we shall not cease from exploration, t. s....


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Page 2: We shall not cease from exploration, T. S. Eliotmollysastrology.com/file_download/24/2008-astro... · We shall not cease from exploration, ... Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of our exploring will be to arrive where we started

and know the place for the first time.

T. S. Eliot

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Thank You! Thanks for purchasing this astrological calendar, for making this small but meaningful investment in yourself. This calendar’s purpose is to give you a heads-up on the good, the bad, and the ugly in 2008. There’s a time for every purpose unto Heaven, and the Creator was kind enough to place markers in the sky to help us on our way. I created this calendar to break down this cosmic “weather forecast” for you, so you can make plans with awareness of these guideposts and what they mean to you.

People who don’t know astrology often pooh-pooh the idea of planning your life according to the stars, as if it were some kind of superstitious hocus-pocus. Astrology in the past has suffered from a degree of woo-wooism that has placed it in many people’s minds in the same category as the Magic 8 Ball, when it is so much more. But don’t take my word for it. If you’re new to astrology, I invite you to follow along for a month, two months, a year. You’ll see astrology come alive in this calendar and ones like it, not the newspaper horoscopes. Watch astrology in action, so you can see how it relates to you and to your life. Then you’ll understand how to use this knowledge to your advantage.

If you make your plans in accordance with the cosmos, you won't find that all problems disappear and songbirds begin to alight on your shoulder. But you will notice a sense of an order to things, a new perspective on situations and events in your life. Like the gambler in the Kenny Rogers’ song, you'll “know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em.” And that, my friend, is incredibly valuable information.

Placement of Aspects Aspects, or angular connections between two planets, are most powerful in the time before they are exact.

I have placed aspects on the calendar on the day they will be most potently experienced, rather than the actual calendar date of the event. Quite often,

these are the same. Sometimes, however, the aspect is exact in the early morning hours. In that case, it will be felt most powerfully on the day before. I chose 10:00 a.m. as my cutoff point—if an aspect completes before 10:00 a.m., I consider it strongest on the day before.

Ingresses (a planet’s entry into a new sign) and lunations (new and full Moons) do not follow this pattern of a rise and fall in the energy. They are recorded on the actual calendar day they happen, regardless of the time.

If you want more detailed information about planetary phenomena in 2008, I recommend Jim Maynard's Celestial Guide calendar, Pocket Astrologer, or weekly planner. For more detailed information, Llewellyn publishes an astrological calendar that also lists semisquares, sesquisquares, inconjuncts, and transits of Chiron, Pallas, Vesta, Juno, and Ceres.

Moon Void of Course (v/c) The Moon moves through all 12 Zodiac signs every 28 days, one sign every 2 ½ days. The Moon is void once she has finished forming aspects to other planets. The void period ends when the Moon enters a new sign. It can last as little as a few seconds or more than two days. While the Moon is void, our energies dissipate easily, and we tend to feel more spacey and disconnected. Stick to routine. It is not advisable to make major decisions or purchases during these times.

Moon v/c periods that happen between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. ET are recorded on the calendar. Those happening in the late night and early morning hours are left off for readability.

Time Zones All times used, and those given for void of course Moons, are Eastern time. To convert to Pacific time, subtract 3 hours. For Mountain, subtract 2, and for

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Central, subtract 1 hour. There is no need to adjust for Standard and Daylight time. I have done that for you.

Nobody's Perfect! This calendar has been lovingly and professionally proofed. In the unlikely event that I find an error after printing, I will post a notice here: www.north-node.com/calendar. If you find something wrong, feel free to let me know.

Credits Forecasts written by Molly Cliborne. ©2007 Visit Molly on the Web at www.north-node.com.

Zodiac art by Kathy Dannel-Vitcak. ©2007 Visit www.kathydv.com to see more of Kathy’s work.

Copyediting by Juli Barbato/[email protected]

Thanks to the plants for keeping me healthy, to the planets for their guidance, to John Woodriff for love and moral support, to Lance Ferguson for getting me started in astrology, and to the astrologers out there with your books and blogs that inspire me every day.

For an in-depth daily astrological forecast, visit Lance Ferguson's Web site, www.skywatchastrology.com.

Works Cited Arroyo, Stephen. Chart Interpretation Handbook. Sebastopol, CA: CRCS Publications, 1989.

Brady, Bernadette. Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark. San Francisco: Weiser Books, 1999.

Ebertin, Reinhold. The Combination of Stellar Influences. Tempe, AZ: American Federation of Astrologers, 1972.

For a list of other great astrology books and Web sites, visit www.north-node.com/links.

Personalized Services I can customize this calendar with your personal astrological forecast, based on your birth chart. The cost for one year is $200 for first timers, $150 for established clients. Details about this and my other services are posted at www.north-node.com/consultations.

Calling All Artists Would you like to see your Zodiac art featured in my 2009 calendar? Submit a sample to [email protected], or mail to Molly Cliborne, 711 Rockland Ave., Charlottesville VA 22902. Keep in mind that I will do my best to safeguard your work, but I can’t accept responsibility for valuable originals. If in doubt, send a scan or a high-resolution copy instead.

Symbols used: * and † I use symbols to indicate the prevailing mood of the day in a general way. They do not cancel out the month’s overview, they simply point out the highs and lows along the way.

* indicates a day when the mood is more easygoing. There are fewer obstacles, and things tend to move along quickly. These days tend to feel more relaxed and pleasant, and generally they are good days to plan important transactions and events.

† indicates a more challenging day. Obstacles come up that force action or a change of course. Oftentimes, these are days when something comes up that alerts you to an issue that needs your attention. These days tend to feel more unpleasant and are not the best times for first-time events or important meetings and transactions.

Doubles(** and ††) are for transits involving outer planets (Jupiter through Pluto). They are more important and longer in duration.

