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Post on 18-Aug-2020






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T} '''10' "JR}. Rf:PAIRJ:OA h.e:h !__n'lon ",rp qtTdrh b'

ltii:"hlnmii:"dl1~nll" ""noa\ • 'i.'armno~r th" romr of.j B FC'1d a Idlr,'";~ F::.;;~t J,..f.(rroc::c"T'''''C:: r",nAlre-rlh' thr \)rlrOlt Edl""n ('nmpan\



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Gro.. e Pointe'. FIRST NeUJ.1HJ~,,=er=--. ----------::-==:----------:::::-;::::-:;;~;:-~;-;;;;.CIRCUI.ATION PAID MONTHLY GROSSE POINTE 30, MICHIGAN THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 4,1947 BY CARRIER 10(' A MONTH PHONE VA 2-1162

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P"I (f' ~.iI 1 TnI"' \q 1."1: .\.h ~i1rb(l'r il .....).. ::: \\;t'" \\;::\ tln~ for ~qtrr( t ('~r at :--.t Jt Al anll ("'bar-'ot\o'x "hen ,h.> AI("pl"d lhr nrlf'fronl t hr <,tn~l'g-' r

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Police Fmd LIghtning'Not GUilty'

1\ rr<"lLi nt of (...ro"c:r:(' P1\rll(",T' ark rt r""I,'tl th~t 1,ch'" n!::In (>,,1-, 1, I • ',I 0"1,, 01,,\\ n al 102;r~'"lor • '''1.... \' I .1 rl n\1 "'T Z~f r \ ~ i 'hat lhr Sll"JP

\las strlllh !) a car.

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I \ '. aBuilding

!~~~~~~'~~G~,~,1131stHorticultural Show Set for Gala Opening;~3~~~O:~oo~~t~:l~~l~;~~t~~~i ~1.~g~~1 "GEE! NO TIME FOR THE FUNNIES NOWH



Record ., PREPARE FOR ANNUAL SHOWurda' Oltober 4, whl'n th.. Grosse POinte Woods 15 rapIdlyI\mnr ~ndders are sch ..dul ..d Iy becoming thp 'boomtown" ofnert Stanford E t · Grosse POInte TownshIpbedub has pUTcha~d a chOice II n r Ie s This year 280 bUilding permlta], of 200 seats for thiS game, have been Issued by the Villagethe mana;;-..r tillS made ar- I for propertv valued at $2611,097.

. • _"~h"'~ 1 E t d Phillip Allard, vlllagp clerk said;I~~;:I\~~a~~~:\:n r:h~€~h~~t';;~ : II X Pec e that thiS marked the greatest

luxurYbUl*'~ which are Bchf'd- I bUlldmg development In the bIB-

h I h s.t 11 30 a tor} of the vll:age.II! kin I.' t." "II Iand return \Dlmedla.tely alter I I A record numb ..1 of entru!s arc 'It seems every time w,. tllm

expect('d at the 31st Annual Flower, around In the office, llald Allard,game ',Fruit and Vegetable Show of I . someone IS w&ltmg there for aat gonJpone~lUSt lIave a des- Grosse POinte and East ..m )hchl- bUIlding permIt, I've never -le app.>tllP for salmon IS the i 1 gan Hortlcultural SOCiety to be anything like It before.

'lU'lon Tpached bv Mrs. HOW-I h..ld Saturday and sundav, Sep- Allard said that the above IIUm, - f t('mber 6 and 7 at the Nelghbor- was a conservative estimation,BonBTll;ht, 107 Tourame a t- hood Club, 1714.5 Waterloo at St As a would be bul1der IS always

a recent f'xpl.'T1ence I Clalt. I heSitant about the value of thebOPPIJl~In the Village, sh(' It was announced by General, proper)y J)e IS bUilding, The VII-several cans of the fish In her I Chairman Marie Anderson who lage Clerk felt that oS million dol-\\hlle ,hI' complE'tE'd hrr buy. said club members and show of. lars would be closer to the actualShe rptuTlll'd a short time I flclals are eagerly aW8.ltlng thJs value,

r to fmd thl'IU stolE'n along vear s entries I I Statistics u released by theolhE'r groceries. 1- The GeneTal Show ChaIrman i Clerks office indicated that 2111

• thIS year 1S Jeffrey C Corke. He i Busy completmg plans for the Grosse Pomte and East- or the permlta were for singleal be" hng centers rl'port a I '", ...11 be asSisted by WIlliam P ern Michigan Horticultural Society's 31st Annual Flower, dwelling home., liS for garages

r~:~;dmn~~b~~~~s :~:la:I : ~h:.m::~e:~r~~7cl~~dc~~~:~r-1 FruIt, and Vegetable Show which will be held at the NeIgh- an~:~ec~:n:e~~:;llo~~II~n~o~e::en bo\\ IPTS have fonnl'd I Expected to draw top mterest borhood Club on Saturday and Sunday are these Grosse mlta were Ill8\led which mcluded, t" play durmg the ap- I at the show thiS year IS the SIX: POInte women. From left to right they are: Mrs. Alex- lone. c h u r e h val u e d eJoae to

aching season I !1owl'r arrangement classes. In-I ander L, Wiener, of UniveTSlty Place, publiCIty chairman; $500,000. •• h" . cluded In thiS group, IS the ,lass I :M M' Louise Anderson of Bedford Road, general June and July marked the peak

e team IS m good S ape IS whIch III open only to those eX-I !'S. &rle • Co h months of the year Wlth 126 per~~n1ark usually heard In the hlbltors who have never won a ch8.1rman and Mrs. Harold A. Beatty, of Pme urt, w 0 mltl!. including M for 1I1J1~

chs offIce after hiS grldders nbbon m a flower show. plans to have an exlubit at the show. dwellings, being IBSUed.51.' him WIth an Impressive According to offICials the ex- 'Ikout hlbltlon a.s In prevlOus years WIll R. T" T T 1. 1, 'T'hnmll.' S DaVies, Grosse hf' dWldPd Into the folloWlD~ "'In 'e H~rnflb(, ,...,11 f /Ja'" H0- ..J I..- -ole Health CommiSSioner also School doors thIS week opened lor thousands or Grosse boys and glfls and among 'I classes. - V ... .A.J.n,,"'r'f>.;~'" "'v,,_ J UU IU III ~de that TPmark after hI' had them was httle Jlmmv Thompson, 412 years who made his scholastic debut as a mem- Flower arrangements. home l" Wh. h U. Slr a \\OIkout Wednesday exa~- her of the JUnior KIndergarten class at Kerby school. The Review gave Jimmy a pre-I canning,. frUl~S. vegetables and To I Ie nIts tate Assua It~ r!o,p to 50 candldat ..s for Vlew of what's In store for hIm In his years of school days ahead. He IS the son of Mr. IJUnior ~Ictor~ Gardeners IPaul Hlgh s ple\ E'n All entnes must be In place for

b Il"ndld ph\ and Mrs. Stanley Thompson of Kerby Lane. Judgmg before 12 noon of Satur- The Labor Day week-end whIch reported that their sewage frY- G P BThe '1\'S are m sp • -I _ da' and shall remain m lace un- brought death to 26 Mlcblgan rea- sterns weathered the heavy ram- oy

condItion, saId Dr DaVies, 'TRAVEL 8,000 MILES IIP k PI Itll\he'end of the show. P Identa through auto a.eetdl'n,u, fall WIthout a.ny overflow. -.• ar ans The schedule commIttee 111com- d~. and stann .. the'third 8'0&1&&8 TWICE ............. __ •I liP go to pTess William AI- _ 1a.rgeat toll l!r the"'""!llt!on left Ltghtmg strock tWice In Park'. WWI&m R.og\Ie.,J-lI, of 1121 Buell-• cl~lm to bE'mg the old"st I TIT .:J • R. t V1f'rI1-g'r;l.ers - .- -, GroSlle Pomte Vlrtually ~unm~rked.1 "Waterfront Park". It lqlbt a Ingham Wa.tl taken to Bon Becoaf11<1ll'f ~POlnte ill un. I yyanaerlnU 'Oln e ~ "Kn oJ" Off St ' -t SPECIAL The local report u posted by r giant oak tree to pIeces and it HospItal late hut _k WIth hNdmathfd, I () • ree GAB.DES EDmON Grosse Pomte pohce r.eads !lve struck a IIIl.Ilboat moored at the and face inJUrlel a.tl .. ruuJt of\Ior \\ ho IlVl.'Son Kl'rby road I l1 d S minor traffiC aCCIdents, no mJu- I mUniCipal dock. causmg a fire and an attack by two bullIes.6 H~ \\,ll b<> 77 nE'xt May V t d by Uo ''\I'IJ/I1O tar.'l" You Will want to kl'ep the nes a few 8C&ttered reporta on I sendmg the boat lnto flames, After a rapid Inveatlgatlon. po-'ader< arE' asked to 88SISt the Ire en. "/,.,'" oJ P k·n llpeelal Garden SectIOn found flooded basements and lIghtntng I caullmg con81derable dl&JTlage. ltCI.'have been able to Identify tlIe1e\\ In finding Grosse POinte 5 I arig In thiS week S ReVIew. You I stnkmg a tree and a saIlboat I Grosse POinte ParK. II nre de-I asaallantll U Dan, 27, and MIk ••t blCvc1E'nder The search Of-I What IS oftE'n a drpam to many Reagan IUl other guests. WIll fmd valuable mfonnatlOn I No lDJunes were reported In I partment, which put the fIre out, Bartello, 29. of Bedford They wiDall\ fno, <:;eptpmber 11. people became a reahtv to 12 I AccoTdlng to a IE'tter rpcelvPd on gardening, flowers, plant- I anv of the mlshaps. I reported that the boat IS owned be charged WIth assa.ult and

• 1 Grosse POInlE' bo\ s In Hollvwood from the group, the lhree" stars I Plans to relieve tTafflc a.nd mg. landscaping, fertlhzmg and i The most serious aCCIdent in- I by W E Helle. 1258 Bedford I battery.arn Hpllmann Is thf' bf'st MI.- last \\('('k IIhen the} \Hr(' enter- gate the boys some good mSlde, parkm~ congestion on Jefferson canmng. together ,,1th a wlde 'volved a St Clair Shores taxi I Other wE'ek-end tTafflc accl-: The youth WLll found on theannOUOlE'r111 thO' world That s tall1l'd bv ~.-, eTal of the most dope' on the mOVle mdustry Ibetween Bamngton and Somerset aswrtments of advertisements I cab driver who was strock head dents Involved. ElmE'r Bruno, of street near Bedford and St Paulroad rrmark but that s Just famous stars of the mO\1e capl- I Another day. the PomtE'rs '" ere may take form Immediately after offeTlng reliable sen'lce and on by James Marvm Rucker 24, I HIghland Park. who IS rl.'ported by OffIcer Stanley Johnson, ott a l(TOUP of young Gross(' tol Iguests of Joan Leshe at the a gE'neral zoning a.nd parkmg merchandise for your home I of DetrOIt. I to havE' run a stop street at Char- the Park police ,who took hun torte b~lllllavE'r s .thmk of the Th" Pomte lad~ are m a group EaglE'-Llon StudIOS. The~ had a study now under" ay m Grosse lawn and garden. Save the I The cab dnver. Earl G Pare', I levOIx at \\"hltttier stokmg a taxi the hospital.~ran TIl(er broadcaster of 25 bo\s from the DetTOlt arE'a pleasant VISIt \~lth the beautiful IPomte Park IS complE'ted sectIOn for future ref.erencl.'. who was dOVlng a Detroit taxi,' dnven by James E Fallman, of SuHenng from shock and a la~

~pO"lb!p rl.'a50n for thIS high \\ho are completmg a tlve-\leek star and James Craig : It was annol.oncpd by Everl"tt ..J,..".as makmg a left turn from Jef-' Detroit of memory from the beating, WII-lratlOn IS that busv Har,..: 8000 null.' tOUT of Cahforma and The bo~s also met Denms B I..ane, Village mumclpal man-I I ferson to Rivard when hit . Ctty I Park police. who estImated ham WRS eventuallv able to tell, • , • 'L. _.i. th .. ~nllth\\ ",r under the IE'ader- 0 Keefe, Pat 0 Bnen, J\{ e I v In, ager. \~ho has ho))f's of ha,'1ng I pnsed of Mr! Seabour R. LIVIng- police said theY ISSUed a tICket dama~E's to both caTS at $200, said police "-hllt h ...........n~...

IU l Hie LU "i:::ltL KUU 1.1lll.iL \'liB ........... - - - I I d J La Knart. th E M I - I - Gyp'"' t:".l, ,,'.... -""G~ shIn nf (",h,,1 Ramnson I Doug IUl an une c loff-the-street parKmg In l.' stone. Mrs Bemen aston, rs for TE'ckless dnVln~ to Ruckl.'T that they Issued a reckless dnVlng I Hp "~1(1th"t h.. llV..rtP<f IIn Il..rf~

",""~",~1' SL ....1" .. c'6"u ,,- , ' • I \ t,,1T RADIO STl DlOS d d k W C bt'll M San k B ICl h S t rd _ ft th' I LADD IS HOST aforesal area Fre enc' ,amp " TS - i Both cars suffered seoous dam-I tiC et to runo dpnt at Bedford and St Paulu a u a~, a er ey I Alan L'HlU and hl~ 'Ifr thE't The .. also VISited the studloll of He salo that thE' stud,. which Is fnrel Phelps. Mrs Alexander L. age HITS POLE b f the h

I tthO Rp~rl'atlOn League so;t- prelt\ SUI' Carol feted t~e group :-;BC and CBS where they met to be conducted by Martm l"ns- I '\'Ipner. :Mrs. HenTy A. Bokram, 1 . PARK 'tML~S I Jess D Simmons, of Lima, OhlO, aYc:;;;;:~~I~utd:wn S::::rd ~:.Itle I~ee picture on spo ts th a lunchl'on at thO' Paramount such personahtles liS Frances sel, profeSSIOnal planning con- I and Mrs Gfflrgp E Vl1lpTot I Flooded basement8 reported In bacl--ln,e: out of a dn\'e way at d t t f g St P I

rl \\ 1 f d E A d p n Vera f La . II '"- c m I Th h k tlh 58 C - e 0 s op or , au.IStudlo~ Th'n the} tooh the bov.!I Lan!' or v I' r. 8ultant. 0 nSlng, VII "'" 0 - 1 IS ~ear s S ow m~r s t' the ftve commumtles, despite the 1 00 LakeVIew ourt. struck and 'I sald a few words." IIIl.Id the• on a 'our nF th. ~lutllO~ \\here Vagul' Bob Crosby and Herbert pJetE'd shortly. first tIme m Its hlstOI;< that a h"a'''' ramfall "erp hm1t~d to knocked down a light poll.' I d

rron" those pr~l!ent at thp thl.'l' \;;re p;;\ Ileged to \\ atch the Marshall I "We lan t make any defInite Camp FITI.' Girl s director has pre- four homes In Grosse POlntp Park Simmons. who 18 \'.!Iltlnl< at th... vouth 'an ~o~e ~n, hOW~V~;. t::~ F~lr pless parh' l~t \\Pl.'k f1lmmg of 'Pale Face ~tarrmg The boys completl'd thelT Hol- plans untIl thl.'n' S&1d LanE'. sented a eAhlblt. I \-lllagt' Manager Lane S81d that libovI.' address posted a $100 \>c1nd t\\O occupan n I.' "ar 0 o,V:

