what we’re missing: a descriptive analysis of part-day ... · what we’re missing: a descriptive...

What we’re missing: A descriptive analysis of part-day absenteeism in secondary school For schools and teachers to help students develop knowledge and skills, students need to show up to class. Yet absenteeism is high, especially in high schools. This study uses a rich dataset tracking class attendance by day for over 50,000 middle and high school students from an urban district in Academic Years 2007-‘08 through 2012-‘13. Our results extend and modify the extant ndings on absenteeism that have been based almost exclusively on data on full-day absenteeism, missing class-by-class absences. Notably, part-day absenteeism is responsible for as much class time missed as full-day absenteeism, raising chronic absenteeism from 9 to 24 percent of total students. Incorporating part-day absences sharply increases the chronic absenteeism gap between underrepresented minority students and their peers. Both full- and part-day absenteeism show a discrete jump at the point of transition from middle school to high school, but full-day absenteeism then declines while part-day absenteeism remains high in grades 10 and 11 and increases again in grade 12. While 55 percent of full-day absences are unexcused, 92 percent of part-day absences are unexcused. Absenteeism from individual classes varies considerably by time of day, but less by class subject matter. ABSTRACT AUTHORS VERSION October 2016 Suggested citation: Whitney, C., & Liu, J. (2016). What we’re missing: A descriptive analysis of part-day absenteeism in secondary school (CEPA Working Paper No.16-16). Retrieved from Stanford Center for Education Policy Analysis: http://cepa.stanford.edu/wp16-16 CEPA Working Paper No. 16-16 Camille R. Whitney Stanford University Jing Liu Stanford University

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Page 1: What we’re missing: A descriptive analysis of part-day ... · What we’re missing: A descriptive analysis of part-day absenteeism in secondary school ... Balfanz, Herzog, & Mac

What we’re missing: A descriptive analysis of part-day absenteeism in secondary school

For schools and teachers to help students develop knowledge and skills, students need to

show up to class. Yet absenteeism is high, especially in high schools. This study uses a rich

dataset tracking class attendance by day for over 50,000 middle and high school students

from an urban district in Academic Years 2007-‘08 through 2012-‘13. Our results extend and

modify the extant findings on absenteeism that have been based almost exclusively on data

on full-day absenteeism, missing class-by-class absences. Notably, part-day absenteeism is

responsible for as much class time missed as full-day absenteeism, raising chronic

absenteeism from 9 to 24 percent of total students. Incorporating part-day absences sharply

increases the chronic absenteeism gap between underrepresented minority students and

their peers. Both full- and part-day absenteeism show a discrete jump at the point of

transition from middle school to high school, but full-day absenteeism then declines while

part-day absenteeism remains high in grades 10 and 11 and increases again in grade 12. While

55 percent of full-day absences are unexcused, 92 percent of part-day absences are

unexcused. Absenteeism from individual classes varies considerably by time of day, but less

by class subject matter.



October 2016

Suggested citation: Whitney, C., & Liu, J. (2016). What we’re missing: A descriptive analysis of part-day absenteeism in secondary school (CEPA Working Paper No.16-16). Retrieved from Stanford Center for Education Policy Analysis: http://cepa.stanford.edu/wp16-16

CEPA Working Paper No. 16-16

Camille R. WhitneyStanford University

Jing LiuStanford University

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What we’re missing: A descriptive analysis of part-day absenteeism in secondary school

Camille R. Whitney and Jing Liu

Stanford University

Camille Whitney is Director of Research at Mindful Schools in Emeryville, CA. Camille

Whitney’s work on this study was funded in part by the Institute of Education Sciences grant

#R305B090016, the Stanford Graduate Fellowship, and the Graduate School of Education

Dissertation Support Grant. Jing Liu, Graduate School of Education, Stanford University. Jing

Liu’s work was funded in part by the Karr Family Fellowship at the Center for Education Policy

Analysis. The authors are also grateful to the following individuals for their time and effort in

providing thoughtful feedback: Susanna Loeb, Kenji Hakuta, Deborah Stipek, Ann Porteus,

Kalena Cortes, Emily Penner, Jane Rochmes, Demetra Kalogrides, Min Sun, and Helen Ladd.

Many thanks to the following individuals at CEPA for their logistical and technical help:

Michelle Reininger, Jim Shen, Krishna Murali, Nadia Ahmed and Hiep Ho. In addition, we

extend deep gratitude to several individuals at the school district examined in this paper. We do

not mention them by name in order to protect district anonymity but these individuals provided

extensive feedback on the design of the study, facilitated data collection as well as interpretation

of results. Any remaining errors are those of the authors alone.

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Jing Liu. Phone: (650) 736-1258.

Fax: (650) 723-9931. Email: [email protected]. Center for Education Policy Analysis, 520

Galvez Mall, CERAS Building, Stanford, CA 94305.

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For schools and teachers to help students develop knowledge and skills, students need to show

up to class. Yet absenteeism is high, especially in high schools. This study uses a rich dataset

tracking class attendance by day for over 50,000 middle and high school students from an urban

district in Academic Years 2007-‘08 through 2012-‘13. Our results extend and modify the extant

findings on absenteeism that have been based almost exclusively on data on full-day

absenteeism, missing class-by-class absences. Notably, part-day absenteeism is responsible for

as much class time missed as full-day absenteeism, raising chronic absenteeism from 9 to 24

percent of total students. Incorporating part-day absences sharply increases the chronic

absenteeism gap between underrepresented minority students and their peers. Both full- and part-

day absenteeism show a discrete jump at the point of transition from middle school to high

school, but full-day absenteeism then declines while part-day absenteeism remains high in grades

10 and 11 and increases again in grade 12. While 55 percent of full-day absences are unexcused,

92 percent of part-day absences are unexcused. Absenteeism from individual classes varies

considerably by time of day, but less by class subject matter.

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What we’re missing: A descriptive analysis of part-day absenteeism in secondary school

In recent years, education leaders and scholars have become increasingly concerned

about student absenteeism (Attendance Works, n.d.; Balfanz & Byrnes, 2012; Office for Civil

Rights, 2016). Secondary students have particularly high rates of absenteeism, missing nearly

three weeks (14 days) per year on average.1 While several authors have published studies on

absenteeism, the focus of research has been almost exclusively on full-day absences, their cause

and effects (see Cortes et al. (2012) for the one exception). Yet, many secondary school students

are absent from some of their classes on days that they attend other classes.

This paper addresses the gap in the literature on part-day absences, using detailed data on

attendance by each student in each class in each day of the school years 2007-’08 through 2012-

‘13. The only published paper we know of to date utilizing class-level attendance data, Cortes et

al. (2012), reports on absences across class periods in Chicago high schools and assesses

differences in class absences between black students and other students. While that study, like

ours, uncovers substantial differences in the amount of absences across different class periods

and between racial/ethnic groups, our study goes substantially further in describing the extent

and distribution of absences, both part day and full and both excused and unexcused.

Specifically, we address the following research questions:

1. How prevalent is part-day compared to full-day absenteeism?

2. To what extent do characteristics of the class predict part-day absence, where class

characteristics include period, core vs. noncore subject, and class subject area?

3. Does prevalence of part-day absences differ across students by grade level, family

income and race/ethnicity, and do patterns across class periods vary by income and


1 Average daily attendance of 92 percent among secondary students was reported for the 2010-11 school year in the

Digest of Education Statistics, Table 203.90 (Snyder & Dillow, 2013), and the average school year is 179 days.

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This study is inherently descriptive instead of causal, aiming to identify patterns of

absenteeism that are either causes of concern or indicators of possible avenues for improvement.

This descriptive study makes two substantive contributions. First, we provide evidence that part-

day absenteeism is as prevalent as full-day absenteeism, highlighting the importance for

education researchers and school leaders of focusing resources on understanding and addressing

part-day absences. Second, by identifying the characteristics of students who are absent and the

classes that they miss, our study informs possible efforts to better target approaches to reduce

absences. As one example, since students miss the first class of the day more than any other,

scheduling planning periods for core-subject teachers during first period could potentially

increase attendance in these key classes. Other locations may also want to examine if, as in the

district in our study, the influence of first period is stronger among black and Hispanic students

than other students, and target efforts to improve attendance to those classes to meet the needs of

underrepresented minority students.


