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Geography Year 8 Term 1 Violent Earth A broad introduction to the structure of the Earth, followed by a quick tour of volcanoes, mountains and earthquakes. Lesson Objectives Scale & case studies Numeracy/literacy focus & key terms Skills Resources 1 What’s at the centre of our Earth? To describe the structure of the Earth To explain how and why plates move Global Numeracy focus Key terms: Crust, mantle, inner core, outer core, plates. Labelling atlas maps Annotating diagrams Independent Enquiry The Plates (map); Structure of Earth (sheet); Pangea (clip); Layers of the Earth (song) 2 Why do volcanoes erupt? To describe the structure of volcanoes To discover the damage they can do Regional Mount St Helens, USA Literacy focus Key terms: Crater, main vent, magma chamber, effects, responses Annotating field sketches Labelling diagrams Sequencing Reflective Learning Features of a volcano (sheet); Mt St Helens Sequencing (sheet); Starter Questions (sheet); Mt St Helens (clip) Pyroclastic flow (clip);

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Geography Year 8Term 1 Violent Earth A broad introduction to the structure of the Earth, followed by a quick tour of volcanoes, mountains and earthquakes. Lesson Objectives Scale & case

studiesNumeracy/literacy focus & key terms

Skills Resources

1 What’s at the centre of our Earth?

To describe the structure of the EarthTo explain how and why plates move

Global Numeracy focusKey terms: Crust, mantle, inner core, outer core, plates.

Labelling atlas maps Annotating diagramsIndependent Enquiry

The Plates (map); Structure of Earth (sheet); Pangea (clip); Layers of the Earth (song)

2 Why do volcanoes erupt?

To describe the structure of volcanoesTo discover the damage they can do

RegionalMount St Helens, USA

Literacy focusKey terms: Crater, main vent, magma chamber, effects, responses

Annotating field sketchesLabelling diagramsSequencingReflective Learning

Features of a volcano (sheet); Mt St Helens Sequencing (sheet); Starter Questions (sheet); Mt St Helens (clip) Pyroclastic flow (clip); Volcano (clip)

3 How do mountains form?

To explain how mountains are createdTo discover how people live in mountains and use them

National/RegionalIjen Volcano, East Java, IndonesiaBlack Horn Ridge, Switzerland

Literacy focusKey terms: Fold mountains, sulphur, minerals, avalanche

Annotating diagramsRecognising/describing physical patterns on atlas mapsLabelling mapsIndependent Enquiry

How do mountains form (sheet); World Map (pdf); Human Planet Mountains (clips); Avalanche cliff jump (clip)

4 Why does the Earth shake?

To explain how earthquakes occurTo understand how to measure earthquakes

Regional Christchurch, New Zealand

Literacy focusKey terms: Plates, friction, epicentre, focus, Richter, Mercalli

Extracting information sourcesInterpreting line graphs (seismograms)

Earthquakes (sheet); Mercalli scale framework (sheet); California Quake

Geography Year 8Reflective Learning (clip); Christchurch

Earthquake (clip)

5 How can we survive earthquakes?

To discover how people prepare for earthquakesTo build your own earthquake proof building

National/RegionalTorre Major, Mexico CityKobe, Japan

Literacy focusKey terms: Shock absorbers, foundations, diagonal bracing, retro-engineering

Extracting information from a variety of sourcesCreative ThinkingTeam Working

Earthquake proof building designs (sheet); Engineers Factfile (sheet); Spaghetti and Marshmallow Task (sheet)

6 Assessment To assess and level students’ progress

Humanities Independent Project (HIP) accessed via blog‘As an employee of FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) you have been asked to design an earthquake proof building prototype. You must include a design brief along with your building explaining how your design is prepared for an earthquake’.