\Iarh B"ltalr", Free PrE'~ Bob Hopp and Jane Russell I~.\ ood venturp \I Ith a tWIrl at "but \\ I.' hopE' to remedy the con- I She IS MISS !>I Hornet who WIll the complamts came from flIe WIth Park pohcf' pendmg hiS ap- me and forced me to the Il1delll~.•t ard hIS fianceI'. Bpverly, The tra\ ellers spent a day and the BrO\~n Derby and Earl Car., gE'sted condItIOn m our Jefferson havl.' a fruIt dnnks and candy Barnngton-Falrfax area. I pearance In court I Pohce said that before Wilham

,tr~'l<S of Audubon road JlI ht as gl1~,t~ of thp Ladus, en- roll s aVl'nue shoppmg aTea ' I b('nE'fH'lal to children dIsplay. I OffICials of othE'r commumtlE's I Farms police repoTtl'd that a had the opportunity to gpt out of\ mal,e an attractive couple I< th rio' ,,1\ ranch housE' Travelhng III four new stlltlOn o,Lan... In,hcatpd hope~ of havmg I The shO\~ IS ('Apect.-d to get I --------------- mmor acndpnt at In front of the hIS oar one of the men struck Ium

• ;;I';~lInl;e~ool an'" ndmg" ~table \\agons the ~ouths VISited Colo-'thp propern- dIrectly aCTOSS the'undprwa, formally WIth Mra Ab t IT t Ihome Dr John Cobanes 1:';1 Ml.'r- several blows on the facen a::o"l ppr~l')n who Wf'nt for 8 'IF.ET 'toR ..... T-\"'" rado Spnngs. the Garden of God mUniCipal bUlldmg on Jptfprson Fredpn"k W Campbell. chalnnan 'Sen yO ers nwpathpr tore up more than 75 According to pollee Wllhamllk for~ot \\ hPTe hl.' lI..-pd and!'; n.!\ I<"nIT\' \I rre 8l!~0 Plkl's Peak Rocky MountainS. eondpmnl.'d h\' \\ ayne County of da!'.~l.'!l and Iltagmg. dlrl.'ctmg l't fpet of Dr Coganp~ la\\ n thl'n staggf"Tpd out of thl.' car and'I a, r Hd at thp home of Dr ho~~~:~'~t 'a Illrrhron b~ K.-l'nan ::"atlOnal PaTh Salt Lakp C;ty, to pnable thp VIllagp to pllrchs~p ope-mng ceremomes at 8 pm Ba lOts For Clt..- pollep 1~'upc: rl.'d,!p~< dnv- sompwhat In a sub-eonsclOus cODdl-l'a~" ]i15 YOTkSh,rl.', VIa' \\ ,nn at BlllmC",lo,' Boea.e:p ~"no Lahl.' TahoE' San Francl.co, tho property for off-street park- Saturdav Ing tl<hpts to ChaTlps \ er ~fper- tlOn ~"llpd vou re SUPJlOeed to"Pr! h\ PaTk pollre Room Illth Glon FOTd and Ronald 'I: Memlte S!'quOla Kmg s Can- mg FollO\\ ml(" thiS thprl.' Will bl.' thE' B dE'I t · :seh of 5t ClaIr Shore' and Jame~ stop for St Paul"floe 'otolTn.<l Thr)ma~ Thomp- ~. ton San DI(,~o TIll Juna and ~~~~~.~~ --- pTP~ntatlOn of th~ a\\,ards which on lee Ion Blair. of DptrOit ThE'lr cars col. P I d th th ..

IM 0...... A" HO'""E I ' I d d .. I ' 0 lCP sal at E'otner ~r80nto 'he hnmp of PIl.'ITE'V Heft- d .1.''''('0 .,... n \\ III m(']udp C..rtlfleatps of Cui- I I I.' at .. ater 00 at St Clalr I ....11~{ r.r~\'lnn whprp MT I · B~foTI' they return home on L hmoor Club tnTP and Mpnt Issllt"d b\ the. ". h ----- ..J thE'nattacked the youu •.

rrn"'r "I"msr "lUre ISept.-mbl.'rt> tn.v\\lll\1.ltthe OC G,u;;;,.r,,;-t~;>;;:::D>;;~.:;-;-.~.:,,:-:, Ab'<ent\'otprs ballot " ...11 be ..... \11' __ .. Thepalrdroveoffaaacrowd~loJa\l.' Deqert. Bouldl'r Dam To Erect Fence available for l"arms rp8lClents \\00 ~ IVI t::;:) "" UUU:a gathered------------ d I gan Hortleulture 8OCIPt\ 11 bt' unable to vott' for anV

G. I F ZH~n PetTlfll."<l FOTPst Grand I A Sf'leotl'd l("roup of Judgl.'< "Ill WI - F d 5 f 'I If aun Can\oon, Pamted Desert and St rl.'lIson what'lOp,er on the SatuT' eu et or':1 I nl,lS GTO~ POInt!' "ooil' cOUJ'lcil bt' Tlaml'd hi show offl"lal!l da}, Spptembl.'T 18, tbe dav of I Pupil Makes the Mistake

~ thp Lochmoor Club pprml'l- Adml~S1on III fTPe and eveTVone h 1 bo d I t on

IOn th,'I lour "hlch I~ ~pon- ga ..e d II t d Th h t I' specla n Il!SUP P:C I H. h C 0

I St t .!Iored annulIll\' b\- C'hpt Sampson ""on to eTPrt a fl..p foot cham hn" "eor '1I..V 111"1e I' nur" IlTf' ThP ab.l.'nt votpr~ ballo, ("an 19 ourt But Teacher Pays ffn ree t I fl'n"" arounel It' pTopprt\- on Vpr- from 4 to 10 pm on Sat\lrda~' tIP obtll.lnPd lit the ,'llla/tl.' (']prk sthO' \ollths slE'eT' ou In ~ I'Pp1l1g JlIl'T roa<1 and l'Illnnmji;dalp roa<1 and from 10 a m on Sunday . d ' t I _ St Chur Shorp~ app<>al to thf -\ngph lP Pspas, 1163 "avbIlTn,baO"' and do lh('lr 0\\ n laundrv offIce an~ a\. pnor 0 p l.'r ,.. rl t f ht l"arnl'lg how to dn\ e qtM.lck &

... .' Th. ("'ol.onrll< a"tlOn "a' mile- t10n da\' dunng r __gular "fflop 5uprpme, OIITt rpgar ,ng I , 19and moqt of thl'lr cookmg lord \\Ith II public h"aTlTl!, ht'ld r---------------, hour'" 830 a T" to {30 pm In qlol' Gro~q" Pnlntp \\O(\(l~ frnm no parklnll Sliln lit Ln.vPT!'1ty

ThE' loca~ lads ; ~o m~e ~he at thl.' \\ 00<\0( Mllmclpal bu,ldll1jt "~I'('hant .. 'lffdn~1l Saturday until 12 noon. -pun ha~l1g the FOTd La\..elro'1t Pla('p and Jl'fferson Grosse Pomtetrtp arl.' ogr>r. II IPn ollg a5 Tu~lldar E'\enlng to d ..!cu,,"~ the Je'l.' .Tohno;on of Tmv s ('afE" i pro))f'Tty fOT a paTk~'tp. ",II be elt\ pollep rppoTtedMil h,I_"" Don LandIS Da,l.' Don- 1~' Ie ha~ 1m Ilpd mpmbE'r~ of the >,,.aTd m the "'goh "<>'1rt In (), 'nh.r . T !/l,pqq Tm not much of anrIl\ .Bert ~lIllpn .lohll Rllmmel FAthpr thlS ,paT th" '''-ood' Ker,hp,'al A\,,,nlle Improw- Drives Mile Per Minute Tt I\aq rt>I'O,!<'d bv Jul1t.~ BE'rn~ tpach"r !IlI\d Anl<eline q brothpr,lohn """el I-oro Sllltr>r Ecl....ard ronn,'11 rl'fll'!f'd thp (lIill t"!r>Tnll~- mp!1t A~'IO<'latlOn to h'll.af" at J ff W Ik N \\oods attorn ..,' . Tohn O\\"H of th,. car liS heI.h"\ (,hrlp T..a:'lel.', Ed BE'I\en !lIOn to eTPlt a .'x foot f"nce 8 pm lO'"j(ht Ent"rlammrnt o~'hlelh "A\'lat~on~ 'I~":d .....nO" FaTllpr thl_ \pal & ('lrclIlt (,,\\rt al',ppel to pat thp dama!!:.and ROIlE'TF:1\J' I ,"11 hI' fllrn'~h"d bv Ihp tpam ", ."... r"..,'" ~A\" \\ ""rl' 'h" TlImt to ---------.------

I nf "mold and l....p Th" r"xt Pa 11 Mantz \la< q"ttm.e: n'\\ [1'1rrha~" thr llfoT('<~1l1 plnt"!"rt\.RO'O \IF.F.T1,(. "FT 1\ ,1\ r"ll:ular m~"III1" nf th-- S'!'lO("I,'- n-~rkq '" ("'I..\,.land -PArK pohep In b<> n __el A' a. p\lhl1e "llAgl' WAR N IN G

r;r"~<" P,,'nl .. nt\ ("011"1,,11 lInn ",n h" h"l<l at 8 pm \\l'rP "nnfTon,,.d ,,',Ih " Teff..r .....r Dln\.. <:\ nalT !>-hor.. ' ,mm"rl'atpmrol "llllllrrlA\ ()('tnh"r 4 ~t 'h" ... t h q r"~rl pdThllr~a\ !>-el't"mb<'r III Room a\Pnl'" '1'."", pr \\ 0' ,". I~ ap!"'AI'cl lo th., SUpT"'llo' Co ,rt"Ilagp Olt, hlln fOT lho pllrpn<" 12; T'1~f('r>Tnn1nr Hlllh to h,H'l.' !>pIOntra,pI'''1/: 1;0 mllp~ p ..nt1m~ fmlll a, tlnn nr thp hli[hof allthnTl11Jli[ th" ,'''till nce of L..- -' p<'T hour :;Iatllroa\ mOMlll11l • n1lrt ,. B"rn, hl<1to ex,'mpt thc"P"er ,mpro\pmE'nt bontlq Pol" 0' qAld that HOTacp R E~- parh'lle t"!Top.>rt\' from ta,al,oll

",fH\ of 11fl-4 R 0"'" " II \\, ~ ... "'" I~ t a \\ hI(. h l~ \n a~ 01 ~i\\lth a <ltal('

~ptP'(11nJi:tHh.f>t a.n~1orrl.,.n"d to /liP rulJnji:' thRt 3.1 n.ur t lpetll\ o\\ntllpf'3r 111 rnurt on ~f"p\t'nll1t" ](J propt'Tt\ ntO;td fnr p::\rhqlttlll lor

