weekly citizen. miscellaneous. · 2017-12-12 · final adjustment of the difficulties in-¬...

Weekly Citizen. TAIU-- OCT. 30. OF INSTANCES. ntoV TCCSON HT BAIL.BOAU. Mile-- ' Kaft tt : . Upl'natmvo ...... T - ' " U" .... SIHeMH (M''1"-.- . SlHWilleav Mr if " .llsitSan Siwon... u,H-:!i- - ""jjf;l(,inlbarc.... Miles. ...1SJ nSSSi. "reavi; Silver King. .rMicnir. miles Vuhtire. ibUm; Ire Hinules; Freseott, USzotk-- . L'f,.r Tombstone, miles. Vg,,jSTSte,; San wiles. -- iTSjlSta S-- U Feaod iV., Facine lUilroatfs. Ire -- ui- i" " ' - s i ' J , " ' . '""CL;lSitonlar.... ', lawC""" tk.sr.ssi. wstaxces roost tdcso. 'IJ i.f,rirt... flAHnr. SoBora Mnidslena W'Diirklw SpnDB . snCamp Crittenden 7i"lIuKh Ilanch... r ne' Harsbaw Miles. STOCK MARKETS. Xev Yoke, October l.ttS:. povernmonts ivcn rTninri ratic. ,.,;,. tVIO. kYiio .ntnO. WV. bond. lit?; sura y.vn 67: ..UVKatro 'Mineral WEATHER 0RSERVATI0XS. ABEST.SMNAI.SBlSTlCCO.B.ABty. iesebter's OrnoE. Toosox. October2t (Kin- - u;he 1SS1 mer. bonds Creek Ijlfji1 Wind, tS.W8 Uax. liit vem-it- wind one hoar W 135 1W 3 57 SO A ....150 ..ia ...t(4) E 27. tare. K7IU , P. lH SIU . . P. 1, X.' lf ? ( ; . iii i " it hi 71 M tUiClenr H)!k'dr temperature mometer. Jlin. temrieratnrrj of for .... 4 .... .... .... .... it ... s .... n .... IS .... 11 .... i ' . V i f it .. .! 10 j 14 11 S S 1 3 y 1 . Sj .... ti s Local lnteliycnco. ri.R E of workr arpliily at work "inn the stone foundation of the new ( '. ;rt House. yr j.nes Carroll has removoif Lis c 'Ctngress street, south sjde, not school house. f f.'iu the Jt- A. M. ISraoo has secured ollice ais the north side of Church Plaza, j xn',1 them and dis- - 1 .: sc ustice with an impartial hantL S .me very valuable mining develop- - ;j. ,ts are hein made within a dozen L..-- 3 "f Tucson. They will be heard I: . ir. due time. TaE ruarriaffe of ilr. 1'reJ Fleishman . Miss Carkita Meyer will be solemn- - residence of C. K. z ii .it the Judge !J,- t- - C'.'it Monday evening, Oct 31. -- uoEUAKEi; at Siiakaspeare, doing a j. d ' usinests, offers his shop and took ' - s. if, iwiu; to the death of his wife i ;3 1 atural desire to leave tht- - scene ' : a lureavement. T it Untol rei:istjrs begin to show that - trm capitalists and investors aro r. u 'Oi'in? to arrive. The Indian t ic jtiunuir abated many others will ; .aMy follow. l' ir Order of United Workmen con- - tc..i;l.ite giving thoir socinl on next W mesJay night in Levin's Hall instead '. ttie l.nlge room, as the seating capac- - 't ' the former is more adequate to t. autn-ipato- attendance. Mr- - II. C. Kibsex, for an am.ite.ir, has - im.hshel very neat lettering upon t windows of .Tos. Goldtree's cigar f -- e. Henry has the artistic tasts and r .rreot eye, and only needs practice to Li.ite him a fine sign painter. L W. R. Price has been grant- - 1 1 cine month's leave of absence, on sur- - i? 'tis certificate of disability, with e to apply to the proper authority fr ua extension of eloven months, with ".iissioii to leave the United States. fiLVEEAi. Superintendent A. N. f ww has generously granted the use ( tli railroad reading room, near the lc;ot, to the Baptist denomination for f-- ioos services, which will be held taere every Sunday morning. iiiE front of Mesjirs. Stevens Sc Wolfs Lf' hardware store on Main street, is :.r placed in position, and the work ' repairs is being pushed to the utmost. I . s euterprising lirm will enjoy many ai;,taes in their new store, and their niiuonse stock of hardware can be dis- - ;la.ed with better effect. . Tjie new retail department of the t of Wm. Zeckendorf & Co. will be n n l. for business next Monday. The n.f ne stock of goods to be unpacked, n.. irked and arranged will occupy all the :nt Tiiedjate time. When opened their st. re will possess the merits of newness, 'if npness and variety, and the public will find everything in their line that c 'D l wished for. Kev. Me. GREoonr and family are ar-- rymg for a very enjoyable social and to aid in seating and furnishing ti.f Uaptist Church. They will call a rjet ting of the singers and musicians of c city at the Presbyterian Church next Mi 'uday evening to arrange the musical pr. .gramme. Messrs. Jamis E. Beoos k Co. have opc-up- a very complete tin shop and ha:dware store at the corner of Meyer ar.d Ochoa streets, below and nearly op- - 'Site Leo Goldsehmidt's furniture store. Eer thing in their line is manufactured in a thorough and substantial manner, and they have already secured a good trade. M- -. C. G. Giltett has had a model ve- ¬ il .'le made for his frequent trips to the nii'ics. It is a covered buckboard, made VI. t, but strong and durable, and is ar-¬ ranged with numerous judiciously dis- ¬ tributed springs. Various conveniences are provided for securing the necessary camping outfit and other baggage. It will le used on a trip to Sonora very Bl.'.'tlr. Mr. JrLirs J. MrELLBit, of Hcnno- - s.IIn, Sonora, is in the city en route to tue East to conclude the transfer of 'urge mining interests in the Sierra Mjilrts. The property he will dispose f comprises an immense body of gold bf anug quartz that has been sufficiently developed to show it a remarkably valu- - llc mine. Mr. Mueller will visit Chi- - c;.go, New York, lioston and other East- - e'i cities before he returns. The Scottish residents of the city will ropnately celebrate Hallow 'cen, on Monday night, and have a banquot at the Grand HoteL The hash irogrammc, gotten up by Mr. Tom Patterson, em- ¬ braces much that is good and woro that 3s lietter, and is flavored with a highly concentrated essence of wit. If the viands are as good as the bill of fare, the banquet will be one of remarkable ex- ¬ cellence. Messrs. Lord & WrLMAiis have been tc Jcred loans from heavy bonking li nses in the East, sufficient to bridge t'Vir their financial troubles. They are to-d- formulating a schedule of nssets liabilities and their responsibilities in various contracts that have not yet "rired, on completioa of which the question of the acceptance of the generous offers will bo considered. Af- ¬ fairs now look as though the linn will resume business again in a very short time, which is a consummation devoutly to be wished. Personal Mention. Capt V. H. Sea mans, of Tombstone, is in the. city. Judge Stilwcll has returned from holding Court in Florence. Judge John Hnynca and wifo returned from a visit to Tombstone. Mr. Chan. R Drake, County llecorder, is expected home in a few days. Hon. 1J. J. Franklin, of Kansas Citv, Mo., is visiting varioui. points in Arizona. Mr. L. B. Allen is acting na Divisiou Superintendent S. P. It. R, during the absence of Col. A. A. Beau. Col. Bean is expected back in a few dayr. Mr. Ii. C. Brown, senior alitor and DrOOrietor of the Tllpcrm flnmnv JIUIU us a friendly visit a few days ago. He is on a tour through the country in the luivtuw, kil uii taiunuic paper, ana is deservnllv mnnHntr rrJtl, ai.,,. - ' ...... W rhe CiaizEN is well liked, and extensive- ¬ ly reaii n uiote lUlobe-Chronic- From Alaska. Hon. Hirim S. Stevens has a letter from Mr. J. H. Moultonl who is connected wit. the seal fisheries alxmt Seal islands, Altska. Mr.Moullon writes from St. Paul Ishnd, and gives the fill- ¬ ing interesting dtf aibj of maiter,s tlerc: "We have had a Mod sealing season, taking 100,000 seal tkins, shipping the last of them by the Kramer St. Paul on July :i0. We have reasm to think that the seals are steadily gaoinginimmbere everv vear. On St. I'm T.t.ir,,". ti.. - . ... . . 1J1 1UCIO were taken 80,000, and on ot Gt'orgo 20,- - 000, and there are many taousiinds left after this number has bee killed. Tlio past summer hasjbeen cold and dry, the warmest day behg but 58 de- - grccs in the shade, in fact x is alwnv in the shade during the sumner monthii, as nv see me sur. not so cold as one would ppoee. They r lniiir lmf nrf lid as ill Hostim. Tli. .i,. ti.'.tW have hail uinco Kwiiim, i.ii . 11 11 I first came here 'a8 -- 1 degrees below zero; last wint' tUe c"uC8t day wan niue degrees ove zero, and but little snow. If wo oel,d have st monthly mail I would uoV,D,i bving here. As. it is, wo iet Iettp- - 1,1 'lay nua agaiu m Seiitem ber 30r 'uo latter date we starve for yrjjjor our mail. Military Matter-;- . 'ft. a fH,.:.. tl.i .1 (to I iiia xuiiiiiiry ciianges are made through Field Orders No. 37, dated October 22d: Company C, Eighth Infantry(Corliss'), now in camp at Hooker's Itanche, A. T., will proceed to Fort Grant, A. T., and take station. Company K. Eighth Iufantry( Worth's), now in camp at Brewster's Ilanche, A. T., will prwecd to Camp Thomas, A. T., and report to the commanding officer at that post, for tenivorary duty. . Assistant Surgeon J. O. Skinuer, U. S. Army, is relieved from dutv as Acting Medical Purveyor in the liefd. and will proceed to join his proper station, i v nippie jjarracKs, a. I.) Hospital Steward William Rieck, U. S. Army, now at this point, will proceed to join his proper station, (Whipple Bar-- rack's, A. T.l Company B, Eighth Infantrv(lorter'8 1, will proceed to Camp Thoman, A. T., without delay. Two complaints wore filed with the Clerk of the District Court on Friday by Mr. G. II. Thompson, as agent for the Bauk of California, one against Dr. C. n. Lord, individually, for 816,000, and one against Lord A Williams for S17,0GU An attachment was issued against the parties and Uuder-Sheri- ff J. J. Coleman and Deputies Geo. B. Shepard and M. S. Snyder liave been placed in charge of the property as keepers. Messrs. Mor- - gau A Silent, attorneys for the Bauk of California, state that the assignment will bo contested on grounds that arc sufficient to tct it aside, and the circum- ¬ stances of the transfer as detailed to a Citizen- - reporter, if satisfactorily proven, will certainly bring alwut such a result. It is regretable that such an entangle- ¬ ment must ensue, as it postpones the final adjustment of the difficulties in- ¬ definitely. The receipt of a dozen bottles of ex- ¬ cellent beer, with the compliments of Messrs. Bayer A Schwarz, is acknowl- ¬ edged. While the Citizen force main- ¬ tain that cold water is too good for many people, they willingly made some self- - sacrifice to extinguish even a dozen bot- ¬ tles of liquid wrath from off the surface of the earth, and it was remarked by an ss of the combat that they seemed proud of their victory over such an alleged enemy of mankind, and were inclined to accept the biblical injunction to love their enemy. It should be re- ¬ marked that the Park Brewery is now making a splendid article of beer, which will be delivered to any jmrt of the city without extra charge, in kegs or iwttles. 3Iililarj Changes. It is reported in military circles that Gon. O. B. Willeox has been transferreil from the department of Arizona to tho deiiartmciit of Oregon, and that Gen. Kantz has been appointed to succeed Gen. illcox. This will make some vorv important changes in tho families and social relations of the officers of this coast Some of the families of officers will hardly venture to take a change at this season of the year to an Oregon winter, but will most likely remain in Los Angeles until spring. Los An- ¬ geles Commercial. Mr. Hcb. A. Wood is canvassing the city for McKinney's Business Directory of the principal towns of Kansni", South- ¬ ern Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Southern California, including all the citiea and towns on the Atchison, lope- - ka and Santa Fe: the Kansas-Pacifi- c; St. Joseph and Western, and the South- - eru Pacific railroads, with their branches. This will be a valuable guide for busi- ¬ ness men, and it will bo closely scanned by travelers coming from the East or West into the country coveral b tho Directory. Mr. Wood will remain in the city until Sunday. These cool, sharp mornings stimulate people to tho lnbor of putting up tho stoves that were laid aside during tho summer months. And when you sec a man mshinir along the streets with sev-¬ eral joints of stove pipe under his arms, you can safely bet thut ho will be a bet- ¬ ter man, morally, in a few days, when ho gets all the profanity out of him that the act of putting up stove pipe is capa- ¬ ble of extracting. The hardware dealers' harvest is at hand, and the shivering joints of the im- ¬ provident denizen arc being warmed into life and usefulness through the as- ¬ sistance of bran new stoves. When the annJna liontnf Knmmprrnn lie nreserved for winter use, through some simple and t: ingenious appiiam-- iu.it uiii uyi. I among the impossibilities, then Arizona will possess one of the finest climates in the world. The citv is exceedingly dull, so far as the presence of people are concerned, at the present time. The propitious weath er for prospecting and working claims has drawn very many persons to the hills, and the near approach when as- - essment work on mines is due has stimulated owners of claims to hasten their developments. This Polaris is tho name of a new weeklv publication, from Portland, Or- ¬ egon." It is a handsome sixteen-pag- e papiT and ably advocates tho church, politics, temperance, commorcc and woman's snffrage. It has a long list of excellent contributors, embracing many distinguished men of the Pacific enjt- - Price S3.50 per year. Address J. E. Aiken, manager, Portland, Oregon. Mbssrh. John Moore and Jesus Bal-- 1 lesteros have oponed a new meat market j at the corner of Convent and Corral .l.Anli. nni. till, iiwi have a slaughter house outside the city limits, and will select and kill only choice animals. Mb. Henrt Horto.-.- , who has been suffering very much with neuralgia, has sent for his" wife, now visiting in San Bernardino. LAXI) OFFICE LABORS. Suggestions mm its Ccaoitilccct'i Report. AcncJd The annual report of the Commission- ¬ er of tho General Land Office contains numerous recommendations for increas- ¬ ing the efficiency of tho office. Among the most important of these are the fol- ¬ lowing: There has been a great demand for copies of the official records of local laud offices, which there is no legal method of supplying without great in- ¬ convenience. It is suggested that local offices bo allowed to furnisrTsuch copies for a reasonable fee, the proceeds to be used to pay for the necessary clerical help. In obtaining a patent for mineral lands, the Commissioner is of the opinion that the agent of the patentee, who is often more conversant with the material facts sought to bo established than tho pat- ¬ entee, should be allowed to make oath to such facts, instead of his principal. Under tho nrcsent law settlers of community desiring a survey of the same, can secure the same by depositing a sum sumcitnt to cover the cost 01 survey;, lor which certificates of deposit are given, receivable in part pavinent 01 the lands. Under this law large amounts of land are believed to have licen fraudulently se- ¬ cured, and in many cases deputy survey- ¬ ors were implicated 111 the frauds, some- ¬ times going ho far as to advance the necessary funds to secure a survey for the purpose of obtaining the contract. Every effort has been made by the Com- ¬ missioner to suppress tuese abuses, but with onlv partial success, and he recom-¬ mends the repeal of the law on tho sub- - lVX trBOUBIi-E- IN THE WEST. Land troubles havo arisen in Oregon and Washington Territory which the Land Office was unable to rectify, owing to tho lack of a necessary law, and the passage or an act of Uougrcss is asked for, defining the length of time after sur veying in which final proof must be fur- nished, under penalty of forfeiture. Attention is called to the great coufn- - si'jn existing in the land records in Col- ¬ orado, ew Mexico and Arizona. Under the law, the 'lurveyor-Gener- al is required to investigate all claims under Spanish and Mexican grants that may be brought before hiin, and report tue same to Con. gress for action. This he is totally una. bio to do and pursue his proper labors, and additional legislation is asked to remedy this state of affairs. The present law works gieat hardship to settlers and discourages emigration to thiH section. A NEW SURVEY NECESSARY. The sale of public lands located in the Sioux Indian reservation west of King- - stone lake was ordered last spring, but tho existing survey proved so defective that a new one is necessarv before a sale can be made. The Commissioner com- ¬ ments upon tho unsatisfactory method of examinations of surveys in tho field now used, and recommends that the ex- ¬ aminer be appointed directly by the Commissioner instead of by the Surveyor- - General, as at present. Speaking of the gre.