Term 2 Crowded Earth An introduction to population starting with a quick look at the global boom, then a tour of China and Italy to see different

Geography Year 8population problems and how they are coping. The final two lessons introduce migration. Lesson Objectives Scale & case

studiesNumeracy/literacy focus & key terms

Skills Resources

1 How many people are there in the world?

To explain why the Earth’s population is growing so quicklyTo discover the affects this will have on us all

Global Numeracy focusKey terms: Birth rate, death rate, population growth

Extracting information from sourcesIndependent enquiry

More people (sheet); Population (clip); 7 Billion (clips)

2 What happens when there are too many people in a country?

To explain the problems of overpopulationTo discover how China coped with a rapidly growing population

National China, One Child Policy

Literacy focusKey terms: Overpopulation, One Child Policy

QWCExtract information Communicate information clearlyReflective learning

China One Child Policy (sheet); 37 Seconds (clip); Overpopulation (clip); China (clip); Forced Abortions (clip)

3 What happens when there are too few people in a country?

To explain the problems of an ageing populationTo discover how Italy coped with a falling population

National/RegionalLaviano, Italy

Literacy focusKey terms: Life expectancy, ageing population

QWCExtract information Communicate information clearlyEffective participation

A Old Folks (song and lyrics sheet); Homer Simpson in Care Home (clip); Laviano, Italy (sheet)

4 Why do people move?

To explain why people migrateTo understand and give push-pull factors

InternationalIndiaSpringfield (fictional)

Literacy focusKey terms: Migration, push factor, pull factor

QWCExtract information Communicate information clearlyEffective participation

Simpsons Episode ‘Much Apu About Nothing’; Simpsons Apu Video Sheet; Spain racial tension (clips)

Geography Year 85 Why is

Enrique in a car seat?

To discover why people move from Mexico to AmericaTo understand what is meant by illegal migration


Literacy focusKey terms: Illegal migration, push factor, pull factor

Thinking skills taskSorting, extracting information from sourcesReflective learning

Mexico to America (sheet); Migration 24 Mystery Cards (sheet); Migration (clip); Invisibles (YouTube Channel)

6 Assessment To assess and level students’ progress

Humanities Independent Project (HIP) accessed via blog‘As an employee of The Guardian newspaper you have been asked to write a report on the One Child Policy. Your editor feels that people today have forgotten about the policy and would like the paper’s readers to be given a clear, detailed and balanced report’.

Term 3 Urban Earth An introduction to towns and cities with a nice local focus on Bristol. The unit covers the different land uses in the city, the

Geography Year 8problem of traffic, declining city centres and ends with our very own Stokes Croft. Lesson Objectives Scale & case

studiesNumeracy/literacy focus & key terms

Skills Resources

1 What is Bristol’s story?

To explain what is meant by the terms urban and ruralTo discover the story behind the city of Bristol and its growth


Literacy focusKey terms: Urban , rural, trade, function, multi functional

Extracting information from sourcesIndependent enquiry

The Bristol Story (sheet); Visit Bristol (clip)

2 What are the different parts of the city?

To describe the different parts of a city To link different parts of Bristol to an urban land use model


Numeracy focusKey terms: Central business district, inner city, suburbs, rural-urban fringe

Interpreting land use modelsAnnotating diagramsTabulating data

Bristol City Areas (sheet); land uses of Bristol (sheet); Visit Bristol 2 (clip);

3 Why are cars killing the city?

To explain why traffic is a problem for many citiesTo discover greener ways to travel and their benefits

National/Regional/localMexico CityLondonNew YorkShanghai, The Maglev

Literacy focusKey terms: Congestion, air pollution, noise pollution, asthma

Extracting information from sourcesDecision Making Task

Mexico City (sheet); car infographics (sheet); Andrew Marr Mexico City (clip) and Maglev (clip); rollerblading NYC (clip)

4 Why did Bristol need a facelift?

To discover why Cabot Circus was so important for BristolTo understand why many city centres are in decline

LocalCabot CircusBroadmeadCribbs Causeway

Numeracy focusKey terms: CBD, zone of decay, out of town shopping centres, online retail

Drawing and labelling sketch maps. Extracting information from sources. Chronological sequencing

Evening Post article (sheet); Out of town shopping (sheet); Cabot Time-lapse (clip)

Geography Year 85 Why was

there a riot in Bristol?