0'1 1100ps A Daisy' H,' (aT \\lO~ h..ld ~;nt!'lLbh' I~ fr.'c fTom aq<eqq

'J Dog Answers Door, RIders Get Hot Seatsl' "~\' In h. ""r'.n"< A .-j • h-"'Ich' h,~ "~r I" ~ <101' "her ~ (; (;01 .. '~ '<>,11,,1'h' Nlr'\' ....h ... and Bites Newsboy As DSR Trolley Burns

~~~,.. ...l_ ~,.. .. CI: ~ ,.t"mArk t"',,' T",'p:i:"nt r,.\", n ....n.nd I r~ .. J- I ""'( \.. • c:- ~tlh ....ri """f"'I rrnn'l1 ~....." Th II ('~r \\AI' rifl\rn h\ H~rt \11 .-to;;,'" )I .r~r~l '"", ~1"'1 ot1 '+0 ....1 .\ ~" ~h"'\. h.-0 ....rori n"'" rn~ " ......(\,..p,f'4:'1 \, • ." n""" fl"'lllnfi .'h~rt r'ln) "r R rllc:Tnfn"'r ,,' 1()1$ ",,\h1)l1' "l:'\i"''''"l p~c::" :;.:""rt;; \" r .... l PI

'r-\11 T"I\,hllrr R A1IAr<1"t 20-;0 \1,nC'O' R Hsnmq 'I' "t (r~ r \\n \ t(~' Ii.: ~ rot ",",PI( fl tj- ....r ('"1~1""t~.: h in"" 't;#""'" 1"1.. ~ ,,- "'" \ ~"j,: q.c:,\('\9""';: .n~ nlt R;nn,,..,.,1 "''1 f() ~,('> r(' ""1 I I n

'H.A.,.l,.h ":::lC: AII4 ",rl'\r c: ri ~c: '\'11~"'1 .. t<o<' ~ \ ~ ; ...... (; '"1 .... 0:::(' n", ....~(' C' h .... ~ 'f 1r (';111 h.

l •• l hi' lat I Ho:lTT1C\ I ,\;tCil c;trulk (ron) ~rr \rd ,Ilt thr part\ and took O\f'''" ll'~ PrrA.nf' .;, of \\a~b\AHI .R"f \~ I r \\ -Pr \111,11; p~,t n'1 "a"k ~ n '" on th,> 1<'''' nre at \\ a\h Ir'l at 1 1""f"" .. '

All d t P""d at ~ ..ff brhmd a !l('eord litH ~, hn<t~ ... T' k fI ...Thllr.ctai. ar II 0 ,-- • 'fr< '\Af!m" rA'hman of Ih.. Th" Gr,"'" Pn "',, ~r rr ",,-Tn"d tn nhTm,t thl' dnv('r ah"ad Th" th'Trl ~r tn\ nl\ et1 ,,~< \\ Ih th" P,,,rptlOn of AlIaT1 • j r t h "

1"\ r.~ L.. t I I' \\ ~I h"r ... ~ idrcc;1I;, f~\\n,..r 01 thT' p~rln fnt 1'1 I '::\ ~ c; ~) \

dr'\f>71 h\ Joh., r......o C'ronlTI of 'h \ t::.rl.\t .n"" n () nr\lii tl 1n\('I \NI ....1(1 m?hp $I l,..ft turn , \\ A"l "Y"... I\('''1 $t t ~ I h\ P,ll"~ ~onr('rt ()...... h ...;:-~"" n' 'h ~~r

h thoujirht '1 nil 011 ('thol. <..'" l~r1\ ~ t (k('t... • 1Inn 1") "n, '\flt to l('~\ ~ h:Fl PI nllll:h ~1f)y\" It ",hn'l Ii h.... Ant 1f} daj If' '[ II ('(' .A.-Ii nr 1t'r~rt tf'l Rrr('ar In (~;c;'f"O .hl' ft'". ~;lt"'ht an.ag('~

ari no ~oncr, a.nolhcr car oclon"wG to Claren ..e, WUlt ,n S,p~l:mDcr 1.. I wurt on St'ptembcr l(), I v,ere rt'porlul. jHO\lc\U, hc had ~ "


\ \llt' Ill'.l

Deferred Pa \ met: s

The NewW estinglwuse


ThIS electllc Gal b.lgc DJiproe!shreds 'food waste mto un\ oortlcles and flu.shes It ",I:t' Th.~:;.eludes scrapmgs, p':lrIngs .smaUbones, frUIt nnds. pH." ~t a!lllcarrot t()PS. corn cobs, etc m factall the foods wastesCome in and see It now .supply





Hours. 1:!on -Frl. 9-9, Saturdays 9.6



We Deliver to AIl the Pomtes .•

The Finest Elettritl RDngeThe •

LAK. SHOll MOTOIl SALESIMI.) r. h UOlh.t - ". t.u

A'feRUP rumplf't. Part ..."'tor Ii


Food looks beller IlndtalIte. belter 'II hell cook-ed on thl. fluesl ofWestinghouse 8 l~allges\ye.tmghoul4l II"l\el 'oUlit. accuran depeudab'-IIty and better result.or the T e !-A-G I a " C "llwltdte. Corox l'Olta.Deep Wall E r 0 n 0 nI )'Cooker and True-TeDlp0"8n,


20916 MACK AVE. NI.7940



Glaruteed Workmanship - Low Price


Available to Serve You NOW on All O1rysler urs


Lake Shore Motor S~les14615 E. JEFFERSON

Photography bY

B~autlful Candl~ of ,ourentire weddinl permanentlymounted In an exoulSlteleather-bound volume.

c. Po WritersTo AttendStateMeeting

J. & T. Hurley, Inc.11851 Kercheval AYe.

VA. 2-1660


PLAY SAFE• Good Fuel to Suit Your

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Medal for Prize VegetablesTHE

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° Choice 01 Tape• Dle<ast Hardware• "'1Ill~Guarautftd



Ra, Whyte Chenolel Ce.I 4SOO f~.,Jf'fff'r"'OOD at Alh'f Rd.

Hld,or~ 2000OPES 'TIL M1D~'TE




Wliter-!Jrom Grosse Pointe and:all pluta of Mkhigall, as wt'll aNten other states mLiudmg Call.fOlma, l\'t'W York, Penn5ylvama,1"'ew JerlleY, lo{lIlnesota, OhiO,Wisconsin and Indi&na, will u.aemble In Detroit SeptelUber " 6and 6 tor tbe AnnUAl lI!lclUianConference tor Writl'rs.

Induded ILlllOIl¥ MlLiuIIJ1 reg-Istrants are writers trom GrossePOll1tc, Ollvet, Carleton, Deal'-buln. :r\orthville, Monloe, Homer,Hastings, Ann Arbor, BattleCreek, Jackson, Gland RapIds,Saginaw, South Lyon, Wyandotte,

The National G"rden Bureau'through thi8 newspaper Fhnt, Pontiac, Blnnlngham, Yp-On one of the few "poor" streets In Glosse Pointe FORD S."'IEP offers to any garden club or other o»gamzatJon holdmg an silantl, Kalamazoo, La.nsmg, PortHuron, Mt. Clemens, Almont, Ox-

hves a hard-workmg American father, hiS v,'1fe, and EdwlIl J. And;lson, G('orge 0 amateur !lower and garden show, the bronze ~edal 1llust- ford, Mt. Morris, Ro)al Oak and I

seven children •.• SIX boys and one girl, ages rangmg from BaJiey, Howard Baldwin, PrentISs tratOO above to be awarded for the best collection of vege- Fenton. I17 down to 4. M Brown. FJ'ed M Rut1l61,Mar-I tables grown in a home garden. The object of thi8 offer 18 Wrltel'8 WIll allO be on hanrl

Sundays find the whole family attendmg church. I tm Butzel ,Halv('y J, <.ampbell, I to encoura(e competItlOn among vegetable growers. Med~ Crol1l~Wllldsorand Palkhlll, Ont,Weekdays' find them gomg about the blWness of IlVlng Ig~~~t:.,TFr~~~ls~~P~~a~~e~an~;1 I may be obtailled by applymg to the editol' of tlus newspaper. I 8;ll<lVancouv"r, B. C, I \\ E OWN .o\SD OPERATE OVR OWNmuch lIke others, but With a l)oticeable difference. p)sher. Henry Ford, n, W. Steele IF I Held A $1,600 prize <-ol1test.held JJ1 LASH &; CARRY ONLY

Inatead of each pursuing hia own deairea, they help Gilmore Earl J. Hudson. \ U nera Rites connectJoll With the COllferen<-e,1 GII055E POINTI 15129each other Hon, Henry S. Hulbert, Rlcha.rd drew rnanuacnpta from 39 statu, RY

• W JackllOn Ernest KanJ:ler John F V t . . p. t }lexlco, Puerto RICO. C&Ilada,I CURTAIN LAUND Kel'che\'alTb~ three oldest work durmg the summer, and aft~r s'-Knight, ElJgl'ne W. LeMa: John or e eran oln ers PlI.DamaC&n&1~ne and England, - ---- -

&Chool 1n WInter. Theil' earmngs augment the fatnily s Lovet~, John C, Manning, Frank • ' PrUle wumel'll m the contest Ifinances, which never have been high. x. Martel, William J. Norton, Fun~ra! Sl'rVICeSVI ere held th!~, gendol'!. 7~, of au RIdge, road w1l1 be announced September .,1

, JILInI'. Pal-ker Victor Reuther week at the Verheyden Funeraljand Mr. Dennis J O'Bnlln 83 of at .. dinner at which LoUIlIJ.I\All the boys help their mother on wash day, carrymg I Al.l&'UIItScholl~, Nate S Shapero: I Home, 16300 Mack tor two vet. 1131 Lochmoor ~ulevard.' , BromfIeld, diltmguished author, I

heavy. clothes-laden basketa from the cellar to the back JILIn" K. Watkms, James B. web-, eran resHlents of GrOlise Pomte SUI'Vlvutg Mrs. Htlrendort' are' WIllbe the principal speaker. Iya."d. The weekly b!l.teh ('If dn1y knickerll. IhirtB, socks. etc. bel', Jr, C. E. WlllOn. Ben E They \\ ere Mrs Marceline HII.1 nme lIOns, Alonzo, Wlll1am, Ray- Stres.mUned courses 1Il &l1 beldllia astoundmg: not to mention the few things mother nn&e8 Younr, 1------------- mona, Rusaeil, XornUUl, R&4ph,I of wntlng wili be onere<1 eunng 1out for herself. Asked to Sf'r\'e on the Executive R ° ,.., LoU!a, Sidney and Earl; three IConference llellS1OnB.Interest In

. . . ConUt1Ittee from. Wayne county I 'Olnter \:lets daughters, ll!n. L1llia.n Frazier, fiction head. the llst WIth ra.dlG.\A faml1y o~ thiS 11Ze m~ght be expected to make a are these local men: Howard , Mra. Cora DomUleand Mrs Fran- and televillon close ~hmd, Pro- I

gnat deal of nOIse. They don t. They have been taught a I BalQwm, PrentJlllI 1>(. Brown, lorar- D'~U~be-At ces Socle, and a brother, R1chard IftsalOnal writers 1Il various fieldsvlduable leszson, consideration of others. Among the middle 'I tm Butzel, Harvey J Campball, I ~O I ~ Trombley. will teach the couroes.aad upper classes of thiS community notably inhabIted Daniel Flaber, Richard W. Jack- r C'l~° T T Mr. O'Brlen's SU1'\'1VOriare: a Other events are • poetry_ well-to-do families there are too fe'w bo s as lite or son, Ernest Kanzler, John S. nlCQUO u. daughter, ),{l'8. R Earl. Wllaon, breakfast, an a.uthors' show WIth"'3 ' ,y po Kmght, Eugene W. LeWIS,James 0 three lIOns, Thomu, Chr18toPher'l cash and merchandise prizes, and IwelI-mannered as these sona of comparative poverty. Parker, August Scholle, James K of Mt. Clemens, MICh, and John a cockt&U party.

One spring the father planted a amall vegetable gar- WaUuns, J&mes B. Webber Jr Hugh Alexander MOlTlson,1411 D, at Stockton, C&1,; and IlX. . . ~n E Youn ' 'Biabop road, was among the 5M Irandcluldren, The Conference, which Is bemgd. near hiS house, The boys kept It weeded and culti- . &,. graduates 1Il the Umverllltv of ----- held for the second consecutive Ivated. On a Bunny afternooon a group of neighborhood Other officers of the Fund are I ChIca.go's 230th convocation: one year, compare. favorably 1I\'1thyMJtha gathered &cr0&5 the street and sat on the curb ~n E. Young of Detrolt, Dan E. Iof the largeBt llummer convoea- Lo I ZJ:0 Y other writers' conferences held Iwatching two of the IOns help their 'father thin out carrots. M~bbot /a~kson, Edward C I tlonslll the 55-year hIstory of the ca nl- across the country, It IS open to I

t • c 0 rand Rapids and MIdwav UJllVerslty. anyone interuted in writing, 1'1-

'The groUp began urgmg the busy gardeners to leave Georre Osborn or Sault 5tl! Mr. Mottlson 1'l!celvedthe tra- Boy'" Att'Dnd ther as a profusion or an aco-ItIwir work and eome for a swim. When the oldest answered Kane, nce.pre81dentll, Donald E, dltlon&1bachelor's degree. ~~. cation.,u...... th ust oA_'_'- th . b . Bate.. ot Ll.n8mr, treasurer' and "'"LIla" ey m UUllNl e JO first, a storm of taunts lSSUed Warren D. Pierce of LanlUlg sec- 4f.e largest number of muter's Con' I. InformatIon may be obtained&om the eurb-8ittel'l5. They called the boys foul names; retary. 'and master of bualnen admtnis- !jerence from the MICHIGAN CONFER-'&lid made disparaging remarks about parents in general. tratJon degrees ever to be pre- E.....CE FOR WRITERS, 605

... • II ... Al'i"l'''-UALDRIVE sentM In a snmmer convocation, Atehiteets' Bldf., O~ BrainardSiuies, one flung at the young toilers, My father and the greatest number of doc- A delegation of 126 delegatell St., Detroit 1 M1~a.n. Phone

ClOuldn't make me do that!" Proposmg to ellmmate repeated tor of phllosophy degrees since from the Bi-Y duba at Mlchiran Temple 1-2939caUs upon CIvic leaders by com- the 1938 August ceremony were v.'el'\! at the annual State Hi-Y .

Two of the tormentors were over 16. Sadly. they are blnmg the many natlon~1 and contelTed upon Btudent. by Prem- Tral.ning Conference held at ----- Irepresentative of a l&rJ1:eportJon of Grosse Pointe's youth. 5ta.~e.Wldehealth and welfare .p-I dent Ernest Cadman Colwell, Camp Hayo-Went-H. on TorchA week Beldom goes by without one or more items. in the pe&l1I Inlo .. .m;;;le aunutLi urlVl"1 S'L1'til'olEGHOX0Il8 Lake. .Au(U8t 22 to 29 _...papera eonceming willful damage and lawle.ss dnving the sponsors or the new orga.nl.za- A Chl(~agoexecutIVe also added The delegations were made \Lrash Viet 1msall in I' tee ' . •• tlon declared' "In creating the a "first" to the summer convoca- up of club officers of the vanous I

, vo vmg n-agers.' t;nlted Health and Wl!lfal'\! Fund tion and to the Executive Pro- Hl-Y Clubs m the IItate whoDuring the past summer hundreds of window panes of Mlchlran we affirm our belief gram In WhICh he did hIs ad- spent the week 1Il trammg classes I Ret H .

have been broken in several school buildlngs. The lugh IJJ1the need for adequate support vanced work for a master of busl- and dlscusslon groups on program urn 0me Ieehool has Buffered greatly m this res ct as have Iof the approved health and We}- neSll administration degree, and methods. The trme was dl-10cal merchants pe , \ fal'\! agenclt!s and 111 thiS organl- Tturty.three year old Ro,er J v,dpd bet",en trammg procedures I William Neff, and John Sou- I

'.. . zation as an emlnenUy practical Cnse, accountant of International I and recreatJon penods, followed del'S, the t\\0 Grosse Pomte:A person attending the villqe theater Will be annoyed :~ competen,: means of provuilng Harvester Company was the first I by tbe fellowship hour and event youths Who \"ere JJ1jured last I

Jiy some teen-ager talking to lus complUUon m lOUd tones I h support. . to receive a master's degree lJl Ing ceremomes. week m a pllme crash at OW059Oduring the show, thumping against ~he seat~back m front Henry Ford II who called the the program W1thout bl!neflt ot Attendmg from Grosse Pomte were released from hospitals thillof him, d t1 h f t t f' T h ongmal meetmg whIch led to the Iany form&1 higher education. High School HI-Y Club were \\eek i

_ an even res ng 18 ee on op 0 It. 0 us ers. I ~onnation of the Fund organlZ&~I A high school graduate, he Is Wally JoachIm, Don LeW111,Bill Wilham who was a passengertrying ~ keep order, the offenders :ePly, "So what '!" Or I ~oen, 8lUd m a letter requestIng an example of the umvllr81tY'1Ibe- Giebert and Tom Wilson on the pI~e piloted by ms fnend ,they don t :repl~1 at all. Bo&r:I~t(lrs to serve on the I lief that knowledre Is a matter Smct! most of the boys m at- John, h\'es on Hampton road I

In old-time homes parents demanded and received I able re ~ WI~espread and favor- of what the stUdent knows, rather ~tendance were officers of HI--; John reSides on Hollywood road'obedi d t fro th. hildre spa se ,0 recommrnd&tJons than what can be added up m I Clubs, they .wlll take back to I

enee an respec m err c n. Sunday was that & United Health and Welfa.re I "credit" bookkeepmg. In t their 1ugh schools th 1 t t ------------~Y • . • a day of rest • • • a day for relaxatIon and ~nd;:,e organized - ''indicated ~..ear8 or evenmg study, c= method.!! and trends In ~ro~ Itime ~ ~. The young could not absorb numerous than PI radw to be m~e tlml!ly completed the equivalent of & fIVe-I and llel'VlceproJects. I1eIons m realIsm from the celluloid capital peopled with appreciated. year program m the traditIOnal ----- Your Weddingneurotic females and slick gun-toting male.:s There were t Refernng to the leaders chosen college or UnlVelSlty. R b '

, • 0 guide the nl!W org&nlZatlon, A second ChICagoan, ""hose emem er in Action! :none. Mr. Ford SlUd. "An enterprise of name W&Il hnkl!d last week WIth I. Until they were 12, the children were not allowed to tlus tyPe must reflect the wishes Dr Glenn T. Seaborg. Uruverslty (Contmued from Page 1) I

lAay Up for dmner at night WIth the older members of the Iot the gWlIlg pubhc through a of Callforpta chemist, formerly of I to Clucago, and the Gold Cup Ifamily. Even then when sitting at the tabl th WIdely representatIVe Board of the Metallurgical Laboratory of races were once more commg up,

__ ~, -" __ ~ ~ __ ~L __ ..... __ • •• __ ~~, __ ey we:e I ~.:ct?~1 an,d o!C1ceu chosen I thl! Umverslty of ChIcago. for i With foreigners allowed to enterea.u.uuuC'U UUl,. \.u ~ULt=.l \out: ~LUwn-U}' t;ULlV~l::'AWUU ••• ,,0 I".v•u ,"u€ ra.iln:i 0 ... OUl U1U:JL re-l work In r~nroducJnlC • 8enes oi I fQ!' th,=, f!!'!t tL'ne The f!!..T!lOUS I~ only when spoken to. llpectpd communl~y leaders." "lost' radl~ctlve si'JbSlances, re- Iltallan racer, Count Thea RoSSI, I

Fooliah? Too extreme? Perhaps. But it must be I celved a doctor's degree 111 chem- W&II one of the entrants, W1than-admitted that the results were better than today's 1,------------.llstry, other of his countrymen, a I BRIDAL .. O.. ...."A.TS OF. . ATomc EPEKTS Frenchman, and an Engh.shman. I ". ........lUU

Grosse POlnte has a bad. case of lack of d1scipline I In tlte EJitor~ Martm H. Studler. who worked ••• DISTINCTIONamong Its youth. It's time to effect a cure. I on the atomic bomb project at the \ FI\ E VI!: "as A('.o__________________________ , I B"mverslty of Chicago during the The City of Groase Pomte was I

I- llazo/ BAY war asslr;tt'd Dr. Sl!aborg m re-I awarded a bronze plaque for Its I_ 1.Y.ll "'''''' producmg a group of substances pedestnan protection program I. -'1called the N/'ptumum Senes. Re-IIandbalccIcdenbtrecord. by the Auto-I S. ~ f}{imns

IT' production ot the long mlvmg mo I e lu of Michigan. The I ..,...,o the Editor: substances from the hIt of chern- Rotary ClUb luncheon wal the I fL"",do 2-3200 MA. 7199

• The "through strel't" <ntuahon IICal elements was achieved WIth scene of the presentatIOn byIn our Park IS deplorable, while the cyclotron and atomIc oven. James Vernor, to Hugh Fe~',

\ city r~sidents dnve on smooth I Other atomic sclt'ntlst.q who reo commlllS1oner of public safetypa\ement. \u' are forced to Icelved doctor s degrees from the Thomas V. Trombley, pohce clUefbounce along from hole to hole IHm,'prsltv of Chicago were: and Mayor MallOnP Rumney.on CharlevoJ>: Vernor and St RIchard -M Schramm, Eilts pO. °Paul Why does the Village man' Stemberl\' Lestl'r Wlnsbl'l"g and O'"E YEAR AGOagherpl!rSlstthmpahvmgSldtestrl!ets I .Albert \\-attenberg, all of' ChI- The 30th .Annual Flower Show Iw I'n our roul:' strel' I are In!uch bad e""<1,I,, ...," I cago. came up. Gragg.Scherer walked

'I - - .. - Dl t" j The tutal numb~1" or de;trees, off ~ith the CrQ~s.c POInte Ba.s'!- I1l&'U& .eo confl'rred at the ulllverslty were ball League's champlonslnp. and

'11 bachl'lor .. degrees m thp Col- Sam RICCa.t'.x.conVlctmvo!\'l!d mI lege 100 1radlt.onal bachl'lor s Pomtc murders, was kIlled by hIS'Idegrees 262 master s degrees, I gang. :Mr.and ~Irs. Albert FlUitt,

I 97 ml\oSterof busmess admmistra- I former POJJ1ters, receIVed the'tlon degrl'l!!I, 13 bachl'lor ot 11-1 Navy Cross. Air Medal. and two Ibrary llClencl'acgret's. three bach- Gold Stars. m lieu of their son, I

,elor of d,v,mtv and 68 doctor of I Cltfford La Verne, USNR, report- I

: II



I Local Men


Office at 15121 K~rche"al between Marvland and Lakepomte I State Board"Th, Only Weekly Newspaper Covei'm. AU the tiomes I

In Grosl'oe POInte and Gratiot Townshl ps" \\ a\ nl' count\' IS rl'pl' qpntl"U011

L. B OLDHAu publisher I the Board of Dlleltors "I the nc\\.

• w, •• • • • • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • 1y organized Umtec1 H, &lth amiCHARLl:S MANOS ...••••••.•••.•• , .•... .l!:ditor Welf&te Fund of Michigan, whichPAUL J. BLACKBURN ..... Advertising Manaaer was Lncorpolated recently III

ROBERT P OLDHAMAdvertislDlJ' UII.m(. James loE. Shal'kleton,

• . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • So.&,I n a w banker, Will! I'lectedIllbletlption Rates: By Mall 12 00 '£)If ,ur: :»(1 per cop,. IPreaident of the ol'l&n\zcation,

By CarrIer, IJ! cents & Month, which hll8 as Its pUrpoM umtlll(PubliJbed Every Thursday by The GrolSse Pointe Prllltini (.,0. lof the many national lU\d Itate-

V A lIev 2-1162 _ 2-1163 IWIde health s ...d welfare d1'l\'""WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW" ,"to ont' annuai campaign.

