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Mrs. Leah Parker, MAEdGifted Education Specialist

The Caepe SchoolAnthem, Arizona

Engaging Gifted and High Ability Learners in Science: Journeys to Inspiration

Gifted Learners and Science

Many gifted learners report that science is the subject in school that most intrigues them. However, they often report frustration with science education. Unfortunately, many schools leave the needs of these students unmet—either by neglecting to spend enough time on the subject or by presenting material that does not engage or inspire them. (VanTassel-Baska, 1998)

It’s time to think outside the box, and by that I mean outside of the confines of your classroom! Either take your students out into the world or bring the world in for them.

Show of Hands

• Who is a gifted specialist or administrator in a full-day program for gifted students?

• Who is a gifted specialist or administrator in a school with a pull-out program for gifted students? Reading? Math? Other subjects?

• Who is a gifted specialist or administrator in a school with a push-in program for gifted students? (The gifted specialist acts as a consultant or coach for classroom teachers.)

• Who is a science teacher with gifted students in your classroom?

How do we define giftedness?

The current federal definition of gifted students was originally developed in the 1972 Marland Report to Congress, and has been modified several times since then. The current definition, which is located in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, is as follows: “Students who give evidence of high achievement capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, and who need services and activities not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop those capabilities” (

How do we measure giftedness?

• On a very practical level, school districts usually require cognitive or intelligence test scores in the 97th percentile or above in any category—verbal, quantitative, or nonverbal—for placement in a gifted program.

• Some districts use a rubric and take into account achievement test scores, academic success, artistic talents, leadership, teacher recommendation, etc.

What do gifted students need?

“Though not often recognized as ‘special needs’ students, gifted children require just as much attention and educational resources to thrive in school as do other students whose physical, behavioral, emotional or learning needs require special accommodations” (Science Daily, 2009).

What do gifted students need?

“…Opportunities for earlier access to advanced content need to be available to gifted students in science. Cross and Coleman (1992) conducted a survey of gifted high school students, finding that their major complaint about science instruction was the frustration of being held back by the pace and content of courses. In a 6-year study of middle school age gifted learners taking biology, chemistry, or physics in a 3-week summer program, these younger learners outperformed high school students taking these courses for a full academic year (Lynch, 1992). Follow-up studies documented continued success in science for these students, suggesting a need for academically advanced students to start high school science level courses earlier and be able to master them in less time. Evidence also suggests that advanced study in instructionally grouped settings based on science aptitudes promotes more learning for all students (Hacker & Rowe, 1993)” (VanTassel-Baska, 1998).

What do gifted students need?

“Although, many of the strategies developed in gifted education will particularly benefit gifted students they are also of value to all students studying science” (Watters & Diezmann,2003).

How can we accommodate and encourage students’ interests if they are outside the state

science standards for the academic year?• If this is the case, I provide my students a pathway to

explore their science interests while meeting state standards in reading, writing, and math.

• This multidisciplinary learning is supported by research.

• “Gifted learners tend to make connections between new and prior learning more frequently than other children (Rabinowitz & Glaser, 1985; Rogers, 1986; Simon & Simon, 1980). This would certainly support the necessity of enrichment experiences for gifted learners that incorporate multiple disciplines” (Rogers, 2002).

Key Components to a Science Curriculum for Gifted Students

Identified by the Center for Gifted Education at the College of William and Mary

(VanTassel-Baska, 1998)

A. An emphasis on learning concepts: “Concepts such as systems, change, reductionism, and scale all provide an important scaffold for learning about the core ideas of science that do not change, although the specific applications taught about them may.”

Key Components to a Science Curriculum for Gifted Students

B. An emphasis on higher-level thinking: “Students need to learn about important science concepts and also to manipulate those concepts in complex ways. Having students analyze the relationship between real world problems…and the implications of that incident for understanding science and for seeing the connections between science and society provides opportunities for both critical and creative thinking within a problem-based episode.”

Key Components to a Science Curriculum for Gifted Students

C. An emphasis on inquiry, especially problem-based learning: “Through questions by the teacher, collaborative dialogue and discussion with peers and individual exploration of key questions, students can grow in the development of valuable habits of mind found among scientists, such as skepticism, objectivity, and curiosity.”