-- t delay of bnsiness caused by the insufficient clerical force, the Commissioner notes that in a single divisiou of the public lauds there aro now over UMXX) entries of legal notices of settlement claims unposted on the tract books, and unexamined, and about 1000 contents examined. Other divisions are as much more in arrears. In conclusion tho Commissioner refers to the abuses which have sprang up in connection with timber-cuttin- g on min- ¬ eral lauds, and recommends a more strin- ¬ gent law to guard these lands. The office room and filing place of the Land Office, the Commissioner says, are insufficient, and increased accommodations are con- ¬ sidered necessary. THE SOLDIERS' SIDE. "KTiit Uiej Private in Ccmpanles A and H, Sixth Civlr7, Say of tho Campaign Tbeir Rcpn- - titioa Suffers from Official Incapacity. Arizona seems to be similarly aillicted as was Denmark, for in a race of about two hundred miles, with an even start at the beginning ami almost another in the Dragoon mountains, that a band of In- ¬ dians, hampered with women, children and chattels, with time to pillage and kill, should escape almost s:ot free from an organized body of troops, drilled and equipped for snch occasions, with num- ¬ bers far exceeding the first, and whose movements were facilitated by the many modern appliance at their command, the poverty of the result bespeaks failure, hut it would be unfair to attribute it under the caption of "Military Incapaci- ¬ ty" to tho common soldier, whoso long days and weary midnight marchings wore nullified, to say the least, by lack of knowledge on the part of theirsuperiors. The soldiers complain of unfair criti- ¬ cisms and offer in their own behalf their record of the past campaign. The first move from Grant began at 11 o'clock on the night of August 31 to Camp Thomas, which was reached by noon the day fol- ¬ lowing, arriviug in Bocky Canyon about midnight of October 2d and in Camp Apache at 3 o'clock on the morning of the 4th. Besting one day they were sent to inter the dead soldiers and citizens that were Iving unburied on the trail of the Seven Mile Hill. Two of the eoldicrs belonged to the Twelfth Infan- - sry and had been stationed at the ferry on Black river, the other was a bearer of dispatches and member of the Sixth Cavalry. Of the citizens, one was a mail carrier the other four being at that time unknown. One had evidently been burned in the wagon, his charred re- ¬ mains being found in the ashc& Every- man had been shot twiceand their brains beaten out In a box on the road were a number of empty, reloadable cartridge shells, which the Indians had evidently thrown from the wagon before destroy- ¬ ing it. The supposition that the shells were tho result of a desperate defense is not tenable, inasmuch as a part of them the fallen on tho road wlicn the Ikix was thrown from the wagon. The return was made to Apache, where they remained until the 15th. Tho different companies stationed there took turns in making " side scouts " every night On the morning of the loth they were ra- - rationed for two weeks and ordered to Cibicu, arriving there on the third day out They rehuried the IkhIv of Hentig and his seven soldiers, all of whom had been unearthed and mutilated. After scouting for several days and nights in the White mountains they returned to San Carlos and from there to thcsuli-agenc- y, on the Gila, with orders to act under Biddle in making the arrest of the paroled chief George. The failure was most miser- ¬ able, although it was noticed by the least observing that among tho Indians some- ¬ thing unusual was The bucks were everywhere gathering up their stock, which the squaws hurriedly drove to the river for water, but still, to the soldiers, the expectant order came not until the sub-ugen- on the Gila knew the "nation's wanls" no more, and a band of red-hand- devils were loosed ujion the country to massacre its inhabit- ¬ ants, to wreck and stagnate its trade. Marched to Thomas on the same night and on the day following ordered to take up the trail of the hostile Chiricahuas, and by noon of the second day reached the Ct'ittonwoods, where an attempt was made to cook dinner, but learning from two couriers that tho were at, or aliout, Cedar Springs, the troops were hurried on, leaving their half-cooke- d dinner to tho next comer. Here they were joined by three citizens anxious to drink Apache blood. In the contlict that followed, ammunition failed and Companv A was sent back to hurry up the train. A mile to the rear they sighted the boastful trio doing guard duty in a canyon where even straybullets would have been strangers. Leaving the battle ground at 11 p. ni.Camp Grant was made by 2 o'clock in the morning and Willeox by S o'clock the same evening. The next morning horses and men were transferred by rail to Dragoon Pass, engaging the Indians all day "and doing guard duty all night Up early the next morning they followed the trail of the escaping Indians till near nightfall, when they left the trail and went to tho Soldiers' Holes, where thev unsaddled their horses for the first time in 4S hours. At the Holes they I" stopped to shoe stock and recuperate two nights and one day. Then the troops were dashed ahead to overtake the bod Indians, who, at that time, were over the line and not less than 24 hours in advance. First to San Bernardino on the line, to Cloverdalr, in Now Mexico, where, after a brie- -' delay, they began their march homeward, going into quarters at Camp Grant on the 22d of the present month. The mountain brought forth a mole hill, but the labor was nevertheless severe. Through the public press much has been made over the doings of the citizens, but in tho late campaign the soldiers disclaim having received any assistance whatever from them, exceptiug such as was nround their camp fires and coffee pot. It was rumored among then:, and names were given, that four citizens found a buck shot through both legs, killed and scalped him, then divided tl8 scalp into four parts, each one exhibitiag his little piece as a full scalp as evidence of his own prowess. It is claimed that four Indians wero killed at Cedar Springs and five more in the Draroon moun- ¬ two of them were left on the field and three carried to near Clover- - dale and there buried. On one wiia found a discharge from Guilfoyle's scouts wherein it was stated that ho was of good character. On another was found a med.il belonging to Wm. C. Cunningham, Sixth Cavalry. It is now in possession of Lieutenact Overton. "From some of the bodies the Indian scouts obtained abont S140. A couple of negro soldiers secured about S40 more. Such is the account given by members of Companies A and H, Sixth Cavalry, and they think it but justice to them that their side of the story be heard, with the others. J. Land Office Recordc The following are the entries at the Laud Office in Tucson for tho past two weeks: DECLARATORY STATEMENTS HLnD. Oct 24, bv Geo J lloskruge, lots 1 anil 2, and E K of NW hi, sec 7, T 10 S, It 14 E. Oct. 24, by H Gormley, lots 1 and 2, and E U of NW hi sec 18, T 1C S, It 14 E. Oct. 24, bv ' It It Richardson, lots 3 and 4, and E of SW 14 sec 7, T 1C S, It 14 E. Oct 24, by Henry Bnehman, lots 4, 5, C and 7, sec 6, T 10 S, It 14 E. Oct 24, by John C Jackson, NE hi ec 18, T 1C S, It 14 E. Oct 2o, by T A Hartwell, JTE sec 9, T Hi S. It 14 E. Oct 25, by Joseph Bctz, SE if sec 18, T 10 S, It 14 E. Oct 25, by Wm F Kitt, lots 3 and 4, and E 4 of SW l4, sec 18. TIG S, K14E. Oct 25, bv M J Brundage, let- - 1 and 2 and E K of NTW l, sec 19, TIG S, It 14 E. Oct. 2o, bv Geo V Ross, lot 3 and SE 4 of NW j and E K of SW hi, sec G, T 1G S, R 14 E. Oct 25, bv Miguel Carrillo, N1J hi sec 18, T 16 S.F.14E. Oct 25, bv Jose M Vasqnez, SW JLj of SEl, ; NE 1, of SW i, and S ofLSV hi sec7,TlGS,R14E. Oct 25, bv John P. Thomas, NJi of SB 4 and N 4 of SW if sec 1, T 14 S, It 13 12. Oct 25, bv W R Gleason, SE M sec 15. T 14 S. R 13 E. Oct 2G, by W R Ingram, SW "4 t 21.T18S.F.17E. Oct2fi,byWm Wilkerson. W .' and SE li NE !J sec 20, and SWii of 2?W4' sec 21. T 18 S. it 17 li Oct. 28, by Anton Hittinger, 3 H of NW ?4 and N of SW X sec 1, T 14 S, R13E. Oct. 28, by Fred Fleishman, S K of NE hi, and N K of SE hi sec 1, 14 S, 11 13 IS. N ENTRIES. Oct 5. by Ncri F Osborn, Phenix, SE ii sec 20. T 2 N. 11 3 E, 100 acres. Oct 23, by Jesus Montio. Tucson. NE "4 of NE 4 of sec 18, T 14 S, R 14 E, 40 acres. HOMESTEAD ENTRIBS. Oct 27, by John Baker, Tucson, NW ii sec 4. T 14 S. 11 14 K, 157.31 acres. Oct 20. N K and SE A of NE ii. and NE hi of SE 4 sec32, TO S, R ICE, 100 acres. MINERAL FINAL ENTRIES. Oct 21, by Robert J Winders, Yiriil W Earp, Wyatt S Larp and James O first north extension of the Mount nin Maid mine, 17.47 ncres. Oct 22, by The Way Up Mining Com- ¬ pany, assignee of 1 nomas i iarnih, Jl Gray, Joseph Goldtree and Lewis Gold- - tree. The Way Up mine. lU.'JO acres. Oct 28, by Charles T IStcheHs, liobcrt Jonson, E Holbrook, John C Handy and Itudolph Colin, ihe Herald mine. vJAi acres. Oct. 28, by John H James and i A Trit tie, Coppor Prince mine, 0.84 acres. Oct 28, by .1 S White, Bins Monday mine, Itc- -i acrrs: Official Records. LOCATION NOTICES. Cadet mine. Empire district, located October 2.1, by John iwen, jr. Santa luta, GreatcrviUe, June J, Segler. Gift mine. Cababi, September u. SwcctlaniL Exchange mine, Cabaoi, September C. .1 Li Messersmith. Barcelona mine, Meyers, October 20 Jos Caitano, B T Russell. Potosio2, Meyer, October 19, Jos Caitano. B T RusselL Potosi 1. Meyers, October 19, Jos Caitano. B T Russell r lores mine, Meyers, October Jos Caitano. li T ltusselL J T B R Nathan C Boynton claims placer claim Oo miles west 01 xucson m tue oanta Catalina mountains. Silas T Jordon, It B Boynton and J B Bennett claim water location in Santa Catalina mountains, running into Can yon del Oro, October 27. DEEDS FOR MINE. If No 21), R N Graves and T Lyle to the Qtujo- - toa Company, jliama liucteye mine, Omjotoa mountains, $10. It N Graves and W T Lyle to tueures- - co -- Alining Company, Silver Moon mine, (juijotoa mountains, bW. llarrv Ulay to li Hanson and u nur- - lev, 1 i Iron Dnke and Green Top South mines, umpire uiturici, ciou. O- - It Nofiett to John 11 Campbell, still in the' box, balai-c- having ! Hpodo andTinafore mines, Tyndall dis- - march Indians thence given tains; Earp, Charles Mining triet, S10.000. James C Halden to Ezekiel H Cook, interest in the Deopold mine, Oro Blanco district, SI. Frank Cunningham to J G Rusk, El- ¬ more Rusk and Frank Rnsk, hi interest in tho Morrose and James Flood copper mines, Pima district, SI. TheKeystono Placer Mining Company to Constant Duhem, 17 placer mirrng claims, located in Louisiana Gulch, Greatervillo District $10,000. A. C. Rogers to J. D. Andrews, Rail- ¬ road mine and Cumberland mining claim, near the Mowry Smelting Works. LEASE. Antonio Romero dc Rodrigues to Jos. Ferrin nnd A. Marx, lot directlv south of Palace Hotel, S150 monthly. BONDS. J H Campbell. Frank F Cranz and E F Gleason, to O W Strceter, J SDunnd and A HH Dawnon, 27 mines in the Tyndal district S10.000 and 0 of cap- ¬ ital stock. Bond of J H Turner as Notary Public at Harshaw. Bond of Faul Riecker as Notary Pub- ¬ lic, Tucson. I'restott Point. (From Deaiocr&t.) Mrs. C. P. Dake and Mr. and X'rs. Clark and child, left to-da- y in a private convi yance for laricopa, whence they intend proceeding to the East, Mrs. Dake to Michigan and the others to 'Ver- ¬ mont. Our city hose carri&ge has reached town at last It looks a little the worse for wear, hut is in good order. It luVa thirty inch reeL The steamship Kronpriuz Fredetich Wilhelm of the North German Lloyd Iron Steamship Company, landed 919 immigrants at Galveston, Texas, on Monday, lust week, and 98 at New Or- ¬ leans on Thursday. This is the first of many shipments by the same line. Colonel Williamson, Chief of theBtard of United States Engineers for the Pa- ¬ cific Coast George Goodale, Surveyor of Light Houses and Light Honso Inspec- ¬ tor Coffin, lately paid n visit to Seal Rock, thirteen miles north of Cres-.-en- t City and seven miles off shore, with a view of placing a light house there. It is probable that the light house will be constructed next spring. 5 THE MACK MORRIS. A KlchilLrs Well Managed The Gradual Growth frcm Nothing to Afanence- - A Prospectrrs Dividend Producer-- An Examination by BelUhlo Mining Man. Special Conpaleceoof the dxiZEX.1 Glode, October 2L Your correspond dent paid a visit to Richmond Basin on the 17th instant and made a personal in. .. , . 11 - r r spection 01 tno jibck jiorru mine, which is located therein. He is thor-¬ oughly hatisfied from what he saw and learned that the Mack Morris is a won- ¬ derful and valuable property, and he is further convinced that the Mack Morria Company has been fortunate in secur ing the frerviees of the right kind of men to manipulate and manage their affairs, around lth the mine and milL Indeed, a very slight glance at the improve- ¬ ments made about both would be suffi- ¬ cient to satisfy tho most casual observer that those m charge have a thorough knowledge of what 13 necessary in the line of mining to expedite work, with a" strict view also to both convenience and economy, which fact he herenin proposes to prove to the entire isfaction of every intelligent reader of the Citizen and the public generally That he is correct, a brief history of the mine and the developments made Ihereonby tho present efficient man- ¬ agers within the past two years will kIiow. Richmond Baxin is situated about 12 miles due north from Globe, at the southern base of Apache Mountains; its altitude is about 4UUU feet above sea level: the geological formation sur- - rounding it and porphyritic. The Basin derived its name from the Richmond mine, of which the Mack Morris is the first extension, both of which were discovered nnd located in January, 187G, by John H. Alvany and Rupert Dickey. The former they lo- ¬ cated for themselves, and the latter for Mack Morns and the Iato M. L. Stiles, of Florence, who about two years ago succeeded in selling the Mack Morris to th5 pirsent company, receiving there- ¬ for S130.000. Since that time the com- ¬ pany has been working it continually, and until very recently under great disadvantages. There was but little development made on the claim before tho purchase, and the com- ¬ pany only put up the purchase money to begin with, and consequently they had to depend entirely on what could be got out of tho claim, which fact necessarily made development very alow and tedious. But with energy, life and enterprise, backed by a thorough knowledge gained by actual experience in any line of business, success is as- ¬ sured. The mine has so far yielded to the company upwards of $300,000 hi bullion, vhich has paid all tho exiienses of working, which were necessarily heavy, and besides has now a No. 1 hoisting works at the mine, a first-cla- ss quartz mill at the Wheatfields, nine milts from tho mine, to which there is a most excellent road, which wo be-¬ lieve has not an equal for the same dis- ¬ tance m the Territory of Arizona, and all tho mine equipments, houses at the mine and mill, all paid for; and conse- ¬ quently the next thing now in order is dividends, which will be forth- ¬ coming in a very short time. Your correspondent arrived at the mine just as the whistle blew at noon, and was kindly received by Major M. A. Baldwin, tho able and excellent superin- ¬ tendent, and Air. 1 nomas u. west, the gentlemanly foreman, both of whom have had many years experience in the business of mining, and consequently are thoroughly practical