Plant oqt a ties and Oes Tds Get k LIfe surly are e hem 4ft r poe- M limes IRe InvestIgatIOn Write J list eArstt sales More olt boil mosey hag eo I15 EPTIO ALLY DII a 3l a i E tea big Jd be sold by January Jt worth s I- js1t3t and Bend jaJlJl pert te I Main iH7- I Per Load Per Mostk absolutely uBe je c- Law naFurnished deer jailn MIheady furnished tsataed roem lie isendho- dauimflYpusts jailB Iiegua mouth an- russo th without teens Ill PERMANENT Is gas bed- room ILlS houioeboepizg sloeptng ehfldrea fOr jestIt frost seer mama memo tOO sad bedrooms i cheap neighborhood and light week and bee after s pecan Ill mos bearing groves grove e Company Is no scheme V V and psacliccily sues jastwlst3 jall4t 1 nearby tats ness house 1 jailIt e awe IR Investigate 4 ± Pines ialwftZ ilil iLL I I 1 < < ¬ < > > ¬ ¬

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Publishers Declare Cost toReader Mtfst Be Raised

If Change Is Made


Representatives of Periodicals Will

Lay Case Before Com

nrittee In Congress

NEW YORK Janera throughout the country red jover the effort of the PosOsfttce Departznent at Washington to brineIncrease Jn the postal rateclass mall matter under which ciasein-catkra magazines come

committee comprising D A McKin-ley of tbe American Msgastne C DLanier of the Review of ReviewsHarry J Fisher of the Womans HomeCompanion and George W Wilder ofthe Butterick Company of this citYand Cyrus Curtis of the Ladies HomeJournal Philadelphia will go to Wash-ington next Wednesday sad protest tothe House Committee on Postofnces andPostroads which has been holdinghearings as to tbe advisability of chang-ing the present rate of I cent a pound

The committee which was organizedby the Periodical Publishers Associationof this city will Insist that the rats of1 cent is ample and that any increasewould be detrimental to the interests ofthe magazine pnMteners and would Inthe end compel them to raise fee priceof their periodicals

Several magazine publishers heretoday that t would be tanpossl

Lie to print periodicals at a profit itthe advance in the postal rate as

by Fourth Assistant PostmasterGeneral De Graw is voted by CongressIt was predicted that more than onemagazine in that event would have tocease publication

Largest DeficitIn his annual report Postmaster Gen

eral Hitchcock said there warn a eteflctrin the Postottlce Department last yesrof XI747S77I the largest in tbe htetoyof the department He put down tiieGovernments toss m handling seconiclass mail matter at IfrMMMOft and salthat the maaaitnem make up per cornof this class of mail

Sir Hitchcock estimated that It vestthe Government 93 corns a pound tohandle ant transport the second classmail Last the PostDCRce Depart-ment handled 7ft o pounds of thatvariety of mail and while It constituted63 per of all the domestic man hesaid it brought in a return of only 5per cent Mr Hitchcocks idea was toraise the rate for carrying magazines-to a considerable extent the exact rateto be decided upon by Congress

The message of President Tartto Congress referred to tbe loss tothe Government through the hand-ling of the second class mail and citedMr Hitchcocks estimate that the Gov-ernment had to pay S2X cents a poundto distribute matter which was paid forat the rate of 1 cent The President advised Congress to look Into tbe situationand see what could be done toward do-ing away with the deficit

PHtttisfeen ProtestEver since the Presidents miMingr the

House Committee has beeR hsMIng aninquiry and protests have been sent t-

it from magazine men everywhere fat

the countryment has been active in presenting Invformation to the oOranittee the maga-zine men decided at hurriedly calledmeeting early this week to preparesome data of their own and presentthem along with vigorous argument

Mr Wilder who win go with theto Washington said yesterday

that there was a decidedly mistaken impression In Washington as to the realcost of handling magazines As presid nt of the whichrecently obtained control of anothermagazine he has been gathering ma-terial which he will submit to the Cong-ressmen

The committee win be prepared toshow said Mr Wilder that it doesnot actually cost the Government any-more than 1 cent a pound to handlemagazines Whoever got the Idea intohis head that It cost 933 cents a poundwas entirely wrong Macmftiea hi thefirst place are handled for much longerhauls than newspapers which also hadth leent

There are fewer magazine to thepound than newspapers and the maga-zines once they are delivered into thehands of the postal authorities requiremuch less than newspapers Itis a false argument to say that becausemagazines are heavier than newspaperstht j ost more to handle The


must be recalled tbjnt In riri

hel in the education of the public andas Qoversuatfnt years ago detided that they should have a rate thatwould make it pass trie for the publish-ers to charge comparatively low pricesand yet make a profit The idea weeto encourage the reading of magazinesNow if the rate raised it will bnecessary for the magazine publishers-to advance the price to subscribers oruuit business It fs certain that if anything like the rate suggested by someof the Washington anthorrte onthe magazines some of faiL

