jim rochford\'s "if you don\'t like networking, you must like cold calling"

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Jim Rochford gives tips on networking.


If You Don’t Like Networking …You Must Like Cold Calling

Jim Rochford


(203) 453-1642

Your Presenter ... Jim Rochford ...

24 year career in Executive Marketing & Product Management positions in Fortune 500 companies

Responsible for organizations and product lines up to $100 Million and 150 people

Started Business Coaching practice in 2004

Works with Business Owners and key staff to identify and take actions that build the value of their businesses / jobs

Someone who networks for a living!

1 Belief YOU have about ...

Networking … What is your …



Are you Above or Below the Line?

Destination Mastery ...

So, Why Do People Stay Away from Networking ... ?

A word about Time ...

An organized collection of your personal & business contacts … and THEIR

contactsFriends, family, neighbors, classmates,

colleagues, etc., etc., etc.

Process of building and maintaining relationships

*Before You Need Them*

Help others & help yourself

What it is …

What it is NOT…

1. You should have done more networking before and you damn well better do a lot more after …

2. The “stigma” of the jobless

3. Needs & Solutions (just like Sales)

4. Benefits not Features (just like Sales)

5. Its easier if they like you (just like Sales)

6. Devote less time to the internet & job search support groups

Networking = Marketing Strategy

Increased exposure = leads

Relationships = leads + marketing ideas

Networking partnerships = leads

“Warm” leads = higher conversion rate

Dialogue = need / lead qualification for higher conversion rate

Results & Feedback = strategy improvement

Networking Process ...

3 Steps To Successful Networking

Identify and schedule network opportunities

Strive to meet people beforehand (i.e. committees)

Set objectives - focus on specific outcomes

Have Business Cards & Pen

Dress appropriately

Name tag

3 Steps To Successful Networking

Arrive Early

Meet Many – No long conversations

Firm handshake – Go for the web

Conquer F.E.A.R. - You are not Selling!

Elevator Speech – Unique, enthusiastic, benefits oriented

Leave Late

OLD Selling vs. NEW Selling …

Smile – Be upbeat and personable

Keep body language positive / open

Match and mirror body, language & voice (create harmony)

Make eye contact and ACTIVELY listen

Find common ground

Traditional Approach

Who you are – Name and Company

What you do – Creative and Brief

How you and your organization can help

Why you and your organization can make a difference – Strive to create dialogue

WIIFM – Solutions matched to needs

Succinct, memorable, defining & understandable

If they want to know more – It works!

Alternative to 30 Second Commercial Try to determine who you are meeting and introduce yourself

Ask a provocative question designed to invoke response and immediately qualify the prospect

Did you make enough money in your business last year?

How many weeks did you work less than 40 hours this year?

Prospect answers lead to more questions from you – they do most of the talking

Whet their appetite for your solutions and ask for follow-up meeting

Success depends on the your ability to keep questions flowing and successively more specific

3 Steps To Successful Networking

Telephone or email the next morning

Schedule appointment to follow up

Show enthusiasm for your new relationship

Speed is of the essence!

3 Steps To Successful Networking

Networking is predictably unpredictable

Ever shifting cast of characters

Familiarity breeds trust

“You gotta be in it to win it!”





Prospects to

a Sales


Go Where Your Prospects Are:

Create connections via

participation in groups,

organizations & associations

Communicate Clearly & With

Impact: What you do and its

benefits – Your USP

Rub Elbows Frequently:

Break down resistance

through repeated contact

Identify Ways and Means

to Provide Value:

Information, articles,

contacts, etc.

Find Deeper Ways to

Demonstrate Your Value:

Seminars, Web demos,

Testimonials, Talks, etc.

21.5 Best Places to Network Chamber of Commerce BAH

High level Chamber of Commerce Event (committee or board meeting)

Event sponsored by Business Publications – seminars, breakfasts, etc.

Networking Clubs or Business Organizations

Someplace where like-minded people meet

Any type of class you take to improve yourself (i.e. Dale Carnegie, Toastmasters)

Civic Organizations (i.e. Rotary, Elks, Lions, etc.)

Cultural Events

Get involved with a Charity or be a Community Volunteer

Your Trade or Professional Association

Your Best Customer(s) Trade or Professional Association

Trade Shows

Private Club (i.e. golf, food, boating, etc.)

Meal networking – invite a prospect to dine. Invite a prospect for them.

Health Club

Sports Events

Parents of your children’s friends (i.e. on the sports fields)

Happy Hour


Neighborhood Homeowner’s / Condo Associations

The Airplane

# 21.5 – Anyplace and any conversation – Show up with a purpose

Tip - Get your spouse or significant other to help!

Jeffrey Gitomer

Qualifications of a Good Network Partner (Strategic Alliance)…

They …

Reflect well on you

Share the same target market(s)

Deliver a quality product or service at least as good as yours

Are responsive and fast to act

Reinforce your relationship with the client/prospect

Follow up promptly

Give you referrals or other meaningful help in return

The foundation for successful sales …

Sales is the transfer of enthusiasm

The Identity Iceberg...




8 Keys to Lasting Relationships1. Natural Affinity

2. Trust




3. Speed

4. Apparent Expertise – state unique claim clearly & convincingly

5. Sacrifice – “the cement of human relationships”

6. Completeness

7. Magic Words


How are you doing?


Their Name

8. Passion Harry Beckwith

The greatest obstacle to buying …

The greatest obstacle to selling …

3 Tools of Communication ...

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