8-5.1 development of reconstruction plans, black codes...

Post on 01-Jun-2020






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8-5.1 Development of reconstruction plans, Black codes & Freedman’s Bureau

I. Reconstruction policy

1. Reconstruction Era - 1865 ⇢ 18772. After The Civil War Southern States Were Faced With

Three large scale issues:A. Significant Economic ProblemsB. Political Issues C. Social Issues

I. Reconstruction

3. Fed. Gov. Believed That Southern Local & State Gov’sShould Be Responsible For the cost & payment to fix their Post War Recovery

4. The Federal Policy did not include Reconstructing-TownsFactoriesFarms / PlantationsTransportation Systems.

II. reconstructIon through Freedmen’s Bureau

1. Freedmen's Bureau Was a Federal Agency Established By An ACT of Congress

2. 1st Line Of Government Assistance:A. Destitute Freedmen ( Former Slaves )B. Poor WhitesC. Widows & Children

II. reconstructIon through Freedmen’s Bureau

3. Under The Control Of The U.S. Army (UNION) The Federal *Agency Provided…*Food*Clothing*Medical Care*Help Finding Work/Jobs*Education*Protection From Hostile Whites*Judicial Court Sysytem*Distributed Abandoned Lands To Freedmen

II. reconstructIon through Freedmen’s Bureau

4. Problems With The Freedmen’s Bureau:

*President Johnson ( A sympathizer of the poor white southerner)A. Gave Pardons To White Landowners & The F-B Had To Return Lands and Property

B. A Majority Of AA’s Never Received Any Land


5. The F-B Helped Create & Establish Sharecropping Relationships Between Freedmen and Landoweners

6. Greatest Accomplishment of The F-B:1000 schools were built by the Agency

III. Presidential reconstruction: lincoln

1. End War As Quickly As Possible.

2. Require 10% Of Each Southern States Population to Swear Allegiance To U.S.A

After 10% Allegiance– States could Re-Constitute their State Governments And Send Representatives To Congress

3. Required State Government To Recognize The End Of Slavery

IV. Congressional Reconstruction

1. Goals: ** Protect Rights Of Newly Freed Slaves-** Protect Republican Political Power-**Refused To Admit Returning Southern Officials To Congress-

v. Presidential reconstruction: johnson

1. Presidnet Johnson (Grew Up Very Poor)

*Humiliate Southern Elite By Requiring Them To Personally Request A Pardon For Their Secession

**Quickly Pardoned Those Who Asked ** Continue 10% PLAN

2. Forced Southern States to Ratify 13th Amendment

V. Presidential reconstruction: johnson


2. HE: A. Vetoed The Extension Of the Freedmen's Bureau B. Opposed The 14th Amendment.

C. Pardoned Confederate Leaders who became members of Congress and Leaders in Southern States’sGovernments

VI. Congress fights President Johnson:

1. The South Had A RiseIn Violence Towards Freedmen( former slaves )

2. White politicians Enforced “BLACK CODES”

3. This resulted in the Election of “Radical Republicans” from Northern States to Congress

VIi. “radIcal repuBlIcan” reconstructIon plan

Radical Republicans: Wanted to prevent the leaders of the confederacy from returning to power after the war, they wanted the Republican party to become a PowerfulInstitution in the south, and they wanted the Federal Government to help African-Americans achieve political equality by guaranteeing their rights to vote in the south.

VIi. “radIcal repuBlIcan” reconstructIon plan

1. “Radical Republican Plan”**Military Occupation**Split Former Confederacy Into 5 Military Districts **South Carolina Was In District # 2

Each District Had....** A Military Governor**Union-Army Enforced Laws/Provisions**Congress Impeached Johnson So He Couldn’t

Undermine Congressional Efforts.

VIi. “radIcal repuBlIcan” reconstructIon plan

2. The Union Army attempted to ENFORCE the 13th 14th

and 15th AMENDMENTS to the Constitution.

13th Freed the Slaves

14th Grants ALL African-Americans Citizenship

15th Grants ALL A-A Males 21 and older the right to VOTE

VIiI. Southern reaction to reconstruction

2. Black Codes Continued to be Enforced** Social & Political Rights were not recognized

3. Blacks & Whites Maintained Distance** Blacks Build their own churches** Abandon Slave Quarters & Build their own homes** Blacks Built their own communities

4. Some whites feared retaliation and form the Ku Klux Klan to keep Blacks 2nd class citiznes

IX. The 14th amendment

1. The 14th Overturned the Dred Scott Ruling

**Recognizes the Citizenship of AA’s **Equal Protection for All Citizens **Due Process for All Citizens

2. The 14th was used by the Republicans to Secure Political Power in the South.

IX. The 14th amendment

2. The A-A vote in the South got Pres. Grant Elected

** S.C. Legislature Originally refused to Ratify the14th & 15th Amend.

3. The Military Governor of S.C. AKA District #2 Forced SC to write a new Constitution to uphold the

New Amendments !

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