y7-11 student booklet march 2021 - amazon s3

March 2021

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March 2021

We are delighted to finally have the opportunity to welcome you back into school for important face-to-

face teaching. I hope you are all ready to take this opportunity to build on the remote learning which

you have followed since Christmas and we are relying on your full co-operation and that of your parents

and carers in managing the transition back into school once again.

During the lockdown period, some students continued to attend Brighouse High School which allowed

keyworkers to continue doing their vital and outstanding work during that challenging time and this

means that we have continued to develop our experience of implementing the necessary measures to

keep you as safe and secure as is possible in school.

This guide is an overview of the steps we are taking to ensure you return to a safe and stimulating

environment when we fully re-open on March 8th. Central to or planning was ensuring that the school

that you knew is the school that you will return to in terms of our care for you and our commitment to

providing the best for you in terms of curriculum challenge.

We obviously had to make significant changes to the way we use our building and our classrooms, and

our movement around school, and these changes are kept in place. We are sure we can all work

together and help to get back to some normality while minimising risks.

The most significant changes include face-coverings being worn at all times in classrooms, where

social distancing cannot be maintained, and the initial asymptomatic testing of students in school,

followed by home testing.

You are asked to read this information in advance of your return so you remember what to expect.

You should arrive at school no earlier than 8.30am, unless accessing breakfast club which can be accessed in the

normal way, via the dining room external doors.

Students who arrive on foot, by bus or by car will be met by school staff who will remind you to avoid physical

contact whilst moving to your year group’s designated entrance.

Students arriving by car should be dropped off outside the school premises on Finkil Street or Laverock Lane; no

parents/carers will be admitted to the site.

All students will enter the school building via the external doors into your designated zone and directly into your

designated classroom, refraining from physical contact at all times.

Face coverings must be worn by all students in corridors and communal areas at all times.

Face covering should be worn at all times in classrooms where social distancing cannot be maintained.

Teaching staff will greet you at the classroom and facilitate a safe entrance and seating procedure.

You will be dismissed one year group at a time at the end of the day and will leave via the nearest external door;

either your designated entry and exit door or an external door in your classroom.

Once dismissed, you should immediately leave the school site, avoiding physical contact at all times whilst in and

around the local community.

Parents/carers wishing to collect you by car should do so on Finkil Street, Laverock Lane or at a safe pre-arranged

place away from the school site.

If you walk to and from school or travel by bus, you are reminded to avoid physical contact when travelling.

Please note that following the UK Government announcement, face coverings are compulsory for customers

travelling on public transport in England and students should aim to sit in year groups on the buses.

We will use discretion in checking the

temperature of any student displaying

symptoms of a high temperature on entry or

at any point in the day to ensure that they

do not have a fever. Any student with a high

temperature will be required to be collected

and taken home.

Students who display COVID symptoms need

to self isolate and follow the testing


Parents should be familiar with the NHS

track and trace process.

All year groups have been given a designated zone in the school.

� Each year group constitutes one ‘bubble’ and will be designated one ‘zone’ in school which will comprise

8 classrooms.

� Year group bubbles must not mix with other year group bubbles and all social times will be staggered in

and different areas of the site.

� Each year group has a designated block of toilets and you must not use other toilet facilities in school.

� All teaching for KS3 will take place within the designated zone of rooms and movement between rooms

will be minimal. There will be some opportunity to move classes to specialist teaching rooms for creative

arts and technology lessons but this will not be routine.

� For KS4 there will be some movement beyond the zone for teaching in specialist rooms where necessary.

� You will not be able to access lockers in school; this is to avoid you congregating and because lockers are

spread across the school site, rather than in your zones. However, the minimal movement between

rooms means that you will be able to leave bags and coats in classrooms when necessary.

� Teaching staff will greet you at the classroom door to facilitate a safe entrance and seating procedure.

� All classrooms will have front facing desks.

� Windows and doors will be opened to increase ventilation.

� Supervisory staff will be available on corridors at all times during the day to facilitate your safe

movement throughout your designated area of school and assist teaching staff when necessary.

� On-call systems will remain in place and uncooperative students will be removed from classrooms.

� You must not share resources with other students.

� You should wear face coverings at all times in the classroom when you are not 2m from other people

As well as our regular medical room, we have designated a further room for use in case any student begins to display symptoms of COVID-19.

If you are required to take regular medication, you will be escorted to the medical room at the appropriate time.

In cases of emergency or where students are feeling unwell, you will be escorted to the relevant medical room depending on symptoms where our first aider will carry out an initial assessment using full PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).

Students who display any symptoms of COVID-19 will be isolated in the newly designated medical room and will be sent home. We expect the students to be collected promptly and students will be required to follow the isolation and testing protocols.

We will ensure that supervisory staff are present on corridors at all times

during the day to monitor your safe movement and to offer additional support

to teaching staff where necessary.

You should have no reason to be on corridors during your time in school apart

from being escorted to the toilet or returning to your designated room after

break or lunch time.

At all times, you must avoid physical contact and keep distance between

yourself, your peers and members of staff.

It will largely be teachers rather than students who will move between rooms

between lessons. Teachers will move on the first bell at the end of a lesson

and students, when you are required to move rooms, will depart on the

second bell.

