xr ab people wiirwofd-nyx.uky.edu › dips › xt776h4cpj2v › data › 0209.pdf1 nea ee john mcdcr...

F- eernser I 1i Goasip Ab People xr A Writ Mention of end IyThoae Wt AtretJ I- nea 1 ee John Mcdcr of I0 WIW lloro this week Mr niidMm Helllly nro VIMI lug In Iexlbgtuu l inter VoodrVllllllln imbsoii ail fur a fdw ilhy Kfcd Htuiatrite of Danville wo hero last J 111111 Jtllepllellt IIoorAI days with his brplhcr t tSollnlor i Iltrllllllllt homo for ds triontlt- q rldnyz tvIIrcrgusnn of CuTliitflun IN MoreIrgllfU with Ins many fflcndu Mildred HunJoy IN In Stanford vliW hcrdauithtur Mm Win llayN Mt George Smith and Miss Miller ere vlRlturN In Ural Orchard Sun Impi e > heridcce ft i yule Alumr < r urduy- r y J Joseph mid S D Ccliruii were i OradolLL Mrs Wade Walker In In lemI vine fpr a vlilt to Dr mid Mrs Franklin Walker r Mrs Jumn A Holder and children arc nl homo from A visit to Stanford rclrttlvcsMr y H Klkln now of Danville was with Ills wife for fcevcral diiyn visit rile put week PrimR sell rcc 0 s 1oIlji ell Frntiojs- Mr 1 Win liirnan of Omahn In r r er sinter Mrs llurtkt llutlsun I 1 MriT J 1rfco has returned frtim II vlKU to liar RlKtur Mu Judge Mubry TalUhiiwr Kla- ll Hirt W WMI l< nt Imme after a IiiccUllornllo nuy for rhuiimntlim trolll IlotSprings willt 1 Infirmary of 1loullllIIo today J 0 llotnplilll Jr has returned Ileuipllll LarryI to KvuUvlIlp frlomlK 1Il1Ilh 1 Hey C 0 nrowrn niU lilt pulpit lcrSevery Sunday except the llrht when ho lAin Junction city Mrs Win It Cook loft Saturday for a YlMl to her friend Mrs Thooduro Wlnternmllli of LuiiUvlllc Mrs John M Farm has returned UDmn vlull to liorRlMnr Mrs Ooor o A MoUiburt of CovlnuKin- MciidMmrRjoc UUVKS of Itlalimond and James Layton of Cincinnati vie Itcd Mrs J n annoy this week Ilarry Itoblnon of Danville has a been tho recent guest of hU parontK A Mr and Mrs Thomas II lloblnson Mf and Mrs George D Ilublnson Imvo been recent visitors of Mr and Mrs Thomas It Slavln of Danville JcITcrKon Trlbble a deserving young man of Illchmond Inn accepted c po filtloii with the electric light ouuipnuy MrsXT Uico mud little daughter Carollnr of Illchmund urn uucstit of Davidson Dr II F Walter IK In his olJIce after a week visit to his brothorn iJIw t MfMr 0A and W W Walter of Mncoln Mr A Jt Miles wife and daughter AHiiriw will leave today for Louts flute to attend the Southern llnptlut convention Mr W H Urnwn of Mnlnlonh Fla with a friend took upper with Ins brother llcv 0 U Drown ono cvo < nlim last week Mr John Orcenlcaf nod dauuhtir Mist Van of Hlclilnonil visited lilt sister Mrs Emma Knuffnian Satur ¬ day and Humlav- IlrlstawRnnn the young son of Mr and Mm J a III ell Conn of this place lint accepted n good position In the city of LcxlDKlon Ho Is Chaffcur at the Ihoenlx garage Ur and Mrs H P Grant and dauxh tart Misses LUIS and Ktlcl of Dan ¬ ville visited Mr and Mrs JCd Price the first of the week Mr and Mrs II A hoeing now of Milwaukee but tho latter formerly MM Olivia Hwccnoy of this city have Just recently purchased nlco home and acne to house keeping In thou adopted abode Ma and Mrs Utlv C Ilaynca of HHWoro Ohio aro guests of her par ¬ ents Mr and Mrs W II Mason Maj llaync li editor and proprietor of the Trl Weekly Dispatch tho mostporu lar journal of that city Tho marrlauoof Miss baste Elkin to Mr Richard Mcncfro Newland toott place Wednesday evening at 8 oclock nt tho Curial Ian church Miss KiUlu entered tho church with her father and was moat at tho chancel by Mr Nowland crud his best man Mr Thomas Nowland of Danville Lit tie Misses Virginia Cowherd and Ellen Franklin wore lower Rlrls Master Barker Cbcathatn and John Williams uclcd ai paifcs Miss Letty Webb was u most charming maid Men rs Thom ¬ as anti Walter Klkln were the ushers During line ceremony Mrs Frank C Cowhcid snug Call Mo Thlno Own MM KcnneltnlHO