year 3 2007 mid year formative exam answered)

Yr 3 Formative EMQ ________________________________________________________________________________________ MED3051: Formative EMQ, Sem 1: 2007 Page 1 of 38 Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences YEAR 3 MBBS FORMATIVE EMQ TEST June 2007 INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. CANDIDATES ARE REMINDED THAT THEY SHOULD HAVE NO BOOKS, NOTES, PAPER OR OTHER MATERIAL IN THEIR POSSESSION. EXAM DURATION: 2 hours, 10 minutes (10 minutes reading time + 2 hours writing time) There are 80 questions to be attempted. Each question has only one correct answer. You are advised to attempt each question. TWO EMQ ANSWER SHEETS are to be used for this paper. You MUST use BOTH SIDES of Answer Sheet 1 and clearly mark it as Test No. 1 You MUST use BOTH SIDES of Answer Sheet 2 and clearly mark it as Test No. 2 The candidate number in the bottom left section of Page 1 of the General Purpose Answer Sheet must be completed. Your number is your Monash student ID number. You should also complete your name in the top left hand section of the answer sheet and the subject and date details below that for identification purposes. Answer sheets must be completed by using black/blue pen or pencil. Any white out/erasure must be complete and without smudge. Candidates must complete this section STUDENT ID ______________________________ STUDENTS MUST NOT REMOVE THIS PAPER FROM THE EXAM ROOM

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Page 1: Year 3 2007 Mid Year Formative Exam Answered)

Yr 3 Formative EMQ

________________________________________________________________________________________ MED3051: Formative EMQ, Sem 1: 2007 Page 1 of 38

Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences


June 2007



EXAM DURATION: 2 hours, 10 minutes (10 minutes reading time + 2 hours writing time) There are 80 questions to be attempted. Each question has only one correct answer. You are advised to attempt each question. TWO EMQ ANSWER SHEETS are to be used for this paper. You MUST use BOTH SIDES of Answer Sheet 1 and clearly mark it as Test No. 1 You MUST use BOTH SIDES of Answer Sheet 2 and clearly mark it as Test No. 2 The candidate number in the bottom left section of Page 1 of the General Purpose Answer Sheet must be completed. Your number is your Monash student ID number. You should also complete your name in the top left hand section of the answer sheet and the subject and date details below that for identification purposes. Answer sheets must be completed by using black/blue pen or pencil. Any white out/erasure must be complete and without smudge.

Candidates must complete this section STUDENT ID ______________________________


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Yr 3 Formative EMQ

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For the following clinical scenario, select the most likely cause of the patient’s splenomegaly that was found on examination. Options: A Acute lymphocytic leukaemia J Malaria

B Acute myeloid leukaemia K Myelofibrosis

C Amyloidosis L Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

D Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia M Portal hypertension

E Chronic myeloid leukaemia N Thalassaemia

F Gaucher’s disease O Tuberculosis

G Infectious mononucleosis

H Infective endocarditis

I Hodgkin’s lymphoma


1. A 21 year woman presents with a 3 week history of increasing tiredness associated with a sore throat and tender cervical lymph nodes. Atypical mononuclear cells were found in a peripheral blood sample, and she developed a fine rash after being given amoxycillin for her sore throat. Her spleen is palpable 1cm below the costal margin and is soft.

For the following scenario, select the most likely causative condition. Options: A Acropathy F Osteoporosis B Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy G Paget’s disease

C Osteoarthritis H Psoriatic arthropathy

D Osteomalacia I Rickets

E Osteopetrosis


2. Mary is an 81 year old woman, who has been generally well and living on her own. She had a fall after tripping over her small dog. She is unable to stand up and on examining her, you note that her right leg is shorter than her left by 2 cm, and is in external rotation.

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For the following patient who presents with a skin lesion, select the most likely diagnosis. Options: A Basal cell carcinoma F Paronychia

B Glomus tumour G Pilonidal sinus

C Implantation dermoid cyst H Sebaceous cyst

D Keratoacanthoma I Sequestration dermoid cyst

E Marjolin’s ulcer J Squamous cell carcinoma


3. Bob Brown, aged 91, presents to you with a lesion on one side of his nose. The lesion has an overlying scab. The patient says he has had the lesion for many years and it occasionally bleeds. On examination you note a 2 x 3cm ulcer with raised edges. The edges appear white, however they have overlying telangiectasia.

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For each of the following patients who present with abdominal pain, select the single most appropriate INITIAL imaging investigation required. Options: A Abdominal x-ray

B Carotid Doppler ultrasound

C Carotid arteriogram

D Chest x-ray

E Coronary arteriogram

F CT abdomen (5)

G CT brain

H CT chest

I CT neck

J CT pulmonary angiogram

K Doppler venous ultrasound

L Echocardiogram (6)

N MRI brain

O MRI chest

P MRI spine

Q Nuclear bone scan

R Pulmonary arteriogram

S Thallium cardiac scan

T Thyroid nuclear scan

U Ultrasound abdomen (4) V Ultrasound neck

W Ventilation perfusion (VQ) nuclear scan

X X-ray skeletal survey


4. A 44 year old previously well woman presents with acute postprandial right upper quadrant pain radiating to the right shoulder. Apart from right upper quadrant tenderness, examination is unremarkable.

5. A 59 year old man presents with severe central abdominal pain radiating through to his

back. His BP is 90/70 and a tender, pulsatile central abdominal mass is palpable.

6. A 58 year old previously well man presents to a large metropolitan hospital with shortness of breath and sharp, substernal chest pain that is relived by sitting forward. Apart from tachycardia, his physical examination reveals a “rub” on auscultation. An electrocardiogram (ECG) shows concave upwards ST elevation in anterior, lateral and inferior chest leads.

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For the following patient who is admitted to hospital with severe left ventricular failure, choose the most likely diagnosis. Options: A Dilated cardiomyopathy E Marantic endocarditis

B Ebstein’s anomaly F Rheumatic fever

C Infarction of papillary muscle G Noonan’s syndrome D Infective endocarditis H Syphilitic aortitis


7. A 20 year old man is admitted to hospital with severe left ventricular failure. On examination he has signs of aortic regurgitation and right sided pyramidal weakness. He has an intermittent pyrexia, anaemia and a raised neutrophil count.

