21st bomber command tactical mission report 181

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F L O W N '",IV""

C O P . Y , . N O . 4 1


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Tpis Tactical Mission Report covere;

XXl Bomber Command~ission No., 181,

flown on .23-24 May lW45 against

Tokyo UrbE!llAt eEl, South. Flnal dam-

age assessment fo r th~s s tr ike is

LncIuded l,n Tactical Mission Report

No. 183, covering the attack 131 '1 the

'l'o!-:yoUrban Ar<;)aflown on, 25 May 1945.

Mission No. 179 and 180weF.e specialmissions and Ylill receive Special


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. . . '

_ H EA D Q U A R ' ! E B B


APO 234


Field Order No. 78 Mission No. 181

Tar get: Tok;YGIUbran Ar ea


Table of CClntents

Ta,ctiQal NarratIve. '. • •

Annex n. - Operat10ns ' I I I . . . . • • . :it • I i i , iii ,I' it , .. • .. • • iii ..

Part I - Navigation Chart •• ' • •• ••

Part n - Bombardiers' Aiming Points ••••

Part III ...Flight Iilngineering Charts .....

J?art IV ... Radar Scope Photos • • • • • • • • • •

Part V - Radar • • eo • • • • • '. • • • • .'

Port VI - Gunnery • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Part VII - .hir-Seo. Rescue Chart .0 • • • • • ..

Annex B - W 'e :).:t,her ,II • • •. • • ,. ... • ... • •

Port 1 ... Weather Surnrnlll'Y • .. •

Part II ... 'Forecast Wen.thet' VB.

. . . . . .. . ,. ... 41 .. .. . . • • . .

Observed Weu,thar

Part II! ...Prognostic Map

Part IV- Synoptic Map • •

. . . . . . . . . ' ., .. • .. ,. .. .. II ..

. ' . . . . . . , . . . . . .

Annex C ... Comm-unicatlons. • • • • • '. '. • •

Part I ... Radar Couttter Measures. 0

Part 11- R",dl0 •• • • • • • • •

:.nn0X D - Intelligence • • ••• • • • • • •PEl.rt I ... Enemy Air Opposition " • • •

Po:rt II ... Enemy Anti uirer.aft • • • •

P(;1.rt II I • Da.mage J..ssess 6me.n.t. • iii ..

;,.nne x E ~ Cons G 11drn.e d stut istl cal SU1lllllo:ry • •

lumel< F _ XXI Bomoer Gommnnd Field Order . . . . .

...... ' "" . .

Prepared By:

:'~2 Se'ction

XXI BO.mbar Gomm.and





















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I:::::::::::r : : r : : : : I::


By Auth. of the e.G.:

XXI Bomber Command

: ja ,II1J~, ]945 idDG ~: Do.;te Initials:

::: :: :~::::::::::: :' :' :::



12 July 1945

SUBJECT:RepOl't of Operations, 23..34 Mo.y 1945

TO IOommanding General. Twentieth Air Force, Washington 25, D.C.


0.. Field Order NUmlier 78, Heo.dquartersXXI Bomber Command,

do.:ted 23 Ma.y 1945, directed the 58th, 73rd, ;513th. and 314th Bombard-

ment V;lugs to po,.rticipo.te in an inoendiary atto.ck on the southern Tokyo.Urban AreCl in Missien Number 181.

b• Tar·get Snecified:

(l ) Thea 0. u thern To.kyo. Ure an Areo. Was to be the primaryvasue.I and rnda;!' target,

(2) No secondary or 1ast resort ta.rgets were specifi ad.


0.. Strategy:

(1) Dec18ion was mo.d.e to. lUn 2 filo.rimlll!l-effo.rt i ncendio.rya tt8.ok.s on tbe City of TOkyo wi thin 0. minimum time inte.r·val in an

etfo'rtto r educe the val ue of the war industry remo.in.i.ng inTok-ft.

(2) In the plo.l'U1ing of these ijUl·sions, the grelltsst

difficulty encountered was in the selection of the axiso·!, Iltto.ck due

to the hao.vy anti o.lrcraft dere nsesof Tokyo. The o,xil> of att(l;ck f inal.ly

decided upon wa.s co.nsidered to be the be.st in order to strike :).ccurntely

o.nd to obtai.n the le'ust p'ro.'boJ~le battle damage,

(:3) filtitude o . r 0.ttaek to. be used requi red consider!). tion

off 10k. ace ur acy • drift. smoke" and ther;, 0.1s ,

(4) Due to foreca.st poor WEIuther in the to. ·getareo..

it wo.;s n·eoessary to pLun both of these strikes for indi vidual oi r~

ero.ft ut night. us ing the g611e1"n1method of atto.(}k employed on simi lll.r

missions in the past.

b. lmportQnoe of T!ll'g~t:

(1) Both industrinl nnd r e,s:!'d,ep,ti0.1 dLst r-Lcts were in-

c luded ill.' the tar get o.~'eCl. . lmportClnt enginesril'lg. ,Cliro,rn1't parts, ta.nki;.all and rolling stack plant;:!: reprallented and thearsa lsserved by the

g,~ 'do Main Runroo.d Line. whioh hus its terminus o.t the north end0.,. (1. :1.

of this distriot.


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I). Details gf 'booing - O,entlo n p l s

(~, Detp rmi n ati o p o f BRmh Load;

1. Bomb Selecti o QC In cen di ary bo mbs o.nd clus-

t er s , .. .e re ho s en as the wea.p o n to effeo t des tructi o n o f the to.rp tarea. Each V~n g Was s cheduled to emp loy 0. p o.t hfi nde r fo rc e o .go .i na t

. th e 4 : ea.s tern aimi n g p o i n ts and Wa.s to co.rry AN~47A2 i nc en di ar y bo mbs

multi p le s us p en ded. T he fi rs t 40 a.i rcro .tt o f ea.ch wi ~. i ncludi n g

p athfi n ders (excep t fo r the 58th Wi n g), were o.ls o scheduled to ellrry

M 47A2 i n cen di ary bo mbs . T he 58th W ng w~s s cheduled to 10lld o n ly 18

a. i rcra. ft w i th M47 i n cen di ary bo mbs becaus e o f a s ho rtage o f T19 adapt-

ers a.t the ti me that the mi s s i o n Was p lan n ed. ; . mQXi mum n umber o f

p lan es fro m ea.ch Wi n g o ther tha.n the o bo v e were s cheduled to carry

500 p o un d ai mable i n cen di ary clus ters co n tai n i n g Y69 bombs.

~. Fuzi n g o f In cen di gri es : hN-M47A2 i n cendiary

bo mbs were fuzed i n s tan ta.n eo us n o s e. Bas e alti tude o f att4ck w a s 9000

feet, therefo re, all clus ters were fuzed to o p en 5000 feet abo v e the

tar&~tto i n sure p ro p er fun cti o n i n g o f clus ters , maxi mum effi ci en cy

o f p en etrati o R an d fun cti o n i ng of i ndi v i dual bo mbs , and un iform dis-p ers i o n o f bo mbs withi n the clus ter p attern.

1.. In terv g,lo meter Setti ng: Exp eri en ce o f

thi s Co mmand o n p rev i o us mi s s i o n s o f thi s typ e ~s i ndi cated tha.t a

setting o f 100 feet fo r M47 bo mbs and 50 feet fo r clus ters o f M69

bo mbs i s s to .'ti sfacto ry an d therefo re was s elected fo r this mission.

The den s i ty wi thi n i n di v i dual p La ne p at te rn s was exp ected to be :::.p pro s -

imo .tely that des i red o v er the en ti re target o ren .

. 1.. D.is cus s i o n o f Bo mb Se l ecti an : Ba.s ed o n

results o f p re vi ous mi SSi on s, 0. co mbi n ati o n o f ~ ' 7i ncen diary bo mbs

a nd c lus te rs o f M69 bo mbs ha.s been fo un d to b e o . n effici en t bo mb 1 0 . : : u 1

rOT atto.c.kon mi.xe-d u rb a. n a nd i ndu st ri al ur aaa, M axi mum effo rt wn.s

di rected i n an effo rt to obtai n a. dan s ity o f 225-250 to n s o f i n cen di arybombs pel' s quare mi le of the target ar eu , i n thi s cuse ap proxim:ltely

10 s quar e mi le s.

(b) Bombi n g Datat

1. Si Dce thi s WIlS to be 0. n ight a tt ac k, the

aXi S o f attacK wn s p ri mo .rlly dep en den t up o n 2 facto rs : th~ bes t

rn dar ap p ro o .ch an d the an tilli rcr:U't defen s es i n the target a.re::..

