ways of the world part 1 & 2

Themes from Ways of the World Part 1 Chapter 17-20 Briana Kather 790857

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Themes from Ways of the World

Part 1Chapter 17-20

Briana Kather 790857

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Chapter 17 The Haitian Revolution 1791-1804

• The intensity of the French Revolution set into motion the violence that overwhelmed the colony of Saint-Domingue for over a decade.

• The revolution was a period of brutal conflict that lead to the elimination of slavery and the establishment of Haiti.

• The revolution meant different things to different people of the colony, however both white groups were opposed to the instence of free people of color.

• After the French king declared an end to slavery, the Spanish and British forces wanted to enlarge their own empires, which only added to the turmoil.

• The colony had thrown off French colonial rule and then became the second independent republic in the Americas.

• The colony was remaned Haiti, meaning “mountainous” or “rugged.”

• The new Haitian’s head of state defined all Haitians as black and whites fled or were killed.

• The Haitian Revolution led to an expansion of slavery in other places.

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Chapter 17 The Abolition of Slavery

• In the eighteenth-century, it was finally becoming aware that slavery was a violation of the natural rights of every person due to the way the Enlightenment thinkers criticized it.

• These arguments against slavery were becoming more accepted because it was known that slavery was not essential for economic progress.

• The actions of the slaves themselves were what put a stop to slavery.

• Many countries used various ways of thinking to close down the trade in slaves and then to ban slavery itself.

• Brazil was the last country to abolish slavery in the 1888.

• The lingering on of slavery and the most resistance to abolish was in the southern states of the United States.

• However, abolishing slavery did not necessarily mean complete freedom.

• In the United States the short period of “radical reconstruction” was followed by harsh segregation laws, denial of voting rights, a wave of lynching and a lot of racism that lasted far into the twentieth century.

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Chapter 17 Feminist Movement

• After the French Revolution a feminist movement began.

• This movement was not expected, the subordination of women to men? It was unheard of.

• This movement was especially present in Europe and North America.

• Women had always been seen as inferior.• The French Revolution got these ideas of re-creating

human societies rolling through the minds of women. • The first organized feminist act was in 1848 at the

women’s right conference in Seneca Falls. Elizabeth Cady Stanton paraphrased the Declaration of Independence to state that both men and women are created equal.

• The major concerns of these women were that they had access to schools, universities, and the professions that men had.

• The 1870s feminist movement was focused on suffrage and the movement was growing.

• It was a successful movement and provided more jobs, eliminated suffrage, and gained more access to schools.

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Chapter 18 Industrial Revolution• It was a period of time with much technological

advances. These advances increased output of goods and services.

• Some inventions that came about during this time were the spinning jenny, power loom, steam engine, and cotton gin.

• In the eighteenth-century many of the inventions worked to transform cotton textile production.

• The greatest breakthrough was the steam engine. It provide a limitless source of power beyond that of wind, water, or muscle and worked to drive many machines.

• The Industrial Revolution moved from textiles to iron and steel production, railroads and steamships, food processing, construction, chemicals, electricity, the telegraph and telephone, rubber, pottery, printing and many more.

• After the Industrial Revolution spread through Britain, it continued to Western Europe and then to the United States, Russia, and Japan.

• The revolution became global when Asian and Latin American countries developed major industrial sectors such as oil, natural gas, and nuclear reactions.

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Chapter 18 The First Industrial Society

• The Industrial Revolution was an economic boom. • This transformation of the economy changed social

life as well. • It destroyed the old way they lived but also created

new ways for themselves. • This process was not all joy, it was a hard process

that was extremely painful, traumatic process, full of social conflict, insecurity, and false starts.

• Although this was a hard process, it resulted in a higher standard of living and greater participation in public life.

• The Industrial Revolution affected everyone differently.

• The people of Britain did not suffer very much in material terms.

• Tenant farmers still employed agricultural wage laborers to work the land and the landowners dominated the British parliament.

