june 4, 2017 sacred heart st. louis catholic parish ......2017/06/04  · school. sacred heart...

Post on 03-Aug-2020






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Administrator: Fr Chrispine Otieno Email: pastor@shstl.org

Office Telephone: 503-792-4231 Parish website: www.shstl.org

Office Hours: Tuesday—Friday 9:00 am—3:00 pm Horario: Martes a Viernes 9:00 am—3:00 pm

Sacred Heart School 503-792-4541

Sacred Heart-St. Louis Catholic Parish Parroquía del Sagrado Corazón—San Luis

605 7th Street, Gervais, OR 97026 Mailing address: PO Box 236, Gervais OR 97026

Welcome to Sacred Heart - St Louis Parish. We welcome everyone who has come to celebrate the liturgy with us!

Mass Schedule / Misas los Domingos:

Saturday / Sabado: 5 pm (Eng-Sacred Heart) 7:00 pm (Spanish-Sacred Heart)

Sunday / Domingo: 8:00 am (St Louis Church) 10:00 am (Sacred Heart Church)

Daily Mass — Tuesday—Thursday: 8:00 am (Sacred Heart Church) Friday 8:15 am (School Mass)

Reconciliation / Confesiones: Wednesday / Miercoles 5:30 - 6:30pm

Saturday / Sabado 3:30 - 4:30 pm

Sacred Heart-St Louis Parish is a Catholic community of

Christian believers devoted to the Holy Eucharist. We strive

to build God’s Kingdom by inviting all to faith formation, Sacred Liturgy, Evangelization

and outreach.

June 4, 2017

SACRED HEART CATHOLIC SCHOOL 503-792-4541 shssecretary@shstl.org

Graduation: Please join us as we celebrate our 8th Grade Graduation with Mass. There will be a reception following in the Gym. Mass will begin at 7 pm on Tuesday, June 6th. Annual Appeal: Our Annual Appeal con-tinues until the end of the school year. If you have not made a contribution this school year, please, prayerfully consider making one in the next few weeks. Thank you! Registration Packets: Registration Packets

for the 2017-2018 School Year are available in the school office. If you have any questions about our wonderful school or would like to

have a registration packet mailed to you, please call the school office at 503-792-4541.

Are you looking for a Catholic School with a

loving environment for your child? We wel-come you to stop by to tour our school, and see our children as they interact with each other and with our teachers. We are now a preschool through 8th grade school. Our alumni have done well at Ger-vais High School, Blanchet Catholic, Valley Cath-olic, Silverton High School and Woodburn H.S. School.


Acts 2:1-11 , 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13 John 20:19-23

Brief Reflection: Jesus sent the gift of the Holy Spirit to protect and guide the Church in carrying out his saving mission. The feast of Pentecost reminds us that the work of the Holy Spirit guides and protects the Church and enables her to carry out her mission. The gift of the Holy Spirit gives us, as disciples, the grace and strength to move forward and live out our call of faith.


Registration is now open and available for ALL grades. Cost is $40 until August 1st for early sign up and then increases to $50 after August 1, 2017. You can find the forms on our website, in the office or in the vestibule.

Nanette Kuga 503-792-4231 ext. 310

dre@shstl.org; www.shstl.org _______________________________

Youth and High School Faith Formation Melanie Saalfeld - Youth Ministry Coordinator

503-792-4231 ext 305 ym@shstl.org

Registration is now open and available for ALL grades. Cost is $40 until August 1st for early sign up and then increases to $50 after August 1, 2017 "It is Jesus who stirs in you the desire to do something great

with your life."- St. Pope John Paul II

Will we have no more flower arrangements in SH church? We are in need of Volunteer(s) to ar-range flowers for Sacred Heart Church each weekend, starting June 3. Perhaps teams of flow-er arrangers could rotate each month to lighten the commitment. Receipts for flower purchases will be reimbursed according to budget. If you are interest-ed, please call Marianne Branaman at 503-508-0451.