£ . T be bes t rn dn r o .p p ro ~o h o n thi s ta"~t 1s

:ll). axi s of' :338 de gr ee s a c r-o ss T okyo B Il .Y,but t hi s n pp ro c. h wa.s ..,111111-nOo ted s i nce i t wo uld s u.bject the Cltto .cki ng fo rce to i nt en se c .n t. ii r-cro ft fi re. Furthermo re, turbulen ae an d s mo ke \'Io ulap ro b:::.blybe en -

co un tered before bo mbs a . w Q Y . s i n ce the p redi cted surfa.ce wi n d Wa.s

exp ected to be fro m 330 dG.greo s . An axt e o r 35 degreOls"llS

o o n s idered.but thi s would take the uttaCki n g ro rce o v er n n ~eo . thllt i s c on si de re dto be the mo s t hi ghly defen ded i n the Emp i re fro m Il s e a. rc hl i ght a n d

flak s tandp o i n t.

l . An nxi s o f n ttuo k of 84 degrees was fi n n lly

1 cted fo r the fo llow1n ; reo .SODII: i t s up p li ed 0. g o o d T o . da .rt u .r n i ngS:i :t at the IP (Ho .e hio ji ); i t p ro vi de d 0. do wn wi nd o .p pr oc .c ht o t heP t c .n d" o. nt i ci p o . te d f 1o .k o .n d s e ar chl i ght d e: fe n sB s w er e C on s id er _to.rge ,ablY wee.ker o n thi s a.xi s t ho .n o n o .n y other.


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!. Following this COrnInnnd'.s policy of sending

pathfinder "ircroft over the target to light up selected aimin,!!;points.

eo.eh Wing WetS to assign 12 aircrai't to serve :;1.S pathfinders. These

};lathflnderswere to be timed so tha.t they would precede the ma.in force

to the tnrgetby 10 minute Sj both p athflnders and main force 1'J9re to

rly the same route to the target. Pc.thfinde.rs were to be instructed

to light Up the Gustern most aiming poi.nts. If these instructions were

Cnrried out, o.l1 aircraft of' the main force could drop short of fires

sturted by pathfinders with a. minimum numbe r- of bombs dropped outside

of the target area.

.2. Compressibi.1ity was ngnin stressed and all

Uing,s were to use their own method of t.iming airc ',aft so that the

whole Bomb'tir Command co,uld be dompressed· ove'r the target in the shCl'rtest

poss ibIs time.

.2 . illtitudes, axe sor attack, ground speeds.

and drifts, and other data were as roll·ow::;: (Reference. -XXI Bomber

Coml]l.at1d, L.ithoDlo§aA~... S09th Toky,?):

~. 58th Wing:

Bombing Al ti ~ude : 10,000 to 10,800 feet.

AXl.S of Atta.ck: 84 degrees 1;r1.18.

Wind: 4-1 mi1S per he 1.1r Ir om 275 degrees.

Drif't : It de gree s right.

Grounil Speed: 312 mil-as per hour

Length of Run :30 mil~s.·

Time af Rl.ln: 5t minutes.

Mean Paints of i!Ilpaet: ·081063 a n d 05;305.2

~. 7:3rd Wing:

Bombing Altitude: 11.000 to 11,800 feet .•

Axis of ;.ttack: 84 degrees true.

Dl'1£t; 1 degree right.Ground Speed,; 318 mUes psr hour.

Length of R un : :;0 mi l e a,

T i me o f R un t 5 minutes.

1I>ieail Points of ' impact: 087088 afili 05008,6.

Bombing Al ti tU.de: 9000 to 9800 feet.

Axh of Attack: 84 de,grees true.

D'rift: 1 degree right.

Ground Speed; :;.015mil eos per hour •.

Length of Run: 30 miles.

Time of' Run: 6 mirurtea,

Mean P oint of Impaot: 06$038.

S. 3.14thWl,ng:

Bombing ;'1 ti tude: 12. 000 ~ 12.aOO :reet .

.-.xis or,:..tte..ck: 83 d.egrees

Drift: 1tdegrees right ..

Ground Speed: 324 miles per hour ..

L.ength of Run: :30 miles.

T.ime of Run: 4l; minutes.

Mean Point of Impact, 074112,

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.Q~ 58tbWing

1 2 . 73:rd ".'inS

.9 . . 313tb Wing

. & . . 314th Wing

- 15. 000 pounds

- Hi.000 pounds

~ 18,000 pounds

• 12,000 pounds


ReMon for Chs?1oe


t oIwo Jtma



t o

Tactical Doctrine

Departure Point on the coast of Ja.pan easily lden-

t.ifLed by radar.


(Initial Paint)






I w o J i m a .


A point 10 miles from Hachi.oJi for tho turn to the


Tokyo Urba.n South.

;,. point off the coast of Jo.pnn to make the turn to

Iwa Jima.

Tacti c a ,1 Doctr i.ne ,

(3) Flight Engineering:

(a.) FUght ~lalJ: .hltitudese.nd speeds, el:Cep~ for

b010lbing run and campress ion of the striking force. we re planned for

maximum. fuel economy and safe-ty. Assemblies would be effected only

as efforts to compress thestrikipg forces.

(b) LaBding :

. . 1 . Fuel reserve data ind.ieated that the 58th.

731"dl and 313th Wings woul¢ require no bomb ba::r tank;s and would oarry

a 1:;otd fuel lo·ad of approximatel;' 6500 gallons. The 314th ".'lingwouldc.o.rry 1 partioJ ly f.illed bomb bay ta.nk for S o total fuel load of oppr ex ..

imately 59'00 gallons.

~. No maxi mUlnor minimum bomb loads were spec 1-

fied. Pot~ntialbomb loads were a,s follows:

..§. l>11lmuni1 on load wo.sE:stimated 0. t 300 pound.s.

(a) The "Various routes used were sal eo ted to per-~

lIlitmaximum u_aage of radar I!Jld 9'11"l:I.s1·onof enemy n.ntiai.roro.ft.

(b) The departure point (3436N .. 13814E)vte.1I mOllt

distinctive lnappearanoe.,Wle flying from thhpo1nt to the initilll.t the r-adaT ope re to r wou.I d he.ve V ii tht n runge exc ellen t radar 0heok

:p0lon ~ " Surug.EI.Beq, Yakosuka Peninsula. and the entire lye-stern ha.ltl?oil'l~S.

o f T akYo .Bay.

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6? '

na~ti (c) The initi~l point (3S32N - 139l3E) was 10point cal Hmiles southwest of the town of Hachioj ita good radar check

point. alfway along the route from the departure point to the initial

and t; the radar operator would be able to piclc up the initial point

- 16 target. area. thus insur1.ng 0. good bombing run.

'Were r-e __ . (d). The to.rget o.reo. and the mann pOints of 1mpo.ct

adlly dutingulsha.ble by radar, using the adjacent Tokyo Bay

~:a a.sl'efer6nce. The bombing run it ~.elf WOoSong enough to perm:! tradar operator to "kill" rll,te and course,

(6) For compressibility of the force over the t~r-

~t and since the above bombing run was a good r",dar run. the path-

finder's were to be :;Hmt over this s ame route.

(5 ) Radar Gounter Meo,sures :

(0 . ) H waS pI armed to use 18 ReM Obse I've r sto DIP

enr1y-wa.rn.in,g; and gun-laying r-adar s nnd to conduct 0. genero.l search

in the region of 40 -3000 megacycles. Search r-ece ivar8. pul ee tJ,.l'Iclyzers.

'a.nd D IP o.ntennas wl:>r~ t o. be employed and o.os<lrvutions we re to. be made

throughout the islands en route to. the target as well as in the target

area itself.

(b) It was a1 so pI nnned to curry rope in each air-

:plane to be dispensed for protectiGn from senr-e hl ights and flok ,

(6 ) J.i:r -Sa a Rasoue r

(a ) Nnval : The Ne..vy was furni she d wi th d eta iLs of

the mission and furoi_shed the following facili ties for cdr-set:. rescue •

.1. Four s.ubmo.rines were sto.tioned as follows

aU,ring the entire missi0fH at 3430N-14045E. o.t 3·3lSN-14045E,. at

32-00N-14050E, and at 3000N-14100Eo

. £ : . Three surra,ce vessles were sto.tio"ed

during the entire mission as follows; at 2800N-14100B, ~t e530N-

1411 oa , and at l800N -144308 •

.2. Pi ve Duml;Joswere assigned as f'onOVlS; I'l.t

3000N-14100E f rom 2S1~302 to .2'32030Z; a.t 2600N-14l00E from 231900Z

to 23.2100Z ; e . . t 263ON ~1411 OE from 2319302 to 232130Z ; at 200ON~14330B

from 251930Z to 232130Z i und at North Field. Guam, for toke -off :md

landing .•.

.!. Crush boots were ass ig ned in th!;l imlllediElte

vie ini ty of Sat]? an. 'Iini o.n. and Guam during thee r itic:.l pe ri ods of

"tr:$0-off and 1o,ndi ng,

(b ) J..rmvl This Commend o.ssigned '3 Supcr~Dumbos

(B_29'8) to orbit the rollowingpositio~sdurtng the return po.ssn.ge

of tho s tr i}:.a a1 ' reI' a ft: '3 43.ON -14i045E. ;)430N-14045E, o.nd. '3 200N-140.508.

(l) Enemy Ai rDopOsUi.on'

(0.) EnelllY fighter strength was ecstimo.ted at 378


aircrl).i't, Night-righton s~rength for the To~yo are a was

op. ted at approxi.mnte1y 56 twin~anglne. :Holesnnd 27 !Hgnel-engineest1mn i'. t fi ..hterS It had been noticed that do.y fghters - seo.rohlightnJ.Gh ., ....•


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Combination technique had shown considerable improvement, pnrtlcularlyillthe Tokyo ar ea..

(2) Eqemy Aptia.i reraft!