Answer the question below using the most appropriate option from the following list. Options: A ACE inhibitors B Alpha blockers

C Beta Blockers D Calcium channel blockers

E Thiazide diuretics

F Vasodilators


8. In a patient with chronic progressive renal impairment secondary to diabetic nephropathy, and no evidence of renal artery stenosis, which class of drug is the most appropriate initial therapy for hypertension?

For the following patient scenario, indicate the most likely diagnosis. Options: A Acute interstitial nephritis F Hepato-renal syndrome

B Acute tubular necrosis G Nephrotic syndrome C Adult polycystic kidney disease H Reflux nephropathy

D Analgesic nephropathy I Renal tubular acidosis

E Crystal nephropathy J Sickle-cell nephropathy


9. A 25 year old meat-packer from Gippsland has been sent home by his supervisor due to swelling of his legs and tiredness. He is passing dark, frothy urine. On examination, there is oedema of his legs and genitalia. He has severe proteinuria (urinary albumin 6g/day) and the serum albumin is 27g/L (35 - 50g/L).

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For each of the following patients with gastrointestinal blood loss, select the most likely diagnosis. Options: A Acute diverticulitis H Gastritis

B Acute peptic ulcer I Haemorrhoids

C Amoebic dysentery J Mallory Weiss tear D Anal fissure (10) K Meckel’s diverticulum

E AV malformation L Oesophageal varices (11) F Carcinoma of the sigmoid colon M Ulcerative colitis

G Crohn’s disease


10. A 21 year old man presents to his local GP with bright per rectum bleeding. He notices blood streaking his stool and on the toilet paper. Defecation is painful and wiping his anus even more so. He has noticed no change in his weight and no change in his bowel habits.

11. A 74 year old alcoholic woman presents after having passed a large bright fresh

haematemesis. On examination her abdomen is grossly distended with ascites and she has a caput medusa. She has multiple purpura and spider navei.

For the following clinical scenario, select the most likely site of this patient’s neurological lesion. Options: A Autonomic Neuropathy B Brain stem lesion

C Cortical lesion

D Myopathy

E Peripheral neuropathy

F Spinal cord lesion

G Thalamic lesion


12. A 40 year old diabetic woman with renal failure presents with postural hypotension, nausea, vomiting and frequent diarrhoea with some loss of faecal continence. She is on no medications at present. On examination she is found to have a full bladder with a high post micturition residual volume.

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For each of the following patient scenarios, select the most appropriate pharmacological treatment. Options: A Clopidogrel F Heparin

B DDAVP G Low molecular weight heparin

C Dipyridamide H Tissue plasminogen activator (13) D Factor VIII (14) I Warfarin

E Factor IX


13. A 45 year old man presents to the Emergency Department of a rural hospital with acute onset of crushing central chest pain, radiating down his left arm. An ECG reveals ST elevation in the anterior chest leads.

14. A 45 year old man has an x-linked disorder of coagulation which has resulted in multiple

bleeding episodes, including bleeding into joints (haemarthroses). He receives a regular intravenous infusion of a drug to help prevent ongoing bleeding.

For the following patient who presents with a lump in the groin, select the most likely diagnosis. Options: A Femoral hernia F Spermatocoele

B Hydrocoele G Teratoma

C Inguinal hernia H Torsion of the hydatid of Morgagni

D Sarcoma I Torsion of the testis

E Seminoma J Varicocoele


15. John Best is a 32 year old man who complains of a swelling in his groin. On examination you find a swelling in the right scrotum. The testes can be felt separately from the swelling however it is impossible to get above the swelling.

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For the following patient scenario, select the most appropriate ethical expectation of the doctor in the Australian context. Options: A Develop a close relationship with the patient and his family. B Ensure that the patient does not become depressed and give up hope. C Protect and enhance the patient’s autonomy by offering him a full account of his

diagnosis, which includes opportunity for treatment, and may include family consultation with his consent.

D Respect the cultural context from which the patient comes. E Respect the wishes of the family. Question:

16. Mr Coutas is a 60 year old Greek man with limited English who presents with a four week history of lower back pain. His pain is constant but worsened by movement. He has been taking regular Panadol without any relief. A CT scan reveals the likelihood of cancer. As the unit resident you are approached by the son who requests a meeting between you and his family without his dad’s knowledge. Mr Coutas’ wife, daughter and son do not want him to be made aware of his diagnosis as they feel culturally it is inappropriate and that he would become very depressed.

For the following patient scenario, select the most appropriate diagnosis. Options: A Aspergillus F Mycobacterium avium intracellulare

B Candida G Mycobacterium tuberculosis C Cytomegalovirus H Nocardia

D Herpes simplex I Staphylococcus sp

E Mucormycosis J Streptococcus sp


17. A 53 year old thin, homeless man presents to his community health service with a persistent

cough and haemoptysis. A chest x-ray shows a cavitating lesion in the left lung apex.

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For the following scenario, select the most appropriate therapy for the patient’s condition. Options: A Long term suprapubic catheterisation

B Long term urethral catheterisation with prophylactic antibiotics

C Prazosin therapy

D Radical prostatectomy

E Regular review with serial PSA measurements

F Trans-urethral resection of the prostate

G Trimethoprim therapy


18. A physically active 75 year old man in otherwise good health presents with urinary symptoms (frequent nocturia, hesitancy and post micturition dribbling). He has an enlarged prostate on digital rectal examination, a serum creatinine of 200μmol/L (<120μmol/L), a serum PSA of 9ng/ml (< 6.5ng/ml), and a urinary tract ultrasound shows bilateral hydronephrosis.

For each of the following patient scenarios, identify the most likely site of injury as indicated by the characteristic motor and/or sensory deficits. Options: A Brown-Sequard Syndrome – hemisection of the spinal cord (at T11)

B Cauda Equina lesion

C Common peroneal nerve injury (19) D Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh injury

E Median nerve injury (20)

F Radial nerve injury

G Syringomyelia C5-T2

H Total transaction of spinal cord at T11

I Ulnar nerve injury


19. Angela presents to her GP after having been hit by a hockey stick just below her right knee on the outside during the championship match. The stick had been lifted with full force and as the coach surveyed the bruise, she wondered if the fibula had been fractured. Afterwards, Angela noticed there was a patch of numbness on the dorsum of her right foot.

