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Index .......................................................................................................................... 2

Policy & Procedures ............................................................................................... 3-7

English ...................................................................................................................... 8

French ........................................................................................................................ 8

Geography .................................................................................................................. 9

History ...................................................................................................................... 10

Indonesian ................................................................................................................ 10

Mathematics ............................................................................................................. 11

Music ........................................................................................................................ 11

PD/H/PE ................................................................................................................... 12

Science ..................................................................................................................... 12

Technology (Home Economics) .............................................................................. 13

Technology (Industrial Arts) .................................................................................... 14

Visual Arts ............................................................................................................... 14

Assessment Planner ............................................................................................ 15-16

Misadventure Form .................................................................................................. 17

Types of Assessment

Most of the assessment information used by teachers to assess students will come from formal and

informal assessment tasks. Some assessment will be for the purpose of assisting teachers and

students to meet learning needs whilst other assessment is conducted so that teachers can make

judgements about student achievement at or up to a certain point in time.

What are Assessment Tasks?

Assessment tasks allow students to demonstrate their achievement in a variety of ways that are

appropriate for the outcomes being assessed. Each subject faculty has developed its own assessment

program which specifies weightings to be given to each part of the course. Teachers may use

exams, oral and written reports, practical work, performance tasks and various other methods to

evaluate student performance.

Formal Tasks

All courses will have a maximum of eight formal assessment tasks in Years 7 to 9. Half Yearly and

Yearly Examinations will be included in the formal assessment program. The results of these

assessment tasks will be used to report on student achievements.

Other Assessment Tasks

Students will also be required to complete a range of other tasks, in class and at home, throughout

the course that are less formal but nevertheless important as they assist students to develop and

refine skills and knowledge. Their performance in these tasks will be used by teachers to make an

accurate judgement about the level of student achievement of syllabus outcomes. This means that

ALL assessment tasks AND class work must be completed.

Schedule of Tasks

Students will be given at least two weeks’ notice of a formal task. Staff will endeavour to ensure

that students are not overburdened at any one time. All task notifications will be posted on the

school website.

Students will be informed about:

the scope of the task, including the outcomes to be assessed.

the form the assessment will take

proposed timing and duration of the tasks

What happens with Invalid Tasks?

Should a task be deemed invalid by the head teacher, e.g. if the task was interrupted, the task may

be cancelled and a substitute task will be given.

Feedback to students on Formal Tasks

Students will be given clear and honest feedback on their performance in each task. This will show

the level of achievement of syllabus outcomes.

The Formal Assessment Period

Assessment will commence at the beginning of Term 1.

Students' Responsibilities

Students should read carefully the assessment task for each course they are studying. It is the

student's responsibility to be aware of the guidelines e.g. type of task and date due. Not knowing

about a task, the nature of a task or when the task will take place will not be accepted as an excuse

for failing to do a task or for not doing well in a task.

Where tasks are to be submitted at school, the onus is on the student to hand the task to the teacher

conducting the task during the lesson on the due date. If the teacher is absent then the student

should hand the task to the head teacher. Students should not just leave the task on the teacher’s

desk in the staff room or the classroom.

It is the student’s responsibility after an absence to find out what assessment tasks have been set.

The school (where possible) should be notified of a student’s absence for an assessment task before

the task is administered. The student’s parent or guardian must submit an Illness/Misadventure form

explaining the absence, and give it to the head teacher. In case of sickness, a medical certificate

should be submitted. Head teachers have discretion to determine that a student has a legitimate

reason for not doing a task or not submitting a task on time. They will then decide which of the

following is appropriate:

an extension of time for submission;

completion of the same task at a different time;

completion of an alternative task;

an estimate (only to be used once all other avenues are exhausted)

The student must complete the task or an alternative task on the first appropriate occasion after

returning to school. Otherwise a "non-attempt" will be recorded.

Penalties in relation to an Assessment Task

Students who have an unauthorised absence (no valid explanations, no note, fractional truant) or fail

to hand in a task on time will receive a penalty. The penalty will consist of a loss of:

20% of achievable marks one day late;

40% of achievable marks two days late;

60% of achievable marks three days late and

Zero for more than three days late.

Any student found to be staying at home during school time so as to complete an assessment task or

study for an assessment task, will be considered to be seeking an unfair advantage and may have the

task cancelled.

Students will not be allowed to prepare for an assessment task in another class.

Dishonest attempts of assessment tasks, (cheating, using other students' work) or disruption during

an assessment task will result in a zero mark being recorded. A letter will be sent home informing

parents/caregivers of the dishonesty.

