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    Managing Groups and Teams

    Module 13

    LIS 580: Spring 2006Instructor- Michael Crandall

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 2


    Groups and teams

    Characteristics of teams

    Reasons for team failure Leading teams

    Improving team performance

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 3

    Groups and Teams


    Two or more persons who are interacting in

    such a way that each person influences

    and is influenced by each other person.


    A group of people committed to a common

    purpose, set of performance goals, andapproach for which the team members hold

    themselves mutually accountable.

    G.Dessler, 2003

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 4

    Comparing Work Teams and

    Work Groups

    Prentice Hall, 2002

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 5

    The Popularity of Teams

    Teams typically outperform individuals when

    tasks require multiple skills, judgment, and


    Teams are a better way to utilize individualemployee talents

    The flexibility and responsiveness of teams is

    essential in a changing environment

    Empowered teams increase job satisfaction

    and morale, enhance employee involvement,

    and promote workforce diversityPrentice Hall, 2002

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 6

    Types of Work Teams

    Prentice Hall, 2002

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    7/36May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 7

    Virtual Team

    Virtual Team

    Groups of geographically and/or organizationally

    dispersed coworkers who interact using a

    combination of telecommunications andinformation technologies to accomplish an

    organizational task.

    Virtual teams may be temporary, existing only to

    accomplish a specific task. Or they may be

    permanent and address ongoing matters.

    Membership is often fluid, evolving according to

    changing task requirements.

    G.Dessler, 2003

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 8

    Group Dynamics

    Group Norms

    The informal rules that groups adopt toregulate and regularize group members

    behavior. Group Cohesiveness

    The degree of interpersonal attractivenesswithin a group, dependent on factors like

    proximity, similarities, attraction among theindividual group members, group size,intergroup competition, and agreementabout goals.

    G.Dessler, 2003

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 9

    What It Takes to Be a Team



    Individualism versus collectivism

    Interpersonal Skills

    Conflict management skills

    Collaborative problem solving skills

    Communication skills

    Management Skills Develop and establish goals

    Control, monitor, provide feedback

    Set work roles and assign tasksG.Dessler, 2003

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 10

    Team Member Roles

    Prentice Hall, 2002

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 11

    Challenges to Creating Team


    Managers attempting to introduce teams

    into organization face the most difficulty:

    When individual employee resistance to

    teams is strong

    Where the national culture is individualistic

    rather than collectivist

    When an established organization places

    Prentice Hall, 2002

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 12

    Workforce Diversitys

    Effects on Teams

    Fresh and multiple perspectives on issues

    help the team identify creative or unique

    solutions and avoid weak alternatives

    The difficulty of working together may make itharder to unify a diverse team and reach


    Although diversitys advantages dissipate with

    time, the added-value of diverse teams

    increases as the team becomes more


    Prentice Hall, 2002

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 13

    Checklist 13.1

    How to Build a Productive Team

    Have clear mission/purpose.

    Set specific performance goals.

    Compose the right team size and mix.

    Have an agreed-upon structure appropriate tothe task.

    Delegate the authority to make the decisionsneeded, given their mission.

    Provide access to or control of the resourcesneeded to complete their mission.

    Offer a mix of group and individual rewards.

    Foster longevity and stability of membership.

    G.Dessler, 2003

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 14

    Characteristics of High-

    performing Work Teams

    Prentice Hall, 2002

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 15

    FIGURE 133

    Why Teams Fail: The Leadership, Focus,

    and Capability Pyramid

    Source: Adaptedfrom Steven

    Rayner, Team

    Traps: What

    They Are, How to

    Avoid Them.


    ProductivityReview. Summer

    1996, p. 107.

    Reprinted by

    permission ofJohn Wiley &

    Sons, Inc.

    G.Dessler, 2003

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 16

    Checklist 13.2

    Symptoms of Unproductive Teams

    Nonaccomplishment of goals.

    Cautious, guarded


    Lack of disagreement.

    Malfunctioning meetings.

    Conflict within the team.

    G.Dessler, 2003

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 17

    The Challenge of Team


    Becoming an effective team leaderrequires:

    Learning to share information

    Developing the ability to trust others Learning to give up authority

    Knowing when to leave their teams aloneand when to intercede

    New roles that team leaders take on

    Managing the teams external boundary

    Facilitating the team processPrentice Hall, 2002

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 18

    Leading Productive Teams

    Team Leader Skills

    Coaching, not


    Help define, analyze,and solve problems


    participation by

    others Serve as a facilitator

    Team Leader Values

    Respecting fellow

    team members

    Trusting fellow teammembers

    Putting the team first

    G.Dessler, 2003

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 19

    Team Leader Roles

    Prentice Hall, 2002

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 20

    Team Leader Behaviors

    Druskat, V.U. & J.V. Wheeler. (2004). How to Lead a Self-Managing Team

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 21

    Typical Leader Transition


    Perceived Loss of Power or Status

    Unclear Team Leader Roles

    Job Security Concerns The Double Standard Problem

    G.Dessler, 2003

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 22

    Stages of Team Development

    Prentice Hall, 2002

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 23

    The Leaders Role in Creating a

    Self-Managing Team Forming

    The teams and their leaders begin working out

    their specific responsibilities.