(0.) Hso.vy o.nthlrCl:"aft Guns: In Tokyo proper there

Vlo.S ~ total of 480 heo.vy guns. approximately 280 of which would be

~lithin range of OUT aircraft en the planned route end axis of o.ttack.n o.ddiion to the Gre'Qer Tokyo i;l.sfenses. ther€- were 24 heavy gunSa.t Tachika:wa. 16 o.t Z r u n l C l , o.nd lOMd Chiba (e.crasB Tokyo Bay). These

defenses would be ju.st barely within range of our aircraft on thepropoSed route.

(b) Automatic ilJeapons ~ At the r"commended base

oJ.tiude', 9000 r ee t·, nut omat1e wea.p ons waul a hove Slight to no erf ee ~t.1veness,

(0) SanrchU ghts : ci.ppro xi/llil tely 150 to 200 s ear-c h~

lights had been raport(jd in the Tokyo area. The seo.rchlight tc.ctics

ho.d shown improvement on past missions but ho.d u tendency to :drop off

in ei'l'ecti venes s as the e.ttack progressed.

(d) Be.r:to.ge BalloDlls; No bo.rr~ge balloons at theproposed altitudes of attack had been reported in the Tokyo e.reCL.


a.· Take ,.0f f : Take off w . o . . s nccompli shed o.s 1'011cws ,

Strike J.ircraft Pathfinder

Airberne .A/O Airborne

Str ike Ai I'C rni't

Fi.rst .orr Last orr

. 58t.h





118 9 230958Z 2311138156 12 231010Z 2311:31291 12 231001Z 231133Z149 . _u__ 230924Z 2311262

514 44 230924Z 2311332

The above total does not include 5 Super~Dumbo .:llrcr::tft ..

b. Rou ta Out,: 1,i ro-raft procee,ded individually to the tflr~

get using radar for checking posi t.1on. on lwo. Jimo. Qlld the No.n~o Shoto

Is1unds. Bnd weather hindered celestlal naVlgo.tion o.nd limi tl'ld visual


c. Over Target,

(1 ) Primary Tar get.: F.1ve hundre d t\"lenty air.:: I'nit (in-

eluding po.thfin.ders) dropped 3645.7 tons of bombs from ZHS:sn to

23l83SZ from altitudes r angf.ng fr.om 7800 to l.5,100 feet on the SOU.th

T.ol~yoUrban ",reo.,

(2) Tp.rge ts of (loDortong..,. ,

f bombs Oil tcr ge tsor opp ortulli ty.tons 0 ... ... )

Sw:nmury fo r di spos1 tlOn of bombs

"d.. Rout.e BOook.' The route baek was flown as briefed.

Fi ve a.i rorci" t dropped 40.6

(See Consolid.ted Statistlco.l


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6 Landings i

(1) Landin~s were m~de at home bases us follows:

First i.ircmft LMtAi fC.fnl't




3 1 4 t h








240 222Z




(2) Forty-nine a.ircroi't landed :\t lwo Jima because of

fuel shortages and mech~nico.ltroubles.

f. Remainder of force: Thirty-one Gtr ike o. i rcraft. 2 patb-

finder ail'cruft and 1 Super-Dumbo were non-effective.

g. Losses: Seventeen aircraft wer'e lost on this mission:

2 w e r e lost to aQtiaircro.ft. 1 to f'Lak and fighters. 4 to accident and

mec hnnd.c ed reasons, and 10 to unknown Causes. CSse Gonsolidated Stat!;:;-

tical Summary for details)

h. OperatiO!]!?l Summary:

(1) Navie:nt;io,n: (Se e. J..nl)Elx A, Part If for na.vi go.tion

(2) Bombing: {See .Annex A, Part II, for aiming points)

(I).) T h e greatest dif'fic~lty encountered on thj.s

Jll.ission waS in idefl"tifying the intial point. which a gsograpbical

point. Other diffieul ties encountered were searohlights on the bomb

run. and smoke cQvering the a . imingpo rnt.s ,

(b) The bambi ng 'was done primarily by .re..dar; how-

ever, s erae aircraft used visual sighting when C!.imingpoints could be


(C )l'Jl.e entire force was oval' the tn.rge t wi thn e.

period o.f 120 minutes,

( :3 ) Flight Enwinee.r iM : (S.el:l .iUln9JX A.. Pa.r t In, for

(n) NBp:.\}tlye of !.las to n n.s FloW:·

1.. Climb and. Crlli sa to J (10 go : C11 mb.s to

crui sing, altitudes were effected immediately after to.ke~~ff. Cruising

1t·tudes varied .crom 4000 to 10.000 feet nnd speeds nrled from 195"'-_, J. _

to 200 0;.5 to COlinpress the forces.

2. Climb to BombiD." .at;itus\es: GHmbs wereeffocted

jUst. b®f'ore making, 1o.ndfo;~1. Bombd ng speeds were 230 OAS.

~. Ret.urn .to. Bpse:

11 . . Ret.urn. o.l titudes var ie d from 10,000 to

20,000 teet,

. ! ! : . The beat return wns made at 10,.000 feet

o: t l85 O';.S.


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(b) COmments on Mission: Loo.ding M41;'2 bombs in

SOme airplanes reduced bomb loads below the 18!.t co.r....ringCo.Pacitles. aver age ~. OJ

p (4) Rp.dar: (See Annex A, Part IV, and V. for Radar scope

ithotos (lIld details). o .f the 520 aircraftbombl nl5the primary tnrget

\~~7bcmbed by radar. Thirty-s!lx a.ddi t1onal o.l1'cr:J..ft used 0. radar run11th vi a-ual co r- r-ec tions.

(5) Gunne.ry 1 (See ;.nnex .A t Po.rt VI, for d·etalls)

C e ) J..j, r -Se ~ Res cue 1 (See Annex .d, Part VI I. f or char t)The crew of"' ......·S" r th W ",eN

'" v ( .L 0 e 58th Lng bailed out in the vicini ty of 16..... -

14445E. Eleven crew members were rescued and 1 is missing.

L, Weuther; (See, i.nne,x B,Po.rt I, for deto.ils), The weather

W a . s g,enero.lly as briefed,

j, Oommunications l

details)(l)Rndnr Counter Measures: (See i.llnex O. Part I. for

(a) Some crews ll'ldico.ted· that rope WaS effective

in escaping searchlights af~r ha.vi.l').g been coned. others reporwd that

it vm s ineffeotive.

(b) . Eighty-.nin.e radar £.ignols were intercepted.

(2) .BSdio: (See Annex a, Pnrt II, fer detai Is). Thirty-

one strike reports were l'ec.¥=ived by the Ground Stations. Sevr<;nteen

requests for Hr/DF1bearings were received and sent to airCraft .in dir.

ficulty. Net discipline was reperted as; fair,

k, Intelligence Summary:

(J:) Enemy .Air Opposi tien: (See k.nnex D. Part I, for

deto.ils ) • It is es t imated that 60 enemy nire I'd tma.de 00 attacks,

causing the loss of 1 B-29 and damc.ge to . 6 others. Glo.ims were 7

des.troyed. 2 probably destroyed. and 2 dMl~ed.

(2) Rnemy.n.ntiaircrg£t: (See Annex D,Port II, fer

d,eto.;ilS). Medium to. heavy !lnti o.iror!lf!t was m.oder~te to. intense (U'},d

nCcur o.tecm thi s mi sSrori, Two ,00i.1'orai't were lest due to f1ok nnd 1

due to e. combinlltion of flak. and enemy airor:ll't. A totd O'f 63 air ..

croi't WQ.sda.lM,ged by flak.

(3 ) DL illIB.ga As.s €I as msnt: (S,es .litne,;: D, Part II I. f·or


(0.) The 'l'3rd o.nd313th Wings reported numerous fires

d smoke in urban .(!I.reas, exaot locatien 0 . 1 ' whioh couf d not be Q.s,oer-an .. d The 314th Wing reported i'ires lo.Co.ted 0.8. fO'llolVS: _ (refe:nmce

to.ln;o~be'r Co.mm(J.ndLitho. _ Moso,io,. TokyO, South) 064142 - 010145,

X X I 076140 075123 _ 084128. 010081 - 07000], nnd 040025 - 040035621$? - -- .. , -. . . •O. _ mo.ll fire,s leoo.ted 4500 yards west or Tokyo Ce.l>tle.,NUJIIs:t'ouS s

(b) For fin.lll do.mo.ge o.s,SIessment. see [email protected] in

- XXI Bomber Command Tacticol Mission Report No. 183 coveringp.nn0X D of -. -.. 0.. ttac,k on the TokyO' Urbo.n Are 0. all: 25- 215Me.y 1945,the incendiary

;;/ .t: f t: /o:«,-8 CURTIS E. LeMAY I

Major General. Il,S•.A.


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Pa:rt I - Navi.gl'ltion Chart

Po.:rt II .~ :A.imingPolnts

Part IV ... Radar Soope Photl'ls.

Part V ... Ro.d~ ,

Pa,rtVI - Gunnery

c 'Part VII ... Mr-Sec.Rescue Chart

MUIl:!.'OP lIe. 181

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___. _.__1- I











lsI, I Lost

2316402 2:316292

2317092 2316202

231647Z 231622i!

2317062 231834i!


Is1, ' Last

2316502 2316391

23172.21 2316352

2317002 2316312


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4. bbsolute A lt i me te r S CR -718 ;

11. Number of sets ope.rative throughout mission: 202.

b. Sl.x sets were Inopcra.tive.

