new year, new you: eat to live or live to eat

Post on 08-May-2015



Health & Medicine



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Week 2 of the New Year, New You series @ RCC. Eat to Live or Live to Eat


NEW YEAR, NEW YOUWeek 2: Living to Eat or Eating to Live.

Dr. Cole Bradburn, D.C.


How do you get 40% better for God in 40 days? By getting 1% better each day for God:1. Your relationship with God2. Your relationship with family3. Your body4. Your mind5. Your business6. Your skills7. Your time management8. Your outlook on life

• and then continue getting 1% better each day (or even each week) for the rest of your life.

LAST WEEK ACTION STEPS:Eat 5 foods by God per dayChoose any simple exercise to do twice a week for 20 minutes

walk briskly, jog, bikeTry to be want-less

want only what God gives you, and trust that he will give you everything you need and more than you ever wanted.

If you do not care for your temple, you will not have the energy or time on earth necessary to perform and fulfill your purpose.

Time MagazineJan 18th, 2010

“Why Your DNA isn’t your destiny”

The new science of epigenetics reveals

how the choices you make can change your genes -- and those of your kids.

This was our discussion on Poor Genetic Syndrome

last week.

Your health is the genetic expression of your lifestyle choices and decisions.


From the beginning food has had a role in establishing and testing our relationship with God.Adam & Eve convinced to “cheat” on their diet. One bad meal was all it took!Instead of eating grapes in the Garden of Eden, we are scarfing down Krispy Kreme and coffee in rush hour traffic.Moses marching through the desert, hunger and thirst brought him to his knees.

God sent bread from Heaven and a rock water fountain!

Fasting & PrayingSince the literal beginning of time, the natural temptation for food has been great.


It is not an exact scienceNone of us are alike, so no diet fits all

Atkins actually banned in Europe in 2004

Your body needs a balance of foods. Once you understand what a body requires to be healthy, you will know what to put in.

Tremendous amount of diet and nutritional info available, but Americans are more overweight than ever, and nutritional related diseases are at an all time high.


What different food categories do to you.

How are you designed to eat?

Find out what works for you

Create an ideal eating lifestyle

No goal or end, you begin living it, and keep living it.

You wonʼt be perfect, just keep getting better.


Improving how you feed your body shows respect for the body God has given you.This should not produce frustration or make you feel pressured, again if you are doing it for God you will have “inspired obedience” to improve.No one follows a diet without error. When mistakes are made learn and persevere, but do not lose hope.

Romans 5:3-5 “We know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us.

Since a healthier eating program gives you more energy, greater strength, increased mental awareness, and more time on this planet what you put in your mouth affects others! Eat for 3.

It is next to impossible to be successful or healthy long-term without acknowledging God in all areas of your life.If you lead a longer, healthier life you can do more for God and loved ones.


Ever notice that when you are doing something for yourself, it is more difficult to stay committed to than if you are doing it for others? Eat for 3:

1. for me2. for the people around me3. for God.

Daniel ate for threeThe king selected unblemished, wise young men to serve. Daily food & wine was allocated from his table. The royal food was unhealthy (animals sacrificed to other gods). Despite pressure from the king, temptation from his own body, and knowing that everyone around him was eating this way, Daniel was faithful to his Lord and did not defile his body with the royal food.

Daniel asked for permission not to eat this food and was shown favor by the chief court official (nervous). Daniel convinced the official to feed him only vegetables and water for 10 days and test him against those eating the royal food. Daniel looked healthier & better nourished than other men!

Daniel’s courage and obedience, which came through a love for God, brought him many blessings. When you eat for 3, you will find that it is not painful sacrifice, but full of pleasures and

blessings that far exceed any of the foods that tempt you.


Don’t give up loving to eat, but get better at choosing what you eat.

Looking at nutrition as “diets” traps you in a mental prison.Never say never*Eating plan includes meals or days of things you love.

Well placed vacations from your eating program are an important part of the program!

necessary for mental & emotional health, and to enjoy life to its fullest.

*Never say “thats my last piece of chocolate, coffee” because you will instantly want it. When you begin to improve, you will still like pizza, ice cream, donuts..if you eat one, donʼt feel guilty but learn from it. How did you feel after?Dieting is painful, and the pain is cumulative. The longer you diet, the more powerful the desire to binge eat is.


You will begin to prefer the cleaner, fresher taste of healthy meals.The permanent pleasures associated with eating well usually far outweigh the temporary pleasures of taste.Food by God is packed with living vitamins, minerals, water, fiber, and enzymes needed to digest the food itself.