The average maga Inc weighs fourt en ounces and it an readily be seenwhat an advance to J cents pound forpostage would mean Would the public

ant to stand the extra cost If it didnot the publisher find himselfwith magazines tha ouid not be sold

We are prepar i to show that theGovernment is gettuig a fair postal ratefor maicasines There is plenty of data-t back it up

S McClure of Medures Magazine5 1 il he understood that there was a din

in Washington to raise theHasrazlne rate to or fr cents a pound

Any advance would men in-crease III tb n Ice of magazines Ho the

Mr McCtore went ett Thedistribution of magazines is acated matter sad publishers are1 ut TO great expense as it Any slightincrease in O e cost for each rId ofjvtsrazine matter would mean that the

Tiagazine business is exactly likerny other sort of busings Just to-rroportkm to the 3cpense af running aI usiness are prices ftxad If a businesspan has to pay a large fr M rate to

the commodity when he offersthe market

Only OrdinaryCompetition has made the

u iners an ordmarfly profitable one

AU Ican say fc that if the Government isi ally prtvinx out n cents or forcarrying aiii pound of second Ha5mail matt r of which maT zines form-a large part the Government i making-a bad liar jdii Riit t re ar thinswhich make me Ice quite oetain tha-t p cost is not nearlv eo rreit as that

Three years ago a group of men in



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HUda Gravea daacbtar of tbctr employerHocb thinks Hilda lovaa Mark and renoaacaa her Carl VavaHa a fatlowem-ptoye Insults Mark at a banquet andMark oanfesaes to Hugh that he has taken

in booS from tile nrm setsto op as security in a deal aad that

knows of it aorrMadgoes to the firm office ta PbJfcedelphtawith the bond envelope Owl finds tInt aobotluitlon has been madeno bond la the envelope Carl Yaacaahereto la on tbe two brother ta Balti-more and Mark pontuM him from the

Hugh goa to abooaa in Balti-more tryi K to recover

main his eacape He mma his brotherapparently dresS m a pier alone therrver frost puts him a a taxicab but

next day wbea he swains hamarntoc pater that the body of a manwas round off the pier where he fsondhis brother Mark aya he was fightingwith some one but can rBmemhtr no-oMalbx He to still dazed Whoa

downstairs an only edition of anafternoon paper informs him tint A K-

Broera a friend baa identified tin bodyas that of cut Vaocba


more than fulfilled I MYway rward not noting not

whkhec my stops led SB-

so toot as 1 might be somewhere aloneout of reach interruption to think

this climax of our disastersMy half staggering steps had carried

me into the drawing room before mystunned recollection grasped the factthatthe butler had spoken of compnyin there

A figure rose from a chair near thewindow and faced me then after oneglance at me where I stood revealed inthe pitiless glare of tile afternoon sunburned anxiously forwardby magic truth my brain For the callerwas j lda Graves-

I ought to have quick controlof myself murmured something civiland gracefutty withdrawn Or else Ishould have remained and tried toformal conversation until my motbearrival

I know all that It what I shouldhave done It is what I did not do Tothis day I dont know why nor do I excuss my action

At sight of the deer face so lightedwith anxiety for my haggard aspectmy strong wall of selfcontrol an atonce crumbled away

Before I had realized it I had sprungforward and caught both her littlewhite hands In my own with a grasplike that of a drowsing man who sud-denly sees unexpected rescue

X b HMdar I cried HildaI am afraid there was unntterableap-

p al almost unmanly suppHeathm lnmy cry What my taos told I dare notthinkYet she did not shrink from me did

not recoil in displeasure or sass m sur-prise Instead she gave me look fordose about my own in a pressure aselectrical as tt was light

I bad always heard that fat everygood womans heart something of theeternal motherhood by hidden I thinkIt was with the protective instinct oftress rather than any more equal sen-timent that she exclaimed

Hugh You are In terrible troubleWhat is it dear Tell me

And at the touch the look theterm of endearment I grew

all at once strong And with strengthreturned calmness and sanity Imyself again-

I am sorry I panted sUit shakent mooent

of glorious insanity I didnt mesa tobehave like a baby But It was so good

to see youI understand she soothed me

Come and sit down and ten me allabout it

I have no right to speak toI muttered After such a childlikeoutburst I ra-

Ton have all the right theworld she contradicted How littleyou understand a woman Hugh Amao who could look and speak as you

id at of me pays a womanhighest compliment ever dreamed ofFor he shows he needs her that

