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Conversion Rate

Search Marketing

Social Media


Time to Dominate 2019









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With more and more Australians heading online to make their spending decisions and with ad spend continuing to change hands from more traditional channels--TV, print, and radio--to digital, competition is set to rise along with the level of opportunity.

According to IBISWorld, the three key “success factors” for any business advertising are having a high profile in the market, having a loyal customer base, and an attractive product presentation. But what do you do when your budget is limited and you’re competing in a crowded and mature market?

At First Move Digital, we know from experience that a refined strategy, in-depth digital knowledge, and creative tactics are the cornerstone of successful digital campaigns. In this guide, we’ll take you through 10 practical, easy-to-implement ideas to market your business and compete with the big players.

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level through intelligent digital strategy, get in touch with First Move Digital on 1300 793 352, email us at [email protected], or come visit us at Ground Floor, 39-41 Mount Street, Prahran.



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OPTIMIZE YOUR WEBSITE FOR CONVERSION Your website is the centre of your digital presence and your best opportunity to convert users, which makes it critical to ensure your website leverages every opportunity to convert. This extends to everything, from larger site structure issues, such as ensuring your contact page is easily accessible, to finer details, like hyperlinking your phone number to allow easy click-to-call.

The best approach is to start with a ‘conversion audit’. Go through your site page by page and ask yourself these key questions:

• Does this page have a clear purpose which is

obvious to the user?

• Can I improve how clearly this purpose is

communicated to users?

• How easy is it to convert from this page or to

navigate to a converting page?

• Can I enhance this page to improve the user’s

path to conversion?



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OPTIMIZE YOUR WEBSITE FOR CONVERSIONIn an ideal scenario, every page of your site will play some role in attracting, converting, or retaining your users. If you’re unsure of what role a particular page is playing in your funnel, use your analytics data to see how users interact with the page and where the typically go from there.


Google Analytics’s Landing Page report is the best place to start when conducting a sitewide conversion audit.

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LEAN ON YOUR ANALYTICSIf you’re only using your Google Analytics to check your traffic, you’re missing out on arguably your biggest opportunities to convert traffic. Besides ensuring proper goal-tracking is in place, analysing your engagement levels and exploring Google Analytics’s Landing Page and User Explorer reports can reveal crucial insights you can leverage to improve your conversion rate. But when approaching your analytics strategy, remember to keep it lean.

Google Analytics is a sophisticated tool which provides comprehensive data on your website’s performance. This is precisely what makes it such a powerful tool, but can also lead to confusion and ‘analysis paralysis’. Lean Analytics is an approach that puts the focus on the metrics that matter most to your business and cuts out the noise.

One of the primary goals of Lean Analytics is to determine the One Metric That Matters (OMTM). In other words, the metric that has a direct causal effect or otherwise most closely correlates with your critical business KPI(s). Once you’ve uncovered this metric, determine to what degree it needs to be increased or the level at which it needs to be maintained to best improve overall business performance.



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ASSEMBLE YOUR TOOLKITThere are more tools available than ever to help you better understand your users and improve your conversion rate and most of them won’t blow out your marketing budget. Tools like HotJar can unveil innumerable insights into how users behave on your site, whilst Google Optimise offers scaleable and developer-free solutions for split-testing your key converting pages.

If you’re not currently investing in a robust marketing stack to help you achieve your goals, it’s time to get on board.

When it comes to deciding which tools to invest in, apply the Lean Methodology. In this case, ask yourself what your single biggest obstacle is for converting users and start here. If it’s understanding user behaviour, this should be your priority. There are countless resources available online to help guide your decision for which tool to invest in, but your needs, resources, budget, and ability to scale should ultimately guide your decision.



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TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE LONGTAILIt won’t come as news that search marketing in real estate, for example, is immensely competitive. Even if your business has been operating for years, if you’ve only just begun to take digital seriously, you’ll be competing against sites that have made considerable investments in their search presence.

This doesn’t mean there’s isn’t still opportunity to be found in search marketing. In fact, organic traffic - that is, traffic from search engine referrals - constitutes arguably the best potential Return On Investment of any marketing channel available. But in order to give your business an edge in the organic search environment, keep your eye trained on the long tail.

In SEO, it helps to think of all search activity as part of a long tail distribution, with more common search terms at the short tail or ‘fat head’ and less commonly searched-for terms falling along the medium and long tail. How can this help you? Well, long tail terms - that is, terms that command a lower degree of search volume on their own - are not only the least competitive, they also correlate highest with likelihood of conversion.

Use tools such as Answer the Public to find out what queries your target users are putting into Google and other search engines and determine where they fall on the long tail distribution.



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FIND OUT WHATYOUR AUDIENCE IS ASKINGMany businesses struggle with effective content marketing, often because they’re not quite sure what their audience actually responds to. The best place to start is to find out the questions your audience is asking.