Technology Failure

If students are presenting work produced via computer it is their responsibility to make sure they

have adequate backups of information. Technology failure is not an acceptable excuse for students

failing to submit tasks on the due date.

Assessment Guidelines – All Faculties

In each year there will be a maximum of eight formal assessment components (including half

yearly and yearly examinations).

At least one assessment task in each course is to be given in term one.

At least one task is to be a research task or include research (this is subject dependant).

Appropriate sources are to be identified and included in the task.

At least one task is to include a piece of extended formal writing with grammatical/

syntactical correctness to be worth 20% of the mark for the task.

Note that the above two points can be satisfied in the same task if this suits the subject or


At least one task is to include a significant use of technology.

All assessment tasks are to contain elements which address the different higher order stages in

Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Assessment Tasks will not assess values or attitudes.

For Years 7 and 8 only, up to 15% of assessment marks are to be for bookwork or course

work (dependant on the professional judgement of the head teacher after consultation with

their faculty). Each course will define the elements of bookwork that will be included in the

marking. All faculties are encouraged to include grammatical/syntactical correctness as

appropriate to course outcomes.

Assessment tasks will be given out on a particular colour of paper for each year group:

(Year 12 Blue; Year 11 Yellow; Year 10 Green; Year 9 Pink; Year 8 Lavender; and

Year 7 Salmon).

Assessment tasks will be placed on the school website in the agreed format: Assessment Task

Notification (attached below).

Year ___

Subject: ________________

Assessment Task No: _______

Outcomes to be assessed

A student:

(Outcome reference e.g. H1) (outcome description)

(Outcome reference e.g. H3) (outcome description)

(Outcome reference e.g. H5) (outcome description)

(Outcome reference e.g. H6) (outcome description)

(Outcome reference e.g. H7) (outcome description)

(Outcome reference e.g. H9) (outcome description)

Task Outline

Task Format: ?

Time to complete the task: ?

Topic to be assessed: ?

Assessment Weighting: ?% (of Yearly / of Semester)

Assessment Task Marks: ?

Date and time of the task: ?

Student equipment needed: ?

School Assessment Policy Guidelines apply

Marking criteria Mark Range

Description 1 13 – 15

Description 2 10 – 12

Description 3 6 – 9

Description 4 3 – 5

Description 5 0 – 2

Due Date Task and Description Weight (Yearly)

Term 1 Weeks 9 - 10 Speaking & Representing 25%

Term 2 Week 5 Writing (Critical) 25%

Term 3 Week 6 Reading & Writing 25%

Term 4 Week 3 Listening & Viewing 25%

TOTAL 100%

Due Date Task Weight (Semester)

Semester One French

Term 1 Week 6 Cartoon Assignment 20%

Term 1 Week 9 Unit Test 20%

Term 2 Week 5/6 Half Yearly Examination 60%

TOTAL 100%

Semester Two French Weight (Semester)

Term 3 Week 7 Unit Test 20%

Term 4 Week 1/2 Pays Francophone Assignment 20%

Term 4 Week 5/6/7 Yearly Examination 60%

TOTAL 100%

Topic Content Timing


Water and the World

(incl. Geographical Skills)

Semester One:

Term 1 Week 1 – Term 2 Week 2

Semester Two:

Term 3 Week 1 – Term 4 Week 2



Semester One:

Term 2 Week 3-10

Semester Two:

Term 4 Week 3-10

The work you complete in Geography this year will require you to demonstrate achievement of the following


The work you complete in Geography this year will require you to demonstrate achievement of the following


locates and outlines the features of a range of places and environments

describes processes and influences that form and transform places and environments

explains interactions between people, places and environments

accounts for perspectives of people and organisations on a range of geographical issues

discusses management of places and environments for their future sustainability

describes reasons for differences in human wellbeing

applies geographical tools to acquire and process geographical information

selects and uses written, oral and/or graphic forms to communicate geographical information

