evaluation question 3

Post on 02-Aug-2015






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What have you learned from you audience feedback?


• About 2 weeks before we finished the trailer I asked people in my media class to come over, watch our trailer and then answer the questions. I did this so we could get some feed back and make any necessary changes to the trailer before finishing it. I asked the people in my class as they are the age of the target audience for the film.


In total 5 people from my class watched the trailer and gave feedback.



• I found the feedback from my peers was very useful. I found that the genre of the film was very clear as everyone recognised it was a horror/thriller. People liked the end of the trailer and thought the music fit. However one problem was that they found it hard to hear all of the speech and some of the fonts needed changing to make them the same throughout.

• Then after we made the changes to the teaser trailer I did another questionnaire using survey monkey to get more feedback and to see if the changes had been effective.

• https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/83GJWYW

• I then sent this link and the link of the trailer to people on Twitter and Facebook for them to fill out. I used mainly people of the target audience for the film because this is who the film is aimed at so I think their opinions matter the most.




• From the responses on survey monkey I found that the target audience could recognise the genre of the film and that it was targeted at teenagers.

• They also said that the background music was very fitting, however even though we tried to improve the speech to make it louder they still found it hard to hear. We were unable to improve the volume of the speech very much as we had a problem with premiere pro.

• The most liked bit of the trailer was the ending where the faced pace clips are.

• They all said that they would go and see the film at the cinema.

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