To discover why people rioted in Stokes CroftTo understand how people in Stokes Croft are making a difference to the city

LocalStokes Croft

Literacy focusKey terms: Inner city, regeneration, graffiti, local

Annotating mapsExtracting information from sources.QWC. Report writing.

Mapping Stokes Croft Riots (sheet); Visit Bristol 3 (clip)

6 Assessment To assess and level students’ progress

Humanities Independent Project (HIP) accessed via blog‘Bristol City Council have asked you to create a digital transect of their city. You will need to cross through as many parts of the city as you can. You will need a camera, Movie Maker or iMovie and your best pair of walking shoes. You will need to submit a report with your transect to explain the geographical characteristics of the areas you walked through’.

Term 4 Water Earth

Geography Year 8A quick overview of the water cycle and the river drainage basin, is followed by a journey down a river covering the processes of erosion, transportation and deposition. Also included are waterfalls, meanders and oxbow lakes. Classic geography. Lesson Objectives Scale & case

studiesNumeracy/literacy focus & key terms

Skills Resources

1 How does a river drain the land?

To discover how a drainage basin worksTo explain how water moves within a drainage basin

National Literacy focusKey terms: Hydrological cycle, drainage basin

Drawing diagrams, labelling and annotating processes.Creative thinking

Water (clip); drainage basin and hydrological cycle diagrams (sheets); hydrological cycle (song and lyrics sheet); how to make a river basin (sheet); egg cartons, rubbish; Scrapstore Card (BC)

2 How does a river change on its way to the sea?

To know a river has an upper, middle and lower course To explain how erosion, transportation and deposition operate

NationalThe Amazon, Brazil/Peru

Literacy focusKey terms: Source, mouth, upper course, middle course, lower course

Drawing diagramsTabulating and extracting information from sources

Amazon with Bruce Parry (clip); James Bond Rivers (clip); River story (clip); river landforms and processes (sheet)

3 How does a river erode the land?

To describe the features of a waterfall and a gorgeTo explain how they form

Regional/localAngel Falls, VenezuelaHigh Force, Tees, UKNiagara Falls

Numeracy focusKey terms: Waterfall, gorge, plunge pool, erosion, undercutting, retreat

Drawing diagramsAnnotating and labelling processesSequencing Extracting information from sources

Bruce Almighty at Niagara Falls (clip); waterfall (clip); Angel Falls (sheet); Niagara Falls (sheet); waterfall (sheet);

Geography Year 84 Do rivers

move?To discover how meanders work and moveTo explain how oxbow lakes are created

River Tees, UK Literacy focusKey terms: Meander, river cliff, slip off slope, oxbow lake, neck, floodplain

Drawing diagramsLabelling aerial photographs

Bugatti Veyron Top Gear (clip); Tees Oxbow (clip)

5 Do rivers create land?

To discover how rivers form floodplains and leveesTo describe the features of a delta

Mississippi River and Delta, USA

Literacy focusKey terms: Levees, floodplains, delta, alluvium, fertile soil

Drawing diagramsCreative thinking and song writing

When the levee breaks (song and lyrics); When the levee breaks meaning (sheet); Muddy Water (song); John Lee Hooker (song).

6 Assessment To assess and level students’ progress

Humanities Independent Project (HIP) accessed via blog‘The Environment Agency has asked you to create a report on a river of your choice’.

Geography Year 8Term 5 Eroded Earth An introduction to coasts and coastal erosion. All the classic coastal landforms are here. The Holderness Coast makes an appearance and we are introduced to the legendary Mars family of Aldbrough. Lesson Objectives Scale & case

studiesNumeracy/literacy focus & key terms

Skills Resources

1 Why is our coast always changing?

To know how waves formTo explain how they shape the coast

NationalGalicia, Spain

Numeracy focusKey terms: Fetch, destructive waves, constructive waves, erosion

SequencingDrawing diagramsLabelling processes and landforms

Human Planet Oceans (clip); what creates waves (sheet)

2 How can cake help us understand the coast?

To create caves, arches and stacks in cakeTo explain how erosion creates these landforms

RegionalStair Hole, Durdle Dor, Old Harry Rocks, Dorset

Numeracy focusKey terms: Erosion, caves, arches, stacks, stumps

SequencingAnnotating diagramsVisualising/modelling

Caves, arches, stacks and stumps (sheet); Madeira Cake, trays (Canteen DL), knifes.