Student absenteeism predicts as well as causes a number of key student outcomes. Quasi-

experimental research suggests that fewer days of attendance leads to less learning (Goodman,

2014; Hansen, 2011; Marcotte & Hemelt, 2008).2 Absences can cause lower achievement even

among non-absent students since the teacher has a “coordination problem,” such that when an

absent student returns to school, the teacher likely needs to allocate instructional time to catching

the student up on what they missed (Goodman, 2014).

2 Quasi-experimental evidence better identifies the effects of attendance on achievement than correlations, given the

risk of omitted variable bias: i.e., students who are more likely to have low achievement are also less likely to


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Less rigorous studies that are vulnerable to omitted variable bias, such as comparing

absences across siblings, still make a case for absence as an important indicator of student risk.

Students are more likely to participate in risky behaviors such as drug use and crime when they

have unexcused absences3 (Henry, 2007; Henry & Thornberry, 2010; Lochner & Moretti, 2004;

Pérez, Ariza, Sánchez-Martínez, & Nebot, 2010; Vaughn, Maynard, Salas-Wright, Perron, &

Abdon, 2013). Chronic absenteeism4 also strongly predicts school dropout net of other important

factors such as academic achievement (Allensworth & Easton, 2007; Balfanz & Byrnes, 2012;

Balfanz, Herzog, & Mac Iver, 2007; Gottfried, 2011). Although scholars and practitioners agree

that absence in secondary school is a problem, the empirical literature on absence is relatively

weak and information on part-day absence is particularly lacking.

Prevalence of absence in secondary school

Secondary students are absent on eight percent of school days, according to the national

average daily attendance (ADA) rate (Snyder & Dillow, 2013). However, the total amount of

absence from secondary school classes is likely higher, since ADA does not fully take part-day

absences into account. It is difficult to guess how much higher the total proportion of school time

missed might be than the ADA statistic because ADA rules differ widely from state to state, and

states generally do not report the amount of part-day absence that is not counted in ADA. In

California, where the district in our study is located, a student only needs to show up for a single

3 Unexcused absences are sometimes also called “truancies.” Students are usually marked unexcused absent initially.

In order to get their absence excused, students need to take several steps. While procedures vary somewhat across

schools, in general students younger than 18 need to bring a note from their parent stating an excused reason for an

absence such as illness or a family emergency (those older than 18 can sign the note themselves), ask their teacher to

sign the note, and return the note to the school office in order to have an absence designated as excused. 4 In a recent report, the U.S. Department of Education defines chronic absence as missing 15 or more days of school

per year (Office for Civil Rights, 2016), but definitions vary. Many reports use ten percent of school days, while

others use 18 or a different number of school days.

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class in order to be counted present for ADA (Attendance Works, 2014). To our knowledge, no

statistics are available at the national or state level on the prevalence of part-day absence.

While a majority of students have relatively few absences, a substantial number of

students are chronically absent, and in recent years there has been growing concern among

academics, practitioners, and policy-makers about chronic absenteeism. A recent report from the

U.S. Department of Education using daily attendance data finds that 18 percent of high school

students are chronically absent from school, which they define as missing 15 or more days of

school per year (which is equivalent to 8.3 percent of school days in a school year of 180 days)

(Office for Civil Rights, 2016). In some places, rates are even higher. For example, in Oregon

the proportion of students absent at least ten percent of the time increases steadily throughout

middle and high school grades from 17 percent in 6th grade to 38 percent in 12th grade (Buehler,

Taponga, & Chang, 2012). Despite the alarmingly high proportions of students who are

chronically absent according to these reports, to the extent that the rates are failing to include

part-day absences, total chronic absence rates may be even higher in many places.

Reasons for and predictors of student absence

Some authors have categorized the reasons for absences as “pull” or “push” factors,

where pull factors “are located outside the school and pull students away from attending” and

push factors “are located within the school and push students out of school” (Youth Justice

Board, 2013, p. 7).

Pull factors fit into three broad categories (Balfanz & Byrnes, 2012). The first category is

that “students cannot come to school because circumstances or obligations compel them to be

somewhere else during the school day” (Balfanz & Byrnes, 2012, p. 20). Unsurprisingly, one

reason within this category, poor health, is a strong predictor of absences net of other leading

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factors (Romero & Lee, 2008). However, only in six percent of cases nationally does illness or

injury cause children to miss more than 11 days of school, meaning that illness alone is not

sufficient to explain absences (Balfanz & Byrnes, 2012). Illness is by definition a primary reason

for excused absences, but not unexcused absences. Students also miss school during disruptive

times of residential or school mobility according to administrative data (De La Torre & Gwynne,

2009; Hanushek, Kain, & Rivkin, 2004). In surveys, low-income adolescents sometimes cite

family obligations such as a need to take care of younger siblings (Balfanz & Byrnes, 2012;

Youth Justice Board, 2013) or difficulty with transportation to school (Balfanz & Byrnes, 2012)

as reasons for absence, though outside employment is rare (Allensworth & Easton, 2007). A

second “pull factor” category includes students’ perceived need to avoid interactions on their

way to or from school, such as walking through a neighborhood where they feel threatened

(Balfanz & Byrnes, 2012). The third pull factor category differs from the first two in that the

students are able to attend school but choose not to go because they enjoy the pull factors more

(Balfanz & Byrnes, 2012). For example, students report on surveys that they “skip school”

because they prefer to participate in “fun” activities outside of school, often with friends (Get

Schooled & Hart Research Associates, 2012; Youth Justice Board, 2013).

While pull factors may be largely outside of schools’ control, push factors, such as

disengagement with school or particular classes, could also lead to habitual unexcused absence

(Vaughn et al., 2013). Some students report on surveys that poor relationships with school staff

and worries about bullying or safety in school make them less likely to attend (Get Schooled &

Hart Research Associates, 2012; Youth Justice Board, 2013). Among students who participated

in interviews in more than 20 U.S. cities, the number one reason they cited for skipping

(endorsed by roughly half) was “school is boring” (Get Schooled & Hart Research Associates,

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2012).5 Push factors, while strong contributors to absenteeism, may be more malleable than pull

factors, and more under schools’ control.

While some of the factors discussed above would likely affect student attendance in all

classes relatively equally, some of them can play a much bigger role in some classes than others.

With attendance data at the individual-by-class level, we are able to directly differentiate the role

of class characteristics from the role of student characteristics.

Class period. Each type of pull factor may be at play in causing absence from school in

the morning. Circumstances such as illness or logistical issues with transportation may delay

students’ arrival at school. Students may fear for their safety when traveling to school. Students

may also feel more averse to going to school first thing in the morning because of feeling tired.

Students frequently report on surveys that early school start times make them more likely to be

absent (Get Schooled & Hart Research Associates, 2012; Youth Justice Board, 2013), and most

medical experts agree that traditional school start times are too early to be appropriate for

adolescent sleep cycles (Au et al., 2014).

Many of the same factors might make students more likely to miss classes at the end of

the school day. For example, if students fear for their safety traveling home from school they

might want to leave before other youth who might threaten them. In addition, students might

miss later classes because they have less time to be found out by school administrators than if

5 The extent to which disengagement with school causes unexcused absence has not been established using rigorous

causal methods. It is possible that the relationship runs in the opposite direction (absence causes disengagement),

and/or that some omitted factor underlies the relationship. One study is suggestive of a causal relationship:

emotional and behavioral disengagement with school as reported by boys on a survey in 5th grade predicts higher

school misconduct in middle school (where school misconduct is an index that includes frequency of skipping

school, cheating on tests, bringing alcohol or drugs to school, and being sent to the principal’s office) (Hirschfield &

Gasper, 2011). The reverse direction is not as strongly supported: school misconduct predicts decreased cognitive

engagement, but does not predict changes in emotional or behavioral engagement (Hirschfield & Gasper, 2011). In

addition, lower engagement in 10th grade predicts dropping out of school in 12th grade using a nationally

representative sample (Fall & Roberts, 2012), and school dropout tends to correlate highly with habitual absence.