5. Bombing: Of the 520 o.ircro.ft bombing the primlll'Y to.J'~t. 417

bombed by 'radnr and 36 used a radar run with visua,l corrections.


1. No. of ":"irero.ft Fidungt 141.

440 335 350 320 300

:3 Me.thod $If Loa.ding Guns: Three Wings 100.ded hot and 1 Wing


4. Rog-nds of A!nrnunit10D Fi.red in Combl!;.t: 4690 rounds

5. .Rounds of hmmunit.i9il Used in Test Firing: 2410 r-ounds

6. il,verag;e_ Rounds Expendeg per T_u[re1:; in·ComhQ.tj

60 :5 0 1155 65

7. EljuipmentPerformance; C,F,C. waS 99.4 per Gent ope .•auve

-and SO-cal. machine guns were 98.6 pIOIrcent operati.Te'.

»Based on Wing Gunnery Officers' Reports.

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ALL OF 313- WING aALL OF 314 WING J(~-~~-~

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0<111D ufT'bo on St etlon 0 t GDurIngTakeoff 8 'olndl .....;'AM



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Part -I - We!, ther S1.lIlI.mary

Part II - Chart - Forecast Weather vs.

Obserwed Weather

Part III - ProgQostic Map

Part IV - Synoptic Map

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4/10 low cloud. base 1800. tops 6000 rt With intermittent

rain. increasing to 7/10 throughout the day.

To 200N:

'1:0 240N:

As bnae s ,

8/10 low cloud, base 2000, top 6000 rt with 1/10tops to 12.000 ft, 10/10 layered middle cloud from

12.000 to 20.000 rt in po Le.r trough 400 miles wide

of Iwo Jima.

A weakening cold front with 10/10 low an d middle

cloud o.nd showers and with tops of all cloud to

28,000 ft.

6/10 low cloud, base 1600. tops 600 ft; 4/10 middle

c loud, base 14.•000, tops 16, 000 ft increased 1n

secondary front near 3ZoN to 10/10 low OJ:n middle

clOUd with tops to 20,000 ft.

To co!').st:

Tar!!et, : TOkyo: 10/10 low and 10/10 midd.le cloud solid to 20.000

ft on night or 22-23 May decreasing in thickness

of layers during day, finally by 0300K 24 May be-

coming 10/10 low from 2-6000 ft; 5/10 middle cloud

from 14-16,000 ft ; 5/10 high 27-29,000 ft.


BOosea tTake Off: WID lowe loud, base

1800, top 6000 ft; 2/10 middle

cloud, bn.se 13, ODD, top 14,000

ft; 3/10 high e l oud at 30,000 ftj

sCattered rain showers.

4/10 low cloud. base 2000 ft, top

5000 ft.


Out: To 19QN: Same as base s , To 2;\°N; 2-3/10 low cloud, base

190N to 230N; 6/10 low cloud, 1800 ft. top 4000 ft, ~th 6/10,base 2000 ft. top 6000 ft be- top to 15, 000 ft at 2loN.

coming 5/10. 2lioN to 26°N: 6/10 low cloud, base

230N to 25oN; 9/10 low cloud, 2000 ft, top 4-6000 ft.

base 1500, top 8'1010,000 ftj 10/10 260Nto 30°111: 10/10 low cloud, base

middlo cloud, base 10,000 rt; top 1000, top 5000 rt becoming 9000 fti

2D.OOOftj 8/10 high c l oud at 10/10 middle cloud. ban 9000 ft, top

23,000 ft. visibility 10 miles 11,000 rt becoming 15,000 ft , and

loworing to 1 mUe in ro.in shcwe r-s, another la.yer, base 15.000 ft. top

2SoN to 270N: 6/10 low clouds, base 20,000 ft sta.rting a.t 28oN; ligbt

2000 ft. top 6000 ft; 10/10 middle turbulence ~d rim e iCing; visibility

oloud, ba.se 10,000, top 20.000 ft, 15 miles lowering to 1 mile in rain

silO high cloud at 24,000 ft. between 280N to SOolf.

270N to :n0N': 4/10 law aloud, DOoNto 3.1°111: 9/10 low cloud, top

~a.SG 2000 ft, top 6000 ft; 7/10 6000 ft; 10/10 m iddl e cloud, base

middle cloud, base 12,000 ft, top 9000 ft. top 12,.000 ft; a/l0 middle14,000 ft becoming 5/10; 8/10 high cloud, bnsa 15.000 ft, top 19.000 ft.

cloud ~t 26,000 ft. 340N to tfl,rf"et: 9/10 low cloud, top

.;u0l~ to 330N= 7/10 low clouds, ba ae 6000 ft; 6/10 middle Cloud, bo se

1500 rt, top 8-12,000 ftj 7/10 mid- 9000 ft, tap 10,000 ft; 6/10 ~iddle

dle cloud, bo.se 13,000 ft. top cloud, base 18,000 ft, top 20.000 i't.

7 000 ft; 6/10 high clouds at~'oooft; visibility 12 miles low-

~ g to 1-2 miles in r a i n .arl.n


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COli OO !N IC •.tTI ON S

:Part I ~ RB .df;lZ ' COl>lnter Measures

Part 11 - Redio


UifSiOI}, No. 181

23~24 Uay 1945

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1. PIUPO'S6!

EI. . To D/F early-warning and gun-laying radars.

b. To continue radar search in the 3 8 - 3 0 0 0 mc region.

c. To confuse enemy radar by the ~se of rope.

2. Methad:

a. Fifteen observers participated and used the following

equipment to accomplish the search; 1 6- A P R- 4, 4 - A P R- 5. 6 -A P A - 2 4 .

15-AFA-H. and l-APA-23.

b. Rope was dispensed at the rate of 3 bund.l es per 10 seconds

when conside~ed necessary.

3. Results:

a. It was reported that the use of r~pe helped many aircraft

e sc ape searchlights after having been coned. Others who 'Were coned

relilorted that rope did not help, probably due to the fact that visual

sighti nc; was used by the enemy ·after the ini ti 901ill umination of these

a .i rp Lane a,

b. Radar search resulted in the following intercepts:

Character;!,st.icS C o o r g i n ! i t e l j D a t e Time At 1l! £! Use~00066 1195 04 3 5 4 0N-1 3950E 05 24 4 5 03 3 1 21 121 S GL OUO'J

00067 10 00 04 3320N-14000E 052445 025 5 21 122 P GL O n 0 3

00068 1000 16 3 5 1,5 N~13 8 3 0E 05 24 4 5 0325 21 121 S E W CHI

00068 0490 4 0 3307N.13947E 052445 015 0 21 122P E " ? I CRI

00068 09\!lS 16 3 4 4 5 N-1390S E 0524 4 5 03 0 3 21 122 P E ' i ' f OHI

00 069 0490 48 3 3 07N-13947E 05 24 4 5 015 0 21 122 P EW CHI

00010 0760 15 321SN-13920E 052445 014 0 21 121 S EW O O B

00070 0510 20 3 420N . .i 3 8 5 0 E i 052445 0230 21 121 S EI/{ CHI

~,00071 0490 37 3507N-13940E 052445 0301 21 122 P EW CHI

00071 0490 36 3 4 06N -1393 2E 0524 4 5 0230 21 122 P E ; " C H I"

00073 05 00 3 8 3 4 5 0N-13 820E 0 524 4 5 0240 21 121 S f)i{ CHI

00074 0490 37 3540N-13950E 0524 4 5 03 3 1 21 121 S E\'{ CHI

00074 0490 3 4 3 4 5 5 N·13905 E 0 524 4 5 0232 21 122 P I!]:'{ OHI

00074 0 495 3 4 3U7N.13815E 052445 0225 21 121 S E:l CHI

00075 1870 11 3510N-13830E 052445 0322 21 121 S E!II' CHI

00075 1 8 8 0 05 3540N-14100E 0 52 ; ) , 4 5 0 3 5 0 21 121 S G L O T A 0 3

00075 1862 05 ' 3 5 4 0N- 13950E 052445 0 3 3 1 21 121 S OL O T A 0 3

00075 1258 1 0 3 5 3 0 N - l S S - 3 S E 052445 0255 21 121 S OL O T A 0 3

00075 0 4 4 0 3 0 3415N-13820E 0524450 3 3 0 21 121 S E),\{ CHI

00075 1000 30 353DN-13900E 052445 0245 2 1 121 S G1 O T A 0 3

( ) 0077 125 8 0 5 3 5: ;O N-13 93 0E 052M5 0254 21 121 S GL O T A 0 3

00077 0464 20 3 5 1 5 N - I 3 8 4 0 E 052445 03 3 1 21 121 S E W OBI

00078 1900 06 3540N-14100E 052445 0 3 5 5 21 121 S GL O T A O S

00078 0490 28 3 5 3 0 N - 1 4 0 5 0 E 052'145 0355 21 122 P E W CHI

00079 0490 3 0 3 5 3 0N-1393 5 E 0 5 21 ) .4 5 0 4 31 21 122 P ' r ! N { CHI

00080 0490 46 3 l 0 0N_ 1394 0E 0524 4 5 0200 21 121 S E l f CHI

0 0 0 8 0 18 8 0 0 4 3 ; i 4 0 N - 1 39 50 E 0524 4 5 0 3 3 5 21 121 S G L O T A 0 3

0 0 0 8 0 0 3 5 0 3 5 3 300N-13 910E 0524015 0200 21 121 S EW CHI

a -, Or i g i n . b*, M e tho d, c*. r e a l i bU1t y

_?.5 _


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_ , _(~) - UtJl? loWn -'stiitlon tflUibml t t~d_" 'AG mrd- aP!R- intermittentlyblJtWoarl 241300Z ,o m 201.160020.