miners, as the readers of this will readily observe by the following sketch of the workings and arrangements for handling ores: In the first place, as above stated, the company had no working capital to be-¬ gin with, and hud to go slow. They se- ¬ cured, on credit, an old third or fourth- - rate hoisting apparatus, and placed it on the mine. They then packed the water to operate it, at first on burros, for some distance. Both of these difficulties have since been overcome, and the new ma- ¬ chinery works like a clock, the buckets gliding back and forth without a jar. The engiuc is about a forty-hors- e power, and it is so arranged by mean of levers and two upright beams with a long screw upon which works an indicator, that the engineer can stop the bucket at nny point in the mine desired without leaving his post, as accurately :is weighing sack of Hour. The burros liave been displaced by the discovciy of a sufficiency of water in the lower levels for all purposes about tho mine. The oro car from the main shaft is run out on a trestle over the ore chute, in which the quartz is dumped, and the teams hauling crin be driven under the spout and one ropn can easily do the work of ten in loading, nnd the same is also the case at the mill: the wagons are driven on a floor nnd the quartz dumped on a trap door which, when removed, lets the ore into the battery chute. By this means the ores are handled with perfect ease, two men doing the work of twenty ordinary' hands no small item in the mccessful working of a mine. The developments so far made con- ¬ sist of a double compartment working shaft 4G5 feet dcep, timbered through- ¬ out, with good stations well secured by 8x8 inch timbers at the 300 and 400-foo- levels, at each of which there is arranged water tanks, and by means of gutters the seepage water is collected nnd sent to the surface frc'ai each level. The 300-fo- level, we should judge, is about 1G0 or 170 feet long, with a cross- - cnt nt the end running north some 00 or i0 feet, at the end of which there is a vinze sunk 70 or 80 feet At 400 feet there is a similar level and crosscut run, from which the ores now being worked aro taken. The vein in the face of the crosscut hero looks to be well defined, from one to three feet wide, with splen- ¬ did walls of porphyry, the course of which appears to be east and west, with a dip to the northward. The ore in character is sulphurets in n white iior- - phyritic quartz. The bottom of the main shaft at present is about 20 feet south of the vein, which will bo cut again at the 500-fo- level by a cross- - cat, when a large body of ore will no doubt be struck. The main shaft is sunk perpendicularly for nearly 300 feet, and from there down it has a gradual in- ¬ cline to the north. This was dono in order to follow the vein as closely as possible. At the curve in the shaft there is a roller so arranged as to work azainst the wire rope and steady the bucket, which it does without the slight- ¬ est difficulty, nnd we believe that a shaft can bo sunk to a much greater depth by the same method with penect case and safety. Both the superintendent and foreman assured me that it could be done, and we do iot doubt it in the least From the mine to the mill is down grade the entire distance. The mill is alxmt, approximately, two thousand feet lower than tho mine, which fact makes the ore hauling easy. The amount sliipped daily over the road is from tventy to twenty-fiv- e tons. Tho mill and assay office, dwellings for the Super- ¬ intendent and employes, including store rcom stables and out-hous- and lost,. but not least by any means, a splendid buth house where a hot or cold bath can bo had at any time of day or night. (which is of itself a genuine luxury,) and all the mill improvements are so arranged as to guard against fire. They nre scat- ¬ tered so that in case of fire only one or two buildings would burn. The mill has sufficient room and motive power for ten additional stamps whenever needed. The ore is wet crushed and passes from the battery into tire- - pans, where it is treated. The tailings, or slum, are carried away from the settlers by water through sluices one hundred feet or more, the bottoms of which are lined with silk plush, which contrivance saves monthly to the company, he is informed by the gentle- ¬ manly superintendent, cu average of S1000, which is another important poin in favor of intelligent management. The thousands of dollars thus saved go far toward paying the working expenses and would doubtless be entirely lost with ig- - ncrant and unexperienced men to man- ¬ age, as is so commonly the case with muling companies in this Territory and which is the sole cause of so many fail- ¬ ures in mining enterprises. It is abso- ¬ lutely the want of practical knowledge that makes failures nine times out of ten, and every failure thus brought about has its bad effects on the mining interests of the country. And now in conclusion your corres- ¬ pondent must say that Globe has a right to be proud of the Mack Morris mine, which is beyond all doubt a true fissure vein, and permanent Great credit is certainly due to tho intelligent and con- ¬ genial superintendent, Major M. A Baldwin, and also the gentlemanly, effi- ¬ cient foreman, Thomas L. West, and their services cannot be too highly ap- ¬ preciated by their company and the community generally, for they have been most invaluable. With a few more such men as these to manage mining enterprises in Arizona, mining would boom in all directions. S0XGRA MIXES.- - An Interview with J. J. UaeUer, Inspector of Mlnet. Mr. Julius J. Mueller, of Hermosillo, who is the mining man of the great firm of Don Jose Ortez, has been delayed in this city for several days by the failure of tho firm of Lord & Williams. He is on his way East, and had his funds for traveling purposes in drafts on Lord A Williams bank. The closing of that house rendered it necessary for him to communicate with the branch house of Ortez in San Francisco. Thursday an attache of the Citizen called upon Mr. Mueller at Porter's Ho- ¬ tel, where he is domiciled, to ascertain the object of. his visit to the cities of the eastern sea-boar- Mr. Mueller was formerly a newspaper man, being editor of a leading German paper published in New York. He has also, in times that are past, contributed correspondence to the' Citizen from So-¬ nora. He is an accomplished gentle- ¬ man, an agreeable conversationalist, and has an extensive and intimate knowledge of Mexico and its resources. He has re- ¬ sided in Sonora for about thirty years, during a portion of which time he was government inspector of mines. Ho is a thorough geologist and metallurgist nnd has examined all the mining districts north of the City of Mexico. Ho discountenances the gross exag- ¬ gerations in which many indulge in re- ¬ lation to the mines of Sonora. He says that Sonora and Chihuahua abound in rich ores, but that many of the state- ¬ ments as to the grade of the ore is ab- ¬ surd. He states that in his judgment as an expert there is not a mine in Sonora in which the ore averages over $50 per ton. There aro streaks of ore running up into the thousands, but much of the ore carries only $5 and $10 to the ton. He doc not think mnch of the mines in the Altar and Magdalena Districts, but says the mines in the Hermosillo, Ures, Moctezuma, Sahuaripa and Ala; moa District have permanent and larger bodies of low-grad- e ore, which is all frce-milhn- g. The mines in the Sierra Madres are not veins but mouutains of low-grad- e ore. Mr. Mueller's visit to the large cities of the United States is for the purpose r disposing of a large number of valuable claims owned by the firm. He will first go to Chicago, where a company has been or- ¬ ganized to take a property consisting of a tunnel claim and three ordinary claims, the whole embracing a superficial area of 15,000,000 square feet. This property is located in the foothills of the Sierra Madres, and lies west of tho famous Mulatos mine. It is a mountain of low grade ore. The adjacent hills are cov-¬ ered with oak nnd pine timber, which will be convenient for working the mine. Mr. Mueller has a number of other properties, which he expects to place in Chicago, New York and Boston. While in the employ of the govern- ¬ ment Mr. Mueller made accurate, notes and a geological survey of the country. These notes ho thinks, after revising them to agree with the changes of tho past few years, ho will arrange to have published. They wonld meet a want much felt for accurate information in relation to the resources of our neigh- ¬ boring country'i and snch a publication would be of great benefit to Mexico in presenting facts and not mythical stones, such as are now circulating of this El Dorado. He says that there is a great demand for labor. "There are large and fertile tracts of country now lying idle for want of laborers, and many enterprises lan- ¬ guish for tho same reason. Yuma (t'ossip. (Fnim Frt Prees.) The steamer Gila will leave for upper Colorado on November oth. Mr. A. Caldwell, Superintendent of the Gunsight mine, and his wife have been visiting lunia this week. The long talked of railroad from Yuma to Port Ysabel, though dormant for some time, we hear will receive early atten- ¬ tion. We express the congratulations of our entire people, when we say, we welcome home agaiu Mr. Uoude l.eger. Jlr. Ia?gor has been absent some weeks at Tucson, attending some mining matters in the Land Office there and in which he is interested. Mr. Bivins, of the Gunsight Miuing Company in Meyers District is spend- ¬ ing a few days at the residence of Mr. L. J. F. Lcger, where we were pleased by meeting him. He met with quite a mis- ¬ hap at tho Gunsight mine in being thrown from a wagon, but. aiinougu badlv hruisc-d- , his injuiies aro fortu- ¬ nately not serious. Mr. Bivins reports good success in all his mining operations in Philadelphia and elsewhere, which fact does not surprise us, knowing his reputation and probity. It is rumored that Mr. S. S. Draper has been given control of all the stock of the Red Cloud Gold and Silver Mining Company and that he is consummating a sale of the Silent mine, in Silver Dis- ¬ trict, to an English company of wealth. Mr. Draper is a gentleman of honor, and his representation can lie relied upon. Had he had full control of the affairs of the company in the past, things would have been different than they are now. Should the sale go on, Silver District and the whole county will be most ma- ¬ terially benefitted. (;iolie Gossip. From the Chronicle. 1 It was reported yesterday that another rich strike had been made in the Mack Morris. Stockholders may expect divi- ¬ dends from this property, probably be- ¬ fore the close of next month. Mr. Wm. Dickinson, who has lately been engaged in the erection of smelters for the Old Dominion Copper Mining Company, left for California on Wednes- ¬ day, and will be absent about a month, visiting his friends at Stockton. Mr. R. L. Long, the efficient clerk of the District Court, took his departure on Tuesday last for San Francisco, where he will visit his friends during tho next month or six weeks. Recorder P. B. Millor will attend to the duties of tho office during Mr. Long's absence. A consignment of ore was recently sent to San Francisco by ths Tacoma Copper Company, for the pnrpose of testing the best method of separation, and an assay made of the same gave S100 silver and 70 per cent copper. This is a sample of Globe district ore, and there is plenty of it Mr. James Bailey, a well known min- ¬ ing man of New York, arrived on Wednesday evening, visited the Old Do-¬ minion copper mine, and 'returned yes- ¬ terday moming via California. He has been visiting the Papago country for several weeks past, and speaks of it in glowing terms. He is also well pleased with the ontlook for Old Dominion. 1'henlx Point. Phenix Herald. Postmaster Mowrey yesterday issued money orders nmonnting to $412, which is good sjiowing for Phenix. iIutaII KTinprintondpnt of the Vulture mine, arrived in Phenix Thursday morning, lie reports every- ¬ thing at the mine quietly and solidly prosperous, as usual. Onr telegraphic colnmns show that the long-expecte- d contlict between the authorities and the cowboys has come. Now that the battle has opened we hope it will continue until the absolute rule of law and order be established. The Vulture camp was excited hist evening that Mrs. Harry Yarnell had made an attempt to commit suicide by poison. No cause is assigned for the act At latest accounts the attending physician despaired of her life. Harry's manv friends here will deeply sympa- ¬ thize with hiniin his affliction. X DESPERATE STREET-FIGH- T. Man!!! Virgil Earp, Morgan and Wyatt Earp and Doc EoUlday Meet the Cowsoyi-Thr- ee. Men Killed and Two Wonnded. One Serlonily-O- rl- gln of the Tronhls and its Tragical Termination. Tomtttom Xnoat. Oct. IT. " The 20th of October wiU always be marked as one of the crimson days m the annals of Tombstone, a day when blood flowed as water, and human life was held as a shuttlecock, a day always1 to be remembered as witnessing the bloodiest and deadliest street fight that has ever occurred in this place, or probably in the Territory. Tnn ORIGIN OF THE TROUBLE Dates back to the first arret of Stilwcll and Spencer for the robbery of ' the Bis- - bee stage. The of the Earps with the Sheriff and his deputies in the arrest causing a number of the cowboys to, it is said, threaten the ltves of all in- ¬ terested in the capture. Still, nothing occurred to indicate that any such threats woidd be carried into execution. Bnt Tuesday night Ike Clanton raid Doc Holh'day had some difficulty in the Al- - hambra saloon. Hard words patsed be-¬ tween them, and when they parted it was generally understood that the feeling between the two men was that of intense hatred. Yesterday morning Clanton came on the street armed with, a rifle and revolver, but was almost immediate- ¬ ly arrested by Marshal Earp, duarmed and fined by Justice Wallace for carry-¬ ing concealed weapons. While in tho Court room Wyatt Earp told him that as he had made threats against his life he wanted him to make his fight, to say how, when and where ho would fight, and to get his crowd, and he (Wyatt) would be on hand. In reply Clanton said: four narr or ground Is enough for mo to fight on, and TU be there." A short timo after this William Clanton and Frank McLowry came in town, and as Thomas McLowry was already here the feeling soon b'icame general that a fight would ensue before the day was overhand crowds of expect- ¬ ant men stood otithe cornerof Allen and Fourth streets awaiting the coming con- ¬ flict It was now about two o'clock, and at this time Sheriff Belian appeared upon the sceuc and told Marshal Earp that if he disarmed his poske, composed of Mor- ¬ gan and Wyatt Earp, and Doc Holliday, he would go down to the O. K. Corral, where Ike and James Clanton and Frank and Tom McLowry were and disarm thm. The Marshal did not desire to do this until assured that there was 110 dan- ¬ ger of an attack from the other party. The Sheriff went to the corral and told the cowboys that they must put their arms away and not have any trouble. Ike Clanton and Tom McLowry said they were not armed, and Frank McLowry said he would not lay his aside. In the meantime the Marshal had concluded to go and, if possible, end the matter by disarming them, and as he and his fosse came down Fremont street towards the corral, the Sheriff stepped out and said: " HOLD UP BOYS. Don't go down there or there will be trouble; I have been down there to dis- ¬ arm them. But they passed on, and when within a few fee of them the Marshal said to the Clantons and Me Lowrys: "Throw up your hands, boys, I into-"1- , to disarm you." As he spoke FranP McLowry made n motion to draw his revolver, when Wyatt Earp pulled his and him, the ball striking on the right side of his abdo-¬ men. About the same time Doc llollidav shot Tom McLowry in the right side, using a short shotgun, such as is carried by ells, I'argo