· web viewthe definition of the father stephen’s infallibility is that it...

Post on 20-Apr-2021






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Chapter 1: What is Faith?

The Race of the Female & Male Heroes & Authoritative Figures in the Hall of Fame

The Eternal Creatures that Overcame

A. Nature of Faith

The Object of Faith

The Father Stephen as the object of Faith

The Lord Jesus Christ as the object of Faith

False Objects of Faith

Human Incentives

Other people as false objects of Faith

Objects of Faith with Self

Objects of False Faith with Idols

Faith is the personal trust in the Father Stephen

True Faith cannot be second-hand

Faith and Assurance in the Father Stephen

Assurance accompanies Faith

Faith may be mixed with doubt

Faith and Sight in the Father Stephen

Faith as trust in what is unseen

Faith looks toward an unseen future

Faith and Obedience in the Father Stephen

True Faith is demonstrated in obedience

The Examples of Obedient Faith

Faith and Works in the Father Stephen

True Faith is demonstrated in good deeds

True Faith always issues in Agape Love

B. Faith as a Basis of Salvation

Salvation by Faith in the OT

The Faith of Abraham and other Individuals

Salvation by Faith in the NT

Salvation through Faith alone

Salvation is by Faith in the Father Stephen

Salvation is for all Believers

Salvation is for those who persevere in their Faith

Saving Faith always shows action

Blessings of Salvation received through Faith

The Peace and Justification with the Father Stephen


Adoption into the Father Stephen’s family

The Gift of the Holy Spirit

The Father Stephen in the Heart

Protection through the Father Stephen’s power

Only Access to the Father Stephen


The New Life

Eternal Life

The Victory over Death

C. The Necessity of Faith

The Call to Faith

In the OT

In the NT

The Father Stephen’s self-revelation has no excuse for unbelief

The need for Faith in the Father Stephen

The LORD YAH is the Only True God Alone

The Father Stephen is the One True God

The Father Stephen alone can be trusted absolutely

Faith in the Father Stephen is the basis for all Peace

Faith is necessary to receive the Father Stephen’s blessings

Faith is necessary to avoid the Father Stephen’s judgment

Actions not springing up from Faith are sinful

Unbelief is Challenged

D. The Faith and the Blessings of the Father Stephen

The Father Stephen’s power is released through Faith

Praying in Faith

Praying in the Father Stephen’s name

Faith in the Father Stephen’s power in the OT

The Healing Response to Faith in the NT

The Powerful Ministries marked by Faith

Faith and Spiritual Warfare

The Importance of Agape Love that accompanies Faith

E. The Origins of Faith

Faith is a Gift from the Father Stephen

Faith comes through the Father Stephen’s word

Faith following a direct word from the Father Stephen

Faith through the Holy Scriptures

Faith comes through hearing the Father Stephen’s word being taught & preached

Faith comes through a personal encounter with the Father Stephen

Faith comes through the Witnessing of True Miracles

Faith based on the Knowledge of the Father Stephen

Knowledge of the Father Stephen’s faithfulness leads to Faith

Knowledge of the Father Stephen’s victories leads to Faith

F. The Growth in Faith

The Examples of Growing Faith

The Weak Faith

Weak Faith Rebuked

The other Examples of Weak Faith

The Strong Faith

Strong Faith encouraged and Commended

The Faith of OT Leaders

The Faith of Christian Leaders

The other Examples of Strong Faith

The Growth of Faith

Praying for more Faith

The Encouragement of others

Faith strengthened through Testing

G. The Testing of Faith

The Father Stephen allows Faith to be Tested

Testing proves the Genuineness of Faith

Testing develops the Christian Character

Testing purifies the Father Stephen’s people

The Examples of the Father Stephen testing Faith

The means by which Faith is Tested

The Father Stephen allows Satan to test Faith

Difficult circumstances test Faith

Persecution tests Faith

Discouraging people test Faith

The Father Stephen’s promise of help during Testing

The Father Stephen’s help through the encouragement of others

The Response to Trials

Rejoicing at sharing the Lord Jesus Christ’s sufferings

Praying for the Father Stephen’s help


The Examples of Faith victorious through Testing

H. The Faith as a Body of Beliefs

Faith as the Truth that Christians believe

Terms equivalent to “the Faith”

