weight of the cio topics final to the students

Upload: abdulrhman-abdulaziz

Post on 07-Aug-2018




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  • 8/20/2019 Weight of the CIO Topics Final to the Students


    topics desipline Impact Frequency IXF Weight

    PTL OBGYN ! "#"$%%$$&

    P'O( OBGYN % % ) "#""*)%&)

    PP OBGYN $ "#"")"&"+

    ,P OBGYN $ "#"")"&"+

    I-G' OBGYN % + "#"".$)$$

    I/II 0( in pregnan OBGYN ! "#"$%%$$&

     P1T OBGYN % + "#"".$)$$

    2holestasi OBGYN % % ) "#""*)%&)

     P-Ps OBGYN $ $ $ "#""$*+!

    OBGYN " " " "

    Partogram and a3normal OBGYN ! "#"$%%$$&

    (ultiple Gestation OBGYN % % ) "#""*)%&)

    PP4 OBGYN ! "#"$%%$$&

    Purpural pyre5ia OBGYN % % ) "#""*)%&)

    Post date and IOL OBGYN % % ) "#""*)%&)

    1ctopic pregnancy OBGYN ! "#"$%%$$&

    'ecurrant pregnancy los OBGYN % % ) "#""*)%&)

    6pontinous a3ortion OBGYN % + "#"".$)$$

    P2O6 OBGYN % + "#"".$)$$

    2PP OBGYN % % ) "#""*)%&)

    endometriosis OBGYN % % ) "#""*)%&)

    Primary amenorrhea OBGYN $ $ $ "#""$*+!

    6econdary amenorrhea OBGYN % % ) "#""*)%&)

    -terine 73roid OBGYN % + "#"".$)$$

    ,-B OBGYN % + "#"".$)$$

    in8ertility OBGYN $ % % "#""%&$&

    0ysmenorreah OBGYN $ "#"")"&"+

    P(6 OBGYN % + "#"".$)$$

    (enopause OBGYN % + "#"".$)$$

    '4 disease OBGYN % + "#"".$)$$

    PI0 OBGYN % % ) "#""*)%&)

    Lo9er genital in8ection OBGYN $ "#"")"&"+

    2X 2IN and 2a OBGYN $ "#"")"&"+

    O:erian 2, OBGYN % + "#"".$)$$

    Benign OBGYN % + "#"".$)$$

    (olar pregnancy OBGYN $ "#"")"&"+

    1ndometrial ca OBGYN % + "#"".$)$$

    (a;or depressi:e disorde Psychatry % + "#"".$)$$

    (i5ed an5iety and depre Psychatry % % ) "#""*)%&)


  • 8/20/2019 Weight of the CIO Topics Final to the Students



  • 8/20/2019 Weight of the CIO Topics Final to the Students


    1NT $ $ $ "#""$*+!

    ,cne :ulgaris 0erma $ "#"")"&"+

    'osacea 0erma $ % % "#""%&$&

    2onnecti:e tissue and a 0erma % $ % "#""%&$&

    Bacterial s>in in8ections 0erma % + "#"".$)$$

    Fungal s>in in8ections 0erma $ "#"")"&"+

    Airal s>in in8ections 0erma $ "#"")"&"+

    2utaneous neoplasms 0erma $ "#"")"&"+

    ,topic dermatitis 0erma $ % % "#""%&$&

    6e3orrheic dermatitis 0erma $ % % "#""%&$&

    psoriasis 0erma $ % % "#""%&$&

    Pityriasis 'osea 0erma $ % % "#""%&$&

    Lichen Planus 0erma $ $ $ "#""$*+!

    -rticaria and ,ngioedem 0erma % % ) "#""*)%&)

    Pemphigus Aulgaris 0erma $ "#"")"&"+

    Bullous Pemphigoid 0erma % $ % "#""%&$&

    0ermatitis 4erpeti8ormis 0erma $ $ $ "#""$*+!

     Telogen eu:ium 0erma $ "#"")"&"+

    ,lopecia ,reata 0erma $ % % "#""%&$&

    ,ndrogenic ,lopecia 0erma $ "#"")"&"+

    2ommon nail disorders 0erma $ % % "#""%&$&

    1rythema (ulti8orme 0erma $ % % "#""%&$&

    6te:en Cohnson 6yndrom 0erma $ "#"")"&"+

    0rug allergy rash 0erma $ "#"")"&"+

    2utaneous sarcoidosis 0erma % % ) "#""*)%&)

    Pyoderma Gangrenosum 0erma $ % % "#""%&$&

    1rythema Nodosum 0erma $ % % "#""%&$&

    Necro3iosis Lipoidica 0i 0erma $ $ $ "#""$*+!

    Preti3ial (y5edema 0erma $ $ $ "#""$*+!