Key Components to a Science Curriculum for Gifted Students

D. An emphasis on the use of technology as a learning tool: “The use of technology to teach science offers some exciting possibilities for connecting students to real world opportunities, …scientific papers, …well-constructed units of study, and …communicate directly with scientists.”

Key Components to a Science Curriculum for Gifted Students

E. An emphasis on learning the scientific process, using experimental design procedures: “…Original work in science would require [students] to read and discuss a particular topic of interest, come up with a problem about that topic to be tested, and then follow through in a reiterative fashion with appropriate procedures, further discussion, a reanalysis of the problem, and communication of findings to a relevant audience.”

NSTA Supports These Components

“The National Science Education Standards envision change throughout the system. The science content standards encompass the following changes in emphases:”

(Center for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Education, 1996)

Less emphasis on More emphasis on [Aligned with Key Components]

Knowing scientific facts and information Understanding scientific concepts and developing abilities of inquiry [A, C]

Studying subject matter disciplines (physical, life, earth sciences) for their own sake

Learning subject matter disciplines in the context of inquiry, technology, science in personal and social perspectives, and history and nature of science [C, D]

Implementing inquiry as a set of processes Implementing inquiry as instructional strategies, abilities, and ideas to be learned [C]

Emphasis on individual process skills such as observation or inference

Using multiple process skills—manipulation, cognitive, procedural [B]

Private communication of student ideas and conclusions to teacher

Public communication of student ideas and work to classmates [E]

Space Science-Research and Presentations

• After learning basic information, we choose research topics based on individual interests.

• We explore research topics, such as the details of our solar system and the Milky Way. We travel further into the universe to investigate nebulae, using images and information gathered from the Hubble Telescope. We look forward to the new technology and findings of the James Webb Space Telescope. We examine the history and future of NASA. We attempt to fathom the depths of the minds of Einstein and Hawking. We survey the possibilities of multiple dimensions and the space-time fabric and attempt to wrap our minds around String Theory.

• We apply our findings to future possibilities and present to members of our family and community.

• We use our research and findings as a launching pad for further learning.

Activity: Space Science Research and Presentations (FREE!)

UnifyingConcepts in Science


Key Components

Learning Concepts

Higher-Level Thinking


based Learning

Technology as a Learning



Experimental Design

Systems, order, and organization

Evidence, models, and explanation

Change, constancy, and measurement

Evolution and equilibrium

Form and function

Sci Teaching

Sci Content



Space Science-Gravity and Our Solar System

• We use Adaptive Curriculum to explore the relationship between the gravitational force and the motions of objects in our solar system.

• We create our own system and manipulate the variables of velocity (speed and direction), relative position, and mass of objects and can cause circular orbits, elliptical orbits, and even fiery collisions.

Activity: Space Science-Gravity and Our Solar System

UnifyingConcepts in Science


Key Components

Learning Concepts

Higher-Level Thinking


based Learning

Technology as a Learning



Experimental Design

Systems, order, and organization

Evidence, models, and explanation

Change, constancy, and measurement

Evolution and equilibrium

Sci Teaching

Sci Content



Space Science-NASA Astrophysicist

• Dr. Amber Straughn tells us about the history of the universe and her research on Tadpole Galaxies.

• She explains how the Hubble Telescope has given us evidence of the past.

• She uses a gas discharge lamp to explain how we view and interpret light in the universe. The students view several gas discharge tubes through hand-held diffraction gratings, allowing them to see the spectral lines associated with each gas.

• She tells us how the James Webb Space Telescope will provide more data in the future.

• She even tells us about her experience aboard the Zero Gravity airplane.

Space Science-NASA Astrophysicist

• We keep up with Dr. Straughn through her blog at

• We use the web cam to get news from her.

Activity: NASA Astrophysicist (FREE!)

UnifyingConcepts in Science


Key Components

Learning Concepts

Higher-Level Thinking


based Learning

Technology as a Learning



Experimental Design

Systems, order, and organization

Evidence, models, and explanation

Change, constancy, and measurement

Evolution and equilibrium

Form and function

Sci Teaching

Sci Content



Space Science-NASA Web Site

We use the NASA website for all kinds of education resources.

Activity: NASA Website (FREE!)