She checked flushingI do need you Hilda I finished

coming to her rescue I need youmere you can ever know Fur Iam hi terrible trouble I would havecut on my hand before telling you soor coming to whine to you for

But yow caught me on myguard I cannot behave today as I didwhen we met to Boston the othernight

Then It was adD she ncdafmed 1 knew tt sometWna told me soIn spite of my pride and an I felt youwere in trouble So when father sad Ipassed through Baltimore today on theway to an a0pointment he has at Wash-ington I stopped ever a train to call enMrs Lee I tbousht I mlgfit gatherfruit her what your trouble was I

She knows nothing suspects nothingof ft I mterooffcd hastily And she

musnt Oh Hilda I cant even tell

of some one dear to us bothyou A maudlin foolishly sentimentalrequest perhaps but one that willmean much to me to remember in thebterk dajrs that are ahead

You have only to ask ft Hughsaid In a low odes You must knowthat

Something her soft voice thrtttodme unspeakably And again I bad tofight for loyalty or sanity I went

Boon you wiH bear much that to evilof me Hilda Our grand old name willbe dragged Into the dirt And partly by

Hughr she fc

I want you when that time comestf lemerober me as I was when I wasstill an b neat Godfearing man armworthy to look you hi the face I wantyou to recall me as I was as youwin mew I am It to a lightto ask But It will be everything tome

Hugh she broke hu n dont un

said But this I know No taint of dis-honor or crIme can Attach itself to youAnd I would not believe such a thingif an the world arose to clamor It at

You must believe tt Hilda I urgedmiserably And you must feel shamethat you have given your friendship tosneh a sean But let your Judgment betempered by what I ones was by whatthe rest of my dear ones still are

she persisted you are nottile trath about And

qtdry into the cost of transporting malloffered to make a contract with theGovernment to transport first class mail

second class mail at the rate of acent a pound Now If they could affordtc do that and figure out a profit Ifail to see that the Government has to

tribttionWhile tii Government is about it

I might suggest that there be an inves-tigation into the manner of feowducting

think the whole system of handling

ought to be looked into thosecompanies permitted to charge suchThey maintain a low rate on snorthaute for small packages so as to get

H the mavulne traffic the ran awaytrain the Government and charge highrates for long hauls Let the Governmcnt investigate this It might leadto some flhminatiTssr enclosures

Richard H Titheringron representingFrank A Mimsey publisher of Mun-sey9 Magazine afr with the othersto pay the extra rate if it is demanded

Iby Congress

of CHpters Alreadybark and Lee twO brothels



them letters

by cIeeecdve-Be ape In the Tin


aghast my worstgroped



At the sight all tIM mists lifted as

look and I could feel her cool

gentle mother wlKl sees a d lit din

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you It Is not my own but thatmetoYet there Is nae I to ask



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tile bnsiness of the country In pc by companies

Why arehigh rates for the they

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Syns PblisedHugh love



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you must tell me You can see whatIt means to me

And I dislcyal coward that I wasI honestly believe I would have told

For I could mx resist that look andvoice What man could

It was my mother who saved thesituation kindly hospitable de-lighted to see Hilda Into

drawing roomUnder cover of her volley saints

lions I slipped out I had been within anace of the unpardonable folly and crimeof betraying my own brother and tothe woman who presumably loved him

Under toe witchery of Hildas plead-ing my first resolutions had melted intonothingness king me horribly humanand weak For this I make no apologysaw that T loved her

Yet I resolved to see her no moreFor another time no mother might beat hand to break in upon us and rescueme front my weakness

I turned down the ball mounted thethe room where I had left Mark Mycourse was dear I caw that now AridtiM dire news I Bad so lately read madeeverything plainer for both of us Butthere was no time to be lost

Full of my new determination I ca-tered our bed room

I begunBut my brother gave roe no chance to

say more He hurried toward me as afrightened child to its father his eyesdilated with dread his shaky nand gripping one of the two morning papers Ihad le on the table

With palsied finger he pointed to theitem that had first caught my eye

Look be babbled Just read I sewIt ait I finished dressing and as I wassitting down to wait for you Read itHugh Im a murderer Great heavensman A murderer

He thrust the paper upon me thenburst into a paroxysm of weeping

It is at best a sight a gruesome asIt te rare to see a man weep but Marksboyish terrified sobs held little enoughof manliness r even of heartbreakFor the moment he was ac a panicstricken crazed with horror atthe idea that he had slain the unknownman whose body had been found oft

dock-I had hoped to keep the facts from

hiss until he could be better prepared-to face them But my heedless folly inleaving the newspaper lying about hadbrought oa the very I had desiredto postpone But perhaps it was betterFor now the I had to impartwould not come with redoubled forceBuck up I ordered harshly Ba not a hysterical child Wrtat todone IS done and youve got to get utedto ft If Tm to help you you musta jcrown man