• But, eventually the British aristocracy declined. • The aristocracy declined because of high tariffs on

foreign agricultural imports.

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Chapter 18 After Latin American

Independence • After Latin America finally gained their

independence, the political life was unstable. • The people favored centralized authority and

wanted to maintain the social status quo. • Latin America’s opponents were liberals who

attacked the Church and sought at least modest social reforms.

• Conflicts between these groups achieved power for them as defenders of order and property.

• While some aspects of Latin America changed after independence, social life did not.

• The military provides opportunities for skilled and ambitious men.

• Mixed-race people found middle class jobs as teachers, shopkeepers, or artisans, although the majority of them stayed impoverished and worked poor jobs such as small subsistence farms or laboring in the mines or plantations.

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Chapter 19 The Effects of the Industrial Revolution in

Europe• The Industrial Revolution changed patterns of

economic and social life. • Europe then needed to sell its own products.

Unfortunately, they produced more manufactured goods than their people could buy.

• Also, Europe’s products were harmed because the European investors found their money more profitable by investing their money in other countries.

• Although the revolution hurt some, others found social benefits to foreign markets.

• While there were problems after the revolution, imperialism promised to solve these conflicts.

• Imperialism created the growth of mass nationalism. It appealed on economic and social grounds to wealthy or ambitious and was emotionally satisfying to almost everyone.

• If the industrial era made overseas expansion more possible they could have achieved their trade goals.

• For example, they used steam-driven ships, moving through the new Suez Canal, which helped Europeans to reach Asian and African ports quicker.

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Chapter 19 China’s Crisis• China’s strong economy and American food crops

had enabled massive population growth. • This was the biggest increased area with an

industrial revolution, which resulted in their agriculture unable to keep up.

• With this population increase the state was unable to perform its functions such as tax collection, flood control, social welfare, and public security.

• The corruption was also epidemic during this time. Officers were being abusive to peasants, and harassing taxpayers.

• China expressed opposition to the Qing dynasty. • They were very particular on their beliefs and

rejected Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism. Instead they believed in Christianity.

• Instead of restoring Chinese society, they wanted revolutionary change.

• They begun this change by the abolition of private property by redistributing the land, equality of men and women, the end of foot binding, prostitution, and opium smoking.

• In the end, the Qing dynasty was saved but it was also weakened, especially the economy.

• There were 20-30 million people lost. • It ended up taking China over a decade to recover

from the horrendous devastation.

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Chapter 19 The Ottoman Empire’s Decline

• In 1750 the Ottoman Empire was the central political fixture of the Islamic world and ruled over much of the Arab world.

• By the end of the nineteenth century the Ottoman Empire was no longer able to deal with Europe from a position of equality.

• Because it lost its position of equality and superiority it was known as “the sick man of Europe.”

• In the Muslim world the Ottoman Empire was viewed differently, as “the strong sword of Islam,” because it was unable to prevent regions from falling under Christian control.

• The Ottoman Empire continued to have independence because of Europe’s inability to agree on how to divide the land.

• The Ottoman Empire in China had weakened due to its inability to raise necessary revenue.

• In 1882 the Ottoman Empire failed to pay the interest on their loans foreign control now ruled their revenue-generating system.

• The Ottoman Empire had then fallen to a state of dependency on Europe.

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Chapter 20 The Transformation of Colonial Subjects

• The new ways of working came from the demands of the colonial state.

• Some of the most obvious were required and the labor was unpaid. Some of the jobs were building railroads, constructing government buildings, and transporting goods.

• The British officers were rude to the residents and were constantly forcing the residents to work for them.

• Although the British officers were harsh, the worst brutality was in the Congo Free State. Villagers were forced to collect rubber and if they did not collect enough they had their ears cut off, were shot, and even killed.

• These outrageous beatings were widely publicized in Europe and Leopold’s reign was ended and taken over by the Belgian government.

• During these times, the peasants were required to cultivate 20 percent or more of their land in cash crops to meet their tax obligation to the state.

