inquiry #3 weight watchers

Post on 14-Jan-2015



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Regular Diets Don’t Work….but Weight Watchers Does!

Why infer about Weight Watchers?I chose to do my inquiry project on the benefits of Weight

Watchers, because it I something I recently became interested in. I have known many people who have found success in Weight Watchers, but I had never really considered it until just recently. I was very active in high school, and college has really taken its toll on me. I found myself eating more unhealthy, and not taking the time to work out. I started Weight Watchers a month ago, and have found this to be a really great lifestyle change for me! I want to help others, who are in the same ‘boat’ as me, succeed in their weight loss goals!

Questions That AriseWhat exactly is Weight Watchers?

Is it a healthy diet?How do I join Weight Watchers?What are the benefits of joining Weight Watchers?

What is Weight Watchers?Weight Watchers is an international

company that offers various dieting products and services to assist weight loss and maintenance. Weight Watchers was founded in 1963, and instead of a diet, is considered a ‘lifestyle change.

Weight Watchers encourages members to select a goal weight that results in a BMI generally accepted as healthy (18 to 24.9).

What is Weight Watchers? (Cont’d)Once a member reaches his/her goal weight, he/she starts

a maintenance period. For the following six weeks, the member gradually increases his or her food intake until the member no longer loses or gains weight.

If, at the end of six weigh-ins during the maintenance period, the member weighs in within 2 pounds of his or her goal weight, he or she becomes a "Lifetime" member.

A Lifetime member has the benefit of attending meetings free of charge.

How Does Weight Watchers Work?Weight Watchers is not a diet, rather a “lifestyle change.”One thing Weight Watchers does is really force you to

pay attention to portion/serving size. It's amazing how much we eat because of what we think a portion is. A restaurant may serve 10-ounce steaks all the time, but a serving of beef is only three ounces.

Weight Watchers also forces you to think about what you are eating, and to listen to your body, not your brain.

How Does Weight Watchers Work (Cont’d)When we were younger, our parents always taught us to

‘eat all of our food.’ Even though you may be stuffed, and begin taking deep breaths, you are still forced to eat all of your food.

This is the reason people are overweight. When our body says it’s full, we need to learn to listen to it, instead of our mind, or our parents.

You can always take the food ‘to-go’ or put it in the refrigerator for a later time.

Joining Weight WatchersIn the United States, in order to join Weight Watchers,

one must weigh at least 5 pounds more than the minimum weight for his/height.

In corporate locations in the United States, members may pay $39.95 per month for a "Monthly Pass" that entitles them to attend meetings and provides access to eTools. In return, members agree that the monthly fee will be automatically debited from a debit or credit card and the pass mailed to them each month.

Keys to Losing WeightWeight Watchers offers a 4-way approach to weight

management:GET SUPPORT—One of the most important things

in Weight Watchers is attending the meetings. Those who come and stay for a meeting are 3 times more likely to lose.

EAT SMARTER—You will learn on Week 1 the foundation of making a lifestyle change. You will leave with the resources you need to get started.

MOVE MORE—At your own time, at your own pace know that activity will boost your weight loss success.

HELPFUL HABITS—Finally you will learn to Think First as a part of weight loss. The mind game to weight managements is also important and we touch on this during the meetings as well as provide you literature to address concerns.

The Points SystemThe points in Weight Watchers are calculated

based upon the serving size, number of calories, number of grams of fat and number of grams of fiber.

You are allocated a number of points per day based upon your current weight.

As your weight goes down so do your points for the day.

The Points System (Cont’d)In addition you get 35 "flex"

points to use as you like during the week. You could add five points per day for food, or you could save your 35 points for a special occasion.

You get points for exercising daily, which also increases the number of points you can consume.

What Is Your Daily Points Allowance?To find out what your daily points allowance is, take the Weight Watchers Quiz

below!1. Are you:

Female?- 2 Male?- 8

2. How old are you? 17-26- 4 27-37- 3 38-47- 2 48-58- 1 over 58- 0

What Is Your Daily Points Allowance?3.What do you weigh?

Enter the first two digits of your weight in pounds. (for example, if you weight 199, you will add 19 to your score)

4. How tall are you? Under 5’1- 0 5’1-5’10- 1 Over 5’10- 2

5. How do you spend most of your day? Sitting down? 0 Occasionally sitting? 2 Walking most of the time? 4 Doing physically hard work most of the time? 6

Now add them all together and that’s your daily total.

