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  • 8/4/2019 Whtie Darkness


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    The White Darkness

    Haiti and VoodooVodVoudoun

  • 8/4/2019 Whtie Darkness




    1-2 Marise

    3-4 Michelle

    5-6 Tom

  • 8/4/2019 Whtie Darkness



    Voodoo as fatalisticLoa / Lwa--They act as intermediaries between humanbeings and the creator, (Bondye or Bon-Dieu - Good-God), not unlike Saints and Angels do in Catholicism.

    Each has a very unique and developed personality.What they like and don't like is known and honoredand each has distinct rhythms, songs, dances,symbols and rituals of service associated with it.

    Some Loa are easily recognized, some are more

    elusive. Phrases, actions and behavior indicate whichLoa is present. When the Loa is identified, the symbolsassociated with them are offered.

    The Loa is fed, served and sometimes given or giveshelp and/or advice. They do not have some need or

  • 8/4/2019 Whtie Darkness



  • 8/4/2019 Whtie Darkness



    Two rites of VoodooRada: Rada rites follow the more traditional

    African patterns emphasizing the gentler,more positive attributes of the loas.Devotees were all white clothing during

    these ceremonies. Animal sacrifices,which represents the "partaking of theblood, include chicken, goats, and bulls.Three oxhide-covered drums provide therhythms for the chanting, representingthree atmospheres of the sun, or Legba:the largest, called Manman, related tothe chromosphere; the next, calledsimply Second, related to the

    photosphere; and the smallest one,called Bou-Lah, which is the solar

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  • 8/4/2019 Whtie Darkness


    Petro: The Petro rites appear to have originatedin Haiti during the slavery days. The name

    Petro allegedly comes from Don JuanFelipe Pedro, a Spanish Vodoun priest andformer slave who contributed a rather violent style of dance to the ceremonies.Many of the Petro practices, includingmore violent worship services, and the useof red in the ceremonial clothing and onthe face, which came from the Awak andCarib Indians who then lived on Saint

    Dominque. The Petro loas tend to be moremenacing, deadly, and ill-tempered thanother loas; many of their names simply have the appellation GeRouge (Red Eyes)after a Rada name to signify the Petroform. Pigs are sacrificed for the benefit of

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  • 8/4/2019 Whtie Darkness


    Loas/ LwasEach Loa has a territory that theygovern; several examples are below:Loa Territory Papa Legba Crossroads

    Macoufour Spiritual Highwaysand BywaysPapa Loko The Father of theLoasPapa Dumbala The RainErusile Freeda The River Erusile Dantour The OceanPapa Agwe The WindPapa Ogu Fires Above the

    Earth; MetalsMali Louise Medicines


  • 8/4/2019 Whtie Darkness



    People have 2 differentspirits

    Voodoo belief states that there are two parts of the human soul. The two parts consists of ti-bon-ange (little good angel) and gros-bon-ange (greatgood angel). The gros-bon-ange is the bodys life

    force, and after death, the gros-bon-ange mustreturn to the cosmos. To make sure that the ti-bon-ange is guaranteed a peaceful rest, the gros-bon-ange must be recalled through an elaborateexpensive ritual involving the sacrifice of a largeanimal, like an ox, to appease the ti-bon-ange. If the ti-bon-ange spirit is not satisfied and given apeaceful rest, the spirit remains earthboundforever and brings illness or disasters on others.

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    The role of healingIn voodoo, disease is regarded as totally spiritual.

    Therefore, treatment is entirely spiritual, as well.Agreat deal of empirical knowledge is required to bea voodoo healer; herbs and other agents often play

    an important role.

    Diseases can happen for many reasons, but they are

    always mediated in some way by Loa. Loa can beangry at a person for whatever reason and causedisease; someone can invoke Loa to cause disease toanother person; and Loa may cause disease for otherreasons that can only be elucidated by a voodoohealer. Healing is often conducted by a hounganor mambo. Healing occurs in many ways; all areconcerned with reinstating some harmony with theLoa.

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    Examples of healing rites:

    u supplicating the Loa with sacrifice, gift, or ritualu inviting a Loa to possess the healer and confermagical, healing qualities on him or heru having a dream inspired by Loau feeding the Loau

    incorporating the Loa by ingesting herbs, foods, orother products that contain the Loau honoring the Loa by wearing their coloru inviting a Loa to possess the sick personu praying to a fetish (an icon or small figurerepresenting a Loa and constructed of special material)or honoring it with sacrifice, gift, or ritual

    The idea of a virus indiscriminately causingillness, without any Loa, vexing, or blackmagic involved, is completely foreign tovoodoo. There is always a personal element

    associated with illness.

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    oo oo s re a ons p oCatholicism and

    ProtestantismRoman Catholic 80%,Protestant 16% (Baptist10%, Pentecostal 4%,Adventist 1%, other 1%),none 1%, other 3%note:roughly half of thepopulation practices voodoo

    [From www.cia.gov ,

    which doesnt seem toclassify voodoo as areligion.]

    Voodoo becamean officialreligion in2003, meaningmarriages andotherceremonies nowhad legal


    Roman Catholic clergy,

    although opposed to voodoo,have had a more benignview of it than Protestants,who see the religion asdiabolical, possibly becausevoodoo beliefs do not foster

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    Directed by RichardStanleygrew up inSouth Africa. Hismother was ananthropologist whostudied African

    Filmography:I Am Legion (2012) writer High Rise (2012) - co-writer

    The Theatre Bizarre (2011) - anthologdirector Imago Mortis (2009) - co-writer Black Tulips (2008) - short; writer-director Secret Glory (2001) - writer-

    director The Island of Dr. Moreau - co-writerBr director Fields of the Nephilim: Revelations (199


    Typical elements of hismovies are extremeviolence, occultism, dreamsand visionaries."I do no t feel that at anytime i t was ever my decision

    to make any of the movies I'

  • 8/4/2019 Whtie Darkness



    What to watch for:

    How are the Haitians presented?

    How is Christianity presented?

    How are non-Haitians presented?

    How objectively does Stanley, a man whomakes horror films for a living, present the


    Is there a sense of respect, or of sensationalism, in the presentation?

    The problems inherent in a film about a

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    DiscussionDid you have anyknowledge orpreconceived notions of voodoo? Has this filmchanged them?

    Explain the followingquotes:

    Its better to dieyoung than die poor. Then no one knows

    your business.

    You need to

    Ya sabas algo del vud?Qu opinin tenas delvud antes de ver estapelcula? Has cambiado deopinin en alguna manera?

    Explica estas citas:

    Es mejor morir joven que

    morir pobre. As nadie semeta en tus asuntos.

    Hay que cristianizarlosantes de democratizarlos.

  • 8/4/2019 Whtie Darkness



    For next week:Well bewatching TheSerpent and theRainbow, aHollywood filmbased on thetrue life

    experiences,and book, of HarvardanthropologistWade Davis.

    The movie starsBill Pullman andPaul Winfield,and was

    directed by Wes


    1. Wade Davis2. Tetrodoxotin3. Ton-ton macoute

    English reading:http://ourweekly.com/spiritu

    Lectura en espaol:http://www.revistarevuelta.org

    No summary due next week.

    You may, of course,

    read both!

