regular dates at st mary’s s

Post on 23-Apr-2022






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Don't forget Parish Prayers on the second Friday of each month. Next date is Friday 12th May 2017 at 10.30am in the Norbury


Please join us each Thursday at 9am for Morning Prayers in the Norbury Chapel.

The next discussion group meeting will take place on 1st May at Evelyn Trevena’s at

2.15pm. All welcome

FOOD AND FELLOWSHIP @ ST MARY’S Please join us each month on the third Thursday for our regular Parish lunch at

12.30pm. The next date is Thursday 18th May.

The next WASPS lunch will take place on 16th May at the Running Mare. More details from Vivien Wilkins (01932


Please join us after the 10am

Service for refreshments

served by Ben and Frances



St Marys Church Stoke D’Abernon

New to St Mary's? We like to be able to contact new members and visitors, so please let us have your contact details. Please send us your name, address, telephone and email address to our parish administrator on 01932 866005 or

St Mary’s Church, Stoke D’Abernon

Third Sunday of Easter Sunday 30th April 2017

Please take this sheet away for reference

Priest: The Reverend Godfrey Hilliard 01932 868428 (Day off on Friday)

Parish Administrator : Polly Zabari (9.00-1.00 Mon, Wed, Fri) (9.00-10.30am Tues and Thurs)

01932 866005 April/May at St Mary’s Sun 30 April Sun 7 May Sun 14 May Mon 15 May Sun 21 May Thur 25 May Sun 28 May

8.00am 10.00am 6.00pm 8.00am 10.00am 6.00pm 8.00am 10.00am 6.00pm 10.30am 8.00am 10.00am 11.30am 6.00pm 10.30am 8.00am 10.00am 6.00pm

Holy Communion Parish Eucharist Evensong Holy Communion Choral Eucharist Evensong Holy Communion Family Service Evensong Holy Communion Holy Communion Parish Eucharist Mattins Choral Evensong Holy Communion Holy Communion Parish Eucharist Evensong

Collect for the day Almighty Father, who in your great mercy gladdened the disciples with the sight of the risen Lord: give us such knowledge of his presence with us, that we may be strengthened and sustained by his risen life and serve you continually in righteousness and truth; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen

8.00am Holy Communion Preacher Godfrey Hilliard Epistle : Acts 2 : 14a, 36-41 Gospel : Luke 24 : 13-35

10am Parish Eucharist Preacher Godfrey Hilliard Epistle : Acts 2 : 14a, 36-41 Gospel : Luke 24 : 13-35 Hymns : 152, 622 om v4, 305 om v4, 563

6pm Evensong Preacher Peter Vickers First lesson : Hag 1 : 13 – 2:9 Second lesson : 1 Cor 3 : 10-17 Hymns : 165 om vv5-6, 166 om v4, 612 om v5 Psalm : 48 vv 1-7 chant 101

FORTHCOMING CHORAL SERVICES Sunday 7th May Choral Eucharist Missa Seconda – Hans Leo Hassler Surgens Jesus – Peter Philips Sunday 21st May Choral Evensong 6pm supported by the Ouseley Church Music Trust Responses : Smith Psalm : 36 vv 5-10 Office hymn : 492 Jesus, where’ere thy people meet Canticles : Moeran in D Anthem : Blessed be the God and Father – S.S. Wesley Closing hymn : 368 All my hope on God is founded Sunday 4th June Choral Eucharist 10am Anthem : Confirma hoc Deus – William Byrd

Foli Olokose is moving to St Mary’s, Oatlands. If you would like to write brief reflections of Foli’s ministry in St Andrew’s and St Mary’s, please send

them to the Editor by Wednesday 10th May for inclusion in the June issue of Together.

The next Churchyard Working Party will take place on Saturday 27th May from 9-12.30pm. Please come along for as long

as you can spare, armed with tools, and help keep our Churchyard looking lovely. Coffee and biscuits will be provided.

MAIASTRA CONCERT Sunday 4th May at 7.30pm at St Andrew’s Church, Church Street, Cobham KT11 3EJ

The music : Mozart – String Quartet in b flat major K.458 ‘Hunt’ Shostakovich – String Quartet No.11 in F minor Smetana – String Quartet No.1 in E minor ‘From my life’. The players : Akiko Ono – Violin Kana Kawashima – Violin Ana Alves – viola Kieran Carter – cello Admission to the concert is free but there will be a retiring collection for The Aidan Woodcock Charitable Trust.

The dedication of our Church Hall will take place after Choral Eucharist on Sunday 9th July. More details to follow but please keep the day free

as the celebrations will also include a hog roast.

Could you please add an extra one of these things to your shopping, and put it in one of our collecting bins.

UHT juice

UH milk

Toilet rolls

Tinned fish

Instant coffee

Tinned custard


Sugar 0.5kg

Tinned tomatoes

Tinned veg


Cleaning products

On Friday 5th May at 7pm a fantastic fund raising event for the youth work at St Andrew's Church. Michael Aspel

from Crackerjack, This is Your Life etc will be talking about his life and his work. Tickets, just £10 to include light refreshments, are available from the

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