Youre to help me he chok-ed raising Ms tearblotched face Canyou Hughdoualy i moan to now Not somuch fw your or sufte as for ourmother and tor Hildasbrokenly be sure to trace usooner or The taxicab chauffeur

but they wont find usrun away he

Where caa we beare to run away

PM d lpMa I answered And tomorrow morning you areBurr office

But thats tbe very place they lookfor me he wailedThey look for you at all Ireturned If you go about your busthad

faltered If I go backto Ill be arrestedthese bonds just as sure asVaughn gets back and tellsI slowly willnot tHI anything

T come to an understaadtoarwith him cried the lad rcurM4nature naming into new hopeXo I I wvre not He is theonly person though who kaowWith

But hell tell Hell hold it overH1 s cat tortures a

win insisted Mark You dontknow him as I do HeAKthe afternoon paper I still carriedSynced at the hes rnes

He 8 dead Hes dead be criedstopped Im saved

frenziedYou have killed this man I saidquietly His blood Is on your handsYet your one thought is of wild delight because your thefts are now cov-

ered jp I wonder if you half ealfeehow wholly worthless you areI I forgot be pleaded with a andden shudder I forgot I did indeedDo you think theyll hang me Hugh

Millions of Dollars to Be Invested In West Virginia


CHAJStLBS TOWN W Va Jaa S jAs a step toward the alleged pto s ofthe Gnat nhflm interest to form a combinaUon of the bituminous cool Interestsof West Virginia western Marylandwestern Pennsylvania and Kentuckyrepresenting hundreds of millions of

i doUses ar 75 per cent of the t Jft coalIn those districts options aro beingtaken the New River district of thisState

Harrison B Smith the localrepresentative of the Guggenb n taterests who is in New York at dsenthas obtained 9ft per cent of tin XewRiver ctal fields on Alreadyoption lias been obtained on some of

largest companies operating in thefield In the New field are about30vV acres of coal

Of this more than 50000 acresbeen optioned at a total price fixed at


idle for six year the large blast fur-nace at the plant of the Delaware RiverSteel Company was started morn-ing This company purchased the plantseveral months ago for SW9 arid willeventually start it up in every depart-ment which will give employment toabout 2jm men


Is tbe inquired a groom whom theEspy justice of peace Squire Bogerthad just married

The law allows us 56 centsthe not desiring toselfWell if tbe lost allows you

Quarter bat will make it 73






stairs leaden tread and made for I





WJ l1


by behaving like

I have I retorted usgraand

not 70U help me helater

rbey1l trace I greed grimlyWere gOIng toto

sle 1Ton going

next train togoing to be M your desk In the atOll

wontnose at it

befor talc


hisI ea1cI

lutely that you took tile headsout his would nocase against youmeto me a

And a few at most he wJI1 oxpose meOWe wf11 Od heI nothlDJt I denied



I cut short his walt by him

I 1ndIcited Then he read and reread themt


aloud In hysterical joy His mouth Is

I looked at the youth withutter












I theI






cents rejoined the groom a






r always



asked Where


silsoevidence thor be

a mousedaysand



















He is dead I hint I whowouldnt knowingly jflH even a dog

Yes I you who last nightrushed out of this house foaming at themouth and screaming that you wouldfind and him It is late IH theday for that sort of talk Wemust face the facts Now if I ara tosave you you toast pledge yoorseif toput the whole afCrJr in my and to

guided absolutely by me Do yougive your solemn pledge to do

I do I rm in your handsHelp me

I think the frank contempt in myeyes pierced even the terror that en-compassed him and made him ashamedof his puerile cowardice

Let us look at the facts I beganIn the jlrst place you stole bonds item

the companys safe Only mancould prove you stole them And thatman is dead The bonds cannot betracked beck to you Three met hadaccess to that sale One Is dead Thesecond myself wttl be out of wayYou as third

Youll b out of he inter-rupted I dont understand AreYOU

So I ptrsued unheeding Ii yousit tight go on with wour andbehave as if lad happened youare moderately safe

of VaughnYou read about reoog-

nlrtag the man who was OR the docknear he place where Vaughns bedywas found I was the man

You When did 7When I went back for the watch

Suspicion turns directly to not toyou The police must think that Ivefled the or that I wouldnt foolenough to come here openly Theyare no doubt searching for e everywhere except in the place Imust before they connectwith this bouse and here for-m

You are ome to hide That isntlike you And anyway youeasily prove

mon they wantHe understood at lost He tried to

speak but osuM not grip mjr hand inGo ba k to Philadelphia I saidkeep the hue and cry atter me as

loam as I can before Im run downThat will kelp suspicion on me andoff of you The police are not likelyto let my name lute the papersuntil they have their hands OR me Somother used not

