all hands on deck, leadership retreat for becker morgan group

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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All Hands on Deckfor a

Culture of OwnershipBecker Morgan Group Inc.

April 1, 2017

Joe Tye, CEO and Head CoachValues Coach Inc.

Copyright © 2017, Values Coach Inc.

Guiding insight part 1

Culture does not change unless and until people change.

Guiding insight part 2

People will not change unless given tools and structure, and inspired to use them.

“I got a whole new team and didn’t have to change the people because they changed themselves.”

Paul Utemark, CEOFillmore County Health SystemGeneva, Nebraska



Who’s weird?

Same job. Different attitude.

Who do you think is happier?

Who would you rather work with?

Who would you rather live with?

Who would you rather be like?

What changed?



Management is transactional.

Leadership is transformational.

Management is a job description.

Leadership is a life decision.


Management is what you do.

Leadership is who you are.

A leader is someone who takes you to a place to which you didn’t know you wanted to go.

– Joel Barker

A leader is someone who helps you become a person you didn’t know you wanted to be.

– Joe Tye

In today’s world we need leaders in every corner…not just in the corner office

Kalispell Regional Healthcare

From the Pulitzer Prize winning book Leadership by James MacGregor Burns

The Four Dimensions of Values-Based Leadership

The first dimension


“Character is destiny.”

The shortest step to a hard fall

Level 5 leadership is a paradoxical blend of strong professional will plus genuine personal humility

- Jim Collins

The second dimension


Leaders expect a lot from people – beginning with themselves.

Leaders establish and enforce clear expectations for attitudes and behaviors in the workplace.

Set big hairy audacious goals (BHAGs).

Replace the tyranny of OR with the genius of AND.

The third dimension


The fourth dimension


The acid test of leadership – turning a job into a mission


When Sally and I were in the market for a second home in Arizona our criteria were:

Spectacular back yard Low to zero maintenance Affordable

And this is our primary residence, the house where we lived for 20 years and raised our two children – photo taken April 2013…

Lesson #1

Things aren’t always what they seem.

Lesson #2

What you really want might be closer than you think.

Lesson #3

You must be willing to jettison old baggage to move forward.

Lesson #4

There is almost always a way to create a win-win.

A word about the assumptions we make.

Our people LOVE our culture


What do you get when you break the word “assume” into its constituent parts?

Companies that study employee engagement* consistently find:

~ 25% fully engaged

~ 60% not engaged

~ 15% aggressively disengaged

* e.g. Gallup, Avatar, Press Ganey, Modern Survey

Disengaged people, especially disengaged managers, are a


“Whatever the engaged do, the actively disengaged seek to undo, and that includes problem solving, innovation, and creating new customers.”

The cost to our economy of widespread employee disengagement >>>>>>>

$500,000,000,000 !!!!!

Whether you are engaged or disengaged is a choice you make and not a genetic condition and…

Whether you are engaged or disengaged is a choice you make – it is not a condition imposed upon you by your employer





Disengagement effects…

Disengaged people, especially disengaged managers, are a


“Disengagement [is] one of the chief causes of underachievement and depression.”

Edward M. Hallowell, M.D. in HBR, 12-10

The journey from mere


to a culture of




AccountabilityDoing what you are supposed to do because someone else expects it of you. It springs from the extrinsic motivation of reward and punishment.

Son, you’ll be proud of your old Dad…

Today they held me accountable.

“In the long run… accountability encourages a culture of evasion, denial, and finger pointing.”

Richard Farson and Ralph Keyes: The Innovation Paradox


Accountability Continuum

It is the accountability of a parent over a child

A boss over a subordinate

It’s the accountability of command and control

The metaphors we use for hierarchical accountability

Cultural accountability is far more powerful than hierarchical accountability – for better and for worse.

OwnershipDoing what needs to be done because you expect it of yourself. Ownership springs from the intrinsic motivation of personal pride.

22,844,690 views 86,976– avg 5 stars

In a culture of ownership everyone has the same job description…

First and foremost a salesperson

Last but not least a janitor…

In between whatever else needs to be done.

And never saying...

Not my job

The Values Coach Culture Assessment


What 77 of you told me about your perceptions of the culture at Becker Morgan Group Inc.

* 91% response rate










Invisible Architectur

e“Invisible Architecture” is a trademark of Values Coach Inc.

First impression


This one takes your breath away…

This one makes you hold your breath!

Invisible Architecture™ is more important than bricks & mortar

The Blueprint Behind the Blueprint™

Invisible architecture is to the soul of your organization what physical architecture is to its body.

3 stages





Core values define who you are, what you stand for, and what you won’t stand for

Integrated DNA Technologies Inc. values (excerpt)

Be yourself,

Unless you’re a jerk


From the Cypress Semiconductor values (excerpt):

CYPRESS IS ABOUT WINNINGWe do not tolerate losing.We thrive on competing against the world's best.

WE MAKE OUR NUMBERSWe make 20% profit.We each set goals and achieve them.We ship 100% on time and get zero returns.

Have you ever been to a Texas Roadhouse?Passion, Partnership, Integrity and Fun

Organizational values define strategies while personal values define culture.

The Great Wyoming Values and Culture Challenge

Memorial Hospital of Converse CountyDouglas, Wyoming

Posted version

Compassion AdvocacyRespectExcellence

Posted version

Compassion AdvocacyRespectExcellence

Group version








Auto-Owners Insurance expects each of its 3,600+ associates to know by heart its ten core values.

And they do!

