ilja schmelzer- a generalization of the lorentz ether to gravity with general-relativistic limit

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  • 8/3/2019 Ilja Schmelzer- A generalization of the Lorentz ether to gravity with general-relativistic limit




    A generalization of the Lorentz ether to

    gravity with general-relativistic limit

    Ilja Schmelzer

    February 3, 2008


    We define a class of condensed matter theories in a Newtonianframework with a Lagrange formalism so that a variant of Noetherstheorem gives the classical conservation laws:

    t + i(vi) = 0

    t(vj) + i(v

    ivj + pij) = 0.

    We show that for the metric g defined by

    g00 = g00g =

    gi0 = gi0g = vi

    gij = gijg = vivj + pij

    these theories are equivalent to a metric theory of gravity withLagrangian

    L = LGR

    + Lmatter

    (g, m)




    with covariant Lmatter , which defines a generalization of theLorentz ether to gravity. Thus, the Einstein equivalence may be de-rived from simple condensed matter axioms. The Einstein equationsappear in a natural limit , 0.

    WIAS Berlin

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    violation of the action equals reaction principle by the static, incompress-

    ible Lorentz ether no longer holds in the generalized theory.But there may be even advantages in different domains in comparison

    with relativity:

    Predictions: The additional terms give interesting predictions. GLETpredicts a flat universe, inflation (in the technical meaning ofa() > 0for very dense states of the universe), a stop of the gravitational collapseimmediately before horizon formation, and a homogeneous dark energyterm with p = (1/3). Especially, we have no black hole and big bangsingularities (app. K).

    Quantization: We know, in principle, how to quantize usual condensedmatter. We can try to follow this scheme to quantize a Lorentz ether(app. I). Famous quantization problems disappear: There is no prob-lem of time, and also no black hole information loss problem.

    Classical realism: Bohmian mechanics (BM) prove that realistic hid-den variable theories are possible. But in the relativistic domain BMrequires a preferred frame. Thus, to generalize BM into the domainof relativistic gravity we need something like a generalization of theLorentz ether to gravity. The violation of Bells inequality proves thatthis is a necessary property of all realistic theories (app. J).

    Moreover, we have well-defined conservation laws with local energy andmomentum densities for the gravitational field.

    While we focus our attention on the presentation of an ether theory ofgravity, the main technical results the derivation of a metric theory with GRlimit from condensed-matter-like axioms may be, possibly, applied also in acompletely different domain: Search for classical condensed matter theorieswhich fit into this set of axioms as analog models of general relativity. Thispossibility we discuss in app. H.

    Once the aim of this paper is to define the theory in an axiomatic wayand to derive the Lagrangian of the theory, the paper is organized as follows.

    We start with the description of the explicit formalism which is used in theformulation of the axioms. Then we define and discuss the axioms of our classof condensed matter theories. After this, we derive the general Lagrangianand prove the EEP for internal observers. We also consider the GR limit.

    Then we have added a lot of appendices. On one hand, they seem nec-essary to address common arguments against the ether concept. On theother hand, a short consideration of various questions which are beyond thescope of this paper seems necessary to motivate the reintroduction of the


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    ether. Some of these appendices, especially the parts about analog models,

    quantization, realism and Bohmian mechanics, and predictions, have to beconsidered in separate papers in more detail.

    2 Conservation Laws as Euler-LagrangeEquations for Preferred Coordinates

    Below we consider classical condensed matter theories with Lagrange formal-ism and classical conservation laws as known from condensed matter theory(continuity and Euler equations). We know from Noethers theorem thattranslational invariance of the Lagrange density leads to conservation laws.It seems natural to identify the conservation laws obtained via Noetherstheorem from the Lagrange formalism with the conservation laws as knownthem from condensed matter theory. The problem with this identification isthat the conservation laws are not uniquely defined. If a tensor T fulfillsT

    = 0, then the tensor T+ fulfills the same equation if is an

    arbitrary tensor which fulfills the condition = .We solve this problem by proposing a variant of Noethers theorem which

    seems privileged because it is especially simple, natural and beautiful. Thenthis especially beautiful variant we identify with the known, also especiallysimple, classical conservation laws.

    2.1 Explicit Dependence on Preferred Coordinates

    As the Lagrangian of a classical condensed matter theory in a classical New-tonian framework R3R, our Lagrange density is not covariant, does dependon the preferred coordinates X. Now, there are various possibilities to ex-press a given dependence on preferred coordinates. For example, we haveu0 uX0,. But on the right hand side uX0, the dependence on the pre-ferred coordinates in given in a way we name explicit. This explicit expressionis, in some sense, more informative. Especially, in uX0, we have a manifestdependence on X0, we can see that there is no dependence on the other co-

    ordinates Xi for i > 0. This is not obvious in the implicit form u0 indeed,the similarly looking expression u0 depends on all four coordinates X

    , notonly on X0.

    Lets define now explicit dependence on the preferred coordinates in aformal way:

    Definition 1 An expressionF(k, k,i, . . . , X , X,, . . .) explicitly depends on

    the coordinates X if the expression F(k, k,i, . . . , U , U,, . . .), where the


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    coordinates X(x) have been replaced by four independent scalar fields U(x),

    is covariant.

    Indeed, if the second expression is covariant, no implicit dependence onthe preferred coordinates X has been left. Now, it may be asked if everydependence on preferred coordinates can be made explicit. In this context,we propose the following

    For every physically interesting non-covariant functionF(k, k,i, . . .) there exists a function F(

    k, k,i, . . . , X , X,, . . .) =

    F(k, k,i, . . .) which explicitly depends on the preferred coordi-nates X.

    Note that the thesis is not obvious. The definition of explicit dependencealready requires that we know how to transform the other fields k. For anon-covariant theory this is possibly not yet defined (see app. A). In thissense, this thesis may be considered as analogous to Kretschmanns thesis [21]that every physical theory allows a covariant formulation. In the following,we do not assume that this thesis holds. If it holds, the assumption of axiom2 is less restrictive.

    2.2 Euler-Lagrange Equations for Preferred Coordi-

    nates and Noethers TheoremNow, if the dependence of the Lagrangian on the preferred coordinates is ex-plicit, we can vary not only over the fields, but also over the preferred coordi-nates. The point is that, despite the special geometric nature of coordinateswe can apply the Lagrange formalism as usual and obtain Euler-Lagrangeequations for the preferred coordinates X:

    Theorem 1 If the Lagrange density L(k, k,i, . . . , X , X,, . . .) explicitly de-

    pends on the preferred coordinates X, then for the extremum of S =

    L thefollowing Euler-Lagrange equation holds:




    X L



    X, = 0

    For the proof, see appendix B. This does not mean that the specialgeometric nature of the X is not important. We see in appendix F that atheory with the same Lagrangian but usual scalar fields U(x) instead ofcoordinates X(x) is a completely different physical theory.


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    3 Axioms for General Lorentz Ether Theory

    Lets define now our set of axioms for the class of condensed-matter-like the-ories we call Lorentz ether theories. It looks quite natural, nonetheless,it should be noted that it is in some essential points an unorthodox formal-ism for condensed matter theories. Especially it remains open if there existclassical condensed matter theories which fit into this set of axioms.