, I Chosen fUI the Board or D,-I rl'clors from \\'aynl' are tht' f,,\-I lowmg men from Grosse POllttt'i and Det rOIt .







I tj tl: 1i !i


I ' i•j!J~ft



I ti


~ I1

.i, !






Fri., saL,Sept. 4,


Page Three



Successors To,••



B G t. H t S of 211 Vendome. SHORT TRIPS

Ioys e In 0 OUP The boys were released to their lover 70 percent of all auto

with Tomatoes parents. trips are less than 10 mile. InA group of boys from 13 to 15 ----- length according to Automobile

years of age were apprehended BUSY \\'11I::I::LS UUl) of MichIgan.by Farms pollce plckmg npe to- Fitly-five percent of the 334 ------matoes out or a garden In the VII- blllion miles dnven by American SMALL PERCENTAGElage and throWlng them at a motonstl m 1946 was for busmess Flonda and New Orlean. at.greenhoUlle, breaking several wln- tract about one percent of alldows. Ipurposes, according to & survey travelers even in hottest summer

The garden and the greenhouse of the American AutomobIle AS-I m 0 nth s, Automobile Club ctbelong to Mrs. Wendal Anderson IIOclation. Mlchigan records show.

'With Local



880 West Mc:NfChol~Pho"t UN 1-6700

Family Reunion DinnerHeld at Yacht Club



Plynaoath Rocks or Rhode-

79.. GRADE S;w'i;g-ci.l;kens 39..49.. "AA" TEiDERLoiN89h55 Shoulder Gnde AA 33lli Short Ribs Beef C· R B f 59 hw!~. oast ee D,. C-.;-.,;erBeef 65h


Ch~dd-;L,Cheese 69•.1c~~Cheese 2Pkg<25c'




m fm Sf fROll THI \liNE PEPPERS Dol. 39cFine for Stuffinl'


." '-tls;/ Psrhes,~ ~R ANY OCCASION


tZ~ Ch.u.£ sn-tP.M.d e- M..a c.m,fri •• to ••• ltc.o".crll ..ch,. "ro ....., ch....c •• t ••• "d.. Ih. .• _ an4 ..au.., ttMt!

Fresh Calves


Genuine Fresh

Re.dy-to-lEat Shank End

Smoked Ham

Calves Liver


~Canadian Baconstyle



Gay (Blue) Note







liii California Thompsons 10.,III M1XW'm.1ar

HOUSE POST-TEllS Pkg. 2&I!! COFFEE 45.. !~!FOODRiYo'3 For 27'I! \ Olir;iC'iLES. Qt. 25c Gra~efruitJuice"o'.23'II: R1LER~crNOW 291: T;~~toJuice 46 oz. 23c

I I: Ivory Soap 19. 2 Bars 2& TUtlA FISH I SALIONIvory Soap Med. 2 Bars 17c PAPERT\Uu\s I'PIIIS18.00



Silver Cup GuestsEnvy Sailors Life

A rush to the mea hall was,cut short, however, when the "oldboatswain" quickly added," formembers of the crew only."


Though their eyes feasted onthe colorful ceremonies during theSlX hour stretch of craft com-petillon their stomachs tamished.The llmit~ Dumber of sandwicheson sale at the ship's store badvanished hours ago.

Thau why the members ot the Ipress and all guests aboardwere delighted to hear the boats-wal.u's whistle, followed by "chowdown for all hands."

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Neebs,of University road entertamed ata fl!.muy ~euruon dinner at theDetroit Yacht Club Saturday eve-ning hononng their daughters,Barbara and Betty, who took avacallon from thelr magl!lZine du-

Hundreds of newspaper men, The rest just stood by, taking ties In New York to vialt theirand special guests were &board in the deliCIOUS aroma of navy parents.the United States Coast Guard bean soup and pmeapple tarts, Also present was Robert Bunge,Cutter, US S. Mackinac on Labor en_vym_'_g_th_e",--hf_e_o_f_a_.sa.I1__ or_. o_f_N_e_w_York,B_ar_b_ara__ '_II_fian_c_e_.

Day to watch the Sliver CUp fin.aLso


reduced $ 80.00



Sma:l, were $23 75

Hand Carred Frame-l\.u':Jusson Tapes:ry cover, was 155 00

Cha.!Ulel Backs. 'UpholsteredPlam Green Botany Wool, were $19000 ea..

reduced 155.00

Pnnted Faillel';erc$llOOO





completely constructed in our own studios

S,."ings on

t;ustom Furniture

(2) Boudoir Chairs

(11 Victorian Arm Chair

(2) Barrel Chairs

(2) Hostess Chairs

(2) R F"d Ch' ruft~d backs a"ld seats Upholstered Mauveegency IresI e alfSil.nd Green PlaIn Gras Point, were 18500 ea..

reduced 150.00

Tllt:n PIECES a~ DEFIXITE S..\ \~IXGS!OPEN DAILY 9:00 A.M.-5:30 P.M. E\-enings by appointment.



1;').,1(1,')'K .n:FTJ:RSON A \'E.PROSt: T (i XED 0 l-Z140

rk Police Find Pointe Hospitalityrowler Not Guilty Is Not Too AcceptableHenry Cbarlel Vereeck, of De- It lS more than hkely thatit, W81! released by Park po- Thomas Stuart, of Flat Rock,

after mve8tJgation revealed II Mich does not have a high pi-was gwlty of nothtng more' 0

drlnkmg and gettmg lost. mon ot Grosse Pomte after a re-He was urested on suspicion cent expenence.ell he was found prowling at I He ruked luB car momentarilyollie of Alvord Sanders, 978 at 761 Fisher and when he re-berton last Friday night. I turned he found that someone had

Polleesaid that Vereeck had no -thrown a bottle threw his wlnd-ee record. I weld.

urtd&y, september 4. 1947

Sch{,o! Qpeni ng Strikes,

9Tee.. To'" Sunday RitesBy MEEK\' MAJU~ VANZ~EN ~~ Re~umedby

~, POinte ChurchSEPTEMBER THE FOURTH Is here!'!!!' The day that you

vt either cussed or dlllCussed for the last few weeks has come '!'" The Grosse Pointe Methodistwhether you are pleued or displeased It IS now time for all Church Will resume Its schedulelads and lassies to pick up their books and set their alarm of services on this coming Sunday

1(1 for school. Mornmg at 10'45 at the KerbyYes, once again you can hear the bells rmglng and you needn't School The Kindergarten andn your ears to hear the pratter and chatter of gangs of kids Nursery will be in operation thiStenng down the hall. coming Sunday, September 7, allOf cours~, Grosse Pomte High is not the only Inl>titullOlI that ha! other <lepartments Will resume

e 1lI0re op~ne<l ItS <loors to asplnng young youth but many other sessions on the following Sunday,

elllies are [ollowmg IIkeWlse. September 14.i t th I InclUded in the fall scheduleAgain, you are go ng 0 miss e oud VOice of CLAIRE SOBER

'e shouts a greeting to you a half mile down the street, as he is are, The Anmversary Communion~ t k ff t KISKI Service on Sunday, Sept"mber 14,king hls grips to re 0 0 The Anniversary Family Night on

PopUlar JIM TEETZAL, IS busy Tuesday, September 16 with Dr.checkmg on hIS tram reservations Henry Hltt Crane, pastor of Cen-

• to MAINE where he Will wnte tral Methodist Church as speak-us more of hIS amusmg letters of er, The Sunday School Familythegay times up in that part of Night on Sunday evening, Sep-the country tember 21st teatunng a film strip

G E 0 R G E BEATTY, whose With sound accompanunent en-pleasmg personality we have all titled "Is Your Home Fun 7" andenjoyed these last few months on Sunday Evenmg, October 12will be catchmg the the fastest an evening semce with Dr.bus to Andover, to contmue lus Frank D. Slutz of Dayton, Oluo,studIes as tne guest speaker. .::: ,

While some are prepanng to A cordial welcome ill extended '"leave, we stIll have some late ar-I to the entIre community to &hare I .7' ,," .1£ j., l

nvals who are commg In from m these events. ' . _ - ~"1», "

doslllg up Lhelr summer homes or , L-ee Slocum, left, of 1595 Ford C-ourt and her guesttravehng the countryside. DELINQUENT COURSE IMary Ann Duffy, of Detroit, are looking over three trophies

A"l()ng th~sc IS MARRIANNE TImeliness of the problem'of JU- ithat were presented by Grosse Pointers to v.:inners in theTROMBLEY, Just retumell from vemle delmquency hu led the1 Silver Cup Races. The trophies were among those on display

MEEK~ • NEW YORK, DEE DECK, back UmverSlty of Detroit to Include, .gett.mg a good sun tan from up north MIKE MERWIN. who two new courses on the subject m at the DetrOIt Yacht Club. From left to right they are the

died a canoe for some 50 mlles, JOHN CAVANAUGH, BLUNT Its night CUrriculum in SOCiO!OgylCom. J. W. Stroh Trophy; The Tom Boyd Trophy!; and theE, BILL CARRUTHERS, who also shouted out their strokes, and tlus fall.. Donald B. Wallace Trophy.

€rs CARL STEIN, MAC FRASER, dId some boatlllg to we hear. -:MANN prettier than ever after a nice rpst, FELICE THORPE, CHOWDOWN BLUES

of pep lust from loafing about, NAN ,,'ORGI, eyes full of thederful Sights of the east after tourlllg the eastern coast. JEAN

B, who has done qUIte a bit of entertamlng at her summere this year, ROSE MARY RAE, who dId the same.DORIS DIESING looks wonderful after her trip up north, JANE

. REN, sports lovely blond hair condensed from Camp Cavell,ewI:lt for SALLY HOYT, and SALLY ANDRUS, and ANNIE

~, GINNY GRANSE, JANET HOBSEN, and ALIC$ NE~-, sport wonderful tans from their camps, whlle Chet Samp-

, just returned from CalifornIA WIth John Rummel, Ed Isbey,er Elbs, Ford Slater, Burt Mller, Dave Donnelly, Don Landls,

ger ),{uller, Clyde LeMee, John Weed and Eddie Beaver.Well 1t looks as l! Uull WIll be about all until school startsenng Its usual actiVIties. And nght now and here we WIshthank GERY ROUNDS and MARY GRATZER for the wonderfulrk they did in this column wlule we were on vacation.

'Tll next week we hope to see you all in the halls sporting yourer t&ns


• flshinlRoell

ThUl"lday, September 4~



Compliments of

11008 Kercheval, Grosse Pomte





The Pointe Conservatory ofTheresa No!!, Director

Enroll Now for Fall TermPlano - Voice - Violin - Organ and Theory

20947 Mack, corner HamptonCalLs Taken Before 3:00 O'Clock at NI 5442'After 3:00 O'Clock CalLs Taken At TU I \4b~

174 Kerby



• •••Heavy Ian ~

It "Steel Quality p . Screw.H. Au ell' dIng" . Hammer nvel



Few Blooms Blue asBachelor's Button


Bachelor'S Buttons (centaureacyanus), also called corn11owers,are hardy annuals of easy cul-ture. They respond to good, richsoil, proper cultlvatlon and wa-tering during penods of drought

There lire both aingle anddouble varleties In white, rose,pink, purple ~ blue, the latterbeJllg espeCIally valuable becausetrne blue IS rare among BowersAs a cut flower It is unexcelledbut needs plenty of we.ter to ob.taln lor..g :!!o\-1er !tpmq

Seeds can be sown in late fall!or early spnng, and the earlierthe better. SOWlng in the openground is preferable to lltartmgin the bouse, although seedlingsshoUld be thinned to stand 8 to10 mches apart. Sown late in thefall. the seed WIll remain unlllispnng when germmal10n takes Iplace durmg the cool sprmg days.

GrowIng 2 to 3 feet lugh, the'plants may need stakmg, If itcan be done to gIVe a natural ap-pearance. It is a good plan tosow three or more seed in a spotin the borden, m locations a footapart, TI¥n to one plant in eachlocation. Less seed Is requiredand tblnnlng is reduced to &

minimum, Separate colors maybe had If a color scheme IS de-lilred. The effect is better whenthe seeda are sown for mass ef. REVIEWfect.


Temporarily Located at 14707 Kercheval, Corner Manistique

Mashell G~"~;~NINGof Our New Store ---.



gardener S ;2uiz1. For what lawn purpose is sodium arsenite used,

either in the spring or fall?2. What is & "Wahoo"? Is it a bird, an Indian call,

a tree or some new vegetable?3. A recent best le1ler book embraced sOme revolu-

tionary ideas on soil preparation. What is thetitle ~d 'WhQ ~t~ it"

4. (a) From what source did the Osage Orange de-rive its name? (b) And in what way is the treecommonly uaed in Michigan?

5. In what garden material classification, would youplace these subjects: Thuja, Thujopsis, Tsuga?

6. Are there any good reasons for applying & dress-ing of salt to the asparagus bed, in early spring!

7. At the flower ahow i.a the movie "Mrs. Miniver,'.the old station master was awarded the silver cupfor what exhibit?

8. Complete common names Qf three groups of gar-den flowers bearing respectivel~ the preI1x-Flea,Spider and Bee.

9. If you get ,& shipment of n~ stock, with eachitem marked "B&:B:' what does this imply?

10. Whit famous writer, in his day, put into themouth of one of his characters, the words, "Comemy spade, there is no ancient genetlemen but gar-deners."?SCore yourself, each question or combination-10

points. 60 f&ll'j 10 good; 80 ex-good; 90 excellent..Answers on page 10.




lotcher 01dsllohile CO.

880 We1!t M('~icho1~Phone r~. 1-6iOOsnRt;'s Birmin~ham Sto~Phone 8810

Successors To



Hefltlquflrten 10,~.


Garden Fresh Fruiisan~ Vegetables

Fmest Quality - Lowest Prices




15554 E. Warren at Somerset


£a"illac: OwnEnY!I


Hydramatic E1Cpert~r .. 'n.pectlon

Peppy Peppers CiveUs Vitamins, Too


8pecial 7lnnual garden &ction 0/ 'Ghe grosse Eointe c!R~view


reea Peppers TunI Bed or Io~ .. They lUpeD

A few plants of llweet pepperl!,set out In the garden alter dan-ger of frost is over, WIll give bigreturns for the space they occupy.They are among the richest ofvegetables in vitamins A and Cand can be served raw In saladsand cooked in many appetlzmg Iways.

FAriv v&rietIes can be JO'OW!\II from 8eed aown outdoors, after III the ground warms up, but It III

better to 8t&rt plants indool'll orbuy them in the market. Theplanl:.l &re very tender, andshould not be set outdoors unW I! •It is safe for tomatoes. 5 I dO. K III Aap~ae:n::: ..::n';:d ~vein:: a a sa ay eeps swayfrequent culticatIon. 'nley like a Green, leafy vegetables, Which room in the row so they maturerich, heavy soU, but thrive in supply your flQIllly Wlth Vitamin Iooae heada. The leaves growlighter IlOWI if given plenty of A and calCIum, indude the leaf crisp and turn cream colored atwater. The pepper Is one plant crops which are served uncooked the bue. Newer varieties lackwhich like. a bath now and then; in salada. If you 11kebowl salada, the bitter tang which older formaIt oan be washed olf with the you can Berve one at leut once used to have before frost hadhoae and will thrive the better a day without complaint. lWeetened them. It fa no longerfor It. Many leaves can be used for tbe practice to bleach the leaves

They IJ1'OW rapidly and once bowl salad, Uleludin&' all the by t>1ng them up, or placing thethey begm to bear they continue greeJUl wluch are al80 cooked. But heads between board!!, as tlus re-to produce fruit unW froat kills our chief reliance will probably be duces the Vitamin content of thethe plants in the falL A dozen on lea! lettuce and endive, eape- leaves.planl:.l will usually be sumclent cl&lly the form known as escar' Enwve not only stu.da hotfor a family of four. They bave oUe or broad leaved enwve. weather better tha.n lettuce, bUta long seaaon during which they During hot weather we m~ de- it remains m good condItion&..-e l.~ good condition; the color pend on escarolle, which takes 90 longer in the fall, being improvedchanges from green to red and days to mature. By lOwing a m quallty by frosty weather.the vitamin A content increues row at the aame tune as the fIrStWith lJrls change. The red pep- lettuce lOwing. we may have itpe1'll are highly decorative, and ready in midsummer when trou-there &re also attractive orange ble with lettuce uaually berins.nrietIea. ~ Three lOWing. of endive, made

The only l.n.eectlikely to attafk twenty days apart, will providepeppen fa a :fI.eabeetle, which can you with dally lIa1ad leaves untUbe dIseouraged by praying or freezillg weather.du.It1ng with nieotine or D.n.T. The best quality of both broadThere F' no d!.Iease. likely to and curly leaved endive Is obtaln-bother. ed by giving the plants plenty of

Margaret L. l\fllll ..Director



It irons clothes faster, smoother,neater; &IIwithout lifting, backache.physlC&I Strain The open ends willtake sheets and tablecloths .•• easily!It has mmy convenience features, suchas selecrln hear control, foot-treadleaCtion,tv. 0 Ironing speeds, roll-stopfor pressing and a 30-inch roll

.... New 'rigkkll,. AutomatIc

TIllS IS lUSt what you've 'IV1shed formany nmes. espeCIally on WIntry orramy days !\o heavy clothes ro hangout or rale down. It's automatic.J l~t pur In c'Ot:'~) set the automaticorner ... and forget It In t~ to 2~mmutes • whole ~lJJhtrful of clotheshas been fiutf.dned by CIrculating"ttesh-&.It-aet1on" -ready for ltorun.lt.

- with ''Live-Water'' action. All yOIldo i5 put in clothes and soap, set thedl&1.• and forget It! Fills and cmp-ues itself auromanally. In less thinhalf an hour your clothes have beal:....ashed dean, rinsed twice and dan.p-dned • , • some teady tor Iromng!1bat'S only part of the Story. You'llhave to see dus revolutlonary newwasher yourself.

.... frigicloi ... fully AutomatIc


J;" .... t ...rlltlJ

s.. no... New ~ a......., -'"'.,,e_AIM _ ~,. ... tt....... . . . llectric• ........ w..... HeeIws.......... "--'.

8rECL\lJ.Y notfSRD TO IE lU,", fUnNING-.mAUY PACKAntn to STAY ~

Ope" Agai ..

Your Gro••• Point. Frl,ldalr. D.al.r



PhODl!'lII:8ebool, TU. 1.. 32.Boll5e, !'l'I. 5f5!

MACK AVE., Between University and R.ivardComJl~telll Remodeled and Redecorated

1Ti4irAaireContplete tauntAry!"


Trying To "ITrim DfJWn.




MilliN SCHOOL801 Cook Rd.

Grosse Pointe WoodsA Closely Graded SChool for Children Two Years to SIX Years

Opens 11th Year Sept. 15, 1941Office Open for Enrollment, Sept. a

Office Hours: 9 A.M. to 12 NOQn


15222 EAST JEFFERSON AVENUEVA. 2-9445 Grosse Pte. Park



Spra>1ng to protect your gar- Annual poppIes should be sownden should beglll before msect or 1 \\ here they are to grow, and theIrfungus damage is apparent. Aft- seed may be broadcast wheneverer the damage is done, it is too the soIL can be looeened an inchJ&te. You can count on the same \ or so deep ...."th a rake Theyenemies that attacked the garden stand freezing .....eather ....ithoutJut year. lIlJury


,I ·





I l~


i .,1

Il~Jt~ Im



i ~~




,,- '



Page Seven

I T\V. 1-0800

For TheMost Complete

Selection of RecordsIn This Section

Concertos for Danelng 3.31Freddy Martin

SouveDil" Album 3.94:AI Jolson

"On the Moonbeam" 3.94Vaughn Monroe

Gene Krupa



a few.


All Time rots 3.31Tommy Donsey

We Deliver To All Pofntell

Eleet ... soneAppliance

1 2091611ack Ave. NL 7MOat Hampton BoacI

B••n: ••• da:r - Frlda:r • till •Sata.rU:r • WI •


Popular AlbumsDorothy Shay Album 3.75

, Artistry in Rhythm 3.31Sta.n Kenton

NIagara 8224

The OldHome or New?


IThe Sun plant (portulaca gran- I

dlflora), a relative of the com'mon pusley weed ot garueml, flOdll IIn a sunny location the Ideal Iplace In whIch to grow Portulaca 1Is one of the most brllhant an.nUals, and may be used m sev-eral ways.

It grows from 4 to 6 Incheshigh, dependmg on the SOILcondl'tlons, and has red, yellow andwhite flowers and also a fragrantsort, rose colored and cunously IRt 1'1DPd The flowers open m themOTIIlng, closmg at night, but be-IIcause of Its sunny habitat, requlr-mg ...."'rmth for full development, IIt begill.l to flower from June andcontLnues throughout the summeror unbl cut down by frost.




On the Occasion

Detroit 12, Michigan

Compliments. to

A,all you-se:f of t~; ~l);)IYtu~h) C~!,' ~ ghl,' ~' I cd I:"cs:ape evperts. OJ ,IIass st roo a~d r.-a~e Sugges.,ons Re'1'lerr!x'. a I:'d.:aped hC'1'le (properly CO'l€1a~ds r ....nare~s of do la's In \a\.e to }OL.rP":J;;2"Y a~ \'.e'l as ~ \ rg you the sat s-fact 0' of .~s erhar.':€G Dec; ...l.,' l:t L.S }...:I~ )C ..... ' ~1 1:....~ ';"":s.:a;J ""~ ~ ..:~ e""flTre'e IS no cra-ge tor thiS service.