Various signage is present throughout the areas of the building designated for


There will be a staggered break time and lunchtimes for each year group in order to

ensure year groups do not mix.

You will be able to go to the toilet and wash your hands on their way to break and


Bags will be able to be left in classrooms because lockers are not available.

Food and drinks will be served at break and lunchtime but the options will be

reduced compared to the usual full menu.

Perspex screens have been installed at till points.

You should bring a bottle of water to school as the vending machines and water

fountains cannot be safely accessed and will be unavailable.

Please note that the machines in student reception, where you can add money to

your cashless catering account, will also not be in use for safety reasons. Please

ensure that your accounts are topped up online.

You will have a designated outdoor space which will only be accessed by your

specific group during your break and lunchtime.

Contact sports will be discouraged and this will be reinforced by supervisory staff.

Any movement through school will be restricted and supervised.

All students will be allowed to go to the toilet, by following

the usual procedures during lessons and at break and

lunchtimes, and you will be reminded to clean and sanitise

your hands on the way to break and lunch.

You should only use the toilets designated for your year

group, which will be close to the classrooms in which you are


Designated hand sanitiser stations will be available in every

classroom and at various points around the site.

You will be reminded to regularly sanitise hands.

The school’s Behaviour for Learning Policy will remain in place but has temporary additions to account for the

current COVID-19 situation.

Students who fail to follow the BfL Policy will be attended to and will move through the sequenced steps of

intervention to ensure safety and so that learning can continue in the classroom for others.

If you do not follow the UK Government guidance for the full opening of schools, you will be dealt

with by staff following our revised school policies which can be accessed on the school website;

specifically you and parents and carers should be aware of the temporary amendments to our

Behaviour for Learning and Safeguarding Policies.

You will stay in the same zone of classrooms for all or almost all your lessons; this will minimise your movement in

and around the building and enable you all to avoid physical contact. The only movement out of designated zones

will be to travel to break or lunchtime or to move to a specialist teaching room if required; any movement will be


We have made the decision to ensure that PE lessons can continue and have planned for extra changing facilities

to ensure safer distancing is maintained in changing rooms.

Year 7

� Entrance – SEND doors in S Block

� Y7 zone: S26, S27, S4, S3, S2, S14, Library, S16

� Most subjects will be taught in forms, but there will be some movement between these rooms for English,

Maths and IT.

� PE also roomed in your zone (in case of bad weather), but PE staff can collect you from these rooms and take

your class outside.

Year 8

� Entrance – S26/27 doors

� Y8 zone: S11 (lab), S10 (computer room), S13, S9, S8, S7, S6, S5

� Each form has a set base for the day, but this can change day by day, so that no class is permanently

timetabled into a lab or computer room.

� Most subjects will be taught in forms, but there will be some movement between these rooms for English

and Maths which will continue to be taught in your sets.

� PE will also be roomed in your zone (in case of bad weather), but PE staff can collect you from these rooms

and take your class outside.

� Technology / creative arts will also be roomed in these classrooms, but teachers may be able to take your

class into a specialist room where possible.

Year 9

� Entrance – Top court entrance and S19 entrance

� Y9 zone: S21, S22, S23, S24, S19, S20, G4 (lab), F11 (comp room)

� You will be in your sets for Maths, English and Science.

� Your pre-options subjects will be taught mostly in specialist rooms. You will be supervised as you move to

those lessons.

� PE will also be roomed in your zone (in case of bad weather), but PE staff can collect you from these rooms

and take your class outside.

Year 10

� Entrance – Bottom court entrance and Tech toilets entrance

� Y10 zone: G1, G2 (lab), G5, G6, G10, G11, G17 (small gym), G16 (Drama)

� You will be taught in your sets and options groups and those will mostly be timetabled within your zone.

� Creative / Technology subjects will mostly be taught in specialist rooms, as will some science. There will be

close supervision at lesson changeover for your options subjects.

� Core PE will have timetabled rooms available in case they are needed because of bad weather.

Year 11

� Entrance – F1/9 entrance

� Y11 zone: F7, F8, F9, F1, F2, F3, F5 (comp room), F10 (lab)

� You will be taught in your sets or options groups and those will mostly be timetabled within your zone.

� Creative and technology subjects will mostly be taught in specialist rooms, as well as some science. You will

be supervised at lesson changeover for options subjects.

� Core PE will have timetabled rooms available in case they are needed because of bad weather.

Movement between lessons and social times

� The zoning model inevitably means that your teachers will have to move between classrooms. In order to

ensure that they are moving along uncrowded corridors, there will be two bells at lesson changeovers.

Teachers will move on the first bell and then you will move, when necessary, on the second bell; five minutes

later. That way, teachers will be in position to receive their next class. To enable this to happen smoothly we

will put a corridor supervision plan in place to oversee the classrooms so you are safe at all times.

Staggered finish timesStaggered finish timesStaggered finish timesStaggered finish timesAt the end of the school day, year groups will be dismissed at staggered intervals to enable bubbles to be kept apart as much as possible:

Year 7: 2.40pmYear 8: 2.45pmYear 9: 2.50pmYear 10: 2.55pmYear 11: 3.00pm