rendered a beauti ¬ ful musical programme Shortly after thin ceremony Mr aod Mrs Newlntid left fur an extended Southern trip Coupler Journal The following Invitation has been received by tho friends of Mr James T Junes sun of J A Jones one of Lancaster best citizen Mr and Mrs Knttclbcrt Kmlngcr- rqrueNt tho honor of your presence at tho marriage of their daughter Bertha Helen to Mi r James T Jones on Wednesday May tho nineteenth ono thousand olio hundred and nine at 230 oclock Macedonia Mo Mr and Mrs Nowland will be at homo to their friends In Stanford after May 20th Mrs Nowlund will ba re membercd hero as the attractive vis- itor and niece uf Mrs Sam Johnson 1Ir and Mrs JoscphuH WashliiKton Hokcr request your prcsoncal the marriage of their duUKlitur Angelina Maudo Hooker to IfustcryAllen While St the I Ourt iluusu Wednesda Vi > lllMl May 111 eleenth nine ell hundred BII due at eight oclock Lancaster Kentucky Admission W 15 and CO cts at McUobcrU Drug Store Loyd Miss Klta Ross U on the slcli list Mrs Wesley 1arsoi has been very sick but Is Improving Miss Ilntilc Kay spcntSunday bight with tho Misses Simpson Mr JT Sherrow Mrs J C nur dolt and sun Walker and Mr Jesse Koiiel attended preaching at M t Olive last Sunday they took dinner at Mr Charlie Colters Mrs Hunch Ray and family visited Mr HarrUon tar arch wife at Buck- eye u 4s GILES Tho stork lint DKAII rattle n visit to our community and gladdened tho homo of L D Heynolds by leaving n charming little buy May 10th Mr Ham Moborly had n nlco milk cow to run mad last week Clyde tho handsome little son of Mr and Mm Moses lluinpliroy lint hoot very sick but Is now Improving and we hopo will soon bo well twain Mr and Mrs Ed Chandler woro vis- Iting Mr and Mrs iJavli lost week Sunday schooLjs ptoKresslnjr nicely nt Chapel Lot more of the parents como out and bring their children liro E H Hill Illlcd Ins regular ap > polnlmont at Chapel last Sunday and a largo crowd attended Mrs Richard Trow visited her par ents last Sunday Mr and Mrs Ed Fuln are vlsltlnit friends In Jcssamlnecounly this week We are glad to report that Mrs llaymond McOulley who lint been very sick Is Improving fast ENGLAND HAS INFLUENZA Call Dogs and Other Domestic Anl mare Suffer from Epidemic Some Cuts Fatal Even tho domestic animals In Lon- don ¬ have not been tree from tho pro valllhft vpldemlc of Influenza Many hones are Included In tho lIt of vie ¬ time of tho disease and their ayrnp toms are very like those of human bo IngDOE have a form of Influenza cold In a few cases It le fatal Tho best authorities do not believe they can communicate tho disease to their owners Cab aro groat sufferers and their symptoms are exactly like those of a human being They can catch tho nl ment from men or women and can communicate It to others In turn The lucky outdoor animals at the zoo have always escaped the flu and the apes last winter were free from It but the previous year they had a dreadful tune of It and ono chimpanzee died Their symptoms were uncannily human oven to tho de ¬ pression which followed- It was plain from their behavior that tho orange and chimpanzees suf fared from headache They also lost tholr appetites and catarrhal Indica ¬ lone were noticed It was a trying tlmo In Iho monkey house for sick monkeys are painfully like sick men BO tho keepers at the zoo say and Inst winter they were watched carefully to subdue at the start any other out ¬ breaks of Influenza colds among the lapel It Is always very contagious monkey form to other monkeys but tho keepers did not catch It at all The flu seems to last longer among tho apes than It dora with the other animal and leaves them as weak as the strong man U when he finally conquers this enemy LIVESTOCK NOTES A good fleece on tho back of a sheep Is money In the owners pocketFill up all the hog