women and children in victorian era

Women and children in Victorian era

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Women and children in Victorian era.


Page 1: Women and Children in Victorian Era

Women and children in Victorian era

Page 2: Women and Children in Victorian Era
Page 3: Women and Children in Victorian Era

The Victorian era of British history was the period

of Queen Victoria’s reign from 20 June 1837 until her death, on 22 January

1901. It was a long period of

peace, prosperity, refined sensibilities and national

self-confidence for Britain.

Page 4: Women and Children in Victorian Era

Women in Victorian era

During the reign of Queen Victoria, a woman's place was in the home, as domesticity and

motherhood were considered by society at large to be a sufficient emotional fulfilment for females. 

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Women classesLower class

The lower class women were not treated very fairly.  It was very likely for unmarried women to be classified as a pauper. After having a father or a husband die, barely any money or land was left in the will to the daughter or wife; it was mostly given to the oldest son or another close male relative.

Other jobs for the lower class women were

barmaids, chambermaids, waitresses, and workers in factories.

Working in factories was better than working

in the domestic service business.

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Women classesMiddle class

Middle class women can almost be considered guides to the lower class women. During their free time, they went and helped the paupers.

The goal of these middle class women was to marry into a wealthy relationship. This allowed the women to get more respect from the upper class society and get more goods.

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Women classesUpper class

Wealthy women in society did not have a very difficult life. Their day consisted of activities like sewing, visiting family/friends/paupers, reading, writing letters, entertaining visitors, and dancing.

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Women rights

Many women’s rights had been obtained by 1900.

• 1839. If parents separated children under 7 should stay with their mother.

• 1857. Wives could divorce husbands who were cruel or left them.

• 1870. Wives were allowed to keep money they earned.

• 1891. Wives could not be forced to live with husbands unless they wished.

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Victorian Fashion

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• The main feature of the Victorian era was the mix of the best of other styles. Victorian Era was a lively style of ornamentation.

• Clothes on the Victorian Era were

very elaborated and restrictived on the bodies of those who wore them.

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Children in Victorian era

Life for Victorian Children in Victorian times (1830 to 1900) was nothing like childhood in today’s world. For the wealthy there was an overwhelming sense of boredom and the constant prodding to be proper and polite with very little parent to child communication. For the poor Victorian Children life was much different. The poor children had to work public jobs for their families to survive.

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Wealthy Victorian childrenWhile the wealthy children may have

been spoiled and had a much better life than the poor children, they also had what would seem to be a sad, redundant and affection-

less existence.Children were mostly raised by a nanny

who would teach the child what was proper and what was not. Day to day living was nothing more than a lonely monotonous

routine and very formal.Wealthy Victorian Children rarely

communicated with their parents except for a specified time each day.

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Poor Victorian children

They lived in much smaller houses or even single rooms. Living in these tight quarters caused the family to be much closer. Without the presence of a nanny the parents raised the children and were the guiding force in their lives. This did not always translate to a more loving atmosphere though. Since a large part of the poor children had to work public jobs to help support their families many parents thought of children as income, and having more children who worked raised the income of the home. 

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Poor Victorian children

Victorian children would be made to go to work at a very young age. As unbelievable as it sounds, sometimes even 4 or 5 years old. Actually this was not unique only to the Victorian age, children had been expected to work for centuries before this.

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Project made by Istrate Gabriela Popa Ioana