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they left earlier in the day, because they have made plans with friends to leave school early

together, or because they feel tired of making the effort to pay attention and self-regulate in class

by the end of the day.6

The one prior published study we know of that uses data on absences from specific

classes finds support for the hypothesis that students are substantially more likely to miss their

first period class than other classes (Cortes, Bricker, & Rohlfs, 2012)7. On average, students in

Chicago Public Schools have about 4 to 7 more absences from their first period class than their

other classes, or about 2 to 4 percentage points more out of the schooldays each year (the ranges

depend on class subject and whether the student is black or non-black). The study also finds that

students are more likely to be absent from classes at the end of the day than from classes in the

middle of the day (Cortes et al., 2012). Overall, absences are U-shaped from periods 1 to 7, with

the highest amount in period 1, the lowest amount in period 3, and then a gradual rise from

periods 4 through 7 (Cortes et al., 2012). Our study provides more detailed statistics on absences

across class periods while incorporating a rich set of control variables.

Class subjects. A student’s decision to attend class could depend in part on how

interesting they find that class content as well as on how important they think the class content

will be for their future. In one national survey, students report higher engagement (defined by

their self-reported levels of interest, enjoyment, and concentration) in art, computer science,

vocational, and social studies classes compared to their other classes including science, foreign

language, history, and English, all of which were higher than their engagement in math

6 While we expect a substantial number of students to have unexcused absences from the classes just before or after

lunch, we do not have historical records of lunch schedules, though current bell schedules suggest that lunch most

commonly occurs after 3rd or 4th period (complicating the picture, in many cases, students are assigned different

lunch times within the same school). 7 The Cortes et al. (2012) study did not aim to describe class absences comprehensively, as does this paper. Instead,

that paper used absences from first period as an instrumental variable to examine the effect of absence on


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(Shernoff, Csikszentmihalyi, Shneider, & Shernoff, 2003). Three of the four subjects in which

students report the highest engagement (art, computer science, and vocational) are non-core

rather than core subjects. On the other hand, students in New York City reported the main

reasons they attend class included wanting to get a high school degree, go to college, and get a

good job (Yazzie-Mintz, 2010), so conceivably students may be more likely to attend the classes

that they see as instrumental to their future education and career goals such as their core

academic classes (i.e., math, English language arts, science, social studies, history, and foreign


In the sparse available data on absences across different class subjects, Cortes et al.

(2012) find that black students in Chicago have more absences in math than in ELA classes by

about two days (one percent of days) per year, and more absences in ELA than in science and

social studies by about one day per year—findings that are relatively similar to those for

engagement across these four subjects reported in Shernoff et al. (2003) in terms of math being

at the bottom and social studies at the top. Non-black students show less variation across classes

with the only apparent difference across the four subjects being two days fewer absences from

science than from the other three subjects. The differences in absences across class periods are

therefore much larger and more robust than the differences by subject in the Chicago study.

We delve into differences in attendance by class subject more deeply than the Cortes et

al. study. That study does not report on whether differences in attendance across subjects are

statistically significant, as we do. We also include student-year fixed effects to account for

student selection into particular class subjects. Furthermore, we examine whether attendance is

higher in core academic subjects than in non-core subjects.

Student characteristics. Older students tend to have higher rates of absences than

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younger students – a trend driven largely by an increase in unexcused absences as students age.

For example, rates of total unexcused absence reported in Chicago Public Schools administrative

data (where total absence rates sum part-day and full-day absences) increase sharply when

students transition to high school (Rosenkranz, De La Torre, Stevens, & Allensworth, 2014). On

average, students in 8th grade had 5 excused and 5.5 unexcused days absent during the 2007-08

school year, but in 9th grade the same students had roughly the same amount of excused absences

but about four times as many unexcused absences, putting the total 9th grade average absence

rate (including both excused and unexcused absences) at about 15 percent (Rosenkranz et al.,

2014). Similarly, another report finds higher chronic absence rates as students progress through

school grades in various states and districts (Balfanz & Byrnes, 2012). Older students report

higher rates of “skipping” full days of school than younger students on a national survey

(Vaughn et al., 2013). We extend this analysis by showing not just the changes in total

unexcused and excused absences as students progress through the full range of secondary grades

6-12, but also how those trends differ for full-day compared to part-day absences.

We hypothesize that part-day absence rates will vary by students’ background

characteristics. We generally expect that on average students from historically disadvantaged

backgrounds face more pull factors than other students (e.g., poorer health, longer work hours,

less safe commutes to school) as well as push factors (schools that are less safe, less qualified

teachers). Thus, just as students from historically disadvantaged backgrounds have lower

achievement levels than other students, these factors would lead to higher rates of absence as

well. We might expect similar gaps between these groups of students for part-day absences as

full-day absences, though little theory and empirical evidence exists to address this hypothesis.

Prior empirical literature supports the hypothesis of high levels of absences among more

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historically disadvantaged students. Cortes et al. (2012) find that black high school students have

higher average yearly absences from a given class (ranging from 25 to 36 per year across periods

and subjects) than their non-black peers (19 to 26) in Chicago Public Schools (Cortes et al.,

2012)8. While 18 percent of high school students are chronically absent nationwide (calculated

using average daily attendance), rates are slightly higher among black (22 percent) and Latino

students (20 percent), as well as English learners (20 percent) (Office for Civil Rights, 2016). In

addition, high school students with disabilities “are 1.3 times as likely to be chronically absent as

high school students without disabilities” (Office for Civil Rights, 2016, p. 7).

Lower-income students tend to have more full-day absences than their higher-income

peers (Goodman, 2014; Vaughn et al., 2013). For example, in Massachusetts, high school

students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch are absent from school for a full day six percent

of the time, compared to four percent among their peers. Surprisingly, given higher rates of high

school dropout, risky and delinquent behavior, and lower achievement among males compared to

females, studies do not generally find differences in attendance by gender (Goodman, 2014;

Vaughn et al., 2013).

Our paper goes beyond the prior literature in comparing part-day and full-day absence

and chronic absence rates across students from different racial/ethnic backgrounds and different

levels of neighborhood income. This analysis allows us to see whether trends in terms of

heterogeneity of part-day absences are similar to those for full-day absences. In addition, because

disadvantaged students likely face more pull factors than other students, and those pull factors

may affect the beginning of the day in particular as we described above, we test a hypothesis that

black and Hispanic students, as well as low-income students, will be differentially strongly

8 These statistics from Cortes et al., 2012 count total absences from a given class whether the student was part-day

or full-day absent.

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affected by class period.


In summary, the research literature, while lacking data on part-day attendance, provides

some insights into the types of students who may be more likely to be absent and the types of

classes they may be more likely to miss. In what follows, we examine these differences in detail

that goes beyond the previous analyses (Cortes et al., 2012). In particular, our study provides a

more complete picture both of the rates of part-day and full-day absences for excused and

unexcused reasons, and of how part-day class absences vary across students by racial/ethnic

groups and income, the full range of middle and high school grades as well as class periods and



We utilize a rich dataset for our study from a large urban school district in California.

The dataset includes longitudinal administrative records for school years 2007-2008 through

2012-2013, with student attendance records from each class on each school day, information

about classes including subject and period of the day, and background information about students

and schools. We create student neighborhood and median income of the neighborhood based on

the U.S. Census tract where the student lives using student address data. Having longitudinal,

student-level data on absences from every class along with numerous background characteristics

allows us to quantify the prevalence and predictors of part-day absences in much greater detail

across characteristics of the classes and students. It also allows us to incorporate stronger

controls for student background characteristics and fixed effects than in past studies in order to

better identify the relative importance of different predictors of part-day class absences.

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During the years of this study, the district offered students choice of where to attend

middle and high school. Thus, some students did not attend their neighborhood school and some

had relatively long commutes to school. Such conditions might make it more likely for students

to miss first period than in districts without school choice.

During the school years we examine, teachers in this district used a paper scantron to

mark a student as absent or present in each class. For an absent student, a clerk in the school

office would mark the student as excused absent if they receive a phone call or a note from

parents providing reasons for absence. Otherwise the student was identified as unexcused absent

for that class.