wallows and provide your swine with clean water to bathe In A hog does not like a dirty bath any better than you like It- Handle the cows In such a way that they will bo gentle Tho gentle cow almost Invariably gives the mot milk In feeding calves by band keep the calves drinking pall aa clean as you do the milking palls This will lessen tho danger of scours and other call ailments o11LD1linga- ving 1 a firtclasa Steam Drilling Outfit for drilling Water or Oil Wells Im prepared to drill them any debth For further information writeJ E HAMMOND Lancaster Ky u z + Business Items LputeMwn catpetfaIttHttluttO- sMrl dtflfoHJnI WIIrWofd- r1t Rlitrrvl4MtnuL- N + klrlMinwwKU11 r 1jH i naglUa fllIrt P2trnrmbody 1 + rCSirHah ererNrfctsrnrNlSila + r- drty1 Sl tktrtCferr jJCf ThRcuttlVntur Hint cultivate 6T I M Ihrnrmr- h Jlllura1uuuUUIlt4 6ToilltHASClI1II1A Ur i IUlOU1u Jlydrwsab Om se thl rllmn M OkuUjld byJlutaUl tkrptTT + t i ollIJItnlm W ge uuJut- S I nnreon doors 6 JL nndwtntlahyjFor I A 0dS I Kuuntfin rr to w mncllIM1 conlrst mf R atltf4ef gCfatOrRllRSehlalllttWt + rwiJ Lot nln Hoot Stn lit II t ar er Sul r o Ili to rime rid r vo rasa WIIH lust 1Imrs lay MOth crRbnt- Nicq 1 room ejttatfrhiullc liitfA v ePllo lltn II J UqJWltotrl IOff oIL ice Craam Sapperpy adI 1C st- cl d r1Glfr w u 1- 1flfs t 36 Loath NIcE inn r + w tiye b Ii lI i J 1 1 o n e In- plc or u n Hey tut fl Big lyaSaloJS West Danville nddl > tlon to to Kyi MaflMlli 1900 One lotVtven awny absolutely free Donllfall to ij ttent the jsure al 1utvlll My 20th 1 ynrnav be UH lucky u ro draw rce Tch nvcstp rte his a lot it tlir In D May 2i tit > tild a house and mittfc good inujior in the Invest mcnr Im 6Q o est n It rig aril a I s lncsC Ic r w- IY 1 tl o n er n J ytt- If yo r by ms ket for n- g0coyr t bac aril sto 1tIR aside ces n u bgl ding iii- Wlthc t n es tin icr nd handles the tn 0 tf his S ny res urant I III- abl to d vot al ay tip t- St a inn I tch it st cet d t it g- of any ol 6y of n ijjjjjtiUjngj Yr r e Notice To Creditors Th To rslnt RQ on n re rcruoHtecl U I 1r pal i wl h li + ollier I itredla vy II ed a qulrwl bylurt 5 73t TrJ l ls n Card 1laving aa h ° Orocey and Kestniiraftt liusltJ s i yt w Ili uskn I avcll It Nln hu t inys1beavdo r to- nu Yn t ne ie ucd 4 i uI we icl- pa I ww- ipub CcINtV1 4born th best or prices lilttip hi ne 1011 Big tot ale at Stanford Ky Jiurday 4a hndl 1I tar l vrlte 1lurtdta 1 MdurtY Stunfnrd Ky 5436 regularboatdgrs ail pUtla evil 1torr IYn f ut- so f a no at 2 per- m Y epctIU du ur- d p tit c wnA wI- nn g ucurJlehno Dunn AdaruOleiVlEitalCAjftnts of Danville S P hit t a llh t wit eh time cvgry ncW rtes w ill ttt- ly give a co Jo d a fr e r s fir 1 stunT unepo tl Ill e d befuo f v tsi a Q nro irebeautifully tend this sale f u c po Shield Not the most freakish but the most stylish not the most expensive but the most reasonable In other words the best all round Clothing made to sell at seven prices within the following ranges Mens Clothing 10 the Lowest S20fhoHighest Boys Clothing 300 tine Lowest sin 00 the IIighcI Thats wh- yShield v Brand Clothing is so popular and people buy it again and againThen too the price is attached to the sleeve in plain figures as well as the word GUARANTEED- Look them over and you will be clothes wiser whether you buy or not I Special For One WeekI Best Grain Popper only lOcts Best Brass Wash- Board 25c each Best Machine Oil Sets 10 Heron shirts worlhI yS100 only COc each 33inch shooting only Co yard Sanders Hicks Stone KV and Lovd KY AY tt 1O J J c I Iw CECILIAN PARK v DANVILLK KKNTUCKY Stallions for Service 1909 > Gambetta Wilkes 219k r The only stallion living or dead that ever sired 200 or more with records of 230 and better Founder of the greatest family of show nod race horses In the world nil colts won more premiums nt the VofidaColumWanI