copyright © 2007, grant iannelli, dc hs130: anatomy & physiology ii unit 9 seminar: male & female...

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Copyright © 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Course Questions, Problems & Issues


Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC HS130: Anatomy & Physiology II Unit 9 Seminar: Male & Female Reproductive Systems; Growth & Development Dr. Grant Iannelli Former Professor, Kaplan University Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Tonights Agenda Welcome Course Questions, Problems & Issues Seminar discussion Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Course Questions, Problems & Issues Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Male Reproductive System Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Male Reproductive System List the essential and accessory organs and give the generalized function of each. Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Male Reproductive System Describe the structure and location of the testes. Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Male Reproductive System Describe the structure of the spermatozoa. Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC What is Spermatogenesis? Male Reproductive System Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Male Reproductive System What are the functions of testosterone and where is it produced? Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Male Reproductive System Describe the reproductive ducts and glands of the male reproductive system. Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Male Reproductive System List the structures of the External Genitalia and their functions. Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Male Reproductive System Distinguish among infertility, sterility, and impotence. Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Female Reproductive System Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Female Reproductive System List the essential and accessory organs and give the generalized function of each. Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Female Reproductive System Describe the structure, location and functions of the ovaries. Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Female Reproductive System Describe the development of an ovarian follicle. Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Describe Oogenesis. Female Reproductive System Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Female Reproductive System List the functions of estrogen and progesterone. Where are they produced? Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Female Reproductive System Describe the structure and functions of the uterus and uterine tubes. Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Female Reproductive System Describe the structure and function of the vagina. Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Female Reproductive System Describe the structure and functions of the breast. Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Female Reproductive System Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Explain the phases of the Reproductive Cycle Proliferative Secretory Female Reproductive System Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Female Reproductive System What are the structures and functions of the external genitalia? Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Growth and Development Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Growth & Development What occurs between ovulation and the implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterus? Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Growth & Development Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Growth & Development Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Growth & Development What is the evolution of the function of the yolk sac? Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Growth & Development What are the functions of the chorion and placenta? Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Growth & Development What hormones are produced by the placenta? Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Growth & Development What are the three primary germ layers? Name three structures that develop from each layer. Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Histogenesis Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Growth & Development Describe the three stages of labor. What is the approximate length of each? Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Growth & Development Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Growth & Development What is Infancy? Name the three developmental changes that occur during infancy. Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Growth & Development What is Childhood? Briefly explain what occurs during childhood. Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Growth & Development What is Adolescence? Briefly explain what occurs during adolescence. Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Growth & Development Briefly explain what occurs during adulthood. Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Growth & Development What are the effects of aging on these systems? Skeletal system Respiratory Cardiovascular Vision Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Questions?? Ask ME or ask your classmates!! Copyright 2007, Grant Iannelli, DC Thanks for attending! See you in discussion!

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