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Trinity Times Pastor: Peggy Hanson Finance: David Vardiman Administration: Gary Linn Editor: Sharon Narem

Email: Website: Facebook: Trinity United Methodist

Church: 584-1328 June

From Peggy’s Pen

There is a song that whenever I hear it – really speaks to me. It’s called Your Grace Finds Me. It’s a beautiful song that I fell in love with the first time I heard it on the radio. The bridge of the song repeats these lines: “I’m breathing in your grace, and I’m breathing out your praise. I’m breathing in your grace – forever I’ll be.” How beautiful is that? Each breath that is taken, is an opportunity to breathe in God’s grace and breathe out God’s grace!

As we enter into the month of June, the month that marks the beginning of summer, when schedules change, and the routine is altered. When some find more time to breathe and relax, while others feel like they are running even more. Summer allows for nights out under the stars, on the water, camping, long walks and lots of sun, while always prepared for the thunderstorm.

Whether your schedule is hectic and crazy, calm and relaxed, or somewhere in

between. It is my hope that you will spend time with God. Spend time talking and listening to God. Sharing with God your heart and life.

Where is your favorite place to encounter God? Taking time to breathe in God’s

grace? And what is your favorite way of praising God? To worship and share how God is working in your life? To glorify God in your day to day?

I hope you will share with me where God’s grace finds you – and that you’ll take

time to live into the lyrics of the song, to breathe in God’s grace and breathe out God’s praise! Peace and God Bless, Pastor Peggy Hanson

The Finance and Administrative Council members of the Trinity United Methodist Church met on Thursday, May 17, 2018. Members present: Pastor Peggy Hanson, Gary Linn, David Vardiman, Jerry Pontius, John Hauge, Jim Wefso, Debbie Vardiman, Sharon Narem, Syd DeVries, Brian Hanson, Cameon Wefso (via Skype) and Lynn Larsen.

Gary Linn called the meeting to order and opened with a devotion and prayer.

David Vardiman moved and Debbie Vardiman seconded to approve the April 19, 2018 minutes. Motion carried.

David Vardiman reviewed the financial accounts stating there are no significant changes from last month’s report. Jerry Pontius reported on the UBS accounts. As of today, there is $7,668 available in UBS #1 Operating Cash Funds and $2,765 available in UBS #2 Capital Funds. Sharon Narem moved and Syd DeVries seconded to approve the Financial Statements as presented. Motion carried.

Cameon Wefso, Trustees Chair (via Skype) gave an updated Trustees report. June 23rd is Work Day with $1,000 being allocated for the work day expenses. Trustees will reevaluate the costs of siding the west side of the church, changing the locks on the doors and other projects next spring. The sprinkler system will be installed on May 23rd and 24th.

Pastor Peggy gave her report to the Administrative Council.

• She reported the Church Directories are in and being distributed. Youth Sunday is June 10. Fundraising for the Mission Trip and beyond will begin in September.

• Upcoming events for the youth include Senior Recognition and one game night will be held in May, June, July and August. Pastor Peggy was happy to report that the grant she applied for, for the projection system, has been awarded to the church in the full amount of $2000.

• Pastor Peggy discussed with the council an additional charge of $500 to cover the expense of the flooring in the CMC. Pastor Peggy moved and Jim Wefso seconded to cover the added expense of $500 for the flooring in the CMC. After discussion with David Vardiman, Finance Chair, who recommended waiting on paying the $500, Pastor Peggy withdrew her motion.

• Brochures, sign-in sheets, pens, and mugs have been ordered for the church’s outreach mission in the amount of $1,070. She reported the Journey Renewal Partnership will be holding 3 town hall meetings slated for May 20, May 22 and June 2. Voting will be held June 3rd following worship service that will determine if we are going to accept or reject continuing with Journey Renewal. Pastor Peggy gave dates for the summer months when she will be attending Annual Conference, a conference mission trip to Racine, Wisconsin, a camp at Storm Mountain and Leadership Training Camp at Lake Poinsett.