Exposition titan that of any other sire Ills dcccndants did i the snore at the Worlds Pair held at St I <ous Ills dcccndarits a re noted for thclrgamcncss and good disposition whetheroit1lt the road on the track or In the show ring j Dr Munsont I 4 years old RICe record ao8f tine champion 4 year old pace ing stallion of 1907 Will stand at 20 to insure a living colU General Brightheart Race record 219U Trial in a race 2131 trotting WUlstatul at 20 to insure a living colt I Gen Adelle e 4 year old Race record 210 J trial in a race 207U ViIFe stand at 15 to Insure a living colt f Dr Munson 208J Gon Briglithoart 219 Gen Adollo 210J arc all sons of Gambetta Wilkes 2191- I l Mares will be kept at 100 per week at owners risk I v JEI Mates sold or parted with forfeit insurance and season becomes due For stallion cards and other information address > Q C P CECIL Danville Kentucky THE i Garrard Bank Trust Co INCORPORATED Lancaster Ky Capital Stock 5000000 R E McROBERTS Irest J C Eubanks i Vice Pres R L Burton 2 Vice Pres J W ELMORE Cashier D V Ti > nH Aut C tshier R L Elkin BookKeeper We Invite Your Patronage The Farmers Bank OOC fOtOt0000000Q 00oo00oo0 Just Received I CAR OFj I Washington ICAR I Southern PINE Shingles Also Lumber Flooring Ceiling Sand Brick Lime Cement Etc I Call and get prices before buying LANOAST LuMj MfCID i I Lancaster Kentucky I OOCOOC OOC ooo OOC OOVOOC i r 6 1I rtl fr VV9 99 ii ri iIw11YNHY r toiiviviwii i99HHHi Il IH o lCPUB Lie irhlaaaaaarrLI aU 0l u L i OF 35 MAGNIFICENT BUILDING LOTS JN BEAUTIFUL WEST DANVILLE 7U t Q Thoro will be offered at public auction without reserve or bybid 35 of the most desirable building lots in West Danville on t > r t D f 4i Ma Nr Thursdaya w F VKST DANVILLK is located in the very heart of tine growing residential district of the city new houses iIS SPLKNDIQpauMivislou fronts upon one of the most magnificent country estates in Kentucky and w nreiljcliiK crudtcd and the demand for dwellings in this particular section is far beyond the supply II all the lotsis wjt10Ht doubt t0 taj growling section of Danville within easy reach of water electric lights sewerage and gas I fefttx house on thelll all cduld he rented to desirable tenants of the in tow less a nna than be twentyfour enjoyed et hours without theSeveral of thc lots to be offered trout on the Perryville pike and are the cream of the whole subdlvision 1- 1f payment of city tnxcsAU lots except those fronting on the Perryvllle pike are 50x300 feet and those on the pike are 60x950 t A Splendid Lot Will Be Given Away ABSOLUTeLY FREE On The Day of Sale fi Itach holder of a ticket will be registered ami the holder of the lucky number must be present In person when the drawing takes pleat A Brass land will be in attendance Danville reputation as an educational center is too I t Y fart f iniid to notice here It may be mentioned that the Kentucky School for the Deaf Central University of Kentucky Cnldwcll College Danville Business College numerous private schools and the best public school 1 I iii the state nrVinoiiicil hore ns well as handsome churches of nil denominations Danville Is the terminal point of the Southern Railway nod the divisional point of the Queen Crescent route Hundreds of railroad people ore mov I lug into tho city West lanillc U thyolle available residence section for these people When these lots are sold all available building sites iu this section will havebeen practically taken so now is the time to buy To the specula- tor 1- Q 4 no better Investment con he found Terms liberal and made known on day of sale < DUNN ADAMS Heal Estate Agents Danville Kentucky I i9tOt Wa I s 1 1 1000 QtQt Io > NH t otaS f09oSOlr t l IHOQtO HfWHfl < otavaI t ttQf ccwtx os Qt tJ 1 JQlQotQQ lit liotl iJiI t q Ift t Qt w QtQm o ta a- w l q t OtOfO 10 taiol 0 ttt olrltatt

