what's new in nuxeo platform 7.4 - breakfast presentation in paris

Nuxeo Platform 7.4 What’s New? September 30th 2015

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Nuxeo Platform 7.4What’s New?

September 30th 2015

Nuxeo Live ConnectEFSS Integration

Live Connect

Native integration of the Nuxeo Platform with cloud-based Enterprise File Sync and Share platforms, such as Google Drive and Dropbox.

Take full advantage of the collaboration and files sharing capabilities of EFSS platforms and the metadata and business processes capabilities of the Nuxeo Platform

For all users of the Nuxeo Platform


Live Connect

● File downloads stored in the Cloud

● PDF file conversion directly from Google Drive

● Direct access to native editors and third-party Cloud applications

● Automatic document update

● Unified and transparent search

● Native versioning

Expanded Fine-Grain Permissioning

ACLs & Permissions

Array of new ACL and permissioning features

User and group security more precise and easierBetter conformity with security policies in regulated environments

For users and administrators of the Nuxeo PlatformNew API to use for developers

Native Integration

ACLs & Permissions

● Easier interface

● Temporary access rights for a desired date range to smoother


● Auto-notification when a permission takes effect

● Easier security audit for administrators

● One-click clean up of users and groups rights

● Polymer Component usable on any web interface

DataVizBuilt-in Data Visualization


Visual dashboard widgets

Gives insights to your data Helps with decision making

For developers

Native integration

DataViz - How It Works

Dataviz - Where It’s Used

● Auditing

● Workflows

● Search

● Content repository

Dataviz - Element Example

New Connectors: Salesforce & InDesign

Salesforce Connector

Contextualized Attachments Storage with Preview



Native integration

Salesforce Connector - How it works

Create and read attached documents

Retrieve data via the REST API

Versioning, managing documents

Salesforce Connector - Advantages

Content centralized

360° View

Reusable Polymer component

InDesign Connector

InDesign Availability of Images Stored in DAM

Facilitates access to images and collaboration between marketing teams

Designers, Graphic Designers


Retrieval of urls via REST API depending on users rights

InDesign Connector - Where It’s Used

Real-time syncing of images versions used in the InDesign document

Images search and import

InDesign Connector - Advantages

Real-time notifications of version changes

Image sharing

Versioning, Workflow...

Other Technical Advancements

CDN Integration: Content Delivery Network

Network optimization, better user experience

Datadog - Monitoring Agent

Security Filter for Downloads Protection

Example: Return the main high res file only if user is part of the group “managers”

Upload: API to Resume Uploads, Uploads by Chunks

1. curl -u Administrator:Administrator -X POST https://nightly.nuxeo.com/nuxeo/api/v1/upload⇒ {"batchId":"batchId-92de06b2-5fbe-4bc7-ade8-f1d33e7c8089"}

2. (n fois, 1 / bloc) curl -u joe:joe -H "X-Upload-Type:chunked" -H "X-Upload-Chunk-Index:0" -H "X-Upload-Chunk-Count:3" -H "X-File-Name:My chunked file.txt" -H "X-File-Size:43" -F [email protected] http://nightly.nuxeo.com/nuxeo/api/v1/upload/batchId-92de06b2-5fbe-4bc7-ade8-f1d33e7c8089

3. url -u joe:joe -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json+nxentity' -d '{"entity-type": "document", "name": "My chunked file", "type": "File", "properties": {"dc:title": "My new doc", "file:content": {"upload-batch": "batchId-a0dbccda-a36c-436d-8de6-09fe96f14e08", "upload-fileId": "0"}}}' http://nightly.nuxeo.com/nuxeo/api/v1/path/default-domain/workspaces/UploadAPI

New API (REST & JAVA) for Asynchronous Conversions

POST http://localhost:8080/nuxeo/api/v1/path/to/file/@convert?async=true{ "entity-type": "conversionScheduled", "conversionId": "id", "pollingURL": "http://localhost:8080/nuxeo/api/v1/conversion/id/poll"}

GET http://localhost:8080/nuxeo/api/v1/conversion/id/poll

{ "entity-type": "conversionStatus", "conversionId": "id", "status": "running" // scheduled, completed}

GET http://localhost:8080/nuxeo/api/v1/conversion/id/result


Alain EscaffreProduct Management


Manon LumeauTechnical Writer

Lise KemenUIX Designer

Bertrand ChauvinTrainer

Michael GenaSolution Architect