• Because of this tax obligation many peasants became indebted to their moneylenders when they could not pay.

• In 1905 these conditions resulted in a huge rebellion and persuaded the Germans to end the forced growing of cotton.

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• Colonial rule created conditions that increased cash-crop production to the advantage of local farmers in some places.

• For example, British authorities in Burma acted to encourage rice production by ending an earlier prohibition on rice exports, which provided irrigation and transportation facilities, and enacted land tenure laws.

• Resulting from the prohibition the population of migrants boomed and rice exports soared.

• This also benefited the farmers because they were then able to own their own land, build nice houses, and buy imported goods.

• With the increase in population and rice exports, the standard of living improved.

• However, life was not as good for peasants who were forced to grow crops that interfered with their food production.

• Profitable cash-crop farming also developed in the southern Gold Coast with the African farmers taking initiative to develop export agriculture by planting cacao trees in huge quantities.

• Although the cacao trees were a big success a shortage of labor encouraged former slaves to be dependent workers.

• It also caused tension between the ethnic and classes because the labor shortage brought a lot of migrants from drier interior parts of West Africa.

Chapter 20 Cash Crop Agriculture

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Chapter 20 Western Education

• Western education was important and generated a new identity for a minority of the people during the colonial era.

• For previously illiterate people, the knowledge of reading and writing was seem as am almost magical power.

• This gained power enabled them to escape from obligations like forced labor.

• Another positive aspect was access to better-paying jobs in government bureaucracies, mission organizations, or business firms.

• All in all education offered social mobility and elite status within their communities. It also allowed individuals to have a greater opportunity to achieve and have so-called equality with whites in racially defined societies.

• Many people during the colonial era embraced European culture.

• The Western-educated elite saw themselves as leading the regeneration of their societies.

• In the nineteenth century the Western-educated people in India organized many reform societies that were inspired with the classic texts of Hinduism.

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Ways of the World Chapters 21-24

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Chapter 21 The Great Depression

• During the Great Depression Mother’s Day was named a new holiday, established to encourage childbearing and hopefully replace the millions lost in the war.

• Radios and movies now became more popular. • The industrial capitalism resulted in the most economic

growth in world history and raised the standard of living.

• Soon after, the economic system started to unravel on October 24, 1929,the American stock market crashed.

• The crash caused a major uproar as people lost their life savings and their jobs.

• More than 30 percent were unemployed. • The United States had reached agricultural capasity in

the 1920s when farms and factories were producing more goods than can be sold because people could not afford to buy the products the factories were producing.

• The countries that only exported one or two products were hit hard with the depression.

• The government thought that the economy would regulate itself through the market but when it didn’t many people points their eyes toward the Soviet Union because they had substantial growth and no unemployment.

• Roosevelt made efforts to help the economy and the relationship between the government and citizens.

• Unfortunately, none of the New Deal’s programs helped the Great Depresion and the only thing that helped were the unsought out efforts of Nazi Germany and militaristic Japan.

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Chapter 21 Hitler

• The Nazi Party took shape under European fascism with their leader being Adolf Hitler.

• The party used violence as a political tool. The party was a dictatorship that despised parliamentary democracy and viewed war as a positive and ennobling experience.

• After World War I, Hilter and his party begun to gain public support.

• They expressed a message of intense German nationalism with racial superiority, hating the Jews, wanting to rescue Germany from the Treaty of Versailles, and get rid of the country’s economic problems.

• In the 1920s the Nazi Party barely received any votes. This drastically changed in 1933 when Hitler was legally installed as the chancellor of the German Government.

• Once installed, he suppressed all the other political parties and took more power than he was given.

• Later in his rule he restricted the lives of Jews. He excluded them from universities, professional organizations, and civil employment.

• This restriction escalated to terror on

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Chapter 21 World War II

• The most destructive conflict in world history.

• The total deaths were estimated at around 60 million.

• The war blurred the traditional line between civilian and military targets. The cities and population became defined as the enemy.

