media analysis 2

Post on 24-May-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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Fallout Boy-Dance Dance

Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics (e.g. stage performance in metal video, dance routine for boy/ girl band.)

This video uses a variety of conventions which are commonly found in indie music videos. Firstly indie videos commonly feature the band who are playing, and a trend which is shared in most of this particular bands music videos is that the band actually play a role within a mainly narrative driven video.

There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals. (Either illustrative, amplifying and contradicting.)

The song is of course called ‘Dance Dance’ which certainly correlates with what is going on within the video, with the narrative following the story of an American high school prom. Many of the lyrics also sing about being sad ect which in some ways does correlate with the actions on screen with many of the teenagers being rejected by each other for example.

There is a relationship between music and visuals. (Either illustrative, amplifying and contradicting.)

The video could be considered to be illustrative as it is sung in the context of being within the world of the music video. In this way the lyrics which are sung are essentially linked to the actions on screen, but the other way in which it is illustrative is that the music is actually a part of the video itself because it is sung within the music videos world.

The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work ( a visual style.)

This is certainly present within Fallout Boy videos as they commonly feature the band in an acting role within the video but also as the band themselves. This is something which has become recognized throughout all of their videos. The close ups within the videos generally focus upon the band themselves, especially at important parts of the song.

There is frequently reference to notion of looking (screens within screen, telescopes, etc. ) and particularly voyeuristic (sexual) treatment of the female body.

This isn't especially true for most of the video although one scene is present towards the end which shows a woman dancing in a way which would be considered sexual and it is certainly represented in that way by other characters on screen.

There is often intertextual reference (to films, TV programmes, other music videos etc.)

There is no exact reference to other media products but instead focuses on popular pop culture in terms of the school prom setting. This kind of setting is especially common in American music as it is a setting which can work with completely different music genres.

Whether the video is primarily performance based, narrative based or concept based and how elements of each is used in it.

The video is partially performance based and partially narrative based, the performance section is in the form of the actual band playing at the prom which is the centre of the narrative. The band members are present within the narrative as actual characters and are also of course the band on stage.

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