~~~~n.:::>-;y,~l'::T"'~,.-.<;.~~~~::,..~ ~

Eastern Mif!higan

Horticultura' Society


The Grosse Pointe and

The 31st Annual Show

"',. E""fIIA&ARA • U 4

A • T H U. 'il


73 Kercheval

This Flower LikesCrowded Cities

See co...r rr0~" cc-;'e"e s'.j:~ ~t ....:...~l--,:...~ E:.-e"s"ee"'s0'" C s:': a" o~ .. 1"'\"'\l.rc t S~' .. t""" R~"''''e'l :er, Yt ... ~"'i

you oeal 'A '1 a, old e,.cD ,red nJ-sery I o<e '.'~'1'oe. ):ou ta~e ro r <-c, fer \\e Sf! I r,o r r~ but t-, -"fie G gra.',." tes'ed ,'oc, f-om tre f roest s'ral"1$. 'Iou a'e 1"1, 'eo to P<', \.05 a \,5 t.




Let lJs Sit Down Wit"--You!

The time for eununer sowingdepends on the crop to be grown,and the 1!!.te "1'1'1"" tint f!'l!4!Zlngweather Is expected. The average Idate of the fIrst kUlIng frost III Iyour locality may be obtainedfrom the local weather bureauSow each crop early enough toallow It to mature two or threeweeks before the frost date. Inthe case' of lettuce and other Icrops which dialike hot weather,use only the fut growing, ear-11est varletle ... and BOW as late upossible. preferably after theturn of the lIeuon, when nightsare cooler and raina more fre-quent. •

Planning ToLandscape?

Expert Advice F.REEII


*Since 1847

Complete ServiceV,e rJ"1: e a (('cr,- _'e s''Yi< ofPeat ~:css- C'c><s See:::~-Fer' IIzers-Ga-den A:.:ess"'les a r '1l~sectIC:oe, So'e c,str butors f,'rf- ,per-f-iumus.

For nea-'y a C"~'l "y th 5 ru'<.e-yhas re~de'ed se-vlce based Upo11'5 \ast expe' ence


"Good health, however, me&nsmore than the mere absence ofdisease or infinnlty; It meansmore. than just good nutritionGood health means a positivestate of physical, mental andemotional fIt n e s II. Avocatlonalgardening Is probably far superiorL~ contributing to th!! atate ofwell-being.