If this is a custom order, handwritten symbols are your personal * and † days, unique to you.

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January 2008

Mars retrograde began in mid-November and lasts through January 30. When the red planet appears to move backward, our physical and mental energy is lower, and our focus is drawn within. This is a good time to work on strengthening and reinforcing what you already have rather than launching something brand new. If you can allow things to move slowly and accept delays, you’ll have fewer problems this month.

With Mars in Gemini, it’s easy to scatter our energies due to restlessness or impatience. With Venus in Sagittarius until the 24th, we’re more idealistic and romantic about relationships and ready to overlook another’s shortcomings. Venus’ entry into Capricorn on the 24th brings a more practical, realistic perspective.

Jupiter semisquares Neptune the 2nd week of January, and dreamtime invades our reality. Folks at work are out sick, and it’s more difficult to bring plans into focus. Clear thoughts and solutions return the following week as Jupiter moves on to trine practical Saturn.

Mercury retrograde begins on the 28th and lasts through February 18. This one is in Aquarius—sign of groups and gadgets. We’re more subject to scheduling issues, mistakes, inaccuracies, communications errors, and mechanical problems during Mercury retrograde. Double-check all work.

Pluto enters a new sign every 12 to 20 years. Thus, Pluto’s entry into Capricorn this month is no small event, marking the beginning of an era when, collectively, we reform the rules and structures that govern our lives—business and political—and the world’s borders and boundaries, as well as those borders and boundaries that define us and our relationships.

Best Days

January 16-20: Jupiter trine Saturn—practical ideas, good business sense.


January 1-2: Retrograde Mars opposite Pluto—there’s a lot of resistance out there; don’t force the issue. An issue, plan, or complication that develops today resolves when Mars opposes Pluto again on March 7.

January 9-11: Jupiter semisquare Neptune—vague or confusing information, a tendency to ignore “red flags” that we should pay close attention to. Something’s sketchy or doesn’t quite sit right. Trust your intuition.

New Moon January 8 at 17 Capricorn

Full Moon January 22 at 01 Leo

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Mars Saturn

Mercury on the 28th

1 † Moon v/c 7:33–8:31 p.m.

2 † Mars opposite Pluto Jupiter quintile Uranus

3 Moon v/c at 7:31 p.m.

4 Moon v/c until 9:14 am

5 Sun sextile Uranus Venus square Saturn

6 † Moon v/c 7:28–8:42 p.m.

7 Mercury enters Aquarius

8 New Moon in Capricorn 6:38 a.m. Moon v/c all day

9 †† 10 †† 11 †† Jupiter semisquare Neptune Moon v/c 12:52–1:44 p.m.

12 † Venus square Uranus

13 * Mars quintile Saturn Moon v/c 6:41–7:24 p.m.

14 15 16 ** Venus sextile Neptune

17 ** 18 ** 19 ** Venus opposite Mars

20 ** Sun enters Aquarius Jupiter trine Saturn

21 Moon v/c all day

22 † Full Moon in Leo 8:35 a.m. Mercury conjunct Neptune

23 † Venus conjunct Pluto

24 Venus enters Capricorn

25 Pluto enters Capricorn

26 Moon v/c until 5:35 p.m.

27 28 * Mercury retrograde begins Moon v/c at 4:48 p.m.

29 * Venus trine Saturn

30 Mars retrograde ends

31 * Venus conjunct Jupiter Moon v/c until 5:08 p.m.


All times given are for the Eastern time zone. For Central, subtract 1 hour. For Mountain, subtract 2. Pacific, subtract 3.


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February 2008

Mercury is retrograde in Aquarius until the 18th. Retrograde Mercury signals communication and connectivity problems, mistakes, malfunctions, mix-ups and misinformation, schedule changes, and heavy traffic. Mercury in Aquarius is rebellious, defiant, and eccentric. It highlights interest in astrology, science, technology, and new ideas. When Mercury conjoins Neptune on the 1st and 2nd, it’s time to explore the spiritual and artistic dimensions of these topics.

Mars is now direct and retracing his steps through the late degrees of Gemini. You may be finishing up written projects, communications, or organizing something with many “moving parts” that you have been working on for a while as Mars moves through the “shadow” of the retrograde from now through early April. Mars in Gemini is intelligent and quick witted, but often tries to handle too many things at once, dissipating the energy rather than focusing in on something specific.

On the 17th, the love vibe (Venus) abandons some of the controlled and structured energy of Capricorn, the sign of friendship, groups, and networking. It’s good energy for mingling and schmoozing.

A pair of Eclipses this month brings a feeling of powerful significance to ideas and events. Eclipses often “blow out” our energies, so be mindful. If your body asks you to take a rest, honor its request.

This month’s Eclipses are part of the 10 North series, or “family” of Eclipses. In this series, “there is a very strong emphasis on communication and, at the same time, frustrating or inhibiting events may come into the person’s life via news, paperwork, or a young person. The person may feel tired and drained, and this is therefore a good time to take things quietly and work through the difficulties one at a time.” (Bernadette Brady)

Because so many planets are in the early degrees of their signs this month, the Moon is void of course (v/c) for unusually long periods of time. (See the calendar introduction for an explanation of the Moon v/c.)

Best Days

February 6-7: Venus sextile Uranus, Mars quintile Saturn, Solar Eclipse. Original ideas that work and friendly, easygoing mood.

Solar Eclipse February 6 at 17 Aquarius

Lunar Eclipse February 20 at 01 Virgo

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Retrogrades Mercury until the 18th


1 2 † Mercury conjunct Neptune Moon v/c at 5:21 p.m.

3 4 Moon v/c at 1:20 p.m.

5 Moon v/c until 2:10 p.m.

6 * Sun conjunct Mercury Venus sextile Uranus Solar Eclipse in Aquarius 10:45 p.m.