.. _, (-4) Steady hum -iro.rylrig'·iii."pltoh ,.nd J,ap C ' : r O17Or t:J.J'gIIIt

vro1"03pM'tlo.1iy· erfective.

(5) .. Steo.dy motot-';'l1lco noiseo.t 24153CZ "DoS very effeatlye_

c. 11060 kOSI OW on wc.y to target was effective"

d, :}020 !Ses 1 Bagpipe from 1600Z to 1900Z was part1a.lly

erf ecti ve..

e,6645 kOl:l1 Sta.tions VV2. 9D7. aDS, 4YS., Qlld 60T aend1nt

CWbetween241010Z and 242200Z llere partio.lly effective.

f. 10305 ko§I NegHgible.

g. 399:0 kcs: Negl1g1bl e.

h. 7415 kc s' f Keyed C'!r a,t 241200Z o.nd 241900Z was inotrec tl 170.

1. +0620 koa: Keyed CW at 24.02,203 W'tI.S inef'i'eettvtl.

(2) Bagp,ipe tone at 2314592 was effective,

j. 3410 kos. lHQkcs, rand 11160 kcs; Negligible.

!I.. The 314t h ~'/ing, repo:rted SElver,nl urgentmus.sages be tween

aircraft and :ground station concerning n burningplnne that crashed

at sec., giving time und position of Sighting. A,ppropi"illte action WQ.8



b, The following is quoted :Crom ! , l. report from the 3l3th Wing:

nSgt. John R, Oro*.358,92963, 6th Bomb -Group, radio opera.tor on 43V'75&

a.ssume,d duties of naVigator when the crew Iltlvigo.tor n.nd some other

erow members bo.ile,dout over the target. Trailing wire and fixed o.tI.

tennn were. shot- off so thQ.t his :radio signals "Jere not gotting out when

he tLttempt03d to QUJ. He then resorted to the Lor!l.1l set. plotted n fix.

just south of' the m£linlo.nd, to estlibl1 sh thS ai ro1'o,,;t' s pod tioo. Thh

eno.blod M.m to dra.w 0. course lin!;! for lwo Jimo.. A Ler an fix 15 minutes

later esto.bl1 shed the faot th'o.tthso.irorai't Ii'"S on Cl directccu.rse


1m J.ioo. where ans-It!ergenoy landiQg wo.sm!idtil, II

e, D1stresa trllJ'f'1c from the 73rd was reported aB folloW'tl.1

~The Wing 1"0.13.10,ta:ti on reoe iwd 2 emergency rne,ssages from .00IrortU't

indio nt1 nga poss.l ble d ito hi ng, The f1r·!>t arner genoy m&lIso.&"l"ltoe1 1I'ed

sto:ted that theo.iroro1't ','10.6on 2 engines o.nd that dt toh!.ng WQ.Spooslble.

i'!b:ila Supro.d o.nd AACS DfF we rG 0.1131"ed und tho mellsar broken, the ro.d10

s.to.t1 on ,interce'pte dthe so.memees o.ge boeing s0nt to Ai. r .Se (l ResouII'tl ttw o Jim!'); on :3755ko\5, A short t1m-a later this pla.no Wo.s oonte.oted euid

0. £ ' t : : - : ','10.11: obta1oeo.1:ly Supro.d and forwo.rded to the o.1rcrllft. Twenty·

m 1 . nut e position .reports W3l"e r<:lce1V6d fr 0Illt he c:.i.ror!l1't UIltll 1t lo.nded

aofoJ:y o:t lwo J1mo.~ The seoond omargenoy m!)sso.go reoel'rod lndloo.toci

0. possibleo di.tolli.ng due to lack of fUel. Suprnd we:1I 'Cl.go.in notified,Course and nlt1tudoof the o.1ro1'nft were fOrWnrded to ;.DCC t.o IInClble

tho.t stc:U.on to plck up the dilltreasad airo1'o.ftontM radar soope.T,ht<a.i,..erW't- Wal5'the~. l')!.!lt!mJ.o-ted. tlIJ t!U"n !.til IFF to emerge !ley. The.d r·craft landed aafelyat Salpan. ~

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d. The 58th Wing received 11 distress warning me8s~ges Whioh

covcre d the f'011owing:


(1) 2OV751

( 2) 34V751

(3) 09V'753

(4) 30V752

(5 ) 32V751

(6 ) 26V751

(7 ) 56V753

(8 ) 18V752

(9 ) 5V751

(10) :nV752

(ll) 51 V754

'Engine out. controls out. making for lwo

Jimo.. 'I

.No more informa.tion e n unidentified B-29.·

aSighted red fla.res at 2615N 14.l03E. source


"Emergency, engine. instruments out. Position

3405N 14045E.~

'No. 4 engine out, hnve enough to nwke Tinian.·

0No. ·4 out. Position 1955N 14330&.'

'Plune crashe d.' (Thi s messuge referred to

an,ot,he;r a.ircPOi't).

"Burned oun fire, posi tien 2925N 14.128&.'

~La.nding a;b lwo Jima., short of fuel, ETA.

22072, ·Em ,23:50Z. ft

~Major b"ttle dOJD.o.g~,Landdng ut lwo Jmil; . •

~My Loro.n line of position is 3H 2462, sigbted

debr is. and 1 goodye~r. Unable to locat,e


8. Equipment Mnlfunctl.Qn§: .AN/ART-l:5: 1 relny stuck, 1 inop-erOltive .• 1antenna. ,shot off. AN/ARN-7: 1 inoper'lltive, 11sense 0.0.-

tenno.s br eken, .SCR-522: 1 inopero.ti.ve. SGR.2'7I1N: 1 ontenno. broken,

RL-il2; 16 lnoper-ati ve , RC-36 (Il1terphone): 1 inoper-uti ve, :3 micro-

phone buttons inopera.tive. 1 :1 defective hae.dsets,3 microphone switches


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(Based on evaluated data which Wila not aVo.Hable for Conaolido.teJd

Statistical Summary)

1. SU!IlIlIar!P It is estimated that 60 Jo.panese fighters 1nter<le-ptedthis night attack. Enemy fighters made 98 attaclcs. contributed to the

loss of lB~29. and d'amo.ged 6 other's. Claims vl6re 7 destroyed. 2 pro ..

bo,bly destroyed. and 2 damaged.

2. Early Warning: It" i.5 beli6v6,d that the Yolcosuka Il.rea WO,Sin

full: Il.lert 4to 5 hours prior to 1andf 0.11. Bovlever. some conf'4sion in

the early~warning sy'stems may have been caused by the XXI Bomber Command

:mining mission occurring that so.me night. Only 1 of the 96 o.ttaelcs wo.a

made prior to the IP.

3. Weoithe.L; Operatlone.lV1E1o.ther e.xistad over 0.11 enemy righter

fields lnthe Tokyo area.


4. Routes Flown by B~29sl The first bndfllll oceurred ut Co.ps

Omlle a;t 16!6Z. The lP was a few miles south of Rilchioji. ™ first

bombs away Wo.8 by pathfinder crewSet:t 1639Z o.nd by lead elements at1650Z. Tne 1 aSt 'bombs away took place at l838Z. Total time from first

to last bGlrnbS'!lvoaywa.S approximately 2 hours. The la.st alrcralt =de1and! s end at 18452, B~29s wi thdre1N over theJ_apun

esecoast 511g,htly

north of Mobara. airfield.;

5. Deployment of Jg:P Fighters,

a; Jap fighter interception waS bolnted, probablY due to the

confusion in the eo.rly~V/arning system caused by the mining mission erAlor due to a breakdown in the el:19myl s e.arly~wa.rning :)JId figbter..eontrol

tao.m.b. Qne att[\ck wa.s mll.de by W1 uQidentified plane ot se e prior

to the IF, The first Jap fighter,s were probably (.l.irborne at :l.pproxi ..

mo..tely the time of bombs IlWa.y by our pathfinders. Among the eo..ly

(l.ti;o.,ckers were lrvicngs (or Nicks), Midget o.ircrc.ft, and unidentified

fighters which attMked 20~25 minutee e.fttlr first bomb o .wo .y by po.th-



c. It is est.iTnClted that 15~20 tvnn~engine fighters llnd 35-40

s1 ngle_engine int",Ce,ptcrs [let the B.295.; 'l'ho:t thei r intercapUOIl was

belated is borne cut by the faot that ~pproximately 36 per cent of ths

o.tto.cks took place eIter IP to bomb o.\\\o.y. 39 per cent c.fter bombs o.wo.y

to lo.nd' s end. and a surprisingly high po r cent. 22 ::U'ter lo,nd;'send.