20. Peta, aged 25 years, presents to your clinic. She is currently pregnant and the baby is due

in a month. She has noticed nocturnal tingling and pain in her right hand-especially at night. On examination, there is weakness of the thenar muscles and sensory loss in the index, middle and ring fingers.

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Below is a pathology report. From the options listed, select the most likely diagnosis. Options: A Anal fissure E Haemorrhoids

B Colorectal cancer F Infective diarrhoea C Crohn’s disease G Peptic ulcer disease

D Diverticulosis H Ulcerative colitis

Question: Pathology Report:

21. The lesion in the resected bowel demonstrated cobble stone appearance with the presence of fistulae and micro abscesses microscopically, transmural granulomas are seen with Langhan’s giant cells.

For the following patient with diabetes, select the most appropriate treatment. Options: A Combined rosiglitazone & metformin F Intravenous dextrose

B Combined sulphonylurea & metformin G Omit metformin

C Commence insulin H Omit morning insulin dose

D Commence metformin I Withhold oral hypoglycaemic agent

E Intramuscular glucagons


22. Bill Anderson is 70 years old and has type 2 diabetes. He is currently being treated with maximum doses of metformin. His blood sugar remains unacceptably high. He is taking frusemide and an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor for heart failure.

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For the following patient who presents with gastrointestinal blood loss, select the most likely diagnosis. Options: A Acute diverticulitis H Gastritis

B Acute peptic ulcer I Haemorrhoids

C Amoebic dysentery J Mallory Weiss tear D Anal fissure K Meckel’s diverticulum

E AV malformation L Oesophageal varices

F Carcinoma of the sigmoid colon M Ulcerative colitis

G Crohn’s disease


23. A 35 year old man presents to the Emergency Department after vomiting up a cup of bright red blood. He estimates he had consumed 15 glasses of beer that day, and had vomited vigorously several times in the past few hours. Only the last vomit had blood within it. On examination his blood pressure is 120/70 mmHg, his pulse rate is 80bpm. His haemoglobin is 140g/L (135 – 177g/L).

For the following patient scenario, indicate the diagnosis which you consider most likely. Options: A Bladder tumour E Pyelonephritis

B Glomerulonephritis F Renal calculi C Malignant hypertension G Renal trauma

D Polycystic renal disease H Urinary tract infection


24. A 22 year old woman presents to her GP with haematuria. She recently had an upper respiratory tract infection. Her urinalysis shows: dysmorphic red cell, red cell casts and proteinuria and no WBCs.

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For the following patient with a mediastinal mass, select the most likely diagnosis. Options: A Castleman’s disease

B Ganglioneuroma

C Germ cell tumour D Hodgkin’s lymphoma E Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

F Thymoma


25. An 18 year old female presents with a two month history of fatigue and night sweats. Her chest x-ray shows a mediastinal mass that on biopsy reveals Reed-Sternberg cells.

For the following patient scenario, choose the most likely organism which is causing the patient’s infective diarrhoea. Options: A Bacillus cereus F Escherichia coli

B Campylobacter jejuni G Salmonella enteritidis

C Clostridium botulinum H Shigella species

D Clostridium difficile I Staphylococcus aureus

E Clostridium perfringens


26. An 84 year old man was hospitalized for intravenous antibiotics for treatment of a severe episode of pneumonia. Two weeks later he developed watery diarrhoea.

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For the following patient scenario, select the most appropriate diagnosis. Options: A Ductal carcinoma in situ E Leukaemia

B Fibrocystic change F Lipoma

C Infiltrating duct carcinoma G Metastatic melanoma

D Lactating adenoma


27. 60 year old female presents with a lump in her breast. The core biopsy performed shows glands of varying size, lacking a myoepithelial layer, lined by cells showing enlarged, hyperchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli.

For the following patient scenario, select the most likely single cause of the patient’s signs and symptoms. Options: A Asbestosis G Mitral valve stenosis

B Asthma H Myocardial Infarction C Bronchogenic carcinoma I Pulmonary thromboembolism

D Bronchopneumonia J Sleep apnoea

E Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease K Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction

F Idiopathic pulmonary hypertension


28. A 76 year old woman is admitted via the Emergency Department with a fractured right femur and multiple soft tissue injuries following a motor vehicle accident. She is obese and smokes 25 cigarettes per day. She is on no regular medication. She undergoes open reduction and internal fixation of her fracture but is unable to mobilize for 5 days and requires narcotics for pain management. Six days post operatively, while straining to use her bowels, she develops sudden severe shortness of breath. Shortly thereafter she collapses, ceases breathing and has no cardiac output. Attempts at resuscitation are unsuccessful.

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For the following patient scenario, select the most likely diagnosis. Options: A Acute glandular fever syndrome G Meningitis syndrome

B Community acquired sepsis H Rubella C Diffuse lympadenopathy I Scarlet fever

D Hepatitis B J Syphilis

E HIV seroconversion illness K Toxoplasmosis

F Measles


29. John is a 29 year old man admitted to the infectious diseases unit of the hospital with a history of a ‘flu like’ illness. His medical history and physical examination reveals a recent weight loss of 4.5 – 7kg, including diarrhoea for the past three weeks. He has had night sweats as well as enlarged glands in his neck and under his arms. He has a diffuse rash over his back. His temperature is 38.5°C and he is complaining of ‘chills’ and generalised tiredness and weakness. His lab results are as follows:

Hb 107g/L (120 – 160g/L) WCC 3.2 x 109/L (3.5 – 11 x 109/L) Lymphocyte count 0.3 x 109/L (1.0 – 4.0 x 109/L) Platelets 150 x 109/L (150 – 400 x 109/L) CD4 cell count 190 cells/mm3 (> 500 cells/mm3) HBsAg negative HIV ELISA test negative Below is a list of antimicrobial agents. From this list choose the most effective therapy for the following patient scenario. Options: A Amoxycillin G Ketoconazole

B Benzylpenicillin H Metronidazole

C Ceftriaxone I Roxithromycin

D Clotrimazole J Trimethoprim

E Doxycycline

F Flucloxacillin


30. A 21 year old female presents to the Emergency Dept with a 12 hour history of increasing headache and neck stiffness. She has no allergies. On examination you note that she is agitated, has a temperature of 38ºC, and is photophobic with a positive Kernig’s sign. You also note that she has a petechial rash on her hands and feet.

