what is content analytics - measurecamp london 2016

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What is
Content Analytics?

Content is King

...and yet

what content metrics and dimensions do you use?

On Google Analytics

Some dimensions:Title


Keywords (or what is left of it)

No actual metrics directly related to content

What should we get?

NLP Data

Natural Language Processing statisticsNew data :How many times the main keywords are in my content?

How many times these keywords are subject of a sentence?

How relevant are the words I am using?

Quick poll

Who has ever heard about TF-IDF metric?

Metric: TF - IDF

Numerical statistic that is intended to reflect how important a word is to a document in a corpusFrequency of a word (or series of words) in a document. To avoid words that would be too specific to only 1 document, it is compared to the frequency in the corpus

Quick poll

Who knows what is a n-gram ?


What is a n-gram?

N-gram is a contiguous sequence of n items from a given sequence of text.

Example of 2-grams

I am attending Measure Camp in LondonI am

am attending

attending Measure

Measure Camp

Camp in

in London

If you remove useless words

attending Measure

Measure Camp

Camp London

Let's say you want to be as relevant as possible (and therefore rank on Google) for Measure Camp

1st step

Analyse your content with a n-gram analysis

2nd - Topic Corpus

Now, create a Topic corpus around your keyword (basically, pages ranked in Google)Let's get 100 top resultsfor these keywordsAnalytics event

Analytics conference

Measure CampGet the n-gram within all the documents (around 200 documents if you remove duplicate) Calculate TF-IDF for each n gram

YAY!!!: My first relevant Content Metrics:)

measure camp: 100 (very frequent)analytics conference: 60 (quite frequent)Peter O'Neill: 50 (quite frequent)

Stay (in) London: 30 (somewhat frequent)

* not actual data. Simplified version of TF-IDF

Now, create a topic-neutral corpus (basically take thousands and thousands of random webpages and create a corpus with it)Get the n-gram out of itExtract: Click here (very frequent)Stay London(appears a few times)Peter O'Neill (nowhere to be found)Measure Camp (1 time in the corpus)

3rd topic neutral corpus

4 - Now let's compare

Stay London: somewhat frequent in both corpus: not so relevant for your content

Peter O'Neill: Yay!

Measure Camp: not so frequent in English, very frequent in our topic corpus: I shall use it

Big data: very frequent in the topic corpus, not seo frequent Oh, sounds like something people want to hear about. Let's write content about it.

5 Optimize your content

Proofread your content with these new relevant expressions in mind.

Can I add more value to the user? Can it help improve my organic ranking?

Let's discuss

What kind of other content metrics or dimensions would we use?