5 reasons why you should go for a cloud crm

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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5 Reasons why you should go for a cloud CRM

Having trouble deciding?

• Can’t make up your mind which deployment method to choose for your CRM?

• Having to choose between onsite and cloud deployment can be quite perplexing.

• We recommend CRM software due to the numerous advantages it offers to enterprises.

• Lets delve into the five most important reasons you should opt for a cloud CRM.

1. Speedy Deployment

• Onsite deployment consumes time and labor. You need dedicated IT staff to look after the installation, repair, maintenance and up-gradation of the hardware.

• However, cloud CRM can be set up and activated in no time, allowing organizations to start using and benefiting from their CRM immediately without any delays or disruptions.

2. Faster Upgrades

• If you have cloud CRM, you can be pretty sure that you are using the latest and most up-to-date version of the software as opposed to onsite deployment where you have to wait for downloads and installations.

3. Secure Data

• Until and unless you have a team of IT experts in your organization, chances are that your data is not secure residing in your own onsite servers.

• With cloud CRM, you can sit back and relax as the data is kept secure using highly sophisticated encryption techniques.

4. Easy Access

• One of the most distinctive features of cloud CRM is that it offers access to data 24/7 from any device and from any location.

• So whether your employees are at home or at a cafe, they can view and update information in real-time without having to visit the office.

5. Greater Flexibility

• With cloud CRM, you pay on a subscription basis which allows you to easily scale your CRM as per your business needs.

• As your CRM grows, all you have to do is adjust your user license numbers.

• Moreover, cloud CRM can be seamlessly integrated with third party apps to leverage cloud technology.


• Cloud CRM has transformed the way businesses are reaching out to customers and building lifelong relationships with them.

• The opportunities created by cloud technology are endless.

• If you still haven’t moved to cloud CRM, now is the time. What are you waiting for?

• Would you like to know what cloud CRM can do for you?

• Want to see more content like this?

• Schedule a FREE CRM consultation session with our experts TODAY!

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