web analytics - inbound marketing secret sauce #wawmelb

Presented by Max Lynam @MaxOnTheHill < maxlynam.com > < molehill.com.au > Analytics Inbound Marketing Secret Sauce @MolehillWeb #WAWmelb

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Post on 07-Nov-2014




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Everything you do online should be Measurable, Actionable and Relevant, Max conducted a digital marketing presentation to Web Analytics Wednesday Melbourne group ... here's the slides. ------ Web Analytics is the Secret Sauce of any Digital Marketing campaign .... it's essential to set KPIs. Sales Revenues From Inbound Marketing Customer Acquisition Costs - Inbound vs Outbound Customer Lifetime Value Inbound Marketing ROI Website Traffic to Marketing Leads Website traffic (unique visits) Overall marketing leads (form conversions) Visit-to-lead conversion rate Traffic, leads and conversion rate by source (organic search, direct, website referrals, email, ppc, social media and direct marketing) Marketing to Sales Conversion Rates Landing Page (Content) Conversion Rates Organic Searches Social Media Reach and Engagement Mobile Traffic, Leads and Conversion Rates Armed with relevant, compelling data month-over-month, marketers should be able to convey what's working and what isn't in their digital marketing strategy. Management can quickly assess the performance of sales and marketing, working together and evaluate the effectiveness of the inbound marketing process in place. ------ Define What Marketing ROI Means for You Set Realistic and Measurable Goals Gather the Right Data Needed Monitor Your Goals Frequently Use Your Data to Make Better Decisions ------ Data must be ACTIONABLE and RELEVANT


  • 1. @MolehillWeb #WAWmelb Analytics Inbound Marketing Secret Sauce Presented by Max Lynam @MaxOnTheHill < maxlynam.com > < molehill.com.au >
  • 2. Me, marketing, ins, outs. In 2013 Max celebrates 20 years of website experience. Background in management, logistics, IT, web & other nerdy things. Specialises in: Digital Engagement, Online Marketing, and Conversion Rate Optimisation
  • 3. Me, marketing, ins, outs. The difference Has run bricks & mortar, manufacturing and distribution businesses running several complex and dynamic e-commerce sites catering to different market segments. Weve been our own web client. Been successful, been broke - know how important online marketing is to achieve success for business owners, their family, staff and life ... its not a game !!!
  • 4. General Outline 1. Why Analytics? 2. Why Inbound Marketing? 3. So how do we analytics and marketing to marry up? Is it a match made in heaven ??? -- 15 minute question time Please write down questions and ask during question time. ... a 3min and 4min video on marketing and analytics at the end if you want.
  • 5. General assumptions of course, you have already done... Research, Discovery, Strategy ... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Market Analysis. Market Plan (product, price, promotion, place). Absolute clarity about business objectives. Competitor research & analysis. Technically solid, market relevant & SEO friendly website. Drive to invest in succeeding online.
  • 6. Analytics ... Why its important
  • 7. At all times Inbound Marketing should be measurable. Are we getting an ROI? Data analysis holds the key to Successful Campaigns Data Analysis Improve Compare to Program Compare to Program Improve Data Analysis This is not the data you are looking for
  • 8. Inbound Marketing Why do we care? Google has recently updated the rankings article within the Google Webmaster Help documentation.... OLD Previously, the article had a line that read: NEW Weve bolded the key part, which was changed on May 27th to say: In general, webmasters can improve the rank of their sites by increasing the number of highquality sites that link to their pages. In general, webmasters can improve the rank of their sites by creating high-quality sites that users will want to use and share.
  • 9. KPIs What every good analyst and marketer needs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sales Revenues From Inbound Marketing Customer Acquisition Costs - Inbound vs Outbound Customer Lifetime Value Inbound Marketing ROI Website Traffic to Marketing Leads Website traffic (unique visits) Overall marketing leads (form conversions) Visit-to-lead conversion rate Traffic, leads and conversion rate by source (organic search, direct, website referrals, email, ppc, social media and direct marketing)
  • 10. KPIs Part deux 6. Marketing to Sales Conversion Rates 7. Landing Page (Content) Conversion Rates 8. Organic Searches 9. Social Media Reach and Engagement 10. Mobile Traffic, Leads and Conversion Rates Armed with relevant, compelling data month-over-month, marketers should be able to convey what's working and what isn't in their digital marketing strategy. Management can quickly assess the performance of sales and marketing, working together and evaluate the effectiveness of the inbound marketing process in place.
  • 11. Once you have relevant KPIs .... theres still more to consider Define What Marketing ROI Means for You Set Realistic and Measurable Goals Gather the Right Data Needed Monitor Your Goals Frequently Use Your Data to Make Better Decisions Data must be ACTIONABLE and RELEVANT
  • 12. How do we quantify & plan? ... we have some nice tools to help us out. from basic excel spreadsheets .........
  • 13. to complete marketing platforms ... with ongoing analysis and performance measurements. ......... every relevant action and interaction is tracked and measured
  • 14. Analytics The secret sauce of inbound marketing 1. Why Analytics? 2. Why Inbound Marketing? 3. What you need to get started. 4. What you need to do Its all about quantifying Return on Investment Resources available through contacting me via maxlynam.com
  • 15. @MolehillWeb #WAWmelb Analytics Inbound Marketing Secret Sauce Presented by Max Lynam @MaxOnTheHill < maxlynam.com > < molehill.com.au >
  • 16. Using Web Analytics Tools funny matt cutts video http://youtu.be/b7W0o65tTIQ
  • 17. Inbound Marketing in 4mins funny matt cutts video http://youtu.be/b7W0o65tTIQ
  • 18. Credits for Inspiration & Content: @MolehillWeb #WAWmelb Content Marketing Institute, SavvyPanda, HubSpot, Google, Marketing Land, Contagious, numerous people & groups .... the list just keeps going. Presented by Max Lynam @MaxOnTheHill < maxlynam.com > < molehill.com.au >