7 * Mars quintile Saturn Moon v/c 10:50 a.m.–8:46 p.m.

8 9 Moon v/c at 4:05 p.m.

10 Sun conjunct Neptune

11 Moon v/c at 8:00 p.m.

12 13 14 * Sun trine Mars Moon v/c until 7:19 a.m.

15 16 Moon v/c until 10:12 a.m.

17 Venus enters Aquarius Moon v/c at 4:13 p.m.

18 Mercury retrograde ends Moon v/c until 1:51 p.m.

19 * Sun enters Pisces Sun sextile Pluto

20 * Lunar Eclipse in Virgo 10:26 p.m. Moon v/c 12:53–7:07 p.m.

21 22

23 † Sun opposite Saturn

24 25 * Moon v/c 8:35 a.m.-1:05 p.m.

26 * Mercury conjunct Venus

27 Moon v/c at 9:54 a.m.

28 29

All times given are for the Eastern time zone. For Central, subtract 1 hour. For Mountain, subtract 2. Pacific, subtract 3.


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March 2008

The Moon is Void of Course for exceptionally long periods of time this month. Watch these times carefully. If possible, save your most important business for other days.

On the 4th, Mars enters Cancer, a sign where he is uncomfortable—at times moody, defensive, overly sensitive. Don’t take it personally. Venus enters sweet and drifty Pisces on the 12th, where she is very effective at forming good connections.

Jupiter sesquisquare Saturn, in force from the 11th (or so) to the 17th, symbolizes friction and indecision in business. People intend to help but sometimes get in the way. Things may be delayed or may take more work than you thought. It’s easy to get caught up in minor details, which may or may not be critical. Be conservative, and don’t try to do too much at once.

Jupiter sextile Uranus, in force until the 28th, brings growth opportunities around astrology, technology, and science and signals a good time to buck tradition and experiment with new ways of doing things. Jupiter in Capricorn assists the inspirations and imaginations of Uranus in Pisces with practical understanding and focus.

Best Days

Mercury and Venus connect with Saturn and Pluto, week of March 10. Solutions, practical thinking, time to plan or execute major changes.

Mercury and Venus connect with Jupiter and Uranus, week of March 24. Good moods, friendly attitudes.


March 7: The new Moon conjoins Uranus in Pisces. Uranus awakens us and pushes us out of our routines. Pisces can be vibey and mystical or deceptive and dialed-out. This shaking up can expose us to opportunities and experiences that we wouldn’t otherwise have. But do be watchful for sudden upsets in traffic.

March 21: Full Moon square Pluto. People are emotional and feel vulnerable at the deepest levels. For this reason, it can be difficult to find a satisfactory compromise. Wait for the emotional wave to pass.

New Moon March 7 at 17 Pisces

Full Moon March 21 at 01 Libra

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Moon v/c 11:54 a.m.-1:33 p.m.

2 * 3 4 Mars enters Cancer

5 † 6 † Sun sextile Jupiter Venus conjunct Neptune Mars opposite Pluto

7 New Moon in Pisces 12:15 p.m.

8 † Sun conjunct Uranus Mercury conj. Neptune Moon v/c until 9:23 a.m.

9 Daylight saving time begins

10 * Moon v/c until 12:14 p.m.

11 12 † Venus enters Pisces Moon v/c 1:27-1:55 p.m.

13 * Venus sextile Pluto

14 * Mars sextile Saturn Mercury enters Pisces Moon v/c 4:24-4:38 p.m.

15 †† Mercury sextile Pluto Venus opposite Saturn Venus trine Mars

16 †† Mercury opposite Saturn Moon v/c 2:58-9:04 p.m.

17 †† Jupiter sesquisquare Saturn Mercury trine Mars

18 Moon v/c at 2:39 p.m.


20 † Sun enters Aries Spring Equinox Sun square Pluto Moon v/c at 3:29 p.m.

21 † Full Moon in Libra 2:40 p.m. Moon v/c until 11:44 a.m.


23 * Mercury conjunct Venus Moon v/c at 8:41 a.m.

24 * 25 † Mars sesquisquare Neptune Moon v/c at 8:35 p.m.

26 ** Moon v/c until 10:11 a.m.

27 ** Mercury sextile Jupiter Mercury conjunct Uranus

28 ** Venus sextile Jupiter Venus conjunct Uranus Jupiter sextile Uranus Moon v/c at 9:21 a.m.

29 † Sun square Mars

30 *

31 Moon v/c until 9:34 a.m.

March Retrogrades Saturn

All times given are for the Eastern time zone. For Central, subtract 1 hour. For Mountain, subtract 2. Pacific, subtract 3.


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April 2008

Mars, planet of new ideas, new ventures, and high energy, breaks new ground for the first time since Mars retrograde began in November. He is still in Cancer, a placement that irritates (Mars) our soft underbellies (Cancer). Yes, Mars has been in Cancer for an unusually long time– this makes folks feel uncomfortable and overheated, especially when Mars hits hot-spots on the 10th, 13th, and 23-24th.

Don’t let the grumpy mood spoil the month, though. You have bigger fish to fry, as Saturn in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (both earth signs) comes allllllmost but not quite to completion in early May. Earth signs focus our attention on the material plane—work, money, resources.

The Sun, Mercury, and Venus move through Taurus in the last two weeks of the month, completing the earth sign “circuit.” We can use the earthy, grounded energy to solve problems and make progress in a concrete, tangible way. Earth signs represent physical resources: your money, your skills, your health; and the earth itself: gardening, the environment, acts of nature. Trines represent lack of friction, or removal of obstacles, allowing a situation—positive or negative—to develop rapidly and without impediment.

Best Days

April 17-18: Mercury trine Saturn and Pluto, the opportunity to solve difficult problems and make great progress through disciplined effort and long-term planning. Very auspicious for financial work, accounting, fulfilling your promises and obligations, and generally taking care of business.