• In 1937-1938, during the Rape of Nanjing 200,000-300,000 Chinese civilians were killed and mutilated.

• Unfortunately World War II ended up being even worse than World War I.

• Women from Korea, Manchuria, and Taiwan were compelled to serve the sexual needs of Japanese troops who had to accommodate from twenty to thirty men a day.

• World War II ended and Europe was impoverished, many people were homeless, the infrastructure was completely damaged, and the cities were in ruins.

• But, another result of the war was that there was a consolidation and extension of the communist world.

• After WWII international efforts were finally starting to be renewed to maintain peace in the world.

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Chapter 22 Communist Feminism

• Efforts at liberating and mobilizing women were beginning to become more present.

• The first place the law and decrees regarding women were established were in the Soviet Union.

• The laws included full legal and political equality for women, divorce and abortion was legalized and many more.

• Zhenotdel was a feminist organization that set up numerous conferences for women. They trained women to run day-care centers, medical clinics, published newspapers and magazines. They encouraged women to be confident with themselves and strive for bigger things.

• There was not very much openness about the thought of feminism in China.

• Despite Chinese feelings toward feminism, women became much more actively involved in production outside the home.

• In the 1960s the famous feminism slogan was “Women can do anything.” That was definitely the way they thought and it made them more confident in what they did.

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Chapter 22 The Cold War• The Cold War began when the new

communist government became the source of fear to many in the Western capitalist world.

• The Soviet Union and the United States then became the the major political military powers that destroyed the states of Western Europe.

• The Cold War was in Europe. • Eastern Europe clashed with America and

Britain about open and democratic societies. • The result of this conflict were military

alliances, NATO and Warsaw Pact. • When North Korea invaded South Korea, the

Chinese and Americans became involved in a three-year war.

• America intervened in Vietnam when the communists tried to unify their country. In 1975 their united their country under communist control.

• The next conflict was in Afghanistan when the Marxist part took over.

• In Cuba was the worst battle of them all. Fidel Castro came to power.

• The Soviet Union was in fear and deployed missiles to Cuba. After compromise with the help of John F. Kennedy, the missiles were removed.

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Chapter 22 China’s Communism

• After Mao’s death, Deng Xiaoping came to power as China’s “paramount leader.”

• Under his rule, 100,000 political prisoners were released and brought back to their jobs.

• Deng also made some dramatic economic changes.• He dismantled the country’s system of collective

farming and transformed it to a small-scale private agriculture.

• All of Deng’s changed made for a great result. There was amazing economic growth.

• A capitalist economy was now restored thanks to Deng and the Communist Party.

• The party did not mind abandoning communist economic policies, but they would not relinquish the political monopoly or promote democracy at the national level.

• They associated democracy with the chaos and uncontrolled mass action of the Cultural Revolution and therefore feared it.

• As China rapidly grew in their economic power, their culture had been changed to their ancient traditions.

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Chapter 23 The End of African and Asian Empires

• The African and Asian nations claimed an international status.

• They also had struggles receiving their political independence and affirming their cultures which had been broken down during the colonial age.

• In the twentieth century, many empires fell apart. • The first to collapse were the Austrian and

Ottoman empires after World War I. This fall gave rise to a few states in Europe and the Middle East.

• After those two collapsed, the Russian Empire fell too.

• After World War II, the German and Japanese empires ended.

• When all these empires ended, Asian and African empires made movement towards independence.

• Empires that did not have a territory were attacked from high governments.

• Latin America was attacked in this way and that is what started the Mexican Revolution.

• When the last big empire fell and fifteen new states opened up, the Soviet Union lost hope.

• When the African and Asian colonies gained their independence it was not only a great achievement for them but it was a great achievement in world history.

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Chapter 23 African and Asian Independence

• At the end of the twentieth century ended, colonial rule had lost all credibility in terms of political power.

• At the start of the century, people had the idea that “the only legitimate government is self-government.”