    Axiom 1 (independent variables) The independent variables of the the-ory are the following fields defined on a Newtonian frameworkR3 R withpreferred coordinates Xi, T: a positive density(Xi, T), a velocity vi(Xi, T),a symmetric pressure tensor pij(Xi, T), which form the classical energy-

    momentum tensor t(Xi, T):

    t00 =

    ti0 = vi

    tij = vivj + pij

    Moreover, there is an unspecified number of inner degrees of freedom(material properties) m(Xi, T) with well-defined transformation rules forarbitrary coordinate transformations.

    That we use a pressure tensor pij instead of a scalar p is a quite natural andknown generalization. Instead, the use of pij as an independent variable isnon-standard. Usually pressure is defined as an algebraic material functionof other independent variables.

    Axiom 2 (Lagrange formalism) There exists a Lagrange formalism withexplicit dependence of the Lagrange density on the preferred coordinates:

    L = L(t, t, , . . . , m, m,, . . . , X

    , X,, . . .)

    The existence of a Lagrange formalism is certainly a non-trivial physicalrestriction (it requires an action equals reaction symmetry) but is quitecommon in condensed matter theory. Instead, the requirement of explicit

    theory with a Lagrangian density given by just the termgR/16G. It seems to me

    theres no reason in the world to suppose that the Lagrangian does not contain all thehigher terms with more factors of the curvature and/or more derivatives, all of which aresuppressed by inverse powers of the Planck mass, and of course dont show up at energyfar below the Planck mass, much less in astronomy or particle physics. Why would anyonesuppose that these higher terms are absent? We follow this point of view.


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    dependence on the X is non-standard. In appendix A we argue that this

    additional requirement is not really a restriction: Every physical theory withLagrange formalism can be transformed into this form. But this remains ageneral thesis which cannot be proven in a strong way, only supported byshowing how this can be done in particular cases.

    Axiom 3 (energy conservation law) The conservation law related bytheorem 2 with translational symmetry in time X0 X0 + c0 is proportionalto the continuity equation:


    X0 t + i(vi). (4)

    Axiom 4 (momentum conservation law) The conservation laws relatedby theorem 2 with translational symmetry in space Xi Xi + ci is propor-tional to the Euler equation:


    Xj t(vj) + i(vivj + pij). (5)

    These axioms also look quite natural and are well motivated by our ver-sion of Noethers theorem. But it should be noted that this is not the onlypossibility to connect continuity and Euler equations with the Lagrange for-malism. The energy-momentum tensor is not uniquely defined. The main

    purpose of the introduction of our explicit dependence formalism was tomotivate this particular choice as the most natural one.2 Thus, by our choiceof axioms 3, 4 we fix a particular, even if especially simple, relation betweenLagrange formalism and continuity and Euler equations.

    Despite the non-standard technical features of these axioms, none of themlooks like being made up to derive the results below. And we also have notfixed anything about the inner structure of the medium: The inner degreesof freedom (material properties) and the material equations are not specified.From point of view of physics, the following non-trivial restrictions have beenmade:

    The existence of a Lagrange formalism requires a certain symmetry -the equations are self-adjoint (the principle action equals reaction).

    This medium is conserved (continuity equation).2If a tensor T fulfills T = 0, then the tensor T + fulfills the same

    equation if is an arbitrary tensor which fulfills the condition = .


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    There is only one, universal medium. There are no external forces andthere is no interaction terms with other types of matter (as follows fromthe Euler equation).

    Last not least, there is one additional axiom which sounds quite strange:

    Axiom 5 (negative pressure) The pressure tensor pij(Xi, T) is negativedefinite

    Instead, for most usual matter pressure is positive. On the other hand,the Euler equation defines pressure only modulo a constant, and if we adda large enough negative constant tensor

    Cij we can make the pressure

    tensor negative definite. The physical meaning of this axiom is not clear.These are all axioms we need. Of course, these few axioms do not define

    the theory completely. The material properties are not defined. Thus, ouraxioms define a whole class of theories. Every medium which meets theseaxioms we name Lorentz ether.

    4 The Derivation of the General Lagrangian

    The technical key result of the paper is the following derivation:

    Theorem 4 Assume we have a theory which fulfills the axioms 1-5.Then there exists an effective metric g(x) of signature (1, 3), which

    is defined algebraically by {, vi, pij}, and some constants , so that for every solution{(X, T), vi(X, T), pij(X, T), m(X, T)} the related fieldsg(x),

    m(x) together with the preferred coordinates X(x) are also solutionsof the Euler-Lagrange equations of the Lagrangian

    L = (8G)1X,X,gg + LGR(g) + Lmatter(g, m) (6)

    where LGR denotes the general Lagrangian of general relativity, Lmatter

    some general covariant matter Lagrangian compatible with general rela-tivity, and the constant matrix is defined by two constants , asdiag{, , , }.

    Proof: The metric g defined by equation 2 has signature (1, 3). Thisfollows from > 0 (axiom 1) and negative definiteness of pij (axiom 5.Equation 2 allows to express , vi, pij in terms ofg, so that the LagrangianL((x), vi(x), pij(x), m(x), Xi(x), T(x)) may be expressed as a function of


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    the metric variables L(g(x), m(x), Xi(x), T(x)). Now, the key observa-

    tion is what happens with our four classical conservation laws during thischange of variables. They (essentially by construction) become the harmoniccondition for the metric g:


    g) = (gg)X X = 0 (7)

    where denotes the harmonic operator of the metric g. We definenow the constants , as the proportionality factors between the energyand momentum conservation laws and the continuity resp. Euler equations(axioms 3, 4). For convenience a common factor (4G)1 is introduced:


    = (4G)1T (8)S

    Xi= (4G)1Xi (9)

    Defining the diagonal matrix by 00 = , ii = we can write theseequations in closed form as 3


    X (4G)1X (10)

    Lets find now the general form of a Lagrangian which gives these equa-

    tions. Its easy to find a particular solution L0:

    L0 = (8G)1X,X,gg (11)

    Then, lets consider the difference L L0. Together with L and L0 itsdependence on the preferred coordinates is explicit. Moreover we obtain:

    (L L0)X

    0 (12)But that means covariance, and is our condition for the most general

    Lagrangian of general relativity. So we obtain:

    L = (8G)1X,X,gg + LGR(g) + Lmatter(g, m). (13)


    3Note that the coefficients are only constants of the Lagrange density, the indicesenumerate the scalar fields X. They do not define any fundamental, predefined object ofthe theory. Instead, variables of the Lagrange formalism, by construction, are only g,m and X.


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    5 Lorentz Ether Theory as a Metric Theory

    of Gravity

    Now, the explicit formalism has been quite useful to formulate the axioms ofGLET and to derive the effective Lagrangian in theorem 4. But it is only atechnical formalism. Once theorem 4 has been proven, we can as well returnto the usual, implicit non-covariant formulation of the theory.

    Theorem 5 Assume we have a theory which fulfills axioms 1-5. Then for-mula 2 defines an isomorphism between solutions of this theory and the solu-tions of the (non-covariant) metric theory of gravity defined by the Lagrangian

    LGLET = LGR + Lmatter (8G)1(g00 ijgij)g (14)and the additional causality condition g00 > 0.

    Indeed, the Lagrangian LGLET is simply the Lagrangian L of theorem 4written in the preferred coordinates X. It follows from 2 and > 0 thatfor solutions of GLET the causality condition g00 > 0 is fulfilled. For a givensolution of GLET formula 2 also allows to define the pre-image solution interms of , vi, pij. qed.