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I1i Goasip Ab

People xrA Writ Mention of


IyThoae Wt AtretJ I-

nea1 eeJohn Mcdcr of I0 WIW lloro

this week

Mr niidMm Helllly nro VIMI

lug In Iexlbgtuu

l inter VoodrVllllllln imbsoiiail fur a fdw ilhy

Kfcd Htuiatrite of Danvillewo hero last J

111111 Jtllepllellt IIoorAI days withhis brplhcr t

tSollnlor i Iltrllllllllt homo fords triontlt-

q rldnyztvIIrcrgusnn of CuTliitflun IN

MoreIrgllfU with Ins many fflcnduMildred HunJoy IN In Stanford

vliW hcrdauithtur Mm Win llayN

Mt George Smith and Miss Millerere vlRlturN In Ural Orchard SunImpi

e > heridcceft i yule

Alumr< r urduy-

r y J Joseph mid S D Ccliruii werei OradolLLMrs Wade Walker In In lemI vine

fpr a vlilt to Dr mid Mrs FranklinWalker

r Mrs Jumn A Holder and childrenarc nl homo from A visit to Stanford

rclrttlvcsMry H Klkln now of Danville

was with Ills wife for fcevcral diiyn visitrile put weekPrimRsell rcc 0

s 1oIlji ell Frntiojs-

Mr1 Win liirnan of Omahn In

r rer sinter Mrsllurtkt llutlsun


1 MriT J 1rfco has returned frtim II

vlKU to liar RlKtur Mu Judge MubryTalUhiiwr Kla-

ll Hirt W WMI l < nt Imme after aIiiccUllornllo nuy for rhuiimntlim

trolll IlotSpringswillt1 Infirmary of1loullllIIo today

J 0 llotnplilll Jr has returnedIleuipllllLarryIto KvuUvlIlp frlomlK


Hey C 0 nrowrn niU lilt pulpitlcrSevery Sunday except the llrhtwhen ho lAin Junction city

Mrs Win It Cook loft Saturday fora YlMl to her friend Mrs ThooduroWlnternmllli of LuiiUvlllc

Mrs John M Farm has returnedUDmn vlull to liorRlMnr Mrs Ooor oA MoUiburt of CovlnuKin-

MciidMmrRjoc UUVKS of Itlalimondand James Layton of Cincinnati vieItcd Mrs J n annoy this week

Ilarry Itoblnon of Danville hasa been tho recent guest of hU parontK

A Mr and Mrs Thomas II lloblnson

Mf and Mrs George D IlublnsonImvo been recent visitors of Mr andMrs Thomas It Slavln of Danville

JcITcrKon Trlbble a deserving youngman of Illchmond Inn accepted c pofiltloii with the electric light ouuipnuy

MrsXT Uico mud little daughterCarollnr of Illchmund urn uucstit of

DavidsonDr II F Walter IK In his olJIce

after a week visit to his brothorn



MfMr 0A and W W Walter ofMncoln

Mr A Jt Miles wife and daughterAHiiriw will leave today for Loutsflute to attend the Southern llnptlutconvention

Mr W H Urnwn of Mnlnlonh Flawith a friend took upper with Insbrother llcv 0 U Drown ono cvo <

nlim last week

Mr John Orcenlcaf nod dauuhtirMist Van of Hlclilnonil visited liltsister Mrs Emma Knuffnian Satur¬

day and Humlav-

IlrlstawRnnn the young son of Mrand Mm J a III ell Conn of this placelint accepted n good position In thecity of LcxlDKlon Ho Is Chaffcur atthe Ihoenlx garage

Ur and Mrs H P Grant and dauxhtart Misses LUIS and Ktlcl of Dan ¬

ville visited Mr and Mrs JCd Pricethe first of the week

Mr and Mrs II A hoeing now ofMilwaukee but tho latter formerlyMM Olivia Hwccnoy of this city haveJust recently purchased nlco homeand acne to house keeping In thouadopted abode

Ma and Mrs Utlv C Ilaynca ofHHWoro Ohio aro guests of her par ¬

ents Mr and Mrs W II Mason Majllaync li editor and proprietor of theTrl Weekly Dispatch tho mostporular journal of that city