Table 1 presents descriptive information. The first column describes all students in the

district dataset in grades 6 to 12 during school years 2007-2008 through 2012-2013, with

184,089 student-year observations and 61,928 students. The second column describes the

analytic sample with 151,512 student-year observations and 51,514 students. The analytic

sample includes 82 percent of student-year observations and 83 percent of students who are in

the full district sample. We dropped student-class-semester observations if they had missing data

on key variables9 (gender, race/ethnicity, grade, special education status, class period); if they

occurred during summer school; if they dropped the class; if they had fewer than ten days which

have valid attendance marks (i.e., excused or unexcused absent, present or tardy); 10 or if students

at the school were only enrolled in one period per day.

9 We drop relatively few student-year observations (4,984 out of 184,089, or less than three percent of observations

in the dataset) due to missing background variables. When we include these observations in our main analyses (in

supplementary analyses not shown in this paper), we find qualitatively similar results to those reported in the paper

that exclude them. 10 Valid attendance mark is defined as present, tardy, excused or unexcused absent. Non-valid attendance marks

include alternative schedule and no record of attendance. Overall, 98 percent of all attendance marks are valid.

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The students in the analytic sample come from diverse backgrounds, which allows us to

compare absences across background characteristics. Specifically, the sample includes 8.1

percent white non-Hispanic students, 9.8 percent black, 21.8 percent Hispanic, and 52.3 percent

Asian, as well as 20.0 percent classified as English learners, 10.9 percent in special education,

and 32.4 percent gifted. The analytic sample differs somewhat from the full dataset, most notably

underrepresenting black students (9.8 percent compared to 12.6 percent in the full district

dataset) and over-representing Asian students (52.3 percent compared to 47.1 percent in the full

district dataset) as well as gifted students (32.4 percent compared to 30.1 percent in the full

district dataset). The students in the analytic sample have slightly higher standardized math

achievement scores by 0.01 standard deviations.

In their yearly data on students, the district includes a statistic for the percentage of all the

student’s classes in the year in which they were marked present or tardy. The rates are not

significantly different from each other across the full district data and the analytic sample.

However, these district-calculated rates include summer school and do not restrict to classes in

which the student had at least ten valid attendance marks. Using the attendance data for our

study, with the sample restrictions, the present rate is higher by about 1.1 percentage points (91.6

percent compared to 90.5 percent). On average, students had about 1.7 excused absences and 3.8

unexcused absences per class per semester.11 Students do not always take every class every day

since some schools have alternative or block schedules (a class meeting is only included in the

dataset if the student is marked excused or unexcused absent, present, or tardy). After dropping

cases in which the student had ten or fewer valid attendance marks, students have 72.8

11 We calculate number of absences for a given class per semester rather than per year, since students have different

classes each semester.

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attendance marks per class per semester on average, with a fairly large standard deviation of 14.5



RQ 1: How prevalent is part-day class absenteeism compared to full-day absenteeism?

We address the first question by reporting on rates of full-day versus part-day absences.

Students are considered full-day absent if they were marked as either excused or unexcused

absent in each class that day that had a valid attendance mark, and part-day absent if they were

excused or unexcused absent from at least one class but marked present or tardy to another class

during the same day. We report overall rates (excused plus unexcused) and rates for unexcused

absences only. We also describe part-day class absences (defined as absences from class on a day

that a student attended at least one other class) in terms of how they are clustered within school

days: what proportion of the class absences are singular (i.e., the only class that students missed

during the day); what percentage of classes do students miss on average when they are part-day

absent; and what percentage of the time does a class absence follow an absence from the period

immediately prior on the same day. Finally, we report the chronic absence rate (i.e., the

proportion of students with a higher than ten percent absence rate) when we count only full-day

absences compared to counting part-day absences from class as well.

RQ 2: To what extent do characteristics of the class predict part-day class absence, as defined

by period, core vs. noncore subject, and class subject?

To examine how characteristics of the class predict part-day class absences, we regress

the part-day class absence rate on each of the following class characteristics, entered in separate

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regressions: a) class period;12 b) whether the class is taught in a core subject (i.e., math, English,

social studies, science, and foreign language); and c) class subject. For example, to examine the

role of class subject, we run the following regression where English Language Arts (ELA) class

is the reference group:

𝐴𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑖𝑡 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1𝑀𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽2𝑆𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽3𝑆𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽4𝑃𝐸𝑖𝑡 +

𝛽5𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝐿𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑢𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽6𝐸𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑡 + 𝜇𝑖𝑡 + 𝜁𝑖𝑡 + 𝜀𝑖𝑡 (1)

The dependent variable is the part-day class absence rate for student i in semester and

year t. Each subject has an indicator variable, such as Math, which is equal to 1 for math classes

and equal to 0 otherwise. In our preferred specification, we include a period fixed effect 𝜇𝑖𝑡 as

well as a student-by-year fixed effect 𝜁𝑖𝑡 so that we compare absences across classes within the

same student and year, controlling for period, and thus any associations should not be driven by

some omitted variable having to do with student sorting into classes. For example, more

motivated students might take more years of foreign language than other students, and students

who are struggling might take extra ELA or math courses, so it is best to compare classes within

student-years to account for these types of selection effects. We also run models with controls for

student background characteristics (gender, race, special education, English Language Learner)

as well as the student’s number of classes in the semester and number of valid attendance marks

in the class, and a school fixed effect rather than student-year fixed effect to account for

differences across schools, since schools vary somewhat in terms of class schedules and course

offerings and how they assign classes across different types of students.

12 Only classes in periods 1-7 are included in these regressions examining class period, not period 0 (which is

homeroom in 99 percent of cases) or periods greater than 8 (less than 4 percent of classes). Observations are not

distributed equally across period, ranging from 9.2 percent of observations in period 7 to 13.9 percent of classes in

period 2. Students take classes in periods 2, 3, and 6 at slightly higher rates than period 1 (which may be a home

study class in some cases), followed by periods 4 and 5 (which are lunch periods for some students) and are least

likely to take class in period 7 since that period is not offered in some schools.

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RQ 3: Do prevalence and patterns in part-day class absences differ across different types of

students in hypothesized ways?

3.1 Differences in prevalence across grades. We examine how prevalence of part-day

class absences varies by grade. We show rates of excused and unexcused part-day and full-day

absences, as well as chronic absence (i.e., missing over ten percent of total class meetings in a

school year), graphically across grades. In regression analysis, we include a student fixed effect

in order to examine how part-day class absences change within students as they progress through

grades. We then run the same regressions using the total absence rate (including part- and full-

day absences) as the dependent variable.

3.2 Differences in prevalence across race/ethnicity and income. We examine how

prevalence of part-day class absence varies by race and income by running regressions similar to

those described in previous sections. The income variables are based on the income of the

student’s neighborhood, defined as their census tract. Since income is measured at the tract level

and not the student level, it might not a precise measure of students’ resources at home. To

mitigate measurement error and ease interpretation, we divide census tracts into four quartiles

according to median income in that tract, with “low income” meaning the student lives in a tract

in the lowest income quartile and “middle income” meaning the student lives in a neighborhood

in the second or third quartile.13 We run similar models that include race/ethnicity and income

simultaneously, as well as year, grade and period fixed effects and controls for the student’s

number of classes in the semester and number of valid attendance marks in the class. In separate

models for each, we include school, neighborhood, and classroom fixed effects to account for

13 Income varies substantially across low, middle, and high-income quartiles. The median income in the lowest

quartile is $41,476. The median income across quartiles 2 and 3 is $74,500. The median income in the highest

quartile is $115,574.

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student sorting into schools and classes according to their background characteristics. We also

examine how chronic absence rates vary across school grades by racial/ethnic group.

3.3 Differential effects of class characteristics across subgroups of students. We

examine differential effects of having a class in period 1 compared to other periods on black and

Hispanic students compared to other students, and on low- and middle-income compared to

higher-income students. We run similar regressions to those shown above and add interaction

terms to identify differential effects. We add subject, grade, and year fixed effects. Additional

models control for other student characteristics (neighborhood median income, gender, special

education, English Language Learner) as well as the student's total number of valid attendance

marks and the student's number of classes in the semester; a third model adds school fixed



RQ 1: How prevalent is part-day class absenteeism compared to full-day absenteeism?