    Training is the leaders main task.


    Questions typically arise regarding who is leading

    the team and what its structure and purposeshould be.

    The leader ensures that team members continue to

    learn and eventually exercise leadership skills.G.Dessler, 2003

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 24

    The Leaders Role in Creating a

    Self-Managing Team (contd) Norming

    Team members agree on purpose, structure, andleadership and are prepared to start performing.

    The leaders job is to emphasize the need for theteam to temper cooperation with the responsibilityto supervise its own members.


    A period of productivity, achievement, and pride asthe team members work together to get the jobdone.

    AdjourningG.Dessler, 2003

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 25

    How to Improve Team

    Performance Select members for skill

    and teamwork.

    Establish challengingperformance standards.

    Emphasize the tasksimportance.

    Assign whole tasks.

    Send the right signals.

    Encourage social

    support. Make sure there are

    unambiguous teamrules.

    Challenge the group

    regularly with fresh facts

    and information.

    Train and cross-train.

    Provide the necessary

    tools and material


    Encourage emotionally

    intelligent team


    G.Dessler, 2003

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 26

    Providing an Organizational Context

    That Supports Teams

    Team Work









    G.Dessler, 2003

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 27

    FIGURE 135

    Designing Organizations to

    Manage Teams

    Source: Adapted from James H. Shonk, Team-Based

    Organizations (Homewood, IL: Irwin, 1997), p. 36. G.Dessler, 2003

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 28

    Pros and Cons of Group Decision



    More points of view

    More ways to define the

    problem More possible


    More creative decisions

    Stronger commitment todecisions

    Cons More disagreement and

    less problem solving

    Desire for consensus(groupthink)

    Domination by a singleindividual

    Less of commitment to

    the group decision

    G.Dessler, 2003

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 29

    FIGURE 137

    Signs That Groupthink May Be a


    Source: Adapted from information provided in Irving James, Group Think: Psychological

    Studies of Policy Decisions and Fiascos, 2nd ed. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1982).G.Dessler, 2003

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 30

    Improving Group Decision

    Making Devils-Advocate Approach

    The group appoints a person to prepare

    a detailed counterargument that lists

    what is wrong with the groups favoredsolution and why the group should not

    adopt it.

    The aim is to ensure

    a full and objective

    consideration of the

    solution proposal.G.Dessler, 2003

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 31

    Improving Group Decision

    Making (contd)


    A creativity-stimulating technique in which prior

    judgments and criticisms are specifically forbidden

    from being expressed and thus inhibiting the freeflow of ideas, which are encouraged.

    Brainstorming rules:

    Avoid criticizing others ideas until all suggestions are out

    on the table. Share even wild suggestions.

    Offer many suggestions and comments as possible.

    Build on others suggestions to create your own.

    G.Dessler, 2003

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 32

    Improving Group Decision

    Making (contd)

    The Delphi Technique A multistage group decision-making process aimed

    at eliminating inhibitions or groupthink through

    obtaining the written opinions of experts workingindependently.

    Process steps Identify the problem.

    Solicit the experts individual opinions on the problem.

    Analyze, distill, and then resubmit these opinions to otherexperts.

    Continue this process for several more rounds until theexperts reach a consensus.

    G.Dessler, 2003

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 33

    Improving Group Decision

    Making (contd)

    The Nominal Group Technique1. Each group member writes down his or her ideas

    for solving the problem at hand.

    2. Each member then presents his or her ideas orally,and the person writes the ideas on a board forother participants to see.

    3. After all ideas are presented, the entire group

    discusses all ideas simultaneously.4. Group members individually and secretly vote on

    each proposed solution.

    5. The solution with the most individual votes wins.

    G.Dessler, 2003

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 34

    Improving Group Decision

    Making (contd)

    The Stepladder Technique1. Individuals A and B are given a problem to solve,

    and each produces an independent solution.

    2. A and B develop a joint decision, and meet with C,who has analyzed the problem and arrived at adecision.

    3. A, B, and C discuss the problem and arrive at a

    consensus decision, and are joined by D, who hasanalyzed the problem and arrived at a decision.

    4. A, B, C, and D jointly develop a final groupdecision.

    G.Dessler, 2003

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    May 9, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 35

    Improving Group Decision

    Making (contd)

    How to Lead a Group Decision-MakingDiscussion1. See that all group members participate and

    contribute.2. Distinguish between idea getting and idea


    3. Do not respond to each participant or dominate the

    discussion.4. Direct the groups effort toward overcoming

    surmountable obstacles.

    5. Dont sit down.G.Dessler, 2003

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    Next Time

    Guest Lecturer:

    Martha Choe, Director of Global Libraries

    Program, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    Read the articles, and come prepared todiscuss library leadership issues