webcast: how to maximize roi from your linkedin ads

How to Maximize ROI from Linkedin Ads November 16th, 2016

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How to Maximize ROI from Linkedin AdsNovember 16th, 2016

Page 2: Webcast: How to Maximize ROI from  your LinkedIn Ads

Certified Marketing Partners

Jonathan YoungLinkedin, Partnerships Lead


Create Publish Promote Measure

E-Mail us for a personalized consultation: [email protected]

Certified Partners: Enabling B2B Advertisers to Achieve More with their LinkedIn Marketing

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Today’s Agenda

1 Introductions & House Keeping

2 Linkedin: Step Up to Pipeline Marketing

3 Bizible: ROI Research

4 B2Linked: Campaign Structure & Tracking

5 Adstage: Advanced Targeting & Automation Techniques

6 Q & A

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Eva SharfDemand Marketing Manager

AJ WilcoxLinkedin Advertising


Mike McEuenHead of Marketing







Today’s Speakers

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House Keeping

1 Q&A @ the end

2 Recording available after

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Step Up to Pipeline Marketing

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B2B Marketing 101

The result of effective B2B marketing is: _________.

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The Problem…

Common B2B Performance Marketing Metrics

- Clicks


- Engagement

- Leads

- Cost Per Lead

- Conversion Rate

Leads Are Not The Final Destination

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Change Your Mindset: Work Backwards from Biz Results

What is “Pipeline Marketing”?

Tuning your marketing efforts based on what will return the most money, even if this yields less leads or opportunities.

Image Credit: Bizible

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Pipeline Marketing = High Fives

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LinkedIn Ads Benchmark Report

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LinkedIn Ads Benchmark Report

● B2B and B2C Industries with Sales Teams

● Benchmarks on○ Leads, Opps, Revenue data○ Revenue per lead and per opp

benchmarks○ Priorities and success

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LinkedIn Ads Contribution to Total Leads, Opps, Revenue

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Revenue per Lead and per Opportunity

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LinkedIn Ads Success

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Proper Campaign Structure & Tracking

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● Search Campaigns = Keywords● Social Campaigns = Audiences

Stop naming your campaigns:Whitepaper2014 blitzetc.

Campaign Structure

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Campaign Structure (cont…)

● Many campaigns in an account can be hard to keep organized

● Account sorts alphabetically by default, so name similar campaigns with similar beginnings● i.e. SC | MKTG CMO

● SC (keeps Sponsored Content campaigns together● MKTG (keeps similar job functions together)

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How to Keep Track of All your Ads

● Create a spreadsheet with all descriptive columns● Then, create ads in Excel (use =LEN() formula for

character counts)o 128, 38, 155 character counts for Sponsored Contento 25, 75 character counts for Text Ads

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If you keep this sheet of all ads published, you’ll have:

1. Quick copy/paste for simple ad creation in bulk2. Complete reference/record of each ad published3. Easy way to dynamically affix tracking parameters for killer tracking

Keeping Track of your Ads cont’d…

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Google Analytics

Google URL Builder can append simply

Parameter Example Example

Source LinkedIn LinkedIn

Medium SC TA


Campaign Content lisc11161601 lita11161601

Campaign Name SC | Art Director Titles | NA TA | Art Director Titles | NA

Tracking Ads Uniquely

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li sc 111616 01

Short code for Source

Date the code was created(11-16-16)

Number for ads created on the same day

• lisc11161601• lisc11161602• lisc11161603

For Example Short code for Medium

Create a Key for Campaign Content

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B2Linked & AdStage bring you LinkedInAdsBulk.com

• First and only bulk creator of both SC and TA

• Publish up to 1k ads at a time

• Try it out free with your AdStage account by publishing up to 6 ads at a time

• Unlock full, unlimited functionality for $79/mo

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Advanced Targeting &

Automation Techniques

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LinkedIn Offers Unmatched B2B Targeting Options

Advanced Targeting Techniques

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● Job Title● Job Function + Seniority● Skills + Seniority● Groups + Seniority

Expand Your Prospect Targeting with Layers

Image Credit: B2Linked

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Groups Skills + Job Function

Reach New Job Titles with Creative Targeting

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Decision Markers & Influencers at Specific Companies

Company + Job Function

● 100 company limit per campaign● Or, use LinkedIn’s ABM targeting offering

Reach Prospects in Target Account Lists

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What You Should Automate withLinkedIn Ads

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Campaign Scheduling (Day Parting)

CPCs, CTRs, Conversion Rates, and Cost Per Conversion can vary throughout the time of day, and day of the week.

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Example: Monday: 6am - 8pm Tuesday: 6am - 8pm

Wednesday: 6am - 8pm Thursday: 6am - 8pm

Friday: 6am - 8pm Saturday: off

Sunday: 10am - 7pm

Campaign Scheduling Setup

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Account Spend Underpacing Alert

Alert: Account Underspending

1. Take your total budget for a given network over a month 2. Total budget / # of weeks in the month

Example: $10,000 total LinkedIn budget per month; $2,500 weekly budget

Level: Account Network: LinkedIn IF Spend last week (Mon - Sun) is < $2,250 (90% to budget goal) THEN send (your email) an alert. SCHEDULE this rule to fire every Monday at 5am PT, before you get into the office.

Underutilized budgets are a waste of opportunity to drive more pipeline growth.

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Running non-converting ads inflates the overall cost per conversion.

Rule: Pause Non-Performing LI DSC Ads

Level: Ad Creative Network: LinkedIn Campaigns: Direct Sponsored Content IF Ad spend over the past 14-days is > $200 AND Web Conversions < 1, THEN pause the affected ads. SCHEDULE this rule to fire everyday at 5am PT.

Pause Non-Converting Ads Rule

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