On a given day, part-day absence is much more prevalent than full-day absence. A much

larger proportion of students have zero or near-zero full-day absences than part-day absences, as

shown in Figure 1. On average, students are part-day absent (i.e., they have at least one class

absence but are in attendance at some point during the day) 12.2 percent of their school days,

which is 3 times as common as full-day absenteeism (4.2 percent), as shown in Table 2. The

median rate of part-day absence (6.7 percent) is about 4 times higher than the median rate of full-

day absences (1.7 percent). We further differentiate those absences by unexcused or excused

reasons. Specifically, if the student was marked unexcused absent in every class on a given day,

then we count that day as an unexcused full-day absence. Similarly, if the student missed only

part of the day and all class absences during that day were unexcused, that is an unexcused part-

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day absence. Slightly more than half (55 percent) of full-day absences are unexcused. However,

92 percent of part-day absences are unexcused rather than excused. In sum, Table 2 shows that

when students are absent from middle or high school on a given day, they are most often

accruing unexcused absences from some but not all of their classes. Mean rates of full-day and

part-day absences are higher than median rates because the distribution is right-skewed, but the

median rates of part-day absences are still sizeable.

Table 3 provides details on absences from classes. In total, students are absent from a

given class 7.9 percent of the time on average (counting absences on days they are part-day and

full-day absent), with a median rate of 3.3 percent. Students are absent from class on part days

4.1 percent of the time14, meaning that over half (52 percent) of all absences from class are on

part days rather than full days. Class absences on part days are unexcused rather than excused

88.6 percent of the time. Slightly more than a third (36.9 percent) of part-day absences are on

days that students miss only that single class during the day and attend all their other classes.

Nearly all (96.7 percent) of those single class absences are unexcused. When students are part-

day absent, they miss about a quarter of their classes that day on average (24.6 percent), which

would be about two classes for the typical class schedule. The classes missed on the same day

are often contiguous periods: when a student has a class absence in period 2 or later in a given

day, a majority of the time (63.2 percent) they also missed the prior class that day.

In keeping with these average trends, we examine how the chronic absence rate changes

when we factor in part-day absence. A student is chronically absent if they miss more than ten

percent of their total class meetings in a year across all their classes. If we only consider class

absences on days the student is full-day absent, the average chronic absence rate is 9.2 percent

14 If we add up all the fractions of days on which students have part-day absences from class, these part-day

absences are equivalent to about 5 full days of school missed per year on average.

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over all grades and years. After incorporating part-day absence, this rate jumps to 23.6 percent,

more than doubling the previous number.15

RQ 2: To what extent do characteristics of the class predict part-day class absence, as defined

by period, core vs. noncore, and class subject?

Students have part-day class absences from their first-period classes more often than

classes in periods 2-7 and across the day the trend is U-shaped, as shown in Figure 2. Table 4

examines differences between periods in more detail. Students have a roughly 5 percent absence

rate to period 1 and are second-most absent from their 7th period class with a rate of about 4.7

percent. Rates are about 1 to 2 percentage points lower for periods 2-6 compared to the

beginning and end of the day, with the lowest rate of absences in period 3 at about 3.1 percent.

The differences between periods remain qualitatively similar with the addition of various

controls and fixed effects in models 2-4.16

Unlike these relatively large differences across class periods, there are smaller differences

across classes in core academic subjects compared to those not covering core subjects. As shown

in Table 5, students are only slightly less likely to have an unexcused class absence from a core

class (math, ELA, science, social studies, and foreign language) than a non-core class (P.E. and

elective). Model 3, which includes a student-year fixed effect to account for student selection

15 The Department of Education recently used 15 days of school absences per year or more as their definition of

chronic absence (Office for Civil Rights, 2016). When we use this definition, we find a chronic absence rate of 10.8

percent when only counting absences on days the student was full-day absent. The rate more than doubles to 22.9

percent when we include absences from class on part-days as well. Thus, our findings are quite similar under this

alternative definition of chronic absence. 16 For ease of comparison, these period analyses only include schools in which students take 6 to 8 periods per day

(83 percent of all observations in this dataset). In auxiliary analyses that include all observations, available on

request, we examine absence patterns depending on whether the class is the student’s own first through nth period of

the day, and find qualitatively similar patterns to those shown here.

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into courses, finds that absences from non-core classes are only 0.36 percentage points higher

than core classes.

Similarly, differences in attendance across specific class subjects are small (Table 6).

Within each student-year in Model 3, controlling for period, students are more likely to be absent

from their P.E. class than any other class (0.78 percentage points more than to their ELA class),

followed by their foreign language class (0.61 percentage points more than to their ELA class),

their math class and elective class (0.32 and 0.31 percentage points more than to their ELA class,

not significantly different from each other), their science class (0.25 percentage points more than

to their ELA class), and are least likely to be absent from their social studies class (0.18

percentage points less than to their ELA class).

RQ 3: Do prevalence and patterns in part-day class absences differ across different types of

students in hypothesized ways?

The rate of unexcused part-day class absences is higher in high school than middle

school, and highest in 12th grade (about 6 percent), with a sharp increase between 8th and 9th

grades (Figure 3). Overall, in high school, unexcused part-day class absences are far more

common than excused part-day class absences, and both excused and unexcused absences on

full-days. Unexcused class absences on part-days show a slight decline in 11th grade relative to

10th grade across students, since many students with high rates of absence drop out or leave the

district schools during those grades.17 Unexcused absences on full-days also increase quite

dramatically between 8th and 9th grades, but then decline in 10th and 11th grades relative to 9th

17 The overall dropout rate by grade 12 of 9th grade students in the sample is 15.4 percent, and the correlation

between 9th grade unexcused class absence rate and dropout is relatively high at 0.43. However, when limiting just

to students who persisted to 12th grade in the 2013 senior cohort in order to compare the same sample of students

across grades 7-12 and thus account for any influence of high school dropout, trends are relatively similar to the

trends across all students (Appendix Figure 1).

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grade and level out between 11th and 12th grades. On the other hand, excused part-day class

absences are extremely rare across all grades. Excused absences on full-days stay relatively

steady across grades, with a slight decline between 8th and 9th grades.

Examining the changes in part-day class absences across grades more closely in Table 7,

rates increase from 1.9 percent in 6th grade to 6.1 percent in 12th grade, with the largest

magnitude increase between grades 8 and 9 (about 1.4 percentage points within students on

average, a relative increase from grade 8 to 9 of 58 percent) and another large increase between

grades 11 and 12 of about 1.2 percentage points within a given student. Within students,

absences increase with each additional grade.

Columns (3) and (4) present results using total class absences on both part-days and full-

days. The overall trend is quite similar to those only using part-day class absences, with or

without student fixed effects. When we compare the results of all the columns, it is clear that

part-day class absence is a major driving force behind the increase of total absences, and its

importance seems to grow when students progress through grades. For example, the increase of

total absences from 8th to 9th grade is about 3.4 percentage points (2.6 percentage points within

student), where the growth of part-day absences accounts for 50 percent (56 percent within

student). In contrast, part-day absences contribute nearly 69 percent of the total increase in the

transition from 11th to 12th grade (57 percent within student).

Figure 4 shows how chronic absences, considering both full- and part-day absences,

increase by grade among each racial/ethnic group, to reach a rate of 47.7 percent in 12th grade

across all students. Black and Hispanic students have a much larger share of chronically absent

students than other racial and ethnic groups, and also experience a more dramatic increase when

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they enter high school. In 12th grade, 69.9 percent of black students are chronically absent,

compared to only 23.4 percent of Asian students.18

Unsurprisingly, given these striking findings for chronic absence rates, we also find

substantial differences in part-day class absence rates by students’ race/ethnicity, as shown in

Table 8. We find that black students are absent from class significantly and substantially more

than students of any other race in the district, unconditionally (Model 1) and even with fixed

effects for school and controls for neighborhood income quartile (Model 4), neighborhood fixed

effects (Model 5) or classroom fixed effects and controlling for neighborhood income quartile

(Model 6). In the unconditional model 1, Asian students have the lowest part-day class absence

rate (2.6 percent), while black students have part-day class absence rates 5.7 percentage points

higher than Asian students, following by Hispanic students (3.5 percentage points higher) and

white students (1.3 percentage points higher).