    Thus, our class of condensed matter theories is equivalent to a metrictheory of gravity with a Newtonian framework as a predefined background.As equations of the theory in the preferred coordinates we obtain the Einsteinequations of general relativity with two additional terms:

    G = 8G(Tm) + ( + g

    ) 2g (15)as well as the harmonic equations the conservation laws


    g) = 0. (16)Note that the energy-momentum tensor of matter (Tm)

    should not be

    mingled with the classical energy-momentum tensor t of the ether defined

    in axiom 1 which is the full energy-momentum tensor. There is also anotherform of the conservation laws. The basic equation may be simply consideredas a decomposition of the full energy-momentum tensor g

    g into a part(Tm)

    which depends on matter fields and a part (Tg)

    which depends on the

    gravitational field. Thus, for

    (Tg) = (8G)


    ( + g) G

    g (17)


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    we obtain a second form of the conservation law

    ((Tg) + (Tm)

    g) = 0 (18)Thus, we have even two equivalent forms for the conservation laws, one

    with a subdivision into gravitational and matter part, and another one wherethe full tensor depends only on the gravitational field.

    6 Internal Observers and the Einstein Equiv-

    alence Principle

    The explicit form of the Lagrangian is, if we replace the preferred coordinatesX with scalar fields U, formally equivalent to the Lagrangian of generalrelativity with clock fields (GRCF) considered by Kuchar and Torre [22] inthe context of GR quantization in harmonic gauge:

    LGRCF = (8G)1U,U,gg + LGR(g) + Lmatter(g, m). (19)

    The only difference is that in GRCF we have scalar fields U(x) insteadof preferred coordinates X(x). But this makes above theories completelydifferent as physical theories. We show this in detail in app. F. Despite

    these differences, internal observers of our condensed matter theories have avery hard job to distinguish above theories by observation:

    Corollary 1 In GLET internal observers cannot falsify GRCF by any localobservation.

    Indeed, internal observers are creatures described by field configurationsof the fields ((X, T), vi(X, T), pij(X, T), m(X, T)). Whatever they ob-serve may be described by a solution ((X, T), vi(X, T), pij(X, T), m(X, T)).Now, following theorem 4, they can describe all their experimentsand observations also as local solutions of GRCF for some fields

    g, m(x), Ui(x), U0

    (x). qed.4

    Based on this observation we can prove now the Einstein EquivalencePrinciple. For this purpose we have to clarify what is considered to be amatter field. This question is theory-dependent, and there are two pos-sibilities for this: First, the internal observers of GLET may believe intoGRCF. In this case, they consider the four special scalar fields X(x) as

    4Note that in the reverse direction the corollary doesnt hold: There are local solutionsof GRCF where the fields U(x) cannot be used as coordinates even locally.


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    non-special scalar matter fields together with the other matter fields m(x).

    Second, they may believe into GLET. Then they consider only the fieldsm(x) as non-gravitational matter fields. This gives two different notions ofnon-gravitational experiments and therefore different interpretations of theEEP. But in above interpretations of the EEP it holds exactly:

    Corollary 2 For internal observers of a condensed matter theory GLETwhich fulfills axioms 1-5 the Einstein Equivalence Principle holds in aboveinterpretations.

    Indeed, GRCF is a variant of general relativity where the EEP holdsexactly. Because the EEP is a local principle (it holds if it holds for all

    local observations) and internal observers cannot falsify GRCF by local ob-servations, they cannot falsify the EEP by observation. Thus, in the firstinterpretation the EEP holds. In the second case, only the m are inter-preted as matter fields. Nonetheless, we have also a metric theory of gravitycoupled with the matter fields m in the usual covariant way, and thereforethe EEP holds.qed.

    7 The GR Limit

    In the limit ,

    0 we obtain the Lagrangian of general relativity. Thus,

    we obtain the classical Einstein equations. Nonetheless, some points areworth to be discussed here:

    7.1 The Remaining Hidden Background

    In this limit the absolute background becomes a hidden variable.Nonetheless, the theory remains different from general relativity even in

    this limit. The hidden background leads to some important global restric-tions: Non-trivial topologies are forbidden, closed causal loops too. Therealways exists a global harmonic time-like function. 5


    There is a general prejudice against such hidden variables. It is sometimes argued thata theory without such restrictions should be preferred as the more general theory. Butthis prejudice is not based on scientific methodology as described by Poppers criterionof empirical content. If this limit of GLET is true, an internal observer cannot falsifyGR in the domain of applicability of this limit. On the other hand, if GR is true, GLETis falsifiable by observation: If we observe non-trivial topology, closed causal loops, orsituations where no global harmonic time exists, we have falsified GLET. In this sense,the GR limit of GLET should be preferred by Poppers criterion of predictive power incomparison with GR.


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    7.2 The Absence of Fine Tuning in the Limit

    Note that we need no fine-tuning to obtain the GR limit , 0. All non-covariant terms depend only on the metric g

    g, not on its derivativesg. That means, in a region where we have well-defined upper and lowerbounds 0 < cmin < |g

    g| < cmax (in the preferred coordinates) all wehave to do is to consider low distance high frequency effects. In comparisonwith global cosmology, solar system size effects obviously fit into this scheme.Thus, the non-covariant terms may be reasonably considered as cosmologicalterms, similar to Einsteins cosmological constant .

    On the other hand, there may be effects in solar-system-like dimensionwhere these cosmological terms cannot be ignored: In the preferred coordi-

    nates, the terms g

    g may become large. An example is the region nearhorizon formation for a collapsing star. As shown in app. K, in the case of > 0 this term prevents black hole formation, and we obtain stable frozenstar solutions.

    7.3 Comparison with Other Approaches to GR

    Part of the beauty of GR is that there many different ways to general rel-ativity. First, there are remarkable formulations in other variables (ADMformalism [3], tetrad, triad, and Ashtekar variables [1]) where the Lorentzmetric g appears as derived. Some may be considered as different interpre-

    tations of general relativity (like geometrodynamics). On the other handwe have theories where the Lorentz metric is only an effective metric and theEinstein equations appear in a limit (spin two field in QFT on a standardMinkowski background [16] [41] [13], string theory [29]), Sakharovs approach[33].

    In this context, the derivation of GLET, combined with the limit , 0, may be considered as yet another way to GR. In this interpretation, itshould be classified as part of the second group of derivations: The metric is,as in these approaches, not fundamental. Moreover, a flat hidden backgroundremains.

    8 The No-Gravity Limit

    Last not least, lets consider shortly the no gravity limit of GLET. For ametric theory of gravity, it is the Minkowski limit g(x) = . In thislimit, the additional terms of GLET in comparison with GR no longer vary,therefore, may be omitted. Thus, the no gravity limit of GLET coinsideswith the no gravity limit of GR, and is, therefore, equivalent to SR.


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    In this limit, we have

    (x) = 0

    vi(x) = 0

    pij(x) = p0ij

    with constants 0 > 0, p0 < 0. Thus, the ether is static and incompress-ible. It follows from the properties of the no gravity limit of the matterLagrangian, which is identical in GR and GLET, that clocks and rulers be-have as they behave in SR.

    Thus, in the no gravity limit we obtain a static and incompressible etherin a Newtonian framework, so that clocks and rulers show time dilationand contraction following the formulas of special relativity. These propertiesof the no gravity limit of GLET are sufficiently close to the properties ofthe classical Lorentz ether. This justifies the interpretation of GLET as ageneralization of Lorentz ether theory to gravity.