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For the following patient scenario, indicate the site that is most likely site to be damaged resulting in the described disturbance of cardiac rhythm. Options: A Atrioventricular node

B Bundle of His

C Cardiac muscle (myocardium)

D Left bundle branch

E Right bundle branch

F Sinoatrial node


31. You are evaluating Barbara, an elderly woman who has been bothered by dizziness and fatigue. Her blood pressure is normal and the resting pulse is 58bpm and irregular. An ECG shows that she has no P waves and an irregular rhythm.

For the following patient who presents with painful hands, choose the condition which most appropriately matches the physical description provided. Options: A Ankylosing spondylitis

B Crohn’s/ulcerative colitis, arthritis

C Osteoarthritis D Reiters’ syndrome E Rheumatoid arthritis


32. A 75 year old man presents to his GP with painful hands. On examination he is found to have Heberden’s nodes at the distal interphalangeal and nodes at the proximal interphalangeal joints.

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For the following patient presenting with tiredness, select the matching term for the given characteristics or groups of conditions most likely causing her anaemia. Options: A B12 deficiency K Pyruvate kinase deficiency

B Cold type haemolytic anaemia L Sideroblastic anaemia

C Drug induced haemolytic anaemia M Thalassaemia

D Folate deficiency N Transfusion reaction

E G6PD deficiency O Warm type haemolytic anaemia

F Heredity elliptocytosis

G Heredity spherocytosis

H Iron deficiency anaemia

I Microangiopathic acquired haemolytic anaemia

J Post infective haemolytic anaemia


33. A 78 year old woman presents to her GP complaining of tiredness. On examination, she is pale and she reveals that she is spending most of her pension on rent and utility bills, so for the past six months ONLY she has had a very poor diet, with no fresh vegetables. Her full blood examination reveals anaemia – Hb 93g/L (115-160g/L), associated with an increased mean corpuscular volume (MCV) of 110 fl (78-98 fl).

For the following patient who presents with involuntary movement, select the most likely diagnosis. Options: A Asterixis F Essential tremor

B Athetosis G Exaggerated physiological tremor C Cerebellar tremor H Multiple sclerosis D Chorea I Parkinson’s disease

E Dystonia J Wilson’s disease


34. Jenny is a 37 year old woman who presents with an intention tremor, nystagmus and urinary incontinence.

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For the following patient scenario, indicate the most likely diagnosis. Options: A Apo-CII deficiency

B Familial combined hyperlipidaemia

C Familial hypertriglyceridaemia

D Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia

E Lipoprotein lipase deficiency

F Secondary hyperlipidaemia

G Type III hyperlipoproteinaemia


35. Simon Westwood is a 45 year old motor mechanic who presents to his GP for an insurance medical. On taking his history you note that his father died of a “heart attack” at age 59. Physical examination reveals thickening of the Achilles and finger extensor tendons. A fasting lipid profile for Simon indicates the following results:

Total cholesterol 7.7 mmol/L (2.9 – 5.5 mmol/L) Triglycerides 1.5 mmol/L (0.2 – 2.0 mmol/L) HDL cholesterol 1.8 mmol/L (1.0 – 2.9 mmol/L) For the following patient scenario, choose the organism that is the most likely cause for her presentation. Options: A Acid-fast bacilli B Gram negative cocci

C Gram negative rods

D Gram positive cocci

E Gram positive rods


36. Thu is a 32 year old woman who is a recent immigrant from South East Asia. She presents to the Emergency Department with a six week history of cough and wheeze. A chest x-ray shows patchy opacities in the upper zones, and a small pleural effusion. A Mantoux test is positive although she has not previously received a BCG vaccination. Her sputum is examined.

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For the following patient who presents with fever of unknown origin, select the most likely diagnosis Options: A Acute appendicitis G Malaria

B Cholecystitis H Pyelonephritis

C Endocarditis I Viral haemorrhagic fever

D Enterovirus infection

E Gastroenteritis

F Lymphoma


37. A 40 year old man presents with a 3 day history of high fever, rigors, nausea and vomiting. He has recently returned from a business trip to India 10 days ago. He was fully immunized. His fever was 40°C; he was sweating and shaking and his abdomen was tender. His WCC was 5.6 x 109/L (3.5 – 11 x 109/L).

For the following patient scenario, indicate the most likely cause of the patient’s presenting signs and symptoms. Options: A Left anterior cerebral artery stroke

B Left middle cerebral artery stroke

C Left subcortical stroke

D Meningococcal meningitis

E Right anterior cerebral artery stroke

F Right middle cerebral artery stroke

G Right subcortical stroke

H Subarachnoid haemorrhage


38. Mrs. Jones is a right handed 65 year old lady with a previous history of anterior myocardial infarction. She presents with sudden onset of aphasia. She also has weakness of her right face and arm greater in proportion to right leg weakness. She has a right homonymous hemianopia.

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For the following scenario, select the most appropriate organism which will be seen on gram stain. Options: A Acid fast bacilli

B Gram negative cocci

C Gram negative rods

D Gram positive cocci E Gram positive rods


39. In the sputum of a patient with community acquired pneumonia. For the following patient scenario, select the most likely single cause of her signs and symptoms. Options: A Acute epiglottitis G Cardiac arrhythmia

B Air embolism H Congestive cardiac failure

C Aspiration pneumonitis I Cor pulmonale

D Atelectasis J Pneumonia

E Bronchial asthma K Pneumothorax F Carcinoma of the lung L Primary pulmonary hypertension


40. Lydia is a 35 year old previously healthy non-smoker. She presents with progressive exertional dyspnoea, fatigue and chest pain. On examination P2 is accentuated and a left parasternal heave is present. You organise a chest x-ray which shows normal lung fields with dilated pulmonary arteries.