Tho marrlauoof Miss baste Elkinto Mr Richard Mcncfro Newlandtoott place Wednesday evening at 8

oclock nt tho Curial Ian church MissKiUlu entered tho church with herfather and was moat at tho chancel byMr Nowland crud his best man MrThomas Nowland of Danville Littie Misses Virginia Cowherd and EllenFranklin wore lower Rlrls MasterBarker Cbcathatn and John Williamsuclcd ai paifcs Miss Letty Webb wasu most charming maid Men rs Thom ¬

as anti Walter Klkln were the ushersDuring line ceremony Mrs Frank CCowhcid snug Call Mo Thlno OwnMM KcnneltnlHO rendered a beauti ¬

ful musical programme Shortly afterthin ceremony Mr aod Mrs Newlntidleft fur an extended Southern tripCoupler Journal

The following Invitation has beenreceived by tho friends of Mr JamesT Junes sun of J A Jones one ofLancaster best citizen

Mr and Mrs Knttclbcrt Kmlngcr-rqrueNt tho honor of your presenceat tho marriage of their daughter

Bertha Helento

Mi r James T Joneson Wednesday May tho nineteenth

ono thousand olio hundred and nineat 230 oclock

Macedonia MoMr and Mrs Nowland will be at

homo to their friends In Stanford afterMay 20th Mrs Nowlund will ba remembercd hero as the attractive vis-itor and niece uf Mrs Sam Johnson

1Ir and MrsJoscphuH WashliiKton Hokcr

request your prcsoncal the marriageof their duUKlitur

Angelina Maudo Hookerto

IfustcryAllen WhileSt the

I Ourt iluusuWednesda Vi > lllMl May 111 eleenth

nine ell hundred BII dueat eight oclock

Lancaster KentuckyAdmission W 15 and CO ctsat McUobcrU Drug Store


Miss Klta Ross U on the slcli listMrs Wesley 1arsoi has been very

sick but Is ImprovingMiss Ilntilc Kay spcntSunday bight

with tho Misses SimpsonMr JT Sherrow Mrs J C nur

dolt and sun Walker and Mr JesseKoiiel attended preaching at M tOlive last Sunday they took dinner atMr Charlie Colters

Mrs Hunch Ray and family visitedMr HarrUon tar arch wife at Buck-





Tho stork lint DKAII rattle n visit toour community and gladdened thohomo of L D Heynolds by leaving ncharming little buy May 10th

Mr Ham Moborly had n nlco milkcow to run mad last week

Clyde tho handsome little son ofMr and Mm Moses lluinpliroy linthoot very sick but Is now Improvingand we hopo will soon bo well twain

Mr and Mrs Ed Chandler woro vis-

Iting Mr and Mrs iJavli lost week

Sunday schooLjs ptoKresslnjr nicelynt Chapel Lot more of the parentscomo out and bring their children

liro E H Hill Illlcd Ins regular ap >

polnlmont at Chapel last Sunday anda largo crowd attended

Mrs Richard Trow visited her parents lastSunday

Mr and Mrs Ed Fuln are vlsltlnitfriends In Jcssamlnecounly this week

We are glad to report that Mrsllaymond McOulley who lint beenvery sick Is Improving fast


Call Dogs and Other Domestic Anlmare Suffer from Epidemic Some

Cuts Fatal

Even tho domestic animals In Lon-don


have not been tree from tho provalllhft vpldemlc of Influenza Manyhones are Included In tho lIt of vie ¬

time of tho disease and their ayrnptoms are very like those of human boIngDOE

have a form of Influenza coldIn a few cases It le fatal Tho bestauthorities do not believe they cancommunicate tho disease to theirowners

Cab aro groat sufferers and theirsymptoms are exactly like those of ahuman being They can catch tho nlment from men or women and cancommunicate It to others In turn

The lucky outdoor animals at thezoo have always escaped the fluand the apes last winter were freefrom It but the previous year theyhad a dreadful tune of It and onochimpanzee died Their symptomswere uncannily human oven to tho de ¬

pression which followed-

It was plain from their behaviorthat tho orange and chimpanzees suffared from headache They also losttholr appetites and catarrhal Indica ¬

lone were noticed It was a tryingtlmo In Iho monkey house for sickmonkeys are painfully like sick menBO tho keepers at the zoo say and Instwinter they were watched carefullyto subdue at the start any other out¬

breaks of Influenza colds among thelapel It Is always very contagious

monkey form to other monkeysbut tho keepers did not catch It at all

The flu seems to last longeramong tho apes than It dora withthe other animal and leaves them asweak as the strong man U when hefinally conquers this enemy