Outcomes Targeted Task description Due Date Weighting

GE4-1,GE4-5, GE4-7,

GE4-8 In Class Test

Semester One

Term 1 Week 8

Semester Two

Term 3 Week 8


GE4-2, GE4-3, GE4-4

GE4-5, GE4-7, GE4-8

Research Task – Atmospheric and

Hydrological Hazards

(Students to complete a research

scaffold and visual presentation in


Semester One

Term 2 Week 3

Semester Two

Term 4 Week 3


GE4-1, GE4-2, GE4-3,

GE4-4, GE4-5, GE4-7,


Semester Examination

(Multiple Choice, Short Answer,

Writing Task – assessing all


Semester One

Term 3 Week 5/6

Semester Two

Term 4 Week 5/6


Scope & Sequence

Date Topic

Throughout Overview

Term 1/3, Weeks 1-5 DS5 – The Asia-Pacific World – Japan under the Shoguns

Term 1/3, Weeks 6-10

Term 2/4, Weeks 1-3 DS4 – The Western and Islamic world – Medieval Europe

Term 2/4, Weeks 4-10 DS6 – Expanding contacts – The Spanish Conquest of the Americas

Due Date Task Weight (Semester)

Semester One

Term 1 Week 6 Source analysis – Shoguns 25%

Term 2 Week 2 Oral Presentation and Visual Aid – Medieval Europe 25%

Term 2 Week 5/6

Final Semester Exam – short answer/source on Medieval

Europe & Spanish Conquest, extended writing task on

Medieval Europe.


Term 1 Week 8 Classwork, participation, homework – books to be marked at

least once per semester. 10%

TOTAL 100%

Semester Two

Term 3 Week 6 Source analysis – Shoguns 25%

Term 4 Week 2 Oral Presentation and Visual Aid – Medieval Europe 25%

Term 4 Week 5/6/7

Final Semester Exam – short answer/source on Medieval

Europe & Spanish Conquest extended writing task on

Medieval Europe.


Term 3 Week 8 Classwork, participation, homework – books to be marked at

least once per semester. 10%

TOTAL 100%

Due Date Task Weight (Semester)

Semester One

Term 1 Week 8 Unit Test 30%

Term 2 Week 5/6 Half Yearly Examination 60%

Ongoing Bookwork and Class work 10%

TOTAL 100%

Due Date Task Weight (Semester)

Semester Two

Term 3 Week 2 Cultural Assignment 20%

Term 4 Week 2 Vocabulary Test 10%

Term 4 Week 5/6/7 Yearly Examination 60%

Ongoing Bookwork and Class work 10%

TOTAL 100%

Due Date Task Weight (Semester)

Semester One

Term 1 Week 8 Cross Test 30%

Term 2 Week 5/6 Half Yearly Examination 40%

Ongoing Book mark / class work 10%

Ongoing Topic tests 20%

TOTAL 100%

Semester Two

Term 3 Week 9 Assignment / Cross Test 30%

Term 4 Week 5/6/7 Yearly Examination 40%

Ongoing Book mark / Class work 10%

Ongoing Topic tests 20%

TOTAL 100%

Due Date Task Weight (Semester)

Semester One

Term 1 Week 9 Bookwork 20%

Term 1 Week 9 Literacy / Composition 10%

Term 2 Week 2 Performance & Composition 20% Performance

10% Composition

Term 2 Week 4 Half Yearly Aural Exam 40%

TOTAL 100%

Semester Two

Term 3 Week 5 Literacy / Composition 20%

Term 3 Week 9 Bookwork 10%

Term 4 Week 2 Performance & Composition 20% Performance

10% Composition

Term 4 Week 4 Yearly Aural Exam 40%

TOTAL 100%

Due Date Task Weight (Semester)

Semester One

Term 1 Week 7 Bounce back (mini tramp and vaulting practical task) 25%

Term 1 Week 7 You are what you eat (Diet analysis including evaluation with

literacy skills)


Term 2 Week 7 Classwork (presentation of up to date class and homework,

including fitness analysis)


Term 2 Week 8 Get up and move (physical activity practical task) 25%

TOTAL 100%

Semester Two

Term 3 Week 7 Out on a limb (safety task – evaluation and literacy based on

scenarios) 25%

Term 3 Week 4 Bush Dancing (practical task) 25%

Term 4 Week 4 Hit it Kick it (practical unit football and hockey) 25%

Term 4 Week 5/6/7 Research Task 25%

TOTAL 100%

Due Date Task Weight (Yearly)

Semester One

Term 1 Week 7 Practical Skills (In class task Assessment) 20%

Term 2 Week 4 Half Yearly Assessment 25%

Ongoing Working Scientifically / Homework 5%

Semester Two

Term 3 Week 8 Research Assignment 20%

Term 4 Week 5/6/7 Semester 2 Assessment Task 25%

Ongoing Working Scientifically / Homework 5%

TOTAL 100%

In the Home Economics Faculty Technology (mandatory) is studied over Years 7 & 8 in combination with

the Industrial Arts Faculty.