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For the following patient scenario, select the most likely anatomical region responsible for the described disturbance in circulation (tachycardia and hypotension). Options: A Abdomen F Pelvis

B Chest G Spinal cord

C Head H Upper limb

D Lower limb I Vertebral column

E Mediastinum


41. A 26 year old man is involved in a high-speed car accident. He has been in the Emergency Dept for 15 minutes. His heart rate is 130bpm. His blood pressure is 78/50mmHg. His respiratory rate is 26 breaths/min and his oxygen saturation is 100% on room air. He is drowsy with a dilated left pupil. He has a bruise across his abdomen from the seat belt. There is no bleeding from his skin. His thighs are not swollen and he is able to move both his feet. His lateral cervical spine x-ray shows a possible undisplaced fracture of the spinous process of C7. His chest x-ray looks normal. His pelvic x-ray looks normal.

Answer the Question below using the most appropriate option. Options: A 1 I 9

B 2 J 10

C 3 K 11

D 4 L 12

E 5 M 13

F 6 N 14

G 7 O 15

H 8


42. What is the lowest possible Glasgow Coma Scale score that can be recorded?

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For the following patient scenario, select the most likely single diagnosis responsible for the described disturbance in breathing and circulation. Options: A Aspiration pneumonia E Right sided haemothorax

B Cardiac contusion F Right sided pneumothorax

C Left sided haemothorax G Tension pneumothorax

D Left sided pneumothorax H Upper airway obstruction


43. Fred is a 60 year old man who is rushed to the Emergency Dept after being run over by a tractor. Fred was underneath the tractor trying to fix it when it started to move. The wheel of the tractor rolled over Fred’s chest. He is distressed because the left side of his chest is very painful and he feels like he can’t breathe properly. His respiratory rate is 42 breaths/min. His oxygen saturation is 94% on supplemental oxygen. His heart rate is 120bpm. His blood pressure is 80/50mmHg. His neck veins are not distended. His trachea is midline. He has palpable rib fractures on the left. Breath sounds are quieter on the left side and the left side is dull to percussion.

For the following clinical scenario, select the most likely cause of this patient’s headache. Options: A Cervical spondylosis E Migraine B Cluster headache F Subarachnoid haemorrhage

C Frontal sinusitis G Temporal arteritis D Meningitis H Tension headache


44. A 35 year old female presents to her GP with 1 – 2 episodes per month of unilateral pain in the temporofrontal region, radiating to the occipital region, often associated with a prodrome of nausea.

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For the following patient who presents with shortness of breath, select the most likely SINGLE cause of her signs and symptoms. Options: A Asbestosis F Idiopathic pulmonary hypertension B Asthma G Mitral Stenosis C Bronchogenic carcinoma H Pulmonary thromboembolus D Bronchopneumonia I Sleep apnoea E Chronic obstructive pulmonary J Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction disease K Congestive heart failure L Pericardial effusion Question:

45. A 62 year old woman presents to her GP with shortness of breath on exertion which has been increasing in severity over several years. She has a past history of rheumatic fever as a child. She now complains of fatigue and has noticed increased swelling of her ankles. She wakes at night feeling short of breath and sleeps with three pillows. She gives no history of chest pain. She takes Digoxin each day (for atrial fibrillation) but is on no other regular medication. Examination reveals a weak apex beat, a gallop rhythm, basal crackles on auscultation of the lungs and there is pitting oedema of both ankles. Her pulse is irregular at 67bpm. Jugular venous pressure is raised to 4cm.

For the following patient presenting to you for a ‘check-up’, indicate the drug he is most likely to be taking and is associated with his pathology results. Options: A Atorvastatin K Imipramine

B Adrenaline L Lithium

C Alteplase M Moclobemide

D Amitriptyline N Prostacyclin

E Antithrombin III O Salbutamol

F Aspirin P Streptokinase

G Bradykinin Q Tranylcypromine

H Fluoxetine R Venlafaxine

I Heparin S Warfarin

J Histamine


46. Michael, a 56 year old man presents to you, his local GP, for his regular well-man check up. He is overweight (BMI 28.3), and has mild hypertension, treated with a thiazide. On reviewing his results, the only significant findings are a total cholesterol of 7.8mmol/L (< 5.5mmol/L) and elevated concentrations of both AST and ALT. The transaminase concentrations were normal when you checked 6 months ago.

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For each of the following patient scenarios, select the most likely diagnosis. Options: A Acute cholecystitis H Perforated duodenal ulcer

B Acute pancreatitis I Pyelonephritis

C Appendicitis J Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm D Gastritis K Sigmoid diverticulitis

E Incarcerated inguinal hernia L Sigmoid volvulus

F Obstructing renal cancer M Small bowel obstruction

G Pelvic inflammatory disease N Ureteric calculi


47. A 51 year old man presents with an episode of severe upper abdominal pain radiating to his back. The pain started about 6 hours ago and has gradually become more severe. He is restless and nauseated, with vague epigastric tenderness. Abdominal ultrasound shows evidence of “biliary sludge”, but the gall bladder is not thickened. His liver function is normal, WCC is mildly elevated and serum lipase is 1,200 (< 900).

For the following patient scenario, select the most appropriate option. Options: A Agitation H Raised white cell count

B Delusion I Respiratory alkalosis

C Febrile J Right basal consolidation

D Fluctuating symptoms K Risk of self harm

E Hypertension L Sweaty

F Lack of insight M Tactile hallucinations

G Poor short term memory N Visual hallucinations


48. Mr Reilly is a 57 year old car salesman, who presents with delirium after suffering a fractured femur. Which of the above options best distinguishes between delirium and dementia?

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For each of the following patient scenarios, indicate the diagnosis which you consider most likely. Options: A Acute osteoarthritis E Rheumatoid arthritis

B Gout (49) F Ross River Virus

C Effusion caused by cardiac failure G Septic arthritis D Haemarthrosis H Systemic lupus erythematosus (50)


49. A 75 year old man is in hospital with left ventricular failure treated with diuretics. He develops spontaneous onset of pain in the left knee. On examination, his temperature is 37.2ºC and his knee is red, swollen, hot and tender with a positive patellar tap. Fluid from his swollen knee is aspirated and negatively birefringent crystals are identified under polarised light microscopy.

