horizon 2020eshorizonte2020.cdti.es/recursos/eventoscdti/29543_19219220149431.pdfh2020 - what's...

Post on 20-May-2020






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Horizon 2020 Information and Networking Day ICT 21 Advanced Digital Gaming/Gamification technologies ICT 22-b Multimodal and Natural Computer Interaction Assisting people with disabilities


Patricia Manson

Head of Unit


Agenda Time Programme Activity Room 9:30 Welcome and introduction M6

9:45 Horizon2020: What’s new? M6

10:15 Presentation of Work Programme 2014-2015 • ICT 21 Advanced digital gaming/gamification technologies


11:15 Coffee Break

11:45 Presentation of Work Programme 2014-2015 • ICT 22-b Multimodal and Natural computer interaction Assisting people with



12:15 Proposal preparation M6

13:00 Lunch break

14:00 Networking session 1 ICT 21

Networking session 2 ICT 22.b

M4, M3

15.00 Coffee Break


Bilateral meetings on the Call and Work programme with the Commission staff


Bilateral meetings with the Commission staff (tbc)

M4, M3

17:00 End

H2020 - What's new

• A single European programme for Research and Innovation bringing together three separate programmes/initiatives*

• Coupling research to innovation – from research to retail, all forms of innovation

• Focus on societal challenges facing EU society, e.g. health, clean energy and transport

• Simplified access, for all companies, universities, institutes in all EU countries and beyond

The 7th Research Framework Programme (FP7), innovation aspects of Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP), EU contribution to the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)

Three priorities

Excellent science

Industrial leadership

Societal challenges

Coverage of the full innovation chain

Basic Research

Technology R&D

Demonstration Market uptake

Large scale validation

Prototyping Pilots

Excellent science

Industrial leadership

Societal challenges


New and breakthrough technologies, boosting competitiveness, creating jobs and supporting growth Emphasis is on areas with a strong industrial dimension and where mastering new technological opportunities will enable and drive innovation A balanced response to the need to maintain a strong expertise in key technology value chains, and to the necessity to move quicker from research excellence to the market

Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies

ICT in Industrial Leadership

1. Components and systems

2. Advanced Computing

3. Future Internet

4. Content technologies and information management

5. Robotics

6. Key Enabling Technologies: Micro- nano-electronics and photonics

+ Factory of the Future cPPP

+ International Cooperation actions (EU-Brazil, EU-Japan)

ICT Cross cutting activities:

• Internet of Things

• Human-centric Digital Age

• Cybersecurity

• Support to NCPs

ICT Innovation actions

• Access to finance

• Innovation policy support

• Open disruptive innovation scheme (SME instrument)

Content technologies and information management

Big Data with focus on • Innovative data products and services

• Solving fundamental research problems

Machine translation • Overcoming barriers to multilingual online communication

Tools for creative, media and learning industries • Support the growth of ICT innovative Creative Industries SMEs

• Technologies for creative industries, social media and convergence

• Technologies for better human learning and teaching

• Advanced digital gaming/gamification technologies

Multimodal and natural computer interaction

Types of action (instruments) Research and Innovation Actions

• Actions primarily consisting of activities aiming to establish new knowledge and/or to explore the feasibility of a new or improved technology, product, process, service or solution.

Innovation Actions • Actions primarily consisting of activities directly aiming at producing plans

and arrangements or designs for new, altered or improved products, processes or services.

Coordination and Support Actions • Actions consisting primarily of accompanying measures

Horizon 2020 – What is new

Mainstreaming innovation: How?

• Support Research and Innovation from lab to market

• Encourage incremental and disruptive innovation

• Promote a closer relationship between research and entrepreneurship

• Put SMEs in the lead in delivering innovations to the market.

• Use more evaluators from the business and investor domains involved in the selection process

• Provide greater access to risk capital for innovative SMEs & midcaps

• Ensure a clear emphasis on innovation in the selection of projects

'Research & innovation' actions Projects selected for funding…

• Will establish new knowledge ("that has innovation potential") and/or

• Will explore the feasibility of a new or improved technology, product, process, service or solution.

• May include basic and applied research, technology development and integration, testing and validation on a small-scale prototype in a laboratory or simulated environment.

• May contain closely connected but limited demonstration or pilot activities aiming to show technical feasibility in a near to operational environment.

• Will be funded at 100%

Type of activity is specified in WP Bulk of activity expected to be in "innovation-aware" mid-term R&D Small-scale innovation-type activities are expected

'Innovation' actions

Projects selected for funding… • will primarily consist of activities directly aiming at producing plans and arrangements or

designs for new, altered or improved products, processes or services.

• may include prototyping, testing, demonstrating, piloting, large-scale product validation and market replication.

• are expected to demonstrate that innovations they develop meet the needs of European and global markets; and,

• address the delivery of such innovations to the markets

• may include limited research and development activities.