A good fleece on tho back of asheep Is money In the ownerspocketFill

up all the hog wallows andprovide your swine with clean waterto bathe In A hog does not likea dirty bath any better than youlike It-

Handle the cows In such a way thatthey will bo gentle Tho gentle cowalmost Invariably gives the mot milk

In feeding calves by band keep thecalves drinking pall aa clean as youdo the milking palls This will lessentho danger of scours and other callailments




a firtclasa Steam

Drilling Outfit for drilling

Water or Oil Wells

Im prepared to drill them any

debth For further information


Lancaster Ky



Business ItemsLputeMwn catpetfaIttHttluttO-

sMrl dtflfoHJnI WIIrWofd-r1t Rlitrrvl4MtnuL-

N + klrlMinwwKU11 r1jH i naglUa fllIrt

P2trnrmbody1+rCSirHah ererNrfctsrnrNlSila + r-

drty1 Sl tktrtCferr jJCf

ThRcuttlVntur Hint cultivate6T I M Ihrnrmr-h

Jlllura1uuuUUIlt46ToilltHASClI1II1A Ur i


se thl rllmnM OkuUjld byJlutaUl tkrptTT + t i

ollIJItnlmW ge uuJut-


nnreon doors6 JL nndwtntlahyjFor


A 0dS I Kuuntfinrr to w mncllIM1

conlrst mf R

atltf4ef gCfatOrRllRSehlalllttWt + rwiJ

Lotnln Hoot Stn lit II t ar

er Sul r o Ili to rime rid r vorasa WIIH lust 1Imrs lay MOth

crRbnt-Nicq 1 room ejttatfrhiullc liitfA v

ePllo lltn II J UqJWltotrl IOffoIL

ice Craam SapperpyadI1C st-

cl d r1Glfr w u 1-

1flfs t 36


NIcE inn r + w tiye b IilI i J 1 1 o n e In-

plc o r u n Hey tut fl

Big lyaSaloJS West Danville nddl >

tlon to to Kyi MaflMlli 1900One lotVtven awny absolutely free

Donllfall toij ttent the jsure al1utvlll My 20th 1 ynrnav be UHlucky u ro draw rce

Tch nvcstp rte his a lot it tlirIn D May 2i tit >tild a houseand mittfc good inujior in the Investmcnr

Im 6Q o est n It rigaril a I s lncsC Ic r w-

IY 1 tl o ner n J ytt-

I f yo r by ms ket for n-g0coyr t bac aril sto 1tIRaside ces n u bgl ding iii-

Wlthc t n es tin icr ndhandles the tn 0 tf

his S ny res urant I III-

abl to d vot al ay tip t-

St a inn I tch it st cet d t it g-

of any ol 6y of n

ijjjjjtiUjngj Yr r e

Notice To CreditorsTh To rslnt RQ on n re

rcruoHtecl U I 1r pal i wl hli +ollier I itredla vy II ed aqulrwl bylurt5 73t TrJ l ls n

Card1laving aa h

° Orocey andKestniiraftt liusltJ s i yt wIli uskn I avcll

It Nln hu t inys1beavdor to-

nu Yn t ne ie ucd 4 i uI we icl-pa I ww-ipub CcINtV1 4born th bestor prices lilttip hi ne 1011

Big tot aleat Stanford Ky Jiurday 4a hndl1Itar l vrlte 1lurtdta 1

MdurtY Stunfnrd Ky 5436

regularboatdgrsail pUtla evil1torr IYn f ut-

so fa no at 2 per-m Y epctIU du ur-d p tit c wnA wI-nn g ucurJlehno

Dunn AdaruOleiVlEitalCAjftntsof Danville S P hit

t a llh t wit ehtime cvgry ncW rtes w ill ttt-

lygive a co Jo d a

fr e r s fir1 stunT unepo tlIll e dbefuo f v tsi a Q nro

irebeautifullytend this sale

fu c

po Shield

Not the most freakishbut the most stylish notthe most expensive butthe most reasonable Inother words the best allround Clothing made tosell at seven prices withinthe following ranges