April 19-20: The Sun trines Saturn and Pluto, another auspicious time for taking care of business.

April 30–May 1: Venus trines Saturn and Pluto, opening doors to solve problems and make positive connections with others.


On the 23-24th, a T-square forms with Mars at the apex. T-squares are challenging and very dynamic. Each of the planets in the T-square is in the sign of its fall or of its detriment. Being situated in such a sign indicates an uncomfortable feeling, a sense of being “out of your element” in some way. With Mars involved, we tend to be in a hurry. Accidents and arguments are more likely, so take it easy on these stressful days. Save your most important business for the end of the week.

New Moon April 5 at 16 Aries

Full Moon April 20 at 00 Scorpio

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Retrogrades: Saturn

Pluto on the 2nd


2 † Pluto retrograde Mercury enters Aries Mercury square Pluto Moon v/c until 4:55 p.m.

3 * 4 Moon v/c 5:44-8:27 p.m.

5 New Moon in Aries 11:56 p.m.

6 † Venus enters Aries Venus square Pluto Moon v/c 11:00 a.m.-9:20 p.m.

7 8 Moon v/c at 11:13 a.m.

9 10 † Sun square Jupiter Mercury square Mars Moon v/c at 12:10 p.m.

11 12 * Sun sextile Neptune Moon v/c at 2:32 p.m.

13 † Mercury square Jupiter Mars semisquare Saturn

14 * Mercury sextile Neptune

15 Sun conjunct Mercury Moon v/c until 9:06 a.m.

16 * 17 * Mercury enters Taurus Mercury trine Pluto Moon v/c until 6:10 p.m.

18 * Mercury trine Saturn

19 * Sun enters Taurus Moon v/c at 4:54 p.m.

20 * Full Moon in Scorpio 6:26 a.m. Sun trine Pluto Sun trine Saturn

21 * 22 * Mars trine Uranus Moon v/c until 5:08 p.m.

23 † Venus square Mars Venus square Jupiter

24 † Mars opposite Jupiter Moon v/c at 5:38 p.m.

25 * Venus sextile Neptune

26 †

27 * Mars inconjunct Neptune Mercury sextile Uranus Mercury trine Jupiter Moon v/c 10:18 a.m.-5:27 p.m.

28 † Mercury square Neptune

29 * Mercury sextile Mars

30 * Venus enters Taurus Venus trine Pluto

All times given are for the Eastern time zone. For Central, subtract 1 hour. For Mountain, subtract 2. Pacific, subtract 3. Notes:

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May 2008

Jupiter sextile Uranus signals opportunity, a lucky chance, desire for knowledge, and a quick grasp of new ideas. Jupiter represents growth, and in Capricorn, we grow through discipline and work. You can explore and be merry in Jupiter’s fashion, but be thorough about it, follow through, and don’t lose sight of your goals. You could uncover secret or hidden information that proves very helpful as Jupiter sextiles Uranus in Pisces.

Writers, artists, and other creative types—get your project down on paper this month. You can then use the Mercury retrograde period in June to review and revise. You may be working on an idea or concept that first came your way in March, during the first pass of the Jupiter-Uranus sextile. Now we are in the second pass, when the idea incubates and begins to take shape.

Venus, the love and beauty vibe, is in Taurus until the 24th. Venus is at home in Taurus, sign of luxury, money, and earthy beauty. When Venus is happy, it’s a good time to socialize, create beauty, and make money.

Best Days

May 11: Sun sextile Uranus and trine Jupiter combines the earthy, practical, and artistic nature of the Taurus Sun with the creative and optimistic Jupiter-Uranus sextile. Good for singers, artists, crafty people, designers, and decorators, as well as accountants and financial planners. Time to trust your intuition, go with your gut.

May 17-18: Venus sextile Uranus and trine Jupiter—people are feeling sociable and in the mood to mingle. It’s a great weekend to throw a party.


May 9-10: Mars inconjunct Pluto—impatient or uncompromising attitudes rule the day. We need to remain flexible even though we don’t want to.

May 22: Mars sesquisquare Uranus—don’t rush. Folks are provocative, impatient, maybe even explosive at times.

New Moon May 5 at 15 Taurus

Full Moon May 19 at 29 Scorpio

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Retrogrades : Saturn until the 2nd Jupiter on the 9th

Mercury on the 26th Neptune on the 26th


May 1 * Venus trine Saturn

2 Mercury enters Gemini Saturn direct

3 † Mercury square Saturn

4 * Moon v/c until 7:58 a.m.

5 * New Moon in Taurus 8:19 a.m.

6 Moon v/c until 7:18 a.m.

7 8 Moon v/c until 7:01 a.m.

9 † Jupiter retrograde Mars enters Leo Moon v/c at 8:06 p.m.

10 † Mars inconjunct Pluto Moon v/c until 9:09 a.m.

11 * Sun sextile Uranus

12 * Sun trine Jupiter Moon v/c until 2:48 p.m.

13 14 † Sun square Neptune Moon v/c 12:38 - 11:47 p.m.

15 16

17 ** Venus sextile Uranus Moon v/c until 10:59 a.m.

18 ** Venus trine Jupiter

19 ** Venus square Neptune Full Moon in Scorpio 10:12 p.m.

20 ** Sun enters Gemini

21 ** Jupiter sextile Uranus

22 † Sun square Saturn Mars sesquisquare Uranus Moon v/c until 11:56 a.m.


24 Venus enters Gemini Moon v/c until 11:52 p.m.

25 26 † Mercury retrograde begins Venus square Saturn Neptune retrograde

27 † Moon v/c until 9:39 a.m.

28 29 Moon v/c until 3:52 p.m.

30 *

31 * Moon v/c 8:54 a.m.-6:18 p.m.