UnifyingConcepts in Science


Key Components

Learning Concepts

Higher-Level Thinking


based Learning

Technology as a Learning



Experimental Design

Systems, order, and organization

Evidence, models, and explanation

Change, constancy, and measurement

Evolution and equilibrium

Form and function

Sci Teaching

Sci Content



Space Science-Meteor Crater in Northern Arizona

• We experience the impact of the first proven, best preserved meteor crater on earth outside of Flagstaff, Arizona.

• We imagine what it must have been like to be there when it hit!

• We investigate other meteor crater sites around the world.

• We get to touch a real space capsule.

Activity: Meteor Crater

UnifyingConcepts in Science


Key Components

Learning Concepts

Higher-Level Thinking


based Learning

Technology as a Learning



Experimental Design

Systems, order, and organization

Change, constancy, and measurement

Sci Teaching

Sci Content



Space Science-Lowell Observatory

• We see the telescope that was used by Clyde Tombaugh to discover Pluto.

• We walk through a scale model of the solar system.

• We explore the hands-on activities at the Rotunda Museum.

• We take a tour of several telescopes at night to see the moon and various stars and planets.

Activity: Lowell Observatory

UnifyingConcepts in Science


Key Components

Learning Concepts

Higher-Level Thinking


based Learning

Technology as a Learning



Experimental Design

Systems, order, and organization

Evidence,models, and explanation

Change, constancy, and measurement

Form and function

Sci Teaching

Sci Content



Space Science-Challenger Space Center

• We simulate a Space Station mission by engaging in technology, problem-solving, and teamwork activities.

• We view the spectrum of light and explain how shifting spectral lines can be used to help us interpret the history of the universe.

Activity: Challenger Space Center

UnifyingConcepts in Science


Key Components

Learning Concepts

Higher-Level Thinking


based Learning

Technology as a Learning



Experimental Design

Systems, order, and organization

Evidence, models, and explanation

Sci Teaching

Sci Content



Space Science-Arizona Science Center

• We visit the DorrancePlanetarium to explore space.

• At the Imax theater, we join the Mars Rover as it journeys from Earth to Mars and investigates the red planet.

Activity: Arizona Science Center

UnifyingConcepts in Science


Key Components

Learning Concepts

Higher-Level Thinking


based Learning

Technology as a Learning



Experimental Design

Systems, order, and organization

Change, constancy, and measurement

Form and Function

Sci Teaching

Sci Content



Gravity-Calculation in the Classroom

• We have discussed Einstein’s ideas regarding the space-time fabric. We investigate the gravitational pull of the planets in our solar system.

• We jump as high as we can, mark the wall, and measure height of each jump.

• We calculate how high we could jump on other planets in our solar system.

Activity: Calculation in the Classroom (FREE!)

UnifyingConcepts in Science


Key Components

Learning Concepts

Higher-Level Thinking


based Learning

Technology as a Learning



Experimental Design

Systems, order, and organization

Change, constancy, and measurement

Sci Teaching

Sci Content



Gravity-Predictions in the Classroom

• We have discussed how gravity works in our solar system, and now we bring the concept closer to home.

• We drop two items with similar shapes but different sizes and weights and ask, “Do size, shape, or weight make a difference?” and “Which will hit the ground first?”

• We test our hypothesis, record observations, replicate, and communicate our results.

Gravity-Exploration in the Classroom

• We use Adaptive Curriculum to travel back in time and see Galileo’s famous free fall experiment.

• We conduct experiments with freefalling spheres in a vacuum and manipulate three variables: mass of falling objects, gravitational acceleration, and height from which objects are released.

Activity: Gravity Predictions and Exploration in the Classroom

UnifyingConcepts in Science


Key Components

Learning Concepts

Higher-Level Thinking


based Learning

Technology as a Learning



Experimental Design

Evidence,models, and explanation

Change, constancy, and measurement

Sci Teaching

Sci Content



Airplane Flight-Application in and out of the Classroom

• We learn about the parts of an airplane and investigate the four basic forces of flight: gravity, lift, drag, and thrust.

• We apply Bernoulli’s principle by creating an airfoil.

• We live the four basic forces of flight and Bernoulli’s principle when we participate in the Young Eagles program.

