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Knowledge of Cultural Self-Awareness, p. 1

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Knowledge of Cultural Self-Awareness, p. 2

Who Am I????? Identity Dialogue

1. In reviewing the figure, which 3 identities are the most important to you?

2. a. Which one identity, in particular, is shaped by the values of your ethnic/cultural


b. In what ways?

3. a. Looking at the figure again, which one identity are you most comfortable with?

b. Why?

4. a. Which one identity are you most proud of?

b. Why?

5. a. Which one identity are you least comfortable with?

b. Why?

6. a. If someone wanted to find out more about who you are, how should they approach


b. How should they begin?

c. What are the best ways to get to know you?

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Attitude of Intercultural Openness

1. Describe your family lineage or constellation…parent(s), brothers, sisters, ages, birth order, grandparents, etc.

2. What is one word you would use to describe yourself as a child?

3. If you could change one thing about how you were raised as a child, what would it be?

4. How do you recharge or recuperate your energy at the end of a difficult day?

5. If you were to thank one person for helping you become the person you are today, who would it be and why?

6. When are you the happiest?

7. What one memory do you most treasure?

8. Fill in the blank: If you really know me, you’d know _____________________________.

9. What would you be doing if you weren’t a student right now?

10. What more are you wanting as a student right now?

11. How do you react to stress?

12. What movie or novel character do you most identify with?

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13. What quality in yourself would you hate to see emulated in others, especially children?

14. If you were to start a company from scratch, what values would you build it on?

15. What would you most regret not having accomplished by the end of your life?

16. What characteristic do you most admire in others?

17. What kind of impact do you believe you have on people?

18. What superpower would you like to have?

19. What would your “perfect” day consist of?

20. What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in the last year?

21. How do you think your coworkers/peers see you?

22. If you ruled the world, what would you change on Day 1?

23. If you knew you only have one year left to live, would you change anything about the way you are living right now? 24. What one thing about yourself do you want in your eulogy?

25. What are you most afraid of, related to failing?

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Adapted from 25 Revealing Questions That Build Better Work Relationships by Shelley Prevost

Skills of Intercultural Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

Find a group of students from a country of origin different from your own and different from your

parents' country of origin. The students must also be from a country in which you have never

lived or studied abroad. Choose a place to observe the group where you are not obviously

watching them. For example, study vocabulary in HICKS, so you have a reason for looking

down and then back up repeatedly; go to Latea Bubble Tea Lounge or Basil Thai for bubble tea

and social media break; etc.

Discreetly watch your chosen group of students 20-30 minutes. Take notes on what you

observe concerning their verbal and nonverbal communication.

Upload your notes.

Reflection on Communication

Using the notes which you took for Task 3.1, submit a typed reflection of 300-400 words on the


How did your chosen population greet one another?

How closely do they sit/stand?

How loudly/softly do they talk?

What gestures do they make?

How do males and females interact?

Do they make eye contact?

Do they open their mouths widely or keep them more closed?

Etc., etc., etc.

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Skill of Intercultural Empathy, p. 1

The Parable Exercise

Task 1: Please read the following parable:

The Parable

Jane is a young woman about 21 years old. For a long time she has been engaged to a young

man named Bob, and she is coming from a great distance to meet him for their scheduled

wedding. The problem she faces is that between her and her betrothed there lies a river. No

ordinary river, mind you, but a deep, wide river infested with hungry crocodiles.

Jane ponders how she can cross the river. She thinks of a man who has a boat, whose name

is Paul. She approaches and asks him to take her across the river. Paul replies, “Yes, I’ll take

you across the river if you’ll spend the evening with me.”

Shocked at this offer, she turns to another acquaintance, Jack, and tells him her story. Jack

responds by saying, “Poor Jane, I understand your problem, but I don’t see how I can help. It’s

really your problem, not mine.”

Jane, in desperation, decided to return to Paul and spends the evening with him. In the

morning, Paul takes her across the river. She completes her journey and arrives in time.

Her reunion with Bob is warm, but on the evening before they are to be married, Jane feels

compelled to tell Bob how she succeeded in getting across the river. Bob responds by saying,

“I can’t believe you would do such a thing. I wouldn’t marry you if you were the last woman on

earth.” And he banishes her as a soiled woman.