    2utaneous 5anthoma 0erma $ % % "#""%&$&

    ,canthosis nigricans 0erma $ $ $ "#""$*+!genodermatoses 0erma $ $ $ "#""$*+!

    Daposi sarcoma 0erma % $ % "#""%&$&

    Paget 0erma % $ % "#""%&$&

    syphilis 0erma % % ) "#""*)%&)

    Genital 4erpes 6imple5 0erma $ % % "#""%&$&

    2ondyloma ,cuminata 0erma $ % % "#""%&$&

    Lice and sca3ies 0erma $ % % "#""%&$&

     2ataract Ophth ! "#"$%%$$&

     Glaucoma Ophth ! "#"$%%$$&

    Ophth ! "#"$%%$$& 1ye and Or3ital Trauma Ophth ! "#"$%%$$&

    Ophth ! " "$%%$$&

    Oropharyngeal 0iseaseE %Benign Oropharyngeal0iseases

      0ia3etic 'etinopathy


  • 8/20/2019 Weight of the CIO Topics Final to the Students


    Ophth $ "#"")"&"+

    Ophth $ "#"")"&"+

     Optic Neuritis Ophth $ "#"")"&"+

    Ophth % + "#"".$)$$

    2entral 'etinal ,rtery Oc Ophth % + "#"".$)$$

    2on;uncti:itis Ophth % + "#"".$)$$

    2orneal -lcer Ophth ! "#"$%%$$&

    -:eitis and ,utoimmune Ophth ! "#"$%%$$&

    2ongenital 2ataract Ophth $ "#"")"&"+

    2ongenital Glaucoma Ophth $ "#"")"&"+

    Or3ital 2ellulitis Ophth % + "#"".$)$$

     Third Ner:e Palsy Ophth $ "#"")"&"+

    6i5th Ner:e Palsy Ophth $ "#"")"&"+

    4orner 6yndrome Ophth $ "#"")"&"+

    4ypertensi:e 'etinopath Ophth % % ) "#""*)%&)

    0acryocystitis and Nasol Ophth % % ) "#""*)%&)

    6u3con;uncti:al 4emorr Ophth $ "#"")"&"+

    4yphema Ophth % % ) "#""*)%&)

    Aitreous 4emorrhage Ophth % % ) "#""*)%&)

    1ndophthalmitis Ophth $ "#"")"&"+

    4IA and the 1ye Ophth $ "#"")"&"+

    'etinopathy o8 Prematuri Ophth $ "#"")"&"+

    Lid Lesions Ophth % + "#"".$)$$

    1ctropion and 1ntropion Ophth % % ) "#""*)%&)

    4erpes 6imple5 1ye 0ise Ophth $ "#"")"&"+

    4erpes oster 1ye 0isea Ophth $ "#"")"&"+

    Deratoconus Ophth % + "#"".$)$$

    ,ge 'elated (acular 0e Ophth % % ) "#""*)%&)

    Ophthalmia Neonatorum Ophth $ "#"")"&"+

    2hemical Burns Ophth % + "#"".$)$$

    Normal Gro9th pediatric ! "#"$%%$$&

    Aaccination pediatric $ "#"")"&"+

    2hild Nutrition pediatric ! "#"$%%$$&

    Normal 0e:elopment I pediatric ! "#"$%%$$&

    ,cute 0iarrhea pediatric ! "#"$%%$$&

    Fluid @ 1lectrolyte pediatric ! "#"$%%$$&

    Airal hepatitis pediatric % + "#"".$)$$

    Airal e5anthema pediatric ! "#"$%%$$&

    Pneumonia pediatric % % ) "#""*)%&)

    respiratory distress pediatric ! "#"$%%$$&

    ,cute Bronchiolitis pediatric ! "#"$%%$$&

    1:aluation o8 a child 9it pediatric % + "#"".$)$$

    ,sthma pediatric ! "#"$%%$$&

    pediatric $ "#"")"&"+

    'ic>ets pediatric % % ) "#""*)%&)

    ,cute 3acterial meningit pediatric $ "#"")"&"+

      Thyroid 1ye 0isease

      Ischemic Optic Neurop

      'etinal 0etachment


  • 8/20/2019 Weight of the CIO Topics Final to the Students


    2ardiology 6igns and 6y pediatric % + "#"".$)$$

    2hronic diarrhea disease pediatric % $ % "#""%&$&

    2hronic li:er disease pediatric % $ % "#""%&$&

    ,pproach to ,rthritis pediatric % $ % "#""%&$&

    2ommon 0ermatological pediatric % % ) "#""*)%&)