Debbie Vardiman, Education Chair, reported the adult and children Sunday School classes are taking a summer break and will resume in the fall. Wisdom Wednesdays will not be held next year due to the very small attendance of children and cost of the curriculum this past school year. Vacation Bible School needs 24 volunteers to help with this program. Please contact Debbie if you can help.

Sharon Narem reported that approximately $250 has been received for the blanket mission program and this coming Sunday they will also be asking for donations.

There were no Fellowship, Memorials, or Member Care reports. It was reported there is a Good Shepherd Free Medical Clinic in Spearfish. This clinic is for those who have no medical insurance.

The Staff Pastor Parish Relations committee has been in discussion for staffing the church office full time. Costs for full-time staffing is in the 2018 church budget. David Vardiman moved and Sharon Narem seconded that the Pastor Parish committee follow up on their recommendation of looking at full time staffing in the church office. Motion carried.

UMW will hold their annual summer picnic on August 16th.

At the May 20th church service Tammy will be gone and Royal is in charge of providing the music for this service.

There was no further Old Business or New Business to come before the meeting.

The next meeting of the Finance/Administrative Council will be held Thursday, June 21, 2018, 6:00 p.m., CMC. Pastor Peggy closed the meeting with prayer.

Lynn Larsen, Recording Secretary

UPCOMING EVENTS: June 2 Last Town Hall Meeting for Journey Renewal June 3 Vote will be taken at Church for JRenewal June 5-9 Annual Conference June 10th Youth Sunday June 10th Bake Sale after Church – CMC June 16th Garage Sale - CMC June 16-23 Youth Mission Trip to Wisconsin June 17 Change to make a change Sunday June 20th UMW Benefit for Stacy Helmin- CMC June 23rd WORK DAY AT THE CHURCH 9 AM Contact Information for Pastor Peggy Hanson

Cell Phone: 562-505-6363 or 605-223-1222 E-mail: Sabbath Day (Day Off): Friday Please note that Pastor Peggy will be at Annual Conference June 5-9, and will be attending the conference youth mission trip June 16-23. Tuesday 9-11 a.m. Will be holding “coffee shop” hours to work on Tuesdays from 9-11, feel free to stop by Lotus Up to say hello, share a bit of your life story, hear a bit of mine, and spend time in prayer if that would be helpful. *There will be no coffee shop hours on Tuesday June 5 or June 19.

Rochford Chapel

Pastor Peggy will be leading worship at Rochford Chapel on June 24th at 7pm, As has been our tradition, let us support her by attending the service. We will meet at Dumont Trailhead at 5 pm for a BYOP (Bring Your Own Picnic). Come and join in!


Vacation Bible Study

Plans are underway for Maker Fun Factory! Created by God Built for a purpose

Coming July 15 – 19 2018. Our VBS

program will run 5 consecutive nights from 6

– 8pm. We are joining with the Shepherd of

the Hills Lutheran Church. It is going to be so

exciting. Start planning now how you will

want to join in. We will be looking for 24

volunteers for station leaders, group leaders,

folks for the registration table and of course

snacks! Don’t forget the snacks!

We also need a Director as Debbie will be

out of town during that time.

Station Leaders: There are 5 stations. The

leader at the station leads the curriculum to the

children, who move from station to station.

Each session is about 20 min. long. All

instructional material is provided. The 5

stations are Bible Quest, KidVid, games,

“crafts”, and Opening/closing.

Group Leaders: Have about 5 children in their

group and move with the children from station

to station.

Registration: Sunday evening for about 1

hour to get all of the children registered.

Opening/Closing: Lead the beginning and

ending, songs, days message, and


Already know what you would like to do?

Call Debbie 584-9921 to sign up. Next

meeting for the VBS volunteers will be June

25, 2018 at 7pm at the CMC.

