egyptian gods and goddesses by: karisa barkis and hope baker

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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Egyptian Gods and Goddesses

By: Karisa Barkis and Hope Baker

Here are some gods we will be talking about…

• Amun-Re- The sun god and god of creation.• Osiris- The god of the living and the dead.• Thoth- The god of wisdom, writing, and the

moon.• Isis- The goddess of women.• Horus- The sky god and god of kingship.• Anubis- The god who preformed the ceremonies

of mummification and protected the cemeteries.• Hathor- The goddesses of love, music, and


Amun- Re

Amun- Re was the chief deity of the New Kingdom (from about 1539 B.C to 1070 B.C.) He was pictured as a human wearing a crown of two feathers. The famous temple of Karnak was dedicated to him.


Osiris represented rebirth after death. He ruled the afterlife judging all Egyptians after they died. He was shown as a mummy wearing a feathered crown and holding a farming tool in his arms.


Isis was the wife of Osiris and the mother Horus. Isis was a powerful magician. She was often pictured with the hieroglyphic symbol for “throne” on her head.


A moon god, was the keeper of time and inventor of writing. He was drawn with the head of a bird. He held writing materials and wore full and crescent moons on two of his symbol.


Horus was the sky god and god of kingship. Horus in Egyptian means “he who is above”. His mother was Isis. He is one of the main gods.


Hathor was the goddesses of love, music, and dancing. She also protected women. Hathor was most often pictured as a human with a circle representing the sun between two cow horns on her head.


Anubis is the god of the dead. He preformed the ceremonies of mummification. He was shown with the head of a jackal.

We Hope You Liked Our Presentation!

The End!

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