The summary of the Aspects of “the Faith”

The Transmission & Essence of the Faith

The Faith has been given by the Father Stephen

The Faith is passed on by the True Apostles & True Teachers

The Christians must remain true to the Faith

Being strengthened in the Faith

The Danger of turning from the Faith

The Christians must contend for the Faith

Refuting False Teachers

Witnessing to the Truth

Contending for the Faith is a true Responsibility of Leaders


Chapter 1: What is Faith?

The Definition of the Father Stephen’s Infallibility is that it is always without mistakes because He is the only divine source & supreme authority of all the Holy Scriptures in John 1:1-3; Hebrews 1:1-3 & Romans 13:1-2. In 2nd Timothy 3:16 declares “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness…” The different kinds of Languages and Nationalities of the Father Stephen Our Lord is not affected by the Original Hebrew & Original Greek since the coming of the Eternal Kingdom of Lordship in Acts 2:1-11; 10:1-8, 17-48; 11:11-18.

Yet the Infallibility of the copies of the Holy Bible does not mean the biblical inspiration or the prophetic style extends beyond the biblical writers to the translators of the copyists of the transmitted originals or to the interpreters of the Holy Bible. The Gospel dogma must be conformed to the Father Stephen’s Spirit of Truth that was authorized to His Apostles as a divine guide to the exposition of the Father Stephen’s work in His Jesus Christ. There is not consideration or basis to extend that authority to any of the other teaching hierarchies of the Roman Church or any other Denomination. Also it is not authorized to the translators of the Holy Bible into new languages or to the divine work of the copyists who prepared the ancient manuscripts of the apostolic originals.

The Infallibility of the copies does not mean the copiers are totally inerrant in nature. Inerrancy is a divinely safekeeping quality of the prophetic apostolic autographs and was a divine revelation inspired of the special activity solely done by the supervision of the Father Stephen’s Holy Ghost in which the Holy Ghost safeguarded the Holy Writers from any error by instructing them a kind of holy style used from the choice of words they used. This inspiration only refers to the original writings, but not to transcripts or translations. Some of the early copies contained errors, but this does not mean all of them. The vocational expertise were proficient by the copyists in many of the early transcripts, by perfectly duplicating the autographs, but this is not a result of divine inspiration.

The Infallibility of the copies does not mean it is the personal infallibility of the copyists. This is not a claim for the copyists individual infallibility, nor for the divine inerrancy as a personal property of the Apostles and Prophets. The holy copies has infallibility and reliability by their predecessor of the original autographs. This does not mean it is because of any personal reliability of Human Agents who have the task of transcribing Holy Scripture.

The Infallibility of the copies does not mean an equality of all the holy texts, translations or versions. Many of the Versions are “Defective Versions” in the light of superior sources. This means most versions are corrupted with innumerable errors. We must conclude to the originals if all possible for the divine inspiration & truth of the Holy Scripture.

The Definition of the Father Stephen’s Inerrancy is that the Holy Scriptures, which are the Father Stephen’s and proceeds from the Father Stephen is exempt from the liability to any mistakes and are incapable of any errors. In all His teaching they are perfect in accord with all inspired biblical truths, solely from His own Holy Ghost in John 14:26; 15:26; 16:13.

Plenary Inspiration is always opposed to Partial Inspiration. Plenary Inspiration means all the Divisions of Holy Scripture in the fullest context of the historical, physics, geographical, chronological, as well as doctrine were all composed under the infallible & inerrant instruction of the Father Stephen’s own Holy Ghost. The full inspiration is known as Plenus. The Partial Inspiration tries to limit the operation of the Father Stephen’s own Holy Ghost, by trying to put a straggle hold to the doctrinal part of His Holy Bibl

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