When she does be whispered inawe it will kilt her

No I answered sadly she wiltgrieve But more for the stain oa our

name than for me If it werenow it would break her heart Thataid To keep shams lid sorrow mtheir worst forms from the womanwho adores you as only theborn can be adored And from thegirt whom you have dared to love

When Hilda and I are married beburst forth i shall tell her about HShe shall Mess your name

And curse yours T I kusgested Ifyou are wise you win keep your mouthshut There te one thing more Youprobably think I am coon

a felony by letting you athief go back to employer you have robbed I am not

Unpunished r be echoed Do youthink I dont suffer That IThat you are scared tat atheart rau h relieved I finished

That is not alL You stole bonds tothe value of MSMM Those bondsmust be returned

Returned HowI dont know yet But I am

to look for them If they were onKarl Vaughn when his body was foundthe newspapers would have mentionedIt The fact that a drowning man hadKK6M with him was too important abit of news to be overlooked Yet hehad the bends when be was In BostonHe didnt take them back to Philadel-phia because he didnt stop off thereWhat his game was I dont know ButI do know that Brooch must be in itArid I believe Breech has those bondswith him I am going to find Breech

But If you fall Or if he hasntgot them j

to so to Mr Graves like a white man

To confess he gaspedTo confess I repeated You surely didnt think I was going to lotyou rentals a thief for Confess

and him to let you pay back tohim every cent of your salary and tolot you do extra work to earn morefor him until you can pay at least theinterest on the bonds theres timeenough later for that In the meantime Fm ping ia search of thosebonds and I hove an idea Im goingto set them

But where aad how canI dont know Ill follow Broeck

across the world if need be till I findhim and make him dtagorge Non Imust make reedy and be oft If Ihavent already wasted too much time

A quick knocking at our door thun-derous and imperative to my star-tled senses broke in on my qorde

Mark leaped to his feet livid trem-bling

Dent let them In he shrieked

The Continuation of Thl Story WillHe Found In Tomorrowissue of The Times


Belief That He Has ConqueredTuberculosis Basis of

Article-Dr wnUam Osier of the few

physfelans of international hascharacteris

heaDy in a nw way Fo many yearsDr Osier hag studied tuberculosis ofvarious sorts and he announces his conelusions very definitely Dr Color says

We know the germWe know whence it comesWe know how It gets into the bodyWe know bow the germ develops in

the bodyWe have learned how to recognize

the diseaseWe have learned how successfully to

prevent ttWe know that the disease te not

hereditaryAnd lastly we have learned how to

cure the diseaseIn an article in the Womans Home

Companion for February Dr Osier setsforth these various points at length andproves his ease This is believed to bethe beginning of a great edccatlonal

i campaign against tuberculosis thatshould have untold Influence oa thepresent and the cowing generation

MORE SHOES EXPORTED-Six and threefourths mill ons pairs

of shoes were exported by the UnitedStates during the year 1W a ecord ex-ceeding that of any previous year Thedistribution of American boots andshoes covers a wide range of countriesaDd includes grand division of theworld Tropical and countries offer the largest sale for this classof The value of the ex-portation was 11448385

WAGON MAKERS MEETActive steps were taken today at the

annual convention of the Carriage andWagon Makers International Unionwhich is In session at Costellos HallSixth arid G streets northwest to

leorsanize the internationaly of Toronto

Canada is president and John HBrinkmaa of Is secretaryand treasurer

kill I





getaway JIMcome


That you usilence



Is chief reason for coining to your

Then It will be time tot you

aDd teaks a dean breast ut the storY




taken up a new work and























Foolish Questions

ARE you





Am3 I-

J LT1 I 8 I


ks g-

fi 4



Shannon A Luchs report having oldtile brick house at 1W MerMtan street to George Walsh Talberttoo 3S25 The building has Just beeneofpteted


Archbishop Parley was the guest ofhonor at the annual dinner of FordhanmUniversity Alumni To mart the

anniversary of his ordinationto the his fenowejlunm pre-sented him with a gold pectoral croasiset with diamonds


Belmont has decided to stump the Statefor woman suffrage The funerary willinclude the large clti said wns likeBinghamton Ebstira andBuffalo and will begin next week Shewill be accompanied by the Rev AnnaShaw the national president



WontedWastedWantedWanted SitoathmsWanted H mn or

iBcardlaalee Hent Koams-lloamc and BoardLest and Pound

Tke Wshl8gln Times mules spciftl caskiH Tn e rates s

ClaSS AOne cent a word

charsa tt centa nuataram apaca 2 lines

Throe time within one week 9 coma aMne 7 tImes eonaecmieijr e anta a tinsMlntmmn space S Itaac