3 What is longshore drift?

To explain how longshore drift works To describe the features of a spit

RegionalHurst Castle Spit, Hampshire

Numeracy focusKey terms: Swash, backwash, longshore drift, spit

SequencingAnnotating diagrams

Waves LSD Spits (sheet); Longshore drift videos (clips); Best Surfing video ever (clip)

4 How are our coasts protected?

To discover why our coasts need protectingTo explain how engineers defend our coastal towns

Regional Hallsands, Devon

Literacy focusKey terms: Beach, erosion, defence, groynes, rock armour, sea wall, gabions

Extracting information from sourcesAssessing defences, balancing costs and benefits

Hallsands Lost village (clip, notes and sheet); Hallsands (sheet); defences table

5 Why are the Mars family

To discover how protecting the coast can lead to

Regional Aldbrough,

Literacy focusKey terms: Beach, defence,

Drawing sketch mapsDesigning shoreline

BBC Breakfast Yorkshire story (clip);

Geography Year 8losing everything?

problemsTo create a plan for defending Aldbrough

Yorkshire groynes, effects management plan Mars Family (clip); Aldbrough SMP (sheet); Holderness Coast (sheet)

6 Assessment To assess and level students’ progress

Humanities Independent Project (HIP) accessed via blog‘You work for Natural England. It is your job to protect the people of Aldbrough in North Yorkshire. You will need to design a plan of defence’.

Geography Year 8Term 6 Visited Earth An overview of tourism. We start in lovely Blackpool and discover why it isn’t as lovely as it used to be. We then head to dazzling Dubai.Lesson Objectives Scale & case

studiesNumeracy/literacy focus & key terms

Skills Resources

1 What is the history of tourism?

To discover how tourism has changedTo understand how holiday destinations have changed

Global Numeracy focusKey terms: Tourist, holiday, Grand Tour, spa town, package holiday, ecotourism, dark tourism

Sequencing Extracting information from range of sourcesIndependent Enquiry

History of Tourism Quiz (clip and sheet); dominoes (sheet); timeline activity (sheet)

2 Why is Blackpool not as popular as it used to be?

To look back at the history of tourism in Blackpool To understand why it is not visited as much today


Literacy focusKey terms: Decline, boom, coastal resort

Drawing and labelling sketch mapApprentice applied learning task

Blackpool Timelapse (clip); Blackpool BBC series (clips x2); tourism boom in Blackpool (sheet)

3 What is it like in Dubai and why are so many going there?

To discover what Dubai is like To understand the Dubai dream and why it is so attractive to the super rich


Literacy focusKey terms: Emirate, Sheikh, oil, real estate, development

Extracting information from sourcesIndependent enquiry

Piers Morgan on Dubai (full episode); Piers Morgan video questions (sheet and notes)

4 How is Dubai changing?

To describe its attractionsTo discover how Dubai has changed


Literacy focusKey terms: Human attractions, sector, economy, oil

Extracting information from sourcesIndependent enquiry

Mission Impossible 4 (clip of Burj Khalifa); changing Dubai (sheet); slideshow; The World (clip)

Geography Year 85 What is the

future of tourism?

To discover how holidays are going to changeTo think about how holidays under the sea and in space!

InternationalVirgin GalacticVirgin Oceanic

Literacy focusKey terms: Virgin Galactic, Virgin Oceanic, ocean trench, abyss, stratosphere

Extracting information from sources

Virgin Oceanic Galactic (sheet);

6 Assessment To assess and level students’ progress

Humanities Independent Project (HIP) accessed via blog‘You work for North Somerset County Council. You have been asked to come up with a campaign to develop Weston-Super-Mare’.