50. A 38 year old woman visiting from North Queensland presents acutely ill with complaints of

cold fingers, joint pain, fever, weight loss, and a facial rash. Examination reveals a symmetrical inflammatory arthropathy, a rash over her face and neck, and lymphadenopathy. Investigations reveal thrombocytopenia, normal urine examination, and strongly positive anti nuclear antibodies (ANA).

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For the following post-operative patient scenario, select the most appropriate analgesic required. Options: A Fentanyl epidural

B Local anaesthetic injected directly into the site

C Morphine PCA D Oral Indomethacin

E Oral Paracetamol


51. Mr Zhu is a 75 year old man who is day 1 post anterior resection of the rectum with formation of covering ileostomy. He had a DVT two months ago, so peri-operatively has been continued on a heparin infusion.

For the following patient scenario, select the most likely cardiac lesion. Options: A Aortic regurgitation F Mitral stenosis

B Aortic stenosis G Pulmonary regurgitation

C Atrial septal defect H Pulmonary stenosis

D Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy I Tricuspid regurgitation

E Mitral regurgitation J Ventricular septal defect


52. Mrs Milne is a 48 year old woman admitted for an elective abdominal hysterectomy. When taking an admission history, you note that she had rheumatic fever as a child and that she has recently had increasing lethargy, shortness of breath on exertion and a persisting overnight cough. On examination, you note a slow rising carotid pulse, a soft second heart sound followed by an ejection systolic murmur loudest at the left sternal edge in expiration and radiating to the neck.

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For the following patient presenting with abdominal pain, select the most likely diagnosis. Options: A Acute cholecystitis H Perforated duodenal ulcer

B Acute pancreatitis I Pyelonephritis

C Appendicitis J Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm

D Gastritis K Sigmoid diverticulitis

E Incarcerated inguinal hernia L Sigmoid volvulus

F Obstructing renal cancer M Small bowel obstruction

G Pelvic inflammatory disease N Ureteric calculi


53. A 45 year old woman presents to the Emergency Department with right upper quadrant pain which came on suddenly 2 hours ago and has been present constantly since that time. The pain radiates through to her back and to the right shoulder tip. It is associated with nausea, anorexia and vomiting. She has a temperature of 38.5ºC and is very tender in the right upper quadrant, especially when the RUQ is palpated during inspiration. Her white cell count is 20.0 x 109/L (4.0 – 11.0 X 109/L). Her liver function tests show a bilirubin of 25μmol/L (2-17μmol/L), GGT 75 U/L (5 – 65 U/L), ALP 140 U/L (30 - 120 U/L), ALT 150 U/L (< 56 U/L). Her lipase is 50i.u/L (50 – 300 i.u/L).

For the following patient scenario, select the most likely location for the pathology responsible for the gait disorder and associated clinical findings. Options: A Basal ganglion

B Cerebellum

C Left cerebral cortex

D Midbrain / brainstem

E Right cerebral cortex


54. A 65 year old male with a history of heavy alcohol use presents with difficulty walking. He has problems with finger nose testing and has dysdiadochokinesia.

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For the following patient who presents with headache, select the most appropriate INITIAL imaging investigation. Options: A Abdominal x-ray M ERCP

B Chest x-ray N MRI brain

C Carotid Doppler ultrasound O MRI chest

D Carotid arteriogram P MRI spine

E Coronary arteriogram Q Nuclear bone scan

F CT abdomen R Pulmonary arteriogram

G CT brain S Skull x-ray

H CT chest T Thallium cardiac scan

I CT neck U Thyroid nuclear scan

J CT pulmonary angiogram V Ultrasound abdomen

K Doppler venous ultrasound W Ultrasound neck

L Echocardiogram X Ventilation/perfusion (VQ) nuclear scan


55. A 24 year old man presents with a headache after falling from a ladder at work. He subsequently had an epileptic seizure in the ambulance prior to arriving in the Emergency Department. Physical examination is unremarkable.

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For each of the following scenarios of chest pain, select the most likely diagnosis from the list. Options: A Acute myocardial infarction G Pleurisy

B Chest wall trauma H Pulmonary embolus

C Dissecting thoracic aneurysm (56) I Shingles

D Exertional angina J Unstable angina (57) E Gastro-oesophageal reflux

F Metastatic bone disease


56. A 60 year old woman with known cardiovascular disease presents to the Emergency Department after experiencing severe central chest pain radiating to her back for about 1 hour. She is shocked (BP left arm 130/80mmHg; right arm 70/40mmHg), though there is no change in her ECG or cardiac enzymes. Chest x-ray shows a widened mediastinum.

57. A 58 year old man with a history of peptic ulcer five years previously is a smoker with a

recent measured total cholesterol level of 6.5mmol/L (NR<5.5mmol/L). He is admitted to hospital following several weeks of increasingly severe episodes of dull central chest pain, usually brought on during his daily lunch break stroll to the sandwich shop. However, over recent days they have taken longer to settle and have occasionally come on whilst resting. He has not previously sought medical advice for his problem, but during the most recent episode, the pain began to spread down his left arm. He decided to visit the Emergency Department “to see if his ulcer was playing up again”.

For the following patient scenario, select the most likely distribution of bowel involvement. Options: A Appendix only

B Diffuse involvement of duodenum and jejunum

C Diffuse involvement of rectum and colon

D Rectum only

E Segmental involvement of terminal ileum and ascending colon

F Sigmoid colon only


58. A 45 year old woman reports abdominal bloating and foul-smelling bowel actions, associated with tiredness. There is no history of abdominal pain. Investigations show a mild macrocytic anaemia and serology shows a high titre of anti-endomysial antibodies. Her symptoms improve markedly on a gluten-free diet.

