· roovillage facebook and instagram. we’ll design...

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RoovillageBook flexible, on demand child care

Company Analysis

Company BackgroundRoovillage was founded out of necessity; parents need a place to go for quick, quality child care. It can take a lot of time for the parent to actually find this kind of child care, especially if they only need the child care services for a short period of time. Roovillage works with daycare facilities to list temporary openings so parents can easily find affordable, licensed child care at a moment’s notice. Parents use the Roovillage website to search through the temporary openings and choose the one that is just right! Roovillage is the bridge between parents and child care facilities.

Currently, Roovillage targets parents, travelers with children, and others in the San Francisco Bay area who need temporary child care at a moment’s notice. They use their website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to recruit both parents and daycare providers. Once on the Roovillage website, providers can register their licensed facility; parents can locate facilities that have open spots for temporary enrollment.

Target Audience

What Is Included?• Description of New Campaign• Updated Logo & Tagline• Promotional Flyer• Promotional Brochure• Promotional Postcard• Stickers for Children• Facebook Page Cover Images with New Social Media Icon• Sample Facebook Posts• Explanation of Revamping Instagram• Animated Banner Advertisements• Website Evaluation & Suggestions

Company Analysis

Let’s Get Started!

In the new integrated marketing campaign (IMC), we will focus on creating a clean, consistent personality for Roovillage. The company already has an engaging, exciting color palette, and this will become the driving force of the IMC. We’ll also continue utilizing a kangaroo mascot, but will give the mascot will become a character with personality. His name will be Joey.

First, we’ll update the logo and tagline for Roovillage. Then, we’ll utilize the great images of Roovillage providers and young children to create new promotional and marketing pieces for Roovillage. This will include a flyer, a brochure, a postcard, and stickers. We’ll also find new images that contribute to the overall feel of the brand.

Once the various promotional elements are created, we’ll completely revamp the Roovillage Facebook and Instagram. We’ll design an icon that works in a circle or rounded square, as well as several Facebook page cover images. Additionally, we’ll provide sample social media posts suggestions for how to get the Roovillage Instagram up and targeting the intended audiences.

Lastly, we’ll make suggestions for improving the website to include elements of the new integrated marketing campaign.

The new campaign will heavily focus on helping potential customers understand what services Roovillage provides. The company has wonderful wording on their website to describe its services, but this message needs to be distributed to increase their customer base. We’ll ensure contact information is on all pieces so parents can easily find more information or book right away.

The campaign will also focus on building relationships with those potential parents via social media. We’ll use various researched articles on our social media platforms to boost parental and provider involvement (and create lasting relationships) on those social media sites.

Finally, there will be specific pushes targeted at recruiting additional child care providers. This will happen less often in social media posts. We believe providers have slightly less risk involved in joining Roovillage, so we should not need as many posts or promotional pieces for this purpose.

Strategy of New Campaign

Brand Elements



The primary colors are the original Roovillage colors. The Roovillage website featured many, many shades of gray. The grayscale is provided to help minimize the variety and keep the brand more consistent.

Blueberry#6B7A8FRed = 107Green = 122Blue = 143

Apricot#F7882FRed = 247Green = 136Blue = 47

Citrust#F7C331Red = 247Green = 195Blue = 49

Misty Blueberry#C4CBD6Red = 196 Green = 203 Blue = 214

White#FFFFFFRed = 255Green = 255Blue = 255

Light Gray#9B9B9BRed = 155Green = 155Blue = 155

Medium Gray#565656Red = 86Green = 86Blue = 86

Dark Gray#363636Red = 54Green = 54Blue = 54




Lato Regular



Poppins MediumHeadlinesEmphasis

Proposed Logo - Joey

DesignIt seems appropriate to have a kangaroo mascot for Roovillage. However, the original logo did not really tell the story or intent of the company. Joey, the proposed mascot, is a much more active kangaroo. In the logo, he hops along in a slightly disorganized path. But it’s okay! Roovillage is there to support Joey, just like they support their families. When alone, Joey may be presented with or without his hop.

The updated tagline reads “Book flexible, on demand child care.” Out of all of the words used to describe the services Roovillage provides, the two most effective phrases are “flexible” and “on demand.” These express the exact nature of Roovillage’s business and help convey what they actually do to potential clients.


Flyer - 8.5” x 11”

DesignThis flyer is aimed at potential parents. It features an image of a provider and happy children, as well as a young mother with her child. The bright colors and images draw people in. The testimony is from the Roovillage website and should help young parents immediately connect with the flyer, then the “How It Works” describes what the business is and what service they provide.