Tools like Answer the Public allow you to easily find out the types of questions users are asking Google and study the resulting SERPs to see the kinds of answers on offer and who is offering them. Even forums like Quora and Reddit can be immensely useful in uncovering the questions on the minds of your target audience and the types of discussions taking place in the real estate realm.

Take this a step further by analysing your Google Analytics reports. If your site has an internal search engine, ensure this is being tracked in Analytics, and use the Site Search report to gain insight into what your audience wants to see. Your Landing Page report will show you which posts and pages are already gaining traction, which can further drive your content strategy.



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FOR BETTERSEO PEFORMANCE,FOCUS ON E-A-TFor all eCommerce businesses, Expertise Authority and Trust are critical when it comes to SEO performance. Ask yourself: are you actively investing in improving your E-A-T month-to-month?

For those unfamiliar with the concept of E-A-T, the term comes from Google’s own Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines, the handbook used by Google’s human search evaluators to determine the ‘quality’ of a search result.

In order to improve your website’s E-A-T, ensure your link profile is growing with quality external links, be open and transparent throughout your digital presence (there’s even some evidence to suggest anonymising your Whois info could be a bad idea), promote quality content with clear authorship, and ensure you’re doing everything you can to drive branded search activity.


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USE INTELLIGENTRETARGETINGIf you’re not yet utilising social media’s powerful retargeting capabilities, you could be leaving valuable conversions on the table. Users who are already familiar with your brand and offering are some of your best opportunities to convert and social media gives you a considerable amount of control over your remarketing strategy and targeting.

For those unfamiliar with the concept of remarketing or retargeting, as it’s commonly known in the social media realm, it refers to the process of serving ads to users who have already interacted with your brand, whether by visiting your website or engaging with you on social media.

It’s clear to see how this can benefit your real estate business. However, don’t make the mistake of many brands by inundating your users with ads. Don’t go overboard - keep a close eye on your frequency (the number of times on average that your ad is shown to a single user) or risk users turning on your brand. A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself how many times you would be comfortable seeing an ad from a brand that’s not yours before you hit the hide button.


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MIX UP YOUR COLLATERALMany brands find it all too easy to get stuck in a rut with their ad collateral or simply lack the resources to update their legacy ads. This can lead to lower engagement rates over time and eventually, fewer conversions coming through your website as your existing ads exhaust the total market available to you.

Prevent this by changing things up and taking advantage of the different types of ad formats available to you on social media channels. Even changing your media from static images to video can significantly improve engagement and platforms like Facebook make it relatively easy to create a completely dynamic webpage experience within Facebook’s own platform.

If internal design resources pose an issue, outsource the design process by finding a reliable and talented freelancer on Upwork or Fiverr. Diversifying your collateral not only maximises your opportunity for conversion, but can reveal significant insights about the types of ad formats your target audience responds to.


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Like your collateral, your overall social media strategy can easily fall on autopilot and often turn into simply posting new product listings or sharing weekly blog posts. Unfortunately, such “strategies” rarely result in quality engagement, which can seriously impact the level of return you see from your social media investment.

Remind yourself that social media is an opportunity to tell your company’s story. No, this doesn’t mean your users want to hear about how you were founded or keep up to date about the latest after-hours get-together at the office.

Instead, this is about the story potential customers tell themselves about your business. How do you want users to feel about your business? How can you effectively communicate that? Do you want to be seen as thrifty and a place for consumers to get the best deal? Do you want to be seen as a fun and quirky outlier?

Determine the market sentiment you wish to achieve and let it inform the content you share on your social media channels.




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At the end of the day, all marketing comes down to ROI. Ensure you’re on the right track by regularly auditing your digital performance by cross-referencing it with your internal numbers. Focusing solely on the rise and fall of your bottom line is important, but to truly determine the impact of your online marketing efforts, the best approach is to go granular.

Break things down channel by channel and analyse where your online conversions come from and the rate at which they turn into actual business. If you find a lagging channel, it’s time to reassess your strategy or cease activity entirely. Channels that are found to be performing well are candidates for further or increased investment.

This is also when you should begin to start calculating your Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) - the total dollar contribution a customer makes to your business on average over the course of their lifetime - as this will dictate your level of future investment and important KPIs like your Max Cost Per Acquisition (CPA), the maximum amount of investment your business can make to acquire one customer.




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FY 19/20

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TIME TO DOMINATE FY 19/20Whether you’re still deciding to invest in digital or are in the trenches actively managing your campaigns, the opportunity in online marketing is clear, it could even be the growth level that takes your business to the next level.

At First Move Digital, our online experts have helped many businesses - big or small - grow and scale their operations through data-driven, ROI-focused digital marketing strategies. Our approach starts with a comprehensive understanding of your business and objectives. From there, we compile the optimum channel mix and reporting infrastructure to drive performance.

If you’re unsure where to start with digital marketing for your business or want to audit and assess your current efforts, speak to the experts at First Move Digital on 1300 793 352, email us at [email protected], or come visit us at Ground Floor, 39-41 Mount Street, Prahran.


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