The two areas of study are:

1. Textiles Technologies – Products, with design specialisation of Accessories Design.

2. Media & Food Technologies – Products, with a design specialisation of Food Design.

Students will complete a series of assessments for Semester 1 or Semester 2. Specific dates for finalisation

will be advised by each class room teacher (dependent upon timetabled lessons).

Due Date Task Weight (Semester)

Semester One

Terms 1 & 2

Weeks 1-2 Task 1 - Spelling test (Examined in class.) 10%

Term 1


Term 2

Task 2 - Media and Food Technologies Folio OR

- Textiles Technology Folio

Completed at home and submitted to class teacher

(some time may be given in class).


Terms 1 and 2

Finalised by

Weeks 9-10

Task 3 - Design Project: Food Designs & Real Food (20%) Media and Food Technologies

OR - Design Project: Accessories and Bags (30%)

Textile Technologies (Completed in class.)

Canvas logo design completed at home and

submitted to class teacher.


TOTAL 100%

Semester Two

Term 3 Week 5

Task 4 - Media and Food Technologies Folio OR

- Textiles Technology Folio

Completed at home and submitted to class teacher

(some time may be given in class).


Terms 3 & 4

Weeks 1-2 Task 1 - Spelling test (Examined in class.) 10%

Term 4 Week 2 Task 5 - Innovation assignment.

Completed at home and submitted to class teacher

(some time may be given in class).


Terms 3 and 4

Finalised by

Weeks 8-9

Task 3 - Design Project: Food Designs & Real Food (20%)

Media and Food Technologies

or - Design Project: Accessories and Bags (30%)

Textile Technologies (Completed in class.)


TOTAL 100%

Due Date Task Weight (Semester)

Semester One

Term 1 Design Project 1 – In class practical projects 80%

Term 2 Week 4 Design folio / Book mark – related to practical projects 20%

TOTAL 100%

Semester Two

Term 3 Design Project 2 – In class practical projects 80%

Term 4 Week 4 Research Assignment – Innovation 20%

TOTAL 100%

Due Date Task Weight (Semester)

Semester One

Term 1 Week 9 Critical & Historical Studies: Australian Painters – Research / Writing Task


Term 2 Week 1 Making Artworks:

2D forms Folio of Work “Life’s like an Onion” Drawing / Painting / Mixed Media / Photography / Digital


Term 2 Week 5 Etching 20%

Term 2 Week 5 VAPD work: documentation of practice, sketches, studies etc. 10%

TOTAL 100%

Semester Two

Term 3 Week 10 Making Artworks:

Functional Ceramics (Response to the environment) (includes VAPD /10)


Term 4 Week 2 Critical and Historical Studies:

Yearly Exam 30%

Term 4 Week 6

Making Artworks:

Sculpture in the Shire – Marquette /proposal for a public

sculpture for a specific site in the Sutherland Shire)

(includes VAPD /10)


TOTAL 100%

Note: Due Dates given are a guide. Final dates will be given by the classroom teacher for your particular class.

TERM 1, 2018

Week Tasks (and Weight)












TERM 2, 2018

Week Task (and Weight)











TERM 3, 2018

Week Tasks (and Weight)











TERM 4, 2018

Week Task (and Weight)












This form is to be completed by a student who is unable to attend/submit an assessment task, on the due date or who feels that an assessment task has been affected by unforeseen illness or misadventure. On collection of this form, the procedures as set out in the Assessment Guide Booklet must be followed in order for any consideration to be extended with regards to this task. 1. Complete and present this form to the appropriate Head Teacher. (This should be

done prior to the due date where applicable or on the first day of your return to school.) 2. If approval is granted, this form together with any other relevant documents, must be

attached to the assessment task on submission. Failure to submit this form promptly may adversely affect the result of your request. A request for consideration of assessment tasks undertaken throughout the year which is submitted at or near the end of the course will generally not be considered. It should not be assumed that an application using this form will be successful, as the reasons advanced will be assessed on their merits. Student’s Name: ________

Year Group: Home Phone:

Course/Class: Teacher:

Assessment Task Missed: Due Date:

Reason for Consideration

Student Signature: Date:

Supporting Evidence: Yes / No Type of evidence:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:

Teacher Comment:

Teacher Signature: Date:

Approval Granted: Yes / No New Submission Date: (if appropriate)

Head Teacher Signature: Date:

Original: Student File Copies: Head Teacher and Student