    Nonetheless, it seems worth to note a minor difference: In the classi-cal ether theories, the ether has been considered only as a substance whichexplains electromagnetic waves. Usual matter has been considered to besomething different. In GLET, a key point of the derivation is that all fields including the fields which describe fermionic particles describe degrees of

    freedom of the ether itself. Thus, there is no matter which interacts withthe ether. There is only a single universal ether, and nothing else.

    9 Conclusions

    We have presented a new metric theory of gravity starting with a remarkableset of axioms for a classical condensed matter theory in a Newtonian back-ground. Relativistic symmetry (the Einstein equivalence principle) is derivedhere: Internal observers of the medium (called general Lorentz ether) areunable to distinguish all properties of their basic medium. All their observa-

    tions fulfill the Einstein equivalence principle.While we have used an unorthodox formalism explicit dependence of a

    non-covariant Lagrangian on the preferred coordinates the basic principleswe have used in the axioms are well-known and accepted: continuity andEuler equations, Lagrange formalism and Noethers theorem which relatesthem with translational symmetry.

    The differences between GR and our theory are interesting: The newtheory predicts inflation and a stop of the gravitational collapse, preventing


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    black hole and big bang singularities. As a condensed matter theory in a

    Newtonian framework, classical canonical quantization concepts known fromquantum condensed matter theory may be applied to quantize the theory.

    The new theory is able to compete with general relativity even in thedomain of beauty: It combines several concepts which are beautiful alreadyby them-self: Noethers theorem, conservation laws, harmonic coordinates,ADM decomposition. Instead of the ugly situation with local energy andmomentum of the gravitational field in GR, we have nice local conservationlaws. Moreover we have no big bang and black hole singularities.

    To establish this theory as a serious alternative to general relativity, thispaper may be only a first step. We have to learn more about the predic-tions of GLET which differ from GR, experimental bounds for , haveto be obtained, the quantization program has to be worked out in detail.The methodological considerations related with such fundamental notionslike EPR realism have to be worked out too. Nonetheless, the results wehave obtained are already interesting enough, and the new theory seems ableto compete with general relativity in all domains we have considered cos-mology, quantization, explanatory power, and even simplicity and beauty.

    A Can every Lagrangian be rewritten in ex-

    plicit form?

    In axiom 2 we assume that the Lagrangian is given in explicit form. Now,the question we want to discuss here is if this is a non-trivial restriction ornot. If it is not, then the following thesis holds:

    Thesis 1 For every physically interesting non-covariant functionF(k, k,i, . . .) there exists a function F(

    k, k,i, . . . , X , X,, . . .) =

    F(k, k,i, . . .) which explicitly depends on the preferred coordinates X.

    In some sense, this can be considered as a corollary to Kretschmanns [21]thesis that every physical theory may be reformulated in a general covariant

    way. We would have to reformulate a given theory with Lagrangian F into ageneral covariant form, and when, as far as possible, try to replace all objectsused to describe the absolute Newtonian framework in this covariant descrip-tion by a description which depends explicitly on the preferred coordinatesX(x). 6

    6Remember that there has been some confusion about the role of covariance in generalrelativity. Initially it was thought by Einstein that general covariance is a special property


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    In this sense, lets try to describe how the classical geometric objects

    related with the Newtonian framework may be described in an explicit way:

    The preferred foliation: It is immediately defined by the coordinateT(x).

    The Euclidean background space metric: A scalar product (u, v) =iju

    ivj may be presented in explicit form as (u, v) = ijXi,X



    Absolute time metric: Similarly, the (degenerate) metric of absolutedistance in time may be defined by (u, v) = T,T,u


    The preferred coordinates also define tetrad and cotetrad fields: dX =

    X,dx, for the vector fields /X = (J1)(X,)/x we need the

    inverse Jacobi matrix J1, which is a rational function of the X,.

    Arbitrary upper tensor components t1,..n may be transformed intoX1,1 Xn,nt1,..n. For lower indices we have to use again the inverseJacobi matrix J1.

    Together with the background metrics we can define also the relatedcovariant derivatives.

    Now, these examples seem sufficient to justify our hypothesis. Of course,

    if we want to transform a given non-covariant function into explicit form, wehave no general algorithm. For example, a scalar in space in a non-relativistictheory may be a spacetime scalar, the time component of a four-vector, andso on for tensors. But uniqueness is not the problem we have to solve here.For our hypothesis it is sufficient that there exists at least one way.

    Lets note again that our hypothesis is not essential for our derivation.Simply, if the hypothesis is false, our assumption that the Lagrangian isgiven in explicit form (which is part of axiom (2)) is a really non-trivialrestriction. This would be some loss of generality and therefore of beauty ofthe derivation, but in no way fatal for the main results of the paper. Theconsiderations given here already show that the class of theories which allowsan explicit formulation is quite large.

    of general relativity. Later, it has been observed that other physical theories allow acovariant description too. The classical way to do this for special relativity (see [17]) is tointroduce the background metric (x) as an independent field and to describe it by thecovariant equation R[] = 0. For Newtons theory of gravity a covariant description canbe found in [26], 12.4. The general thesis that every physical theory may be reformulatedin a general covariant way was proposed by Kretschmann [21].


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    B Justification of the Euler-Lagrange Equa-

    tions for the Preferred Coordinates

    In the Euler-Lagrange formalism for a Lagrangian with explicit dependenceon the preferred coordinates we propose to handle the preferred coordinateslike usual fields. Of course, every valid set of coordinates X(x) defines avalid field configuration. But the reverse is not true. To define a valid setof coordinates, the functions X(x) have to fulfill special local and globalrestrictions: the Jacobi matrix should be non-degenerated everywhere, andthe functions should fulfill special boundary conditions. In app. F we findthat this makes the two theories different as physical theories.

    Here we want to prove theorem 1 that nonetheless the Lagrange formalismworks as usual. The description of the Lagrange function in explicit form is,in comparison with an implicit description, only another way to describethe same minimum problem. To solve this minimum problem we can tryto apply the standard variational calculus. Especially we can also vary thepreferred coordinates X, which are, together with the other fields, functionsof the manifold. But there is a subtle point which has to be addressed. Thepoint is that not all variations X(x) are allowed only the subset with theproperty that X(x) +X(x) defines valid global coordinates. Therefore, to

    justify the application of the standard Euler-Lagrange formalism we have tocheck if this subset of allowed variations is large enough to give the classical

    Euler-Lagrange equations.Fortunately this is the case. To obtain the Euler-Lagrange equations we

    need only variations with compact support, so we dont have a problem withthe different boundary conditions. Moreover, for sufficiently smooth varia-tions (X C1(R4) is sufficient) there is an so that X(x) + X(x)remains to be a system of coordinates: indeed, once we have an upper boundfor the derivatives of X (because of compact support), we can make thederivatives of X arbitrary small, especially small enough to leave theJacobi matrix ofX + X non-degenerated. Such sufficiently smooth vari-ations are sufficient to obtain the Euler-Lagrange equations.

    Now, to obtain the Euler-Lagrange equations we need only small varia-tions. Thus, the geometrical restrictions on global coordinates do not influ-ence the derivation of the Euler-Lagrange equations for the X(x). For thepreferred coordinates we obtain usual Euler-Lagrange equation, as if theywere usual fields, despite their special geometric nature.


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    C Discussion of the Derivation

    The extremely simple derivation of exact general-relativistic symmetry inthe context of a classical condensed matter theory looks very surprising. Itmay be suspected that too much is hidden behind the innocently lookingrelation between Lagrange formalism and the condensed matter equations,or somewhere in our unorthodox explicit formalism. Therefore, lets try tounderstand on a more informal, physical level what has happened, and wherewe have made the physically non-trivial assumptions which lead to the verynon-trivial result the EEP.

