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  • 7/29/2019 601 Words


    Abhor: To consider with horror and disgust

    Accolade: Praise or approval; an honor

    Acrophobia: Fear of high places

    Alchemy: Miraculous change from one thing to another

    Amplitude: Greatness of size; fullness

    Anathema: Something that is cursed or damned

    Arcane: Beyond comprehension; mysterious/secret

    Awry: Twisted toward one side

    Bibliophile: One who loves books

    !! Cardiology: Medical study of the heart

    Claustrophobia: Fear of closed/narrow spaces

    Conclave: Private or secret meeting

    Conundrum: Riddle; puzzling question/problem

    Demonology: The study of demons

    Dirge: Funeral hymn; sad, slow poem, musical, etc

    Draconian: Harsh/vigorous; law or code of extreme severity

    Elfin: Fairylike; delicate; charmingly merry

    Endocrinology: Physiology of the ductless glands, like the

    thyroid, whose secretions pass directly into blood stream

    Epicurean: Devoted to pursuit of pleasure

    Exorcise: Drive away an evil spirit y charms/incantations

    Francophile: Admirer of France

    Gerontology: Study of aging (physical and pathological)

    Gossamer: Soft, sheer, gauzy fabric

    Gynecology: Branch of medicine dealing with women

    Hydrophobia: Fear of water; rabies

    Immolate: To kill, as a sacrifice

    Inscrutable: Mysterious; completely obscure; unfathomable

    Juggernaut: Terrible, irresistible force

    Junket: Party, banquet, outing; trip taken by official and

    paid with public funds

    Lilliputian: Very small; tiny, narrow-minded

    Megalopolis: An extensive, heavily populated, urban area

    Minutiae: Small or trivial details

    Misanthropy: Hatred or distrust of mankind

    Misogyny: Hatred of women

    Necrology: List of people who have died

    Neurology: Medical science of the nervous system

    Oncology: Medical study of tumors

    Ostracism: Rejection or exclusion from a group or society by

    general consent

    Palatial: Like a palace large and ornate

    Pallor: Lack of color; unnatural paleness

    Pathology: Scientific study of diseases

    Peccadillo: A small sin or faultPhilately: Collection of postage stamps

    Philistine: Smug, ignorant, middleclass person who is

    indifferent or antagonistic to artistic/cultural values

    Picayune: Of little value or account; petty or prejudiced

    Polygraph: An instrument that records changes in blood

    pressure, respiration, pulse rate, etc; a lie detector

    Proletariat: Working class (unpropertied)

    Purloin: To steal

    Rigmarole: Confused, incoherent, foolish talk; complicated

    and petty procedure

    Rubric: Title, heading, or direction of a book, written

    distinguished from the rest of the text

    Russophobia: Dislike/fear of Russia

    Seismology: Study of earthquakes and mechanical

    properties of the earth

    Shamus: Private detective. Also caretaker of a synagogue.

    Socratic: Socrates (philosophical method of asking

    questions to get truths from people)

    Soothsayer: One who predicts the future

    Soupcon: Suspicion; a slight trace or flavor

    Sycophant: Self-seeking, servile flatterer

    Tautology: Needless repetition of same sense in diff words

    Thaumaturgy: Magic; working of miracles

    Titanic: Enormous size, power, or strength

    Toxicology: Study of poisons and the treatment

    Triskaidekaphobia: Fear of number 13

    Vista: Far-reaching intellectual view

    Warlock: Sorcerer; conjurer; male witch.

    Xenophobia: Unusual fear of strangers/foreigners