The usuo.lpo.ttern of nttack~o.sninst B~29s. for the sMl~ target, is

o.pproximo.tely 50, 35 and 5 Fel:" cent. respectivoly,

d . . • Nicks and unidentified fighterS ,'lOre reported: attocking

from 10-50 miles out to sea,

a. F.ollowing is 0. breakdown ot ottucks by typ'" of enelllY air-


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Enemy Aircrllf't Number Per cont

b. Attacks i'r·am the rear corrtd nued to be the fnvorlte ulght

a . pp roAch. Fo11 awing i.s . 0 . . chart showi ng di rection and 1eve 1 or o.ppro:!lCh.



Unidentified(Including s orneposs,i.b1e Midget

Alc ond flare s )


Di .nD .bNic}::




90 92



:3 ,3


1) 5


.J1_96 100

6. ElnemyTuctics.:

0.. Reports of ,atto.cks by rookets and possible midget 0.1r-

croft are consolidated with thoaeencountered onlXl Bomber Commo.nd

Mission No. 183 and ere reparted in detail in the Tactical Ilission

Report for thut inission,

Direction and Level of Approach

of E n e m y Aircraft

T!1Ital Nw nb er

of Attacks







FR O» LS VEL 29%

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The enemy interceptors made the nUl.jority of their attacks on 9-291


cened by seQrchlights. Fighter-searchlight coordination a.ppeared im-

proved over tha.t of previous missions but this Wo.B evidently offset

by the tardiness of the enemy in getting his aircraft. airborne.

8. Claims:

a., Destroyed ttl: 2 U/I by Nose, 1 U/ I by RB. 1 Nl.c1c by RSG,

and :3 U/Iby Tail, .

'b. Probg.b1y Destroyed (21: 1U/I by ta o-nd 1 U/l by RSG.

c. Damaged (2.11 1 Zeke by RSG and 1 Dinah by Tail.

" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' * ' ' '

PART. n: ...EN§MY . lJ iiT IAIRCRJl .FT

1. SUJIlllIB.ryof1;.ttfJ,ckl

B.. Tb.e primary tl\\l'get was attacked by aircrnft of 4 wings as

followS \

Main Force

58th llY'i,plt. 73rd Wn£. ;g3th WinE 3l<J,th "/int:.

112 144 85 137']otol W C(les~ Patl:&inders)

1712-1836Z 17172-18332 1650Z-1818Z 1705-18382

Time Over Target

9800.13.900 10,900-12, 200 8000_13.300 11.000-15. 1QO


9500 ft. 12,300 ft.10.000 ft . 11.600 ft,

Axis of At.tack

b. Forty~two aircraft preceded the mdnl'orce as pathf'1Dden

on the' S6ma axe s ,all the main force. Bnse a1ti tude 1"01' ttle pathi' inder

force was 8000 .feet,


e , Fi va aircre:f' t E1.,t to.clced tnrgats of opportun1 ty. lJeager

and inaccurate heavy and, medium na.k \Vo,s enco·untered in the Shh.uokn

area, No flak 'Was reporte.d from Sagara or H(lIl!llJDntsu•

d. Un.deroe:st all. the route in waS 7/10 to 9/10 for the l'ir·st

part of the force, In the target area weo.tMr varied frOll! C...VU to, 9/10.

duc;oPI' imar 11y to smoke.Jo ,VOl"

age winds'it'S

r e.28.35 knots from 265


Coors' tpnte.,§

}Je.llger o.nd vary ioe.Ccurate. 11. gh t

o . nd h e aV Y .ino.aso.ld




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Locatign Coordinates Remarks

Shimi&uShhuoka( Su rg ua W nn )

Meager to moderate and inaccurate,

medi um a n d he a v y.3458N-


Nunuuu(Sur~ga Wan)

: ! I 5 0 c H ·


M(l(lgtor and innccurate, medium. n.nd


Meager and inaccurate, medium and

, he ,D.VY.otambD.

(Ep.st of Mt.






Gun Fla.shes

I.P. (10 mi .

SWo f &Chi oji )

Meager and inaccurate. heavy through

7/10-9/10 undercast.

Sout.h of Chofu.

( To ky o A re a)

' 3 5 4 0 N . .


Moderate and inaccurate aided by 30


H o . h o . Jtm!il.2635.N-


Maa.ger end . inc.ccul'ate,. roedium.

Shushim,a 2712N..


3,. Flak fr~om !Pto TaTget Afer<:

a. On leo.ving the !P on the first port of the bc-mb run. many

o.ircroi't encountered gen,E)rally meager, 's1>o,ro.,diCnnd inaccurate heavy

and medium £"i1'e. Some crows, of the U;3th Wing reported whnt se.e:;:ed to

be 1 : ' _ releti vely flnk-.free o.re,o. between the 1P and bomb relense 11De.

This area WaS reported to be uS8d for senrchlight and fighter coord 1M.··

tion~ As Ilieraft p rogre s£:.d along the bomb run. penetrating further

into the Tokyo def'ense-s, flak bueame more intonse and at-cu.rate.

b. FInk in the to.,rgetareo. waS both h.;:c.VY end medium. First

uircru:f't ov,eE. ,the target encountered generally modernte to intanse


accurate :f.'lok. the intens 1ty nnd uocur o.ey gro.duo.lly reduc ing as the

o.ttaclc progressed. Toward the end of t.he o.tto.ck, o.i rcrnft r epo roted

.f l:ukDoS menger :lnd inncourote or nd L, Smoke in the target arOSco.elped

to bluhket l!I.!J.ny ba;t,teries and searchlights. AB on Po.st missionS,

almost nIl intense flalc eneountered o.nd fInk dnmo.ge sustnined wo.Sby

those O;iroraf't illwnino.tad 'tIY se.archlightS. hl~' plo.nes po.ssed through

the t'~.:rgat Ooren without bain-g ill\JJllino.tad or fired upon. Oopprox1ll1~telY

25 'PGrcent of the, 'o.ttllcking force mElating thos e oo,nd1 tIo,nS. 1.:06t flnk

0nc.ountcred w:.,s heC'LVYcaliber, but 1:.h6 report persists tho.t 0. high par-

i 'ormo.)1ce automo.tie weo.pon is present in the SClIlth Tokyo defense s ,

(Comment 1 ThiS poss 1bly is the noVl Jo .pOonese 37mmor 40mm Ilutomo.tio

cwmon.) I\avy .i'lo.k !;enerD.lly consisted of prodiGted

conoentrn,tions.Many bn.r ro-g

aswe re seen during the lost 'Part '0'1' thO o.ttnck,. and con~

tinuously poi ntad fire WOos re'Ported in seVEral i. nstnnces


4. FJ p.k o n ' . ' T t thd:bo.wnl ..1:.2 Ll):nd' sEnd.,;;

a , On depaT-tOlrs from tho ta.rgElt Ill"eu. the mo.jor1 ty of thi)

flilk Wo.s sporadic. both heovy and medium. It \V(\s gan'er.allY im;Cc lU"o.te.



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[1. Two aircraft ware derin1tely lost due to flak encountered

tmd I was lost due to fl nk and enemy a1rcro1't cOliIolneod.· T~n other

ai:rct'o.:f't were lost to unknown cause s, this figuNl probc.bly InclClded

some flak loss.

b. A tot!.>.l of 53 aircraft out of 483 atto.cking 1111 to.rga ts

WOoSdruno.ged by I'Lak, This was 13.04 per cent "1' tho a ttaoking forco.

Considering the strength of the enemy defenses in this o.retl. and tho

nll.J1lber of pr<')"Vious night missions to the Tokyo ar-en , this, was not o.n

C'l)(ce,ssive cost. It is believed tho.t the new ~s of attack from the

west c,ontr.1butod to the oomparatively low do.mc..goT:!.Ce,

Location Coordi nate,

Kiso.ra.zu 3523N-


Mohar a. 3526N-


Chiba. 3536N-


Goi 3630N..


Naval Vessels:

Tokyo Bay.

No.vol Vessel s 3342N-


No.vo . l Ve oS·ses 3445N-14015E

N'u:vo.l Vessels MOON-


NOovol Vessles 3S0SN-


Naval Ves:sels 3450N-


Naval Vessels 3327N-


Na.val Vessels 361 ON-14038E


Meager and inaccurate, heavy

Very mengel' : l l : 1 d in!1ccura.ta. henvy. BUm!firing.

Menger and ino.ccurate. henvy o.nd medium

Meager c.nd 1no,ccnrate.

Meagor and innccurate, madi WII.

Meo.~t' Oond ln~ccuro.te. medl~.

Meag!'lt' and Lnaccur-abe , medium., fro.cereup to about 3000 fe,et.

Meager o : n d ina.ccurate, m e d i u m . Tt"acers

up to about 3000 feet,

Meo.ger and incccur-at.e , Iiled!\m!, 'rrn.cef'aup to about 3000 feet.

MC'lo.ger and .inaccurate, medium. Tro.oers

u,p to about 3000 feet.

Moderate and inaccurate, mediw;:..