Table 8 also shows that low-income students have more absences than other students,

though differences are smaller than those defined by race/ethnicity, particularly when we include

controls for race/ethnicity, school fixed effects (Model 4) and classroom fixed effects (Model 6).

In the unconditional Model 2, students from the lowest neighborhood income quartile have part-

day class absence rates 1.96 percentage points higher than those from the highest income quartile

neighborhoods, while students from the middle income quartiles have rates 0.18 percentage

points higher than those from the highest income quartile neighborhoods.

18 We also change the definition of chronic absence to missing over ten percent of total school days, as shown in

appendix figure 2. Consistent with figure 4, black and Hispanic students still have much larger portion of chronically

absent students, but overall the rates are much smaller. In addition, chronic absence rates for black and Hispanic

students gradually drop after 9th grade, with a small increase in 12th grade, which is very different from what we find

in Figure 4. This finding further confirms the importance of considering part-day class absences.

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Black and Hispanic students are differentially more strongly affected by period 1 than are

their peers (Table 9). Black and Hispanic students are about 1.3 percentage points more likely to

be absent from period 1 than their peers, controlling for the main effects of period 1 and

race/ethnicity. Similarly, lower-income students are more affected by period 1 than higher-

income students (Table 10). Those living in neighborhoods with the lowest-quartile median

income were more likely to be absent from period 1 than those from the highest quartile by about

1.1 percentage points in each model, while middle quartiles were more likely to be absent from

period 1 than the highest quartile by about 0.42 to 0.46 percentage points, again controlling for

main effects of period 1 and race/ethnicity.


We find that part-day absenteeism in secondary school is extremely prevalent and, in

fact, explains more classes missed by students than does full-day absenteeism. The vast majority

of these part-day absences are unexcused and they increase with each middle school grade, and

then increase dramatically at the transition to high school, particularly among underrepresented

minority students. Class period plays an important role in absences. The absence rate by period

is U-shaped, with the greatest percentage of absences from first period, followed by seventh

period, and lower rates of absence from classes in the middle of the day by up to 2 percentage


These part-day absences likely have negative consequences for students. As one

indication, Cortes et al. (2012) find that having a class first period reduces students’ grades by

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more than a tenth of a standard deviation and significantly reduces test performance in math for

black students by about .021 to .038 standard deviations.19

In qualitative interviews, several school and district staff members offered a variety of

hypotheses for why students are missing first period more than other periods. Echoing some of

the “pull factors” in the literature review, they mentioned that taking care of younger siblings,

difficulties with transportation to school or feeling unsafe traveling to school play an important

role in driving high rates of absence from first period, particularly for more disadvantaged

students. Staff members also said that students from all backgrounds often stay up late at night

using technology, causing them to oversleep the next morning and miss first period. For

example, one staff member said that “a lot of students stay up late on their phones…they don’t

go to bed until around 1 or 2 am” while another said that “kids are more addicted to technology

than alcohol and cigarettes combined… they’re up all night, their parents tell me that.”

To our knowledge, this is the first study to quantify differences in attendance across

subjects,20 including student-year fixed effects to account for student selection into subjects. We

find only small differences across subjects. Students have higher rates of absence from math

classes than other core subjects, with the exception of foreign language, and have the lowest

rates of absence from social studies. However, these cross-subject differences are small relative

to differences across time of day and across student characteristics. Moreover, despite Shernoff

et al. (2003) study’s reports that students report higher engagement in elective subjects (art,

computer science, vocational) than most core academic subjects, we find that students are

19 The effects of first period on grades and achievement likely operate not just through absences but also through

grogginess for students who do show up during first period (Cortes et al., 2012). 20 Cortes et al. (2012) include a simple line graph showing how absence rates by subject area vary by class period

for black students and non-black students in Chicago, but they do not report descriptive statistics or run analyses

using student fixed-effects, as we do.

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slightly more likely to attend their core subject than non-core subject classes. Future research and

practice might determine whether differences in student interest, enjoyment, and expected future

value are driving the differences in attendance across class subjects, and if so, how to improve

engagement in lower-attendance subjects such as math. Overall, though, differences by subject

are small, meaning that districts may need to address attendance improvement efforts to all

subjects rather than particular subjects.

These results suggest directions for future research. Policy-makers and practitioners

could benefit from knowledge about why absence rates are particularly high among black and

Hispanic students in order to reduce differentially high rates of part-day absences among these

types of students. Future research might also examine how part-day and total absences vary by

other student characteristics. For example, while not a focus of our study, we find that chronic

absence rates (missing over ten percent of all classes in a year) are shockingly high at 46 percent

among students with special education status, compared to 24 percent who are not designated for

special education. We also find higher chronic absence rates among English learner students (29

percent) than non-English learners (23 percent).

Rigorous research is needed on the effectiveness of interventions to reduce absences

(Sutphen, Ford, & Flaherty, 2010). Staff members we interviewed suggested other methods of

increasing student attendance such as making teaching more engaging and employing more

school and district staff dedicated to supporting student attendance. In addition, our findings

suggest a need for policies and practices that reduce absences at the beginning and end of the

day, and that target students at the transition to high school. While much future research is

needed to help address absences in secondary schools, this paper contributes to these efforts by

taking the initial steps of describing the prevalence and predictors of part-day absences.

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Table 1. Descriptive data from full district dataset compared to final analytic sample

Full district dataset Analytic Sample

Mean Mean SD Min Max

Percentage of students with each background characteristic:

Female 48.0 48.6 a

White 9.2 8.1 a

Black 12.6 9.8 a

Hispanic 23.2 21.8 a

Asian 47.1 52.3 a

Special Education 11.4 10.9 a

Gifted 30.1 32.4 a

English Language Learner 18.7 20.0 a

Standardized Math Achievement Score 0.00 0.01 a 1.00 -4.29 3.87

Standardized English Achievement Score 0.00 0.00 1.00 -5.89 4.35

Percentage of Classes in Which Student is Present per Year, District Created Variable1 90.6 90.5 13.81

Percentage of Classes in Which Student is Present, Summer Classes Excluded2 N/A 91.6 12.49

Number of Excused Absences from Class per Semester N/A 1.7 2.82 0 89

Number of Unexcused Absences from Class per Semester N/A 3.8 6.63 0 89

Number of Total Attendance Records per Class per Semester N/A 72.8 14.53 11 99

Number of Student-Year Observations 184,089 151,512

Number of Students 61,928 51,514

Note: Full district dataset refers to all student-year observations in grades 6-12 in years 2007-08 to 2012-13 present in the district's administrative dataset.

Analytic sample refers to the observations used in analysis in this paper. a Analytic sample statistic differs significantly from full district data statistic at p<.05 level.

1 District provides this calculation of percentage of the time the student is present across all of the student's classes in fall and spring plus summer terms. We do

not use these district-provided rates in our main analyses, but are provide them here for comparison. They are calculated as the number of times a student was

marked present or tardy divided by total present, tardy, excused or unexcused attendance marks across all the student’s classes that year.

2 Author's calculations based on attendance data at the student-class-day level. Includes only fall and spring terms—i.e., excludes summer term.

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Table 2. Rates of full day and part day absences, and percentage of those absences that are unexcused rather than excused

Mean Median SD

Full day rate: Percentage of days students are full-day absent 4.2 1.7 8.6

Percentage of full-day absences that are unexcused 54.8 0.0 7.4

Part day rate: Percent of days students are part-day absent 12.2 6.7 14.1

Percentage of part-day absences that are unexcused 91.8 85.1 13.8

Student-Year Observations 151,512

Note: Students in grades 6-12. Years 2007-08 to 2012-13.

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Table 3. Rates and description of class absences

Mean Median SD

Total class absence rate: Percentage of classes from which a student is absent 7.9 3.3 13.0

Part-day class absence rate: Percentage of classes from which a student is absent, on days that student was part-

day absent 4.1 1.4 7.7

Descriptive analysis of absences on part-days

Percentage of part-day class absences that are unexcused rather than excused 88.6

Percentage of the time a student is absent from only one class, on days they are part-day absent 36.9

Percentage of these single class absences that are unexcused rather than excused 96.7

Percentage of the student’s scheduled classes from which they are absent, on days they are part-day absent 24.6

Percentage of the time when student miss both the current and prior classes, on days they are part-day absent1 63.2

Student-year-semester-class observations 2,019,568

Note: Total absence rate includes any absences from class, whether they occurred on a day the student was part-day or full-day absent.