    A non-trivial physical assumption is, obviously, the classical Euler equa-tion. This equation contains non-trivial information that there is only one

    medium, which has no interaction, especially no momentum exchange, withother media. This is, indeed, a natural but very strong physical assump-tion. And from this point of view the derivation looks quite natural: Whatwe assume is a single, universal medium. What we obtain with the EEP isa single, universal type of clocks. An universality assumption leads to anuniversality result.

    From point of view of parameter counting, all seems to be nice too. Wehave explicitly fixed four equations, and obtain an independence from fourcoordinates. All the effective matter fields are by construction fields of a veryspecial type inner degrees of freedom, material properties, of the original

    medium. Therefore it is also not strange to see them closely tied to the basicdegrees of freedom (density, velocity, pressure) which define the effectivegravitational field.

    The non-trivial character of the existence of a Lagrange formalism seemsalso worth to be mentioned here. A Lagrange formalism leads to a symmetryproperty of the equation they should be self-adjoint. This is the well-knownsymmetry of the action equals reaction principle. It can be seen where thissymmetry has been applied if we consider the second functional derivatives.The EEP means that the equations for effective matter fields m do notdepend on the preferred coordinates X. This may be formally proven inthis way:





    m[cons. laws] = 0 (20)

    Thus, we have applied here the action equals reaction symmetry of theLagrange formalism and the property that the fundamental classical conser-vation laws (connected with translational symmetry by Noethers theorem)do not depend on the material properties m.

    Our considerations seem to indicate that the relativistic symmetry (EEP)


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    we obtain is explained in a reasonable way by the physical assumptions which

    have been made, especially the universality of the medium and the specialcharacter of the effective matter degrees of freedom assumptions whichare implicit parts of the Euler equation and the action equals reactionsymmetry of the Lagrange formalism.

    It seems also necessary to clarify that the states which cannot be dis-tinguished by local observation of matter fields are not only different states,they can be distinguished by gravitational experiments. The EEP holds (wehave a metric theory of gravity) but not the Strong Equivalence Principle(SEP). The SEP holds only in the GR limit. For the definitions of EEP andSEP used here see, for example, [43].

    D What Happens During Evolution with the

    Causality Condition?

    We have proven that solutions of GRCF which are images of solutions ofGLET fulfill some restrictions (time-like T(x), X(x) are coordinates). Now,it is reasonable to ask if these restrictions are compatible with the evolutionequations of GRCF. Assume that we have a solution of GRCF which fulfillsall necessary restrictions for some time T(x) < t0. This solution now evolvesfollowing the evolution equations of GRCF. Is there any warranty that these

    global restrictions remain to be fulfilled also for T(x) t0? The answer isno. There is not such general warranty. But, as we will see, there is also nonecessity for such a warranty.

    For a given Lorentz ether theory (with fixed material Lagrangian) sucha warranty would follow from a global existence and uniqueness theorem.Indeed, having such a theorem for the condensed matter theory, it would besufficient to consider the image of the global solution. 7

    But in such a general class of theories as defined by our axioms 1-5 whereis no hope for general global existence theorems and, as a consequence, for awarranty that the restrictions remain valid for T(x) > t0. Moreover, theorieswithout global existence theorems are quite reasonable as condensed matter

    theories. It happens in reality that some material tears. In this case, thecontinuous condensed matter theory which is appropriate for this material

    7In this context it seems not uninteresting to note that the famous local existenceand uniqueness theorems for GR given by Choquet-Bruhat [12] are based on the use ofharmonic gauge. That means, they may be interpreted as local existence and uniquenesstheorems for the limit , 0 of GLET, combined with considerations that local ex-istence and uniqueness for this limit (in this gauge) is the same as local existence anduniqueness for general relativity.


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    should have a limited domain of application, and there should be solutions

    which reach = 0 somewhere. But according to equation 2 = 0 correspondsto a violation of the condition that T(x) is time-like. Thus, if such a materialis described by a theory which fulfills our axioms, and a solution describes astate which at some time starts to tear, the restriction that T(x) is time-likeno longer holds.

    E Reconsideration of Old ArgumentsAgainst The Ether

    The generalization of Lorentz ether theory we have presented here removessome old, classical arguments against the Lorentz ether arguments whichhave justified the rejection of the Lorentz ether in favor of relativity:

    There was no viable theory of gravity we have found now a theoryof gravity with GR limit which seems viable;

    The assumptions about the Lorentz ether have been ad hoc. There wasno explanation of relativistic symmetry, the relativistic terms have hadad hoc character the assumptions we make for our medium seemquite natural, and we derive the EEP instead of postulating it.

    There was no explanation of the general character of relativistic sym-metry, the theory was only electro-magnetic in the new concept theether is universal, all matter fields describe properties of the ether,which explains the universality of the EEP and the gravitational field;

    There was a violation of the action equals reaction principle: therewas influence of the ether on matter, but no reverse influence of matteron the stationary and incompressible ether we have now a Lagrangeformalism which guarantees the action equals reaction principle andhave a compressible, instationary ether;

    There were no observable differences in the predictions of the Lorentzether and special relativity there are important and interesting dif-ferences between our theory and general relativity (see appendix K).


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    F Non-Equivalence of Lorentz Ether Theory

    and General Relativity with Clock Fields

    In theorem 4 we have proven that solutions of Lorentz ether theory also fulfillthe equations of general relativity with four additional scalar fields X(x)which do not interact in any way with the other matter. In the context ofGR quantization in harmonic gauge, this Lagrangian has been considered byKuchar and Torre [22]. Following them, we name it general relativity withclock fields (GRCF).

    Now, a very important point is that, despite theorem 4, GLET is notequivalent to GRCF as physical theories. Indeed, what we have established

    in theorem 4 is only a very special relationship: for solutions of GLET weobtain image solutions which fulfill the equations of GRCF. But there are alot of important differences which make above theories different from physicalpoint of view:

    Different notions of completeness: A complete, global solution of GLETis defined for all < Xi, T < . It is in no way required that theeffective metric g of this solution is complete. Therefore, the imageof this solution in GRCF is not necessarily a complete, global solutionof GRCF.

    Global restrictions of topology: GRCF has solutions with non-trivialtopology. Every image of a solution of GLET has trivial topology. Global hyperbolicity: GRCF has solutions which are not globally hy-

    perbolic, especially solutions with closed causal loops. Every image ofa solution of GLET is globally hyperbolic. Moreover, there exists aglobal harmonic time-like function: T(x) on images.

    Special character of Xi, T: GRCF contains a lot of solutions so thatthe fields Xi(x), T(x) do not define a global system of coordinates. Forevery image of a solution of GLET the fields Xi(x), T(x) have thisproperty.

    Unreasonable boundary conditions: Physically reasonable solutions ofGRCF are only solutions with reasonable boundary conditions in in-finity. For example, it seems reasonable to require that physical fieldshave some upper bounds. This leads to |Xi(x)|, |T(x)| < C for someconstant C. In this case, no image of a solution of GLET defines aglobal physically reasonable solution of GRCF.


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    Therefore, the two theories are conceptually very different theories. They

    only look similar if we ignore the very special geometric nature of the pre-ferred coordinates Xi, T of GLET.

