2 ellie quest

Fighting For Survival By Ellie Thorpe

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Post on 27-Jun-2015




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Fighting For Survival

By Ellie Thorpe

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Chapter 1 - The FamilyMany years ago, a Royal family of five lived in a

faraway land called: Analaia. Unfortunately, when the Queen gave birth to Charles (the third and final child) she became terminally ill; but there was a cure. Luckily for her, a flower called Melanie was hidden in a deathly castle that a evil King owned. He was called King Bansi. However some people called him the ghost-of death.

A few hours after the birth, the King set a meeting for the eldest son Hansel. “Come in boy!” bawled his father. “Now as you shall know your mother is ill and I need you to obtain the Melanie flower” his father exclaimed. “Do I have a choice dad?” he asked politely. “Yes and no. I offer you a choice but know that you have none. Good luck lad!” the King said wisely, patting his son on the head for comfort.

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Despite feeling anxious, Hansel knew that he must complete this quest to cure his mother-this wasn’t going to be easy. So off he set, heading towards the forest of lost souls…

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Chapter 2 – The Forest Of Lost Souls

Gingerly approaching the forest of lost souls, Hansel stopped at a holt. There it was… Would he dare to enter? Suddenly his heart started to pound like a constant banging drum in his tight chest. Blood drained from his face-he went as pale as a wicked ghost. Hands shook. Knees trembled. A trickle of trepidation crawled down Hansel's bony spine. Hairs stood up on end at the back of his sweaty back. What would happen next?

Pacing forwards, a gust of wind swept right through him. “ SPITSPAT!” a spitting sound echoed around him. “SPITSPAT!” there it was again. Nevertheless, he carried on walking. All of a sudden, a menacing figure stood before his very eyes. “SPIT!” It was a spitting unicorn! Hansel ran as fast as his skinny legs would carry him. Would he survive?

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Panting fast, Hansel turned to look behind him and luckily Misty (the spitting unicorn) had gone. Stopping in his tracks, he had arrived at some strange looking cross roads. What would they lead to? Who will be awaiting him? Will he choose: West or East?

West East

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Chapter 3 - EastHaving decided to go East, Hansel continued on his journey – he was now one step closer to finding the Melanie flower. Before long, he came across a cave -a daunting cave- Which was his only option. Feeling terrified, Hansel Swiftly approached the cave… As he entered in, his shadow dissolved into the surrounding darkness. It was so dark that he began to see things. Suddenly, Hansel noticed a bottle green glow beaming onto the damp walls of the cave; but then he spotted a pile of bones in a mound on the floor and bats began to circle . Hansel really wanted to see what the glow was.Out the corner of his eye, he saw the glow once again. Pacing towards it, he saw a bottle filled with green bubbly and revolting liquid in with a label on saying ‘shrinking potion’. Now he could defeat the mean King Bansi.

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WestHaving decided to take the West path, Hansel continued on his quest (to find the flower). After a while, he reached a sick-green looking river bubbling and spitting. This was his only option. Running towards the bridge, he noticed a bottle poking out of the thick slimy river so he went to fetch it.

Reaching into the water, he yanked out the bottle and it had a note on saying ‘shrinking potion’ so he popped it in his pocket ready to defeat King Bansi the ugliest smelliest King ever!

Chapter 4 – Belly Castle

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Chapter 4 – Belly Castle

After a while, worn out Hansel arrived at the menacing Belly castle where King Bansi lives-this was the moment he had been waiting for… Laying before Hansel's very eyes, was the humongous Grand opening. Was this the last time he’d be out in the open?

Edging towards the wooden ancient door, he grabbed the handle and haled the door open. King Bansi appeared before him laughing an evil laugh. “what brings you here boy?” Bansi bellowed.“I’m obtaining the Melanie flower” he explained.“Well you’ll have to fight for it!” The King growled.

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Suddenly King Bansi with drew his sword and they began to fight. Fighting and Fighting they just wouldn’t stop. Hitting, spitting, kicking and hissing; but then Hansel remembered his potion so he grabbed it out and emptied it all over him. Suddenly he began to shrink. Smaller and smaller. Then he was as small as an ant until he was gone! Slowly walking towards him he stood on him to make sure he was dead…

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Chapter 5 – Victory!Jumping with joy, Hansel ran over to the cage and grabbed the priceless flower and held it for away imagining what it would be like with his mother cured.

Suddenly, he felt a tingle go down his back as he blinked he was in his mothers bedroom again holding her hand. “Oh my precious baby your back!” she said trying to smile.“Here mother drink this” he said sweetly as he squeezed the flower into some honey.