smx bootcamp - the essential guide to social media etiquette by amy vernon

Post on 08-May-2015






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SMX Bootcamp - The Essential Guide to Social Media Etiquette by @AmyVernon #SMXsocial13 #Bootcamp You’ve read the horror stories: Well-intentioned company makes a social media blunder, and seemingly within moments they’re being criticized and mocked as news of the mistake spreads like wildfire across the social media landscape. As even prominent brands and giant companies have learned, it’s easy to make disastrous mistakes with social media. But it’s also relatively easy to take preventive measures to avoid getting into trouble. This session shows you how to mind your social manners.


Who Is Amy Vernon?

I do stuff on the Internet

• 20 years as a newspaper reporter, editor and blogger

• Top female submitter of all time on

• Consultant to the stars (OK, not really, but I’ve worked with lots of companies & publishers, including AOL, VentureBeat, and Dailymotion.

Setting Up


Be Consistent

Don’t Overdo It



When to Shut Up

AT&T screenshot via Mashable


Best Buy has a Social Media policy that’s in simple language and boils down to a single statement at the end:Remember: protect the brand, protect yourself

Dell’s policy includes a section on the company owning social accounts created on behalf of the company:

If that account is Dell property, you don't get to take it with you if you leave the company — meaning you will not try to change the password or the account name or create a similar sounding account or have any ownership of the contacts and connections you have gained through the account.

Montana State University Athletics Dept. has some common-sense language in its policy:

Posting is speaking in public. Don't post anything you wouldn't say at a public meeting representing MSU or to the media.

Wolverhampton Homes in the U.K. has a policy that addresses how to handle negative attention:

It is much better to be honest about our failings and make it clear how we intend to put it right. If we make a mistake, we should apologisepromptly and honestly, explaining what happened and what we will do to put it right.

Dozens of Social Media Policies are available at:


Twitter Don’ts

Photo by Rex Dingler via Flickr Creative Commons.

Twitter Mistakes Made Right

Photo by Terrance Heath via Flickr Creative Commons

Screenshots via Beth Kanter

Why People Follow You• Number of connections in common• You get retweeted a lot• Lots of informational tweets• A detailed bio• URL listed• Location listed• Tweets tend to be positive• Use of long, fancy words• High ratio of followers to following• Following back those who follow you

Findings from a Georgia Tech study, summarized by Poynter.


Classy on Facebook

Image via Know Your Meme

Why You’re Liked

• 49% say they Like a page because they “support” the brand• 42% Like in order to get a coupon or discount• 41% Like to receive regular updates• 35% Like to participate in contests• 31% Like to share their personal, good experiences• 27% Like to share their interests• 21% Like in doing research for specific products or services• 20% Like because their friends are fans

Syncapse survey results via Socially Stacked


Foster Community

Photo from mystuart via Flickr Creative Commons


Thanks and Keep In Touch

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