    G Comparison with RTG

    There is also another theory with the same Lagrangian the relativistictheory of gravity (RTG) proposed by Logunov et al. [23]. In this theory,we have a Minkowski background metric . The Lagrangian of RTG is

    L = LRosen + Lmatter(g, m) m2

    g16 (12

    gg g )If we identify the Minkowski coordinates in RTG with the preferred

    coordinates in GLET, the Lagrangians are equivalent as functions of g

    for the following choice of constants: = m2g2

    < 0, = 11m2g2

    > 0,

    = 00m2g2

    > 0. In this case, the equations for g coincide. The harmonicequation for the Minkowski coordinates hold in RTG [23]. As a consequence,the equations of the theories coincide.

    These two theories are much closer to each other above theories aremetric theories of gravity with a preferred background. Nonetheless, there

    remain interesting differences even in this case.First, in above theories we have additional restrictions related with the

    notion of causality causality conditions. In GLET, causality is related withthe Newtonian background the preferred time T(x) should be a time-likefunction. This is equivalent to the condition > 0. In RTG, causality isdefined by the Minkowski background. The light cone of the physical metricg should be inside the light cone of the background metric .

    Second, the derivation of GLET does not lead to the restrictions for thesign of , , . Especially the restriction for may be important: Thecosmological constant in RTG leads to deceleration, which (in combina-tion with the big bounce caused by > 0) leads to an oscillating uni-verse. Instead, observation suggests an acceleration of the expansion, thus,the wrong sign of .

    But the more important differences are the differences which are meta-physical at the classical level. RTG, with its completely different meta-physics, leads to a completely different quantization program.


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    H Analog Models of General Relativity

    In this paper, we propose an ether theory of gravity, starting from condensed-matter-like axioms and deriving a metric theory of gravity with GR limit.But this connection between condensed matter axioms and a metric theorywith GR limit may be, possibly, applied also in another direction: Search forclassical condensed matter theories which fit into this set of axioms as analogmodels of general relativity. In this appendix we consider the possibility ofsuch applications.

    H.1 Comparison With Analog Gravity Research

    The observation that curved Lorentz metrics appear in condensed mattertheories is currently attracting considerable attention. Though it is not apriori expected that all features of Einstein gravity can successfully be car-ried over to the condensed matter realm, interest has turned to investigatingthe possibility of simulating aspects of general relativity in analog models.Domains of research in over a hundred articles devoted to one or anotheraspect of analog gravity and effective metric techniques have been dielec-tric media, acoustics in flowing fluids, phase perturbations in Bose-Einsteincondensates, slow light, quasi-particles in superfluids, nonlinear electrody-namics, linear electrodynamics, Scharnhorst effect, thermal vacuum, solidstate black holes and astrophysical fluid flows [5]. Asking whether somethingmore fundamental is going on, Barcelo et al [5] have found that linearizationof a classical field theory gives, for a single scalar field, a unique effectiveLorentz metric. As observed by Sakharov [33], quantization of the linearizedexcitations around this background gives a term proportional to the Einstein-Hilbert action in the one-loop effective action. But this approach has seriouslimitations: It is not clear how to obtain the Einstein equivalence principlefor different types of excitations which, in general, see different effectivemetrics. The Einstein-Hilbert action appears only in the quantum domain.The most serious question is how to suppress the non-covariant terms.

    Now, the approach presented here may be used to solve these problems.

    If we are able to find some real condensed matter which fits into our setof axioms, this matter defines an ideal analog model of general relativity.Thus, we have reduced the search for analog models for general relativityto a completely different question the search for Lagrange formalisms forcondensed matter theories which fit into our set of axioms. While we havenot been able to find such Lagrange formalisms yet, there are some pointswhich seem worth to be mentioned:


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    Our metric has been defined independent of any particular linearizationof waves. Its definition is closely related to the energy-momentumtensor:

    T = (4G)1gg (21)

    It is in no way claimed that some or all excitations which may be ob-tained by various linearizations follow this metric. Such a claim wouldbe false even in the world of standard general relativity. Indeed, weknow particular excitations which have different speeds like light onthe background of a medium. The EEP allows to distinguish funda-mental excitations (which use its basic metric) and less fundamentalexcitations (like light in a medium). But starting with arbitrary wavesin a medium described phenomenologically or obtained by some lin-earization of approximate equations, without knowing the EEP-relatedmetric, we have no base to make this distinction.

    Once we do not define the metric as an effective metric of some ex-citations, it is not a problem for our approach if different excitationsfollow different effective metrics. The metric is uniquely defined bythe energy-momentum tensor, which is closely related to translationalsymmetry. Therefore it is not strange that this metric is the metricrelated with the EEP.

    The general-relativistic terms appear already in the classical domain.Their origin is not quantization, but the general restrictions for non-covariant terms which follow from our axioms. Whatever additionalterms we add to the Lagrangian if the modified theory does not violatethe axioms and does not renormalize , the difference between oldand new Lagrangian should be covariant.

    The non-covariant terms in our approach are uniquely defined and easyto control: they do not depend on matter fields, they do not dependon derivatives of g.

    It remains to find interesting condensed matter theories which fits intoour axioms.

    H.2 How to Find Analog Models

    Lets shortly consider how difficult it is to find such matter. The continuityand Euler equations are common. The negative definiteness of the pressure


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    tensor pij seems uncommon. But pressure is defined by the Euler equation

    only modulo a constant. This constant should be fixed by the Lagrangeformalism. Thus, the real point is the Lagrange formalism. Unfortunately,Lagrange formalisms are not uniquely defined, and there is a similar uncer-tainty in the definition of the energy-momentum tensor. Moreover, usuallythe pressure pij is not used as an independent variable. Because of suchproblems, it is not straightforward to obtain a Lagrange formalism whichfits into our axioms starting with known condensed matter Lagrangians (asdescribed, for example, in [40]).

    One idea to find Lagrange formalisms which fit into our scheme may bereverse engineering: we start with a typical GLET Lagrangian, see how itlooks in the condensed matter variables, and try to interpret them. Thebackground-dependent part of the GLET Lagrangian obtains a quite simpleform:

    L = LGR + Lmatter (8G)1( (v2 + pii)) (22)

    H.3 Condensed Matter Interpretation of Curvature

    The physical meaning of the general-relativistic Lagrangian can be under-stood as related with inner stress. If at a given moment of time all spatialcomponents of the curvature tensor vanish, then there exists a spatial diffeo-

    morphism which transforms the metric into the Euclidean metric. Such dif-feomorphisms are known as transformations into stress-free reference statesin elasticity theory. If no such transformation exists, we have a materialwith inner stress. This understanding is in agreement with a proposal byMalyshev [24] to use of the 3D Euclidean Hilbert-Einstein Lagrangian forthe description of stress in the presence of dislocations.

    The physical meaning of the components which involve time direction isless clear. It seems clear that they describe modifications of inner stresses,but this has to be better understood. Nonetheless, our approach suggestsa generalization of Malyshevs proposal to use the full Hilbert-EinsteinLagrangian instead of its 3D part only.

    H.4 Condensed Matter Interpretation of Gauge Fieldsand Fermions

    Of course, search for analog models requires a better understanding of thematter part of the theory. It would be helpful to have a similar understandingof gauge and fermion fields. Here the example of superfluid 3He A seems


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    to be of special interest: the low-energy degrees of freedom in 3He A doreally consist of chiral fermions, gauge fields and gravity [38].

