07 sagit konferens okt 2016 - francois crelo · cargo securing meeting stockholm 25th october 2016....

Safe loading Anticipated guidelines on cargo securing for combined rail transports THE UIC LOADING RULES 25 October 2016 CRELO François

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Page 1: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

Safe loading 

Anticipated guidelines on cargo securing for combined rail transports


25  October 2016 

CRELO François

Page 2: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

The International Union of Railways195 Members

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 3: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

The UIC's main objectives

• Promote rail transport at world level with the objective of optimally meeting current and future challenges of mobility and sustainable development,

• Promote interoperability, create new world standards for railways (including common standards with other transport modes),

• Develop and facilitate all forms of international cooperation among Members, facilitate the sharing of best practices (benchmarking),

• Support Members in their efforts to develop new business and new areas of activities,

• Propose new ways to improve technical and environmental performance of rail transport, improve competitiveness, reduce costs.

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 4: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group


1) Presentation of the Working Group

2) The mode of operation of the Working Group

3) The regulations in Europe

4) The legitimacy in Europe

5) The information to the customers

6) Target PDCA Proceed-Do-Check-Act

7) Intermodal transport project Destiny

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 5: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

1) Presentation of the working groupOrganization of the working group of the UIC loading rules

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 6: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

2) The mode of operation of the working group

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Twisted straps/bindings

• are grounds for removing wagons from trains

• are grounds for operators being investigated and held to account if detected by regulators during inspections

EN 12195 also stipulates that bindings should not be twisted.

Remedial action is expensive

And difficult to carry out since the ability to inspect the load is limited.

Page 7: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

The mode of operation of the working group

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 8: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

The mode of operation of the working group

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 9: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

The mode of operation of the working group

Change point 5.8.2 Volume 1

Point 5.8.2, binding of goods

Straps used for indirect fastenings and for the binding ofgoods can be tensioned twisted. The total twist of a Strapmay not exceed 3 twists of 360°.

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 10: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

3) The regulations

Volume 1 Loading Guidelines Principles

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 11: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

Volume 2 Loading Rules (90)

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 12: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

3) The regulations

1) Blue Loading example

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 13: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

3) The regulations

Pink Loading Example

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 14: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

4) The legitimacyLegal Base

prEN 16860_EN.pdf

EPSF (National France Security Department) _Referentiel_Prescriptions_de_chargement_des_véhicules_20150310.pdf

101.2 For the autorisation to ride on the national (French) infrastructure the wagons and the loading must be in accord with the loading rules published by the UIC

AVV Artikel 29: Loading rules

The RU shall ensure that shippers comply with the UIC loading rules in force.

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 15: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

5) The information to the customers

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 16: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

5) The information to the customers

Track and Structures Sector – Activity Report 2012

Page 17: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

6) Target PDCA Proceed-Do-Check-Act

• More secure rail transports

• Commercial aspects should be considered when possible

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 18: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

6) Target PDCA Proceed-Do-Check-Act

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 19: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

Project Destiny


Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 20: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

7) Intermodal Transport Project Destiny

1. History

• 2013-11-04 Meeting of the UNECE in Geneva CTU Packaging code

• November 2013 Opinion UIC. (Risk analysis, driving tests, ILU controls)

• February 2014 Joint meeting UIRR,UIC.

• May June 2014 Driving tests + ILU controls

• September 2014 Evaluation of the insights in Brussels and first decision of the working group loading rules.

• May 2015 Start of risk analysis

• 2016 Beginning 2017 Evaluation of the Risk Analysis by Belgo rail and Harmonisation concerning the acceleration values Rail/Road.

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 21: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

7) Intermodal Transport Project Destiny ILU Controls

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 22: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

7) Intermodal Transport Project Destiny


Annex B to the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF) of 9 June 1999 Uniform Rules concerning the Contract for International Carriage of goods (CIM)

§ 2 When the goods is loaded by the sender, he is liable for all theconsequenses of defective loading and shall compensate thecarrier particular damages incurred therefrom. The carrier mustprove the defective loading.

In plain language, the loader (sender/shipper) is RESPONSIBLE forthe rule-compliant loading. This usually starts with a roadtransport in an combined transport.

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 23: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

7) Intermodal Transport

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 24: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

7) Intermodal Transport

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 25: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

7) Intermodal Transport

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 26: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

7) Intermodal Transport Project Destiny

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 27: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

Dynamic Tests and Loadsecuring Inspections

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 28: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

Dynamic Tests and Loadsecuring Inspections

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 29: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

7) Target Project Destiny

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 30: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

Dynamic Tests and Loadsecuring Inspections

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 31: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

Dynamic Tests and Loadsecuring Inspections

Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 32: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

Dynamic Tests and Loadsecuring InspectionsResult

Voted Change in Volume 1 Point 1.1

Only for the combined transport from Terminal to Terminal (Block Train Transport) with accompanying switching moves, the acceleration values mentioned in the CTU >Package Guidelines are applicable. The Load securing must be in accord with the Best Practice Guidelines for the road Transport or with the CTU Package Guidelines.

DESTINY-TO3_LoadSecuring_Report - Dynamic tests_final_EN.pdf


Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016

Page 33: 07 SAGIT konferens okt 2016 - Francois Crelo · Cargo securing Meeting Stockholm 25th October 2016. Thank you for your kind attention François CRELO President of the working group

Thank you for your kind attention

François CRELO President of the working group of the UIC loading rules

Thank You