Mens Clothing

10 the Lowest

S20fhoHighestBoys Clothing

300 tine Lowest

sin 00 the IIighcIThats wh-



Clothing is so popular and

people buy it again and

againThentoo the price is

attached to the sleeve in

plain figures as well as the

word GUARANTEED-Look them over and you

will be clothes wiser

whether you buy or notI

SpecialFor One WeekIBest Grain Popper

only lOcts

Best Brass Wash-

Board 25c each

Best Machine Oil Sets

10 Heron shirts worlhIyS100 only COc each

33inch shooting only

Co yard

Sanders Hicks

Stone KV

and Lovd KY

AY tt 1OJ J




Stallions for Service 1909>

Gambetta Wilkes 219k r

The only stallion living or dead that ever sired 200 or morewith records of 230 and betterFounder of the greatest family of show nod race horses In theworld nil colts won more premiums nt the VofidaColumWanIExposition titan that of any other sire Ills dcccndants did


the snore at the Worlds Pair held at St I<ous Ills dcccndaritsa re noted for thclrgamcncss and good disposition whetheroit1ltthe road on the track or In the show ring j

Dr MunsontI4 years old RICe record ao8f tine champion 4 year old pace

ing stallion of 1907 Will stand at 20 to insure a living colU

General BrightheartRace record 219U Trial in a race 2131 trotting WUlstatulat 20 to insure a living colt


Gen Adellee

4 year old Race record 210 J trial in a race 207U ViIFestand at 15 to Insure a living colt f

Dr Munson 208J Gon Briglithoart 219 Gen Adollo 210Jarc all sons of Gambetta Wilkes 2191-


Mares will be kept at 100 per week at owners risk Iv JEIMates sold or parted with forfeit insurance and season becomes due

For stallion cards and other information address


Q C P CECILDanville Kentucky


Garrard Bank Trust CoINCORPORATED

Lancaster Ky

Capital Stock 5000000R E McROBERTS Irest

J C Eubanks i Vice Pres R L Burton 2 Vice Pres

J W ELMORE Cashier

D V Ti > n H Aut C tshier R L Elkin BookKeeper

We Invite Your Patronage

The Farmers Bank

OOCfOtOt0000000Q 00oo00oo0

Just Received I


Southern PINE ShinglesAlso Lumber Flooring Ceiling Sand Brick Lime

Cement Etc I

Call and get prices before buying



Lancaster Kentucky I



6 1I rtl frVV9 99 ii ri iIw11YNHY r toiiviviwii i99HHHi Il IH o

lCPUB Lie irhlaaaaaarrLIaU




tQ Thoro will be offered at public auction without reserve or bybid 35 of the most desirable building lots in West Danville on


t D f4iMaNr Thursdayaw F VKST DANVILLK is located in the very heart of tine growing residential district of the city new houses iIS SPLKNDIQpauMivislou fronts upon one of the most magnificent country estates in Kentucky andw nreiljcliiK crudtcd and the demand for dwellings in this particular section is far beyond the supply II all the lotsis wjt10Ht doubt t0 taj growling section of Danville within easy reach of water electric lights sewerage and gas

I fefttx house on thelll all cduld he rented to desirable tenantsof the


lessa nna


twentyfourenjoyed et

hourswithout theSeveral of thc lots to be offered trout on the Perryville pike and are the cream of the whole subdlvision 1-

1f payment of citytnxcsAU lots except those fronting on the Perryvllle pike are 50x300 feet and those on the pike are 60x950

t A Splendid Lot Will Be Given Away ABSOLUTeLY FREE On The Day of Sale fi

Itach holder of a ticket will be registered ami the holder of the lucky number must be present In person when the drawing takes pleat A Brass land will be in attendance Danville reputation as an educational center is too I

tY fart f iniid to notice here It may be mentioned that the Kentucky School for the Deaf Central University of Kentucky Cnldwcll College Danville Business College numerous private schools and the best public school 1

I iii the state nrVinoiiicil hore ns well as handsome churches of nil denominations Danville Is the terminal point of the Southern Railway nod the divisional point of the Queen Crescent route Hundreds of railroad people ore mov

I lug into tho city West lanillc U thyolle available residence section for these people When these lots are sold all available building sites iu this section will havebeen practically taken so now is the time to buy To the specula-



4no better Investment con he found Terms liberal and made known on day of sale

<DUNN ADAMS Heal Estate Agents Danville Kentucky I

i9tOt Wa I s1 1 1000 QtQtIo>NHtotaS f09oSOlr t l IHOQtO HfWHfl < otavaI t ttQf ccwtx os Qt tJ 1 JQlQotQQ lit liotl iJiI t q IfttQt wQtQmota a-


lq t OtOfO 10 taiol 0 ttt olrltatt