Help WantedCOOKS general houxwmfcuis xrbftmbarmaids llth ttCOOK and general hooseworher nalena JIB mo referencenights Apply Flat 2 UBf

GIRLS why not team to stna or Bestprivate Imoni at row boo wryreasanable X388 U B Tlmw eAo-

etmattGIRL to cut threads from heya pantssteady work D SCHET1XXAX 4 stX W wGIRL Tap BiH nml winos Jbr tench-

H X WOtRI Oood reliable three te family Call

ISM Walteeh pL Jaa3tc-OlRLr Mor a for generalsmall family Apply aoothWKc earner thand sta X W It

GIRL for seneral hou Pi rll eftaeuue 71

URLCempetent for general aeesework l-ifamtty at 2 se pod ceok go bom-nhjhta Call 4 i C 30f Conn awe DresdenApt 3S v

fur geneaal

OOWX FIT TKK Thorosjgfctr12C K N WHAXD6Sk and tot exn at

UM H St X W J55t-HELPER on ladler tailor coats


HOCSEKKEPKR Working J5 white cook-e of city way paid FISHERS

49 Mth at N W Ja VttGIRLSCoJored ri ih J

backers and neckband beasts experiencedsMrt imtabera FRAZKBPOTOJCAC LatiNDRY lath and P pta X W JaB3tcMANGLE GIRLSWatte experienced feederssad catcher mAZXTsVPOTOXAC LAtiN

ISUt and D ate N W Ja23tS-TSXOGRAPHKR and typewriter ptruianent-K satisfactory Room Cy WSib arid K sts lIeSKIRT HAKD Ftrstchi alas apprentice

srfeo know a sewteg to learnladles taUormg K SCHWAB 8 Uth atX W Jal 4t-WAITRKSSES Experienced SB X X WCOLLEGE CAFE M-etVAirPBSSErpcr fenced 4 Mr st X

WOMAX Settled coloredwork 318 Md ave N K Jaa atYOUNG LADY as Bookkeeper state salaryexpected and experience from J to 6BOX sOles cYOUNG LADY seelclteeper for wboleealehouse give references experience tt any

salary itetmf in atartfac IMiiiiiiBOOKKEEPER BOX J TbtsKoftlce

HelpBARBER White for Saturdayteed Apply 13K Wisconsin aye

BARBER Wftlte for Saturday JSASTORIA 3d and G X W It

J JW Ito

BOY Watta about It yean old t workIn store Apply 036 Pa ave Jf W

JaS itBOYS with wheels JE to 5 week DIMEHESSBXO22R SERVICE 1228 H datltt

two ory



AHelpsue lie LIIte



ether lair a 1IIte3 II a I

Ii e aSix Ie a line


CIus B






rooaLI Itafter I po um


while to It IUDCImom ti X W Jr-GJRLoCoioIIed for


Ilk lit N 1 lie

adoredI1t with JSW JO N Wjamste

ill klK4

art< LJaSat





for 1waee



WantedMaleraN W


to work at tinningBROSXAHA 3d B s




Cmos-AUtimes cents lbsm S Mom

Puaomis Sn soy 5 eldoom wenot


facts inustlen MlsOo


em nayrn



GIRLTenag in704

gomal hwo l-rend


GtRLea bassetk rammee at


sad apprentice at



S W-it














HelpBOYS to cheaters Apply Wed-nesday morning V DAVID TN 7th X W

JaH St

BRIGHT BOYS inn seen mtmey worklag after school hours Apply BOX 78Washington TSnt el3tfBELLBOYS ttatnvnetMra aomsaaiss earu

K3S Iltn It

UAX GIFPX5RD 6 nth ac X W jailBUNDLE WRAPPERS Apply 2Q7 Mtn SCN W JaJS c-

DRTVKR Ptrs laas srecenr score suecapable of taking care ot banes and solIcit

orders CHAS COLVIX CO 27 Mtb-st S W JaaMeDRIVER for sack wagnn ene with ex-perience permanent pesttioa and good wagesApply at Half and G sta 8 wGHAXET COAL CO after 1 a Satar

ELEVATOR BOY Temporary jab Xo sightor Sondav work J ROBERT 8OMXKR-

Pt REM AX Thai emgtity-workroocn oa ladles coats and aulta Apply

F N W Jaja icHEAD WAITER help for aoteta today


IF TOU ARE yvT a pesttten or sra lestlet as pr f re 70

expert antemobn saleentaa 4esaae tratoror ckaaQew Time m ntre4 eight te twelveweeks Cost tIns lh t aaentax salaryyearly half tile you can pay after