All times given are for the Eastern time zone. For Central, subtract 1 hour. For Mountain, subtract 2. Pacific, subtract 3. Notes:

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June 2008

Jupiter sesquisquare Saturn is a minor aspect between two major planets. A sesquisquare symbolizes friction and irritation around us. Don’t get involved in someone else’s sticky situation. This aspect is strongest from about the 15th through the 25th.

Mercury is retrograde in Gemini until the 19th. Ideas are flying around, folks are indecisive, and little details get in the way. Moving forward can be difficult, but Mercury is happy in Gemini, meaning that even though plans are changing on a minute-to-minute basis, most of our heads are basically screwed on straight, and folks are still coming up with good ideas. Mercury retrograde is a great time to review notes collected or work started in the past.

Pluto backs into Sagittarius for one last “hoorah.” This may reawaken an old issue for you to complete or let go of, especially if you have planets in your chart at 29 degrees of mutable signs—Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces.

Best Days

June 13-14: The Sun and Venus trine Neptune—a new outlook on things. Greater freedom. Creative solutions, daydreaming. Good days for artists.

June 28-30: Mars trine Pluto—someone in a leadership role helps lay an old issue to rest once and for all.


June 10-12: Sun and Venus square Uranus—unforeseen turns of events, jumpy, excitable energy. People long for freedom and rebel against restrictions.

June 14-18: Mars apex yod—be flexible and adaptable, ready for the unexpected, willing to either take the lead or lend your support. You may need to do some fancy footwork to take advantage of opportunities.

June 20-21: Mars opposite Neptune—beware of drama queens (of all genders). Be careful with chemicals and intoxicants. Avoid drunken driving and dialing.

New Moon June 3 at 13 Gemini

Full Moon June 18 at 27 Sagittarius

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


2 Moon v/c 9:03 a.m.-6:05 p.m.

3 * New Moon in Gemini 3:23 p.m. Sun sextile Mars

4 Moon v/c 8:09 a.m.-5:15 p.m.

5 * Venus sextile Mars Mars sesquisquare Pluto

6 Moon v/c until 6:00 p.m.

7 * Sun conjunct Mercury Mercury conjunct Venus

8 * Mercury sextile Mars Sun conjunct Venus Moon v/c at 11:41 a.m.

9 10 Moon v/c at 3:42 p.m.

11 † Venus square Uranus

12 † Sun square Uranus

13 * Venus trine Neptune Moon v/c until 4:53 p.m.

14 * Pluto re-enters Sagittarius Sun trine Neptune Mars inconjunct Jupiter

15 Moon v/c at 5:30 p.m.

16 17 † Venus opposite Pluto

18 † Full Moon in Sagittarius 1:31 p.m. Venus enters Cancer Mars inconjunct Uranus

19 Mercury retrograde ends

20 † Summer Solstice Sun opposite Pluto Sun enters Cancer Venus sextile Saturn Moon v/c at 3:01 p.m.

21† Mars opposite Neptune


23 †† Moon v/c 3:05-3:22 p.m.

24 †† Sun sextile Saturn

25 †† Jupiter sesquisquare Saturn

26 Uranus retrograde

27 * 28 *

29 *

30 * Mars trine Pluto


Retrogrades Mercury until the 19th Uranus on the 26th

Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto

All times given are for the Eastern time zone. For Central, subtract 1 hour. For Mountain, subtract 2. Pacific, subtract 3. Notes:

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July 2008

There are four planets in retrograde this month—Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. These are not the most important retrogrades, but four is enough to slow down our momentum a bit. Retrogrades drag us back over territory we are already familiar with. We’re integrating the energies and implementing the plans that we first encountered earlier in the year.

Mars enters Virgo on July 1. Mars represents desire, and Mars in Virgo desires order and perfection. At its best, folks strive to be helpful and methodically apply themselves to problems and taking care of business. At worst, folks are brutally critical, perfectionist, irritable, and nervous. It’s a good month to plan your work and work your plan. Take tasks one at a time, and you’ll get a lot done in July.

Venus moves through Cancer, sign of her exaltation, July 1-12. Venus makes connections, and her energy comes across clearly and easily through Cancer’s sensitivity and drive to nurture and support others. Reach out and touch someone—it’s a good time.

Best Days

July 5-6: Venus trine Uranus—an extra helping of pizzazz turns on the party lights. Venus (love) is happy in Cancer, and in this free-flowing trine with creative and unconventional Uranus. These are good days to make both business and social connections.

July 25-26: Mars trine Jupiter—abundant energy is easily applied to solving concrete problems. Patience and perseverance further your goals. This is a good time for organizing, planning, and getting healthy.


July 9-10: Mars conjunct Saturn—people have critical attitudes and are quick to find fault. Painstaking attention to detail is required and can be frustrating. Patience is a must. Be careful in traffic; don’t drive when you’re angry.

New Moon July 2 at 11 Cancer

Full Moon July 18 at 26 Capricorn

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Retrogrades Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto

1 Mars enters Virgo

2 * New Moon in Cancer 10:18 p.m. Venus opposite Jupiter

3 * Moon v/c at 4:13 p.m.

4 † Mercury square Uranus

5 * Mercury trine Neptune Mars sesquisquare Jupiter

6 * Venus trine Uranus Moon v/c until 7:04 a.m.

7 8 † Sun opposite Jupiter Moon v/c 12:21 – 1:32 p.m.

9 † Mercury opposite Pluto

10 † Mars conjunct Saturn Mercury enters Cancer

11 * 12 Venus enters Leo

13 * Mercury sextile Saturn Moon v/c until 11:50 a.m.

14 * Sun trine Uranus

15 * Mercury sextile Mars

16 * 17 * 18 Full Moon in Capricorn 3:59 a.m. Moon v/c until 11:40 a.m.