Dear Parishioners, at the coming next weekend masses, we will be visited by Fr Alfred Lopez from Food For The Poor, one of the largest international relief and development or-ganizations in the nation, does much more than feed mil-lions of the hungry in 17 countries of the Caribbean and Latin America. Founded in 1982, the ministry serves the poorest of the poor. Thanks to its faithful donors, the or-ganization’s programs are providing housing, healthcare, education, fresh water, emergency relief and micro-enterprise assistance, in addition to feeding hundreds of thousands of people each day. Food For The Poor has built more than 117,000 safe and secure housing units by FFTP donors, with more than 81,000 housing units being built in the last decade for the destitute. Since inception, the charity has provided nearly $12 billion in aid. In 2016, FFTP built 9,430 housing units for families in need of safe shelter. Over the last 10 years, fundraising and other administrative costs averaged less than 5 percent of our expenses; more than 95 percent of all donations went directly to programs that help the poor. I urge you to please support the efforts of these mission-aries as they show love to the less fortunate members of our society. On behalf of those who will benefit from our charity, thank you for caring, Fr Chrispine

We are now in need of candid pictures of parishion-ers and parish events for the new directory. Please email them to patianddoug@mac.com or deliver to the office. (They can be emailed one photo per email. we may not be able to use all of them and we'll use them based on content and resolution. For best reproduction, we'll be looking for high res images (300 dpi).)

Calendario de Ministros


La inscripción está abierta y está disponible para TODOS los grados. El costo es de $ 40 hasta el 1 de agosto para inscribirse temprano y luego aumenta a $ 50 después del 1 de ago-sto de 2017. Puede encontrar los formularios en nuestro sitio web, en la oficina o en el vestíbulo de la iglesia.

Nanette Kuga 503-792-4231 ext. 310

dre@shstl.org ______________________________________________

Formación de la Fe Secundaria y Preparatoria (Grados 7-12)

Melanie Saalfeld - Coordinadora de Ministerio Juvenil

503-792-4231 ext 305 ym@shstl.org ¡UN GRAN AGRADECIMIENTO! A Pati Kiley, Clifford VanLoo y Lupe Contreras por toda su ayuda para hacer un éxito de nuestra venta de plantas!!! Gra-cias Lisa Hanson por ofrecer bocaditos para nuestros jovenes que trabajaron ese dia

Que nadie te menosprecie por tu juventud; por tu parte trata de ser un modelo para los creyentes, por tu palabra,

conducta, tu amor, tu fe y tu pureza.


Hechos 2:1-11, 1 Corintios 12:3b-7, 12-13 Juan 20:19-23

Breve Reflexión: Jesús envió el don del Espíritu Santo para proteger y guiar a la Iglesia en el cumplimiento de su misión de salvación. La fiesta de Pentecostés nos recuerda que la obra del Espíritu Santo guía y protege a la Iglesia y le permite cumplir su misión. El don del Espíritu Santo nos da, como discípulos, la gracia y la fuerza para avanzar y vivir nuestro llamado de fe.

Sábado, 10 de Junio Misa 7:00 pm 2 Colección– Food For the Poor

Lectores: Pilar Zamora / Karla Morales R.

Ministros de Eucaristía: Belén Estrada / Nora Estrada / Pilar Zamora

Servidor Principal: Samuel Gomez

Monaguillos: Brian Uribe Día de Campo de la Parroquia, Domingo

Acomadores y Bienvenida: Maria Rodriguez / Edith Flores /Germán Villa 4 de junio despues de la misa de las 10 de la

Coros: Guille Cruz mañana

Limpieza de la Iglesia: Guillermina Cruz, Karla Morales, Karina Vazquez, Carmen Morales

** El banco de comida estará abierto el 7 y 21 de Junio. **Junio 4—Dia de campo de la Parroquia. ¡Todos estamos invitados!!! ** La semana del 5 al 9 de Junio el Padre Chrispine estará en un retiro, por lo tanto no estará disponible, no habrá misa durante la semana solo el viernes y tampoco habrá confesiones el miércoles 7 de junio. **Junio 14—no habrá confesiones! **Junio 6—Clase prebautismal en el cuarto de jóve-nes de Formacion deFe.

Queridos feligreses, en las próximas misas de fin de semana, nos visitara el Padre Alfred López, de Food for the Poor, una de las organizaciones internacionales de socorro y desarrollo más grandes de la nación, hacen mucho más que alimentar a millones de ham-brientos en 17 países del Caribe y América Latina. Fundado en 1982, el ministerio sirve a los más pobres de los pobres. Gracias a sus fieles donantes, los programas de la organización ofrecen aloja-miento, atención médica, educación, agua fresca, socorro de emer-gencia y asistencia para microempresas, además de alimentar a cientos de miles de personas cada día. Food for the Poor ha construido más de 117.000 unidades de vivienda seguras y seguras por donantes del FFTP, con más de 81.000 unidades de vivienda construidas en la última década para los indigentes. Desde su creación, la organización benéfica ha pro-porcionado casi $ 12 mil millones en ayuda. En 2016, FFTP con-struyó 9.430 unidades de vivienda para familias que necesitan refugio seguro. Durante los últimos 10 años, la recaudación de fondos y otros gastos administrativos promediaron menos del 5 por ciento de nuestros gastos; Más del 95 por ciento de todas las donaciones fueron directamente a programas que ayudan a los pobres. Les ruego que apoyen los esfuerzos de estos misioneros que muestran amor a los miembros menos afortunados de nuestra sociedad. En nombre de aquellos que se beneficiarán de nuestra caridad, gracias por preocuparse, Padre Chrispine

MUY NECESARIO: Se necesitan voluntarios para arreglar flores en la Iglesia de Sagrado Corazon cada fin de semana, empezando el 3 de Junio. Quizas equipos de arregladores de flores podrian alternarse cada mes para aligerar el compromiso. Los recibos de las compras de flores se reembolsaran de acuerdo al presupuesto. Si esta interesado/a, por favor llame a Marianne Branaman al #503-508-0451. Le agradecemos a Barbara Smith por todos sus años proporcionando a nuestra Iglesia Sagrado Corazon con sus hermosos arreglos.

Parish Activities for the Week

Sunday / Domingo June 4 8 am Mass @ St. Louis +Mary Nibler 10 am Mass @ SHC Knights of Columbus Parish Picnic 11 am at SH campus

Monday / Lunes June 5 office closed Grupo Oracion in church from 7 - 9 pm

Tuesday / Martes June 6 NO Mass @ SHC due to priest retreat all week 7 pm 8th grade Graduation Mass- reception in gym Baptism class in Spanish 6:30 pm in FFC

Wednesday / Miercoles June 7 Food Bank 1-4pm NO Mass @ SHC NO confessions

Thursday / Jueves June 8 NO Mass @ SHC 9 am senior social in FFC

Friday / Viernes June 9 8:15 am Mass @ SHC +Kathleen Ferschweiler

Saturday / Sábado June 10 3:30 - 4:30 pm Confessions 5 pm vigil Mass @ SH Parishioners 7 pm Spanish +Diego and Miguel Salgado Mendoza

Sunday / Domingo June 11 8 am Mass @ St. Louis +Basilia Ruiz 10 am Mass @ SHC +Mary Nibler

Chapel of Perpetual Adoration Capilla de Oración

Dear Parishioners: We have approximately 325 registered families in our combined parish. Chap-el Adoration has 168 hours a week with many ador-ers taking more than 1 hour. Could we find 5 or more people to step up and take these open hours?

Open Hours / Horas Disponibles:

Monday/Lunes 5-6 am Tuesday/Martes 11 am-noon Thursday/Jueves midnight - 1 am

Friday/Viernes midnight - 1 am Friday/Viernes 2-3 am

Chapel Coordinators / Coordinadores de Capilla

12 midnight - 6 am Carol Kuschnick 503-792-4419

6 am - 12 pm Pilar Zamora 503-792-4424

12 noon - 6 pm Carole Rosa 503-423-7663

6 pm - 12 am Sandi Belleque 503-508-0971

Queridos Parroquianos: tenemos aproximadamente 325 fa-milias de parroquianos registrados en nuestras parroquias combinadas. La Capilla de Adoracion tiene 168 horas a la

semana y muchos adoradores toman mas de 1 hora. ¿Podemos encontrar a 5 personas que puedan tomar

estas horas disponibles??

June 10 - - 5:00 pm June 11 - - 8:00 am June 11 - - 10:00 am

Reader: Ed Adelman Irene Duda Katie Phalen

Extr Min: Laura Hagenauer & Judy Brutka Tom & Ana Mahoney Bill Phalen, Catherine Zollner, &Bob Nelson

Lead Servers: Volunteers Peter Bennett ————

Altar Servers: (none) Brian Beyer Daniel & William Phalen

Head Usher: Roger Eder Mike Steinkamp Brian Belleque

Greeters: Janice Matlock Janet Steinkamp volunteers

Cantor & Organist: Pete Petrowski Amanda Belleque Toby Saalfeld

Church Cleaning: Guiller mina Cruz, Karla Morales, Karina Vazquez Carmen Morales

Parish Picnic

Come One, Come All!

Sunday, June 4, 2017 Following 10 am Mass

Sacred Heart Parish Grounds

Día de Campo de la Parroquia

¡Todos están invitados!

Domingo, 4 de junio del 2017 Después de la Misa de las 10 am

Parroquia Sagrado Corazón


Baptism/Bautismo One (1) month in advance. Un mes de aviso.

English Pre-Baptismal Class (children 0-6 years old) Last Tuesday of the Month 6:30 pm – FFC

Choose appropriate Godparent(s). At least one must be 16 years of age, confirmed and a practicing Catholic. If married, must be married in the Catholic Church. If single, must be living a chaste life. Godparents must be registered and active in a parish for a minimum of three months and present a letter documenting activity from their parish. Call to register 503-792-4231.

Clases Pre-Bautismales (Niños de 0-6 años)

Primer Martes del Mes 6:30 pm - Formación de Fe

Elija el Padrino (s) apropiado, al menos uno debe ser de 16 años de edad, confirmado y católico practicando. Si es casado, debe ser casado en la Iglesia Católica. Si es soltero, debe vivir una vida casta y no cohabitan-do. Los padrinos deben estar registrados y activos en una parroquia durante un mínimo de tres meses y presentar una carta documentando la actividad de su parroquia. Favor de llamar para registrarse 503-792-4231.

Marriage/Matrimonio Couples must contact the office at least six months in advance. One party should be registered at our parish. The Catholic party must be an active Catholic and participating in the life of the church. If the Catholic party planning to get married in our parish is not an active member in our parish, he or she should be participating actively in another Catholic parish. (The pastor will request a letter from your parish.)

Las parejas deben ponerse en contacto con la oficina por lo menos seis meses adelantado. Por lo menos uno de los dos debe estar registrado/a en nuestra parro-quia. La pareja Católica debe ser un Católico activo y participando en la vida de la iglesia. Si la pareja Ca-tólico planificando casarse en nuestra parroquia no es un miembro activo, él o ella debería estar participan-do activamente en otra parroquia Católica. (El pastor va a solicitar una carta de su parroquia.)

Dear Brothers and Sisters of Sacred Heart-St Louis Parish, Life is a gift. How blessed we are that God gave us life! Oregon is the only state in this country without any pro-life laws. Oregon Life United is working to end taxpayer funded abortions here in Oregon. They need to collect 117,000 signatures to place this ini-tiative on the 2018 general election ballot. The Or-egon bishops support this initiative, and Archbishop Sample as well as state wide Knights of Columbus has all embraced this effort. Please prayerfully con-sider signing this life affirming petition. Thank you.

“…from the first moment of existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person – among which is the

inviolable right of every innocent being to life.” CCC 2270

**Coffee Tuesdays—Join us on Tuesday for 8:00 am Morning Mass, followed by coffee, sometimes treats and great company. **Food Bank - 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month from 1 pm - 4 pm June 7th and 21st **Rosary Thursdays - Join us for the Holy Rosary each Thursday, immediately after morning Mass.

**June 4 - Parish Picnic **June 5-9 priest retreat and no Mass Mon - Thurs

**June 6 - SH school 8th gr. graduation Mass 7 pm

**June 6 - Spanish baptism class in FFC at 6:30 pm

**June 8 - Last chance! Senior Social! At 9 am on Thursday in FFC, until after summer break

A huge THANK YOU goes to Barb Smith and her husband for the many years of

volunteering to furnish bouquets of flowers to SH worship space.

Ordinary Time: resumes Monday following Pente-cost (June 5) and continues until Evening Prayer 1 of

the First Sunday of Advent, December 2, 2017

The Most Holy Trinity Sunday-June 11, 2017 God sent His Son to save us and to forgive us, making us his adopted children. Like the Trinity of persons,

may we be united in peace and love through the Spirit, through whom we offer God praise and glory.

Prayer Intentions Let us pray for those who are sick in our community. Remember these parishioners and friends of the Parish in your prayers: Dolores Miller Troy Kannier May you find consolation in knowing that you are thought of and prayed for in this time of need.

Beginning Experience of Oregon welcomes those grieving the recent loss of a spouse through death, separation or di-vorce. Our sessions are facilitated by trained facilitators/wounded healers. Childcare can be available upon request. Upcoming Beginning Experience Weekend at the Griffin Center (on Fuller Rd. in Clackamas) June 23-25. Judith Holtzinger- Beginning Experience of Oregon Team Member 503-949-4592 Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. We also have information on our website: www.beginningexperienceoforegon.org

4 Stages of Marriage – The 4 stages of marriage are: (1) Romance, (2) Disillusionment, (3) Misery, and (4) Awakening. Many marriages experience the first 3 Stages. Marriages that end in divorce never make it to the 4th Stage of Awakening. Don’t give up without learning about the 4th Stage of Awakening. If your marriage suffers from Disillusionment or Misery please contact Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi with a long i). For confidential information about or to register for the program beginning with a weekend on June 23-25, 2017, please call 503-225-9191 or visit www.helpourmarriage.org

OPEN YOUR HEART AND HOME to a Catholic exchange student from Spain

for the coming 2017-2018 school year

Volunteer host families (with or without children) as well as single parents are needed to provide food, a bed and a loving home for the coming school year, one or two semes-ters, starting in August. EMF students have medical in-surance, spending money for their personal expenses and expect to share their host family’s daily life including household responsibilities. They speak English, are well-screened and eager to experience life in America. Their stay here is sponsored and supervised by EMF (Educational Merit Foundation), a non-profit, educational exchange organization. For more information on EMF students, please call Marie-Claude Dijoud now at 1-800-467-8363 or visit our web site at www.emfusa.org

Events around the area . . .

Attention all Catholic young men ages 13-18! Do you know where you are going in life? The Lord Jesus has a great plan for you! You are invited to attend Quo Vadis Days camp to spend some time with other young men your age looking at the Lord’s call in your life while having a great time. Quo Vadis Days is sponsored by the Office of Voca-tions and is led by priests and seminarians of the Arch-diocese. Quo Vadis Days will be held from June 19-22, 2017 at Camp Howard. The cost is only $50.00. Scholarships are available for those in financial need. Please visit www.qvdays.org for more information and to register.

You are invited to

MERCY NIGHT Come celebrate the Easter Season by spending time with Jesus in the Eucharist! Fr. Bernard Youth Center in Mt. Angel will be holding their monthly Mercy Night on Thursday, June 8. Dinner is at 6:00 pm, and Eucharistic Adoration, worship, and Confession will follow from 6:30 – 7:30 pm. This event is free and all ages are welcome.

Fr. Bernard Youth Center 980 S Main Street, 97362

Nun Run – August 17-22, 2017 Road Trip! All high school girls invited to join us on a trip to San Francisco. We will

visit with area religious communities, tour the California Missions, and have fun cele-brating our call to holiness as daughters of

God. Contact the Office of Vocations for more information at 503-233-8368 or voca-


Parish Staff

Administrator: Fr. Chrispine pastor@shstl.org

Secretary: Barbara Daniels secretary@shstl.org

Assistant Secretary: Arcelia Pelayo (español)

Asistencia en español - miercoles de 9 am - 4 pm

Bookkeeper: Paula McNulty bookkeeper@shstl.org

Faith Formation: Nanette Kuga dre@shstl.org

Youth Ministry: Melanie Saalfeld ym@shstl.org

Pastoral Council - meets 2nd Tues of month

Amy Ferschweiler - chair

Amanda Belleque - secretary Robert Tesch Mary Miller

Karla Morales

Marty Miller

Finance Council - meets 3rd Tues of month

Larry Schiedler - chair

Kent Belleque - secretary

Laura Hagenauer

Frank Davidson

Anna Mahony

Sacred Heart School Staff

Lucy Shawn-Principal lashindler@gervais.com

Mrs. Cindy Schnurbusch-School Secretary

Ms. Christina Hugulet

Mrs. Corina Espericueta

Mrs. Lucia Ries

Mrs. Mariana Hill

Mrs. Amy Lear

Mr. Andre Brown

Mrs. Judy Adams Miss Marissa Casanova

Please remember Sacred-Heart-St. Louis Parish in your Will. Please use the following language when making your estate plans. “I give, devise, and bequeath _________ (describe gift and purpose) to Sacred Heart-St. Louis Catholic Church, Gervais, Oregon (our official and legal name). It is understood in making this gift that it can only be used by Sacred Heart-St. Louis Catholic Church, Gervais, Oregon, for the purpose stated.”

FAVORITE BUSINESS? Do you have a favorite hair dresser or barber? What about a dentist or doctor? Your parish family wants to know about these great businesses too. Please let your favorite business owners know that advertising on the church bulletin is affordable, reliable and helps to pro-vide the bulletin at no charge to the church! Whether it be your favorite local business or your own business, our church bulletin is a great place to advertise! For more info, call Catholic Printery: 1-800-867-0660 With your help, we can keep our bulletin free of charge.

Parish Ministries Coordinators Adoration Chapel: Carol Kuschnick Baptism Class (English): Merissa Zielinski Baptism Class (Spanish): coordinator needed Catholic Daughters: Marge Pranger Welcoming Committee: Mary Miller Comité Hispano: Karla Morales/Maria Rodriguez Grupo Carismático de Oración: Maria Rodriguez Knights of Columbus: Dennis Hagenauer Liturgy (Spanish): Karla Morales/Maria Rodri-guez Liturgy (English): Pati Kiley(patianddoug@mac.com) Music coordinators: Toby Saalfeld and team Stewardship: Marty Miller St. Louis Altar Society: Anna Mahony St. Rita’s Altar Society: Marianne Branaman RCIA Program: coordinator needed Flowers for SH worship space: coord needed

Welcome to Sacred Heart - St. Louis Parish. We welcome everyone who has come to celebrate the liturgy with us! If you are new to the parish or you have updated information, please cut and fill out this form and bring to the office or put it in the collection basket. Bienvenidos a la Parroquia del Sagrado Corazón—San Luis. Regístrese con esta pequeña forma y entregue a la oficina o pongala en la canasta de coleccion. Name / Nombre:______________________________________________________________________________ Address / Dirección:_______________________________________ Phone / Teléfono:_____________________ □ New Parishioner/Nuevo en la Parroquia □ New Address/Nueva Dirección □ New Phone/Nuevo Teléfono □ I would like Father to call me/Necesito que el Padre me llame □ Interested in Parish Ministries/Me interesa servir □ I would like offertory envelopes/Necesito sobres para ofretorio □ Visitor/Soy Visitante

Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal Update The Archdiocese has received a total of $10,154.00 which is 49% of our goal of $20,516.00. Thank you!


May 7, 2017 $4,110.58

May 14, 2017 $3,220.14

May 21, 2017 $1,958.80

May 28, 2017 $2,499.82

Cemetery Fund $1,086.37

Financial Stewardship

Needed Weekly: $ 6,000

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