TUMC All Church Work Day

The Annual All Church Work Day is scheduled for June 23rd, so please plan on joining us! We have plenty of

projects for everyone’s level of experience. If you haven’t been able to participate before, now is your chance

to join in a day of work, fellowship and fun. We will start at 9am and get as many projects done as time and

people allow. Lunch will be served!

*******Brisket and Bratwurst Benefit for Stacy Helmin*******

The women of Trinity UMW are hosting a benefit dinner for Stacy Helmin. Stacy has had MS for several years

and will soon have a surgery in Sioux Falls to implant a pump to deliver pain medication directly to spinal

nerves. Hopefully, with the pain greatly reduced, Stacy will again be able to walk.

The benefit dinner will be Wednesday, June 20 from 4:30 to 7:00 PM. Price will be a free-will offering. Menu

will include: smoked brisket, bratwurst, hot dogs, our famous salad bar and pie (and cake) bar. There will be a

silent auction with all sorts of treats and treasures. Please plan to attend and please keep Stacy and husband

Matt and children Joe and Raegan in your prayers. If you have items for the silent auction, contact Vickie

Hauge or Bonnie Brooking.

In June we will have sign-up sheets for donations of salads, pies (and cakes), and your time (flyer distribution,

set up, cooking, serving, clean up, silent auction, etc.). Your help is greatly appreciated.

June 20: SAVE THE DATE: Brisket and Bratwurst Benefit for Stacy Helmin


Biker Breakfast: This event is a major fund generating activity for the Building and Grounds

Fund. It requires a lot of involvement by the congregation. The last appeal for Committee

members reaped only 3 volunteers. More are needed to cover volunteer recruitment,

advertising, working with Lynn’s, training of volunteers and writing up job descriptions. Please

contact Sue Holloway for more information at 920-7788.


Mission Bake Sale: Sue Holloway is returning to South Africa and Swaziland in August. She is planning to

take more requested medical supplies. To be able to purchase the supplies and medicines, a bake sale will be

held in the CMC after services on June 10th.

Trash to Treasure City-wide Garage Sale is on Saturday, June 16th. Congregants are invited to set up a table

or 2 in the Social Room of the CMC. Since most of us do not have enough items for a solo sale, our multi-family sale will

offer families a chance to clean out closets and make a little money. Each vendor is asked to donate 10% of their sales

to the Building and Grounds Fund. Neighborhood Works is doing the advertising and maps will be available in the

Pioneer. A lunch is also being discussed which will bring in more people. Each vendor will be able to set up Friday

evening for the Saturday sale but must remove all of their items from the Social Room at the end of the sale. Please

contact Sue Holloway if you are interested in participating (920-7788).