19 Mercury opposite Jupiter

20 Moon v/c 7:25 - 9:08 p.m.

21 22 * Sun enters Leo Mercury trine Uranus

23 24 25 * Moon v/c until 9:14 a.m.

26 * Mercury enters Leo Mars trine Jupiter

27 Moon v/c until 11:55 a.m.

28 29 Sun conjunct Mercury Moon v/c 11:26 a.m. – 1:12 p.m.

30 * 31 † Venus opposite Neptune Moon v/c until 2:21 p.m.

All times given are for the Eastern time zone. For Central, subtract 1 hour. For Mountain, subtract 2. Pacific, subtract 3. Notes:

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August 2008

Jupiter trine Saturn builds in power this month and through early September. This is especially good for practical, earthy people and goals. It has the potential to bring benefit to everyone, especially those who already have their ducks in a row. For those who don’t, here’s a good opportunity to get started. It’s time to get to work on those great ideas you had last year when the trine appeared in idealistic fire signs. It’s time to build something concrete to support those ideals.

Mars enters Libra, sign of partnerships, on August 19. You can use this energy to make connections and build consensus, to bring balance to relationships, to see things from another’s point of view. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

Best Days

August 16-17: Mercury and Venus conjoin Saturn and trine Jupiter—fortunate connections are made through patient effort and work.


August 15-16: Mars square Pluto—easy does it. As we finish up old business and get ready for something new, we must make a decisive break with the past.

August 29-30: Mars semisquare Neptune—confusion hampers progress somewhat. This is not a time for hasty decisions. Better to wait patiently, as the chaos is likely to blow over if you can avoid getting caught up in it.

This month’s Eclipses belong to the Saros Series 10 South. According to Bernadette Brady: “This Saros Series concerns itself with breaking out of a very negative situation where no hope can be seen to a more positive space containing many options. A worry that may have been affecting a person will suddenly clear. The solution is shown by the Cosmos and needs to be taken up without too much delay.”

Solar Eclipse August 1 at 09 Leo

Lunar Eclipse August 16 at 24 Aquarius

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Retrogrades Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto

1 Solar Eclipse in Leo 6:21 a.m.

2 * Moon v/c 2:59 – 4:59 p.m.

3 4 * Venus trine Pluto Moon v/c at 8:15 p.m.

5 † 6 † Venus enters Virgo Mars opposite Uranus Mercury opposite Neptune

7 † Mars inconjunct Neptune Moon v/c until 7:27 a.m.

8 9 * Mercury trine Pluto Moon v/c 5:02 – 7:11 p.m.

10 Mercury enters Virgo

11 12 Moon v/c until 7:42 a.m.

13 † Venus conjunct Saturn

14 † Sun opposite Neptune Moon v/c 1:09 – 6:56 p.m.

15 † Mercury conjunct Saturn

16 † Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius 5:10 p.m. Venus trine Jupiter Mars square Pluto

17 Mercury trine Jupiter

18 19 Mars enters Libra Moon v/c 7:40 – 10:09 a.m.

20 * Sun trine Pluto

21 Mercury conjunct Venus Moon v/c 12:54 – 2:37 p.m.

22 † Sun enters Virgo Mercury opposite Uranus

23 † Venus opposite Uranus Moon v/c until 5:49 p.m.



25 † Moon v/c 5:53 – 8:19 p.m.

26 27 † Mercury square Pluto Moon v/c at 8:14 p.m.

28 † Mercury enters Libra Venus square Pluto

29 30 † Venus enters Libra New Moon in Virgo 3:58 p.m. Mars sesquisquare Neptune

All times given are for the Eastern time zone. For Central, subtract 1 hour. For Mountain, subtract 2. Pacific, subtract 3. Notes:

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September 2008

September begins with three planets in Libra—Mercury, Venus, and Mars. We’re focused on relationships, negotiations, give and take, style and beauty. What we can do for others, and what they can do for us. Libra is the sign of the peacemaker—its greatest strength is diplomacy and the ability to create win-win situations. Libra’s weakness is mistaking style for substance—sometimes a beautiful or graceful exterior belies the turmoil and venom beneath.

Jupiter trine Saturn is in effect through September 8. This marker joins the forces of growth and expansion with practicality and groundedness. It’s a good time to sign contracts, do deals, and set plans into motion.

Mercury retrograde begins on September 24. If possible, get car and computer repairs, software upgrades, and other mechanical or technical items checked off your to-do list by mid-month, because the retrograde period tends to complicate these matters and make them more subject to errors and snafus.

You may start to sense changes in the air as an important, powerful aspect begins to power up in the heavens: Saturn opposite Uranus—a clash of the titans that pits innovation and reform against tradition and establishment. This stressful marker brings disturbances and changes of routine that are often unexpected, upsetting, or just throw us off our game.

Best Days

September 20-21: Mars trine Neptune—being motivated to action by high ideals and clear intuition. Creative and inspired.


September 6-7: Mars square Jupiter—excessive expectations, assumptions, and speed get us into trouble.

September 18-19: Mars inconjunct Uranus—be flexible and patient with changing surroundings and difficult or provocative people.

Full Moon September 15 at 22 Pisces

New Moon September 29 at 06 Libra

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Moon v/c until 7:45 a.m.

2 3 † Sun conjunct Saturn Moon v/c 1:09 – 4:02 p.m.

4 ** Sun trine Jupiter

5 ** Moon v/c at 11:45 a.m.

6 **

7 ** Mars square Jupiter Mercury square Jupiter

8 ** Jupiter trine Saturn Mercury conjunct Mars Jupiter direct Pluto direct Moon v/c 12:43 – 3:45 p.m.

9 † Venus square Jupiter

10 Moon v/c at 9:15 a.m.

11 † Venus conjunct Mars

12 † Sun opposite Uranus

13 * Mars quintile Pluto Moon v/c 9:19 a.m. – 12:05 p.m.