"For example, the phyllical ex-ercise which gardening entails Issuitable in the extreme to the ur-ban dwellers, who works all dayIn an office, shop or fa.ctory. Ith&& the advantage of more .tren-UOUIIsport and recreation m thatIt can be geared to any age andphymal condition.

"Leu obVIOUS but equally im.portant are the healthful rewardto the gardener's nervous system,his mind and emotions. Contactwith the outdoors, Wlth 80U and

'j'_ 8"


Boxes which spend most of theday m shade offer a special prob-lem. If the shade Is that of abulldlng, perhaps only follageplants can be grown, such asferns, fancy leaved caladiums,crotons, rubber plants and otherflorists' subJects.

If there Is BOme sun, begoniasWlll probably do well. Impa.tiens,the Zanzibar balsam. bearingflowers of salmon or rose onbushy plants 18 Inches tall, areexcellent III semi-shaded pla.cesViolas thnve in partial sha.de, andthe hst of floweI'll which will dowell Increases as the amount ofsun Is enlarged.

Ilzed A tablespoonfUl of chemi-cal plant tood for each squarefool of soil should be used.

For the annual flowers, full sunIS best, at least SIX hours of suna day IS necesll&ry. The best sub-jects are those of dwarf or trall-mg habit, the latter droppingfestoons of bloom from the boxesPl'tun1as of the balcony type areexcellent, as are tne tall .aslue.bums, the giant morning glones.Dwarf petunias, mangolds, ager-atum, CallIOPSIS,annual plllks, la-bella, dwarf morlUng glories,pll10x, and zinmas can be grown.Petumas have a I!"~ea.tadvantageIn the fact tha.t faded flowersneed not be picked oft before theymake seed; smce only a smallproportlon are po1Unated and theproducuon of iiuw~.r.9 Lunt1nu~s.Other annuals must have theirflowers removed, to keep olhersfonnmg.

I 6"'5 -


It's easy to see why somany shoppers preferLON CO' S for theirhome and electricalappliances. We hivethe largest selections••• the highest qulityitems, Ind our pricesare reasonable!'We Service & Repair

All Appliances




Constructlon of the boxes Issimple and can be done this win-ter. The diagram which accom.panlespanles this artIcle showshow to bUlld them. For a stan-dard aingle \vmdow, II. box 3~!.feet long, 8 Inches deep and 10mches WIde IS a good size. Butmeasure your wmdows and makeboxes to fit. "W'here larger, ormultIple, ",..indows demand greaterlength, the other dimensions mustbe larger m proportion, or singleboxes may be proVIded for eachwindow In a group.

Rich 11011,of the type whichflorists call potting IIOU,must beused for window boxes. Becausethere is so htUe of It to feed thefloweI'll, It should be well fertl-

To effect a striking improve-ment In the appearance of ahouse, at small expense, no betterway can be found than to deco.rate it WIth WIndow boxes full offlowers.

In congested city locations nolelll than in garden suburbs, wm.dow boxes can be used to growbeautifUl flowers, and when theyare planned to narmoru.ze WIththe house, and accent Its goodpomts, they WIll delight the own-ers as well as all who pass

Think of them as a decorationof the house; make them of aSUItable sIZe and a color to matchthe bouse color or tnm. ThefloweI'll shoUld be chosen to fur-IlJJIh a contrastmg, yet hannoh-lous color accent. There IS aweaiUl of sultaDie varieties lromwhich to choose.

_-----======:-o--- __ 8_-p__ecial :llnnual garden ~ection 0/ tt;he grosse :LJointe/ReviewGay Window Boxes Best Gardening Called ExerciseHome Beauty Treatment That Benefits All Ages

J30th In producing nutrltlous_42(//. food, and providing healthful ex- sunshine and growing plants, Is$ I /~,# ~ ~ erclse, home gardening makes 1m. one of the city dweller's best/ff" ,/ //;f/"/ portant contributions to the na.. counterbalances for the strain of

tlonal welfare, Watson B. Miller, urban 11ving.adminIstrator of the Federal Se- "Ccn!!:-me1 pr ...wAI' gardeners Icurlty Agency, told the National have always known the salubriousGarden Conference in Waahing- effect of planting, tending andton, D. C harVesting growing things, even

"The relation between dIet and for the well person. VIctOry gar'hea1~ 11 axlomatic; the beat fed dens made this value more widelypeople are invariably the most known. Many Americans today dohealthy," he said. "Through back- not need doctors or supervised re-yard and vacant-lot gardens, we habllitatlon. But their lives arecan strengthen the American diet, surrounded by confueion and con-aRd playa VItal part In building fllct. They can find heIghtenedand m&intalning a plentiful, var. phyaical, mental and emotionalied menu. health in a garden.

"Garden prodUCts reward theirusen with clear eyes, good com- "Gardening is unequalled for reoplexions, sound gums and good di- laxing the body and mind of agestlon. According to Drs. McCol- perllOll who works under coMtantlurn and Simmonds, the liberal mental strain or In an atmosphereUlle of protective foods means, In of high tenaion. 'l'his outdoor es.add1tlon to their vl!:!ue aa preven- erclse restores buoyancy and reobve medicine, 'preservation of the slliency to the mind, and promoteschara.cterist1cs of youth.' The pro- more hannonious phySIcal devel-tective foods, among whIch veg- opment. For the worker whoseetables and fruits rate high, will eight hou!'ll a day are monotonousdo more for womeq than beauty and restricting, gardening offersshops. aatiafylng variety and me&IJll of

self-expresaion. For any gar-dener, it 11 a tlne way to workoff lrritatiOIl.l and frustra.Uons."

Deep'reeze 'De Luxe

Model ASS259~

For the ana1ler family ell'w~ I!paclt il1imlted. wemmend the braDd 1II8Wptieeze De LID.e Modelhome freezer. With c:apeo-of Dlore than U eubioit will hold more tban

pouDds of a.-ted pmab-foods. Thill model c:aJl

terVe as a supplemelltarYto your 1arpr mod.el.

Easy TermsCome 1.1ROEDELL

Plumbl... • Heatlnll'TU.2-3'737

20229 Mack Ave.Gl'06Se Pointe Wooda


1611/.1..(('OME FREEZERS

for smallfamilies too


It LOT 0' SIlANtSH",NO A LOT OF FUNGood. Neighbor au-

Start OCtober litLJIlIT:IOONIW~TelepbollC NiatJara 1000

b,tenSlon 25


,l'l!da\, scptem_be_~_4_,_1_94_7 _



for the

Compliments of\

Fine Work Which Lt.c Membership'Has Acannplished

Headquarters forLawn and GardenTOOLS




Park-DittrichT,ree Expert Co.Complete Tre~ Service

Post Office Box 48. Mount Clemens, MichiganPhones Mt. Clemens 2220 - 6360

17009 Kercheval Avenue


Grosse Pointe and EasternMichigan Horticul(ural Society


LEON E HAH N KE, Di rec torFALL TERM BEGINS SEPT. 8thAJdl tlOIlS and Enrollment from Sept 21 ' ,"',1, n


15219 E Jefferson at Beaconsfield








Sheep Manure100 Ibs. $3.25

Cow Manure100 Ibs. $3.25

Milorganite1CO Ibs. $3.25

Driconure •100 Ibs. $3.75

Bone Meal . ;7-":"'::100 Ibs $5.75. ...:.~'::;~';"

Turf B~ilder Nature prov., ideal gr~'~~~;' ••ather In Auglllland September. Tah advantage of this good leaSOn

100 Ibs $6.50 to beautify your lawn. Follow the Scott prncriptlOn. pefVigoro 1000 sq It: 10 Ibs Turf BUilder, 3 to 5 Ibs Scotts Seed.

120 ibs $400 SCOTTS LAWN SEED-Finest blend of deep rooM9

ADCO . permanent gro$Ses for lawns in full sun, light sl1ode.1 Ib - $1 25 Sibs _ $62S 25 Ibs _ $2985.

..') !03 $2.50 SeD", for Den.. Shade a"th. sam. prices.Peat Moss scons TURF BUlaOER-Supplies vitol nutrlentl

BJ!" $6 00 lowns need to kee"p healthy and SfJarklrnt green.-. 50 Ibs - $3.75, feeds 5000 sq ft. 100 11K _ $V.50

Grosse Pointe Hardware18111 E. .JEFFERSON Old<"t RU~LnCBg F."tahhsh- .I ••• ra 4428

ment In GrO'Be Pomt" D

Perennial flower seed lIbouldbe included in the Bpring seedorder and sown When the weatheri. cool and the IOU moist. Germ-Ination is then much better andthe seedling plants have a long~Il of favorable conditions forgrowth before being transplantedto the border ~ the fall.

AabeI of wood, soft coal andhard coal are all valuable tolooaen heavy clay 11011,but it IS

best to let soft coal ashes weatherfor a season, to get rid of tOXICsubstance&.

Institute(Continued from Page 6)

vere pitcher which WIll begraved with the name ofwinner,

AID SCOUTS4. A grant of $4.000 has been

mad.. to the Boy Scouts ot Am.enca to help them develop andenlarge a permanent garden pro'gram which has been carrll'd onfor a number of years This grantWIll be matched by a SImIlaramount and will be used to em-ploy a full.tlme horticulturalagent who Will travel through &11the l!Itate.s and l~adlng CIties en-couraging gardening a man gScouts'and in other youth organl-zatiollS.

5. A National Pural SchoolGrounds Beautification Contest tobe launched in Septen.',er and tobe concluded in May, 1948 Thework is to be done by pupils un-der the guidance of teachers orParent-Teacher ASSOCiations.

6. A camp&1gn to enlarge thescope and ln1luence ot g&rdenmgthrough the creation ot local co-ordinating committees. In creat-1ng these coordinating committeesall will be impressed WIth the im-portance of united action and wIththe fact that each group In thecouncU will maintain its ownIdentity. Instead of being weaken-ed, the individual local organIZa-tions will be stronger throughunited action and by the aVOId-ance of duplication of ettort.

NEWS LETTER7. TIle program to assist com-

pr.!es w}o.!ch have employee gar-.den progr&nUI and plant beautifi-cation projects will be continuedand broadened. Every ettort Wllibe mad'" to enlist the sel'Vlces ofother corporatlons in ttus veryworthwbile program.

8. ~ardengram, the monthlynews letter, which has proved tt.self 110 useful and popular, willbe continued &pd its scope broad-ened. Tbia is written by AndrewS. Wing, Executive Secretary,witll tile lIlIlliBtance of Instituteotrlc~ and garden executives allover tile Nation. Vital gardeningnewa from any part of the coun-try is always wefcome,

TU. :.9085Wm. ALLEMON


t.4lnh Hay in Season

17727 t.4.1ck ...t UniversityWe Df'llver

, rJ'",I'"

i ~ 802S Agnes Fitzroy '222i:~~~=~..~-----------:Wood For Fireplaces

1624.lnch Lengths


.., ••'" .,nIet 00.14800 E. JeffersoD at Alter BeL

BIckory 2000 \OPEN "I'lL ~NITE





Grosse Pointe


Landscape Service

1"0 tile Music of




Belial ..Foods

Under the Management otMarie K!es~eD

U4I9 E. JEFFERSONSt. Clair Shores

Phone Roseville 9185

like Bozzie_ •• ..", HI •.... __ •


8pecial 7lTu2uai garden ~eciion 0/ c(;he grosse 20inte c!Rcview----

-I sweel~:~L~~:sP~Sgardenll E~ADS E~ACT:rs E:4NCZreS!peas W1ually gro,; better If Ule I .11 -.l1 -seed are treated With one of theInoculants aV&1lable for the pur- S'OTE:-Repriate4 ODl'6 acaln b)' botJ1 on a farm at Derby. Pl.., In Scriptures; an attractive plantpose. Treatment stimulates the popular request from Sprela1 16l1'1l.of Quaker parentage, 1nter- WIth blue-gr~n tollage, and oneability of the plants to obtain Gardea Section of GrusSI'!Polnte ested In plants at an early age he of man1 virtues. Runninl closenitrogen from the air, whl'rl' Re,1ew tn September, last ),Nr. became a self taught botanist. In to thellle Is Tansy, variety Cri!'.other plants mUlt get It from the By TO:\{ PEAR:.ON 1728 he founded the first Bolanl. pum (Tanacetum VUlgare.) TansySOli. "obn Bartra.-o. Botamst, wa.s eal Goardens In .Amenca which leaves were uaed in a pUdding

still exilit, and is now one ot thl' eatel'\ at Eutertlde; and U\ ad11-city parks In Ptuladelphia. HIS tion, the curly fem.l1ke fol1agecollectmg expedltlons ran g e 11 of v. Cnspum IS splendJ.d Ul bou-(rom Lake Ene 1n the north to quets.Flonde In the south Bartram will They Too, BoDed 'I'bel.--perhaps be rememb~red best for Never was the world so tob&coolull Intro<iuct.:on of the ahrub ConaclOWl than as at the preeentFrankllnia Alalamaha (named for time (A D. 1945), the days ..-henhis friend BenJamin Franklin) we have got back to "RollingwhIch he fOlUld 1n Georg1&. But, our Own." The earlie.t recordedstrange to say, that never before, UIIIe of tobacco (NicoUana Taba-or since. hu thJa shrub been ..u.m) takes us back a long way, tofound irow1ng native 1492 when ColumbWl saw men 111

S wee t SeeDted GerualWDI. Cuba smoking rolled leave. of theThere lJi a strong fad JWlt now plant; and to stlll earhllr timesIn collecting these plants the when IndJ.ans cultivated andorlgmal forma of which came smoked It 111 long tubes at thelrfrom the Cape Good Hope, South tribal gathenngs. Introduction ofArnc&, 1Il J.7~ to Ji:nglanlL SIDce tile cigarette as we know it 15that tlme hybndlsts have worked much nearer our time.upon them cl"088lJl&' the vanous ~ UDder G........ At Long-types and producing many new wood near Kennett Square, p....acents; and 10 today we have 8eV' on the famous estate of Pierre S .eral vanationa of rose alIo l1me, DuPont, the collServatory knownlemon, orange, apncot, nutmeg, as Hortlcultural Hall and Green-appl .. gn(tse~rry m;nt. Inn~ ... ~m_ bouS4'lI. ~wrs an area nearly fourphor, and a host of others. and one.half acres. In the main

8kyscrapper Terrace GMdeaa lJe()tion are two lawns, each 100x-The f&lJloUII Rangmg Gardena .0 f~t with fiower borders sur-of Babylon had nothing on the rounding them. other sectionsterrt.ce gardens located on j.he are devoted to Pe&d1es, Necta.nmth fioor RCA. Bu11dlng, Rocke- nnes, Grapes and tropical fruitsfeller Center in New York City. and a hoWle of 3.000 rose plants.A year ago, an 1nteresting cere. Gardens outdoors inclUde Maze,mony took place in thelle gardens Water, Perennial and Boxwood,