• One way to explain the end of the colonial empires is to focus on the contradictions in the colonial enterprise because it had rendered its demise inevitable.

• The national self-determination was greatly conflicted with the possession of colonies that were denied any opportunity to express their own national character because they could not express their own national character.

• The timing of the end of the empire is explained by the coming together of several separate developments at a particular time.

• The world wars had weakened Europe. • In the colonies social and economic circumstances

generated the human raw material for anticolonial movement.

• The end of the colonial empires is also explained by looking at the particular groups or individuals who brought down the colonial system.

• Their goal was independence and they struggled with one another over the leadership, power, strategy and more.

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Chapter 23 Economic Development in Third World Countries

• Economic development was high on the agenda in the Global South.

• It was a promise of all the independence struggles and it was the standard by which people measured their government as legitimate or not.

• Although it was very difficult to achieve economic development, it also divided class, religion, ethnic group, and gender with mass population growth.

• Developing countries had a hard time making deals with the Global North.

• It was hard for the leaders of these developing countries to know what ways to pursue these negotiations.

• The problem was that most people just expected that the state authorities would take responsibility for economic development of their country, but that did not happen.

• India, Latin America, and African states changed by reducing the role of the state in economic affairs which showed the failure and mismanagement of the state-run enterprises.

• With this change, China and India had rapid economic growth.

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Chapter 24 Global Feminism• Scientific and secular focus challenged the core beliefs of

supernatural religion. • Social upheavals had been sanctified by religious tradition. • Nation-states undermined the operation of a global

economy and challenged it by the spread of alien cultures. • The way they approached this was by military defeat,

colonial rule, economic dependency, and cultural intrusion. • Fundamentalism was the representation of a religious

response. It created cosmic war between good and evil forces. It made active use of modern technology to communicate their message.

• Fundamentalism calls for a return to the fundamentals of the faith.

• Soon after World War II, fundamentalism came to oppose what was known as the sexual revolution of the 1960s.

• First, fundamentalists wanted to separate themselves from the secular world, by staying in the churches and schools but later on in 1970s they entered the political arena.

• Hindutva, was a fundamentalist movement which represented a politicization of religion within a democratic context.

• India’s leaders were the ones who were attempting to remake India with a Western image.

• The Hindu identity was further promoted by the BJP in India. They promoted this identity by winning elections at the state and national level.

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Chapter 24 Religious Responses to Fundamentalism

• Religious responses to global modernity were shown in many different way and by many different people.

• First were the Southeastern Asian Muslims who sought for the welfare of women and children.

• Different believers of different religions found various ways of responding to global modernity.

• Christian groups spoke to the ethical issues arising from economic globalization.

• These Christians were also active in agitating for debt relief for poor countries.

• Pope John Paul II was concerned about the growing distance between the rich and poor because it put the poorer nations in an unfair advantage.

• The Christian basis in Latin American sought the areas of social justice, poverty, and human rights. They believed Jesus was their savior.

• In Asia, they engaged in social Buddhism. This engaging addressed the needs of the poor through social reform, educational programs, health services, and peacemaking during war.

• One of the peace advocates was the Dalai Lama, which settled the relationship of Tibet with China.

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Chapter 24 Environmentalism• Environmentalism began when Romantic poets

attacked the industrial era’s “dark satanic mills” because it threatened the green and pleasant land of England.

• Environmentalism achieved a worldwide dimension during the second half of the twentieth century.

• It began with the publication of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring in 1962. It exposed the chemical contamination of the environment that threatened both human health and the survival of many other species.

• The book made a huge response by launching the environmental movement in the United States.

• The German environmental movement was distinctive because the activist entered the political arena as the Green Party, in which the main concerns were opposition to nuclear energy.

• The Western environmentalism focused their attention on wilderness issues.

• In the 1970s and 1980s environmentalism involved poor people rather than high and middle class and was concerned with food security, health, basic survival, and movements for social justice.

• The environmentalists from the West called individuals to turn away from materialism to appreciate the web of life.

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