website research

Website Website Website Research

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Post on 19-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Website Research

WebsiteWebsite Website Research

Page 2: Website Research

What is a Website?

A website is a set of related pages which contain contents such as texts, images, video’s, audio etc. A website is accessible via the internet and can usually be accessed from a simple Uniform Resource Locator (URL) called the web address. All publicly accessible websites make the World Wide Web which was created in 1990. Today websites are the most popular way of getting information as well as communicating, promoting, shopping and many other things.

Page 3: Website Research

LMFAO: Official Website

The colour scheme for this website is extremely bright with contrasting colours of yellow and pink.

Close up of band/artists. Main focus of the homepage.

Artist logo to create brand awareness.

Artist logo created to fit the theme of the website.

The ability to sign in via social networking site.

Links to social networking sites, YouTube and news to keep fans up to date with what's going on with the band.

Community page allows fans to communicate with other fans.

Tweets made by band members and replies appear on website which allows fans who are not on social networking sites to see what they are saying which may make them feel appreciated by the artist’s.

Quote from the band on the bottom of a female’s stomach. Sexualises the homepage.

Web pages at the top of the homepage. Makes it easy for fans to find.

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Easy access to other websites which the band are with.

iTunes advertisement on the homepage immediately draws the audiences attention to the fact you have an upcoming album being released or has just been released which helps promotion for the band.

Audio playing from iTunes lets fans hear the bands songs as well as making easy purchases of the songs.

Advertisements of the latest songs which are out helps promotion.

This website is a great example of what should be included on a artist’s website however I believe the colour scheme is very loud which could take attention away of what is actually on the website. On the other hand this vibrant colour scheme could refer back to the band and the idea that there all about having fun and in an extravagant way.

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Rita Ora: Official WebsiteArtist logo is the biggest piece of text on the website which helps brand awareness.

Fans are easily able to buy the artist’s latest album.

Latest video advertised and able to click and watch on the website which helps promotion of the song.

The ability to like the website via social networking site. This will then help promote the website and the artist on that social networking page.

Web pages at the top of the homepage. Makes it easy for fans to navigate.

Signing into the website lets fans interact with other fans.

Audio of artist song so fans can listen as they browse.

Latest tweets and news from the artist make the fans feel involved and kept up to dat.

Bold text making fans aware of the artists latest single.

The background of this webpage if mainly a mid shot portrait in monochrome of the artist Rita Ora. The contrasting red text on top work well with this colour scheme.

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The simplicity of this website is very effective as all the attention can be focused on the artist and the her music. I also like the way in which the website is not very long in length and so you can access all the different web pages easily and quickly without having to scroll up and down all the time.

Links to social networking sites/websites which the artist is associated with makes easy access for fans.

Ability to buy the artist music.

Music label which the artist is signed too is on the page. Although it is right at the bottom and quite small it still helps brand awareness for the label.

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The simplicity of this website is very effective as all the attention can be focused on the artist and the her music. I also like the way in which the website is not very long in length and so you can access all the different web pages easily and quickly without having to scroll up and down all the time.

Links to social networking sites/websites which the artist is associated with makes easy access for fans.

Ability to buy the artist music.

Music label which the artist is signed too is on the page. Although it is right at the bottom and quite small it still helps brand awareness for the label.