0.. Generally •. the' enemy saarchl1gh tact-tiCS on th1 < 5 mi.ssion

,,; 'Ore o.n improvement ove.r previous missions. In most OIlSGS. the lights

mre, Viall coord~ noted with f'lak und f'ighters in the to.rget area 'but

v(1.ried frQI!I poor to exoe 11<!lnt on tho D._"DPonch. .Linny aire ro.ft w e re

carriad by ,;roupsof ·<l!·0l" .5 11ghts. but- the· .' 1aptineeo o.ra I> t1l1 not,

usi ng thei resar chl i€;ht d.e,{'C'lse to be st e.dvo.ntngEl si nee t ho;l16 " " ' 0 r-I);r;-eports of as ma.ny as 12~:30 lights trao-king :l. s1ngle n1rcr:li't. T1mo


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ot pi ok-up or aircraft varied from a few instnntaneou. 'fliok.' (pro-

bo.bly by ro.cl.ar-controlled mllSter lights) to 1/2 _ 'minutes. The

clear ,weather and light of the moon a8Sisted in m~y illuminations ofo.irc:caft.

b. Again. almost 100 per cent of the o.irCroIt encounter1Qgfl:o.k were, those coned by searchlight". Few o.ircrlU't tho.t were not

illuminated reported c.ny flak o.t QJ.l. This ho.!Jbeen the genero.l traMin enemy night J f A tactics on all such missions to d~te.

"0,. Rope, de synchronl to.tion of engines. clou.dc. o.nd smoko

were ef.fective deterrents to sao.rchlights. Lights 1n some OnSes tro.Okad

bhe rope as it fe.ll from the o.ircrilft, but thero Vlere fe .. er Cc.ses otsearchlights searohing Widly and lo.sing c.ircr-:\.ft once they ho.d beenconad,

d. Thera ware reports of severnl greenish-blue lights "hicb

fli<*:ed oJlnnd off and Bomet1messeemed to signo.l sec.rcblighte 1n tbe

o.rso.. Severa.l C"HlWS obs'arvad large, powerful green Hghts or flashes

on the ground, These Clashes o.ppeared to light a large 0 .1"130 . of the

aky nnd may be employed to Il!!lsi:rt in searchlight 1l1u.mino.tion.

e. Most searchl:!.ghta on the route to and from the target werehCllllpored by an underco.at o.h"dwere ineffect! va,

r. The following isa tabu1 at10n of the loco. tien Md appron ..muto numbers of sea.rchUghts .reportad;

Target Area ... 150.,.200

(MusashillO Areo. 50

(South, Imp eri 0.1 Pal ace 25

{T rumaRl~er 25(North Tokyo Bay 25(Yokeham~ 25

Chiba Irenlnsulil. 20-30

Kls~azu 3.6

Shores o r Surusa Say 20-30

H!llIlaJllo.tsu 5..12

Zam 12

Rirat'5u.ka. 12

I P :3

N u :m a < : 1 .\ . _ 4 -

Bno .h J . j i 20

A t s u g i 3

7. BlQck91!t and Peepy Firn.s:

0. , Sto.ckout 1.D.the area covered by this a.tto..ck was co!:!plet.e.

b. Sonte f1.ro·8 were reported from IP to t:lX"get. but 1t wns

!"lot dete.rmlned whoth"r the se were deooys or (3n.r1y bomb NleMEla,

0.. There we,re many reports of ground-to-:lir-rookets on th1:s

miss1Qn. They were observed .!\t Yckoh!lJIlo.. Ka.\'!tLGald. Xo.t.s1U"1. :YeswrnTokyo, and Chib Q Pen 1neul a, They weze f.i red in sal VoS of f rOlii 1 to

6 at. 0. tll]le. Some of the r·ookets rose to the lOV'el ofths a!rcrru'tl

othcl'shurst Il,tlln estimated 3000 taut, None \"lara reportsd CIS offectIvo,

b, Enemy fighters were observsd to .f1y through tM f"lnk b...r.ta.

0. Saver-Ill o.lrorllft reporUid phoepbor-eus bUT3tllin the tn.!'-get area,

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d. Various·b aIls of f'ire I were reported. Som.e aeel!l8d to

approach llircra1't and than di,va to the ~round. One plane reported II

fIcit bqrst which broke into 2 streams of flame, descended. ~d than

bur.st with a tremendous fla.sh.

e. Crts aircraft reported ananem~ o.ircroit d.ropping para-

Chute :tIaras 4 miles west of Tokyo. Flares VieM yeUd'iN and opened

13,000 fe,et. Six to ten other fl(U6S possibly suspended bv paro.chuteswero seen, It was thought that these were to 1Uwilina.te B~29sfor

righters andl or for flak and sea.rohlights.

f. There were no reports of barrage bo.lloons,

8. Evasiye Action: Evasive nction included "changes 1n Course,

altitude, and .speed following bombs o.wo.y.


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1. The 56th Win g repo rted that n o p ho to gr o. phs w er e r ec ei ve d,

T he 73rd and 313th Wi ng rep orted n umerOU8 fi res an d s moke in the

urb~ nrea. but exact lo catio n o f smoke and fi res co uld n ot be nSGar-tc.i ned. The 314th Wing repcr ted fi res located as fo llo ws (referen ceXXI B.C. L it ho mo s a. ic T oky o, S ou th) : 05 4111 2- 070 14 5, 0 621 33 -075 14 0,

075 123 - 06 4128 . 0 10 061 - 070061 . and 040025-040035, Numero us smnll fires

were lecnted 4500 yards wes t o f To kyo Oas tle,

2, Final damage assessment cov eri ng thi s mis s i o n i s i ncluded in

XXI Bomber Co mmand Tacti cal Mi s s i o n Repo rt No, 183, co verin g the i n-

cen dio .ry o.tt~ck o n the To kyo Urban Area on 25-26 May 1945,


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to »'< ,.'

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C O N , S . C L I D A ' l ' E D . STAT IS T leAL . S UM MA RY

23-24 May 1945

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DhTE 23 M ay 1945


"-U N I T5 8 T B 1 1 G 73M w G 3 1 3 T H RG 34TH ( ; G 21 B . C .

J tIRCRAF1' OONSIDERED 102 ;§. 1 3 4 a 4 5 b 1 ~ 7 40 8AVO. FLYING T I M E 15:00 1 3 : 4 9 1 4 : 2 0 1 5 : 1 9 1 4 : 3 8A V a . DISTANCE .nOW.N 2 8 J 8 2 7 6 9 2 6 6 4 2850 ~795wa'utical Air M i l e s )

"UEL C O N S · U M E l) .:

l ! . v e r O l g e5965 5 8 9 6 591.1 6099 59'i8

Maximum 6350 6 3 5 5 6 3 4 7 6791 6191,Minimum 5350 5465 5106 5 6 7 4 5106

F U E L 1 'lM i 11 1I N IN G :

A v e r a g e 666 631 6/:.7 60 3 bJ)M a xi mum 1275 1 0 3 4 1391 1505 15(15

M i n im u m 3 00 150 :C7) 15 2 1:"0

AVG. G /I LS • . USj<~b Pl1!l. H O U R 3 9 7 . 7 426.6 412·5 398.1 . . . .8 . 0x,

GALS . aSED F E R MILE 2.12 2.13 2.22 2 • 1 & . ~·4l;G.

IU S : & ; D O N J1IRBORNE Ale 7 4 7 7 3 0

.990643 5~14610 959?SS 3':9:m


a Ex.c1udes pathfi ooel' aircraft.

liExcludes aircraft c!3.l'r:l'ing M-47A2'::: 8" they w;:re not ';ollsitierecl par-t of thema.in fcreca in computing weight data.

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COM GEN 313 'IH BOM 1 . ' H N G

C OM G EN 314T H BO M ';i'IN G


em 93.4

SECRET--- ---B y Auth of CG XX I Be

• 1 )

> ~ 1 f c 1 d,3/'UY~..l. ials Date

XX I BOMB"'l:R ·COl'lruIDG U A M

0730K 23 !4ay ' .1945

F T Im ORDERN1:1 ].IB llll;8 .

1. t:rnitted.

2. The X XI B omber Com mand strikes Tokyo Urban Area with max imum efforton 0 Day.

3 • a • 58th Wing:

(1) Target: .TQkyo Urban 1Irea




Force Required

Fir st Half 58th Wing

Seeond Half 58th t7ing

10,000 to 10,300 feet.Utitude of attack:

Pathfinders take off at zero hour plus 12 minutes.

Altitude enroute: 3,000 - 3,800 feet and 8,000 - 8,800 feet.

Pathfinders 58th Wing will Pin point only the ireasternmost

MPI assigneo;i..

Bomb Load:

(a) First 18 aircraft Oller target· including pathfi/lierscarry · 1 1 4 7A2. IB IS.

(b) Balance of'. f Q I '" ee carries cluster"s containing J : 1 - b 9 bombs.

b.?3rd Wng:

(1) Target: Tokyo Urban Area.



For ce Reguired

Fir st Half 73rq WingSec.om BalinI'd Wiry;

( ;2) Altitua", of attack: 11,000 to llj@ feet.

C~) Pathfinders take off at zero hour plus 24 minutes.

(4) Altitudes ern·oute:4,OOO- 4.,800 fflet and 9,000 - 9,800 feet.

(5) Pathfinde.rs 7.3rd I .Ving will pin point only theiI" easternmost

MPI assigl'l.ed.

(6) Bont>Load:

(a) Fir at. 40 airoraft over t.ar-ge t, including p a thfinderscarry M4711.2IBis .•

('e) Bal ance of for ce carry cluster s oont",ining u-69 born!),",.


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t EN ,.


FIE :[D O RD m N tM I:;]R 78 C ON TIN UED

e. 313th W~:

(1) Target: Tokyo Urban Area.