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From the list of options select the most likely cause of the patient’s signs, symptoms and pathological findings. Options: A Autoimmune gastritis G Helicobacter pylori gastritis

B Chemical gastritis H Peptic ulcer disease

C Congenitally short oesophagus

D Gastric adenocarcinoma

E Gastric heterotopia

F Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease


59. A 57 year old man presents with recurrent episodes of post prandial epigastric discomfort. Endoscopic examination of the oesophagus and stomach are performed and biopsies are taken. The histopathological findings detailed in the subsequent pathology report are as follows:

Oesophagus, biopsy – “The sections show glandular mucosa composed of tall columnar epithelial cells with interspersed goblet cells containing alcian blue positive acid mucin. The lamina propria contains lymphocytes, plasma cells, neutrophils and eosinophils. There is no evidence of dysplasia or malignancy.” Stomach, biopsy – “The sections show glandular mucosa with surface and pits lined by a single layer of tall columnar epithelial cells. The lamina propria contains mucus glands and a light infiltrate of inflammatory cells including scattered eosinophils and rare lymphocytes. Plasma cells, acute inflammatory cells or granulomas are not seen. There is no evidence of dysplasia or malignancy.”

From the list of options select the most likely cause of the patient’s signs and symptoms. Options: A Asbestosis G Mitral valve stenosis

B Asthma H Pulmonary thromboembolus

C Bronchogenic carcinoma I Sleep apnoea

D Bronchopneumonia J Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction

E Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

F Idiopathic pulmonary hypertension


60. A 62 year old woman presents with shortness of breath on exertion which has been increasing in severity over several years. She now complains of fatigue and has noticed increased swelling of her ankles. She wakes at night feeling short of breath and sleeps with 3 pillows. She gives no history of chest pain. She takes Digoxin each day (for atrial fibrillation) and she takes amoxicillin when she attends for dental treatment but is on no other regular medication. Examination reveals basal crackles on auscultation of the lungs and there is pitting oedema of both ankles. She has an apical diastolic murmur. The pulse is irregular at 67bpm.

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For the following patient with cardiac failure, select the most likely diagnosis Options: A Alcoholism G Ischaemic Heart Disease

B Amyloidosis H Mitral regurgitation

C Aortic regurgitation I Myocarditis

D Aortic stenosis J Pericardial tamponade

E Beri-beri K Restrictive pericarditis

F Haemochromatosis


61. A 68 year old man presents with 12 months of progressive shortness of breath on exertion and fatigue. He has a history of diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolaemia and is a heavy smoker. He also complains of intermittent indigestion. His BP is 130/70; his ECG shows pathological anteroseptal Q waves and an echocardiogram shows a mildly dilated left ventricle with a reduced ejection fraction.

For the following patient with chronic renal failure select the electrolyte disturbance most likely to be involved. Options: A Hypercalcaemia G Hypomagnesaemia

B Hypocalcaemia H Hypernatraemia

C Hyperchloraemia I Hyponatraemia D Hypochloraemia

E Hyperkalaemia

F Hypokalaemia


62. A 45 year old man with end stage renal failure secondary to glomerulonephritis has a radionuclide scan, which shows four enlarged parathyroid glands. He is diagnosed with “tertiary hyperparathyroidism”.

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For the following patient with a mediastinal mass, select the most likely diagnosis Options: A Castleman’s Disease

B Ganglioneuroma

C Germ cell tumour D Hodgkin’s lymphoma

E Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

F Thymoma


63. A 35 year old female presents with drooping eyelids, she fatigues quickly and has a mediastinal mass.

For the following patient with renal disease for which renal biopsy is performed, select the most likely diagnostic appearance. Options: (EM: Electron microscopy, IF: Immunofluorescence) A Basement membrane duplicated (EM) G Mesangial deposits of IgA (IF)

B Effacement of foot process (EM) H Neutrophils in glomerulus

C Glomerular crescents I Sclerosis of most glomeruli D Glomerular linear deposits (IF) J Thickened glomerular capillary walls

E Glomerular nodules of hyaline material

F Interstitial inflammation


64. A 15 year old boy presents with a two day history of macroscopic haematuria. He reports a similar episode 2 months previously, which resolved spontaneously after 3 days.“Dipstick” urine analysis confirms haematuria and a trace of protein. Renal biopsy is performed.

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For each of the following clinical scenarios, select which structure is most likely to show the most obvious pathology. Options: A Bile canaliculi G Portal tract

B Bile duct radical H Portal vein

C Central vein I Perivascular cells

D Common bile duct J Endothelial cells

E Hepatocyte (65) K Perisinusoidal cells

F Kupfer macrophage


65. A 65 year old diabetic has persistently mildly abnormal liver functions tests. An hepatic biopsy shows steatosis of what cell type?

From each of the following, select the most appropriate form of spread of tumour Options: A Direct G Transorbital

B Haematogenous H Transosseus

C Intracranial D Introsseus

E Lymphatic

F Transcoelomic


66. A 67 year old smoker presents with haemoptysis and dies. At autopsy a squamous cell carcinoma has eroded into his bronchial vein

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Which option, from the list below, is the most likely cause of the chest examination findings? Options: A Bronchiectasis B Lung consolidation

C Pleural effusion D Pneumothorax

E Pulmonary fibrosis


67. A 20 year old man with a history of cystic fibrosis presents with a history of productive yellow sputum and recurrent episodes of fever and tiredness. On examination you note finger clubbing, and course crackles over the base of both.

Answer the questions below using the most appropriate term from the list of options. Options: A Absolute risk reduction J Performance bias

B Attrition bias K Precision

C Blinding L P-value

D Concealment of allocation M Random error

E Confidence interval N Randomisation

F Detection bias O Relative risk

G Intention to treat P Relative risk reduction

H Masking Q Selection bias I Number needed to treat R Validity


68. You are reading through the results and are drawn to type of analysis performed. Upon inspection you realise that participants were compared in groups to which they were randomised. What name is given to this type of analysis?

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Indicate the most likely set of arterial blood gases (taken Whilst breathing room air) for the following patient Interpretation of blood gases PH PaCO2 PaO2 Bicarbonate Saturation Normal range 7.35-7.45 35-45 mmHg 80-100 mmHg 20-30 mmol/L 95-98% Options: A. 7.10 24 110 8 99% B. 7.10 80 45 24 75% C. 7.30 50 60 24 90% D. 7.35 40 95 35 99% E. 7.40 60 60 35 90% F. 7.50 28 60 24 90% G. 7.50 28 100 24 99% H. 7.50 50 80 35 95% Question:

69. Judy, a 68 year old woman who is a Type 2 dependent diabetic, is brought to the Emergency Department with a 3 day history of increasing confusion. She has not been taking her insulin regularly for the last several weeks. In addition, she has been treated for a urinary tract infection, but has become increasingly dehydrated and oliguric. On examination she is dehydrated and confused with a respiratory rate of 20 breaths per minute.