• when two Eng1lJlh Holly trees and 111 the latter are many fine'""~"e pl!L.91tedto eQ!r..n:.emor3.tethe ~m~n!. Q~e meam-'"..!1: 28 feet50th anniversary of the N:ew York across. John :Man is IIUperih.Botanu~al Gardell6 and in memory tendent of the estate.of its predecessor - the old El- IDDc Tut'. PCIUl-Some yearsgm GardeJ\.l (Established 1807), ago back in 1936, When excav&-which were located where the tions were being made at theRockefeller Center now .stands. On tomb of Kin g Tutankhamen,the eleventh fioor of this buUd- among the preciOWI jewela and1I1g are the "Gardens of the Na- many other thing_ that were un-tlona." earthed were peaa which had

Flewer of tile beu _ It is been stored away for nearly threeclaimed by IOme authorities that thoWIand years. It is on recordnthonia (T. .specIO_) the tall that later IIOme of the peas weregrowing, gay flowered annual so sown and actually germinated.popular 1n our gardena today. Editor's Note: According towaa the "Golden Flower of the taste, above can be d1guted withIncaa." bthers claim the single the proverbial "grain of salt."flowered sunflower, but whichever Lea~ fer s-u-t; - TIle

" It was, a sunDar classic flower Is Puritans often U84!d preued leaves, 1 depicted In their temple carvings. for markers in their Bibles and

: r~~-.<~--<......c--< ........~>-->-->-->-->-->-~~ ~~:~dw~:ree:ea:~enlu: ~=~~o~:;~~ c:I of them in their ceremonial gath- the berb Costmary (Chrysanthe-eringa mum Balsamita) now frequently

r Y T Fo~tuoM fI8d TomatoelI-Ongin called Blbl~ Lea.!. lll"ien today~!, of these two important Victory many persons like to pick a leafOJ fNCew y' garden vegetabl~s is somewhat on some flower from a favorite; vague but both are native to CeD- p.~en SJW'1t. fn,. memory'. sake.. I tral and tropical parts of Amer- But the one plant throughout the

I I ica. White pot&toea are mentioll' ages ILSlIOCiated with the eu.stom~ ed 1n "Cronies. de Peru," pUbUabed is ~ (Rosm.arlnWl otftcf.-

I e1J h T 11533, and that they were firlrt nalls) the "Thats for Remem-

,:'" . ry' ~ant emums found under cultivation n e a I' brance" of Shakespeare.~ . QUInto, About 16Sl1. Sir Francis "H'lUDI," ADeIeIlt aDd .,.t-

T Drake 1ntroduced tubers to Cork, The first Chrysanthemum (Chu-Ireland; hence the name "Irish san Daisy) is native to China.

t Y. Potatoes." Toma.toes, discovered La.ter grown in .Japan where it;.I I by Span1ardI on their expeditions. is recorded as tar back as 1186,

. were introduced to Europe 1n bfolng adopted the royd flower,

~.-y.lI ~ good percentage of all Hie commercial dirysanthemums in T us... About 1596 they found their it appe&nl on carvings, woven intoI' I way to England and were named tapestry, and forma the erest and~ • culture today were originated by us in GrQSse Pointe A... "Love Apple." At first thought seal of the Mlkado. Robert For-r ... to be poillonous, they were grown tune (R. H. S.-London) went to:, 71'1' f Y only for omamenta and CUriosity, China in 1M3 and to Japan some~[ Our recent endeavor includes worthwhile Hardy Garden Mums and it was not \lt1tn 1724 thelr years later, bringing back ortgiDal~,.V l food value waa appreciated. speCllllJ and many varieties, later

~'- :YOU are invited to see these new creations in bloom during ru:=-=-m~~e~: :~::ed by hybrid1sta the worldV S t be dOt be I' nothing to the average reader, but In Michigan, the late Elmer D.. 1-, II ep em r an cor Chapman, born 1775, did a great Smith, Adrian, and Vincent R. De

~ T deal to create Interest in orchards Petrls of Groae Pointe have doneI I and early .American apple vari- much in the hybrichzing field,

etles, for he was none other than presenting us with many out.

li T the famoWl ".Johnny Appleseed." standUlg varieties.

D P · I He estab1lJlhed a large orchard at •

l e e t r I S nC Y.Penns Landmg in PllNlSYlvama, EIId Piece - In many ways

: 1_ and otten gave away young tr~s those old days were the golde..'l

I • . to pioneer families mo..,.;.... fur- days In the history of gardening.','T', T ther west. In.O ye~~ wan- The time ot great plant die-denng, pnnclpaJly through the covenes, when botanist and plant

T. NATIONALLY KNOWN CHRYSAN"rHEMUM BREEDERS . Ohio nver.nJley into Indianaand hunter conquering almost waur-T Dllnois. he di$Uibuted luge quat!- mountable difficulties, broughtbties of apple aeeda and helped back from acro... the lleYen 8easif 230 Grosse Pointe Boulevard y s~r:w~~~erbs - The blt- ~:ts '~~V~b:e~y1nare~ ~

•~~~~~ . terest of all herbs is Wormwood bone ot our gardens...-.,IZ'~~~~~-<-<~~>*_>__>__)a_>__>__>_>__ ... (ArtemIsia Absinthium) mention. It is to these plon~rs, and the

ed in the Bible and in the plays untold numbers more, who fol-of Shakespeare. This is a tall lowed in the years between, togrowing gray foliaged perennial. the hybridists, garden wrIter,laad-The leaves of which are WIed in scape architect, nurseryman andAbsinthe and Cordial Coming trained gardener we owe a debt

I next 111 "tttemess is Rue IRuta I of gratItude tor the beauty and IIgraveolens) also mentioned in the I charm of our gardens today.

D ()<;;;;;;;;;>CXi;;;;;;;;;>CXi;;;;;;;>CXi;;;;;;-.'U ..

I~ ~II Myron Bley U

~orist ~I~ ...


Loeal aDd Pftqbgg





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1 III, ~ii, : 1I ~. ! j" 1

, :\~t

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~i! I•

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Page Nine

•- !

I~ IIit

,. ,

I .

I .1. ,r1

l ,•'l'",

~ J• .~...:rr


CO. • ~I....


1388 Beaconsfield

TUxedo 2-2275


.Consult ~us_O"n1!alll!lanting'

Detroit Landscape ServiceE. Louwers, Mgr.

General Maintenance of Lawns and Gardens





WE SPECIA[lZE 1t\J TREE REMO~ING.General ~runing ~ Jrees; Sh~rubsietc~

Landscapingenhances the value

and increases the beautyof any home.

why no tie t U 5 m a k e s u g g est ion s




8pecial 7lnnual garden 8ection 0/ 'l;he gro.,se $>oinle /Review


Grosse Pointe ana Easiern Michigan' Horticuliural SocietyON THE

31st Ann"-(JI Show -'.SeEte111}~r6th a,,-d 7th'at Tne Neighl:)orliooa Club


Grosse Pointe's ONLY COMPLETE Service!,


I ,.

I I, I.:'I< I'

Floor lamPiMiDor EJ.etrical


• •

Let Us CheckYour Furnace

For Fuel Economy

TbUl'lClay, September 4, 19t7---.,



TU.2.1UO c. P.'IItAll Our 'Jecht!ti<:lEves. PRo 2486 Co,md by

Cornpen •• tlon Intu'&r;/o

forLawns, Carden

IndCeneral Household Needs


VA. 2.70551::82J Kerche'val at Mary!ard


Can o..,ly be Obtalred Thrcug,, Knew How"-Proper Equ,prnent

and Proper Care



Lochmoor Hardware


Comes From Finer Dry Cleaning

ANDLike Good Gardening



WASHER SERVIC~Niagara 0995

20'1"1'9 Ma.ek AVE. It.-bit&, Ned .. Wood'. Fire Stali.



Grady R~ofingCo,

* Gutters* Conductors* Eayestroughs, etc,Repaired and Replaced

15132 M.ck

Free Estimates

QUick-grown, young vegetables All cucumbers \\~are the best, and only the bome they're permItted to d cllll\bgarden, where they may be Iaar- small vegetable plot "so In

'''d to t ' ClJcUlnvested as needed, can pro... e ma 08', peas, b, ana anth m oring foh Vlne~ar la ~e . ", !'----------------------

No MODey DoWD5 'fears to PaT

Samuel R. BarrNI.022&

Grosse Pointe WoodsRex H. Johnston


-SIiE iUODELA15001 RODRton

corner Hay~Let Us Remodel 'four

Garage with a New ()qor

Quality Work &I MaterialAluminum and Steel

Overhead Type Doors


Four o'clock (mirabilis jalapa)


are especially valuable becausethey withstand the smoke andgas of dties. !hey• ~.~~ .r~~ ~~in oramary &KJu. "'1\'& u....'" ... ..,_ "

location.Ii' may be grown as a specI-

men, as a hedge plant and Is UJe.CuI for foundation planting mplaces where little else Will growThe dominatmg colors are red,yellow, white, wluch IS saId to b~fragrant, and a curious vll.rle-

Igated sort of mixed colors. Itgrows two to three feet high.

Seeds can be started early in Ithe house, or directly In the open

I ground Seedlings should be thm.ned to Itand 8 to 10 Inches ~part.



We Salute The Grosse Pointe and Eastern Michigan HorticulturalSOCiety on thell' 31St Annual Show of Flowers - Fruits • Vegetables



17110 Bradford. Zone 5Corner E. Mc..'ileho1s

Carace BuildenPhone PlD«ree 58I'l

H. Buckeridge &.SO~Plumbing & Heating -

15108 KERCHEVAL AVE. VAlley 2-6740

Sun-Loving FlowerCousin to Weed


gardener ~ ~uiz1. In controlling chickweed.2. Small t...-ee, Euonymus family.3. "Ploughman'g FQlly" by E. H. faulkner.4. (a) Ouage Indians. (b) For hedges.5. Evergreen classification.6, A stimulant. For weed control.7. For his new rose.8. Fleabane, Spiderwort and Beebalm.9. Balled and Burlapped.

10. Shakespeare in "Hamlet."

Fo, Immetl;.te Delirery-,

1OnlyAE-646 General ElectricAutomatic Dishwasher

1OnlyGeneral Electric DeLuxeSTRATOLINER Range

EdItor'. Note: Due to Its lengththe report W1ll be continued mnext week's ReVIew.


lS.h )-21'" c" "" ....'""r r ;..-,r",-- c~ ,P" ...h ..€C:~

'" 'n rc\ fie 1','j SED =~,

DOAN R. OGDEN, will draw landscape plans andspecifications which Will increase the beauty Ind

value of your grounds.NO CHARGE FOR ESTIMATES

Church....... .. _~ •• _, __ _ 1 ......... ~ A.&.lUIl.AQ..oi ,p"'~'L.-"'6, 'io- vQO

ures in ar.nual tax state- 1I7. :J:J.menta, mailing luna of mg- f,. eaalnUnificant and mformatlve ma- 0tenal, open pubhc meetmgs In a Saturday moming cere-of the Board and frequent mony at St. :Matthew's Church,contact of the Board mem- Rita Eileen Stoll became the bridebers, the Supenntendent and of FrancIs Wilham Hodkmson.the PrIncipals m meetmgs of The late summer bnde UI thecitizens at PT.1\., ServJce daughter of Mr and Mrs CharlesClubll, community s t u d, A.. Stolls or Audubon. Mr. Hod-mmutes of the Board, lt~ lmu!on, 15 the son of Mr llnrlbudget and other records are Mrs. FrancIS Hodklnson, of Fern-open publ1c recorda. In thIS dale, !4Jch.respect there Is no questionbut what the constroctive Public Hearing Toand publ1c splnted coopera-bon of the two local news- Weigh Zoning Chan«espapers has been of unmeas- A pUblic hearing will be heldureable value to the com- In Grosse Pomte City's municipalmunlty m underst.andlng Its building to discuss an amendmentsclJools. to the soning ordinance coverini

6 It IS the admimstratlve pol- the David Beyer sub-dIVlSJon.icy of the Grosse Pointe Pub-I It bas been proposed that tlUS Ihc Schools to recognIZe thll.t present Class B Residence proper-school progress tS realized on ty be changed to Class A..


8pecial 7lnnual garden Section 0/ ,"(;hegrosse 20inte /Review

:~:~~~~~~dent~~,ro~~~::!JEdIwr'l Note: Follo\\ mg II the namely, the cla.uroom, ehop,

annual report of SUp,'1mtendent laboratory and playgroundof Grosse Pointe PublIC Schools. but that no matter wbat the

quallty of the teacher mayB)' DR. PAVL L. E~SEBT be, it may be utilized to the

• • • fullest only if there 18 ~-ADMINISTRATION POUCIES ly trained and experienced

First, It is hl'ld that our Board leadersb1p that La a creativeot Educatlon should 'establish a .er'VJce to teaclung. It I..specli1 authonty for the general therefore the policy of tJua

I conduct of the school" The kmd .ecllool dJstnct to pl'OYldeI of &<lll&lnlllllllllv~ p.:lhcy appar- loouffu::ient and adequa.te pro-

ent now In Uro_ Pomte doe. Hot f e s. Ion a 1 aUmuwltI'aliveJust bappeR. It Is the result of arents to make LDatructlonmuch plannmg, thlnkmg expen- continuously progresaive 80mentatloJl" reviSion and rutate- that admlniatn.tive lee4er-mento ahlp may evolve Wltbin the

I believe that the following pol- system or may be selectedicles of the Board of Educatlon from out8lde the system, butIn "estabhshing a broad educa- m all case. must sat,lsfy tl\etlonal authorIty" and forwarding Board of Education In being,

Ithe educatlonal program of the I 1II theIr e.timabon the best.dlstnct have been evolved over I 7. T\1e Su per In ten den t of

I the oast twenty.flve years. Scl1oo~ as the chief execu- •

I- tive of the Board i8 beld re-

1. AdImmstratlve obJectlve has apolllllble for recommendingbeen to develop a well round- appomtments and dllsm;Malsed program of education for of employee.. planning andall the cluldren of all the supervising Instruction, rec-people, rather than a selec- ommendlng instrucbonsl ma.bYe program for college terlal6, textbooks, operation-preparatory or a program •whiclJ favors any geographi. al supplies equipment to becaJ or economic sectlon or used, accounting to thelevel of the community. Board for eXpenditures and

recommendlng revenue pro-2. Deelaions and procedures of ceedure.. adV18lnr and ree-

school administration and In. ommendlng needed changesstruction are formUlated by m school plant and sucbthe Board as a corporate other duties as may be as-body and not by any mdl- SIgned to hun by the Board.VIdual or group of mdlvidual He UI by practice and pol-member.t. IndiVIdual mem- icy of the Board free to actberB u! the Board take full and report to the Hoard h18responSibility for maJonty actlona in the assi(YlJIlentdeclSious of the Boa-d and transfer of pupJ1a to