(2:) Altitude of : Attac.k: 9,000 to 9,sao feet.

(:» Pathfinders take of f at zero hour plus IB minutes.

(4) AUitudes Enroute :2,000 to2,BOQ feet am 7,000 to 7,BOOft

Farce Required

All Aircraft

(5) Bomb Load:

(a) F:irst 40 aircraft over target including pathfinierscarry M47Ai2 IBIs.

(h) Balance of fcrceoarriea olusters containing M-69 boebs ,

d. 314thWng:

(1) Target:. Tokye Urban Area .•



i'orce Regudred

A l l .lircraft

(2) Altitude of Attack: 12,000 to 12,BOJfset.

(3) Altitude Enroute: 5,000 to 5,800 feet and 10,000 to 10,800 ft

(4) Pathfinders take off at zero hour.

(5) Bomb Load:

(a) First 40 aircraft mer the target incltrl:irg pat:tfinderscarry M47A2IB's,

(b' Balance of for cec arries clusters cmt ain.ing l!-69 bcmbs ,

x. (1) Each wing will assi.gn 12 lead crews as pathfinders for the

purpose of preceding the main force to pip po:i.ntdesig'lated


(2) Route:


Iwo Jima

3436N - 138 14E3532 !1 ' - J J912E (IF )Target

3535N - 1404C lEIw o ·JirreBase

( 3 J MPI rs.ference .. : i : 5 XXI Bomber C(mlllm.d Lith&-.l.lo-saie "Tokyo Sou1il."

(4) Pathfinders all wings bamb from 5 ..000 - I t I : l 5..800 fe.Jt.

(5) AltitudeelU'oute .fbI' pathfinders 8.lll¥~s is 5,000 to 5,,-000ft.

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ot< lilt"»

o en~ VI


$' ~ s. t< l




( f o l Time Control: -10 minutes aftar the last pathfinder,of each

wing takes Qff, each wi.ng will start takeoff o r main force.Pathfinders cru.ise at 200 MPHClAS, the first part of the

main force crutses at 195 MPHGI;\S enrout e , Wingswill make

U.igbt plans of 'remainder of force to compr-eaa atta..ck into70 minutesl

·(7) Fusing and Intorvdometer Setting s:

( a) M4?A2 IB ':;; fused insta tnans OtIS nOSB.

(b) All clusters fused to open 5,000 feet above the targ~.

(c) Intervalometc.r Setting: 100 feet for 10147A2B' a,

)0 f'.!ct fer all c1uster:5.

(8) D Day and Zero Ho'l.l l' is ~31930K.

4. a. No change.

h. Taptical Missien Numbtn' 181.

5. CoiiKnunications:

a. XXIBomber CommandSOl and SOPfor strike reports, cord:.act reports,

and IFF pro cedure •

, ! I - c . 4 -r ~;.~".... ; . . . . , ., . M O N 'l 'G O M J iI i'r :



CO l. .'1 } ~ BO !! CQ l .I: X X I


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D l S T R I l l U T I O N

Hln1on. No. 181

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Co'Ov No.

COlJ(mo.nding Ganerw., Twenti~th ""1r ForeeCommanding Gel'lel"nl. XXI Bomber Commo.nd

Dopu,ty COlllmC':nd,er, Twe,ntie,th Air Force

Chiof ofStcJ'f. TVXlntioth';o1 r Fo roo

Chief of Stoif. XXI Bombo~ CommandDeputy CIs. Opns , XXI Bombo,r Commo.nd

,l)!!puty C/S.SuP & M=t1nt. XXI Bomber CO!lImnndAC of B, A " . . . 2, X X I Bomb;lr OQlllrnnnd

Commanding General, Army Air Forces

A'l':rN; AC/AS. In to111genc c

Commander inC,hie!'. Pac:i.f1c Ocean Aroas (Adv, Hq)

Commander in Chic,!,. Pe.cif1c OCOan Areas (Rear Hq)

Chief of Naval Ops,rations. OP-16 ..V

Joiot Intelligence C,D"ntor, Pacific Ocean Araas

Commander ,f4r Force. Pacific Fleet

Commander, Th1rdFloet

Commander. Fifth FleetCommandor. First Carrier Task .Foroe

Commander, MarianasCommande,r in Chi ef I U. S. .Ar~ F arcos, Pacific

Commandin,g~nerB.l. U. S, .Army Forces, Pac,Uie OC3LD ArCall

Commtlnding General. Allil;-d Air Forces,Scu:thwes·t Fa.cHio· Areas .

Commanding General. SOll tchw3St. Pacific Area.s, .IJTN: G·2

(For Seoti,.on2.2. ReM)

Commanding ~neral. Far East ,-Ur Forces

Com.ma.nding Gon.eral, U.S. Strategic Ai r Forces In Europe

Commanding General. Eighth Air Pe rcc

Commanding General. Mediberraneall Alli"d Ail' Forces

OO!llllUl,oding General. Fiftoenth Air Foroe

_ 2& COllunnnding General. Soventh Air Foreo

Comm,'tl.nding General. VII Bombe.rCommCllld

_ S2 Gommand.1ng Genar'al. VII Fighter Command,

Oom.m.l l l ldlng Genl!lre.l. Eleventh Air Porco

COIlUlLllnding GoMrol. XX Bomber Col!I!IInndCommunding !len er-o.l, 38th Fly1 ng tra..Uu ng Wing

OOIlll!l.o,pd Hq" Allied Air FONee, South\"70,st PaG1flc Mao.,.

ATTN: Sani or Intlll1l1gonce Ott ice r R ..... A.P.

COIlUll.o.nding (lenard. 58th. BombaI' dmaon tWing

O'oml'llondi.ng Ql:,nera.l. 73rd Bombardment Will . !

CO'l'tlmand.ingGene:ral., 313th Bombo.rdmantWlng

Command.ing Gel'lo:ro.l. 314th Bombnrdmont Wing

Comrnllnding Generlli. 315th Bombllrdmollt '::1r.g

CO)lmul,nding orricer., 3rd Photo RoCOll Squa.dronCollUtltulding Orf'icol't 41st Pbo1:o" ReOo}] SqUIl.drotl

Oomma.nd inS Off iee1', :!!3rd Stot:f. sti oJll Contro 1 UnitOhemical \r{urfarI'lOrf1oer. XXI Bomb"%' Comm..:mdTa.otics IUl,d. Tro.ining 80.0t1.0118, A-S. XXI BOlIlbar Command

Ordnanco Orfioer, XXI BOlllbar COI!IQ!n.ndComma.nding Off10er, XXl BOlllber Command, Golllbnt Stll.glng

Center (p roviG 1 .011111)

_ 50 Hi s t o ri o a l Offi o e r . XXI B o mbe r CO!ll1llnnd_ eo Commanding GenertLl •. .i.rlll,}' ~lr Fomes,

ATTN: i ! i .C/J. .S Intelligol1ce, Co11eo'l; ;.ionD1villie-ll

8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 181

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86 -69

















l"l 107n

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110 I!II!!

Com~nd1ng Genera.l. Army Air Forces Pnc1fio Ocean Ared,ATTN: .AAF Eva.lunt10n Board

Commanding Goneral. Army Air Forces Po.Ci.f1c Ocean hreaa.,ATTN t Director of COIIlllIunico.tions

For I Counter Meneurea Air J.no.ly 81s Cente rCOillinQ.nd1n.gOffioer, 6th Bomb Group (VB)

Comllulnd1ngOff1cer. 9th Bomb Group (VB)

Commnnd.lng Officeri 16th Bomb Group (VR)

Commo.nd1ng OfUoar, 19th Bomb Group (VB)Commnnd.1ng Ofi' 1oer, 29th BorobGr oup (VB)

Commnnding Officer, 39th Bomb Group (VH)

Commanding Officer, 40th Bomb Group (VE)

Commanding Officer; 330th Bomb G.roup (VB)

Commanding Offioer. 331st Bomb Group (VH)Commanding OffiCer, U4th Bomb Group (VB)

Cor.unanding 0fricer~ 4-62nd Bomb Group (VR)

Commanding Offioer, 468th Bomb Group (VB)

COll!lRllndil'lg Offioer, 4-97th Bomb Group (VB)

Commanding Officer, 498th Bomb Group (VB)

GommanQ.ingOfficer, ~99th Bomb Group (va)

Oommo.ndinl;;Of'!'icer, SOOth .BOI!IbGroup (VB)

Commo.n.dingOfficer, 50lst BombGl"oup (VB)

ColllmaJ1din/!'i Orf i0.6r. 502,nd Bo.mb Gt'o up (VEl)

Com~nding Of r leer, 504:th Bomb Group (VB)

Gommanding Office.r. 5C'5\:h 130mb Group (V1I)

COmlneo.nding Officer. S09tq Composite Group

Conunanti.ing Officer. 655th Bomb Squadron (H) ('WR)

Commanding Offi:oer, Twentieth ;'ir Forco LeQ.d Crew Sehool

Commo.nding Office-I', 15th Fighter Group

CO.mlnandj.,ng Officer, 21st Fighter Group

Commnnding Officer. SOoth Fighter Group

Rep o.rti ngl1n:l. t, ;'.2 XXI Bomber Coi~mn.nd (Pile Copy)

l15Reporti .~'l.g Unit, A·2. XlI Bombar COi!lIII.a.nd