Students in grades 6-12. Years 2007-08 to 2012-13. 1 Among classes for which it is possible to miss the prior class that day – i.e., excluding the first class of the day.

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Table 4. Differences in class absence rate by class period (reference category is Period 1)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Period 2 -1.359*** f -1.489*** c -1.454*** c -1.379*** d

(0.020) (0.020) (0.014) (0.019)

Period 3 -1.878*** g -2.025*** e -2.023*** f -1.945*** g

(0.020) (0.020) (0.014) (0.019)

Period 4 -1.284*** e -1.901*** d -1.936*** e -1.859*** f

(0.022) (0.021) (0.015) (0.020)

Period 5 -1.159*** d -1.512*** c -1.560*** d -1.472*** e

(0.021) (0.021) (0.015) (0.020)

Period 6 -1.001*** c -1.113*** b -1.118*** b -1.025*** c

(0.021) (0.020) (0.014) (0.019)

Period 7 -0.236*** b 0.002 a -0.001 a 0.122*** b

(0.023) (0.022) (0.016) (0.021)

Constant 4.962*** a 3.548*** a 4.895*** a 6.825*** a

(0.015) (0.027) (0.013) (0.112)

Control for student characteristics? x

Student-year fixed effect? x

School fixed effect? x

Subject fixed effect? x x x

Year and grade fixed effects? x x

F-test of joint significance 1918.47*** 2594.79*** 5021.29*** 3336.45***

Observations 1,673,067 1,673,067 1,673,067 1,673,067

Adjusted R-squared 0.007 0.057 0.528 0.160

*** p<.001, ** p<.01, *p<.05, ~p<.10

Superscripts denote significant differences (at the p<.05 level) between the amount of class absences from each period, where a > b > c > d > e >

f > g.

F-test of joint significance examines whether all of the period variables are jointly significantly different from zero.

Note: All models include only classes taught during periods 1-7 and schools that have 6-8 periods per day. Dependent variable is percentage of

class meetings on which student was marked absent, on days that student was marked tardy or present in at least one other class.

Model 2 includes subject, grade and year fixed effects.

Model 3 includes subject and student-year fixed effects.

Model 4 includes controls for individual characteristics (gender, race, special education, English Language Learner), the student's total number

of valid attendance marks and the student's number of classes in the semester, whether the student takes homeroom, as well as grade, subject,

school and year fixed effects.

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Table 5. Differences in class absence rate by core subject versus non-core subject (reference category is non-core subject)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Core subject -0.669*** -0.602*** -0.360*** -0.400***

(0.011) (0.013) (0.010) (0.012)

Constant 4.533*** 3.053*** 4.981*** 4.092***

(0.009) (0.024) (0.012) (0.087)

Control for student characteristics? x

Student-year fixed effect? x

School fixed effect? x

Period fixed effect? x x x

Year and grade fixed effects? x x

Observations 2,010,256 2,010,256 2,010,256 2,010,256

Adjusted R-squared 0.002 0.047 0.488 0.099

*** p<.001, ** p<.01, *p<.05, ~p<.10

Core classes are ELA, math, social studies, science, foreign language, and ESL classes. Non-core classes include PE and

electives: special education classes are excluded.

Dependent variable is percentage of class meetings on which student was marked absent, on days that student was marked tardy

or present in at least one other class.

Model 2 includes grade, year and period fixed effects.

Model 3 includes period and student-year fixed effects.

Model 4 includes controls for individual characteristics (gender, race, special education, English Language Learner), the

student's total number of valid attendance marks and the student's number of classes in the semester, plus grade, period, year, and

school fixed effects.

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Table 6. Differences in part-day class absence rate by class subject (reference category is English Language Arts)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Math 0.049* c 0.151*** c 0.319*** c 0.244*** b

(0.021) (0.020) (0.015) (0.019)

Science -0.058** e -0.015 d 0.246*** d 0.133*** c

(0.021) (0.020) (0.015) (0.019)

Social Studies -0.262*** f -0.211*** e -0.178*** f -0.109*** f

(0.021) (0.021) (0.015) (0.020)

Foreign language 0.176*** b -0.512*** f 0.607*** b 0.126*** c

(0.028) (0.027) (0.021) (0.026)

PE 0.192*** b 0.676*** a 0.781*** a 0.784*** a

(0.022) (0.022) (0.016) (0.021)

Elective / other 0.746*** a 0.475*** b 0.307*** c -0.041~ d

(0.018) (0.020) (0.015) (0.024)

Constant 0.049* d 0.151*** d 0.319*** e 0.244*** e

(0.021) (0.020) (0.015) (0.019)

Control for student characteristics? x

Student-year fixed effect? x

School fixed effect? x

Period fixed effect? x x x

Year and grade fixed effects? x x

F-test of joint significance 701.35*** 514.50*** 717.13*** 361.11***

Observations 1,944,883 1,944,883 1,944,883 1,944,883

Adjusted R-squared 0.002 0.048 0.489 0.153

*** p<.001, ** p<.01, *p<.05, ~p<.10

Superscripts denote significant differences ( at the p<.05 level) between the amount of part-day class absence from each subject, where a > b > c > d > e

> f > g.

F-test of joint significance examines whether all of the subject variables are jointly significantly different from zero.

Note: Excludes classes designated for special education or English Language Learners.

Dependent variable is percentage of class meetings on which student was marked absent, on days that student was marked tardy or present in at least one

other class.

Model 2 includes grade, year and period fixed effects.

Model 3 includes period and student-year fixed effects.

Model 4 includes controls for individual characteristics (gender, race, special education, English Language Learner), the student's total number of valid

attendance marks and the student's number of classes in the semester, whether the student has 1, 2, or more than 2 classes in the subject that semester,

plus grade, period, year, and school fixed effects.

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Table 7. Class absence rates by Grade level (reference category = Grade 6)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Class absence on part-days Class absence on both full- and part-days

Grade 7 0.625*** f 0.527*** f 0.725*** e 0.495*** f

(0.021) (0.018) (0.036) (0.025)

Grade 8 1.049*** e 0.812*** e 1.371*** d 0.826*** e

(0.021) (0.019) (0.036) (0.026)

Grade 9 2.752*** d 2.251*** d 4.780*** b 3.400*** d

(0.020) (0.020) (0.034) (0.028)

Grade 10 3.165*** b 3.092*** c 4.823*** b 4.770*** c

(0.020) (0.021) (0.034) (0.029)

Grade 11 3.048*** c 3.645*** b 4.160*** c 5.832*** b

(0.020) (0.023) (0.035) (0.031)

Grade 12 4.157*** a 4.886*** a 5.777*** a 8.007*** a

(0.021) (0.024) (0.035) (0.033)

Constant 1.902*** g 1.848*** g 4.640*** f 4.411*** g

(0.015) (0.016) (0.026) (0.022)

Student fixed effects x x

F-test of joint significance 11357.06**** 8773.71*** 8936.02*** 13907.97***

Observations 2019568 2019568 2019568 2019568

Adjusted R-squared 0.033 0.387 0.026 0.610

*** p<.001, ** p<.01, *p<.05, ~p<.10. Superscripts denote significant differences (at the p<.05 level) between the amount of unexcused class absence from each

grade, where a > b > c > d > e > f > g. F-test of joint significance examines whether all of the grade variables are jointly significantly different from zero.