The next day Jane meets Thomas who says, “I don’t love you, but I will marry you.”


Task 2: What more do you wish that you knew from the story?

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Skill of Intercultural Empathy, p. 2

Task 3: Write down, in rank order, the character whose behavior you MOST APPROVE to




Task 4: Get into small groups of 3-6. Write down, in rank order, the character whose behavior

your group MOST APPROVES to LEAST APPROVES. You must find a group consensus.



Task 5: In your small groups discuss: What aspects of your culture informed your opinion

about the behaviors of each person? How do you decide what is morally right and wrong?

Task 6: Working alone, please write 200 words on: What did you learn about other cultures

from this exercise? How do other cultures determine whether a behavior is morally preferable

over another behavior? What informs moral decision making in other countries?

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Attitude of Intercultural Curiosity

Topic Clue Answer

Religious beliefs and the relationship of humans to the supernatural

Political power and the exercise of leadership in governance

Concepts of justice, fairness, punishment, and right conduct

Child raising and traditional processes of acculturation

Economic organization and division of labor

Rites of passage (life cycle celebrations), rituals, and ceremonies

Expression and style in the graphic and performing arts

Food preferences and rules concerning consumption

Nonverbal communication patterns and gestures

Concepts of humans’ place and role in the natural world

Myths and cultural heroes to explain and commemorate core values

Dissemination of ideas about beauty, love, truth, friendship, and loyalty

Notions of modesty and age-appropriate dress styles and behavior

Ideas of what time is and its relative importance

Concerns about individual versus collective privilege and responsibility

Definitions of gender and associated strengths, duties, and roles

Put you clues and answers into to turn your clues and answers into a crossword puzzle about your country. Don’t forget to put a title on it and your name. Ask someone from another country to work your puzzle. The person who is working it should engage you in discussion as to why you chose the clues and answers that you did.

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Knowledge of Worldview Frameworks

Sit down with a student from your chosen/assigned country and ask him/her for the following

information, taking notes on the answers. If the student doesn’t know the answer, just go on to the next

question. This assignment must be done face to face. Electronic devices may be used in order for the

interviewee to look up translations or clarifications, but the interviewee is not allowed to send the

answers by e-mail or any other messaging system.


1. Name the head of state (president, king, queen, etc.) and the prominent members of his or her family.

Head of state Prominent family members

2. Names of at least 3 other key government leaders (prime minister, foreign minister, minister of internal affairs, etc.

Key government leader Office leader holds




3. Format and function of the national government and national legislature

Entity Format Function

National Government

National Legislature

4. Names of major political parties and their platforms

Political Party Platform

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5. Are national elections held, how frequently, and when was the last election?

How frequently does your country hold


When was the last election?


1. Names of leaders of major religions or faith systems

2. Universally recognized symbol of the religion

3. What does each religion or faith tradition teach regarding life, death, and interaction with others?

Religion Leader Symbol Life/Death/Interaction


1. Names of major companies that operate in the country and what they produce

Major Company What do they produce?

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2. Major exports or imports that serve as predictors for how well the economy will perform in the next few years





1. Name of the sports leagues and teams, along with their colors, emblems and logos

Sports league/team Color Emblem/Logo

2. Common forms of exercise among the general population




LANGUAGES AND ETHNIC GROUPS 1. Names of the major ethnic groups




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2. Rough proportion of the population that speaks a dominant language


3. What are the dominant language and the non-dominant languages?

Dominant Language

Dominant Language

Non-dominant Language

Non-dominant Language

4. Languages used to conduct official business and why

Languages for business Why?

5. Languages taught most commonly in schools and why

Languages for education Why?


1. Name of major holidays and when they take place

2. How do people generally celebrate these holidays?

3. What are the meanings of these holidays?

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4. Common foods, music, art associated with those holidays

Holiday When is the


What is the

meaning of the


How is it


Food, music, art

associated with the



1. Names of famous musicians




2. Names of famous artists whose works appear in museums or art galleries