A Lo, s messengers. Jn the meantime Billy Clanton had shot nt Morgan Earp, the ball passing through the point of the left shoulder blade across his back, just grazing the back' bone and coming out at the shoulder, the ball remaining inside of his shirt He fell to the ground, bnt in an instant gathered himself, and raising in a sit ting position fired at Frank McLowry as he crossed Fremont street, and at the same instant Doc Holliday shot at him, both balls taking effect, either of which would have proved fatal, as one struck him in the right temple nnd the other 111 the left breast As ho started across the street however, he pulled his gun down on Holliday Baying, "I've got yon now." "Blaze away! You're a daisy if von have," replied Doc. This shot" of McLowry's passed through Holliday's pistol pocket, just grazing the skin. While this was goinr on BILLY CLANTON HAD SHOT Virgil Earp in tho right leg, the ball passing through tho calf, inflicting a re- ¬ vere tlesh wound. In turn he had been shot by Morg Earp in the right side of the abdomen, and twice by irgii Earp, once in the right wrist and once in the left breast Soon after the shooting commenced Ike Ulan ton ran through the O. K. Corral, across Allen street into Kellogg's saloon, and thence into Tough- - nut street where he was arrested and taken to the county jail. The firing al- ¬ together didn't occupy more than twen- ¬ ty-fi- seconds, during which timo fully thirty shots were fired. After the figh't wns over Billy Clanton, who, with won- ¬ derful vitality, survived his wounds for fully an hour, was carried by the editor and foreman of the Nugget into a honsc near where he lay, and everything pos- ¬ sible done to make his List moments moments easy. He was "game" to the last, never uttering a word of complaint, and just before breathing his last he said, "Goodbye, boys; go uway and let me die." The wounded were taken to their Iioubcs, and at three o'clock tilts morning wero resting comfortably. The dead bodies wero taken in charge by the Coroner, and an inauest will be held upon them at 10 o'clock to-da-y. Upon the person of Thomas McLowry wts found between $300 and $400, nnd checks and certificates of deposit to the amount of nearly $3000. DURING THE SHOOTING Sheriff Bchan was standing near by- - commanding the contestants to cease firing but was powerless to prevent it Several parties who were m the vicinity of the shooting had narrow escapes from being shot One man who had lately arrived from the east had a Dall pass" through his pants. He left for home this morning. A person called " the Kid," who shot Hickn at Charles- ¬ ton recently, was also grazed by a balL When the Vizina whistle gave the sig-¬ nal that there was a conflict between the officers and cowboys, tho mines on the hill shut down and tho miners were brought to the surface. From the Con- ¬ tention mine a number of men, fall armed, were sent to town in .1 four-hors- e carnage. At the request of the Sheriff the " vigilantes," or Committee of Safe- ¬ ty, were called from the streets by a few sharp toots from the Vizina whistle. During tue eany part tt tue evening there was a rumor that a mob would at- ¬ tempt to take Ike Clanton from the jail and lynch him, and to prevent any such unlawful proceedings a strong guard of depnttes was placed around that build- ¬ ing, and will be so continued until all danger Li past At 8 o'clock last even- ¬ ing, Finn Clanton, a brother of Billy and Ike. came in town, and placing lumsell under the guard of the Sheriff, visited the morgue to see the remains of one brother, and then passed the night in jail in company with the other. OMINOUS SOUNDS. Shortly after the shooting veased the whistle nt the Vizina mine sounded a few short toots, and tJrcoU simultane- ¬ ously a large number of citizens ap- ¬ peared on tue streets, armru wun nues and a belt or cartridges around their waists. These men formed in line and offered tbeir services to the peace offi- ¬ cers to preserve order, in case any at- ¬ tempt at disturbance was made, or any interference offered to the authorities of the law. However, no hostile move was made by anyone, and quiet and order was fully restored, and in n short time the excitement died away. AT THE MORGUE. The bodies of the three slain cowboys lay side by side, covered with a sheet Very little blood appeared on their cloth- - ing.'and only on the face of young Billy Clanton was thero any distortion of the features or evidence of pain in dying. The features of the two Me-- Lowery boys looked as calm and placid in death, as if they had died neaceubly, snrrcunded by loving friends and sorrowing relatives. Nc un- ¬ kind remarks were made by anyone, bnt a feeling of unusual sorrow seemed to prevail at the sad occurrence. Of the McLowry lirothers we could learn noth- ¬ ing of theirprevions history before com- ¬ ing to Arizona. The two brothers owned quite an extensive ranch on the lower San Pedro, some seventy or eighty miles from this city, to which they had re- ¬ I- f moved their band of cattlo since the re cent Mexican and Indian troubles. They did not bear the ropntation of being ot a quarrelsome disposition, but were known as fighting men, and have gener-- condue'ed themselves in a quiet and or- ¬ derly manner wheu in Tombstone. E.YERGY OX TAP. Mrs. Spoopesdyke's Bather Cenfnted Mess About Canned Electricity. Brooklyn E&le.J "I see that a Frenchman has got a pat- ¬ ent for canned energy," observed Mrs. Spoopendyke, as she picked up a lot ot cut steel beads on a needle and began sewing them on medallions for dress trimming. "Gotnwhafr" interrogated Mr. Spoop-¬ endyke, who was blacking his boots. " Yes. He says he can put strength up in bundles aud send it anywhere, so they can run ships and things without steam. He sent ever so much over to Scotland." "What circus biU havo you been read- ¬ ing now V inquired. Mr. "Spoopendyke, glaring at his wife. "It's so," she replied, "I saw it in the papers. He does it up like preserves, and it lasts ever so long, and it's just as fresh and strong when they open it as it was at first" " Who puts it up? Who're yon talk-¬ ing about?" "A Frenchman. He gets a lot of strength ami fixes it with electricity ; and you can buy it anywhere. Tm going to get some and take it It'll be just as good as going in the country, and maybe it'll help my headaches. I suppose the Government will buy a lot of it for tramps." "lougone crazy again?" demanded Mr. Spoopendyke. "What d'yo mean by putting strength m boxes ? Think ener- ¬ gy is some kind of dod gasted fish ? S'pose you can put main strength tip in bottles like a measly shrimp ? If you're going to read, why don't von" read straight?" " Why, I did. He ha some kind of a machine and he makes energy so it wdl last, and then he solders it up in tins, or something, so you can keep it in the house. I'm going t have some to do the washing." " Does it strengthen up the mind of a dod gasted idiot?" blurted out Mr. Spoopendy ke. " Can it niako a measly Spoopendyke woman talk sense?" " Ihe iaper didn't say; but if it is all they claim for it, it wfll be a great help in house-cleanin- g and moving the stc p- - ladder around when you want to hang pictures. And then it saves boiling beef tea. Oh, you ought to read about it They soy its the greatest invention of the age. " D'ye mean to tell me that they're selling muscle by the keg? Want me to understand that some frog-ent- er is keeping industry on draught? Think I'm an ass?" " That's what the Eagle says." rejoin. ed Jlrs. bpoopendyke, with a woman s implicit reliance on anything in print Ami they can make any quantity ot it cheap, so we can have all wo want. I "wish you'd get some right off, and we'll try it ou the FridavV sweeping." "Qtutr howled "Sir". Spoopendvke. " Stop making an idiot asylum of your- ¬ self: b pose you can make me believe that house cleaning comes in jugs Think I'm going to believe that a week's wash comes in a box, like measly pills? Perhaps yon want me to think thnt your dod gasted stuff will pay the rent and run my business! Next time you strike a corn salve you read it unJerstandin Iy, dye hear? Energy bv tho pint! Strength by the yard! Gotthat rip seweu up in mv pants r " Yes, dear," murmured Mrs. Skxi- - endyke meekly, ami Air. bpoonendvke having arrayed birosuj", plunged out of the lwnso ami made for theferrv boat. " Hello, Spoopendyke!" saluted his friend Speeklowottle. " see this thing in the paper about the Frenchman who is lioxing up energy "Yes, certainly," replied Sjioopen. ayke, " and A ve been all the morning trying to explain it to my wife.bnt these womeu can t understand such things. How's stocks?" The 1,147 families who were burnt out last August by the forest fires in tho Saginaw Valley havo already received over half a million in donations and two- - thirds of a million of insurance, or an average of $1,000 per family. Chicago paper. LETTER LIST. last of letton iwmatBiae in the IV office at Tuoxm. Ariaooa, for fiwr wmLh prior to October Amlereoa, Itolmt Arnold, Kroctt I!ailr. Munricv I t tar her. Frank (i Hiiltllerome. Jo 3 Jlowyer. JoMpb Ilojfe Jwi,h Umbo. IVmamlu fnliwr. I)r II II Cnfford, Miim C roW. Iter I. II ( ontnw. Jom Ma umminie. JJ Dibl4.. Jiultc II ( Dana. I 1" Duron;. CarloH 1, Prof fi U Klliirtt. Mrx I'aran Klliott. Mr Klormm KUi. John Finer. Omrier Oamet. Colonel J V ist. Mr V battle Henry Kdnanl (Joilfrey. IIiKiver, Ctnrfea Hahn. K.I I Itomnlu IjMwlltftHm. Mr Lewis, Ed Lopei. ltutleMiHlo IiTralrerk, Mrs Martin. Mutual!. IVii- - )!., (1mu:2 0t Owen l"rweW.J ltemoo. Alfrrtt Jlir. Nun. Itefuirio Smith. Tbmohw Tapis, lnlnp 'tltoinc. S TacLer. V Vah iilnehu HenneKiliIo WMem. w ilnaHi Wiley. Andrew William. Htll Persons collin for Mr thj loti..ra will Iw Kiy "auTertiKMl awl faretlAtH. I. I MUD. Turf-on- , Arizona. Oetetier at. lttl. WELLS. PAKGO Sc C0S LETTER LIST. Ttie following "in n lmt of letters mnininiriit th- - of U hJH Fargo Cms prier O.-- - ioor .1. i"i : AmoM. A 1. AIlix. M Dari. Jarae H FiUtreraiiL IIerHleren. II T M Tarro, Jnl.n 11 ik I K Kit.. (t K S Tieh or. C I. 11 nf ahniw It. V. 31. offim A. to Solon HnhlMnl.Tba Morgan, Jonathan lteaSo.Mi8 ItioH, CnttatMiu TVrrenia. Manuel 1IOK.V LirrTKKI.L In Ij Nona.eMober Hh. to the mfe of J. 31. LattreU. a Hatarhter. MAKKIKO. MORKNO-FKLI- Z In TWeon. October 17. -1. nt tno ( atbolie ( hnrch. by Father Antonio JoureiH-raa- . (iaillermo Moreno, of Im Ange- ¬ les, and Vietorii. Fehz. of Hermoeilhn, Sonom. N - In Tombstone. (IcbiW IV (ei. Lawrence Hurt to Miw Anjrelca Dillman. TUI.LY JL'AIIKZ In Tuci-- October 20. 1WI. at n a. m.. by lEcr. rather Antonio JiHtTesceua. Mr. lmrkney K Tall) anil Mum Dolores Jua-¬ rez, all I this citjr. KKNOALL-HAKHlN- fl -- At the reeidencoof Dr. dreary. October 29th. at 3 p. nu, l"yn L. Ken dall, of (inaymaa. Mexico, to Mr. M. A. Hnr- - rins. of Toiieka. Kan'- -. !;. LOWUIK-- At WiHwi.Ol4w9L WLJunn IrHs aceil 2ft year. St. Jo!. Minnmii. rien ylnu'i antq-- . Utsceltaiuous. TO SHOEMAKERS. T WILL SKLL MY SHOP AND TOOLS. CON-- JL Msting of a full kit. Work is ptentifal and the ewtotn Rood. Rtnroti for tearinc. family bn-- reaTPment. Otto Johsnox. Hoot and brioeroaker. 8hake-peAre- , N. M. M tteoildwiw. DO Send for oar New Illuitra- - ted Price-li- st No. 30, for Filland Win- ¬ ter of 1831. Free to any address. Con- ¬ tains full descr.pti'in of all tindt ot good for personal and Cimi. use. We deal directly with the criV:nier, ami tell all goods in any quantity at vhcletale prices. You can buy letter and cheaper than at home. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 and 223 VtVjash Avtme (hicsgo.HL The Electro-Magnet- ic Brush PhrtleUaalaA hmimmi u Co nn Ml, IKi ftifra'at csfrvat r :TTicif bach ka cMasart t th tot kr mfl tMta, vivo, ar vfl ar fleilW. at y Brvafc I Ftfttrar. a. S "T ." UuMArnT. It. id., Flll-- r f Ifair. Khca- - mmttam Urm4atl.v .Nrlcf-- ta. TImm eta4 .m Trvt llrl-A-CltfleDU- tkMli Mt4 if nr Jm'ii 4 Aug Lit:r MtUrfa ApfCaWM. Ha!!! Fre. J. W. WEAKLEY Jr. & CO., Clnclnmti, 0. Miscellaneous. r V POWDER Absolutely Pure. MADE FROJl GUAPE CKEAM T.UfTAR. othr preparation mskra puch light, Gnky hot breads or hurarioas Cfin b eaten br djvpeptic without frar of the llU re-- ntlltinic from hrary. indigestible food. Sold only in can, br nil Orocen. KOYA1. BAKING POWDElt CO.. New York. &lffEBs DIMINISUID YldOIl 13 HEIMnVKSED IN ta ihoee troubled with weak kNbieys by a juilicioon roof Hostetter Stom- ¬ ach Hitter?, which invigorates and stimnlatM without exeittn? the nnnary organ. In con- ¬ junction with it influence nin them, it correct acidity, imrroTes appetite, and is in everyway romlurtTe to health and nerve repooe. Another marked quality u its control over fever and asue. nnd it power of preventing it. For al by all Druggists and Dealers generally. CHAS. DETOr, Proprietor, NW. Caraer, Cbftrci Ym, Tucson, A. ?., I the plucn to buy Groceries & Provisions AT BEDROCK PRICES. Wholesale and Retail. arts fa 7raneisco Advertisements, rotrsiHiT, IMinburi. Scotland. WABSttOCSX. London, lint- - Miller & Richards, Sole Agents of Ex;a Hard Metal SCOTCH TlrTJPE Printing Material 1 Special Agent for Cottrell & Babcock, Pesrlees, and Camp- ¬ bell Presses. No. 529 Commercial street, aaK SS FIJAMISCO. lOU SiNUIJ;' Ot DOIGLF. SHAFTS. TO 1 worknr foi.li.of late an 1 improved ds-- sicn. Oar various tjtsof Ibnsts ore the moat perfect an l tte; u .geverbeen deviwl. rm'irncinB ah tho improvi5';ts yyl safeirui.nl that experience has proved vaiu.- -. in this clans of mac inprr. Send for circular. Baffin, Brayton & Co.' Pacific Iron Works, S.VN FKANCISCO. 1 1 A Nt'YFIt .FA1L- - L cure for Nervous Debility Klhan.ted Vi- ¬ tality Seminal Weak- ¬ ness, Spermotorrhora, Lost Manhood, Imiio- - tency l'arslysis. and all the terrible effects of Self jibnse and youthful follies and excesses in naturer years- - sarh s ioss of memory. IamU ude. nocturnal 'mis- ¬ sion, aversion to secie'y dimness or timou. noises in the head, tl e vital tluid pafti&i? unob- ¬ served m the urine and many other diseases that lead ?i insanity and death. DIC. to forfeit Five Hun- ¬ dred Dollars for n case ot thu kind the Vital Ke'torntive under hiHMicciAl advice and treat- ¬ ment i will nut cum .r for inrthinir imDnre or in- ¬ jurious found in if. Dr. Mmtie treats all pnvats diseases anreeesfnlij without mercury. Consul- ¬ tation riltr.. Ihoroueh examination and ad- ¬ vice, including analysis of urine. (. I'nre of viiai ltesiorauvp. 3 a bottle, or four times subsequently, in. Sent to any address upon re-¬ ceipt of price, or C. CD. secure from obeervstioo ami in private name if desired, by A. K. MIK- - TIK. M. JJ., 11 Ketirny atrwrt. San Francisco California. 80 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. BR. BYE'S Electro -- Voltaic Appliances infferln from r voiiaWeaUnessee. Gen-¬ eral Debility. In of nerve force or vlicr, or any disease mulUis from A tcsrs and Oruxx CaCEa, or to nnjr one afflicted with Rheums- - tUra. Neuraleta, lMralnla. Eplnal WOoiltlft, Kidney or Liver TrmMes. tame Back. Itnp- - turi'S, and otivr tnases of the Vital Ornns. Alsu woxrx troubled wltn diseases peculiar to their sex. Speedy relief aid complete restoration to health ruamntec ' 71iee re the only l.leetric Appliance thnt risive ever been constructed upon clentlflc prin- ¬ ciples. Tbeir tin i enUarr has been pno- - tieaily proven with thf most wonderful sncces-t- . nml Iticy Iinve the highest endorsements in t tnedlcxl and sclen- - liflc men.ar t fruy. hundred who have been quick! v nnd radically cured by their use. Send atoni-ef- . - I. i -- t rnrc;i,,t, sl-- g all .ufomvwi. fr-- 5. VOLTAIC 1ELT C- O- Marshall. Shi- - D IIS. STAHKEY 4 P.VLEN"8 JTEVT TltKAT- - r.en-- . tr: Inhalation, for I onsumntion. Asthn-jv- . Krone! 'U. ( urr'- Dyspepsia, lleud, - ache. Debdiry. Neuralina. Itheumatism. and air' I hronic ami Jervous t ackat-ssma- y be conveniently sent by express, reedy for im-¬ mediate use at home. AU requisites and full di- ¬ rections on each package. Information and sup- ¬ plies can be tad of II. E. MATTHEWS, out JlentBomery street. Ssn Francisco. aolS-Al-