14 * Mercury conjunct Venus

15 Full Moon in Pisces 5:14 a.m. Moon v/c 3:02 – 5:38 p.m.

16 * Venus trine Neptune

17 Moon v/c 6:27 – 8:57 p.m.

18 † 19 † Mercury trine Neptune Mars inconjunct Uranus Moon v/c at 6:50 p.m.

20 † Sun square Pluto

21 * Mars trine Neptune

22 * Autumn Equinox Sun enters Libra Venus sextile Pluto Mercury conjunct Mars

23 Venus enters Scorpio Moon v/c at 5:17 p.m.

24 Mercury retrograde begins

25 26 Moon v/c until 9:52 a.m.

27 * Mercury trine Neptune

28 Moon v/c 1:31 – 4:06 p.m.

29 New Moon in Libra 4:13 a.m.

30 *


Retrogrades Uranus, Neptune,

Jupiter and Pluto until the 8th Mercury on the 24th

All times given are for the Eastern time zone. For Central, subtract 1 hour. For Mountain, subtract 2. Pacific, subtract 3. Notes:

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October 2008

Saturn opposite Uranus pairs limitation, restriction, traditions, and rules with freedom urges, invention, and rebellion. The energies of these two planets do not blend easily. Their meeting signals tension and irritability, technology problems, and folks who are offbeat or out of step. Issues and problems arise suddenly, unexpectedly.

Saturn in Virgo affects our guts and digestive systems. Uranus in Pisces amps up the nervous energy in and around us, affecting our endocrine balance and sleep patterns. According to Ebertin in Combination of Stellar Influences, Saturn with Uranus brings “inhibitions of rhythm.”

These inhibitions of rhythm kick us out of step on many levels—health, relationships, work. And we often experience electrical disturbances or technology problems when Uranus is under stress. Uranus energy brings change through instability. There are often sudden and unexpected events that shake our foundations and force us to look at things in a new way.

This month’s opposition is the first of five occurrences that will take place between now and summer 2010. As such, it marks the beginning of a process, a journey into the future that will have several intermediate events and steps along the way.

Mercury retrograde October 1-15—it’s a good time to review notes and projects from the past, but it’s also a time when errors, snafus, weather conditions, or interruptions in your plans are more likely to crop up and cause problems. Double-check everything. Leave some extra room in your schedule. Add contingency clauses where appropriate to any contracts you sign.

Best Days

October 26-31: Mars sextile Jupiter and Saturn, trine Uranus—an opportunity to take advantage of unstable conditions to advance your goals. Favorable changes.


October 23-24: Mars sesquisquare Pluto—a “disturbance in the force.” If it isn’t your problem, don’t get involved. Otherwise, it might become your problem!

Full Moon October 14 at 21 Aries

New Moon October 28 at 05 Scorpio

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Retrogrades Mercury until the 15th

Uranus, Neptune

1 * Mars sextile Pluto

2 Moon v/c at 6:46 p.m.

3 Moon v/c until 11:15 a.m.

4 Venus sextile Jupiter Mars semisquare Saturn Mars enters Scorpio

5 *

6 * Sun conjunct Mercury Sun and Mercury square Jupiter Venus sextile Saturn Mars quintile Jupiter

7 * Moon v/c at 3:38 p.m.

8 Moon v/c until 12:03 p.m.

9 * Venus trine Uranus

10 † Mars sesquisquare Uranus Moon v/c at 7:14 p.m.

11 Venus square Neptune


13 * Sun trine Neptune

14 Full Moon in Aries 4:02 p.m.

15 Mercury retrograde ends

16 17 18 Venus enters Sagittarius

19 Moon v/c until 7:41 a.m.

20 * 21 * Sun sextile Pluto Moon v/c 7:55 – 10:34 a.m.

22 Sun enters Scorpio

23 Moon v/c 1:53 – 3:40 p.m.

24 † Mars semisquare Pluto

25 † Mercury square Jupiter


27 * Mars sextile Jupiter

28 New Moon in Scorpio 7:14 p.m. Moon v/c until 7:47 a.m.

29 * Mercury trine Neptune

30 * Mars sextile Saturn

31 * Mars trine Uranus

All times given are for the Eastern time zone. For Central, subtract 1 hour. For Mountain, subtract 2. Pacific, subtract 3. Notes:

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November 2008

Election Day, as polls open at midnight in Dixville Notch, NH, the Moon is not quite void of course yet. With the jolting, contrarian energy of the Saturn-Uranus opposition at full power, a powerful Mars square confused Neptune, we can expect more issues with technology—namely disenfranchised voters due to faulty or rigged voting machines. With Mercury sextile powerful Pluto, these important issues may see the light of day, eventually.

Jupiter sextile Uranus is in force until the 13th. This combo brings what Ebertin calls “a fortunate release from tensions.” Folks are more open to experimentation and new ideas. This combination is unconventional and individualistic. Jupiter in Capricorn favors doing business in a different way, but one rooted in common sense. Uranus in Pisces favors artists, mystics, and sensitive people. Pay attention to your intuition.

Jupiter trine Saturn through November 20th in practical earth signs indicates optimism, good business sense, a desire to learn and expand our horizons, a fresh new world view, balanced with a sense of responsibility and a realistic outlook.

Thanksgiving and the weekend that follows look upbeat and good for travel plans and get-togethers, with an optimistic new Moon in Sagittarius. Try something different this year as Venus sextiles unconventional Uranus.

Best Days

November 9-10: Sun sextiles Jupiter and Saturn, trines Uranus—a fortunate pairing of growth and stability with change.

November 15-17: Mercury trines Uranus, sextiles Jupiter and Saturn—expansive ideas and attitudes allow for freedom and experimentation within the system.