    The incorporation of gauge fields and fermions into the theory is notstraightforward. For gauge fields, the analogy between gauge symmetry andgeneral relativity suggests that there should be an analog of our approachfor gauge theory too. How could it look like? It seems clear that the analogof the harmonic condition, the Lorenz gauge condition

    A = 0 (23)

    has to be interpreted as a conservation law. Then, gauge symmetry will beno longer a fundamental symmetry. Instead, it should be derived in a similar

    way as the EEP, describing the inability of internal observers to distinguishstates which are different in reality.Fermions also require also additional considerations. Some first proposals

    have been made in [35]. It shows that the kinematics of deformations of aquite simple ether model gives a particle content which is identical with thefermionic part of the standard model (in its non-minimal variant with aneutrino as a usual Dirac spinor).

    I Quantization of Gravity Based on Ether

    TheoryThe most important open problem of fundamental physics is quantization ofgravity. Here, an ether theory suggests an alternative quantization conceptwhich at least solves some of the most serious problems of GR quantization.Indeed, we already know one simple way to quantize classical condensed mat-ter theories in a Newtonian framework: It would be sufficient to use classicalSchrodinger quantization of some discrete (atomic) model of these field the-ories. Once we have a classical condensed matter theory with Newtonianframework as the fundamental theory of everything, the analogy with clas-sical condensed matter theory suggests a quantization program along the

    following lines:

    As a first step we have to switch from Euler (local) coordinates to La-grange (material) coordinates. It is known that a Lagrange formalismin Euler coordinates gives a Lagrange formalism in Lagrange coordi-nates and that this transformation gives a canonical transformation ofthe related Hamilton formalisms [8].


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    This essentially changes the situations with the constraints. The con-

    densed matter is no longer described by , vi

    but by xi

    (xi0, t). The

    continuity equation disappears, the Euler equation becomes a secondorder equation.

    Next, we have to find atoms, that means, to discretize the problem.The density should be identified with the number of nodes inside aregion, and for functions defined on the nodes we obtain


    f(x)(x)dx xkA

    fk. (24)

    The density does not appear as a discrete variable at all. Of course,instead of discretizing the equations them-self, we discretize the La-grangian and define the discrete equations as exact Euler-Lagrangeequations for the discretized Lagrangian.

    It would be helpful if it would be possible to discretize the Lagrangianso that the discrete Lagrangian Ld fulfills our axioms too. Then itwould be sufficient to discretize only the lowest order parts L0 of L,that means, not the Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian itself. Following ourderivation, we obtain that L0 Ld should be covariant but non-zero.Then the Einstein-Hilbert term appears as the lowest order term of

    the discretization error automatically. On the other hand, the discreteLagrangian itself would be only a simple discretization of the lowestorder terms.

    Note that in this approach we are not forced to quantize in a way whichpreserves local symmetry groups like the group of diffeomorphisms orgauge groups. Instead, we believe that these symmetry groups appearonly as large distance approximations, moreover not as fundamentalsymmetry groups but as groups which describe the restricted possi-bilities of internal observers to distinguish different states but suchsymmetry groups are irrelevant for quantization. Of course, we have to

    develop yet a similar understanding of gauge symmetry (see app. H.4).

    The last step is canonical quantization. We have to derive the Hamiltonformalism from the Lagrange formalism. Then we can apply somecanonical ordering (Weyl quantization or normal ordering) to obtain awell-defined quantum theory.

    Note that this quantization approach is closely related to the considera-tion of analog models (app. H). If we have an analog model, we can use this


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    model as a guide for quantization. Nonetheless, the general scheme described

    here may work even if we do not find any real analog models.

    I.1 Comparison with Canonical Quantization

    It is worth to note that this quantization program is completely different fromthe program of canonical quantization of general relativity: Space and timeremain a classical background and are not quantized. We have a differentnumber of degrees of freedom: States which are different but indistinguish-able for internal observers are nonetheless handled as different states. Thatmeans, in related path integral formulations their probabilities have to beadded. No ghost fields have to be introduced. There is also no holography

    principle: the number of degrees of freedom of the quantum theory is, foralmost homogeneous , proportional to the volume.

    The problems which have to be solved in this quantization program seemto be not very hard in comparison with the problems of canonical GR quan-tization. This suggests, on the other hand, that quantization of gravityfollowing this scheme will not lead to non-trivial restrictions of the parame-ter space of the standard model: There will be a lot of quantum theories ofgravity with very different material models.

    That a preferred frame is a way to solve the problem of time in quan-tum gravity is well-known: ... in quantum gravity, one response to the

    problem of time is to blame it on general relativitys allowing arbitrary fo-liations of spacetime; and then to postulate a preferred frame of spacetimewith respect to which quantum theory should be written. [11]. This way tosolve the problem is rejected not for physical reasons, but because of delib-erate metaphysical preference for the standard general-relativistic spacetimeinterpretation: most general relativists feel this response is too radical tocountenance: they regard foliation-independence as an undeniable insight ofrelativity. [11]. These feelings are easy to understand. At the root of mostof the conceptual problems of quantum gravity is the idea that a theory ofquantum gravity must have something to say about the quantum nature ofspace and time [11]. The introduction of a Newtonian background solves

    them in a very trivial, uninteresting way. It does not tell anything aboutquantum nature of space and time, because space and time do not have anyquantum nature in this theory they have the same classical nature of astage as in non-relativistic Schrodinger theory. The hopes to find some-thing new, very interesting and fundamental about space and time would bedashed. But nature is not obliged to fulfill such hopes.


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    J Compatibility with Realism and Hidden


    An important advantage of a theory with preferred frame is related withthe violation of Bells inequality [6]. It is widely accepted that experimentslike Aspects [2] show the violation of Bells inequality and, therefore, falsifyEinstein-local realistic hidden variable theories. Usually this is interpreted asa decisive argument against hidden variable theories and the EPR criterion ofreality. But it can as well turned into an argument against Einstein locality.Indeed, if we take classical realism (the EPR criterion [15]) as an axiom,the violation of Bells inequality simply proves the existence of superluminal

    causal influences. Such influences are compatible with a theory with preferredframe and classical causality, but not with Einstein causality.This has been mentioned by Bell [7]: the cheapest resolution is some-

    thing like going back to relativity as it was before Einstein, when people likeLorentz and Poincare thought that there was an aether a preferred frameof reference but that our measuring instruments were distorted by motionin such a way that we could no detect motion through the aether. Now, inthat way you can imagine that there is a preferred frame of reference, and inthis preferred frame of reference things go faster than light.

    Note that at the time of the EPR discussion the situation was quitedifferent. People have accepted the rejection of classical realism under the

    assumtion that realistic hidden variable theories for quantum theory do notexist, and that this is a theorem proven by von Neumann. Today we knownot only that EPR-realistic, even deterministic hidden variable theories exist we have Bohmian mechanics (BM) [9], [10] as an explicit example. Thus,quantum theory alone does not give any argument against classical realism,as was believed at that time. Therefore, the only argument against classicalrealism is its incompatibility with Einstein causality thus, the reason whywe mention it here as support for our ether theory.

    We use here the existence of Bohmian mechanics as an argument forcompatibility of classical realism with observation. Therefore, some remarksabout the problems of Bohmian mechanics are useful. First, the main prob-lem of Bohmian mechanics is that it needs a preferred frame. This is alreadya decisive argument for many scientists, but cannot count here because it isthe reason why we mention it as support for ether theory. But there havebeen other objections. Problems with spin, fermions, and relativistic parti-cles are often mentioned. But these problems have been solved in modernpresentations of BM [10] [14]. It seems useful to mention here that BM isa quite general concept which works on quite arbitrary configuration spaces.