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Page 1: Weekly Citizen. Miscellaneous. · 2017-12-12 · final adjustment of the difficulties in-¬ definitely. The receipt of a dozen bottles of ex-¬ cellent beer, with the compliments

Weekly Citizen.


OCT. 30.



Mile-- ' Kafttt : . Upl'natmvo ......

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nSSSi. "reavi; Silver King.

.rMicnir. miles Vuhtire. ibUm;Ire Hinules; Freseott, USzotk-- .

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Local lnteliycnco.ri.R E of workr arpliily at work

"inn the stone foundation of the new( '. ;rt House.

yr j.nes Carroll has removoif Lisc 'Ctngress street, south sjde, not

school house.f f.'iu the

Jt- A. M. ISraoo has secured olliceais the north side of Church Plaza,

j xn',1 them and dis--1 .: sc ustice with an impartial hantL

S .me very valuable mining develop- -;j. ,ts are hein made within a dozenL..-- 3 "f Tucson. They will be heardI: . ir. due time.

TaE ruarriaffe of ilr. 1'reJ Fleishman. Miss Carkita Meyer will be solemn- -

residence of C. K.z ii .it the Judge!J,- t- - C'.'it Monday evening, Oct 31.

-- uoEUAKEi; at Siiakaspeare, doing aj. d ' usinests, offers his shop and took' - s. if, iwiu; to the death of his wife

i ;3 1 atural desire to leave tht- - scene' : a lureavement.

T it Untol rei:istjrs begin to show that- trm capitalists and investors aro

r. u 'Oi'in? to arrive. The Indiant ic jtiunuir abated many others will; .aMy follow.

l' ir Order of United Workmen con- -tc..i;l.ite giving thoir socinl on nextW mesJay night in Levin's Hall instead

'. ttie l.nlge room, as the seating capac- -'t ' the former is more adequate tot. autn-ipato- attendance.

Mr-- II. C. Kibsex, for an am.ite.ir, has- im.hshel very neat lettering upon

t windows of .Tos. Goldtree's cigarf -- e. Henry has the artistic tasts andr .rreot eye, and only needs practice toLi.ite him a fine sign painter.

L W. R. Price has been grant- -1 1 cine month's leave of absence, on sur- -i? 'tis certificate of disability, with

e to apply to the proper authorityf r ua extension of eloven months, with

".iissioii to leave the United States.

fiLVEEAi. Superintendent A. N.

f ww has generously granted the use( tli railroad reading room, near the

lc;ot, to the Baptist denomination forf-- ioos services, which will be heldtaere every Sunday morning.

iiiE front of Mesjirs. Stevens Sc WolfsLf' hardware store on Main street, is

:.r placed in position, and the work' repairs is being pushed to the utmost.

I . s euterprising lirm will enjoy manyai;,taes in their new store, and theirniiuonse stock of hardware can be dis- -;la.ed with better effect. .

Tjie new retail department of thet of Wm. Zeckendorf & Co. will be

n n l. for business next Monday. Then.f ne stock of goods to be unpacked,

n.. irked and arranged will occupy all the:nt Tiiedjate time. When opened theirst. re will possess the merits of newness,'if npness and variety, and the public

will find everything in their line thatc 'D l wished for.

Kev. Me. GREoonr and family are ar--

rymg for a very enjoyable social andto aid in seating and furnishing

ti.f Uaptist Church. They will call arjet ting of the singers and musicians of

c city at the Presbyterian Church nextMi 'uday evening to arrange the musicalpr. .gramme.

Messrs. Jamis E. Beoos k Co. haveopc-up- a very complete tin shop andha:dware store at the corner of Meyerar.d Ochoa streets, below and nearly op- -

'Site Leo Goldsehmidt's furniture store.Eer thing in their line is manufacturedin a thorough and substantial manner,and they have already secured a goodtrade.

M- -. C. G. Giltett has had a model ve- ¬

il .'le made for his frequent trips to thenii'ics. It is a covered buckboard, madeVI. t, but strong and durable, and is ar-¬

ranged with numerous judiciously dis-¬

tributed springs. Various conveniencesare provided for securing the necessarycamping outfit and other baggage. Itwill le used on a trip to Sonora veryBl.'.'tlr.

Mr. JrLirs J. MrELLBit, of Hcnno--s.IIn, Sonora, is in the city en route totue East to conclude the transfer of'urge mining interests in the SierraMjilrts. The property he will dispose

f comprises an immense body of goldbf anug quartz that has been sufficientlydeveloped to show it a remarkably valu- -llc mine. Mr. Mueller will visit Chi- -

c;.go, New York, lioston and other East- -e'i cities before he returns.

The Scottish residents of the city willropnately celebrate Hallow 'cen, on

Monday night, and have a banquot atthe Grand HoteL The hash irogrammc,gotten up by Mr. Tom Patterson, em- ¬

braces much that is good and woro that3s lietter, and is flavored with a highlyconcentrated essence of wit. If theviands are as good as the bill of fare, thebanquet will be one of remarkable ex-¬


Messrs. Lord & WrLMAiis have beentc Jcred loans from heavy bonkingli nses in the East, sufficient to bridget'Vir their financial troubles. They areto-d- formulating a schedule of nssets

liabilities and their responsibilitiesin various contracts that have not yet"rired, on completioa of whichthe question of the acceptance of thegenerous offers will bo considered. Af- ¬

fairs now look as though the linn willresume business again in a very shorttime, which is a consummation devoutlyto be wished.

Personal Mention.Capt V. H. Sea mans, of Tombstone,

is in the. city.Judge Stilwcll has returned from

holding Court in Florence.Judge John Hnynca and wifo returned

from a visit to Tombstone.Mr. Chan. R Drake, County llecorder,

is expected home in a few days.Hon. 1J. J. Franklin, of Kansas Citv,

Mo., is visiting varioui. points in Arizona.Mr. L. B. Allen is acting na Divisiou

Superintendent S. P. It. R, during theabsence of Col. A. A. Beau. Col. Beanis expected back in a few dayr.

Mr. Ii. C. Brown, senior alitor andDrOOrietor of the Tllpcrm flnmnv JIUIUus a friendly visit a few days ago. Heis on a tour through the country in theluivtuw, kil uii taiunuic paper, ana isdeservnllv mnnHntr rrJtl, ai.,,.- ' ...... Wrhe CiaizEN is well liked, and extensive- ¬

ly reaii n uiote lUlobe-Chronic-

From Alaska.Hon. Hirim S. Stevens has a

letter from Mr. J. H. Moultonl who isconnected wit. the seal fisheries alxmtSeal islands, Altska. Mr.Moullon writesfrom St. Paul Ishnd, and gives the fill- ¬

ing interesting dtf aibj of maiter,s tlerc:"We have had a Mod sealing season,

taking 100,000 seal tkins, shipping thelast of them by the Kramer St. Paul onJuly :i0. We have reasm to think thatthe seals are steadily gaoinginimmbereeverv vear. On St. I'm T.t.ir,,". ti..- . ... . . 1J1 1UCIOwere taken 80,000, and on ot Gt'orgo 20,--000, and there are many taousiinds leftafter this number has bee killed.

Tlio past summer hasjbeen cold anddry, the warmest day behg but 58 de- -grccs in the shade, in fact x is alwnv inthe shade during the sumner monthii, asnv see me sur.not so cold as one would ppoee. Theyr lniiir lmf nrf lid as ill Hostim.

Tli. .i,. ti.'.tW have hail uincoKwiiim, i.ii . 11 11

I first came here 'a8 -- 1 degrees belowzero; last wint' tUe c"uC8t day wanniue degrees ove zero, and but littlesnow.

If wo oel,d have st monthly mail Iwould uoV,D,i bving here. As. it is, woiet Iettp- - 1,1 'lay nua agaiu m Seiitember 30r 'uo latter date we starve foryrjjjor our mail.

Military Matter-;- .

'ft. a fH,.:.. tl.i .1(to I iiia xuiiiiiiry ciianges aremade through Field Orders No. 37, datedOctober 22d:

Company C, Eighth Infantry(Corliss'),now in camp at Hooker's Itanche, A. T.,will proceed to Fort Grant, A. T., andtake station.

Company K. Eighth Iufantry( Worth's),now in camp at Brewster's Ilanche, A.T., will prwecd to Camp Thomas, A. T.,and report to the commanding officer atthat post, for tenivorary duty.

. Assistant Surgeon J. O. Skinuer, U. S.Army, is relieved from dutv as ActingMedical Purveyor in the liefd. and willproceed to join his proper station,i v nippie jjarracKs, a. I.)

Hospital Steward William Rieck, U. S.Army, now at this point, will proceed tojoin his proper station, (Whipple Bar--rack's, A. T.l

Company B, Eighth Infantrv(lorter'8 1,

will proceed to Camp Thoman, A. T.,without delay.

Two complaints wore filed with theClerk of the District Court on Fridayby Mr. G. II. Thompson, as agent for theBauk of California, one against Dr. C. n.Lord, individually, for 816,000, and oneagainst Lord A Williams for S17,0GU

An attachment was issued against theparties and Uuder-Sheri- ff J. J. Colemanand Deputies Geo. B. Shepard and M.S. Snyder liave been placed in charge ofthe property as keepers. Messrs. Mor- -gau A Silent, attorneys for the Bauk ofCalifornia, state that the assignmentwill bo contested on grounds that arcsufficient to tct it aside, and the circum- ¬

stances of the transfer as detailed to aCitizen-- reporter, if satisfactorily proven,will certainly bring alwut such a result.It is regretable that such an entangle- ¬

ment must ensue, as it postpones thefinal adjustment of the difficulties in- ¬


The receipt of a dozen bottles of ex- ¬

cellent beer, with the compliments ofMessrs. Bayer A Schwarz, is acknowl- ¬

edged. While the Citizen force main- ¬

tain that cold water is too good for manypeople, they willingly made some self- -sacrifice to extinguish even a dozen bot- ¬

tles of liquid wrath from off the surfaceof the earth, and it was remarked by an

ss of the combat that theyseemed proud of their victory over suchan alleged enemy of mankind, and wereinclined to accept the biblical injunctionto love their enemy. It should be re-¬

marked that the Park Brewery is nowmaking a splendid article of beer, whichwill be delivered to any jmrt of the citywithout extra charge, in kegs or iwttles.

3Iililarj Changes.It is reported in military circles that

Gon. O. B. Willeox has been transferreilfrom the department of Arizona to thodeiiartmciit of Oregon, and that Gen.Kantz has been appointed to succeedGen. illcox. This will make somevorv important changes in tho familiesand social relations of the officers of thiscoast Some of the families of officerswill hardly venture to take a change atthis season of the year to an Oregonwinter, but will most likely remain inLos Angeles until spring. Los An- ¬

geles Commercial.

Mr. Hcb. A. Wood is canvassing thecity for McKinney's Business Directoryof the principal towns of Kansni", South- ¬

ern Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona andSouthern California, including all thecitiea and towns on the Atchison, lope- -ka and Santa Fe: the Kansas-Pacifi- c;

St. Joseph and Western, and the South- -eru Pacific railroads, with their branches.This will be a valuable guide for busi- ¬

ness men, and it will bo closely scannedby travelers coming from the East orWest into the country coveral b thoDirectory. Mr. Wood will remain in thecity until Sunday.

These cool, sharp mornings stimulatepeople to tho lnbor of putting up thostoves that were laid aside during thosummer months. And when you sec aman mshinir along the streets with sev-¬

eral joints of stove pipe under his arms,you can safely bet thut ho will be a bet- ¬

ter man, morally, in a few days, whenho gets all the profanity out of him thatthe act of putting up stove pipe is capa- ¬

ble of extracting.

The hardware dealers' harvest is athand, and the shivering joints of the im- ¬

provident denizen arc being warmedinto life and usefulness through the as- ¬

sistance of bran new stoves. When theannJna liontnf Knmmprrnn lie nreservedfor winter use, through some simple and

t:ingenious appiiam-- iu.it uiii uyi.I among the impossibilities, then Arizonawill possess one of the finest climates inthe world.

The citv is exceedingly dull, so far asthe presence of people are concerned, atthe present time. The propitious weather for prospecting and working claimshas drawn very many persons to thehills, and the near approach when as- -

essment work on mines is due hasstimulated owners of claims to hastentheir developments.

This Polaris is tho name of a new

weeklv publication, from Portland, Or- ¬

egon." It is a handsome sixteen-pag- e

papiT and ably advocates tho church,politics, temperance, commorcc andwoman's snffrage. It has a long list ofexcellent contributors, embracing manydistinguished men of the Pacific enjt- -

Price S3.50 per year. Address J. E.Aiken, manager, Portland, Oregon.

Mbssrh. John Moore and Jesus Bal-- 1

lesteros have oponed a new meat market j

at the corner of Convent and Corral.l.Anli. nni. till, iiwi

have a slaughter house outside the citylimits, and will select and kill only choiceanimals.

Mb. Henrt Horto.-.-, who has beensuffering very much with neuralgia, hassent for his" wife, now visiting in SanBernardino.


Suggestions mm its Ccaoitilccct'iReport.


The annual report of the Commission- ¬

er of tho General Land Office containsnumerous recommendations for increas- ¬

ing the efficiency of tho office. Amongthe most important of these are the fol- ¬

lowing: There has been a great demandfor copies of the official records of locallaud offices, which there is no legalmethod of supplying without great in- ¬

convenience. It is suggested that localoffices bo allowed to furnisrTsuch copiesfor a reasonable fee, the proceeds to beused to pay for the necessary clericalhelp.

In obtaining a patent for mineral lands,the Commissioner is of the opinion thatthe agent of the patentee, who is oftenmore conversant with the material factssought to bo established than tho pat- ¬

entee, should be allowed to make oath tosuch facts, instead of his principal.