Core Values of Auto-Owners Insurance Company

1. Honesty2. Hard Work3. Prudence4. Loyalty5. The Team6. Relationships7. Opportunities for our associates8. The Customer9. Stability & Consistency10. Profit

Auto-Owners Insurance has some of the industry’s… Lowest turnover

Highest productivity

Highest customer satisfaction



“People who are clearest about their personal vision and values are significantly more committed to their organizations.”

James Kouzes and Barry Posner: A Leader's Legacy

Culture of Ownership Classroom

Midland Memorial Hospital






Culture is to the organization what personality and character are to the individual.

Where will I take you for lunch?


This is not a trick question…

It’s the reality of competing today.

Same business

Different cultures

Same business

Different cultures

People pay to shop at Costco…Ecstatic employees

People shop at Wal-Mart because they don’t have to dress up like they do for the Dollar Store.

Same business

Different cultures

10 Reasons Culture Eats Strategy for Lunch

Reason #1

People are attracted to and loyal to culture, not to strategy

Southwest Airlines didn’t earn the highest loyalty in the industry with its bags fly free and fuel price hedging strategies

Getting a job at the Zappos call center is harder than getting into Harvard

Reason #2

Culture provides resilience in tough times

A resilient culture was more important than new strategies in saving Starbucks

“The only assets we have as a company [are] our values, our culture and guiding principles, and the reservoir of trust with our people.”

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz in Harvard Business Review, July-August 2010

Reason #3

Culture is more efficient than strategy

Nordstrom people don’t go above and beyond the call of duty because it’s in a policy…

Nordstrom has only one rule…

Reason #4

Culture creates competitive differentiation

“Advertising is a tax you pay on having an unremarkable culture.”

Robert Stephens, Founder of Geek Squad

Your culture is your brand!

- Tony Hsieh

Reason #5

A brittle culture can doom even a great organization (or product)

As witnessed by one of the most highly publicized funerals of our time…

The fingers are all pointing in the wrong direction

Reason #6

When strategy and culture collide, culture will win

Nardelli’s hard-fisted GE strategies increased sales, profits, and stock price…

At the cost of violating its people-centric values and ability to compete for the best talent.

Home Depot’s board wanted so badly to get rid of Nardelli that they paid him a quarter of a billion dollars just to make him go away!

Reason #7

Cultural miscues are more damaging than strategic ones

Not fixing Dave Carroll’s guitar cost United $millions

Reason #8

Culture provides greater discipline than disciplinary action does

Reason #9

Culture provides a level of risk prevention that cannot be attained with strategy alone.

Wal-Mart’s culture of low price at any cost has come at a huge cost to the company.

Wal-Mart has spent nearly $500 million on the investigation of bribery and other ethics scandals.

Sam Walton would be rolling over in his grave!

Reason #10

Culture will have a significant impact on your future bottom line.

Describe your culture in just 6 words.

I borrowed this concept from…

Who borrowed it from Hemingway

“For sale,

baby shoes,

never worn.”

One of my very favorites

“Cursed with Cancer,Blessed with Friends”

9 year old Hannah Davies

This is a lot harder than you’d think – especially if you avoid boilerplate slogans and make in real and authentic.

Southwest Airlines Motto

Servant’s Heart, Warrior Spirit, Fun-Loving Attitude

Cypress Semiconductor Motto

The Marine Corps of Silicon Valley


From managers sitting in the same room at one large medical center’s leadership retreat


We love patients and each other


We are ALWAYS here for you


Multiple priorities, limited resources, great expectations


We’re entitled, hating it, and staying


Disjointed departments working against each other


Negativity reigns while circling the drain


I’ve been here longer – you leave


Beatings will continue until morale improves


What are your 6 words?

My 6 words

Emotionally Positive

Self Empowered

Fully Engaged

The culture code

The most important document ever to come out of Silicon Valley.

Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO

A Key Point!

You cannot allow people to opt-out of positive culture change!

One final point:

Cultural work can’t be just a “flavor of the month”

Can culture really change?

Culture doesn’t change unless and until people change




The work that you choose to do, and the attitude with which you choose to do that work, are the hammer and chisel that

carve the statue that is you.

Self Made Man by Bobbie Carlyle


Workplace attitude is determined by what you expect and what you tolerate…


And over time, what you tolerate will dominate over what you say you expect!

“We complain to get sympathy, attention, and to avoid stepping up to something we’re afraid of doing.”

Will Bowen: A Complaint Free World


“One toxically negative person can drag down morale and productivity of an entire work unit.”


The simple promise that will change your life…

And change your organization…

Work sucks then you



There is no complaint that cannot be turned into either a blessing or a constructive suggestion!



The Pickle Pledge is about whining – it does not mean you don’t identify real problems!

The Pickle Challenge has taken on a life of its own!


The Pickle Challenge

The Pickle Challenge gives people a new language – a lighthearted approach to confronting toxic attitudes and behaviors

You’re being a Pickle, Doc… Please put a quarter in the jar.


You have to internalize the promise before you are called upon to keep it!

We are going to have to cut out a part of your colon and put you on a colostomy bag

No way!

I would rather die!

Yes, that is another option…

You can rewire the hardware by reprogramming the software!

“[W]e are seeing evidence of the brain’s ability to remake itself throughout adult life, not only in response to outside stimuli, but even in response to directed mental effort. We are seeing, in short, the brain’s potential to correct its own flaws and enhance its own capabilities.”

Caveat: You will get resistance to The Pickle Challenge.

It will be most vociferous from people who could most benefit from taking it to heart.

Your first product is a better you.

“Being in business is not about making money. It’s a way to become who you are.”

Paul Hawken: Growing a Business

Set a goal so big that you can’t achieve it until you grow into the person who can

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