• will be funded at 70% (except for non-profit orgs)

Types of projects in terms of contribution

- Expressed in terms of indicative budget

(requested funding) - Cut-off point €4-5 million – Large Contribution

v. Small Contribution - The distinction does not correspond to the old

distinction IP v. STReP - The Work Programme may call for either large

or small projects or both – important to check

Horizon 2020 – What is new

Horizon 2020 funding rates

Research and Innovation Actions + Coordination and Support Actions up to 100 %

Innovation Actions up to 70% up to 100% (non-profit entities) Indirect Costs – 25% of eligible direct costs less


Horizon 2020 – What is new


Q&A time ….

Advanced digital gaming/gamification technologies

By 2020 serious games may be fully embedded into our daily lives Traditional video games industry is bigger than movie and music industry – $82bn in 2015 PWC (2009)

IDATE (2012) estimates the current global market of serious games at 2.35bn Euros, with steady growth and huge potential

There are 100 million active gamers in the Europe playing on average 13 hours per week (China200m, USA 180m, India105m, Russia10m)


• The application of digital game design techniques to non-game problems Leveraging both psychology and technology, in

ways that can be applied outside the environments of games themselves

applied in areas such as education, training, marketing, human resources, productivity enhancement, sustainability, training, health and wellness, innovation, and customer engagement.

• Gartner has projected 50% of corporate innovation will be “gamified” by 2015.

• Deloitte cited gamification as one

of its Top 10 Technology Trends for 2012

• Pew Research Center (May 18,

2012) reports the use of game mechanics, feedback loops, and rewards to become more embedded in daily life by 2020

Increasing importance and visibility - but full potential still ahead

Perception as only entertainment – in education and workplace Negative attitudes parents/teachers - relevance to curricula and teaching practices, assessment, evidence Accessibility


Size of the market compared to traditional video games

But experienced annual growth rates in double digits over the past five years

Multidisciplinary skills required Didactic design, game design

Technologies for development and authoring High development costs in some segments Non-linear modes of interactions Fully inclusive development process

FP7 --- Technology-Enhanced Learning Research Serious games and adaptive learning

10-15 projects > 30 - 40 MEUR funding • Theories, methods and technologies

• Pedagogical framework • Intelligent adaptive learning systems • Immersive environments • Micro and macro personalization • adaptive interactive storytelling • role-play, narrative engagement and empathy

• Applications supporting

• text comprehension skills, • developing social competences in autistic children, • conflict resolutions skills, financial decision making

• Structuring research – GALA network of excellence


WP 2014-2015 Support R&I on digital games applied in non-leisure contexts for the emergence of a prospering market

• New methodologies and tools to produce, apply and use

digital games and gamification techniques in non-leisure contexts;

• Building scientific evidence on their benefits - for governments, enterprises and individuals


Multidisciplinary research and collaboration digital gaming technologies and components

applied to non-leisure contexts Technology transfer underpinning new

market developments through small scale experiments

Research and Innovation Action 1/3

• Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu RuI uu uuuuuuuu

uuuuuuu uuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuu uuu

uuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuu uu uuuuuuuuuuu


game engines, emergent narrative, virtual characters, interaction systems and alternative human-machine interfaces, 3D, textures, models for simulations, game design, learner profiles, emotional models, etc.

Few remarks ….

• "Traditional video game industry" means all (small and big) players developing entertainment games (for leisure);

• Industrial involvement is crucial – as is the collaboration with academia

• Multidisciplinary is key to ensure effective applications in non –leisure contexts

Research and Innovation Action 2/3

• Luuuuuu uu u uuuuuuuuuu uu uuuu

uuuuuuuuu uuuu uuuuuuuuuu

to enable publishers and game producers as well as user organisations and individual programmers to build specific games.

Few remarks ….

• Open may not necessarily be free • "Must lead to the creation of a repository"

may not necessarily mean building it from scratch

Research and Innovation Action 3/3

• Auuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuu

Learning and skills acquisition in formal and informal education, in workplace learning, in policy making and collective social and public processes.

Few remarks ….

• The call focuses explicitly on "learning and skills acquisition processes"

Fostering awareness and behavioural

changes might not be enough to be in scope

• Suuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuu uuu uuu uuuu

uuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuu uu SMEu uuuuuuuuuuuuu

uuuuuuu uu uuuuuuu uuuuu

• Tuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuu uuu uuuuuuuuuu uuuuu

uuuuu uuuuuuuuuuu

Innovation action 1/2

Few remarks ….