Under tho nrcsent law settlers ofcommunity desiring a survey of the same,can secure the same by depositing a sumsumcitnt to cover the cost 01 survey;, lorwhich certificates of deposit are given,receivable in part pavinent 01 the lands.Under this law large amounts of land arebelieved to have licen fraudulently se-¬

cured, and in many cases deputy survey- ¬

ors were implicated 111 the frauds, some- ¬

times going ho far as to advance thenecessary funds to secure a survey forthe purpose of obtaining the contract.Every effort has been made by the Com- ¬

missioner to suppress tuese abuses, butwith onlv partial success, and he recom-¬

mends the repeal of the law on tho sub- -lVX

trBOUBIi-E- IN THE WEST.Land troubles havo arisen in Oregon

and Washington Territory which theLand Office was unable to rectify, owingto tho lack of a necessary law, and thepassage or an act of Uougrcss is askedfor, defining the length of time after surveying in which final proof must be fur-nished, under penalty of forfeiture.

Attention is called to the great coufn- -

si'jn existing in the land records in Col- ¬

orado, ew Mexico and Arizona. Underthe law, the 'lurveyor-Gener- al is requiredto investigate all claims under Spanishand Mexican grants that may be broughtbefore hiin, and report tue same to Con.gress for action. This he is totally una.bio to do and pursue his proper labors,and additional legislation is asked toremedy this state of affairs. The presentlaw works gieat hardship to settlers anddiscourages emigration to thiH section.

A NEW SURVEY NECESSARY.The sale of public lands located in the

Sioux Indian reservation west of King--stone lake was ordered last spring, buttho existing survey proved so defectivethat a new one is necessarv before a salecan be made. The Commissioner com- ¬

ments upon tho unsatisfactory methodof examinations of surveys in tho fieldnow used, and recommends that the ex- ¬

aminer be appointed directly by theCommissioner instead of by the Surveyor- -General, as at present.

Speaking of the gre.--t delay of bnsinesscaused by the insufficient clerical force,the Commissioner notes that in a singledivisiou of the public lauds there aronow over UMXX) entries of legal noticesof settlement claims unposted on thetract books, and unexamined, and about1000 contents examined. Other divisionsare as much more in arrears.

In conclusion tho Commissioner refersto the abuses which have sprang up inconnection with timber-cuttin- g on min- ¬

eral lauds, and recommends a more strin- ¬

gent law to guard these lands. The officeroom and filing place of the Land Office,the Commissioner says, are insufficient,and increased accommodations are con- ¬

sidered necessary.


"KTiit Uiej Private in Ccmpanles A and H, SixthCivlr7, Say of tho Campaign Tbeir Rcpn- -titioa Suffers from Official Incapacity.

Arizona seems to be similarly aillictedas was Denmark, for in a race of abouttwo hundred miles, with an even start atthe beginning ami almost another in theDragoon mountains, that a band of In- ¬

dians, hampered with women, childrenand chattels, with time to pillage andkill, should escape almost s:ot free froman organized body of troops, drilled andequipped for snch occasions, with num- ¬

bers far exceeding the first, and whosemovements were facilitated by the manymodern appliance at their command, thepoverty of the result bespeaks failure,hut it would be unfair to attribute itunder the caption of "Military Incapaci- ¬

ty" to tho common soldier, whoso longdays and weary midnight marchingswore nullified, to say the least, by lack ofknowledge on the part of theirsuperiors.The soldiers complain of unfair criti- ¬

cisms and offer in their own behalf theirrecord of the past campaign. The firstmove from Grant began at 11 o'clock onthe night of August 31 to Camp Thomas,which was reached by noon the day fol- ¬

lowing, arriviug in Bocky Canyon aboutmidnight of October 2d and in CampApache at 3 o'clock on the morning ofthe 4th. Besting one day they were sentto inter the dead soldiers and citizensthat were Iving unburied on the trailof the Seven Mile Hill. Two of theeoldicrs belonged to the Twelfth Infan- -sry and had been stationed at the ferryon Black river, the other was a bearerof dispatches and member of the SixthCavalry. Of the citizens, one was a mailcarrier the other four being at that timeunknown. One had evidently beenburned in the wagon, his charred re-¬

mains being found in the ashc& Every-man had been shot twiceand their brainsbeaten out In a box on the road werea number of empty, reloadable cartridgeshells, which the Indians had evidentlythrown from the wagon before destroy- ¬

ing it. The supposition that the shellswere tho result of a desperate defense isnot tenable, inasmuch as a part of them

thefallen on tho road wlicn the Ikix wasthrown from the wagon. The return

was made to Apache, where theyremained until the 15th. Tho differentcompanies stationed there took turns inmaking " side scouts " every night Onthe morning of the loth they were ra- -rationed for two weeks and ordered toCibicu, arriving there on the third dayout They rehuried the IkhIv of Hentigand his seven soldiers, all of whom hadbeen unearthed and mutilated. Afterscouting for several days and nights inthe White mountains they returnedto San Carlos and from there tothcsuli-agenc- y, on the Gila, withorders to act under Biddle inmaking the arrest of the paroled chiefGeorge. The failure was most miser-¬

able, although it was noticed by the leastobserving that among tho Indians some- ¬

thing unusual was The buckswere everywhere gathering up theirstock, which the squaws hurriedly droveto the river for water, but still, to thesoldiers, the expectant order came notuntil the sub-ugen- on the Gila knewthe "nation's wanls" no more, and aband of red-hand- devils were loosedujion the country to massacre its inhabit- ¬

ants, to wreck and stagnate its trade.Marched to Thomas on the same nightand on the day following ordered to takeup the trail of the hostile Chiricahuas,and by noon of the second day reachedthe Ct'ittonwoods, where an attempt wasmade to cook dinner, but learning fromtwo couriers that tho were at, oraliout, Cedar Springs, the troops werehurried on, leaving their half-cooke- d

dinner to tho next comer. Here theywere joined by three citizens anxious todrink Apache blood. In the contlictthat followed, ammunition failed andCompanv A was sent back to hurry upthe train. A mile to the rear they sightedthe boastful trio doing guard duty in acanyon where even straybullets wouldhave been strangers. Leaving the battleground at 11 p. ni.Camp Grant was madeby 2 o'clock in the morning and Willeoxby S o'clock the same evening. Thenext morning horses and menwere transferred by rail to DragoonPass, engaging the Indians all day"and doing guard duty all night Upearly the next morning they followedthe trail of the escaping Indians tillnear nightfall, when they left the trailand went to tho Soldiers' Holes, wherethev unsaddled their horses for the firsttime in 4S hours. At the Holes they


stopped to shoe stock and recuperatetwo nights and one day. Then thetroops were dashed ahead to overtakethe bod Indians, who, at that time, wereover the line and not less than 24 hoursin advance. First to San Bernardino onthe line, to Cloverdalr, in NowMexico, where, after a brie--' delay, theybegan their march homeward, going intoquarters at Camp Grant on the 22d ofthe present month. The mountainbrought forth a mole hill, but the laborwas nevertheless severe. Through thepublic press much has been made overthe doings of the citizens, but in tho latecampaign the soldiers disclaim havingreceived any assistance whatever fromthem, exceptiug such as wasnround their camp fires and coffee pot.It was rumored among then:, and nameswere given, that four citizens found abuck shot through both legs, killed andscalped him, then divided tl8 scalp intofour parts, each one exhibitiag his littlepiece as a full scalp as evidence of hisown prowess. It is claimed that fourIndians wero killed at Cedar Springsand five more in the Draroon moun-¬

two of them were left on thefield and three carried to near Clover- -dale and there buried. On one wiiafound a discharge from Guilfoyle'sscouts wherein it was stated that ho wasof good character. On another wasfound a med.il belonging to Wm. C.Cunningham, Sixth Cavalry. It is nowin possession of Lieutenact Overton."From some of the bodies the Indianscouts obtained abont S140. A coupleof negro soldiers secured about S40more.

Such is the account given by membersof Companies A and H, Sixth Cavalry,and they think it but justice to themthat their side of the story be heard,with the others. J.

Land Office Recordc

The following are the entries at theLaud Office in Tucson for tho past twoweeks:

DECLARATORY STATEMENTS HLnD.Oct 24, bv Geo J lloskruge, lots 1 anil

2, and E K of NW hi, sec 7, T 10 S, It14 E.

Oct. 24, by H Gormley, lots 1 and 2,and E U of NW hi sec 18, T 1C S, It 14 E.

Oct. 24, bv' It It Richardson, lots 3 and4, and E of SW 14 sec 7, T 1C S, It14 E.

Oct 24, by Henry Bnehman, lots 4, 5,C and 7, sec 6, T 10 S, It 14 E.

Oct 24, by John C Jackson, NE hi ec18, T 1C S, It 14 E.

Oct 2o, by T A Hartwell, JTE sec9, T Hi S. It 14 E.

Oct 25, by Joseph Bctz, SE if sec 18,T 10 S, It 14 E.

Oct 25, by Wm F Kitt, lots 3 and 4,and E 4 of SW l4, sec 18. TIG S, K14E.

Oct 25, bv M J Brundage, let- - 1 and 2and E K of NTW l, sec 19, TIG S, It 14 E.

Oct. 2o, bv Geo V Ross, lot 3 and SE4 of NW j and E K of SW hi, sec G, T

1G S, R 14 E.Oct 25, bv Miguel Carrillo, N1J hi sec

18, T 16 S.F.14E.Oct 25, bv Jose M Vasqnez, SW JLj of

SEl, ; NE 1, of SW i, and S ofLSVhi sec7,TlGS,R14E.

Oct 25, bv John P. Thomas, NJi ofSB 4 and N 4 of SW if sec 1, T 14 S,It 13 12.

Oct 25, bv W R Gleason, SE M sec15. T 14 S. R 13 E.

Oct 2G, by W R Ingram, SW "4 t

21.T18S.F.17E.Oct2fi,byWm Wilkerson. W .' and

SE li NE !J sec 20, and SWii of 2?W4'sec 21. T 18 S. it 17 li

Oct. 28, by Anton Hittinger, 3 H ofNW ?4 and N of SW X sec 1, T 14 S,R13E.

Oct. 28, by Fred Fleishman, S K ofNE hi, and N K of SE hi sec 1, 14 S,11 13 IS.


Oct 5. by Ncri F Osborn, Phenix, SEii sec 20. T 2 N. 11 3 E, 100 acres.

Oct 23, by Jesus Montio. Tucson. NE"4 of NE 4 of sec 18, T 14 S, R 14 E, 40acres.


Oct 27, by John Baker, Tucson, NWii sec 4. T 14 S. 11 14 K, 157.31 acres.

Oct 20. N K and SE A of NE ii. andNE hi of SE 4 sec32, TO S, R ICE,100 acres.


Oct 21, by Robert J Winders, YiriilW Earp, Wyatt S Larp and James O

first north extension of the Mountnin Maid mine, 17.47 ncres.

Oct 22, by The Way Up Mining Com- ¬

pany, assignee of 1 nomas i iarnih, JlGray, Joseph Goldtree and Lewis Gold- -tree. The Way Up mine. lU.'JO acres.

Oct 28, by Charles T IStcheHs, liobcrtJonson, E Holbrook, John CHandy and Itudolph Colin, ihe Heraldmine. vJAi acres.

Oct. 28, by John H James and i ATrit tie, Coppor Prince mine, 0.84 acres.

Oct 28, by .1 S White, Bins Mondaymine, Itc--i acrrs:

Official Records.


Cadet mine. Empire district, locatedOctober 2.1, by John iwen, jr.

Santa luta, GreatcrviUe, June J,Segler.

Gift mine. Cababi, September u.SwcctlaniL

Exchange mine, Cabaoi, September C..1 Li Messersmith.

Barcelona mine, Meyers, October 20Jos Caitano, B T Russell.

Potosio2, Meyer, October 19, JosCaitano. B T RusselL

Potosi 1. Meyers, October 19, JosCaitano. B T Russell

r lores mine, Meyers, October JosCaitano. li T ltusselL



Nathan C Boynton claims placer claimOo miles west 01 xucson m tue oantaCatalina mountains.

Silas T Jordon, It B Boynton and J BBennett claim water location in SantaCatalina mountains, running into Canyon del Oro, October 27.





R N Graves and T Lyle to the Qtujo--toa Company, jliama liucteyemine, Omjotoa mountains, $10.

It N Graves and W T Lyle to tueures- -co --Alining Company, Silver Moon mine,(juijotoa mountains, bW.

llarrv Ulay to li Hanson and u nur- -lev, 1 i Iron Dnke and Green Top Southmines, umpire uiturici, ciou.

O- - It Nofiett to John 11 Campbell,still in the' box, balai-c- having ! Hpodo andTinafore mines, Tyndall dis- -









triet, S10.000.James C Halden to Ezekiel H Cook,

interest in the Deopold mine, OroBlanco district, SI.

Frank Cunningham to J G Rusk, El- ¬

more Rusk and Frank Rnsk, hi interestin tho Morrose and James Flood coppermines, Pima district, SI.

TheKeystono Placer Mining Companyto Constant Duhem, 17 placer mirrngclaims, located in Louisiana Gulch,Greatervillo District $10,000.

A. C. Rogers to J. D. Andrews, Rail- ¬

road mine and Cumberland miningclaim, near the Mowry Smelting Works.


Antonio Romero dc Rodrigues to Jos.Ferrin nnd A. Marx, lot directlv southof Palace Hotel, S150 monthly.


J H Campbell. Frank F Cranz and EF Gleason, to O W Strceter, J SDunndand A H H Dawnon, 27 mines in theTyndal district S10.000 and 0 of cap- ¬

ital stock.Bond of J H Turner as Notary Public

at Harshaw.Bond of Faul Riecker as Notary Pub- ¬

lic, Tucson.

I'restott Point.(From Deaiocr&t.)

Mrs. C. P. Dake and Mr. and X'rs.Clark and child, left to-da-y in a privateconvi yance for laricopa, whence theyintend proceeding to the East, Mrs.Dake to Michigan and the others to 'Ver- ¬

mont.Our city hose carri&ge has reached

town at last It looks a little the worsefor wear, hut is in good order. It luVathirty inch reeL

The steamship Kronpriuz FredetichWilhelm of the North German LloydIron Steamship Company, landed 919immigrants at Galveston, Texas, onMonday, lust week, and 98 at New Or- ¬

leans on Thursday. This is the first ofmany shipments by the same line.

Colonel Williamson, Chief of theBtardof United States Engineers for the Pa- ¬

cific Coast George Goodale, Surveyor ofLight Houses and Light Honso Inspec- ¬

tor Coffin, lately paid n visit to SealRock, thirteen miles north of Cres-.-en-t

City and seven miles off shore, with aview of placing a light house there. Itis probable that the light house will beconstructed next spring.



A KlchilLrs Well Managed The Gradual Growthfrcm Nothing to Afanence- - A ProspectrrsDividend Producer-- An Examination byBelUhlo Mining Man.

Special Conpaleceoof the dxiZEX.1Glode, October 2L Your correspond

dent paid a visit to Richmond Basin onthe 17th instant and made a personal in... , .11 - r rspection 01 tno jibck jiorru mine,which is located therein. He is thor-¬

oughly hatisfied from what he saw andlearned that the Mack Morris is a won- ¬

derful and valuable property, and he isfurther convinced that the Mack MorriaCompany has been fortunate in securing the frerviees of the right kind of mento manipulate and manage their affairs,around lth the mine and milL Indeed,a very slight glance at the improve- ¬

ments made about both would be suffi-¬

cient to satisfy tho most casual observerthat those m charge have a thoroughknowledge of what 13 necessary in theline of mining to expedite work, witha" strict view also to both convenienceand economy, which fact he hereninproposes to prove to the entireisfaction of every intelligent reader ofthe Citizen and the public generallyThat he is correct, a brief history ofthe mine and the developments madeIhereonby tho present efficient man- ¬

agers within the past two years willkIiow.