Pertea lufmnialtea can en er adrss B BXTCK Sacy



LADIES TAILOBfi FlratdB Apprjr atsees R PLCYX 12M Mtii st X W


te rtettt prier NiL Jel77cMAX for in Me deity work

PRCS HK MI I at X W JaatSte-SHA PECUT1KR EAJ tii linctd Address BOXfle TUnes offlc JaJJt-WK WAXT flf teen or twenty joamg men

1 well Lossmtndiirt te prepare foras aotomoMI iil sm n for see

ae larabst saies oompanleB ta Washingtbt pesM M grxrantetd those savingtmXkf fjtr AppUcatioa must betu l re February for full particulars



JattlJt-WUTXD Mea to learn arer trade onlrtow weeks required wages after dent aaaaatklearti positton jnarantecd writs for cats


Btwery New York dty

Help WantedHale and Female



Situations Wanted FemaleMAIL ORDER CLKtK waste position 2years experience MiSS E JC Jf 29 Gat WWAXTED By colored girt as ehem-bennaid 1907 CltnkfTB ct X W lieWAXTED By experienced teacher Mgteners-on piano BOX i77 Times eBVe 3 Sf-

WAXTED By Kood seametrcee attaation byday or week cotttmc and stttes gtaranteedW 11 Sth BC X W JaUM

SituationsCOMPOSITOR Bxperrenecd teApply OS H St X E JaMW AXTED Whtte or colored nsM house-work ref 2 D st N W jast3t-WAXTED A place by a colored man

I cook ta small hotel boardto too e erwajttasG B 1 C X J ave X W

CARPSXTER wants indoor work will workfor K a day caa give good i ofa gam BOX47s Times office ja 4f-WAXTET By Japaneee atlantic as cheol-bojr In god tamily immediately e ed ref-er anC recommendation JAFAXESEill JaMJf

For RentFurnished ana Uninmished

ST X W 7 Between G and HRooms heat gee and bath eeod toeatloanest all cars reasonable to right party

Rooms and BoardD ST X W 3M Rooms and board J per

3alS3tF ST N W Mi Xlceiy ranrisbed reorawell heated excellent home oe klsK termreasonabie talt3tH ST X W W P easaat heated frostmamn Kith board nestclass German eeokins Phone Jaast

ST X W 11W Xiceiy heated frost eatbask rooms Eotttbera exposure Mais MRS

JaltMST N W laaPJeasenc heated trent

teems with beard ftratchue GeratapPbooe 1KH

ST W 1SK Large steely fBratebodroom cheap for twe superior madrpoised fare jo 7r-

I1TH ST N W imXfcery fnratehtarooms with board Phene North

and BeardWAXTED Roam and beard by yojas couplesouthern pre betT erA Third Blg thPa awe and street north est lowestterms P O BOX 45 Alf xandrfc Va




lug tLLE




SOS per mouth

teenbilkssomre a poIIIIh


Sct in sesjdU

LAD lMeZth S





7pIIIeIItke boy atUC







week table board per week













day jailit



than as-a

you gradeate nod

Tb Largest at Anin5li5s Xgizs-sad SaIehIp Vatted




ma mues




sxpelenced Is boekbSa-Ahe kfl sc












For RentFurnished-

C ST 3 W MM OMAP to the right prtj 4cheerful rooms well gas sad batfc

C tT S W

raniirwtlStAM a4 balk u

G ST X W net Flat J OIK or twlarsfafcod with B B U

ST N W tttt Ktorfy-

YOWC AVE 4 Ywonmpiau lot light honaaMapliifc M1 large treat reaa Hear buM

PA AVE MUghagte aMaa lightH to Phone lilT M JaKUt



family whne CTHIBUI WMW u draaae in kitcbe terg pooch oocrteme maxmahte Ja9 c

VERMONT ATE N W UKTMtd Mcyfront room good bwri welldel rate romwc ma Bre rred teJ C-

SD ST X W 2H Rooox s eoa4 Soarw aad bath 2 and JSCO a week

lazVSt-2D ST N HI Warm bright rsosu

5TH ST N K 8ES Thr c fnn shed roomsall modern Improvements for tight Movie

Two aafnraixbe roomsant gM a-

6TH ST X W H Xto ty f ratahwarm roses two car ta3 t-

STH ST X W S Steam Meet aew r lur-al h d and yapeced large MIl aadether LM and LMl Ja Mc

8TH ST X W 72t CeaafertaMe warm42 per mouth by week K desired

Jaa2tr-TH ST S R ZW Two fttratilMd-eow light aoMetocpiBg JM JaJBM-

IZTH ST X W Ol XJce alastooimltuuiilag roone reasoaaMe Itr

For RentUnfurnished

K ST X K 3 uataniisiMd reeaK beatg lath an caaveaieaeea SU6Q mouthreitaMe ja 8tcFOR RKXT aofosr Aed rooms