Any food that is created or altered by man. It is food that God did not design for the express purpose of being used by your body.

Since they cannot pass through your digestive systemquickly or be broken down, they linger inside your body:

•Blocks the processing of other nutrients•Contaminates your organs•Create excess fat storage•Affects your mood

The farther these foods are from their natural forms, the harder they are to digest.

2 Hydrogen + 1 Oxygen = H2O (water)2 Hydrogen + 2 Oxygen = H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide)

Food by man lacks life or any truly usable nutrition. Anything devoid of nutrition or life is unlikely to sustain life.


Americans do not actually eat more than the rest of the world, they just eat much more Food by Man.Many of the additives, preservatives, and chemicals in our foods are not even allowed in other parts of the world!If you feed your body with food by man, the energy required to operate the digestive system becomes so great that power is robbed from other systems of your body.Synthetic, refined, or chemically altered foods that say “low fat,” “reduced cholesterol,” “no sugar,” will never grant long term health or thinness.

"Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” --1 Corinthians 10:31

Excessive obesity and high rate of nutritional diseases is related less to how much we eat, and much more to what is done to those foods.Any foods that man creates cannot be considered “health & diet food”


Sugar can be harmful to your organs, lower your energy, rot your teeth, and promote weight gain.The desire for sugar is so great that we have searched land and lab for substitutes (all the taste, no consequences)

Saccharine (Sweet ‘N Low)proven to cause cancer

Aspartame (NutraSweet/Equal)MSG effect - neurotoxin

Sucralose (Splenda)Chlorinated Sugar (insecticide)

Sorbitol, Maltodextrin, Dextrose, Mannitol

100 years ago the average person consumed 12 lbs. of sugar per year. Currently the average is 190 lbs. per


These chemical experiments are so dangerous that if a sugar substitute is added to a product, a warning label must be put on the package to alert health conscious consumers.Splenda - swollen livers, calcified kidneys, shrink thymus (immunity), brain & NS. James Bowen, MD - the lethal science of splenda.


Additives, Colorings, Flavorings, Preservatives

block absorption of nutrientspoison the bodymake you fatSulfites, nitrites, nitrates, salicylates, propylene, glycol. Sound familiar?

household cleaners & car maintenance products

Hydrogenated Oils (trans-fat)Why - slow down spoilage and keep baked goods and margarine from falling apart @ room temperature.Are inflammatory, harmful to heart.


Common Sense - If you have to cook it thoroughly to avoid contracting a disease, overuse of it is bad.Most of our meat are not roaming free in nature & feeding on grass.Commercial Animal farms

These factories speed up production and avoid dealing with health issues by feeding and injecting:

large amounts of antibioticssteroidsdrugs & hormones (wonder why kids hit puberty faster?)

This meat is manufactured and tainted by man. High in fat & cholesterol since they are grain fed.


Humans are the only animal that drinks another animals milk!

Cow milk purpose - add several hundred pounds to the size of a calf in a short period of time. High % protein and large proteinsHuman milk purpose - add a couple dozen pounds to a child in the same time frame. Much lower protein concentration and smaller size proteins.

God did not design any mature animal to consume milk!Pasteurization - if you have to treat something prior to consumption, is it something you should have?

A calf cannot survive on pasteurized milk!Makes Calcium unusable by humans.

Antibiotics, Bovine Growth Hormone, Steroids

“Nations consuming the most milk and dairy products have the

highest rates of crippling osteoporosis.”

-- American Journal of Epidemiology

As you get older, your body is less equipped to break down milk.Dairy products are a leading cause of allergic reaction and immune problemsMilk creates an acidic environment inside your body that causes deterioration of bone tissue. Use Rice Milk, Almond Milk


Food types: Carbs, Proteins, Fats

Carbohydrates - designed to be broken down into sugar and used for power.

Proteins - Best source of amino acids (building, healing, repairing). Not a good source of power.

Fats - Insulation & protection of organs, store & transport vitamins, healthy brain & cell function, hormone production


Unrefined carbohydrates slowly convert to sugar in the system for safe, sustained levels of power. (Consume in AM and pre/post exercise)

Carbs are also responsible for holding water inside body tissues.

Without Carbs, the body would break down its own muscles for energy use.Fruits & Vegetables (Living waters)

Mostly water with high quality living vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber.