Brochure - Bi-fold - 11” x 8.5”

DesignThis brochure is directed primarily toward potential customers, with a small shout out to potential child care providers. The bright colors and gorgeous images are the foundation of this piece. The testimonial returns, and some adorable line icons from the current Roovillage website help make customers feel like they can trust this company. The back also features many ways to contact the company.

Postcard - 6” x 4”

DesignThis postcard is specifically directed at potential parents. The front features a very trendy style of text presentation: dark copy with a background of less than 100% opacity on top of a beautiful image. The back features the “How It Works” information to help potential customers understand what the company does. We’ve added plenty of contact methods as well.

Postcard - 6” x 4”

Stickers for Children

DesignThe stickers feature requested sayings, “I Love Roo” and, “Just Roo It!” The first is a basic 2-inch circular sticker, featuring Joey, and a version of, “I Love Roo.” The second is a die cut sticker, also featuring Joey, and the, “Just Roo It!” saying. In the second sticker, we did deviate from the brand’s chosen typography; however, we wanted to make the stick more playful and, therefore, appealing to children.

Stickers for Children

Social Media - Facebook Cover Images

DesignFacebook cover images feature fundamental messages: Now booking, client testimony, or provider recruitment. Joey is featured on each cover image as a mark of branding. Elements of the promotional print materials are carried throughout, like reduced opacity bars and large solid blocks of color.

Social Media - Facebook Posts

RationaleFacebook posts are created for three basic purposes: Book now, company-client relationship building, and provider recruitment. They feature the beautiful images of children playing to quickly grab the attention of potential clients.

Roovillage should post at least one relationship building piece each day in the afternoon; these posts could be top 10 lists, links to child related articles, links to mom-type things (cooking, housewares, etc.). Roovillage should post about booking now every other day, in the mornings, so it is not overwhelming to their followers. Finally, one or two posts per week should be targeted at recruiting providers.

Social Media - Facebook Posts

Social Media Recommendation

InstagramSocial media platforms that use video are increasing in popularity, and Roovillage will need to have a stronger presence on these platforms. To begin this development, I’d recommend increasing Roovillage’s presence on Instagram to capture the attention of the incredibly visual millennial generation.

We recommend Instagram because it is a platform where a company can push out content with minimal client interaction. Roovillage will be increasing its interactivity with customer’s on Facebook, so we do not necessarily need another platform for interactivity (Twitter).

Instagram posts are highly customizable; there are static images, boomerang style videos, actual video clips, as well as a variety of filters and face camera filters. Here Roovillage will be able to appear youthful and reach new potential customers through sponsored advertisements.

Additionally, when creating a post on Instagram, it may be appropriate to share the post to Facebook. This would reduce the amount of time required for Roovillage’s social media management.

Animated Banner Ads

DesignThe animated banner ads are targeted at potential customers. They emphasis the purpose of Roovillage, while alternating the bright brand colors and lovely images of the campaign. The logo is also used in each animated ad. Please note: Animation not available in PDF. Please view animation on blog.

Website Analysis - Current Site

DesignThe overall look and feel of the current Roovillage website is simply lovely. The color palette is beautifully displayed and introduces grays as complements. Images are lively and captivating. Some of the secondary pages are lacking in content.

At first glance, it does not appear that there is a navigation for the site. However, the large sections encourage the user to continuing scrolling, and you’ll find the navigation at the bottom. This comes off as a bit unfriendly toward users, especially with the target audience. If it’s too long, they may not read it.

There were at least seven distinguishable shades of gray on the current website. Ideally, this would be reduced to 3 shades of gray - one light, one medium, and one dark. Additionally, there are some errors with the responsiveness of the site. When reducing in size, some objects begin to touch other images when they should not, the alignment is thrown off in multiple spots (see images) below.


Areas for Improvement

Website Analysis - Current Site

RecommendationsCreate a standard template for secondary pages that features an image and relevant content. This may allow the number of pages of the entire site to be reduced and will provide consistency throughout the site.

Feature a navigation at the top of the site; or, at minimum, add quick access to a link about how Roovillage works. This is most likely what new clients will want to know, so it should be easily accessible.

Correct the moments of error during responsive transitions. This will make the site feel cleaner and increase prospective client’s confidence in Roovillage.

All design materials created by Brittany Bellanca for Roovillage Inc. 12/2017

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