Richmond Baxin is situated about 12miles due north from Globe, at thesouthern base of Apache Mountains; itsaltitude is about 4UUU feet above sealevel: the geological formation sur- -

rounding it and porphyritic.The Basin derived its name from theRichmond mine, of which the MackMorris is the first extension, both ofwhich were discovered nnd located inJanuary, 187G, by John H. Alvany andRupert Dickey. The former they lo-¬

cated for themselves, and the latter forMack Morns and the Iato M. L. Stiles,of Florence, who about two years agosucceeded in selling the Mack Morristo th5 pirsent company, receiving there-¬

for S130.000. Since that time the com- ¬

pany has been working it continually,and until very recently undergreat disadvantages. There wasbut little development made on theclaim before tho purchase, and the com- ¬

pany only put up the purchasemoney to begin with, and consequentlythey had to depend entirely on whatcould be got out of tho claim, whichfact necessarily made development veryalow and tedious. But with energy, lifeand enterprise, backed by a thoroughknowledge gained by actual experiencein any line of business, success is as-¬

sured. The mine has so far yielded tothe company upwards of $300,000 hibullion, vhich has paid all tho exiiensesof working, which were necessarilyheavy, and besides has now a No. 1hoisting works at the mine, a first-cla- ss

quartz mill at the Wheatfields,nine milts from tho mine, to which thereis a most excellent road, which wo be-¬

lieve has not an equal for the same dis-¬

tance m the Territory of Arizona, andall tho mine equipments, houses at themine and mill, all paid for; and conse- ¬

quently the next thing now in orderis dividends, which will be forth-¬

coming in a very short time.Your correspondent arrived at the mine

just as the whistle blew at noon, andwas kindly received by Major M. A.Baldwin, tho able and excellent superin- ¬

tendent, and Air. 1 nomas u. west, thegentlemanly foreman, both of whomhave had many years experience in thebusiness of mining, and consequentlyare thoroughly practical miners, as thereaders of this will readily observe bythe following sketch of the workings andarrangements for handling ores:

In the first place, as above stated, thecompany had no working capital to be-¬

gin with, and hud to go slow. They se- ¬

cured, on credit, an old third or fourth- -rate hoisting apparatus, and placed it onthe mine. They then packed the waterto operate it, at first on burros, for somedistance. Both of these difficulties havesince been overcome, and the new ma- ¬

chinery works like a clock, the bucketsgliding back and forth without a jar.The engiuc is about a forty-hors- e

power, and it is so arranged by meanof levers and two upright beamswith a long screw upon which works anindicator, that the engineer can stop thebucket at nny point in the mine desiredwithout leaving his post, as accurately:is weighing sack of Hour. The burrosliave been displaced by the discovciy ofa sufficiency of water in the lower levelsfor all purposes about tho mine. Theoro car from the main shaft is run outon a trestle over the ore chute, in whichthe quartz is dumped, and the teamshauling crin be driven under the spoutand one ropn can easily do the work often in loading, nnd the same is also thecase at the mill: the wagons are drivenon a floor nnd the quartz dumped on atrap door which, when removed, lets theore into the battery chute. By thismeans the ores are handled with perfectease, two men doing the work of twentyordinary' hands no small item in themccessful working of a mine.

The developments so far made con- ¬

sist of a double compartment workingshaft 4G5 feet dcep, timbered through- ¬

out, with good stations well secured by8x8 inch timbers at the 300 and 400-foo-

levels, at each of which there is arrangedwater tanks, and by means of gutters theseepage water is collected nndsent to the surface frc'ai each level.The 300-fo- level, we should judge, isabout 1G0 or 170 feet long, with a cross- -cnt nt the end running north some 00 ori0 feet, at the end of which there is avinze sunk 70 or 80 feet At 400 feetthere is a similar level and crosscut run,from which the ores now being workedaro taken. The vein in the face of thecrosscut hero looks to be well defined,from one to three feet wide, with splen- ¬

did walls of porphyry, the course ofwhich appears to be east and west, witha dip to the northward. The ore incharacter is sulphurets in n white iior--phyritic quartz. The bottom of themain shaft at present is about 20 feetsouth of the vein, which will bo cutagain at the 500-fo- level by a cross- -cat, when a large body of ore will nodoubt be struck. The main shaft issunk perpendicularly for nearly 300 feet,and from there down it has a gradual in- ¬

cline to the north. This was dono inorder to follow the vein as closely aspossible. At the curve in the shaftthere is a roller so arranged as to workazainst the wire rope and steady thebucket, which it does without the slight-¬

est difficulty, nnd we believe that a shaftcan bo sunk to a much greater depth bythe same method with penect case andsafety. Both the superintendent andforeman assured me that it could bedone, and we do iot doubt it in theleast

From the mine to the mill is downgrade the entire distance. The mill isalxmt, approximately, two thousand feetlower than tho mine, which fact makesthe ore hauling easy. The amountsliipped daily over the road is fromtventy to twenty-fiv- e tons. Tho milland assay office, dwellings for the Super- ¬

intendent and employes, including storercom stables and out-hous- and lost,.but not least by any means, a splendidbuth house where a hot or cold bath canbo had at any time of day or night.(which is of itself a genuine luxury,) andall the mill improvements are so arrangedas to guard against fire. They nre scat- ¬

tered so that in case of fire only one ortwo buildings would burn. The mill hassufficient room and motive power for tenadditional stamps whenever needed. Theore is wet crushed and passes from thebattery into tire- - pans, where it is treated.The tailings, or slum, are carried awayfrom the settlers by water throughsluices one hundred feet or more, thebottoms of which are lined with silk plush,which contrivance saves monthly to thecompany, he is informed by the gentle- ¬

manly superintendent, cu average ofS1000, which is another important poinin favor of intelligent management. Thethousands of dollars thus saved go fartoward paying the working expenses andwould doubtless be entirely lost with ig--ncrant and unexperienced men to man- ¬

age, as is so commonly the case withmuling companies in this Territory andwhich is the sole cause of so many fail- ¬

ures in mining enterprises. It is abso- ¬

lutely the want of practical knowledgethat makes failures nine times out often, and every failure thus broughtabout has its bad effects on the mininginterests of the country.

And now in conclusion your corres- ¬

pondent must say that Globe has a rightto be proud of the Mack Morris mine,which is beyond all doubt a true fissurevein, and permanent Great credit iscertainly due to tho intelligent and con-¬

genial superintendent, Major M. ABaldwin, and also the gentlemanly, effi- ¬

cient foreman, Thomas L. West, andtheir services cannot be too highly ap- ¬

preciated by their company and thecommunity generally, for they havebeen most invaluable. With a few moresuch men as these to manage miningenterprises in Arizona, mining wouldboom in all directions.


An Interview with J. J. UaeUer,Inspector of Mlnet.

Mr. Julius J. Mueller, of Hermosillo,who is the mining man of the great firmof Don Jose Ortez, has been delayed inthis city for several days by the failureof tho firm of Lord & Williams. He ison his way East, and had his funds fortraveling purposes in drafts on Lord A

Williams bank. The closing of thathouse rendered it necessary for him tocommunicate with the branch house ofOrtez in San Francisco.

Thursday an attache of the Citizencalled upon Mr. Mueller at Porter's Ho-¬

tel, where he is domiciled, to ascertainthe object of. his visit to the cities of theeastern sea-boar-

Mr. Mueller was formerly a newspaperman, being editor of a leading Germanpaper published in New York. He hasalso, in times that are past, contributedcorrespondence to the' Citizen from So-¬

nora. He is an accomplished gentle- ¬

man, an agreeable conversationalist, andhas an extensive and intimate knowledgeof Mexico and its resources. He has re-¬

sided in Sonora for about thirty years,during a portion of which time he wasgovernment inspector of mines. Ho is athorough geologist and metallurgist nndhas examined all the mining districtsnorth of the City of Mexico.

Ho discountenances the gross exag- ¬

gerations in which many indulge in re-¬

lation to the mines of Sonora. He saysthat Sonora and Chihuahua abound inrich ores, but that many of the state-¬

ments as to the grade of the ore is ab- ¬

surd. He states that in his judgmentas an expert there is not a mine inSonora in which the ore averages over$50 per ton. There aro streaks of orerunning up into the thousands, butmuch of the ore carries only $5 and $10to the ton.

He doc not think mnch of the minesin the Altar and Magdalena Districts,but says the mines in the Hermosillo,Ures, Moctezuma, Sahuaripa and Ala;moa District have permanent and largerbodies of low-grad- e ore, which is allfrce-milhn- g. The mines in the SierraMadres are not veins but mouutains oflow-grad- e ore.

Mr. Mueller's visit to the large citiesof the United States is for the purpose rdisposing of a large number of valuableclaims owned by the firm. He will first goto Chicago, where a company has been or- ¬

ganized to take a property consisting ofa tunnel claim and three ordinary claims,the whole embracing a superficial areaof 15,000,000 square feet. This propertyis located in the foothills of the SierraMadres, and lies west of tho famousMulatos mine. It is a mountain of lowgrade ore. The adjacent hills are cov-¬

ered with oak nnd pine timber, whichwill be convenient for working the mine.

Mr. Mueller has a number of otherproperties, which he expects to place inChicago, New York and Boston.

While in the employ of the govern- ¬

ment Mr. Mueller made accurate, notesand a geological survey of the country.These notes ho thinks, after revisingthem to agree with the changes of thopast few years, ho will arrange to havepublished. They wonld meet a wantmuch felt for accurate information inrelation to the resources of our neigh-¬

boring country'i and snch a publicationwould be of great benefit to Mexico inpresenting facts and not mythical stones,such as are now circulating of this ElDorado.

He says that there is a great demandfor labor. "There are large and fertiletracts of country now lying idle for wantof laborers, and many enterprises lan- ¬

guish for tho same reason.

Yuma (t'ossip.(Fnim Frt Prees.)

The steamer Gila will leave for upperColorado on November oth.

Mr. A. Caldwell, Superintendent ofthe Gunsight mine, and his wife havebeen visiting lunia this week.

The long talked of railroad from Yumato Port Ysabel, though dormant for sometime, we hear will receive early atten- ¬

tion.We express the congratulations of our

entire people, when we say, we welcomehome agaiu Mr. Uoude l.eger. Jlr.Ia?gor has been absent some weeks atTucson, attending some mining mattersin the Land Office there and in which heis interested.

Mr. Bivins, of the Gunsight MiuingCompany in Meyers District is spend- ¬

ing a few days at the residence of Mr. L.J. F. Lcger, where we were pleased bymeeting him. He met with quite a mis-¬

hap at tho Gunsight mine in beingthrown from a wagon, but. aiinougubadlv hruisc-d-, his injuiies aro fortu-¬

nately not serious. Mr. Bivins reportsgood success in all his mining operationsin Philadelphia and elsewhere, whichfact does not surprise us, knowing hisreputation and probity.

It is rumored that Mr. S. S. Draperhas been given control of all the stock ofthe Red Cloud Gold and Silver MiningCompany and that he is consummating asale of the Silent mine, in Silver Dis- ¬

trict, to an English company of wealth.Mr. Draper is a gentleman of honor, andhis representation can lie relied upon.Had he had full control of the affairs ofthe company in the past, things wouldhave been different than they are now.Should the sale go on, Silver Districtand the whole county will be most ma- ¬

terially benefitted.

(;iolie Gossip.From the Chronicle. 1

It was reported yesterday that anotherrich strike had been made in the MackMorris. Stockholders may expect divi- ¬

dends from this property, probably be- ¬

fore the close of next month.Mr. Wm. Dickinson, who has lately

been engaged in the erection of smeltersfor the Old Dominion Copper MiningCompany, left for California on Wednes- ¬

day, and will be absent about a month,visiting his friends at Stockton.

Mr. R. L. Long, the efficient clerk ofthe District Court, took his departure onTuesday last for San Francisco, wherehe will visit his friends during tho nextmonth or six weeks. Recorder P. B.Millor will attend to the duties of thooffice during Mr. Long's absence.

A consignment of ore was recentlysent to San Francisco by ths TacomaCopper Company, for the pnrpose oftesting the best method of separation,and an assay made of the same gaveS100 silver and 70 per cent copper. Thisis a sample of Globe district ore, andthere is plenty of it

Mr. James Bailey, a well known min- ¬

ing man of New York, arrived onWednesday evening, visited the Old Do-¬

minion copper mine, and 'returned yes-¬

terday moming via California. He hasbeen visiting the Papago country forseveral weeks past, and speaks of it inglowing terms. He is also well pleasedwith the ontlook for Old Dominion.

1'henlx Point.Phenix Herald.

Postmaster Mowrey yesterday issuedmoney orders nmonnting to $412, whichis good sjiowing for Phenix.

iIutaII KTinprintondpntof the Vulture mine, arrived in PhenixThursday morning, lie reports every- ¬

thing at the mine quietly and solidlyprosperous, as usual.

Onr telegraphic colnmns show thatthe long-expecte- d contlict between theauthorities and the cowboys has come.Now that the battle has opened we hopeit will continue until the absolute ruleof law and order be established.

The Vulture camp was excited histevening that Mrs. Harry Yarnell hadmade an attempt to commit suicide bypoison. No cause is assigned for theact At latest accounts the attendingphysician despaired of her life. Harry'smanv friends here will deeply sympa-¬

thize with hiniin his affliction.


Man!!! Virgil Earp, Morgan and Wyatt Earp andDoc EoUlday Meet the Cowsoyi-Thr- ee. Men

Killed and Two Wonnded. One Serlonily-O- rl-

gln of the Tronhls and its Tragical Termination.

Tomtttom Xnoat. Oct. IT. "

The 20th of October wiU always bemarked as one of the crimson days m theannals of Tombstone, a day when bloodflowed as water, and human life washeld as a shuttlecock, a day always1 to beremembered as witnessing the bloodiestand deadliest street fight that has everoccurred in this place, or probably in theTerritory.