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    theory. Because of the Newtonian background frame, only a flat universe

    may be homogeneous. The usual FRW-ansatz for the flat universe

    ds2 = d2 a2()(dx2 + dy2 + dz2) (25)leads to (p = k, 8G = c = 1):

    3(a/a)2 = /a6 + 3/a2 + + 2(a/a) + (a/a)2 = +/a6 + /a2 + k

    The -term influences only the early universe, its influence on later uni-

    verse may be ignored. But, if we assume > 0, the qualitative behavior ofthe early universe changes in a remarkable way. We obtain a lower bound a0for a() defined by

    /a60 = 3/a2

    0+ + (26)

    The solution becomes symmetrical in time a big bounce. Note that thissolves two problems of cosmology which are solved in standard cosmology byinflation theory: the flatness problem and the cosmological horizon problem.8

    The question what the theory predicts about the distribution of fluctuationsof the CMBR radiation requires further research: It depends on reasonableinitial conditions before the bounce. The bounce itself is too fast to allowthe establishment of a global equilibrium, thus, the equilibrium should existalready before the bounce.

    Instead, the -term gives a dark energy term. For > 0 it behaves likehomogeneously distributed dark matter with p = (1/3). The additionalterm has the same influence on a() as the classical curvature term. On theother hand, the universe should be flat. 9

    8About these problem, see for example Primack [28]: First, the angular size today ofthe causally connected regions at recombination (p+ + e H) is only 3o. Yet thefluctuation in the temperature of the cosmic background radiation from different regionsis very small: T/T 105. How could regions far out of causal contact have come totemperatures that are so precisely equal? This is the horizon problem. (p.56) Evenmore serious seems the following problem: In the standard hot big bang picture, thematter that comprises a typical galaxy, for example, first came into causal contact abouta year after the big bang. It is hard to see how galaxy-size fluctuations could have formedafter that, but even harder to see how they could have formed earlier (p.8).

    9This makes the comparison with observation quite easy: as long as a() is considered,the prediction of a CDM theory with = 0, > 0 is the same as for OpenCDM.Therefore, the SNeIa data which suggest an accelerating universe are as problematic forCDM as for OpenCDM. The 2000 review of particle physics [18], 17.4, summarizes: the


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    K.2 Gravitational Collapse

    Another domain where > 0 leads to in principle observable differencesto GR is the gravitational collapse. Lets consider for this purpose a sta-ble spherically symmetric metric in harmonic coordinates. For a functionm(r), 0 < m < r, r =

    (Xi)2, the metric

    ds2 = (1 mm/rr

    )(r mr + m

    dt2 r + mr mdr

    2) (r + m)2d2 (27)

    is harmonic in Xi and T = t. For constant m this is the Schwarzschildsolution in harmonic coordinates. For time-dependent m(r, t) the Xi remain

    harmonic but t not. T has to be computed by solving the harmonic equationfor Minkowski initial values before the collapse.

    Now, a non-trivial term > 0 becomes important near the horizon. In-deed, lets consider as a toy ansatz for the inner part of a star the distributionm(r) = (1 )r. This gives

    ds2 = 2dt2 (2 )2(dr2 + r2d2)0 = 2 + 3(2 )2 + + 0 = +2 + (2 )2 + p

    We can ignore the cosmological terms , in comparison to the matterterms , p, but for very small even a very small > 0 becomes important.Our ansatz gives a stable frozen star solution for ultra-relativistic p = and = = 0. The surface time dilation is 1 =

    / M1 for

    mass M. In general, it seems obvious that the term > 0 prevents g00g

    from becoming infinite in harmonic coordinates. Therefore, the gravitationalcollapse stops and leads to some stable frozen star with a size very close tothe Schwarzschild radius.

    In principle, this leads to observable effects. The surface of the objectsconsidered as black holes in GR should be visible but highly redshifted. As-

    tronomical observations like described by Menou et al. [25] would be inindication of = 0 from the SNeIa Hubble diagram is very interesting and important,but on its own the conclusion is susceptible to small systematic effects. On the otherhand small scale CBR anisotropy confirming a nearly flat universe ... strongly suggeststhe presence of or other exotic (highly negative pressure) form of dark mass-energy.The fit with the farthest SN 1997ff can be seen in in figure 11 of [30] the figure forM = 0.35, = 0.65 is the same as for the M = 0.35, = 0 open universe given inthis figure. Thus, while not favored by the SNeIa results, CDM may be nonetheless aviable dark energy candidate, better than OpenCDM because it requires a flat universe.


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    principle able to observe such effects. Unfortunately, surface time dilation

    should be very large for cosmological reasons: To preserve the standard bigbang scenario (see above), we obtain very small upper bounds for to-day. For small enough we obtain a large enough redshift and the surfaceremains invisible in comparison to the background radiation.

    Are there effects which may distinguish a stable frozen star with verysmall 1 from a GR black hole? At least in principle, yes. A GRblack hole will Hawking radiate, a stable frozen star (as every stable starin semiclassical theory) not. This leads to observable differences for verysmall black holes. A difference appears also if we look at radiation goingthrough a transparent star 10. For a GR black hole we will see nothing(exponentially redshifted radiation), while in the case of a stable frozen starwe see non-redshifted radiation. In above cases this is caused by the samedifference: For an external observer, the GR black hole always looks likea collapsing, non-static solution. Instead, a collapsing star in our theorybecomes a stable frozen star after quite short time. This time depends on only in a logarithmic way, therefore, the prediction does not depend on thevalue of .

    K.3 Ether Sound Waves and Gravitational Waves

    In fluids described by continuity and Euler equations there are sound waves.

    This seems to be in contradiction with the situation in general relativity.They cannot correspond to gravitational waves as predicted by general rela-tivity, which are quadrupole waves.

    Now, in the Lorentz ether these waves are gravity waves. Because general-relativistic symmetry is broken by the additional background-dependentterms, the gravitational field has more degrees of freedom in the Lorentzether. In some sense, these additional degrees of freedom are the four fieldswhich appear in GRCF discussed in app. F. Now, these additional degrees offreedom interact with the other degrees of freedom only via the background-dependent term. That means, they interact with matter only as dark matter.Second, in the limit ,

    0 they no longer interact with usual matter at

    all. Thus, in this limit they become unobservable for internal observers.Thats why in this limit they may be removed from considerations as hiddenvariables.

    On the other hand, for non-zero , they nonetheless interact with mat-ter. And this interaction leads, in principle, to observable effects. Nonethe-less, we have not considered such effects, because we believe that the restric-

    10Note in this context that for neutrinos all usual stars are transparent.


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    tions which follow from cosmological considerations are much stronger. This

    belief is qualitatively justified by our considerations about the GR limit: Wehave argued that the GR limit is relevant for small distance high frequencyeffects, and if the total variation of the g remains small. This is exactlythe situation for gravitational waves.

    On the other hand, there may be other factors which override these simplequalitative considerations. For example the ability of gravity waves to go overlarge distances which leads to integration of these small effects over largedistances, or for measurements of energy loss as done for binary pulsars,which allows integration over many years. For the range of gravity waves intheories with massive graviton such considerations have been made in [23],and their results agree with our expectation that the upper bounds comingfrom cosmological considerations are nonetheless much stronger.


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