3. All matters of scho' '1dmln- ~el1' classes and builduig-a.istration are d1scu5s~d fully the assignment and transferand openly 1II reglar and of duties of other employees,.special meetmgs of the the advancement and promo-Board rather than m uno!- tlon of pUblic relations, theficial, Informal conferences colJStroction and cumculumof two or three members of materials and teaching aidsthe Board. All d1acU&siOnll within limita.bon.s prescr1bed Iand decisions are supple- by the Board, the mainte-mented and aIded by the UBe nance and repair of bwld-of the best avallabIe facts Ings, grounds and equipment.and Btudlell that can be pro- He is expected to adviseVIded by the Supenntendent the J30arQ on any n~ed un-and his staff, by specl.a1 Btu- provemena of the generaldies. use' of consultants and school program and to ap-competent authorities. praise and evaluate the ef-

4. All declsion.s of polley, once fectlvenesa of these inJ.establisbed are left to the provement&employed executive staff of 8. It 1.8 the present administra-

the distnct for detailed ex- tive policy of the Board toeeubon. The Board does not provide full time SUpervisorytry to Ieglslate polley aad pnnclpala In any lIchool ofcarry out lts detalled execu- from 15 to 20 claasroomstion. From tune to time it a.rtd to allocate two IlChoolsrequires run and complete re- to one full time principalporta from its cluef exeeu- where either school is smallertive agent, the Supenntend- than lIS to 20 room&. Noent of Schools, evaluating principal or any other ad-the execution of pobClell and mmlstrabve officlal 18 dl-holdlng Ium responsible for rectly responsible to thetheu- e1fectlveness. Board or any of Its members

15. It has been the polley of but all are Indirectly re-I'the Board to keep the Cltl- l5ponSlble t 0 the Boardzens of the community well or any of its membera buto... fu, wcd uf Ita dec~~ms. all are milir"cUy respoIlJllbleplans and problems on U\e to the Board through theassurnpbon that the schools Superintendent of Schools.should be a result of com- .... ..murnty plann!.ng and whole-some participabon. T hispollcy has been carned out

'by exteltSJ ve use of theweekly newspaperll, reportsof the Supenntendent andPreSldent of the Board to

Ra, Whyte CIIe"oIet Co.14800 E. ,Jt>fft'rson at Alkr Rd.

Hlt'kory 2000OPES 'TIL MIDNITE



lIIipu and Sundays, 1111.3&09OpeD. 7'1Iesday.Tbunday. Friday. Saturuy Till, P.M.

Fonnerly Pra.ct1cmg In Detroit,

announces the optrung fit. his offlcefor the practice of General Optometry.Eyes Examined and Glasses Prescribed

17003 Kercheval Avenueat Notre DameGrosse Pomte

TUxedo 1-5140

Refrigerators - Deep Freezers - Gas RangesElectric Ranges - Eureka Vacuums - Cord-

less Irons - Automatic Water Heaters

•Get the Right Furnace Advice






General RepairingOn All Malta 01 CCJT.

Bumpingand Pain~ing" CollQion Work

Brake ServiceOut' Specialty

• F:"""/E~ ~/l-=rllrt\.~





14948 Eltt ,.ffe,," It BarrinltonMUmy ~289

0 .. SUNDAYS stirting at Noon





Famous Kitchen Now OpenOHtrinc Complet. Dinner. Service5:00 r.M. to 11:00 r.M. DAILY

Treat the Family to One ofOur Delicioua Dinners

The .store famous for natIOnally ad, ertlSed Mfn s CW\llet

14205 E. JEFFERSON at NEWPORT"A. 2-26'1'5

Open Thursday, Frlday and Saturday till 9 P ~I

Sol's Men's Wear




Delicious Lunches e Dinne1fMARI~

11- GRil[At the Foot 01 Sf. C,

SaM. Fine Food and 1),'.. BUSINESS l\U.~'sLJ~.. Steak k Chops .ll... Sea FOOd... Wanes it B<'rr, to L

O.... d and \Iao'~'11 I~-," .lI!,~MIl IIA\ br

Phone MU. 9325 D!n1nlt Room op, n 1lto 11 P 1 a.,,.-- .-

Thursday, Sept('Ol~t 4.~ .•••• ii1 •••••••••••••• ; • '


183&9 East Warrenat CounUle

We M.keSenlce cans

We Will have RCA - WilcoxGay - Emerson - Mack -Fll.da - Olympic - Arvu1Radios when Available.

Open Monday. Fnday,Saturday till 9 p.m.

BROADLOOM CARPET$6.50 to $8.9S sq. yd.

ope.. !'rllb, Sit. Till , P1II.

H. RIEMER co.u," 1:. "'ASBENCa""'$ - LI ... le••

I !K IIt I


L.eagueand aU

••• At His FamUiar Wa&,on •••Oil the ParldD« Lot - Next te the Store




14336 Kerchevalat Chalm.ra

Specializing in Home-MadePIES - CAKES nd Home-Cooked f-.lo

Owned and. (}pentH b, Mr. alld Mr.. Cbarl .. Stac\nnaaForm"r owner of the B &t C Sodetl" on Fuher Road

HOURS: MOD. to Fn. - 6 A.M. tit 12 P.M.s.~ - 6 A.M. to 3 A M. - CI.....d Sunda,

12 Excellent Alleys

BowlingI~"1I011 .J.,TO ~

IN FULL SWING!Open Bowling Sat. 6' Sun.

PII BOYSWAmDGood Pay - Apply At Once

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20422 Mack Ave.


Bohemian Beer


Window Shades




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and His


September 8

Tony Patti.\

Dine in Th~ Btttutijul Pompeian Room

NIGHTLYExcept Sundays

in the

Opening Monday


L Wr.- SeIecdoa of F~ ....lJafruMd Minors,

ALSOMirnn Made to. 0rcIu_lied eta. Repain - Hom. Senic:a

VISit Our Showroom Display

£it, Glass Co_pany11800 Kercheval Avew.. VA. 2-4000



FURNACESAir conditioners and gravity replacements

and repairing duct work and blowers1M MEDIATE SERVICE

CHAS. M. OLMSTEAD" CO.14926 ~"ck A'll. at Alter Road NI 2600-2601

Serv~ o.oit '- 17 y ..... witIl Coaeau-ae s..ke



I TIRE SALE===w!FIRST LINE nRES 20M. OFF,: All Sizes A......... 70 1


Serving Your '"Neigiabo,.For Tlairt)' Yeara

Standard Window Shade Company15915 E. w.,.. It 'lICk-PM TU Z.5440

.'l.iIle Ridin. on • Cloudn



Pi... letbt ad Sltee. ~114708 EASTLAWN VAlley 2-8548

POINI'E~~~TAILORS \Game Set I,14931"'f~~~:;~ts IFor Kerby

, ..... M. SeIa .... fAt. 1921 0.- E-.. Ti1I7:OO lL ~ I Field Sun.I An All.Star qrrpR'atlon, com.POSM ot playen from Clase IIIof GroBBe Pomt(". Sandlot Baae.ball Lrague "ill mert BaU,honill, ~trolt Firemen 8 DIYUllOnChampions. Sunday, September 7at Kerby Field beglnnmg at 2 p.m.

I The local all-ltarl face formid-'able oppoSition m the Detroitteam as It bu v. on 1~ stralgbt

I gam('ll .. amst no 10&lell l!l thisIseason's playI Memben ot the Pomte sqU&dare'

I Pitchers: Allan Br~'ant andIBob H&!er of G P News; HarryEdalUl ot Tom Boyd, John BuIll-

I \an ot Harper Auto

II Catchers Jerry Allen (KlII'an-.Is); Bayard Johnson ( News},Hill Pierce (Boyd). ...(Boyd). Dave IHlnnelly rValIlt) ,

Second Basemen' Greg (Pee IWee) Grove (Boyd); BW WiJlk.'ler (1:'\ews)

Short Stops: Pete Von~l(K I W ani s) George Kyproa H" . f I(1:'\ews). ' arry Hellmann, popula.r Tiger broadc aster and former Detroit star out leIder, I

Third Basem"n; Bob Green stopped at the Neighborhood Club Saturday to congratulate Captai.'1.Junmy McNally"(Bo:;yd). ~Roy Pephnskl (News). i Jr. son of Wayne CoWlty's prosecutor and other'members of the Wings softball clubDan DeCapua /Harper Auto); I' . '

Outfielders: Don W 1111 am. for wiruUng the Graue Pointe Recreation League Cl&88C championship. Members of(News), Clark Coon (Boyd) ,I the club from left to right are Jerry McNally Jim's brother' Johnny Ryan Paul DeD1ck Reland (Boyd). R. MUlJer '... ' . ' , . .'(Valet); Rob't Ruck (Valet) Baeke; Kenny Willis, Jimmy, Hellfnann, Lee Folliers, Bob VanSteelant, Tom Knight, Jun I

The coaches for Grosse Pointe SehWlkert, Chuck Lamb and Joe Landry. Other members of the team are Dan Scallen,Will be Russ Gragg of Tom Boyd " . .and Buzz Crol'lln ot Ne\\lI. JIm Blass, George Elkins, Glen Statton and Tom Sullivan who are aw.ay on vacatIOn whenI ----- the picture wu taken. The team won 14 of its 18 games.

iGreggScherer 95 Answer Cried' 'St. Andrews, St. PaattW. p e Begin Grid Practice ,

I Ins olnte Records squads are expected toa C II t G PHS turn out for footbaJl practice at!

I S~~tron!~!ed ~~!~t~s a8) R:KY PBl~PS' ~agu: Trophy The trophy Is ~:~~:~:~:~::b::u~fh~:: I

1 pitched Gregg-Scherer to Its sec- I The olflC'lal openmg of Grollse awarded to the Border Clues Parochla.1 Leagues Class B dlVl-ond strlUgbt Groae Pomte Base-I Pomte Hlgk..School today WItness' school. WIth the best aU-around Sian.ball League Class B champlonshlp I ed the thm1 day of fall v&r81ty sports record for the entire year Ilast week football practice • If Grosse Pomte W1ns It. thiS year I

The~' are Ernie Roberts and I Coach Edward Wernet sent out marks the third consecutlVe Year IRoy DePerno who shared mound !10mI' QI1!! hundred I1lV'lt!ltln.,. In that they have been awarded It.honol'8 as thelr team S\\ ept .a IpromiSIng athletes or the High 1------------dOUble-header from Joe Mocen s School hopmg to get tbe nght ma-I =- -.1

j Club for the title and the right terlal for a wlnnmg gnd squad TWO A~"D OIJTto represent GroBBe POlIlte In the The first offlcal ml'eting wasState tournament at Battlt'" Creek. TueMay, When about mnety-flve GroBBe POI n t e 's Gragg-

Roberta, getting first call. wu' Scherer was ehmmated m thevery effective with his offenngs boys ,received their Uniforms, BOrne State Clase B Basellc&ll tourna-

.. allowmg hiS opponents one run I adVice about the coming 5ellJlOn. mt'nt at Battle Creek by drop-and three scattered hits. I ~d a short practice pmg t\\ 0 stnught games, one

Ernle's perrormance 'has more Coach Wernet stated that the to Pontiac 5 to 0 and the otherI than equalled bv Roy who \\as I backfield of the Blue Devilli is to Lansmg 16 to O.

Icredited With .. shut-out &110\\- :-ve~~ ~lIt thl' Ill'll' ~el'.ms stro"lg I-=::::::::::::::::::::~Img but two-hits. I If, "ern,t added. \\ e can con-I_

TIT1.E !!IERn.... BOX SCORES dltion a couple of good passers and. • •


GBAub ., !>CHEBEB one good kicker, we should have \\ORmV OPPONENTSAB H 0 A Ievent a better team tban last year" Lawrence Tech Wll\ bnng 151

Do,e, Martens 2 I I 0 Grosse POinte III stnvlng to bet- maJor college ba.sketbal1 teams toDoc Rr berl~ 4 0 4 2 t tit . .. th D t


Ru.... Gragg 5 2 6 .J I er I s as year s rccoru ot ree I etrol thiS coming season for'Ernie RoberUl 4 0 0 1 10Slles and three WinS and to retain t gam!"11 In the Cohseum of the Ialll Crandall 4 0 0 4 ItS ngbt to the Border CitIes Michigan State Fair Grounds.I Len Lend710n 4 :I 2 0


I And\" DeLle J 0 12 01

•• •

I~~;O~~~~~:::.~~E~:i~J J IT'S HOME-COOKED -FOODI ABHO" 11Bill E<ans SS 4 0 5 3 Spec a plate lanehes are hemJ sened en" da,. at TONY'S.I B'Il Llnl':eman 2b 4 0 3 1 Very reasonable prices for home cooked. meab: Larre selcco

Ed Hahn Ib 4 0 7 ij tion of sandwiches. Soda flJLDtaln se"ice .•. all in comfort.JeTr'\ Ilrer'\ol;l.ll:l .>0 .. U .:. C

TYPE JIm EHlns rf • '1 I 1 0

I Don Botl cC 2 1 1 0I LArn Ranclho c 1 1 4 0

AI Ta} lor If 3 0 4. 1

I Bob HopkinS P "l 0 0 1Total.. 31 3:n 6

I Gr&l;'g-Scherer 100 0011 100-2 Cooled by Refrigeration! Joe )IocenSF.cO~D G:i.~ 00l 00}-1 "TONY" KOIIIS ConfectioneryI ::TTm--D G:~:::CBE.':: H 0 I DR. 9784I Do"e}' ~furtcns cf 5 0 1 ~ Corner of BarriJltte. .. d Eut JoKferaoa .t the Bu& Stop

Doc Rcbert~ 2b • • 4 0 2 11 -------------------------Russ Gragg c 4 1 I~ • I

,Erne Rob<orts 1b 4 0 11 01lllll Crnndall ~b 4 2 !l 0

I Mar)" Allard rf • ••• • 4 2 0 0Geo SqutlJace If ~ I 0 0

I I~ P,etranl!:elo M -1 1 II I:

IR." DePprno p .•. 3 0 0 5"Lpn LendzlOn It 1 I 0 0 I

T/)tal 36 8 -n 11 I

I" Baited for Squillacp In the 9th I


I BIIL-E,an~ " 4 0 3 21BIll Llngeman 2b • 3 0 ') 5 IE<l Hahn Ih 4 1 9 1,Jprn Ge«a,. 3b -1 0 2 1,

I J,m E\&n~ rt • 1 0 1 0 II Don Boll cr . " , 0 4 0Larn Ran<lllO c 1 0 1 0l':d Flannen It 3 0 :I 0 iRa' I..lnltpman p 2 0 2 1,

,Boh Hopkln~ p 1 1 0 0,Total 2S 2 r. 10

I ;:~\I;;rJ~.~-'---~~--~-~






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