November 1-3: Saturn opposite Uranus, Venus square Saturn and Uranus, Mars square Neptune—a mess of instability and confusion. Things are calmer and more straightforward by Tuesday the 4th.

Full Moon November 13 at 21 Taurus

New Moon November 27 at 05 Sagittarius

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Retrogrades Uranus until the 27th Neptune until the 2nd

1 ††

2 †† Venus square Saturn Venus square Uranus Neptune Direct Daylight Saving Time ends

3 †† Saturn opposite Uranus Mercury sextile Pluto Mars square Neptune

4 Mercury enters Scorpio Venus sextile Neptune Moon v/c until 7:02 p.m.

5 6 7 8 **

9 ** Sun sextile Jupiter Moon v/c 11:28 a.m. – 12:26 p.m.

10 ** Sun trine Uranus Sun sextile Saturn

11 ** Venus conjunct Pluto Moon v/c 2:18 – 3:06 p.m.

12 ** Jupiter sextile Uranus Sun square Neptune Venus enters Capricorn

13 Full Moon in Taurus 1:18 a.m. Moon v/c 12:13 – 3:11 p.m.

14 † 15 * Mercury trine Uranus Moon v/c 2:17 – 2:52 p.m.

16 ** Mercury sextile Jupiter Mercury sextile Saturn Mars enters Sagittarius

17 ** Mercury square Neptune Moon v/c 8:43 a.m. – 4:08 p.m.

18 ** Mars quintile Saturn

19 ** Moon v/c 7:48 – 8:13 p.m.

20 ** Jupiter trine Saturn

21 Sun enters Sagittarius


23 † Mars semisquare Jupiter Mercury enters Sagittarius

30 *

Venus conjunct Jupiter

24 Moon v/c 12:45 – 12:54 p.m.

25 Sun conjunct Mercury

26 Pluto re-enters Capricorn Moon v/c at 7:33 a.m.

27 * Venus sextile Uranus New Moon in Sagittarius 11:55 a.m. Uranus direct

28 * Mercury conjunct Mars Moon v/c at 7:54 p.m.

29 * Venus trine Saturn Mars quintile Neptune Moon v/c until 12:48 p.m.

All times given are for the Eastern time zone. For Central, subtract 1 hour. For Mountain, subtract 2. Pacific, subtract 3. Notes:

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December 2008

Jupiter in the last degrees of Capricorn will enter Aquarius on January 5. We’re finishing up an old cycle of growth and building and getting ready to start a new cycle of innovation and community building. Jupiter in Aquarius favors technology and teamwork in 2009.

Saturn inconjunct Neptune in Virgo and Aquarius. Saturn builds walls and boundaries. Neptune dissolves and transcends them. Aquarius is a freedom-loving sign that does not like to conform to standards or to be bogged down with tedious routines of Saturn in Virgo, no matter how necessary they are. This can create unsettling conditions in the workplace, with co-workers, bosses, or employees. Stressful habits bring on nervous conditions, hormonal imbalance, or stomach upsets.

Inconjuncts require us to be adaptable to rapidly changing conditions. Stephen Arroyo writes that Saturn and Neptune are symbolic of “interaction between the world and the otherworldly [that] can result in confusion and a lack of organization or in a practical grasp of subtle realities.”

Best Days

December 24-26: Happy holidays! Mercury sextiles Uranus and trines Saturn—ideas and conversation are flowing. Venus conjunct Neptune signals creativity and receptivity in our relationships.


December 4-6: Mercury squares Saturn and Uranus—great demands on our nervous energy. Provocative comments can disturb your peace of mind if you won’t let go.

December 9-15: Sun and Mars square Saturn and Uranus—emotion and frustration overcome good judgment in some folks. Nervousness, gullibility, and impulsive decisions. Use extreme care with food, drink, and medicine if you’re sensitive, and be careful in traffic.

December 27-28: Mars enters Capricorn and conjoins Pluto. Mars is happy in Capricorn and can channel vast reserves of energy toward goals. But the powerful energy of Pluto brings deeply buried ideas and emotions to the surface. The intensity and power can be hard to handle. Use a soft touch.

Full Moon December 12 at 21 Gemini

New Moon December 27 at 06 Capricorn

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Moon v/c at 10:44 a.m.

2 3 * 4 † Mercury square Uranus Moon v/c until 1:23 p.m.

5 † Sun conjunct Mars

6 Mercury square Saturn Mercury sextile Neptune Moon v/c at 7:43 p.m.

7 Venus enters Aquarius

8 * Moon v/c at 4:35 p.m.

9 † Sun square Uranus

10 † Moon v/c at 5:23 p.m.

11 † Mars square Uranus

12 †

F.M. in Gemini 11:36 a.m. Mercury enters Capricorn Mercury conjunct Pluto Sun square Saturn Sun sextile Neptune Moon v/c at 1:01 p.m.

13 †

14 † Moon v/c at 5:27 p.m.

15 † Mars square Saturn Mars sextile Neptune

16 * Moon v/c at 7:46 p.m.

17 18 † 19 Moon v/c until 9:23 a.m.


21 Winter Solstice Sun enters Capricorn Sun conjunct Pluto Moon v/c 11:58 a.m. – 6:37 p.m.

22 23 24 * Mercury sextile Uranus

25 * Mercury trine Saturn

26 * Venus conjunct Neptune Moon v/c 6:25 – 6:56 p.m.

27 † Mars enters Capricorn New Moon in Capricorn 7:23 a.m.

28 † Mars conjunct Pluto

29 Moon v/c until 7:43 a.m.

30 * Mercury conjunct Jupiter

31 * Saturn retrograde Moon v/c 1:34 – 7:27 p.m.


Retrogrades Saturn on the 31st

All times given are for the Eastern time zone. For Central, subtract 1 hour. For Mountain, subtract 2. Pacific, subtract 3. Notes: