listening. listening on page 7 you are going to hear a personal opinion on why women are not given...

Post on 26-Mar-2015






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Listening on page 7

You are going to hear a personal

opinion on why women are not given

the same chances in their careers as

men. Before you listen, discuss the

problems that women may have.


They have more difficulty getting an








They have more difficulty getting to the

top of their chosen career.

They have to give up their careers for

the childcare and running the house.

Take notes on the three

problems given in the


1. This way of thinking ________ some girls from training for a ______ .

2. Unless women are given the __________, they will never be able to show that they can ______________ successfully.

3. These are women’s _____________ while men do not have this problem. They can work long _________ and go on _____________.



run companiesresponsibilities

Fill the blanks.

business tripshours

Listening text ARE WOMEN GIVEN A FAIR CHANCE? I don’t think women are given a fair chance to have as good a career as men for three reasons. First, girls have more difficulty getting an education than boys. If there is little money in the family, boys will get first chance to go to school.

Even if girls do begin school, they often le

ave earlier to help the family or to go to

work. It is often felt that girls will marry

and look after another family but that

boys must earn money for the family.

This way of thinking prevents some girls

from training for a career.

Second, women have more difficulty

getting to the top of their chosen career.

Most people who run companies are

men . So they choose other men to

succeed them. This means that women

get fewer chances to show how good

they are at running businesses.

Unless they are give the opportunity,

they will never be able to show that they

can run companies successfully.

Third ,women are more likely to give

up their careers to look after children or

run the house. This is because these

kinds of responsibilities are considered

women’s work .

However, men do not have this problem.

They can work long hours and go on

business trips. They can improve their

career chances since the family is cared

for at home .

西元 1429, 英法战争如火如荼之际 ,

法国偏远地区的一个小村落传开一个令法国人振奋的消息。该村落里一个十几岁的少女琼安 ( 蜜拉乔娃维琪 )

对外宣称自己获得上帝的指示 , 将带领法国人击退来犯的英军 , 让法国恢复为一个自由的国家。原本流传于乡间的消息 , 逐渐为整个法国所知。

Listening on P41

法国当时的储君查理 ( 约翰马可维奇 ), 在岳母的鼓吹下 , 接见琼安 ,

并同时将大批军队交由琼安指挥。一时之间法国军队士气为之一振 ,

接下来由少女所带领的军队战无不克 , 英军节皆败退。储君也如愿加冕成为真正的国王。

国王登基后 , 不再支持琼安 , 在缺乏援兵的情况下 , 法军节节败退 , 琼安落入英军手中成为众矢之的 , 所有人将少女指为妖女。不再有人相信她 ,

视她为女巫 , 最后 , 她被处以女巫死刑活活被烧死。五百年后 , 梵帝岗教廷为少女平反 , 将她册封圣女贞德 ,



Joan of Arc

Listening on page 41

Part 1

Joan’s country France

Her reason for


Her enemy

How did Joan help?

To drive the English

out of France

The English

She joined the French army.

1. thought , followed

2. angry, behaved, killed

3. later, understood, fighting

Part 2

Listening text

L=Luc LM=Ming

Part 1

LM: Who is Joan of Arc?

L: She was a very brave French lady

who fought for her country about six

hundred years ago.

LM: Why did she do that?

L: Well, at that time English were rulin

g France. They treated the French v

ery badly.

LM: Oh dear! Why didn’t the French

soldiers drive the English out o

f France?

L: They tried, but they did not have good l

eaders. So they lost every battle.

LM: How did Joan help?

L: She joined the French army. She was a

very good soldier and she won battles

against the English army!

LM: Were women allowed to be soldier

s then?

L: No, they weren’t! The Church didn’t

allow it.

LM: So how did she become a soldier?

L: Well, she dressed up and behaved like

a man, and some people say she went

to see the king of France and got his


Part 2

LM: How could she be so brave?

L: That’s because she believed God

had sent her. She had many good

ideas for attacking the English

army. The French soldiers followed


LM: I see , but what did the English do ?

L: They were very angry. They caught

her and the Church decided she had

not behaved as a woman should. So

they killed her.

LM: How terrible! What happened to the

French after her death?

L: The French soldiers were inspired

by her spirit and won more battles .

Finally they ended the English rule

in France.

LM: So she won in the end. Did the

English feel sorry about what they

did to her ?

L: Yes, they did. Much later they

understood that she was fighting for

her country .The Church made her

a saint!

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