Brigfctwoeil D C

K ST X X 42 Tbr aloeloosM small family good

STH ST X W 14W Uafumtobed rooaas

G ST X W few boarderswanted 4C per home eaeksa Jt9 t

WANTED Porooa win will give zhosed tor o e of room fnrnnfcApply m S C FOaR TTEK227 14th at X K XSVMe

Business OpportunitiesDoes Money Grow on Trees

cb year which sell at ES to Stt or

refused Xisw per acre for taest andthere are ea for Jof your owa MId watch It increase la vaJw-elaroatt ue tile Pecaa ladoacry Oar Pi po i-

o Investment MK see thatte as aaf sad certain as Savtosa Baalec-Boode Stock or laMB sea and thatWILL PAT FAR BETTER Pecaa trees beer

and iaacctiajarT They grow oMar a ilarger each your and bear carras oMStasb-beavfer crops We plant out and grow yecangroves on small aoontMy payments It wflipay you to raag our booklet Write RVEKDALE PECAN COXPAXY Maonu Ga

GROCERY confactioscry living roomssot i Ifcio BOX IS ostee

50 100 500 1000Certificates of InvestmentP-

AY Sfeaj QUARTERLYPrincipal and Interest Guaranteed


Ample OoOaterl protects each tevescor-SaUfitoctory references given oa req st-Aay amount large or small aeeepted

We Cowl KnlJestFor 5 rtb r lafonnaUoa Call or

American Funding ZorporaticHiG ST if W


rent JS RIce dwoUtajr andI flue team retiring j rtee3 W


S2 PLO TXKKT BCREAU a towasection cheap office rout dear

tee MS owner citysacrifice J7W


ROOMING HOUSE 19 block E Capst nicely famlflfa fllled price ISM



GOOD grocery o-

a Tint and gas 12 swath with Srooms THORXTOX INS Pa ave X W

PRESSING CLUB a Hat paying sptewHdtoe this aaap for nastier salt valueTHORXTOX Pa X W jaJ 3t-

WAXTEX To purchase paying businessaerate BOX 4 Times oCtoe Jaaa tWOOD AD COAL BUSIXSSS excel-

lent paying stand N 3rent 5 price e-

aROOM ROOMING HOUSE transientsection cteartes mosey ok sale Ot


rXTXCHBOOU en ear Mae JSs most


FOR SAXJB LhnHed amoeat eC stock Is-prondstns local enterprise swan capitallarge return references 4eneBs raUoft-ottered Seems 1 sad U2 Building

SACRIFICE PRICE all or et CAB trail-ing interest best oMestabttsbea localmanufacturing company wtth trade aH everU S and a practical isoaoaoly a fortunefor or small investor with qtitek action

BOX 47X Times sOlon Ja 3t

Auto Lamp RepairingAUTO JAJtP OUT OF ORDER

la K as We will put it te Al cen iat a Very email cost

jiOORE CO 3W John Manatt Fioaa

StorageSTORAGE HAULED FREELowest Rates ta the City

Estimates ulveoH BAUM SON lIZ Pa ave 2f W

Piioae Main 12M taSUGET OCR ESTIMATE en firproof sterasa mevtee TJXTTXOSTATES STORAGE CO lick at XW Mate urn

and CollectionsCASES all marts secret service Cal

jecUeas U S Legal Corp a Bond BUgnot



rtommJaowkeepIag JditrG ST N W 7Twomoon heat

iledyrosa lampsttH ST N W Ibeak nine ball with pest board


NEW tarnishedpo

he-X J AVE x WII1F sadf or LStand airy

site and

E Two aloely twslaked rooms for light lIallJugvats Hale

fan age


Wor Jat2r

keeping no ja2l3t6TH ST N E

light housekeeping beat




tautroar of public cItooI


par-lor eCGDd floors beueE1IIJltDgjKltc

WantedBoardersuSA refined



Many u best to Ill posde ornuts

Owners of in Georgiahave

Plant oqt a

ties and Oes TdsGet k


surly are e hem 4ftr

poe-M limes


InvestIgatIOnWrite J

list eArsttsales



mosey hageo



E tea


Jdbe sold

by January Jt worth s I-





IMain iH7-


Per Load Per Mostk


uBe je c-




MIheady furnished tsataedroemlie

isendho-dauimflYpusts jailBIieguamouth

an-russo th without



Isgas bed-room


houioeboepizg sloeptng











and light



after s

pecan Illmos bearing groves


Company Is no scheme V V

and psacliccilysues







house 1