    -pper air9ay o3structio pediatric % + "#"".$)$$

    2ere3ral Palsy @ (yopat pediatric % + "#"".$)$$

    2N6 e5amination pediatric % + "#"".$)$$

    Is my child Hoppy Tone pediatric % $ % "#""%&$&

    6urgical emergencies pediatric $ "#"")"&"+

    'heumatic 8e:er @ I1 pediatric $ "#"")"&"+

    6ic>le cell anemia pediatric % + "#"".$)$$

     Thallasaemia pediatric % + "#"".$)$$

    2oma pediatric $ "#"")"&"+

    && $

  • 8/20/2019 Weight of the CIO Topics Final to the Students


    round ncy o8 eac J o8 topicsJ o8 topics 4istory 5aminatio 6>ills tion inter

    $#%% "#$% "#$%% $%#%$

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  • 8/20/2019 Weight of the CIO Topics Final to the Students


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  • 8/20/2019 Weight of the CIO Topics Final to the Students


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  • 8/20/2019 Weight of the CIO Topics Final to the Students


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  • 8/20/2019 Weight of the CIO Topics Final to the Students


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  • 8/20/2019 Weight of the CIO Topics Final to the Students


    anagemen reasoning mmunication

  • 8/20/2019 Weight of the CIO Topics Final to the Students


  • 8/20/2019 Weight of the CIO Topics Final to the Students


  • 8/20/2019 Weight of the CIO Topics Final to the Students


  • 8/20/2019 Weight of the CIO Topics Final to the Students


  • 8/20/2019 Weight of the CIO Topics Final to the Students


    topics desipline Impact Frequency IXF Weight

    P'O( OBGYN ! "#"%+$+

    PTL OBGYN ! "#"%+$+

    I/II 0( in pregnan OBGYN ! "#"%+$+

    I-G' OBGYN ! "#"%+$+

    2TG OBGYN ! "#"%+$+

    Partogram and a3normal la3o OBGYN ! "#"%+$+PP4 OBGYN ! "#"%+$+

    P,P smear OBGYN % + "#"$&))%

    uterine 73roid OBGYN % + "#"$&))%

    1ctopic pregnancy OBGYN ! "#"%+$+

    (a;or depressi:e disorder Psychatry % + "#"$&))%

    Generaliin in8ections 0erma % + "#"$&))%

    -rticaria and ,ngioedema 0erma % % ) "#"$$+%.

    2utaneous sarcoidosis 0erma % % ) "#"$$+%.

    syphilis 0erma % % ) "#"$$+%.

     2ataract Ophth ! "#"%+$+

     Glaucoma Ophth ! "#"%+$+

    Ophth ! "#"%+$+

     1ye and Or3ital Trauma Ophth ! "#"%+$+

    Ophth ! "#"%+$+

    2orneal -lcer Ophth ! "#"%+$+

    -:eitis and ,utoimmune 1ye Ophth ! "#"%+$+

    0o9n syndrom pediatric % + "#"$&))%

    'homatic heart diseas pediatric % + "#"$&))%

    Normal Gro9th pediatric ! "#"%+$+

    Aaccination pediatric ! "#"%+$+

    2hild Nutrition pediatric ! "#"%+$+

    O3structi:e 6leep ,pneaIn ,deno?Tonsillar 0isease

      0ia3etic 'etinopathy


  • 8/20/2019 Weight of the CIO Topics Final to the Students


    Normal 0e:elopment I pediatric ! "#"%+$+

    2hronic 0iarrhea pediatric % + "#"$&))%

    ,cute 0iarrhea pediatric ! "#"%+$+

    Fluid @ 1lectrolyte pediatric ! "#"%+$+

    Airal e5anthema pediatric ! "#"%+$+

    respiratory distress pediatric ! "#"%+$+

    ,cute Bronchiolitis pediatric ! "#"%+$+,sthma pediatric ! "#"%+$+

    'enal disease pediatric ! "#"%+$+

    pediatric $ "#"".&%$

    total )) $

    K* 8or psych @ derma

    $ 8or the rest


    hea:y 9eightK"#.

  • 8/20/2019 Weight of the CIO Topics Final to the Students


    round ncy o8 eac J o8 topics 4istory 5aminatio 6>ills tion inter anagemen

    %#+% "#%+ %+#$+

    %#+% "#%+ %+#$+

    %#+% "#%+ %+#$+

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    %#+% "#%+ %+#$+

    %#+% "#%+ %+#$+

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  • 8/20/2019 Weight of the CIO Topics Final to the Students


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    $#&) "#$& $))

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    %#+% "#%+ %+#$+

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    %#+% "#%+ %+#$+

    "#.& "#"! .#&%

    $""#"" $"#"" $"""#""

  • 8/20/2019 Weight of the CIO Topics Final to the Students


    reasoning mmunication

  • 8/20/2019 Weight of the CIO Topics Final to the Students