Please select a suitable answer from the options below for the following scenarios Options: A TSH decreased, free T4 decreased G TSH normal, free T4 decreased

B TSH decreased, free T4 increased H TSH normal, free T4 increased

C TSH decreased, free T4 normal I TSH normal, free T4 normal (71) D TSH increased, free T4 decreased (70) E TSH increased, free T4 increased

F TSH increased, free T4 normal


70. A 60 year old woman is seen by her surgeon because she has an enlarged thyroid gland and symptoms of cold intolerance, constipation and lethargy.

71. An 18 year old man is seen by an Endocrinologist, because he has been noted to have an

enlarged thyroid gland. Examination reveals a smooth, regular, moderately enlarged thyroid gland. He has no symptoms related to thyroid disease, has a normal pulse rate and normal reflexes.

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Please select a suitable answer from the following scenarios Options: A Overproduction of ACTH G Underproduction of ACTH (73)

B Overproduction of FSH H Underproduction of FSH

C Overproduction of GH (72) I Underproduction of GH D Overproduction of LH J Underproduction of LH E Overproduction of Prolactin K Underproduction of Prolactin

F Overproduction of TSH L Underproduction of TSH


72. A 24-year-old male patient presents with a number of problems. These include hypoglycaemia, an increased salt appetite, weight loss and lethargy and abnormal pigmentation. On examination he is found to be hypotensive. After emergency treatment, diagnostic tests identify that his problem is primarily at the level of the pituitary gland.

73. A 33 year old woman, Mary, presents with a six month history of increasing sweating, weight

gain and tingling and pain in her hands. She has an abnormal blood glucose tolerance test. A friend who has been overseas for six months, feels that Mary has a changed appearance, with coarser features of her face.

For the following patient scenario involving colorectal cancer, select the stage of the cancer, using the TNM system. Options: A Stage I

B Stage II

C Stage III D Stage IV


74. Mr Jones is a 78 year old man who undergoes surgery for carcinoma of the colon. Prior to surgery a CT of the abdomen is performed. The CT scan is normal. At surgery a section of bowel is removed, along with adjacent nodes. Pathological investigation reveals a tumour extending through the muscularis propria, with involvement of one regional node.

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For the following patient scenario, identify the most appropriate oxygen delivery device that should be administered to the patient. Options: A Bag and mask ventilation device

B Continuous Positive Airways Pressure (CPAP)

C Nasal prongs

D Re-breather mask

E Simple face mask (Hudson mask)

F Venturi mask


75. Beryl is a 72 year old woman who is admitted to your ward/unit with a diagnosis of “right lower lobe pneumonia”. She has a history of chronic airways disease and her arterial blood gases are as follows:

pH 7.25 (7.35 – 7.45) pCO2 70mmHg (35 – 45mmHg) pO2 50mmHg (80 – 100mmHg) SaO2 88% (96 – 100%) For the following clinical scenario, select the most likely cause of this patient’s jaundice. Options: A Alcoholic liver disease F Haemolysis

B Carcinoma of the pancreas G Hepatitis A C Choledocholithiasis H Hepatitis B

D Drug reaction I Primary biliary cirrhosis

E Gilbert’s syndrome J Primary sclerosing cholangitis


76. A 61 year old woman is seen in Outpatients complaining of pruritus. She complains of feeling tired and lethargic and says her only enjoyment is drinking a glass of sherry every night. She has bilateral xanthomata and a soft ejection systolic murmur. Her liver function tests are –

bilirubin 80μmol/L (< 17μmol/L) ALT 32 U/L (5-56 U/L) alkaline phosphatase 440 U/L (30-120 U/L) albumin 31 g/L (35-45 g/L) Full blood examination shows a mild reduction in platelets.

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For the following patient scenario, select the most likely diagnosis. Options: A De Quervain’s thyroiditis F Primary hypothyroidism B Follicular adenoma G Riedel’s thyroiditis

C Graves’ disease H Secondary hyperthyroidism

D Hashimoto’s thyroiditis I Simple goitre

E Multinodular goitre J Thyroid carcinoma


77. A 37 year old mother of three and a part time pilates instructor presents with a six month history of menorrhagia and tiredness. Investigations show:

FBE: Hb 110g/L (115 – 160g/L) WCC 7.1 x 109/L (4.0 – 11.0 x 109/L) Plts 225 x 109 (150 – 400 x 109) LFT, U+E+C, BSL – within normal limits TFT:TSH 22.6 (0.5 – 5.6 mU/L) T4 31nmol/L (70 – 140nmol/L) For the following clinical scenario, which artery is most likely to be the source of the patient’s problem. Options: A Axillary artery E Radial artery

B Brachial artery F Subclavian artery

C Common carotid artery G Ulnar artery

D Internal carotid artery H Vertebral artery


78. Svetlana is a 65 year old lady who complains of a sudden attack of loss of power in her right arm of 10 minutes duration which completely resolves and is not associated with any loss of consciousness.

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For each of the following patient scenarios, select the SINGLE MOST APPROPIATE treatment.

A Inhaled adrenaline

B Inhaled long acting anti-cholinergic by DPI once daily

C Inhaled long acting beta2-agonist twice daily (80) D Inhaled short acting beta2-agonist as required (79) F Intramuscular adrenaline

G Intravenous adrenaline

H Oral antihistamine

I Oral leukotriene receptor antagonist

J Oral prednisolone

K Oral theophylline

79. An 18 year old student has infrequent episodic asthma associated with exercise, usually when playing or training for basketball twice a week. Spirometry shows normal lung function.

80. A 35 year old secretary has recurrent symptoms of cough, wheeze and chest tightness associated with upper respiratory tract infections, change in weather and exposure to dust. She was commenced on fluticasone 250mcg 2 puffs twice a day by MDI with spacer 3 months ago, with some improvement, but still requires reliever medication twice a day, and is woken from her sleep once a week with chest tightness.