Whole Grains - rice (brown/basmati/jasmine), oats, & rye.Sugar - straight sugars cause huge rise in blood sugar and stresses your whole body. Best is fruits & honey.Too many Carbs - sugar overload. Can cause pancreatic and glandular dysfunction, blood & brain chemistry problems, and is stored as fat.

Carb energy input should be in proportion to how much energy you put out. You arenʼt running a marathon in your sleep, & the body works hard at processing all this energy with no outlet = you wake up tired.


Present in all foods, but most abundant in animal products.

Animal proteins do not affect blood sugar.Nuts, Seeds, Beans, Whole Grains, Vegetables

Too much protein - The amount of drugs used on commercial animals & chemicals used in refined proteins make high protein diets toxic and hard on the immune system.Proteins & Carbs don’t mix well

meals should have a carbohydrate focus or protein focus


Fats reduce hunger signalsGood Fats - Omega 3

beneficial for cardiovascular, joint, and immune systemFound in fish, fish oils, grass fed animals, flaxseed, walnuts.Other good fats: almonds, EVOO, coconut oil, avocados, and evening primrose oil.

Fats to avoid - Omega 6Have overall inflammatory effect on body.Found in processed foods, meats, vegetable oils, nut oils, seed oils.

Too much fat - Will make you fat.


Best Combinations1. Small amounts of protein/fats

with large amount of carbs. The protein and fat will slow the rise in blood sugar and insulin from carbs.

2. Large serving of proteins with moderate amount of fats.

Bad Combinations1. Large amounts of fat with larger

servings of Carbs2. Too much of all (Too many fats,

carbs, & proteins should always be eaten in the presence of a physician trained in CPR or close to a hospital!)


Your body flourishes in a basic environment. Being acidic is burning, boiling, or melting your cells.Acidic blood accelerates bone loss, arthritic degeneration, and brain/artery decay.Body will always try to balance acids, and it does so with Calcium from your bones.Acids created by: commercial dairy, flour, sugar, caffeine, animal products.Vegetables are incredibly good at creating a basic environment.Water - flushes out toxins and acids daily.

The quality of fluid in your cells is determined by the quality of fluid you ingest. Never drink anything you wouldnʼt bathe in!


Foods & Vitamins don’t heal (just like drugs & doctors don’t)

What heals is God’s power inside of the body. Without His power, all the vitamins and minerals in the world are just dust.

Vitamin C is not a “cure” for the cold. It merely provides nourishment necessary so that God’s power within your body can heal.

"Your faith has healed you. Go in peace." Luke 8:48

Vitamin C, or any other letter of the alphabet is not a “cure” for the cold, but your bodyʼs immune defense system was designed to require vitamin C to keep you well


You are not “lucky” to have a high metabolism or “unlucky” to have a low metabolismLaw of Thermodynamics

If your body consumes more calories than it burns = gain weight.If you burn more calories than you consume = lose weight.

Metabolism is the speed & efficiency at which your body burns fat & calories.

determined by how you live your life.Speed up: movement, multiple meals, eating proper foods

If you have a slow metabolism, chances are you were not born into it, but you unknowingly created it.


Learn, and do the opposite

1. Eat a lot of oily foods with carbs

2.Always sleep right after your meals

3.Have as little activity in a day as possible

4.Eat only 2-3 times per day

5.Eat large portions at each meal

6.Never vary your foods


Eat a balance of foods (Carbs, Proteins, Fats)Eat for Three (you, family, God. Remember Daniel)Food by Man cannot be considered health or diet foodNever say never....because then you want itTake a vacation (from your eating plan)Twice as many veggies as fruitsShop the outside of the grocery store Never drink anything you wouldn’t bathe inStay away from the 3 white devils

Sugar, Flour, Milk


Eat 5 foods by God per dayEat enough times to not be hungry (4-5)Choose any simple exercise to do three times a week for 20 minutes

walk briskly, jog, bikeTry to be Result-less

Better to have 1 win and 20 losses than no losses...and no wins!All Bible heroes (except Jesus) have failure in common. Failures are very often one of the road signs down God’s road of success or where He desires you to be. Don’t let failure stop you from winning.

Start the day with a Spiritual Triathlon5 minutes prayer time, 5 minutes Bible time,5 minutes quiet time (at least)

we are created to move. God canʼt steer a parked car.MHR : 220- your ageFUR - 55-75% MHR PER 75-85% MHR


Motion is Life

Your Moving Zones

The Heart of the matter

Move it or Lose it

And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being

transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes

from the Lord, who is the Spirit.2 Corinthians 3:18

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