Journey Renewal Partnership Updates: Prescriptions: Time and again, when asked about dreams for the future of Trinity UMC, people named a desire to be a blessing to the Lead-Deadwood area—to be a church home for children and their parents, to be a family of faith where anyone can find a place to belong, and to be a congregation where people can be a part of something bigger than themselves—a part of a mission that is making a difference. In order to move toward seeing that dream realized, we are recommending the following next steps: GET READY… The Trinity congregation has a valuable asset in the gifts and talents of the people who call this their church home. In order to maximize those assets, an intentional process will be developed to help members and newcomers alike discover and/or name their gifts and passions and discern how/where God is calling them so they will be READY to invest these gifts for Kingdom impact. This plan will include opportunities to “apprentice” or “taste and see” to help individuals discern how they might be called to serve. It will also come with permission and encouragement to try new things, to say “yes” and to say “no” in order to be faithful to God’s calling. Likewise, times of celebration (e.g. commissioning, thanking, etc.) will be planned to practice the belief that “what we celebrate, we replicate.” (We encourage the congregation to apply for a Culture of Call grant from the Dakotas Conference to provide seed money for resources or activities needed for this endeavor.) This intentional effort will also include SPRC working with Pastor Peggy to explore additional paid and unpaid staffing needs to ensure strategic use of Pastor Peggy’s time and talent. GET SET… In order to harness the congregation’s desire to maximize their welcoming, inclusive spirit, Pastor Peggy will form a team (or teams) that will work to ensure that their church “home” is SET to match their hearts in guest-friendliness and accessibility. A team will work to develop plans with clear timelines to make space for an easily accessible nursery, making a clear statement that Trinity UMC loves kids and wants to support families in raising young disciples. This team will also develop a plan for the best use of space for children and youth, including décor/aesthetics that will create a friendly, joyful atmosphere and safety/accessibility that will give parents a peace of mind. Additionally, the team will identify multiple ways to inform parents/guardians about ministry programs and locations for kids during worship (e.g. pre-service announcements, signage, bulletins, pew brochures, etc.) Pastor Peggy and key leaders will continue the work of assessing all of the Trinity buildings and grounds to develop a strategic plan for building use, including but not limited to office location, bathroom access, technology needs, etc. (We encourage the congregation to apply for a Builder’s Club grant through the Dakotas UM Foundation if funding is needed to underwrite a portion of any capital needs to accomplish this plan.) Finally, to continue the work of ensuring that the financial resources are SET to accomplish the mission, Pastor Peggy and the team will work with a coach to determine updated ways of giving and investing in the mission of the church, to explore grant resources that can enhance the facility and/or underwrite ministry, and to help in developing guidelines to align fund-raising activities and timing with the overall mission of the church. GO! Adults and youth expressed their desire to invite their friends and people they meet to be a part of the ministry of Trinity UMC. In order to create opportunities for invitation and to fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission to “GO into all the world and make disciples…”, Pastor Peggy will gather a team of individuals who are passionate about reaching beyond the walls of the church and lead them to

encourage and equip the entire congregation to “Be a Blessing” to the Lead-Deadwood area and invite others to be a part of Trinity. This team will undertake the goal of “mission field research.” This will include things such as intentional, focused conversations with gaming workers, Sanford lab employees, single parents and school officials. The purpose of these conversations is to discover what “Good News” is to these individuals and groups—what about the Gospel will connect with the needs of their hearts and lives—and how the congregation can embody that. Based on this research, Pastor Peggy will work with new and existing ministry teams to evaluate all current ministry programs, strategies and schedules to determine how they might intersect with these needs and opportunities, as well as how to add creative and strategic elements of invitation. Additionally, a team will plan at least two events per year that let “neighbors” know they are loved by God and Trinity UMC and to give adults and children of Trinity the opportunity to invite (e.g. offering childcare and activities for a Parent’s Date Night/Day Out, making meals for teachers (delivered) or families on Parent-Teacher conference night, having a kid’s fun day on a school holiday when parents might have to work, Appreciate Sundays for different constituents, etc.). They will also form at least one new small group ministry focusing on a need of the community and the gifts/passions of the congregation (e.g. Single Parent support, Financial Peace University, “Half Time—Moving from Success to Significance”, etc.) All of these endeavors will have clear plans for invitation, follow-up and connection into the life and relationships of the church. Town Hall Meetings: Our Final Town Hall meeting to discuss the above prescriptions will be on Saturday, June 2 at 10:00 a.m. in the CMC conference room Vote:

On Sunday, June 3, following worship – before going to fellowship, we will vote on our prescriptions. It is a straight yes or no vote. You must be present on that day to vote. This vote will decide if we accept or decline the presented prescriptions as a whole. Meaning, we will not vote on each individual prescription. It’s an all or none vote. The main question we have to ask ourselves is, do we feel that this is the direction we feel God is leading and calling us to live into as the people of Trinity United Methodist Church? Will this help us live into the mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world?

If we vote yes, we are all committing to live into and strive to fulfill these prescriptions. Inviting more people to participate on specialized teams/committees/projects. The yes vote will provide access to coaching through these projects, and will state that we as a congregation are “all in” in making these dreams a reality.

