world history chapter 15 mr. bellisario & mr. hearty

World History Chapter 15 Mr. Bellisario & Mr. Hearty

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  • World History Chapter 15

    Mr. Bellisario & Mr. Hearty

  • Question #1Dictator of Mexico who resigned from office when faced with rebellion in several parts of the country.Poncho VillaPorfirio Diaz Felipe Caldern

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  • Question #2Followers of Emiliano Zapata, who led a peasant revolt.ZapatistasEmilianoes E-Z Group

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  • Question #3Government takeover of national resources.Capitalism Privatization Nationalization

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  • Question #4Mexican muralist whose art reflected cultural nationalism Poncho VillaIgnacio RamrezDiego Rivera

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  • Question #5Franklin Roosevelt's policy of nonintervention in Latin America.Latin American One Good Neighbor Policy Containment

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  • Question #6Which of the following best describes womens role in Mexicos revolution?LimitedNonexistent Extensive

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  • Question #7Which of the following was established by the Constitution of 1917? Distribution of resources to peasantsWomens right to vote Minimum wage of workers

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  • Question #8What action did the PRI take with regard to the oil industry?It increased demand for oil.It nationalized foreign oil holdings. It sold private oil holdings to foreign investors.

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  • Question #9What was the goal of economic nationalism in Latin America?To end foreign control of Latin American economies.To remove Porfirio Diaz from power To encourage foreign investors to buy Latin American industries.

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  • Question #10Why did Latin Americans drive to create domestic industries enjoy limited success?Nationalism interfered The unequal distribution of wealth hampered economic development. Most countries preferred imported goods.

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  • Question #11Nigerian women protested British policies in the ________.Feminist ManifestoWomens War Lady Nubians

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  • Question #12_______ was a system of racial segregation imposed on South Africans by whites.Apartheid Segregation Neo-Slavery

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  • Question #13Writers in West Africa and the Caribbean expressed pride in their African roots through the ________ movement. Pan-Africanism Negritude African Pride

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  • Question #14_______ emphasized the common heritage of the people of the Arab Middle East Pan-Arabism Negritude Middle Eastern Pride

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  • Question #15The ________ expressed British support for a Jewish nation in Palestine.Balfour DeclarationZionist Arab Royals

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  • Question #16Why did Africans squat on white-owned plantations and form illegal union?To protest ANC policies To avoid conflict with Europeans To resist European imperialism

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  • Question #17What white polices toward Africans led to African resistance and protests?Forced labor and heavy taxes.Constant warfare and destruction. Granting educated blacks the right to vote.

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  • Question #18What was one of Ataturks goals?To modernize Turkey To ban women from politics To combine religion and government

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  • Question #19What asset did Iran use to its advantage in economic and foreign affairs?Fertile landThe Suez Canal Oil

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  • Question #20Why did the Arabs feel betrayed by the West following World War I?They were promised independence but instead their lands were carved into mandates.They wished to be given colonies in Africa. They believed the West owed them reparations from the war.

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  • Question #21City in northern India in which Indian protestors were massacred by British soldiers.Calcutta Amritsar Chennai

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  • Question #22Refusal to obey unjust laws.Passive Aggressive Anomie Civil Disobedience

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  • Question #23Gandhis march to the sea to protest British policies. Great Salt March Selma March Shermans March to the Sea

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  • Question #24Leader of the Muslim LeagueMohandas Gandhi Muhammad Ali Jinnah Ali Frazier

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  • Question #25What did Indian nationalists expect after helping Britain in World War I?British citizenshipGreater self-governmentTerritorial expansion

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  • Question #26What method did Gandhi adopt in his struggle against British injustice? Guerrilla warfareHoly wars Nonviolence

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  • Question #27What American philosopher influence Gandhi?Thomas JeffersonHenry David Thoreau Socrates

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  • Question #28Which of the following was a protest urged by Gandhi?Rioting A boycott of British goodsRefusal to wear cloth made in India

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  • Question #29Why did Gandhi undertake the Great Salt March?He was making pasta and needed salt. To end the British salt monopoly. To overthrow the British viceroy.

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  • Question #30What idea did Muhammad Ali Jinnah support?A separate state for Muslims.The Great Salt March.The election of Gandhi as viceroy.

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  • Extended Response Questions

  • Extended Response #1: What was Gandhi's reasons for The Great Salt March? Explain how did he used civil disobedience in the march.Part I Tell us the reasons for the march Part II Tell how Gandhi used civil disobedience in the march.

  • Extended Response #2: Please describe (tell a story) the system of Apartheid that developed in South Africa?Answer this question by telling a story of the apartheid system in South Africa.

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