Dependent variable is percentage of class meetings on which student was marked absent, on days that student was marked tardy or present in at least one other


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Table 8. Differences in class absence rate by race/ethnicity, income and unexcused class absence rate

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

White 1.286*** d 1.717*** d 1.867*** d 1.716*** d 1.687*** c

(0.020) (0.021) (0.021) (0.022) (0.021)

Black 5.745*** a 5.360*** a 5.045*** a 4.727*** a 4.278*** a

(0.019) (0.021) (0.021) (0.024) (0.021)

Hispanic 3.476*** b 3.463*** b 3.366*** b 3.132*** b 2.878*** b

(0.013) (0.014) (0.016) (0.016) (0.015)

Other race/ethnicity 2.271*** c 2.028*** c 1.942*** c 1.793*** c 1.683*** c

(0.020) (0.021) (0.021) (0.021) (0.020)

Lowest neighborhood

income quartile 1.955*** a 1.054*** e 0.795*** e 0.635*** d

(0.021) (0.021) (0.021) (0.020)

Middle neighborhood

income quartiles 0.179*** b 0.267*** f 0.181*** f 0.118*** e

(0.019) (0.019) (0.019) (0.018)

Constant 2.556*** e 3.437*** c 3.193*** g 2.500*** g 3.774*** e 4.847*** f

(0.007) (0.018) (0.069) (0.098) (0.067) (0.286)

School fixed effect? x

Neighborhood fixed

effect? x

Classroom fixed effect? x

Year, grade, and period

fixed effects? x x x x

F-test of joint

significance 34210.12*** 9331.86*** 19598.84*** 15423.83*** 15042.54*** 11059.70***

Observations 2,019,568 1,679,141 1,679,141 1,679,141 1,679,141 1,679,141

Adjusted R-squared 0.063 0.011 0.125 0.146 0.134 0.284

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*** p<.001, ** p<.01, *p<.05, ~p<.10

Superscripts denote significant differences (at the p<.05 level) between the amount of class absence from each racial/ethnic or income group,

where a > b > c > d > e > f > g.

Note: For race/ethnicity, Asian students are the reference group. For neighborhood median income quartile, the highest quartile is the reference


Dependent variable is percentage of class meetings on which student was marked absent, on days that student was marked tardy or present in at

least one other class.

F-test of joint significance examines whether all of the race and income variables in a given model are jointly significantly different from zero.

Models 2-6 have fewer observations than Model 1 because of missing census tract information.

Model 4 includes controls for the student's total number of valid attendance marks and the student's number of classes in the semester, plus grade,

period, year, and school fixed effects.

Model 5 includes controls for the student's total number of valid attendance marks and the student's number of classes in the semester, plus grade,

period, year, and neighborhood (census tract) fixed effects.

Model 6 includes controls for the student's total number of valid attendance marks and the student's number of classes in the semester, plus grade

and classroom fixed effects.

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Table 9. Differences in the relationship between class absence rate and

Period 1 by whether student is black or Hispanic

(1) (2) (3)

Black or Hispanic 3.530*** 3.105*** 2.948***

(0.012) (0.014) (0.014)

Period 1 0.992*** 0.972*** 0.894***

(0.019) (0.020) (0.020)

Period 1 * Black or Hispanic 1.322*** 1.327*** 1.333***

(0.033) (0.036) (0.036)

Constant 2.853*** 3.837*** 3.048***

(0.061) (0.070) (0.099)

Controls for student characteristics? x x

School fixed effect? x

Year, subject & grade fixed effects? x x x

Observations 2,019,568 1,679,141 1,679,141

Adjusted R-Squared 0.107 0.117 0.137

*** p<.001, ** p<.01, *p<.05, ~p<.10

Note: Includes only classes taught during periods 1-7.

Dependent variable is percentage of class meetings on which student was

marked absent, on days that student was marked tardy or present in at

least one other class.

Model 2 includes controls for neighborhood median income, individual

characteristics (gender, special education, English Language Learner)

controls for the student's total number of valid attendance marks and the

student's number of classes in the semester, plus grade and year fixed


Model 3 includes controls for neighborhood median income, individual

characteristics (gender, special education, English Language Learner)

controls for the student's total number of valid attendance marks and the

student's number of classes in the semester, plus grade, year, and school

fixed effects.

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Table 10. Differences in the relationship between class absence rate and Period 1 by neighborhood income

(1) (2) (3)

Lowest income quartile 1.454*** 0.713*** 0.502***

(0.022) (0.022) (0.023)

Middle income quartiles 0.108*** 0.153*** 0.074***

(0.02) (0.02) (0.02)

Period 1 0.898*** 0.902*** 0.840***

(0.049) (0.048) (0.047)

Period 1 * Lowest quartile 1.138*** 1.107*** 1.142***

(0.058) (0.057) (0.056)

Period 1 * Middle quartiles 0.440*** 0.421*** 0.463***

(0.053) (0.052) (0.051)

Constant 3.401*** 4.984*** 4.435***

(0.071) (0.071) (0.099)

Controls for student characteristics? x x

School fixed effect? x

Year and grade fixed effects? x x x

F-test of joint significance 195.29*** 188.72*** 192.74***

Observations 1,679,141 1,679,141 1,679,141

Adjusted R-Squared 0.070 0.128 0.146

*** p<.001, ** p<.01, *p<.05, ~p<.10

Note: Includes only classes taught during periods 1-7.

Dependent variable is percentage of class meetings on which student was marked absent, on days that student was marked tardy or present in

at least one other class.

Income categories based on quartiles of census tract where student lives. Highest quartile is the reference group.

F-test of joint significance examines whether both the interaction terms (period 1 * lowest quartile and period1 * middle quartiles) are jointly

significantly different from zero.

Model 1 includes controls for the student's total number of valid attendance marks and the student's number of classes in the semester, plus

year and grade fixed effects.

Model 2 includes controls for individual characteristics (gender, race/ethnicity, special education, English Language Learner), controls for the

student's total number of valid attendance marks and the student's number of classes in the semester, plus year and grade fixed effects.

Model 3 includes controls for individual characteristics (gender, race/ethnicity, special education, English Language Learner), controls for the

student's total number of valid attendance marks and the student's number of classes in the semester, plus grade, year, and school fixed effects.

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Figures 1: Distributions of full- and part-day absence rates

Note: Density means the percentage of observations at that rate, out of 151,512 student-

year observations from grades 6-12, years 2007-08 to 2012-13. Full day absence rate =

number of days that year on which student was marked excused or unexcused absent in

every class, divided by number of days of school that year for the student (meaning days

on which student received an absent, present, or tardy mark in at least one class). Part day

absence rate = number of days that year on which student was marked excused or

unexcused absent in at least one class but not all classes, divided by number of days of







0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1

Full-day absence Part-day absence

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school that year for the student.

Figure 2: Class absence rate by period

Note: Includes only students in schools that have 6-8 total periods per day. Rates represent the

percentage of class meetings on which student was marked absent that period, on days that

student was marked tardy or present in at least one other class (i.e., part-days).

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Figure 3: Mean absence rates by grade

Note: Years 2007-08 to 2012-13. Rates average across all student-year-semester-class

observations in a given grade. Unexcused or excused classes on part-day absence is

defined as percentage of unexcused or excused absences from a class on those days

when students are part-day absent. Unexcused or excused classes on full-day absence is

defined as percentage of unexcused or excused absences from a class on those days

when students are full-day absent.

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Figure 4: Chronic absence by grade and race/ethnicity: absence rate > 10%

Note: Years 2007-08 to 2012-13. Rates represent the proportion of student-year

observations in a given grade-race/ethnicity combination with more than 10 percent of

class absences (class absence rate calculated by taking the total number of absences

divided by the total number of class meetings in a given semester).

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Appendix Figure 1: Mean absence rates by grade for 2013 Senior Cohort only

Note: Years 2007-08 to 2012-13. Only using students who were in 12th grade during the

2012-2013 academic year. Rates average across all student-year-semester-class

observations in a given grade. 6th grade for this cohort was during the 2006-07 school

year so is not included in the analysis. Unexcused or excused classes on part-day absence

is defined as percentage of unexcused or excused absences from a class on those days

when students are part-day absent. Unexcused or excused classes on full-day absence is

defined as percentage of unexcused or excused absences from a class on those days when

students are full-day absent.

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Appendix Figure 2: Chronic absence by grade and race/ethnicity: full-day absence rate > 10%

Note: Years 2007-08 to 2012-13. Rates represent the proportion of student-year

observations in a given grade-race/ethnicity combination with more than 10 percent of

full-day absences (full-day absence rate calculated by taking the total number of full-day

absences divided by the total number of school days).