If we vote no, we are saying that we are not ready to commit to these prescriptions at this time. We will still have this report for our consideration. We will still be United Methodist Church, part of the Dakota’s Conference. We just will not have access to the coaching, and some other conference resources in making these dreams a reality. If you have any questions about this information, please do not hesitate to contact myself, Pastor Peggy. Thank you and I am genuinely looking forward to these next steps.

TUMC May 2018 Finance Committee Newsletter

All May 2018 church expenses are forecast to be paid in full by the end of the month with no anticipated outstanding liabilities remaining. The projected end-of-month (May) available undesignated cash balance is forecast in the amount of $2,948. This is our operating expenses cushion.

Please note the Donations and Other Income are slightly below budget for the first four months of 2018. I would ask that each of us give thought and prayer to our own level of individual commitment and support to the greater good of our church’s missions. We need your support to help make these become reality. Please contact the church office to formalize your level of commitment or to establish a monthly direct bank withdrawal amount that best fits your ability to support. Thank you in advance for your many gifts!

May 2018 End of Month Forecast Cash balance May 14, 2018 $49,193 Estimated Member Giving and EFTs for the remainder of May $ 3,000 Estimated remaining bills ($7,309) Accounts Payable and outstanding checks ($41,936) Forecast Available Undesignated Cash in Checking Balance $ 2,948

Memorial savings account balance on May 12, 2018 $ 8,940

YTD (Thru April)

Budgeted Donations & Other Income $57,539

Actual Donations & Other Income $55,364

Budgeted Expenses $64,120

Actual Expenses $57,521

Note: Actual donations in bold font, estimated in light font.

5/6 - $3,751, 5/13 - $2,2625, May EFTs - $1,860, 5/20 - $1,500, 5/27 - $1,500

Projected Total $11,236 X 16% = $1,798 Estimated Conference Apportionment


Present: Larry Howell, Dean and June Geiman, John Hauge, Cameon Wefso, Pastor Peggy Hanson, David Vardiman and

Jerry Pontius Pastor Peggy opened the meeting with a prayer. The minutes of the April Meeting were approved as written. Parsonage bedroom fan – There was a motion and a second to install the fan that Pastor Peggy and Brian purchased for

the Parsonage master bedroom. The CMC meeting room and community room will be used by Peter Kiewit Co. May 21 – 25, 2018 (They have offered a

$1000 donation for their use). The Community Garage Sale, June 15-16 will use both areas. The Church Work Day is scheduled on Saturday, June 23, 2018. John and Cameon will go over the project list and

prioritize them. $1000 from the Trustees funds will be used for Work Day expenses. Outside of Deadwood Grant Application for Church Residing was reviewed and discussed. There was a motion and a

second to delay submission of the application until January. We will make this a priority for funding in the 2019 budget.

Jerry Pontius gave an update on estimates for electronic door locks for the CMC & church buildings. It was agreed that at

this time, the price quotes are outside of our budget. Vinyl Replacement in the CMC bathrooms and kitchen is complete, and the final invoice has been submitted for

payment. The Sprinkler Guys have us on the schedule for May 23-24. The utilities have been marked but the electric line to the

sign has not been marked. John will make sure they are aware of that line. Pastor Peggy lead us in our break through prayer. The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting is scheduled for June 21. Cameon Jacobson Wefso Chair, TUMC Trustees

Trustees Projects

Three of the Trustee’s major projects; Johnson Room Flooring, CMC flooring and the Church/CMC

sprinkler system, will be completed by the end of May. Thank you to all who helped with these

projects! The Trustees have voted to delay the church siding repair project until 2019.

Change To Make A Change

Every month, on the Third Sunday, we will be sharing in a special offering during children’s time. Our children are going to help collect any change (paper or coin), to help make a change. All the collection will go to support a mission/outreach project. Each month will be different. The mission could be local, national, and/or world-wide.