Tnn ORIGIN OF THE TROUBLEDates back to the first arret of Stilwclland Spencer for the robbery of ' the Bis--bee stage. The of the Earpswith the Sheriff and his deputies in thearrest causing a number of the cowboysto, it is said, threaten the ltves of all in- ¬

terested in the capture. Still, nothingoccurred to indicate that any suchthreats woidd be carried into execution.Bnt Tuesday night Ike Clanton raid DocHolh'day had some difficulty in the Al--hambra saloon. Hard words patsed be-¬

tween them, and when they parted it wasgenerally understood that the feelingbetween the two men was that of intensehatred. Yesterday morning Clantoncame on the street armed with, a rifleand revolver, but was almost immediate- ¬

ly arrested by Marshal Earp, duarmedand fined by Justice Wallace for carry-¬

ing concealed weapons. While in thoCourt room Wyatt Earp told him that ashe had made threats against his life hewanted him to make his fight, to sayhow, when and where ho would fight,and to get his crowd, and he (Wyatt)would be on hand. In reply Clanton said:

four narr or groundIs enough for mo to fight on, and TU bethere." A short timo after this WilliamClanton and Frank McLowry came intown, and as Thomas McLowry wasalready here the feeling soon b'icamegeneral that a fight would ensue beforethe day was overhand crowds of expect-¬

ant men stood otithe cornerof Allen andFourth streets awaiting the coming con- ¬

flict It was now about two o'clock, andat this time Sheriff Belian appeared uponthe sceuc and told Marshal Earp that ifhe disarmed his poske, composed of Mor- ¬

gan and Wyatt Earp, and Doc Holliday,he would go down to the O. K. Corral,where Ike and James Clanton and Frankand Tom McLowry were and disarmthm. The Marshal did not desire to dothis until assured that there was 110 dan- ¬

ger of an attack from the other party.The Sheriff went to the corral and toldthe cowboys that they must put theirarms away and not have any trouble.Ike Clanton and Tom McLowry said theywere not armed, and Frank McLowrysaid he would not lay his aside. In themeantime the Marshal had concluded togo and, if possible, end the matter bydisarming them, and as he and his fossecame down Fremont street towards thecorral, the Sheriff stepped out and said:


Don't go down there or there will betrouble; I have been down there to dis-¬

arm them. But they passed on, andwhen within a few fee of them theMarshal said to the Clantons and MeLowrys: "Throw up your hands, boys,I into-"1- , to disarm you." As he spokeFranP McLowry made n motion todraw his revolver, when Wyatt Earppulled his and him, the ballstriking on the right side of his abdo-¬

men. About the same time Doc llollidavshot Tom McLowry in the right side,using a short shotgun, such as is carriedby ells, I'argo A Lo, s messengers. Jnthe meantime Billy Clanton had shot ntMorgan Earp, the ball passing throughthe point of the left shoulder bladeacross his back, just grazing the back'bone and coming out at the shoulder,the ball remaining inside of his shirtHe fell to the ground, bnt in an instantgathered himself, and raising in a sitting position fired at Frank McLowry ashe crossed Fremont street, and at thesame instant Doc Holliday shot at him,both balls taking effect, either of whichwould have proved fatal, as one struckhim in the right temple nnd the other111 the left breast As ho started acrossthe street however, he pulled his gundown on Holliday Baying, "I've got yonnow." "Blaze away! You're a daisy ifvon have," replied Doc. This shot" ofMcLowry's passed through Holliday'spistol pocket, just grazing the skin.While this was goinr on


Virgil Earp in tho right leg, the ballpassing through tho calf, inflicting a re- ¬

vere tlesh wound. In turn he had beenshot by Morg Earp in the right side ofthe abdomen, and twice by irgii Earp,once in the right wrist and once in theleft breast Soon after the shootingcommenced Ike Ulan ton ran through theO. K. Corral, across Allen street intoKellogg's saloon, and thence into Tough- -nut street where he was arrested andtaken to the county jail. The firing al- ¬

together didn't occupy more than twen- ¬

ty-fi- seconds, during which timo fullythirty shots were fired. After the figh'twns over Billy Clanton, who, with won- ¬

derful vitality, survived his wounds forfully an hour, was carried by the editorand foreman of the Nugget into a honscnear where he lay, and everything pos-¬

sible done to make his List momentsmoments easy. He was "game" to thelast, never uttering a word of complaint,and just before breathing his last hesaid, "Goodbye, boys; go uway and letme die." The wounded were taken totheir Iioubcs, and at three o'clock tiltsmorning wero resting comfortably. Thedead bodies wero taken in charge by theCoroner, and an inauest will be heldupon them at 10 o'clock to-da-y. Uponthe person of Thomas McLowry wtsfound between $300 and $400, nnd checksand certificates of deposit to the amountof nearly $3000.


Sheriff Bchan was standing near by- -

commanding the contestants to ceasefiring but was powerless to prevent itSeveral parties who were m the vicinityof the shooting had narrow escapesfrom being shot One man who hadlately arrived from the east had a Dallpass" through his pants. He left forhome this morning. A person called" the Kid," who shot Hickn at Charles- ¬

ton recently, was also grazed by a balLWhen the Vizina whistle gave the sig-¬

nal that there was a conflict betweenthe officers and cowboys, tho mines onthe hill shut down and tho miners werebrought to the surface. From the Con- ¬

tention mine a number of men, fallarmed, were sent to town in .1 four-hors- e

carnage. At the request of the Sheriffthe " vigilantes," or Committee of Safe- ¬

ty, were called from the streets by a fewsharp toots from the Vizina whistle.During tue eany part tt tue eveningthere was a rumor that a mob would at- ¬

tempt to take Ike Clanton from the jailand lynch him, and to prevent any suchunlawful proceedings a strong guard ofdepnttes was placed around that build-¬

ing, and will be so continued until alldanger Li past At 8 o'clock last even- ¬

ing, Finn Clanton, a brother of Billy andIke. came in town, and placing lumsellunder the guard of the Sheriff, visitedthe morgue to see the remains of onebrother, and then passed the night injail in company with the other.


Shortly after the shooting veased thewhistle nt the Vizina mine sounded afew short toots, and tJrcoU simultane- ¬

ously a large number of citizens ap- ¬

peared on tue streets, armru wun nuesand a belt or cartridges around theirwaists. These men formed in line andoffered tbeir services to the peace offi- ¬

cers to preserve order, in case any at- ¬

tempt at disturbance was made, or anyinterference offered to the authorities ofthe law. However, no hostile move wasmade by anyone, and quiet and orderwas fully restored, and in n short timethe excitement died away.


The bodies of the three slain cowboyslay side by side, covered with a sheetVery little blood appeared on their cloth- -ing.'and only on the face of young BillyClanton was thero any distortion ofthe features or evidence of pain indying. The features of the two Me--Lowery boys looked as calm andplacid in death, as if they haddied neaceubly, snrrcunded by lovingfriends and sorrowing relatives. Nc un- ¬

kind remarks were made by anyone, bnta feeling of unusual sorrow seemed toprevail at the sad occurrence. Of theMcLowry lirothers we could learn noth- ¬

ing of theirprevions history before com- ¬

ing to Arizona. The two brothers ownedquite an extensive ranch on the lowerSan Pedro, some seventy or eighty milesfrom this city, to which they had re-¬

I- f

moved their band of cattlo since the recent Mexican and Indian troubles. Theydid not bear the ropntation of being ota quarrelsome disposition, but wereknown as fighting men, and have gener--condue'ed themselves in a quiet and or- ¬

derly manner wheu in Tombstone.


Mrs. Spoopesdyke's Bather Cenfnted Mess AboutCanned Electricity.

Brooklyn E&le.J"I see that a Frenchman has got a pat- ¬

ent for canned energy," observed Mrs.Spoopendyke, as she picked up a lot otcut steel beads on a needle and begansewing them on medallions for dresstrimming.

"Gotnwhafr" interrogated Mr. Spoop-¬

endyke, who was blacking his boots." Yes. He says he can put strength

up in bundles aud send it anywhere, sothey can run ships and things withoutsteam. He sent ever so much over toScotland."

"What circus biU havo you been read- ¬

ing now V inquired. Mr. "Spoopendyke,glaring at his wife.

"It's so," she replied, "I saw it in thepapers. He does it up like preserves,and it lasts ever so long, and it's just asfresh and strong when they open it as itwas at first"

" Who puts it up? Who're yon talk-¬

ing about?""A Frenchman. He gets a lot of

strength ami fixes it with electricity ;and you can buy it anywhere. Tm goingto get some and take it It'll be just asgood as going in the country, and maybeit'll help my headaches. I suppose theGovernment will buy a lot of it fortramps."

"lougone crazy again?" demandedMr. Spoopendyke. "What d'yo mean byputting strength m boxes ? Think ener- ¬

gy is some kind of dod gasted fish ?S'pose you can put main strength tip inbottles like a measly shrimp ? If you'regoing to read, why don't von" readstraight?"

" Why, I did. He ha some kind of amachine and he makes energy so it wdllast, and then he solders it up in tins, orsomething, so you can keep it in thehouse. I'm going t have some to dothe washing."

" Does it strengthen up the mind ofa dod gasted idiot?" blurted out Mr.Spoopendy ke. " Can it niako a measlySpoopendyke woman talk sense?"

" Ihe iaper didn't say; but if it is allthey claim for it, it wfll be a great helpin house-cleanin- g and moving the stc p--ladder around when you want to hangpictures. And then it saves boiling beeftea. Oh, you ought to read about itThey soy its the greatest invention ofthe age.

" D'ye mean to tell me that they'reselling muscle by the keg? Want meto understand that some frog-ent- er iskeeping industry on draught? ThinkI'm an ass?"

" That's what the Eagle says." rejoin.ed Jlrs. bpoopendyke, with a woman simplicit reliance on anything in print

Ami they can make any quantityot it cheap, so we can have all wo want.I "wish you'd get some right off, andwe'll try it ou the FridavV sweeping."

"Qtutr howled "Sir". Spoopendvke." Stop making an idiot asylum of your- ¬

self: b pose you can make me believethat house cleaning comes in jugsThink I'm going to believe that a week'swash comes in a box, like measly pills?Perhaps yon want me to think thnt yourdod gasted stuff will pay the rent andrun my business! Next time you strikea corn salve you read it unJerstandinIy, dye hear? Energy bv tho pint!Strength by the yard! Gotthat ripseweu up in mv pants r

" Yes, dear," murmured Mrs. Skxi- -endyke meekly, ami Air. bpoonendvkehaving arrayed birosuj", plunged out ofthe lwnso ami made for theferrv boat.

" Hello, Spoopendyke!" saluted hisfriend Speeklowottle. " see this thing inthe paper about the Frenchman who islioxing up energy

"Yes, certainly," replied Sjioopen.ayke, " and A ve been all the morningtrying to explain it to my wife.bnt thesewomeu can t understand such things.How's stocks?"

The 1,147 families who were burnt outlast August by the forest fires in thoSaginaw Valley havo already receivedover half a million in donations and two--thirds of a million of insurance, or anaverage of $1,000 per family. Chicagopaper.


last of letton iwmatBiae in the IV office atTuoxm. Ariaooa, for fiwr wmLh prior to October

Amlereoa, ItolmtArnold, KrocttI!ailr. Munricv It tar her. Frank (iHiiltllerome. Jo 3Jlowyer. JoMpbIlojfe Jwi,hUmbo. IVmamlufnliwr. I)r II IICnfford, Miim CroW. Iter I. II( ontnw. Jom Ma

umminie. J JDibl4.. Jiultc II (Dana. I 1"

Duron;. CarloH 1,Prof fi U

Klliirtt. Mrx I'aranKlliott. Mr KlormmKUi. JohnFiner. OmrierOamet. Colonel J V

ist. Mr Vbattle Henry


IIiKiver, CtnrfeaHahn. K.II ItomnluIjMwlltftHm. MrLewis, EdLopei. ltutleMiHloIiTralrerk, MrsMartin.Mutual!. IVii- -

)!., (1mu:20t Owenl"rweW.Jltemoo. Alfrrtt

Jlir.Nun. ItefuirioSmith. TbmohwTapis, lnlnp'tltoinc.

STacLer. VVah iilnehu HenneKiliIoWMem. w ilnaHiWiley. AndrewWilliam. Htll

Persons collin for Mr thj loti..rawill Iw Kiy "auTertiKMl awl faretlAtH.

I . I MUD.Turf-on-, Arizona. Oetetier at. lttl.


Ttie following "in n lmt of letters mnininiriitth- - of U hJH Fargo Cms prier O.-- -

ioor .1. i"i :

AmoM. A 1.AIlix. MDari. Jarae HFiUtreraiiL

IIerHleren. II







(tK S

Tieh or. C I.11

nf ahniw

It. V. 31.

offim A. to

SolonHnhlMnl.TbaMorgan, JonathanlteaSo.Mi8ItioH, CnttatMiuTVrrenia. Manuel


LirrTKKI.L In Ij Nona.eMober Hh. to themfe of J. 31. LattreU. a Hatarhter.


MORKNO-FKLI- Z In TWeon. October 17. -1.nt tno ( atbolie ( hnrch. by Father AntonioJoureiH-raa- . (iaillermo Moreno, of Im Ange- ¬

les, and Vietorii. Fehz. of Hermoeilhn, Sonom.N - In Tombstone. (IcbiW IV

(ei. Lawrence Hurt to Miw Anjrelca Dillman.TUI.LY JL'AIIKZ In Tuci-- October 20. 1WI.

at n a. m.. by lEcr. rather Antonio JiHtTesceua.Mr. lmrkney K Tall) anil Mum Dolores Jua-¬rez, all I this citjr.

KKNOALL-HAKHlN- fl -- At the reeidencoof Dr.dreary. October 29th. at 3 p. nu, l"yn L. Kendall, of (inaymaa. Mexico, to Mr. M. A. Hnr- -rins. of Toiieka. Kan'- -.

!;.LOWUIK-- At WiHwi.Ol4w9L WLJunnIrHs aceil 2ft year.

St. Jo!. Minnmii. rien ylnu'i antq-- .



T WILL SKLL MY SHOP AND TOOLS. CON--JL Msting of a full kit. Work is ptentifal andthe ewtotn Rood. Rtnroti for tearinc. family bn--reaTPment. Otto Johsnox.

Hoot and brioeroaker. 8hake-peAre- , N. M.M tteoildwiw.

DOSend for oarNew Illuitra--

ted Price-li- st

No. 30, forFilland Win- ¬

ter of 1831. Free to any address. Con- ¬

tains full descr.pti'in of all tindt ot good

for personal and Cimi. use. We dealdirectly with the criV:nier, ami tell allgoods in any quantity at vhcletale prices.You can buy letter and cheaper than athome.


227 and 223 VtVjash Avtme (hicsgo.HL

The Electro-Magnet-ic Brush

PhrtleUaalaA hmimmiu

Co nn

Ml, IKi ftifra'at csfrvat r :TTicifbach ka cMasart t th tot kr mfl

tMta, vivo, ar vfl ar fleilW. at y

Brvafc I Ftfttrar. a. S "T ."UuMArnT. It. id., Flll-- r f Ifair. Khca- -mmttam Urm4atl.v .Nrlcf-- ta. TImmeta4 .m Trvt llrl-A-CltfleDU-

tkMli Mt4 if nr Jm'ii 4 Aug Lit:r MtUrfaApfCaWM. Ha!!! Fre.J. W. WEAKLEY Jr. & CO., Clnclnmti, 0.



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MADE FROJl GUAPE CKEAM T.UfTAR.othr preparation mskra puch light,

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rotrsiHiT,IMinburi. Scotland.

WABSttOCSX.London, lint- -

Miller & Richards,Sole Agents of

Ex;a Hard Metal


Printing Material 1

Special Agent for

Cottrell & Babcock, Pesrlees, and Camp- ¬

bell Presses.

No. 529 Commercial street,aaK SS FIJAMISCO.

lOU SiNUIJ;' Ot DOIGLF. SHAFTS. TO1 worknr foi.li.of late an 1 improved ds--sicn. Oar various tjtsof Ibnsts ore the moatperfect an l tte; u .geverbeendeviwl. rm'irncinB ah tho improvi5';ts yylsafeirui.nl that experience has proved vaiu.- -.

in this clans of mac inprr. Send for circular.

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1 1 A Nt'YFIt .FA1L- -L cure for NervousDebility Klhan.ted Vi- ¬tality Seminal Weak- ¬ness, Spermotorrhora,Lost Manhood, Imiio- -tency l'arslysis. and allthe terrible effects ofSelf jibnse and youthfulfollies and excesses innaturer years- - sarh s

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DIC. to forfeit Five Hun-¬dred Dollars for n case ot thu kind the VitalKe'torntive under hiHMicciAl advice and treat- ¬ment i will nut cum .r for inrthinir imDnre or in- ¬jurious found in if. Dr. Mmtie treats all pnvatsdiseases anreeesfnlij without mercury. Consul- ¬tation riltr.. Ihoroueh examination and ad- ¬

vice, including analysis of urine. (. I'nre ofviiai ltesiorauvp. 3 a bottle, or four timessubsequently, in. Sent to any address upon re-¬ceipt of price, or C. CD. secure from obeervstiooami in private name if desired, by A. K. MIK- -TIK. M. JJ., 11 Ketirny atrwrt. San FranciscoCalifornia.



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