working paper itdupm - innovation

Working paper. Release 2.1 The role of innovation for sustainable future itdUPM meeting. 14 April 2015. Industrial Technical School, Technical University of Madrid (UPM). 13:30 15:30h itdUPM is a centre included in the Polytechnic University of Madrid that promotes and participates in the design, validation and implementation of innovative projects. itdUPM provides education in human development and sustainability. Due to the practical experience gained together with its partner organizations, itdUPM is called to generate thoughts and attitudes on key issues on the global agenda of sustainability. During 2015, itdUPM will develop a series of starting-point papers that will contribute to stimulate the debate on several key issues in this agenda. Each document will be the working basis of each block of the conference of "Innovation for Development" that will be held in June. This is the first of those documents, which is based on the participation of itdUPM in several projects, as well as in previous documents that have been produced by different researchers and alumni of the Master in Technology for Human Development, and the contrast meeting with various groups of interest. Science, technology and innovation for transformation. 1.- Science, Technology and Innovation play a key role in the transformation towards sustainability. There are several "theories of change" on how this transformation must occur, which are coexisting at the moment. 2.- The transformation towards sustainability will occur through the interaction of complex processes of various kinds; it is neither purely scientific nor technological, neither exclusively social nor political. 3.- This requires better understanding of the options and directions of development of Science, Technology and Innovation (hereinafter: ITC), which are not random, nor inexorable. It is required an open-minded way of considering options, values and visions, through participatory 2 processes and extensive deliberation. These considerations should take place beyond the domain of experts and should involve the different players (civil society, NGOs, Public Administration, Business ...). 1

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Working paper. Release 2.1 The role of innovation for sustainable future 

  itdUPM meeting. 14 April 2015. Industrial Technical School, Technical University of Madrid (UPM). 13:30 ­ 15:30h 

itdUPM is a centre included in the Polytechnic University of Madrid that promotes and participates in the

design, validation and implementation of innovative projects. itdUPM provides education in human

development and sustainability. Due to the practical experience gained together with its partner

organizations, itdUPM is called to generate thoughts and attitudes on key issues on the global agenda of

sustainability.  During 2015, itdUPM will develop a series of starting-point papers that will contribute to stimulate the

debate on several key issues in this agenda. Each document will be the working basis of each block of the

conference of "Innovation for Development" that will be held in June.

This is the first of those documents, which is based on the participation of itdUPM in several projects, as

well as in previous documents that have been produced by different researchers and alumni of the Master

in Technology for Human Development, and the contrast meeting with various groups of interest.    

Science, technology and innovation for transformation.

1.- Science, Technology and Innovation play a key role in the transformation towards sustainability. There

are several "theories of change" on how this transformation must occur, which are coexisting at the


2.- The transformation towards sustainability will occur through the interaction of complex processes of

various kinds; it is neither purely scientific nor technological, neither exclusively social nor political.

3.- This requires better understanding of the options and directions of development of Science, Technology

and Innovation (hereinafter: ITC), which are not random, nor inexorable. It is required an open-minded

way of considering options, values and visions, through participatory 2 processes and extensive

deliberation. These considerations should take place beyond the domain of experts and should involve

the different players (civil society, NGOs, Public Administration, Business ...).  



Mechanisms to facilitate the access to sustainable technologies 

4.- The role of states and public organizations (including universities) is essential in guiding the CTI towards

sustainability. Specifically, states in industrialized countries, do not only correct market imperfections,

they also invest, take risks and make priorities.

5.- With the launch of the new Agenda Post2015 we can be on track to develop new mechanisms that will

contribute to efficiently transfer knowledge and technology in order to achieve the sustainability of

social and productive systems. This fact will require new forms of collaboration, guidance and

management in the generation and access to knowledge.

6.- It is essential to invest in the strengthening of local ability for assimilation, adaptation and co-creation

of sustainable technologies, promoting more horizontal networks of knowledge and practice, in

particular in the most vulnerable regions and / or collectives


Needs of new design principles to address complex problems 

7.- Sustainability issues in a complex society require a new logic of design. The needed logic is different

from those derived from conventional patterns of industrial society. We should consider some aspects

in a critical review, such as control, the notion of efficiency, achievements, processes, management

practices and conventional organization.

8.- We are witnessing the arising of more decentralized and distributed responses that fail to incorporate

different values and practices that dominate the traditional social and technical systems.


Social innovation and "niche" experimentation 

9.- The companies or communities have capabilities of spontaneous response, which are increased by the

hyper-connectivity. This fact is creating new "niche" in which solutions (wit) are appearing at the same

time that they are causing behavioural changes ("sense making").

10.- One of the most important consequences of these "niches" is the dominance of logical collaboration

that exploit the potential of co-creation of communities, against the logic of centralized and hierarchical

design that dominate the development of STI.

11.- The potential for these "niches" to proliferate so they can lead to solutions with real transformative

capacity, depends on cultural, organizational and institutional factors.





Needs of spaces and facilitators or mediators institutions. Which could be the role

of itdUPM and UPM?  12.- There is a need of spaces, as well as facilitating and mediating of processes institutions, where

conventional systems can merge with the "new intelligence". The role of facilitators is key for the

convergence of analysis, policies and practices of various actors in an appropriate and realistic way,

which will be able to understand the needed stimuli to disseminate innovative initiatives, identifying

those who have a solid background.  13.- The University has a privileged role as a space to establish links between people and "improbable"

opportunities. It is a welcoming place to think.  

