using #socialmedia in #marketing by @papabedo to the vermilion chamber of commerce – 17 th june...

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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  • Using #SocialMedia in #Marketing By @papabedo to the Vermilion Chamber of Commerce 17 th June 2015
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  • Agenda 1.Social media - where we are now and whats to come 2.Marketing today and tomorrow (a crash course) 3.Our Changing culture(s) consumer behavior themes 4.AOB
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  • Justine Sacco has been sacked following the furor her racist and insensitive Tweet caused after it went viral Sacco was the head PR representative of IAC, owned by Barry Diller and responsible for websites like Vimeo, OkCupid, and Tinder to name a few IAC slammed their employee's behavior as 'outrageous' and said they would take 'appropriate action' and have confirmed they 'parted ways with the employee in question' In February 2012 Sacco Tweeted: 'I had a sex dream about an autistic kid last night.' Read more:
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  • Social Media isnt it just about Not so fast. heres a bigger picture Source:
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  • Social Media The main categories Welcome to Web 2.0 the world of user-generated content and interaction 1.Blogs 2.Business networks 3.Enterprise social networks 4.Forums 5.Microblogs 6.Photo/video sharing 7.Reviews of products/services 8.Social gaming 9.Social networks 10.Virtual worlds/2 nd life and more
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  • Marketing Classroom definition Identifying, anticipating and satisfying customers needs profitably Real life definition Everything individuals and businesses do to Get the phone to ring Get a knock on your door Get a retweet Get a like Get a poke, tag etc The Customer is at the heart of all marketing activities
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  • Before you go too deep 1)How well do you know your customers? 2)What are the goals you want to achieve? a)Increase awareness, customer loyalty, sales? 3)How well do you know you and your rivals? a)What are your rivals doing? 4)What options are open to you a)Bite what you can chew! 5)What results are you looking to achieve? a)Specific? Measureable? Achievable? Realistic? Time-based?
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  • Lets see what have some local business been up to. We are looking for 1.Presence 2.Consistency 3.Content 4.Engagement
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  • Examples of some good practices Take on what you can manage
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  • Consistency is
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  • Front page. Social media buttons are missing and not hyperlinked too But active on Twitter
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  • Customers today Visual world wheres your social media page? Customers do not like to read a lot these days Customers feel very important when you engage with them Things weren't looking good for AT&T, but any fighting chance it had at retaining Rooney was soon dashed by the appearance of John Legere, T-Mobile's CEO, who in his thumbnail profile sported a modified T-Mobile logo made to look like Batman and swooped in with this message:
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  • Additional Notes Social Media Marketing Its business after-hours You have to be consistent Show-up be there Content is king Deal with feedback Employee culture and policies
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  • When it doesnt go well. The internet doesnt forget Ask Justine Sacco! Be honest and upfront Own-up and act fast but wisely Getting defensive and argumentative is not very helpful Im sorry to hear thisgood start Follow through and Show what you have done to fix the issue.
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  • New Trends Predictive shopping and delivery Predictive advertising Collaboration and outsourcing Online fraud and scamming Social media score - #klout #kred #slack

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