Activity: Young Eagles (FREE!)

UnifyingConcepts in Science


Key Components

Learning Concepts

Higher-Level Thinking


based Learning

Technology as a Learning



Experimental Design

Evidence, models, and organization

Form and function

Sci Teaching

Sci Content



Air Resistance-Investigation in the Classroom and at the Playground

• We apply the concepts of gravity, air resistance, acceleration, the area fronting the wind, and terminal speed.

• We experiment with different designs and make parachutes for uncooked eggs. We drop them from the top of the play structure. Some survive and some do not.

• We have a guest speaker who survived a parachute accident. He explains the physics of skydiving and what went wrong.

Air Resistance-Investigation at SkyVenture Arizona

• We are not old enough for real skydiving yet, so we visit SkyVentureArizona, the largest indoor skydiving facility in the world.

• We put our bodies in motion to apply air resistance.

Activity: Air Resistance Investigation and SkyVenture Arizona

UnifyingConcepts in Science


Key Components

Learning Concepts

Higher-Level Thinking


based Learning

Technology as a Learning



Experimental Design

Evidence,models, and organization

Form and function

Sci Teaching

Sci Content



Force and Motion-Fun in the Classroom

• We research the world’s most extreme roller coasters and compare and contrast statistics.

• We use our understanding of friction, potential and kinetic energy, gravity, Newton’s First Law, and acceleration to create virtual coasters on line.

Force and Motion-Fun at Castles and Coasters

• We feel the physics while riding amusement park rides.

Activity: Extreme Coasters and Feel the Physics

UnifyingConcepts in Science


Key Components

Learning Concepts

Higher-Level Thinking


based Learning

Technology as a Learning



Experimental Design

Evidence, models, and organization

Form and function

Sci Teaching

Sci Content



Think outside the box!

• Experience Math and Science at

• Create a Coaster at

• Find a rich variety of resources and activities at

• Kids fly for free with the Young Eagles program. Find out more at

Think outside the box!

• Find science landmarks, observatories, science museums and centers, planetariums, and Imax theaters in your area.

• Look for amusement parks and other (safe) extreme sources of fun in your area. They probably use science to create the fun!

• Find experts in the field through your local universities, professional organizations, science organizations, etc. Many have outreach programs and would be eager to partner with you.

• Contact organizations related to science to borrow technology and other resources.

Think outside the box!

• I encourage families to come along on field trips to foster a family love of learning. That way, students continue to learn and explore after they have left my care.

• When students present research, I invite family, administration, school staff, and community members. If it is important enough to research, it is important enough to share!

Think outside the box!

• Give families information about talent searches and other accelerated programs. Check out programs at Johns Hopkins University, Duke University, Stanford University, Northwestern University, and University of Minnesota.

• Look for exciting science summer camps like the Young Eagles camp.

• Sponsor a Science Club for students hungry to learn and explore.

• Assist students as they prepare for and engage in academic competitions.

What about cost?

• You can find many free resources. We have highlighted research activities, online resources, local universities, experts in the field, and organizations, such as Young Eagles.

• Continually network and utilize members of your community—students’ families, friends, business people, local outreach programs, anyone you can think of—to find opportunities for your students. Who can get you where you want to go? Who can help you gain admission to important places?

What about cost?

• Ask for the very best deal possible. Tell people about your amazing students and your exciting goals.

• Ask for further discounts in exchange for free advertising in your yearbook, newsletter, or other school publication. (Check school/district policies first, of course.)

• Engage families in fund raising.

• Apply for educational grants.

“The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.” ~Ellen Parn


Center for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Education (1996). National Science Education Standards. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

Cosmic Diary., Karen B. (2002). Re-Forming Gifted Education: How Parents and Teachers Can Match the

Program to the Child. Scottsdale: Great Potential Press.ScienceDaily (2009). Education Professor Dispels Myths about Gifted Children., Joyce (1998). Planning Science Programs for High-Ability Learners. The ERIC

Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education Digest #E546.

Watters, James J. and Diezmann, Carmel M. (2003) The gifted student in science: Fulfilling potential. Australian Science Teachers Journal, 49(3). pp. 46-53.

For more information on gifted education see the National Association for Gifted Children:

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