(IN SPANISH) Cuestiones de interés (en proceso…)

1. Sobre la orientación de la tecnología y la innovación:

○ La tecnología y la innovación tienen un papel fundamental en el proceso de transformación hacia la

sostenibilidad, pero es necesaria su interacción con procesos de distinta naturaleza, no sólo científicos y

tecnológicos, ni exclusivamente sociales y políticos. ¿Cómo puede producirse esa interacción?

○ Los patrones convencionales de producción y consumo de la sociedad industrial requieren de nuevas

lógicas de diseño que permitan entender y combinar sistemas de conocimiento distinto, que impliquen

nuevas formas de colaboración interpersonal e interinstitucional. ¿Qué espacios, mecanismos,

procedimientos, incentivos… existen o pueden fomentarse para ello?.

1. Sobre las innovaciones que emergen desde abajo hacia arriba (micro-nivel, “nichos”):

○ ¿Realmente los movimientos desde abajo hacia arriba garantizan la participación?.

○ Los nichos de innovación social están avanzando nuevas respuestas y cambios de comportamiento hacia

la sostenibilidad, pero ¿cómo gestionar las expectativas sobre el potencial transformador de sus


○ ¿Se pueden identificar elementos o factores clave para la sostenibilidad de iniciativas innovadoras con

potencial transformador?.



○ Cómo lograr que su impacto provoque un verdadero efecto transformador depende de factores

culturales, organizativos e institucionales. En esta misma línea, ¿qué criterios deben guiar el incremento

de escala de soluciones disruptivas y prometedoras?.

1. Sobre el rol del mediador entre los “nichos” y “regímenes” establecidos:

○ La actuación de los Estados y de las organizaciones públicas, incluidas las Universidades, puede ser

fundamental como espacios facilitadores y mediadores para la convergencia de análisis, políticas y

prácticas. ¿Qué incentivos hay para establecer conexiones hasta ahora “improbables” entre organizaciones

sociales, empresas, gobiernos, academia y comunidades?.

○ El papel del facilitador/medidador de procesos y dinámicas, ¿cómo se materializa? Ejemplos a estudiar.

1. Sobre el lenguaje y la narrativa (macro-nivel, “régimen discursivo”):

○ La gran transformación hacia la sostenibilidad requiere que estimulemos, más que nunca, nuestra gran

capacidad para pensar y actuar juntos, y para ello, necesitamos usar un lenguaje común, inclusivo,

entendible por todos, que facilite el debate y la reflexión colectiva sobre el futuro próximo.

○ Experiencias contemporáneas podrían estar representando nuevos significados, nuevas formas de

transferir conocimiento y de acceder a tecnología. El caso de los FabLab (laboratorios de fabricación

digital) donde se puede experimentar en la construcción colaborativa de una impresora 3D, o el caso de

los huertos urbanos, donde el conocimiento agrícola se intercambia entre los más experimentados y los

curiosos por conocer, ¿podrían ser entendidos como ejemplos prácticos de procesos de transferencia de

conocimiento y vías de acceso a tecnología?.

○ ¿Necesitamos replantear el significado de lo que entendemos por “transferencia de conocimiento” y

“acceso a tecnología” y el marco/enfoque/perspectiva desde el cual lo hacemos?, al menos en la sociedad


○ Partiendo de que las propuestas innovadoras están ofreciendo alternativas para la transformación en la

práctica (es decir, haciendo, experimentando, probando...), ¿cómo se podría desarrollar una nueva teoría

desde la práctica?.




Yago Torroja UPM Professor. Industrial Technical Institute

Diego Pérez López UPM. itd.UPM member. PhD student at Industrial Technical Institute

Álvaro Beltrán López itdUPM external consultant

Candela de la Sota Sánchez UPM. itd.UPM member. PhD student at Industrial Technical lnstitute. Master alumni

Mónica Vásquez del Solar NESST.ORG

Ana Moreno UPM. Itd.UPM member. Professor at UPM Industrial Technical Institute

Pablo Beirán Amigo UPM. PhD student at Industrial Technical Institute

Eduardo Sánchez Jacobo ONGAWA

Francesca Olivieri UPM. Arquitect of the new itdUPM building

Carlota Tovar UPM. Researcher and member of itdUPM. Industrial Technical Institute

Francisco José Guerrero García itdUPM member. Master alumni

LedaStott UPM. itdUPM team

Marina Moreno Sánchez UPM. Researcher and member of itdUPM. Industrial Technical Institute

Vanessa Carballo García AECID. Business and Development Unit

Paloma Cano del Rincón AECID. Business and Development Unit

Cristina Vela Plaza ONGAWA

Diego Manzana Monzó Master student

Davide Bosetti Master student

Oriol Borrás Gené UPM.GATE

María Suárez UPM. Industrial Technical Institute

Caroline Howe UPM. Exchange

Session drivers. itdUPM team Carlos Mataix, Sara Romero



itdUPM team Jaime Moreno, Xosé Ramil, Leda Stott

Organisation team - Innovation meeting Blanca Pérez, Inma Borella, Salvador Doncel, Mónica del Moral