• Innovation activities may include limited research actions

• SME involvement is key – but they do not necessarily need to lead the action

• Technology transfer is primarily targeting the transfer of digital gaming technologies from LEISURE to NON-LEISURE contexts It may however include technology transfer from

academia to industry

Innovation action 2/2

• Luuuuuu uu uuu uuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuu

for learning and skills acquisition; empowerment and social inclusion

• Buu uuuu uuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuu uu

uuuuuuuuuuuuu uuu uuuuuuuu uuuuuu uuuuuu uu


Few remarks …. • Empowerment and social inclusion can be

addressed as a single scenario: where "digital games" is the tool to support

socio-economic inclusion of people at risk of exclusion

• The technology transfer mechanism is based on "Small scale experiments" the action coordinates them you either identify the experiments or the

scenarios to select them

Digital Games for Empowerment & Inclusion

• Growth and jobs: attracting, rewarding and sustaining innovation;

• Inclusion and culture: users' empowerment and social inclusion;

• Public service effectiveness: provision of public services, such as education, health and social welfare.


Expected Impact • Increase collaboration between traditional digital game

industry players and a broader research community, intermediaries and users from a wide area of application contexts

• Increase the effectiveness of digital games for professionals and researchers, intermediaries and social actors dealing with people with disabilities or at risk of exclusion socially, physically or technologically disadvantaged

groups those who consider themselves unsuited for education.


Multidisciplinary research experimentations and collaboration 9 MEUR – proposals requesting large contribution

Technology transfer and new non-leisure applications 8 MEUR - – proposals requesting small contribution

Q&A time ….

Multimodal and Natural computer interaction Assisting people with disabilities

Assistive technologies

Social inclusion eAccessibility


Develop novel multi-modal, adaptive interfaces, including Brain Computer Interfaces, assisting people with disabilities


Research and Innovation Action

• Users interaction and cooperation with (intelligent) systems - User modelling (abilities) for different functions and


• Detecting behaviours, emotions and intentions

• Sensing and understanding the environment/contexts

• Multimodal (including nonverbal) interaction in ambient environments

Activities may cover also interoperability standards and interaction machine intelligence (in environments) and human intelligence

Few remarks

• Interfaces, environments and people with disabilities: a holistic approach to technologies around us and their influences on perception, experiences and behaviour

• Multidisciplinary research is key

Expected Impact Advancing the capacity of human-machine interaction technologies for people with disability and elderly to fully participate in society

• R&I Actions • Small project proposals are expected • Budget

Q&A …..

H2020 Proposal submission


What to know • Page limit for technical content in Part B (excluding

partner descriptions) 70 pages (50 pp for Coordination Actions) pages exceeding the limit will not be evaluated

Horizon 2020 – Proposal submission

What to bear in mind in preparing the proposal • Demonstrate your operational capability –

competence and availability of resources • Thoroughly describe ethical issues and how they are

dealt with • Impact section of primary importance • Check the proposal template on the Participant

Portal for more information • You can check the financial viability through the

participant portal

Horizon 2020 – Proposal submission

• A proposal has to be close to a final project work plan, not a sales brochure

• The maturity, specificity and completeness of the work plan will be taken into account at the evaluation stage and weaknesses will be penalised

• Lay out specific, well-defined and challenging yet realistic objectives and how they will be reached

• Great idea not enough – credible work plan essential

Horizon 2020 – Proposal submission

Evaluation criteria:

• Excellence, Impact, Implementation innovation aspect more strongly incorporated

• 0-5 points, threshold 3 pts for individual criteria overall threshold 10 points

• for Innovation Actions, weighting of Impact 1.5

Horizon 2020 – Proposal submission

Ranking procedure

1. Proposals that address topics not otherwise covered by higher-ranked proposals

2. Higher ranked on score for 'excellence', then on score for 'impact' (reverse for Innovation actions)

3. Higher SME budget 4. Gender balance in key personnel 5. Other factors (overall portfolio, wider H2020, EU

objectives etc)

Single funding rate

ONE PROJECT = ONE RATE for all beneficiaries and all activities in the grant

The applicable rate defined in the Work Programme:

Up to 100 % of the eligible costs;

but limited to a maximum of 70 % for innovation projects (exception for non-profit organisations - maximum of 100 %).

Single model for indirect costs – 25% flat rate

Q&A time ….

Agenda Time Programme Activity Room 9:30 Welcome and introduction M6

9:45 Horizon2020: What’s new? M6

10:15 Presentation of Work Programme 2014-2015 • ICT 21 Advanced digital gaming/gamification technologies


11:15 Coffee Break

11:45 Presentation of Work Programme 2014-2015 • ICT 22-b Multimodal and Natural computer interaction Assisting people with



12:15 Proposal preparation M6

13:00 Lunch break

14:00 Networking session 1 ICT 21

Networking session 2 ICT 22.b

M4, M3

15.00 Coffee Break


Bilateral meetings on the Call and Work programme with the Commission staff


Bilateral meetings with the Commission staff (tbc)

M4, M3

17:00 End

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