How To Calculate PointsNew members are given a

cardboard slide rule to assist in calculating point values of foods. By reading the nutrition label on any food package and quickly adjusting three slide-rule scales for energy, fat, and fiber, the point value is easily determined for that food.

Weight Watchers also sells an electronic calculator that performs the same function.

Eat Whatever You Want!There's no need to feel deprived while losing

weight. With the Weight Watchers program, you'll get

the gentle push you need to make healthy choices, avoid hunger, and stick with the Program.

You can eat whatever you want, but you have to be careful and make smart choices about what you want to ‘spend your points’ on.

If you are craving a hamburger from McDonalds, eat it! Just know and make sure that you don’t go over your daily points allowance!

What Is A Meeting Like?The group meets once a week for a designated number

of weeks in a series.The first 15-20 minutes are dedicated to weigh-in.

Weight-in is completely confidential, and only you and the person behind the computer can see your weight. The leaders never say your weight aloud, but instead praise you on your weight loss.

Products are typically available for those wishing to purchase needed tools and resources.

A motivational meeting follows weigh-in for needed weekly support.

Second Nature After awhile, Weight Watchers really becomes second nature. I keep my points and write down the foods I eat. Even though I am able to eat ‘anything’ I want, by paying attention to the

labels and counting points, I have learned what I should and should not eat. The only fast food I eat is Subway, and I very rarely crave fried or greasy

foods anymore. A few weeks ago, I had pizza for the first time in a month, and I got very

sick the next day. Also, by counting points and keeping a food journal, it has been a real eye-

opener to me. I have realized all of the food I use to crave, and always just ate it if I wanted it. Now, I pay attention to those cravings, but chose a healthier snack.

Making Better DecisionsThe only fast food I eat is Subway, and I very rarely crave

fried or greasy foods anymore.A few weeks ago, I had pizza for the first time in a month,

and I got very sick the next day. Also, by counting points and keeping a food journal, it

has been a real eye-opener to me. I have realized all of the food I use to crave, and always just ate it if I wanted it. Now, I pay attention to those cravings, but chose a healthier snack.

It also helps me to realize what all I actually used to eat when I was bored or got a craving. Now, I make better decisions on what I am going to eat.

Don’t Eat Less, Eat Smarter…and Feel Satisfied!Weight Watchers helps you look at food in a

fresh way. You’ll learn to eat smarter so you stay fuller

longer, and you'll get strategies for beating hunger and temptation.

You’ll also learn about Filling Foods, which are satisfying choices you can rely on to help keep hunger in check. Focusing on these foods can make a dramatic difference in your feelings of satisfaction and your ability to fight pesky temptation when it strikes.

Weight Watchers OnlineThere are many benefits to the online website

at www.weightwatchers.comOnline, you can read about strategies for

making it through challenging situations . Look up hundreds of restaurant menu items

online and learn how to navigate the challenges of eating out and group events.

Find over 1,500 recipes and strategies for staying on plan when your family is not.

Read expert fitness advice and tips for getting started, view over 60 video demonstrations, and get workout plans tailored for men and women.

How To Sign Up For Weight Watchers

Ways to sign up:Online at www.weightwatchers.comJoin a meeting in your area! To find

meetings and times locally, go to and type in your zip code. This will give you a list of dates, times, and locations of meetings in your area.

Local Success Story!There were three defining moments that led me to

Weight Watchers. First, I didn't recognize myself in a photo taken of me at a party. I kept looking at it trying to figure out who the woman was. When it hit me that it was me, it was shocking. How had I gotten so unrecognizable? Second, at a visit to my doctor’s office I couldn't get weighed. The scale "only" went up to 300 lbs. Finally, I was in pain daily with extremely swollen feet and ankles. Somehow these three things finally forced me to realize that I had gotten to a point where being obese was more painful than taking the steps to losing the weight.

As I began to lose weight I realized that in order to lose it for good I would need a complete lifestyle renovation. I needed to examine every aspect of how I had related to food and change my habits around it. It dawned on me that I had allowed myself to disappear behind the extra weight. I needed to find myself again and figure out who I was without the weight. I relied heavily on the strong support I received from my family and my meeting.

Name: Dawn Age: 40 Evansville, IN Height 5'4" Lost 155.6

ConclusionIn my opinion, Weight Watchers is one of the best

ways to start eating healthy and lose weight.It is something you have to be committed to, but

once you begin, it is really hard to quit. It really is a lifestyle change.

It is a program that anyone/everyone can benefit from.




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