This offering is an expansion of the “Loaf-Of-Bread” offering that was taking place. By diversifying, we’re helping to share the light of Christ to many, many more! Here are our updates! January: Mission Trip to Honduras, we collected $169.75 February: Money for Hygiene supplies for the LDHS, we collected $128.20 March: Money for Post-Prom Breakfast, we collected $126.07 April: Camp Scholarships, we collected $388.00 May: Clothe-A-Kid, we collected $202.22

For the month of June, on Sunday, June 17, 2018 our change to make a change will go to support the Vacation Bible School Ministry. Let’s help make a difference in the lives of children and youth in our community.

Getting Connected Electronically! In an effort to help with communication and participation – we have been adding some new things! Worship Sign-up:

If you’d like to volunteer to be an usher, liturgist, or provide fellowship for the months of June or July – you can sign up on our Website in addition to the sign-up sheet in the back of the church! Just go to and under the “worship” section – scroll down and sign-up! We will be updating both the website and the sign-up sheet!

We are also always updating our website to keep people informed of upcoming events, and more! E-mail:

We are working on sending out e-mails during the month between Newsletters to help remind and update every one of events that are happening. If you would like to make sure you are on that list – please e-mail the office at Facebook: We have begun going “Facebook Live” every Sunday in worship! Although it is not perfect, and we are working on a few bugs – we would really love to hear your thoughts and feedback from it! We are also sharing photos of worship, and events occurring in the church!

Birthdays: June 2 Janis Candela June 2 Lynn Larsen June 3 Leroy Lanphear June 4 Jack Wefso June 5 Reagan Helmin June 9 Mona Tinker June 10 Matt Helmin June 14 Sharon Mason June 14 William Stott June 15 Matthew Pontius June 16 Jacqualyn Fuller June 16 Barbara Hansen June 16 Riley Pontius June 19 Richard Auchampach June 19 Becky Kosters June 20 Diane Goss June 20 Raygan Mattson June 21 Riley Reller June 22 Ethan Keehn June 23 Kevin Cummings June 23 T. K. Rainey June 24 David Pontius June 25 Linda Egemo June 27 Debra Lux June 27 Cheryl Weisenberg

Thank you to everyone who supported the Blanket Mission in May. $313.00

Anniversaries: June 2 David and Tammy Gilbery June 5 Matt and Stacy Helmin June 7 John and Sharon Narem June 9 Dick and Mona Tinker June 10 Royal and Bonnie Brooking June 16 Cory and Corliss Percy June 17 Rocky and Barbara Mattson June 21 John and Vickie Hauge June 21 Christopher and Holly Heisinger June 27 Mick and Shelley Dragoo June 29 Richard and Karen Auchampach June 30 Jarrad and Brittanee Mattson

Happy Anniversary!!! ***************************** High School Graduates from TUMC Gracie McKayla Grace Katie

Trinity United Methodist Church

111 South Main Street

Lead SD 57754

The Power of Prayer Break Through Prayer Meetings

1st Saturday of Every Month at 9:30 a.m. – we will join together to share in a time of prayer and prayer walking. Our prayer gatherings will continue to focus on God breaking through into the ministries of Trinity UMC. We will continue our Prayer meetings on Saturday, June 2 at 9:30 a.m. We will meet in the Johnson room to begin. On Saturday, June 2 we will begin our prayer time at 9:30 and those that are planning on attending the town hall meeting that day will excuse themselves and go to it. (Please note in September we will meet on the 8th, not the 1st). In the meantime, please continue to set alarms and pray at 1:11 (p.m. or a.m.) Mighty God, we pray that you would reveal to us, the people of Trinity United Methodist Church, who you want us to be and what you want us to do. To accomplish your works, to build your kingdom, and to have lives transformed as we follow The Way of Christ. Amen.

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